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Elliotts Trackside Diner III Locked

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Posted by saronaterry on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 3:22 PM

Hi, Floe. I'll take the pot roast since PC's buying. Thanks Ryan.

ROB: The cfo had a hiccup getting to the PO yesterday, will try again today.

CapeJIM: I'll try to get the throttle packed and posted this week for you.

Still have one left if anyone wants it.

I guess I'll sit in the back both and see who strolls in.


Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:35 PM
Ah Jeff, four of them - that's my boy. Overkill is always good. Of course, next time you need one you won't be able to find them.     J.R.
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:38 PM
Yeah, well now I need a new soldering gun. The coils in mine are smoking a bit.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:42 PM

 GMTRacing wrote:
Ah Jeff, four of them - that's my boy. Overkill is always good. Of course, next time you need one you won't be able to find them.     J.R.

JR and Jeff, I read something online yesterday that might be helpful - one place said once you put the item away, you send yourself an email saying "the soldering tips are in the top left drawer of the workbench" (if that's where you stashed 'em). And you keep the email(!)... That way, you can remind yourself if you forget later. I thought that wasn't a shabby idea at all (for those with computers, anyway).

Jim in Cape Girardeau


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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:51 PM

Jeff -

it's always something. And Jim did you see where I've left  that confounded computer? J.R.

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Posted by grayfox1119 on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 6:04 PM

PC: How on earth did you ever get that picture of my master bathroom ???? Geeeez, I thought it was so remote too!!!!

J.R. Get the sand bags read lad, the heavy rains are coming Saturday to CT!!!

JEFF: There're cheaper by the dozen Jeff at that price!! Now go stash one every place you might look for one when you need one in a hurry, you know, when your in the middle of a soldering job of course !!

Dick If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got!! Learn from the mistakes of others, trust can't live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself, I tried !! Picture album at : Picture album at: local weather
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 6:12 PM

Hello everyone......

There's a nice sunset here now, and I can see a tow of barges being shoved downriver and they are reflecting on the water. It's rained a lot in recent days, and seeing the sky today was great.

Speaking of reflecting, I like the mirror image, Jerry.

Philip, I like the pix of the master bath for Dick. Does it meet codes?

I bet Jeff will not run out of soldering tips for a while.

I have been working on more scenery. I've plenty more to do.

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 7:31 PM

Jeff, tonight I just found a package of 2 soldering tips (gun type), maybe after the layout is finished I'll find the soldering gun.  (been using an iron)

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 7:38 PM

Dick - it figures. Saturday we host the VSCCA tech seminar at our shop. Hope the back wall holds or the main topic will be bailing and sump pumpsWhistling [:-^].

Jerry - That layout is really getting there. If I'd known thestuff would look that nice I might have been tempted to join the "dark side"Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg].

Here's another progress shot with a bit of signage and some shameless self promotion. These are the Miller Electronics working neon signs I fancied.

Now to add the next bit of track, figure out how to mount the Rexall sign I also got and place something in the last big void on the layout to the right of the industrial area. Catch y'all later. J.R.


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Posted by Paul W. Beverung on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:05 PM

Evening Gang: Son John is in the hospital. He has divaticulitas ( big spelling check there). Any way he'll be in the hospital untill Saturday. If it isn't one thing it's another. The baby is doing fine so that's on the good side.

I got some more of that wood split after we got back from the hospital. At this rate it's going to take a week to finish.

No MRRing today. I did get some brain storming done while sitting and waiting.

Lee I went to Borders Bookstore to while away some of the wait. They had a very nice book on the Coast Guard for $20. It's by the same folks that put out the book I got on the Army.

Today was really nice weatherwise. Of course tomorrow everything is supposed to go in the toilet. They are even saying there is a chance for snow again.

Ryan I'll load up a virtual car with virtual mesquite fire wood and send it along. John has a bunch of it on his place that he's cutting just to get it removed so he can enlarge the hay field.

Well I'm going to hit the hay.

Good Night All

Paul The Duluth, Superior, & Southeastern " The Superior Route " WETSU
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:56 PM

Evening, Diners! Chloe, I'll have some apple pie if the pastries haven't all disappeared from the cart. That, and a cup of coffee, please. Thanks! 

JR, I sure hope your email account has online access. Wink [;)] Then you can go to a local library or internet cafe and look up where your computer is. Otherwise...Shock [:O] Hey, I like your signs (including the ETD one)! Question - did you have to make the opened windows on your warehouse/factory, or did it come with some that way? And how'd you locate your very own billboard for the shameless plug? Wink [;)]

Here's that (yet another) version of my expanded layout I mentioned last night (or night before... let me look up that email I sent myself...)Wink [;)]

I got this one down to 11 X 11, which should likely fit most spare bedrooms. Not much on mainline runs, so I'll need to put some tunnels or deep rock cuts to disguise that I'm figuring two bigger towns (top and bottom), and another in the lower right corner (think southeast corner) before the switchback to the mine (which will be up a mountain overlooking things). As you can see, I was able to get a small yard and the turntable & roundhouse in, after all.

This next weekend has been interesting to get ready for. I'm attending a men's Encounter through church (out of town) from 5 p.m. Friday nignt until Sun. mid-day, so I have to manage to get my laundry done early, plus I'm on-call Thursday night, so I won't be able to do it then. Oh yeah, and I have to get dinner before 5 p.m. when we leave, too. I expect I'll need to pay the laundry to do it for me during the day Friday and pick it up over my lunchtime. Chloe, unless I could talk you and Zoe into doing it in the back for me and let me pick it up on the way back from work on Friday? Oh, okay. Oops [oops] Oh yeah, and they don't want me to bring my new issue of MR or my Walthers catalog. Guess I will be focusing on other things, huh? That's okay, since I've been looking at the new MR tonight.Smile [:)]

Paul, I can tell you how to spell it - diverticulitis - 'cause about a year or so ago, my doctor thought I had it, and I did the whole nasty chalky milkshake and scan thing. All he told me was the results were "suspicion of" was what the radiologist said. To me, "suspicion" is not that same as "you have it". It's basically a bulging or weak area in the colon (I forget if it's specific to the large or small intestine), and what my doctor told me was to get more fiber (whole grains, broccoli and all that) in my diet (supposed to scrape out the intestinal lining so nothing gets caught in a pouch or sac). I'll keep John in my prayers, and hope the procedure shows absolutely nothing! Angel [angel]Angel [angel]

P.S., Paul - Since I changed to include more fiber, I haven't had any abdominal discomfort (which was how my Dr. decided to run the procedure and scan).

PC, is your wife doing cartwheels yet? Better not tell her I kidded about that, she's probably chomping at the bit to be back up to full speed, I'm sure. Yeah!! [yeah]

Oh, Chloe, how about a scoop of ice cream on top of this, please. Thanks - you're a gem!

Well, I'll get back to this and then head out. 


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau 

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:00 PM

Well, guess who's covering dessert (and maybe breakfast as well)? Chloe, keep track for me and I'll settle up the tab in the morning.

Jim in Cape Girardeau 

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Posted by egmurphy on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:05 PM

Good Evening Coffee Clubbers,

Just a quick post to say that we're back home.  I haven't even started reading the back posts from the last 6 days.  The trip went fine, and the photos we took came out okay.  I have downloaded them to my computer but haven't uploaded any to Rail Images yet.  I'll post a short trip description with photos soon.

That's about it, just wanted to check in.

Hasta mañana,


The Rail Images Page of Ed Murphy "If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home." - James Michener
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Posted by New Haven I-5 on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:36 PM

 Hi! I would like to note that I started a n scale layout tonight to compliment my HO Scale layout.


                                          New Haven I-5 has left the Building!

- Luke

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:46 PM
 New Haven I-5 wrote:

 Hi! I would like to note that I started a n scale layout tonight to compliment my HO Scale layout.


                                          New Haven I-5 has left the Building!

Ah-ha! A multi-scaler. I used to do that. I had one layout that used HO and N to great effect. Visitors would see an HO scale train pass by close to the front of the layout then enter a tunnel. A little while later they would see the train reappear at the rear of the layout, a lot farther away than they thought it would be. In reality it was a N scale train that looked just like the HO scale train.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JPowell on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 10:07 PM

Evening all -

  Just a quick stop before going to bed.

Lee -

  We go over last week of May and return the middle of August. Figure about 75 days, give or take, that we'll be there.

Night all!

//signed// John Powell President / CEO CNY Transportation Corp (fictional)

Hunter - When we met in January of 2000, you were just a 6 week old pup who walked his way into this heart of mine as the only runt in the litter who would come over to me. And today, I sit here and tell you I am sorry we had to put you down. It was the best thing for you and also the right thing to do. May you now rest in peace and comfort. Love, Dad. 8 June 2010

I love you and miss you Mom. Say hi to everyone up there for me. Rest in peace and comfort. Love, John. 29 March 2017

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 10:17 PM

 Good Evening Everyone!

Late again as usual so it's a good thing this is a 24 hour establishment. When does Chloe sleep?

Just got back from visiting my mother as it was her 94th birthday today. She lives in her own apartment and other than some help with the cleaning, she does everything on her own. Hopefully I inherited her genes.

I stopped today to get some gas for the car as the little low fuel light went on and I certainly got a surprise at the pump. The price is now $1.14/litre and the premium that my car insists it must have was $1.204/litre! That works out to about $4.55/ gallon. It gets fairly good mileage but even so to fill the tank from empty would cost $84. Lucky I live 10 minutes from work. Enough of my whining.

Yesterday I posted that I intended to just ignore the weather. I can't as I realized I have weatheritis. That is a condition in which one becomes obsessed with the weather. It seems to me I'm not alone amoung patrons of the diner and so I propose that we set up a mutual help group. Perhaps we can get Jim to lead it and I would suggest that Ryan be in charge of refreshments. Heck, after a couple of large slices of his Key Lime pie I'm sure we'd all feel much better and could just pretend we are actually in the Keys. Maybe we can relocate the diner there as it is a virtual one after all. Perhaps I've finally lost it. My wife has been hinting to that effect but it does get depressing when you see that the windchill is back down to -30 again.

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow and those getting rain don't get too much.

CN Charlie

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 11:45 PM

***CN Charlie, Chloe has an identical twin. Your mother sounds great. And have lost it.Laugh [(-D]

Good Night All. Cowboy [C):-)] Rob 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:27 AM
"I HATE INSOMNIA" 5:30am and still can't sleep. This is rediculous. Banged Head [banghead] Rob
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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:10 AM

Good Morning All, (or Good Night Rob)

    Cold but bright this morning. We rarely get actual sunshine this time of year. Rob I hate when that insomnia thing happens. If it's any consolation, you were awake past my wake up time.

Jim - we had the GMT stickers printed up to put on the cars at the shop, and a video is too much but the other signs for Elliotts' and the Eldorado are active neons that blink and cycle through like the prototype. Pretty cool stuff.   I'll have a coffee to go and a hard roll buttered and lightly toasted please Zoe. Won't be warm when it's time to eat it, but at least it won't be soggy. Backyard is almost above water and the dog no longer diasppears when he goes out back. Might just be a good day.  J.R.


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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:43 AM

Hello my name is Lee and I have Weatheritice, LOL. I can see us all sitting in a circle in the back of the dinner.  I guess work is to blame for my condition, having been a boat driver for almost 21 years causes you to keep a sharp eye on the weather.

GMT those signs look really good.

I joined the east end of the layout together last night only to find that the partition wall for the layout room is 1.25" out of square causing a gap in the layout.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:45 AM

Good Morning from Tipton IN ! Big Smile [:D]

Clown [:o)]

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:09 AM
Good morning.

It's 46 here at the moment but is guaranteed to get warmer as the day progresses with a 50% chance that we'll get wet.

Today's Weather for:      
Sundown, LA  71446-6114      3/6/2008

Wind Chill:  46°F
Humidity:  99%
Dew Point:  47°F

So Far Today
High:  48°F
Low:  47°F
Rain:  0.00"
Rain Rate:  0.00"/h
Gust:  6mph NNE

Today    High: 68    Increasing clouds. A 50 percent chance of rain showers. Highs in the upper 60s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph.    
Tonight      Low: 45    Showers and thunderstorms in the evening...then showers and thunderstorms likely after midnight. Lows in the mid 40s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph shifting to the west after midnight. Chance of precipitation 80 percent.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by saronaterry on Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:34 AM

My name is Terry and I have Weatheritis. I haven't checked the weather channel for 43 minutes.Laugh [(-D]

Cold(-2f) ,AGAIN, here in no Wisc. but it's supposed to get up to  35f by Sunday.

JERRY: I liked the mirror effect also.

ROB: It's on the way.Yeah!! [yeah]

CapeJIM:Sign - Ditto [#ditto]

Wednesdays are Date Nights for the CFO and me. I ran into a buddie of mine at the local watering hole who has a job lead. He said the guy will let me know over the weekend.It's inside finish carpentry, which I love  and am pretty good at.That kind of work makes or breaks a house IMO.


Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by pcarrell on Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:04 AM


Weather guesser is saying low 40's today, but snow starts back up tomorrow and could be 6-9 inches by Saturday. Here we go again!

Not much else going on. Just doing schoolwork, working, paying bills, and playing nurse to the wife.

Whats up with you?

 Heartland Division CB and Q wrote:

Philip, I like the pix of the master bath for Dick. Does it meet codes?

Yeah, and you should feel the breeze that the "fan" puts out!  It blows like a gale even when it's off!  (It's a might drafty for my tastes though.)  The side by side design is better then his first design though, a two story outhouse!

 JimRCGMO wrote:

PC, is your wife doing cartwheels yet? Better not tell her I kidded about that, she's probably chomping at the bit to be back up to full speed, I'm sure. Yeah!! [yeah]

No cartwheels, but she's healing a lot faster it seems this time.  Got a docs appointment tomorrow, so we'll get some x-rays then.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:44 AM

Good Morning, Zoe - is the meeting started in the back? Yes? Okay, I'll have Ed's OJ, cup of coffee to take with me, and I'll come back up front once the meeting's done.

Hi, my name is Jim, and I haven't checked the weather in 30 minutes (but I'm having the cravings...). Yeah, I have Weatheritis, too! Wink [;)]

 CNCharlie wrote:

...Perhaps I've finally lost it. My wife has been hinting to that effect but it does get depressing when you see that the windchill is back down to -30 again.

CN Charlie, pay no attention to your wife Oops [oops] er, no, you're not losing it (any more than the rest of us, anyway. Or is that what Rob said, more or less...?Wink [;)]) That possible relocation of the Diner to the Keys sounds very good to me. Maybe we can have (Florida) Flip track down our trackage rights for parking the Diner cars not too far from the beach?

Working neon lights? JR, you have got to tell us where you found a working Elliott's sign! Shock [:O] That would be great (IMHO)!

 LSWrr wrote:

I joined the east end of the layout together last night only to find that the partition wall for the layout room is 1.25" out of square causing a gap in the layout.

Dang, Lee - doesn't that bite when that happens? Kind of goes with the editor's article in the new MR about not being able to make square cuts. Sigh [sigh] Thank heaven for scenery to cover up our mistakes in alignment/cutting/carpentry.Yeah!! [yeah]

Terry, I'd say those date nights with the CFO are a great idea. (Especially for anyone with kids still at home!) My My 2 cents [2c].

PC, good to hear about your wife's healing. No problems with the hardware this time, right? Good to see that the doctor learned from the past boo-boo's. Yeah!! [yeah] Tell the missus to keep up the good work there. Thumbs Up [tup]

I'll see how my budget stretches from this paycheck. Thought I'd figured everything, but got an email reminder last night (about the car payment). Oops [oops] Hey, I have a pretty good supply of mac & cheese, the food supply's pretty good!

Well, I need to get some of that buffet before I head back to w**k. Zoe, keep that total running for me. Thanks!


Blessings on your day-before-the-weekend-starts,

Jim in Cape Girardeau 

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Posted by ArtOfRuin on Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:28 AM

Hi. Coffee, black. I'm gonna need it!

It's been a while since I've posted here. I've had a lot of changes occur in my life since the last time I visited in December, just after my accident.

I have a new job, which is why I need the coffee: I'm doing tech support during the graveyard shift (M-F 3-11:30am). The hours are pretty tough, but it pays well and my coworkers are nice.

I got a new car to replace my smashed-in Saab (which I had to drive until two weeks back with major body damage). It's a 1998 Subaru Impreza AWD. It's not fast, but it has low mileage for its age and was very well taken care of. It needs a little TLC, but nothing major. I'm getting it ready for autocross and track day season, with the first event in April. It'll be competing somewhat with my MRRing budget, but I think I can balance the two.

As for the railroad, now that I have a better job and a working car, I am going to start working on my storeable layout. It'll be a 4'x8' foam board with wooden bracing. I have plenty of locos and rolling stock, so I will concentrate on track laying once I get the materials I need.

Its good to be back in the swing of things.

-Jonathan Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, Is just a freight train coming your way - "No Leaf Clover," Metallica
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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:29 AM
Jim - It's the Miller Electronics Diner sign with Elliotts' tacked on underneath unlit in white Letraset on black styrene. Hole in the roof, wires down the back, job done.  They're in the Walthers catalog with the billboards, etc.   J.R.
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Posted by Cox 47 on Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:39 AM
Good Morning All...Its cloudy and 27 here this morning...I'll have a sasauge sandwitch,one of Bill's dougnuts and coffee please...Thank You..Sallie had planned to go get Her Drivers license today but got up not feeling so well...maybe next week..

The CSX has been haveing a tuff time around here..They had a train of pipe for a new pipe line derail in Paris Illinois got that cleaned up then derailed again the next day a few more miles down the line a Metcalf Illinois...I don't know if Inch got any photos but Terre haute TV had some stuff on it...I have days like that on My railroad LOL!....

I got another house trailer together if weather holds out may get it painted today..

New Haven....Welcome to the "Wonderful World of N scale!"...

Terry...I'm still trying to get the miror right...Its hard to get a picture of...

PC....Glad to hear your wife is doing well....

Jim...Yes I am a fan of weathering...When I got started in model Railroading John Allen was doing it so well..I still look at photos of His weathering and am amazed..

Jeff...Maybe a new industry for your railroad...."Jeff's Hot Tips".....If it ain't a Jeff's it ain't a Hot Tip...

JR...Your neon sign is neat..wish we could see it turned on...Was it hard to put together?

You all have a good one....Jerry
ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:47 AM
 Cox 47 wrote:

Jeff...Maybe a new industry for your railroad...."Jeff's Hot Tips".....If it ain't a Jeff's it ain't a Hot Tip...

Hey, sounds good to me.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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