Coffee Pot #10 OCTOBER 2012 SIX years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 26, 2012 10:53 AM

Hope you guys out there on the east coast get through Sandy OK. I just looked at that storm on the radar. She's looking pretty ugly.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Friday, October 26, 2012 9:56 AM

Good Mornin' Ya'll From Mostly Sunny "Pre-Sandy" Cape Ann Taxachusetts,

Angel for the POT guys who live South of me in the path of the approaching storm Sandy.  The meteorologists are throwing out one superlative adjective after another, really playing this one up with a confluence of a few fronts:  extremely high winds, high tides (sustained) with coastal flooding, inland flooding with the heavy rains, and probable power outages everywhere.  You see, we still have about half of the leaves on the trees up my way which can catch the wind and then get blown down, taking out power lines and houses with them(and

The major project for the day is battening down the hatches and making sure there is nothing left out to blow away or become a missile, as well as prepare for heavy rains and power outages.  Will be checking the gutters for leaves and the street drains.  May sound strange to you guys, but I have to get out rope and tie down stuff that cannot be stored under roof.  Then off to the grocery store to make sure we with the dog can ride out a few days without power.     

As it sits now with the weather (mis)forecasters and there list of 3-4 scenarios, with the hurricane more likely to make landfall South of me and move inland, with me on the Eastern edge of the excitement.  

The center will be hitting somewhere between HudsonJohn, Spanky, Traindood, AF Ray and the boyz further South of them like Fife/Brent.  The Chief should mostly get lipped as it passes him to the East.  But LAZ inland will at least get hit with the winds and rains. 

Locally here "they" say I can expect possible 60mph winds and the rainfall amounts vary up to 8" with the worst of it Monday and Tuesday, and the back end still hanging on Wednesday. 

Sadly, Halloween may be a washout with the residual rains. Sad

Stay safe guys.  Later, gang.


PS:  HudsonJohn..........prayers your work during this weather event keep you safe so you can make the finish line to retirement in one piece. Angel


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Posted by cnw1995 on Friday, October 26, 2012 9:50 AM

Aloha and TGIF! The sun makes up for it being 30 degrees cooler than yesterday. Got all my outside work done yesterday. I'll task my boy with cutting the grass for the third time this year.  Early-voting and running some errands between work assignments today.

Dennis, you asked what a troll is on forums - it's someone who hides behind a pseudonym and 'stirs' the pot' with inflammatory or negative postings. Fortunately, we don't seem to have any here these days. And we have Jeffrey to take care of it. Yes

BoC, praying the next round goes smoothly and effectively!

Jack, Chief and my other East Coast friends, batten down the hatches - the hurricane hysteria has reached Illinois - 900 miles away.  Tongue Tied

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by KRM on Friday, October 26, 2012 8:58 AM

Morning guys,

37 degrees out there and that is 30 degrees colder than yesterday at this time. Sad SJ. Get the Dog Sled

 Anniversary dinner went well last night. Sandra had NO idea that the Katie & Klan were coming. We got there and sat at a table for two wile they were making a table for six right next to us. Then they came in, Sandra freaked out, and we moved to the bigger table.Yes The new restaurant needs to work at it a little harder, not the best. Tongue Tiedg

RT congrats on the day you quit smoking, I don't remember the day I quit but it was back in 1985. I was returning to Cat from a layoff and I told Sandra I was going to quit because no one would know I smoked when I walked in the door. She Laugh  at me but I never smoked again after that day, but I never gained any weight?

LAZ, Your retired, you got to ease up man. Smile, Wink & Grin Like my step granddad said, never finish all of your projects because then, you won't have anything to do. Smile, Wink & Grin

Well got to go to the store later and get food and other stuff and then Leaves, again.

 BOC, Prayers that the treatments kick it this time. Angel

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by sir james I on Friday, October 26, 2012 8:54 AM

It's 48 and overcast. 50s today.

Glad i did the grass yesterday, it's gloomy and we just had a brief Rain Shower Chief. Me thinks I will just goof off today and avoid any pileups..


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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, October 26, 2012 7:51 AM


  Been busy as the BEE LINE here.  Trying to get reagy for SANDY.


PROBE, Nice wheels there.  Love your shifting abilityWink.

HUDSON JOHN, OLD MIL TIME pretty soonBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeer!!!

BRUTUS,good for CHEWY, hope all is on the mend.

KEV, Happy Belated Anniversery.

SPANK, continued prayers.

Stay frosty my friends,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 26, 2012 7:38 AM

blownout cylinder
Tests came back positive..start the BEEEEP!!! treatments Monday.....Black EyeDeadBang HeadGrumpy

I hope they can stomp it out this time.



Good morning. It's 66° with 100% humidity. The high will be 65°. It'll be mostly cloudy with a fair chance of rain.

I have no idea what will be going on today. I may get some layout work in later if I have the time. I don't want to get started on something only to have it interrupted ten minutes later.

It looks like we may get some rain today. While we do need it there's a good possibility it'll make things messy too. The parish has managed to screw up the road pretty badly. It was a good gravel road with good drainage. They hauled in a bunch of clay rich dirt and graded it out so the edges are higher than the middle. That doesn't allow drainage and has the predictable result.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Friday, October 26, 2012 7:38 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a cloudy 48 degrees. Going up to 57 today with a chance of rain.

Today is an easy day. I have a small errand to run and a few chores to do. Then I willl relax. Lunch and a nap for sure.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast. Colesterol is steady at 180.

Buckeye & LAZ.......... TGIF

Y'all have a great Friday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:06 PM

Good Evening...or whatever after midnight is called anymore.Huh?

Tests came back positive..start the BEEEEP!!! treatments Monday.....Black EyeDeadBang HeadGrumpy

I spent the day, outside of hearing THAT "wonderful" piece of news, in my studio trying to rewire/patch my effects racks and other such recording paraphernaliaIndifferent...when I looked at the back of the rack it was loaded with cobwebs...where do these spiders come from?!?Confused I thought my patch cords were bad enough but cobwebs on top?Surprise

Kev:  Congratulations on your anniversary!!

Brutus:  Any pet becomes a family member that is for sure..and they really are loving creatures....

Chief:  Wonder if any of those vests are good when people use baseball bats ...Bang some clown did here a few days ago....

Have a good night/morning/whatever it may be in your neck of the woods...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Brutus on Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:07 PM

V8 - glad your dog is doing well.  They sure do become a part of the family, don't they?  Chewy is fine, but she is restless and we gave her some more of her pain medicine RIJ!  Kev - congrats on the anniversary!  Tonight was haircut night for my son and I as a storm moved in and the temps dropped like 20 degrees since I got off work.  Really really tired.  Tardis is ready and we have banilla of course.  Mike - please drive, I'm beat man.

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:06 PM

Well at 2pm today I went to my parents place as they had asked me to. Lo and behold there was no one there! So I waited for their return. After an hour I put the time to good use and sacked out on the couch. My mother and her minder came in two and a half hours later. She'd been out to get her hair done among other things. Got her dinner for her and after a suitable time passed checked her blood sugar. It was very high. Called MD, instructed to give five units insulin and check in an hour. An hour later it was higher. Called MD again. Give ten more units then check in an hour. At that time my father was home and I handed everything over to him. Glad to be back home.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:53 PM

POPCORN and TV.  Then to bed.  Up at 4:30 to head east to hunt before the rains come.

Sleep tight.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:45 PM



           Sounds like we were on the same frustration wavelength yesterday.  Personally, I blame my German blood.Surprise  You'd think people would've got the picture not to anger us.

In my case German is only a small part of the equation. My European half is made up of German, British, Welsh, French, Irish and Scot. Whole bunch of bad tempers there. The other half is Cherokee Indian. Stir all that together and that's one heck of an explosive combination. Keeping it under control is a full time job!Laugh

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Posted by rtraincollector on Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:27 PM

Hey all Prayers for all that need them and those who think they do or think they don't and really do :)

Well today turned out to be a good day around noon it struck me it was OCT 25th and on Oct 25 2003 I woke up as normal did my normal things smoked a couple of cigarettes went to work ( it was a Saturday and we were doing corn to the market runs and combining it) any way when I got to work I gave my boss my lighter and my 2 cigarettes I had left he said I don't want that I said I don't either and he said good and thru them out in front of me that was the last of my 3 packs a day habit it started at about 7am ( last cigarette ) been a blessing ever since. ( I must admit that It was a planned day to quit but thought because of working I would try next day but after getting to work things seem to change for the better. I was taking welbuton sr which is a antidepressant and has been proven to help quit smoking)

So I just gained like 60 lbs after that lol so now I'm trying to cut back on that some. Well time to call it a night did get the Lionel 1998 GP-20 with tmcc and railsounds and crew talk in today I won and I have bought a set of Lionel Santa Fe's GP-20 power and dummy that I will take the shell from the power and put on the 1998 and vise versa so I will have a Tmcc Santa Fe ( dark blue) and dummy which I will put a mini commander or something in to put coil couplers in that so I have double A's be a nice set to have for when I feel like changing up some. all have Pul-Mor motors in them so if the shell swap don't work maybe have to do the electronics swap.

They should be in early next week. They do have different hand rails along the side of the engine. Time will tell still may repaint the frames as the original Santa-Fe's are about 40 years old 73 - 75 just looked them up but look fine in pics but frames that old normally need some fixing. Hmmm just looking at it they have nose screws not underneath mounts so looks like probably will do electronic swap

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Posted by sir james I on Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:07 PM

It was a really nice day, upper 70s. I got the grass cut and trimmed. Emptied the gas out of both. A strap for the trimmer may be what I will have to do. It's just a matter of shopping for one. I'm not much for shopping. Go get what I need and get out, that's me. Except at a toy train store. That will slow me down some. This old body was aching when I started, still aching now that it's done. The Tigers forgot how to play ball last night, here's hoping things go better today..Banilla for all that climb aboard the thingy tonight..S.J.

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Posted by submmbob on Thursday, October 25, 2012 4:21 PM

Hello all again

Well they got the internet and phones up sooner than I expected, which is good because the folks at the big optical scope sounded kinda scared that they might actually have to do some work todayLaugh

Jack - the landlords are funny folk. These are the people that sprung for the $5K to put air conditioning on the house, and then told me they were going to try and sell the 73 year old radiant floor heater on Craig's ListTongue Tied No art deco here, just ancient rusted sheet metal. They have a full month's rent for the deposit. Had to write quite the check to move in. And, of course, the reason I moved here in the first place was because the previous landlord (pronounced landturd) got the house repossessed. And didn't tell me. So I had to find a place and move in 3 weeks on my "I'm not here half the time" schedule. Think I'm gonna buy a trailer when I'm living on my own again. Try to minimize the affects of living in the feudal system. Well at this point I'll only actually be at the house for 4 weeks max, so I'll just continue to watch the Snail race to find a tenant. And there's some song out lately that talks about "burning it to the ground" that makes me feel better for some reasonMischief

Anj - Duster? An old one? Didn't they just re-release the Dart?

JimT - regarding the headers, as my friend at work here says "what could possibly go wrong?"Wink

Oh and Jack, I'd put my old Cad 500 cu inch up against any supercharged electronic toaster they manage to transverse mount into a rolling rubbermaid container.  385 ft pounds of torque @ 2200 RPM, and that was the toned down version after the gas crunch. Trouble is, you had to find an engine bay that it would fit inSmile, Wink & Grin and God help the clutch plate that was behind it if it was turning a stick shift. However those little toasters do get MUCH better mileageAutomobile Didn't do too bad on the road, but in town on a good day? 6 MPG. Hard to imagine pouring a gallon of gas down the Quadrajet that fast.


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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, October 25, 2012 3:05 PM


           Sounds like we were on the same frustration wavelength yesterday.  Personally, I blame my German blood.Surprise  You'd think people would've got the picture not to anger us.


         I don't have to worry about that since the only crazies in the neighborhood have moved out. Thumbs Up Plus the Mustang is garaged, with the Ford/Mazda mistake left out to rot.Laugh


        Happy anniversary.

Been crazy busy here working six days a week and at best five hours of sleep total for the past two days.  Interview seemed to go well, and I am playing the waiting game. Followup letter went out early this morning.

BBK shorties were on the porch yesterday afternoon, which suprised me since they left Malvern shortly before 5PM the day before. Thumbs Up x2 for American Muscle.  Really not looking forward to the install though.

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Posted by anjdevil2 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:35 PM

Happy Anniversary Kev!!

Angel for those in need (BOC, Chewy, HudsonJohn's Mom, Tyler)

Cloudy today temps in the 60's awaiting the storm like HudsonJohn says.....another 100 year storm?  Great, love it.....Bang Head

Sold my Brother in Law's Duster for $100 profit and he's happy to have it gone.  Now I have to sell MY Bang Head.

Nice work on the floor RT....I like it.

OK...back to work....



I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
I am the venom in your skin  --- Breaking Benjamin

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:17 PM

Good Afternoon Ya'll from Beautiful Taxachusetts, Home Of The Witch City (Salem) where From October 1 To October 31 Every Day Is Halloween,

Yup, the tourists have definitely descended on these here parts for the Fall foliage viewing and to check out Haunted Happenings in Salem.  You can always tell when Halloween approaches here.  Every street that leads to Salem is a parking lot......and mu 16 mile round trip to the vet to pick up some ear cleaning junk for the dog turned into a 90 minute headache.  Bang Head

A friend of mine dropped by to show me his new ride.....a Mazda 3 sedan with the Skyactive (engine) technology.  Yes, the car is a tad small for my tastes (short on trunk space) but it is good looking, gets 28mpg city and 40 on the highway.  With 268 horsepower on tap and weighing only 2,950 pounds curb weight, it really scoots for a 2.0L 4-banger with the 5 speed automatic.  Gone are the days when you needed cubic inches and a honkin V8 to get that kind of power. 

Saturday AM is breakfast and pumpkin-carving morning with the grandchildren here at Grammy and Grampy's.  Then we wash the seeds, salt them, and bake them.  Why I don't know because every year we wind up throwing most of them out.  I am half way through eating all of the Halloween cany my wife bought. Laugh

DougM and FIL who doesn't live too far from you guys said the heat and drought from this past Summer may have killed his entire lawn.  Recent rains and cooler temps have not greened it up. Surprise 

HudsonJohn........the powers that be here in Taxachusetts already shot a few over the bow the last two days with the utility companies re hurricane preparedness.  Suppose that means the utilities had better be lining up backup from inland and out of state ponts West in the event that the approaching hurricane makes landfall.  When I tried to get a local forecast this morning trying several channels, all I could get was hurricane stuff and conditions from the Carribean!!! Bang Head

Re the leaves.  KEV and SJ........our trees still have over half of their leaves, but they are starting to really fall fast.  The oaks and elms shed earlier here than the fruit trees and the willows.  So my leaf cleaning drags on well into November with a final pass Thanksgiving weekend.  The willow tree is the worst (in my next door neighbor's back yard, not dropping anything yet, drops well into Novemeber.  It is gigantic and creates quite the mess.  The prevailing winds blow all of that debris right into my yard (no fence).  The willow leaves are soft and narrow, don't firm up.  Leaf blowers don't work on them, only lawn mowers with enough suction and a lowered blade. Bang Head 

JimmyT.......hope you have a safe haven for the MustangGT for Halloween.  Wouldn't want your wheels to get egged and vandalized. Surprise 

V8 Dennis........glad to hear your pup Cooper made it through his ordeal without tearing any sutures. Thumbs Up  BTW, re that PBS special you watched about the zillion year old corpse they found frozen in the Alps with an arrow in him.  Couldn't have been LAZ' ancestors hunting for bucks.  The aim was too good. Whistling

SubmmBob..... guess you are really stuck until the end of the year with the landlords and their monkeying with the cosmetics trying to sell the place, creating messes you have the decency to clean up (after the workers have created/left their mess).  I know I'd be pretty ripped if, as a tenant, I had to clean up someone elses mess, especially a worker's.  I'd probably suggest to the landlords that they give me the OK to hire a cleaning service to keep the house ship shape from the construction and other messes I didn't create.  And they in turn would probablty decline your suggestion.  If they have rent and the security deposit, they have you by the shorts.

RaySP.....what does your Doc and nutritionist say?  Maybe your thyroid is a little out of whack and your metabolism is therefore working against you, despite cutting down on total intake, fats, carbs, salts, and sugars. 

SJ.....what happened to "our Tigers" last night?  I suppose millions of dollars in salary, rest, healing, preparation, and a little more family time don't mean squat! Bang Head  Re the trimmer and the leaf blower weight, I rigged a length of rope to the handles, a sling of sorts, so that my arms (forearms) do not fall off before I get the job done.  

Later, gang.



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Posted by cheapclassics on Thursday, October 25, 2012 12:39 PM

Good afternoon all,

IIABSDISEI with temps near 80 again.  I cleaned out the barn gutters last night and mulched what leaves were down.  Watched "Arrow" on the CW.  Probably will be a one season show.  TBIL.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by SPMan on Thursday, October 25, 2012 12:36 PM

Good morning all,

just dropped in for roll call.  AWOL again yesterday but slow day.

Kev, Happy anniversary1

V8, pretty cool over our way this morning.  It was about 52 outside when I got up and went for 30 minute walk.  Warming up now though.  We had do put the heat on in the house to take the chill off earlier.

Got call from my friend who is the drummer in the Dixieland band.  They played Sun Valley Idaho last weekend but drove there from Southern California as an option to flying.  He wanted to sight see on the way up and back.  They are playing at Pismo Beach this coming weekend at a jazz festival so going directly there and coming home Sunday night.  We talked about Cal Stewart.  He is going to be selling and has reserved a couple of tables.  I need to sell a couple of items but will try to put them on one of the forums instead of dragging them to meets.

Jeffrey, glad things are under control with you and the folks.  Understand your frustration though.

Don't think I'm losing much weight in spite of diet and exercise but I'm on a very low fat regimine.  Probably still eating too much even if it is low fat food.













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Posted by Hudson#685 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:56 AM

Lunch Time:

Here we go again, getting ready for the big storm. What a way to end a 40 year career.

AF53, Ray, You "snored down" the entire Ponderosa. Whistling

RI Jack, I could not agree with you more about the drug companies and the regulators / watch dogs.

Traindood: Ken, glad you are back. Missed you at York!

SJ: Hope you feel better. Take it easy, the leaves can wait.

Kev, Happy Anniversary.

Brutus: GO CHEWEY!!!

Doug M ; that was a nice ride last night.

V8: Prayers that Cooper heals fast.

Laz: 36 to go!

Thoughts and Prayers for all in need.

Have a Great Day


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Posted by submmbob on Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:56 AM

Hello all

We are about to lose the internet for a few hours, so I figured I'd better check in. Didn't get much sleep last night even though I was pretty tired. First night on the hill as usual. Plus going to bed at 9PM for me is a little early. Will prob change w/ my buddy John to nights only.

2 different folks looked at the house yesterday. "Nothing definite" was the response I got from the landlords. Pretty much the status quo. At least six potential renters have looked at the house in the last month or so, and many more phone inquiries. Nothing is happening too fast. I think the rent (they're raising it BTW) is overpriced for the size and condition of the house. Plus there is a major street widening project about to happen about 100 ft south of me. I think once people realize how close to house will be to all that they lose interest. At least I don't have to stay past January.

Kev - happy anniversary! Glad you are stihl on the case, but I'm surprised you didn't just channel some of the "wind" from the Roseville town hall meetings to take care of your leavesWhistling

Better jump off before they pull the plug


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Posted by KRM on Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:45 AM





 Kev actually previous owner had a dog and too cheap to replace but we got $$ knocked off because of it. ( son was handling the sale as owner was in nursing home).


Cool RT ,Yeah George would never do something like that but a Dog sure would. Laugh Surprise


   Stick out tongue

KEV.......  Thumbs UpLaugh  What I get from the above exchange with RT above is that you have been so excited every day for 26 years that you constantly soil the carpeting in your house.  I figured you'd be housebroken by now. Smile, Wink & Grin

Jack, Not the case here. We have no carpeting in this house only hardwood floors with a few rugs here and there. Yes We have had dogs and cats, I know what they can do.  Ick!

 BTW I am housebroken now but getting older every day and things may change. Surprise 


Getting Very windy got to go watch the fire.

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by MichRR714 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:36 AM

Happy belated anniversary Kev!  Hope your not too tuckered out! Whistling

Prayers this morning for BOC, Tyler, Chewy and all those who need them. Angel

Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)      


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Posted by KRM on Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:54 AM

Blueberryhill RR

KEV.......Happy AnniversaryGift

Thank you Chuck and all you others for the anniversary wishes. The Chief may be somewhat correct. Whistling

 Well I have been at my daily task of sweeping burning and blowing leaves and I can see the light at the end of the tunnell. Only 2 hours today. When I look up at the trees there is not much left, just some Oaks and some of them will hang on all winter.

 Wife is working today, with tomorrow off. There will be dinner at the restaurant she wanted to go to in Seneca with a surprise of Katie and clan sneaking in for the free meal.  Dinner Would not be surprised if Chief gets wind of a free meal he shows up too. Laugh

 Doug, better get ready for the bottom to fall out tonight. Surprise

I was going to keep Lexi tonight till Sunday. that is why I told Sandra to take tomorrow off, but that part of things did not work out because she has been sick and has a doctor apt on Saturday. Sad But Katie is coming out Saturday afternoon to drop her off for a day if things go well at the Dr. office.

Brutus, Chewy looks good. Yes

 Well prayers for BOC's test results and  all in need. Angel

 Got to eat,

 Have a great afternoon!

Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:34 AM

Morning all.  Meetings over.  HR thing delayed until tomorrow.  Subject out of town.  Now for some errands.  Sunny and extra warm [which SJ does not know of Laugh].

Kev is recouping from last night. EmbarrassedWhistling


 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:13 AM

KEV.......Happy AnniversaryGift

Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by RockIsland52 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:49 AM

I called my FIL and told him what had happened.  He understood immediately, no questions asked.  He has us set up on speed dial but the MIL refuses to use it.
I know about that. I programmed my phone number onto a speed dial button on my mothers phone. It even has a label on it! She either won't use it or constantly forgets about it. My father is no help in that department. When it comes to anything with a computer he has ten thumbs. It took him six months to learn how to use the basic functions of his cell phone. We're talking how to dial a number here.

* At two this afternoon I have to go down and stay with my mother for a bit. I hope she'll be watching something other than CNN/FoxNews/QVC. I get what I need from a short news report in the morning but having somebody constantly barking about the same old stories hour after hour is just too much. I don't know how she puts up with it.

Jeffrey.......CNN/FOX/QVC, all three infinitely better than the soaps my MIL watches.  If we were under nuclear attack and Armegeddon, she'd get angry that her soaps were being pre-empted by the news of the end of the world. 

If your Dad was more gadget-savvy you would not be having this problem with your Dad's reaction to your Mom and the phones. 

My FIL is 91 and is the most gadget savvy-person I know.  He is the only person on the planet who, when he buys something (anything), he immediately sits down and reads the instruction manual cover to cover while playing with the features. 

He also realizes he NEEDS to know all of this stuff, and every nuance therein.  Why?  My MIL has always had issues with the simplest of things that require punching the right buttons or operating something.  EVERY DAY she starts hitting buttons on the TV remote and screws up "her" TV.  She then runs to my FIL in a total panic because she is missing her soaps.  And every day, and more than once a day, he has to trouble shoot and figure out how to set it right.  Sometimes she manages to get deep into menus, and it takes him some time to iron things out. 

He gets so mad, but it is what it is and is not going to change, will only get worse. 

He even set the house programmable thermostat to 70 degrees 24/7/365 and "manual" so that she didn't mess that up, especially if he were not there to straighten it out.  And this is a guy who spend his days trying to squeeze every killowat hour, every gallon of water, and every BTU till they bleed!!!  Product of the great depression. 

He will call me all upset when this stuff happens because he knows I will talk him down by listening, with joking, and with understanding.  Told him he should get a job at one of the big box electronic stores showing customers how all that stuff works along with all of the features, no matter what it is.  Went TV shopping with him 3-4 years ago and he knew more about how to access and adjust all of the features than the floor guy......picture in your mind an old 88 year old geezer showing some young whippersnapper who "knows it all" how to operate the very product he is supposed to know like the back of his hand.  And some old guy shows him up.  

You may get upset with all of this stuff, and rightfully so.  But perhaps you should consider that the next time something like this happens you can calmly pull out your aces.  "Dad, this isn't going to be like the time with Mom and the phones, or the saw I told you was not up to the task, or, or, or.  Sooner or later when you drag up one episode after another, he just might bend slightly and think before he speaks.  Just might, but not likely. Smile, Wink & Grin 




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Posted by cnw1995 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:47 AM

Aloha. Happy Anniversary (belated) Kev!  Last nice day of year today - I have a long list of outdoors things to do including dismantling the gigantic leaf pile certain neighborhood kids built up in the front yard. Nice TARDIS ride last night too. Off and running.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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