Coffee Pot #10 OCTOBER 2012 SIX years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:51 AM

Good morning. It's 67° with 100% humidity. We have patchy fog. It's a wonder everything isn't soaked! It'll be partly cloudy with a high of 85°.

I'm still sore and stiff from yesterday. I think today I'll just rest and take it easy. No layout work planned but you never know.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cnw1995 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:33 AM

Aloha. Sunny and going up to 80 today - probably last such day. I hope to get out to enjoy some of it before sending it off to Points East. World Series opens tonight. I still think it's played too late in the year nowadays. Ran a few trains last night. Still working on an Ivor track plan to like. 

Brutus, good news about Chewy. Too bad about the price per knee.  JohnF, that;s good news about Jean's recovery. Jack, that's a good plan for clearing the basement. My wife and I have a pact, if we haven't looked at it for a year, we throw or give it away.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:29 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a cloudy 60 degrees. Going up to 79 today with sunshine this afternoon.

Today is an easy day. I have the usual chores and some paperwork to do. Then, I can relax and do some reading. Not much else new here.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Wednesday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:09 AM

Good Morning

Gonna be a dribbly kinda day for us'uns with temperatures around the low 60's...lotsa drizzle and showers still to be had here..

Yesterdays Oncologists visit turned out to be a ????? kind of day...something turned up on an XRay he had me doing a week ago...sigh...I hope it is not back to that...ermmmm...stuff again...sigh...SighBang Head  

Today is a mall day for us..we need groceries as well as a  few indoor gardening supplies....Big Smile

Have a good one peoples!!!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Hudson#685 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 6:00 AM

Good Morning:

I have been busy as can be. 

AF53: Who is the snorer??? 

Brutus: Great news on chewey.

John F: Prayers for Jean.

Off to the safety huddle.

Have a Great Day



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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:35 PM

Went to sleep as soon as I sat down. Sigh  Was really tired.  Off to bed.

Kev, guess you figured it out. Wink  Think it is they are busy.

Dennis, try this.  I use these on all my batteries.

Not a trickle charger.  Is a mini version of our on board boat battery chargers.  Different company but excellent product.  My farm tractor battery is 7 years old.

Sleep tight.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Brutus on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:09 PM

Prayers for John's Mom, Tyler, BoC and Jean Angel

Great work, RT!  Sorry to hear about your day, hope tomorrow is a lot better!  That poor guy!

Char went to the doc and has bronchitis - got some meds.  Chewy is doing fine and we'll have some exercises to do with her including trying to get her to swim in the bathtub???  I'm not sure how this is going to work out, but I guess I'll be getting wet.  I also misunderstood the price tag as it will be $1K per knee - dang.

TARDIS is ready and we have banilla with syrup and nuts, so let's get going!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:31 PM

Another hard day. Shanghaied  again! My father called this morning to have me come down to help him test the saw. One board told us the one rip fence wasn't going to be enough as the area of table top isn't very big. So we put on a second fence on the opposite side of the blade to act as a guide. We cut another board. That worked much better! Then he wanted to make sure that wasn't just a lucky shot. A third board was cut then three boards turned into two dozen boards! That's not even half! I have to hold these big long boards up and feed them to the blade. It's only when they're six or seven feet across the table that I get a break. At that point the table is supporting the weight then my father is supporting the weight as he pulls it from the other side. My balance isn't all that great so I have a hard time with it so naturally it tires me out rather quickly. I had to remind him that it's a bit more than a quarter century since I was twenty-five and he may enjoy these kid games but I don't. I can't be on my feet for very long. If he wants help with cutting six or eight boards that's fine. But a dozen or more is too much. Another job was taking an old B&D circular saw apart and fixing it. It runs now but I have no idea for how long. It could go down after a few minutes or it could work for another ten years. He has to work tomorrow so it looks like I'll get a break. Brother, do I need it! My knees and back are screaming.

Well, time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow, if I bother to get out of bed.

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Posted by AF53 on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:05 PM

Good Evening All!

As everyone probably knows by now the York pictures are gone. Yup. The way I see it Laz lost his camera . He left it on a table while he was making a deal no doubt.

My first time at York was great. Breakfast with the guys was fun, meeting JohnF, Laz and Pam, Roy and Janice, was great and of course HudsonJohn and Johnson, whom I see often. BTW, they both snore too loud! As for the vendors, I can't speak for other times but some of them think they have gold. I believe they're not close to real value. Now I was mostly looking at 1940's and 1950's Flyer and prices were high. I did see some Pre-war Wide Gauge cars that weren't bad. So maybe in April things will be better.

That's about it.




Bayville, NJ


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Posted by sir james I on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:46 PM

Joe in Japan is missing too. And yea,, where are the York pictures?

65 now, it reached 70 today.

Well as expected granny bought no clothes. We did have lunch there though.(at the mall) Skipped supper and had banilla with chocolate syrup and peanuts. Other than the store copies the Lionel catalogs have not arrived at my favorite train shop yet. Kind of unusual. I will wait up for the thingy crew...S.J.

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Posted by KRM on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:20 PM


 Wonder where Brent and JimSP are hiding?

Later, gang.


 And how about LAZ, the CTT York Pictures , The F, grumpy DOG and DR. Dennis for that matter???
 RT, It looks like your CAT was doing some DO-DO on that floor. Surprise
 Night guys.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:06 PM

Brutus great news on chewy

Prayers for all that need them haven't really been keeping up. Had rough day today really shouldn't of gone into work but did anyway as knew it was going to be a bad day. To top it off a 85 year old veteran got ran over and killed right in the V.A. parking lot a driver went to hit the break and hit the gas by accident. what a shame it was harder earlier today dealing with it but doing fine now

Hope all had a good day. Looking forward to the weekend as I'm off :)

Talk to you all later

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:05 PM

Home, unpacked and time for popcorn and TV.  Tired.  Later.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:00 PM

RI not to dampen your bet but take a look at this

to get an idea heres basically what it looked like when we bought it 4 years ago and we knew we would have to redo this room the rest of the house was fine just this room.

Heres that same corner

and heres some pics of the rest of the floor



and trim around the door way

Wall being done


Finished wall befor floor completed. Floor started.

yes the den is done to the point I was trying now have a couple of new goals for it befor building train layout one is build a storage area with work top for working on trains and all.

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Posted by jefelectric on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:30 PM

Good evening guys,

Where are the York CTT photos?  Did I miss them or didn't anyone post them? 

Well Jean is now walking with just a cane.  Doing quite well considering it won't be three weeks since the knee replacement surgery until Thursday.  She spent about 5 hours in the office today going over some tasks that no one else has done before.

Did buy a few small items at York on Friday, but mainly a social event for me.  Enjoyed the breakfast with the gang at round the clock diner and walking some of the buildings with Roy.  Rained on the way there and on the way home but not while I was there.

Hope to get a little winterizing done tomorrow in the yard and pond as weather is to be mild.

John Fullerton Home of the BUBB&A
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:37 PM


               Angel for Char and Chewey.




           Thanks.  Someone did roast some Prirelli's in the neighborhood once this summer.Whistling  Thought that was what spare rims and tires were for?Smile, Wink & Grin 

Brent's probably prepping for the disaster that will be called Windows 8.Thumbs Down  Tried the preview version, and horrible is as light as I can put it.


Ordered BBK Ceramic Tuned Length Shorty Headers from my usual source with some of the $$ I've made selling.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 2:36 PM

Good Afternoon From Cape Ann Taxachusetts Where The Lefties Hold 87% Of The Elected Positions Versus 13% For The Righties,

Just started dragging throw rugs into the carpet cleaning guy's place so the wife won't get the bright idea we need new ones.  This is a strategic move to keep her spending urges around the holidays to a minimum.  My wife is weakest when she realizes we will be having company over during the holidays.  When you have dogs, these, throw rugs can get pretty ratty (chewing, vomiting, and soupy #2 when they get I get them cleaned and flip them over to the "good" side. Thumbs UpLaugh    

V8 Dennis..........I am with you.  There's the junk mail, the knocking on my door, the unsollicited phone calls, and the debates.  I have been managing them well.  Junk mail goes straightinto the garbage.  Answer door, ask how much of their speech content asking me to support did they actually research themselves versus how much was second hand, and then thank them for dropping by before I politely close the door.  Phone calls?  I don't answer the house phone, have told family and friends to email, text, or call my cell.  One of the reasons I do love the debates is that if I turn them on the wife gets up and leaves me and the remote to my own devices and TV shows.  "Hmmmmmmmm, lets see.  Do I watch the Mecum Automobile Auctions, the ball game, or Overhaulin?"    Smile, Wink & Grin

RaySP......been shopping at the same grocery chain store for over two decades.  They hire handicapped people.  They have a bakery and a florist (emergency).  They always have sales on stuff you actually need and use.  They have additional discounts for folks that have a "Rewards Card."  And they give me a bunch of manufacturers' coupons for stuff I buy regularly.  Last trip to the grocery store the coupons alone were worth $11.00 !  Thumbs Up

Brutus.......great news on Chewy.  One knee down and one to go.  I was wondering how Chewy was going to get around without the use of both hind legs at the same time.  PT for Chewy?  Do they have health clubs for dogs? Thumbs UpLaugh

SubmmBob......isn't it about that time of year when Mr. Skunk comes foraging for food up there at the scope?Smile, Wink & Grin

Chief........sounds like you are really roughing it.  I feel bad for you, bet that hotel does not even serve grits.  So much for your diet.  Laugh

Is Banks still in Spain or have they deported him already?

Jon.......I'm shopping for a chimney sweep as we speak.  Thank you for getting my rear in gear on that front.  That maintenance was log overdue.

I'm off to the dungeon AKA the basement, piled floor to ceiling with my wife's and kid's junk  "important" stuff they mindlessly ("saved") threw down there and haven't looked at or thought about for the past 2.5 decades.  Every week I quietly pack up 5-7  40 gallon contractor bags and sneak them out to the curb at the crack of dawn on trash day.  My wife even has two of our previously "used" toilet seats down there she thought we might need someday.  We have boxes that have been moved twice, never opened.   Bang Head

Wonder where Brent and JimSP are hiding?

Later, gang.



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Posted by KRM on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 2:25 PM

V8 and Ray, Are we not lucky that we have the talking heads to tell us what we just watched. Dots - Sign

Jimmy T. Good luck on the interview tomorrow. Yes

 Well it rained so I could not do leaves, so here is a little afternoon toy train fun. Stick out tongue

Taken from a helicopter's point of view. Laugh




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Posted by SPMan on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:39 PM

Good morning all,

Just thought I would check in even though not much to report.  I was AWOL yesterday.

V8, we watched the debate too last night.  Glad they are over because they come right at dinner time when we are trying to get something on the table.

Went shopping yesterday afternoon looking for some pre cooked chicken or turkey to save time.  However, they seemed to be out of both so I wound up getting some Boneless skinless chicken Br#est on sale but we had to cook it ourselves.  Was'nt too bad though cooked in microwave with a receipe from the microwave book.  Took about 15 minutes.  Had that with rice and green peas.  I am getting sticker shock at the super market lately.  Seems like regular groceries are higher than usual.  The market I go to has all these offers you get from your computer on a site called "Just for you".  You have to monitor this thing almost daily or you will not get a sale item unless you click on it.  Tired of playing these games so I think I will change to another market which has consistently good prices on ordinary groceries without any gimmicks.  You have to keep your eyes open when these bean counters are working overtime to fool you.

Still haven't heard any reports from York about the presentations if any by the manufacturers at the TCA Museum in Strasburg.  They usually do it every York don't they?

Cool weather continues here.  They had a lot of rain up in San Francisco last night during the playoff baseball game which the Giants won, but the rain has not come far enough South to reach us.

Jeffrey, you seem to be a Jack of all trades tackling that problem for your Dad  fabricating a table saw from a skill saw.  I'm impressed.  Be careful though.

Our garbage disposal is making noise now but I can't see anything in it.  Tried probing around with a wooden stick but found nothing.  It still seems to be working but making more noise than normal.  Puzzled?

Got a book for my birthday about Baldwin locomotives, mostly steam but some diesels.  Baldwin built the triplex steam engines for Erie and Virginian but I did;nt know that.  Was hoping they would show more about the AS616 road switchers.  I remember them on the original Norfolk and Southern Railway, not the present day NS.

Looking forward to seeing the new WBB GP30"s.  Has anyone got one yet?  Also wouldn't mind having a Baldwin shark nose diesel in Pennsylvania green with single gold stripe.  I had a set of WBB red ones but the angle of the windshield never looked quite right on those.  Sold them some time ago but they were good runners although the dummies were very heavy.  Probably Lionel and MTH have made some more correct looking sharks.

Re Cal Stewart show, I'm leaning to going just one day but have not decided if it will be Saturday or Sunday.  Would like to share a ride with a friend possibly.  Hate driving the 10 fwy.  Funny, I did it for years on the railroad though when working out of West Colton, near San Bernardino.

Been running my trains more lately with cooler weather making it comfortable in the garage.















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Posted by Brutus on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:10 PM

RIJ - My money is on RT!  Laugh

Just got a call and Chewy did fine.  They just did one knee today and after some PT they will then do the other knee.  Apparently I was told all about this from some source Whistling but it didn't register....?  They did the left rear knee today, as that was the one in the worst shape.  Thanks for the prayers!  Oh well, lunch is over, back to work for Chief's SS funds!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:35 AM


I hope you guys can stand another picture: Linda snapped this one before she left for VA, as we were suiting up to watch the Rutgers game on TV:

Good Mornin' Ya'll From Indian Summer Peak Fall Colors Taxachusetts,

Did I mention Halloween in the pipeline?  Thought I'd start today out with miles of smiles with Spanky's picture of "da boyz" (Tyler and Corey from Saturday) !!!!  Who is that guy with the ugly mug sitting in the middle?  [tupAngelBig Smile 

Got some good news from the Illinois front last night.  My FIL was taken off of oxygen last week and the inhalants used twice daily are keeping his blood oxygenation at the 97 level.....probably better than my O2 level!!!  Thumbs Up

Last Friday after picking my wife up at the Boston airport at 5:40am I thought I would lay down for a nap.  That is when the doorbell started ringing (political activists), the phones started ringing (home and cell), and the SIL decided to make an unscheduled visit.  Bang Head

My pumpkin this year weighs in at 33 pounds.  Who can top that?  Thumbs Up  

Brutus.........glad to hear your Mom is hanging in there with the treatments, but sorry to hear the wifey's cold is hanging on.  Will be thinking good healing thoughts for Chewy's bilateral knee operations today. Thumbs UpAngel 

BOC.......I sleep like you do somewhat.  I fall alseep easily but don't sleep soundly.  If I wake up any time during the night, the rest of the night is spent dozing off and waking up, then I feel trashed the next day.  My Dad (RIP) used to say that is the sign of a guilty conscienece.  I was glad to hear you have a new career, landscaping, mulching all of the neighbor's leaves that blow into your yard.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!!  You have my prayers for good results on your Doc visit later taday!!!  Thumbs UpAngel

The OTC Melatonin approach others have discussed here has merit.  But my physician said it takes 3 weeks or so to be most effective.  Worth a try!

HudsonJohn......still keeping your Mom in my prayers.  I hope she is making good progress. Angel

WR........thinning the train herd is "reducing."  Glad to hear your inventory is rising.  Thumbs UpLaugh  Re saws and how dangerous they are......the finish carpenter I use for inside the house stuff lost three fingers. Surprise

MikeC......congrats again for your soccer boys most successful season, regardless of the outcome of the last game.  How many teams made it that far.? Did you, and they, ever think they would have rallied for such a great run up to the playoffs and beyond? Thumbs Up

DougM.....glad to hear your youngest's new school is working out.  Between my granddaughter's homework club and my tutoring, either she will succeed or she will succeed.  Told her yesterday what the nuns used to do to us when we let ourself get distracted, goofed off, turned in sloppy and unchecked work, or just plain didn't work up to our potential.  Then she asked somewhat sarcastically, "Are you going to start beating me?"  I said "Well, the idea is starting to sound better every day." Smile, Wink & Grin  

RT and Brutus......I am having a tough time predicting which of you two will reach the fininsh line first.  RT with his floor or Brutus with his basement project.  The smart money says neither. WhistlingSmile, Wink & Grin

V8Dennis......gas prices plummeted here too (as expected by about) $.20 per gallon in the past week.  Isn't it amazing how fast they have dropped?  They NEVER drop that fast, except when there is an election in the offing.  Think there is a connection? Whistling

JimmyT....nice video with sound on your Mustang GT's exhaust system.  Would have been more effective with a wide open throttle blast, as soon as you got out of your neighborhood. Thumbs UpLaugh

KEV......I can't believe how quickly you were able to schedule your Roto Rooter appointment.  I had to wait a couple of months.  Apparently the HAZMAT guys had a unexpected cancellation that day. WhistlingLaugh  Glad you are back in the game with your new leaf blower.

Rich.....was sorry to hear you had to move the Wagon off to a new owner.  I am like you.  I get attached to my wheels long after I should have gotten rid of them, every time.  Hope a visit to/from the Princess is in the works. a word, TIGERS!!!!!!!! Thumbs Up

Jeff........glad to hear you have hot water again and can finally take a bath. WhistlingLaugh

Gotta run.  Later, gang!



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Posted by KRM on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:05 AM

Well it is going up to the high 70s today and the sun is peaking through the clouds. The Oaks are starting to loose their leaves so the leaf season is coming to a close. Maybe only three or four more sweeping, blowing, and burning sessions till it is over. Smile

 Like Doug said Indian Summer indeed here on the north bluff above Marseilles IL.

Once things dry up some I will need to do leaves, other than that nothing on the plate.

Have a good day.

Prayers for Tyler, John's mom and Chewy too. Angel

Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:04 AM

Early breakfast [7:30 too early especailly if you have to catch shuttle bus for 15 minute ride].  Anual business meeting.  Now checking out of hotel.  Headed home later. 

Prayers for Chewy.

Have a great day.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by cnw1995 on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:40 AM

Aloha from a dark and foggy Chicago where the Bears win is still being celebrated by some. The Lions played hard but didn't get any breaks, SJ.  Supposed to be up to 80 tomorrow - Indian Summer indeed. Prayers for Chewy's surgery and recovery, Brutus! Kev, that blower must work like some of the hand-dryers in our newest rest-rooms that would just as well blow your arms off. Youngest's first day back at school went well. Hope to run trains tonight whilst the bride goes out.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by sir james I on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:30 AM

61 cloudy degrees now. We are going to get a couple of warm days before the weekend drop. The Lions lost to the Bears last night but at least they kept the score within 7. Granny wants to go shopping at the mall this morning, somebody help me!!! Please....S.J.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:20 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a cloudy 56 degrees. Going up to 72 today with a chance of rain.

Today is an easy day. I have a small errand to run and the usual chores around the house.  Then, I will relax. Not much else new.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Tuesday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 6:18 AM

Good morning. It's 63° with 100% humidity. It'll be partly cloudy with a high of 85°.

Hopefully today I can get a chance to clean up to clean up the layout a bit and put my kitchen back together a little. I'd like to at least put a front on the cabinet even if it's just luan board. I had planned on working on the layout yesterday and ended up getting Shanghaied into working on things I really didn't want to work on.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:29 AM

Good Morning

We are getting those ol' t'underin'boomers this morning...bleedin' things kept me awake and made for an interesting time basically...

Today I will be attempting some sleep a little later, of course, after i settle my blood sugar issues...then I willbe getting to the Oncologists to see about what was found, if anything...

then maybe some train running will be accomplished...

have a good one!!!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Brutus on Monday, October 22, 2012 10:41 PM

Good luck with the saw, Jeffrey - you can get a blade guard for it online from rockler or other sites.  You might be able to find replacement parts, also?  Try craigslist or ebay?

Watching the Cards fold like wet cardboard.  Oh well, maybe next time!  Good luck, SJ!

Prayers are out for John's Mom, Tyler, BoC, Frank's friend, and all our other friends and loved ones.  Tomorrow is Chewy's surgery.  Mom is doing great with this round of chemo, the nausea meds are really helping her a lot.  Char still has a cold, but maybe a little better today?  Kids have a half-week, so they are looking forward to Wednesday afternoon - don't know if they realize what babysitting Chewy on Thursday and Friday will entail.

Banilla with Choc Syrup sounds pretty good!  Let's fly, guys!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

  • Member since
    April 2003
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, October 22, 2012 9:58 PM

Spent my morning packing and shipping, then spent time throwing this together:


Interview Wednesday. 

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