Coffee Pot #10 OCTOBER 2012 SIX years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees Locked

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Posted by sir james I on Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:41 AM

Kevin congrats on your anniversary.

It's a sunny 59 going into the 70s today. I will cut the grass but not sure about the last trimming. I don't feel well this morning. I have a good Echo trimmer but when I bought it a few years ago I did not consider it's weight. Now with the Lionel  catalog at home I kinda like the heritage NKP diesel. It's a real good looker....S.J.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:54 AM




 Kev actually previous owner had a dog and too cheap to replace but we got $$ knocked off because of it. ( son was handling the sale as owner was in nursing home).


Cool RT ,Yeah George would never do something like that but a Dog sure would. Laugh Surprise

 Thirty years ago today a friends girlfriend came buy with her friend and her car so I could look at the brakes. That was Sandra. I was 30 and she was a very HOT 21. The best day of my life!!!!   Whistling

 Tomorrow will be 26 years since we got married. Wink

 You guys have a nice night, I will. Stick out tongue

KEV.......congratulations on your 26th wedding anniversary and my sincerest condolences to your bride, Sandra. Thumbs UpLaugh  What I get from the above exchange with RT above is that you have been so excited every day for 26 years that you constantly soil the carpeting in your house.  I figured you'd be housebroken by now. Smile, Wink & Grin



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:41 AM

I called my FIL and told him what had happened.  He understood immediately, no questions asked.  He has us set up on speed dial but the MIL refuses to use it.

I know about that. I programmed my phone number onto a speed dial button on my mothers phone. It even has a label on it! She either won't use it or constantly forgets about it. My father is no help in that department. When it comes to anything with a computer he has ten thumbs. It took him six months to learn how to use the basic functions of his cell phone. We're talking how to dial a number here.


Kev: Congrats on the 26th wedding anniversary.


Good morning. It's 70° with 99% humidity and patchy fog. It's partly cloudy now but is quickly changing to mostly cloudy. The high will be 85°. There's rain moving in tonight.

I'm feeling better this morning than I did last night but I can already feel that I'm on the bad end of a mood swing. I just hope nothing sets it off. When it starts there's nothing I can do stop it. Darn medicine side effects! At two this afternoon I have to go down and stay with my mother for a bit. I hope she'll be watching something other than CNN/FoxNews/QVC. I get what I need from a short news report in the morning but having somebody constantly barking about the same old stories hour after hour is just too much. I don't know how she puts up with it.

No layout work planned for today. If I get a chance later I'll get the tractor and trailer and pick up the pieces of my kitchen cabinet that are still piled up out in the yard and take them down to the burn pile.

I hope everybody else has a better day than I'm having thus far.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:16 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a cool 53 degrees. Going up to 80 with sunshine.

Today is a busy day. I have a few chores to do. The wife is grocery shopping. Put away all the groceries and have lunch. Then, I can relax and take a nap. Ballgame later.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Yall have a great Thursday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by RockIsland52 on Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:52 AM

Good Mornin' Ya'll From Crystal Clear And A New Fall Record-Tieing Low 37 Cape AnnTaxachusetts, those trains at 3:45AM (your post) and you too will need one of the old bulletproof vests like the one the Chief is sending to me. Smile, Wink & Grin 

Chief.......i don't need the vest.  The wife won't permit guns in the house.  They have all been sitting in my nephew's gun safe since I got married.  I need a knife-proof vest.  Got one of those? Whistling

Jeffrey.........funny coincidence.  My MIL allegedly was calling us two weeks ago and leaving messages. She too was dialing the wrong number.  She called again (successfully) and left a message on our answering device, sounded like she was very hurt that we were not returning her calls.  I checked the call log and the answering device, same thing as you.  There were no previous incomings from her, no messages: she was dialing the wrong number!!!!  Same number for 24 years!!!.  I called my FIL and told him what had happened.  He understood immediately, no questions asked.  He has us set up on speed dial but the MIL refuses to use it.  But someone else was getting her calls and messages.  Told FIL that other person probably called the police to lodge a complaint against her for stalking and harassment, told him to get ready for the police knocking on his door, handcuffs in hand.  That made him laugh.

Brutus.....Chewy is looking pretty good!  Leave the pain meds alone, Chewy needs them.  Not you.Whistling

Later, gang.  Coffee is calling.



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:45 AM

Good Morning

Weather be all foggy at this hour of day..55F presently, going up to 74F feeling like 80F the sun..

Yep...I'se awake again. Not much sleep around these parts. The little Spring is a comfort though...all bundled up between my arms and purring away here...

I've got a bunch of stuff to clean up studio being placed in another room while I can has trainroom back to being trainroom...I am so glad that Audrey understands my quarbles here...after 35 years I'd certainly hope so....Smile, Wink & Grin

Welb...better be getting at some stuff in here...if'n I be up at funny hours...might as well...Confused

Have a good'un!!!!

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:50 PM

Reclinerized.  Good night.  Early meeting in Raleigh. 

BC, prayers.

Chewy is part of our family.  Speedy recovery. Yes

SJ, just put it in your snowblower. Whistling

Poor Sandra, sorry you made that mistake. Wink

Go Corviars, Go!!!

One vest shipped to the far north [MA]. Laugh

Sleep tight.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Brutus on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:16 PM

More prayers, BOC!

Chewy is home, but very sore.  Hopefully she will improve quickly!  

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:29 PM

Tough day for me today. Been tired all day and was having to hold back a real short temper. That finally got the better of me when I went down to give my mother her shot. She said she tried calling me earlier but my number wouldn't work. Checked the call log on her phone. She hadn't dialed the area code. Here it's 337. I have a New Orleans number! 504 area code. She knows that but she forgets. My father gets home from work and comes in about then and starts yelling that I turned my phone off so it wouldn't ring. It was all I could do to keep from knocking him on his butt! Instead I pushed him down in a chair and explained the facts of the matter to him, showed him the call log and told him he wasn't getting off the chair until he apologized. He knows it's not a good idea to push me over the line but it seems sometimes that he just can't resist. Despite what you see of me online I'm not one of the friendliest people in the world. I'm easier to get along with than I was thirty-five years ago. Jump on me when I'm having a bad day? That doesn't fly! He decided it would be a real good idea to apologize. Besides he hadn't had dinner and the fridge was calling him. I gave my mother her insulin shot and made sure she'd taken her medicine before he and I got into it again. I don't want to hurt him but sometimes he just pushes and pushes and pushes.

Well now that I got that off my chest it's time I called it a night. I have to go to my parents place at 2pm tomorrow so I want to be rested up good. See y'all tomorrow.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:13 PM

CHIEFEAGLES wrote   Raleigh Mayor lady's [a buddy, not to old one I had problems with] elderly MIL has the viral meningitis from injections.  Prayers for her.  She is holding on but not good.  

Sorry to hear about this..we'll put her on our prayer list up here as well...

Good Evenin'

Had a good day inspite of the anxiety over what was found...hopefully it turns out to be an 'artifact' of the process of taking the XRay....Tongue TiedHuh?

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by submmbob on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:44 PM

Hello all

Back on the hill for another week. On days this time. Didn't sleep much last night before coming up.

Didn't get as much work done on the Corvan as I'd hoped, but it is what is is. Got the "new" 4spd cleaned up a bit more and drained the trans and final drive. Changed out the shift shaft seal (they are on the bottom and prone to leak), but somebody had been welding on the end of the shaft before so I had to grind it down and smooth it off before the seal could go on. It is sitting up on the drive train cradle awaiting the engine. Forgot to take a picture after I finishedDunce

Took the Corvair Club to Kitt Peak on Saturday. A good time was had by all. Maiden voyage for my friends '65 convertible. A little points adjustment was necessary at one point, but it did rather well considering it hadn't been driven in 14 years and had turned into a pack rat home! Didn't bring the camera, but hope to gets some pics from others.

Sold off the Atwater Kent to a club memberBig Smile

Still having some interesting times w/ the landlords. Pipe was leaking yesterday (under the aforementioned window), and the husband came over to fix it. Loaned him my air body saw and helped him hold the second wrench. Was an easy fix and he's a nice guy. He wanted to come back today and reinforce it and I said fine. Got an email from the wife than in addition to the showings today, they wanted to touch up the paint around the new window, outside. Ok. Oh, and then we want to try and lube up the vertical blinds so they slide easier....Sigh What part of "lets not do any more non-essential work on the house until I'm gone didn't you understand"? Said the trains were still set up under the front window and would be too easy to either kick over or step on and I rather it just left until later. She agreed, somewhat reluctantly I think. Also mentioned that since we are in season, I will not be able to be out of the house until the end of one of my weeks off to give me some time to get the move done. So if we don't find another renter or the schedules don't match,  we push it back another two weeks each time I go back on the hill.  At this point I'm  prepared to just run it out until the end of of the year when the lease is over, but maybe someone will bite sooner.

Prayers for Tyler, BOC, John's mon, Char, Chewy, and anyone one else (or anypet) that I missed.

Time to find dinner and a pillow (but not a pillow for dinner).


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Posted by AF53 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:54 PM

Good Evening All!

Kev - Nice story and Happy Anniversary!

HudsonJohn - I'm not sure who was snoring, only I know I didn't hear me snoring.

Traindood - Long time! Me and the Yankees missed you! (Now return our bats)




Bayville, NJ


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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 6:39 PM


 Kev actually previous owner had a dog and too cheap to replace but we got $$ knocked off because of it. ( son was handling the sale as owner was in nursing home).


Cool RT ,Yeah George would never do something like that but a Dog sure would. Laugh Surprise

 Thirty years ago today a friends girlfriend came buy with her friend and her car so I could look at the brakes. That was Sandra. I was 30 and she was a very HOT 21. The best day of my life!!!!   Whistling

 Tomorrow will be 26 years since we got married. Wink

 You guys have a nice night, I will. Stick out tongue

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:55 PM

It is 75 now. 78 forecast for tomorrow.

I will cut the grass, whether I cut once more will depend on how many leaves land in my yard. I might run the gas out of the mower and trimmer figuring I can always put it back in if I need to. Banilla is ready, hope I can stay awake for the thingy crew...S.J.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:05 PM

Angel Prayers for all especially those needing them.

Kev actually previous owner had a dog and too cheap to replace but we got $$ knocked off because of it. ( son was handling the sale as owner was in nursing home).

RI I actually enjoy doing work like that. Especially if I can take my time in doing it, like I did here. Use to rebuild insides of mobile homes that my boss owned but he was too cheap to let me do it right. Actually got the job because I rented from him and he saw what I was doing with just a drill, skill saw, and hammer and nails to his trailer as I asked first if I could do some improvements on it. He asked what I wanted and told him some 1" x 4" boards to do trim around the windows. ( it was mainly to do something )

Any way yes it was discussed that I would do the den as a training run ( love the wifes support in me being able to do something like this lol ( always been this way then when it done she is impressed and pleased Confused )

anyway the kitchen down the road will be next well first the laundry room as have enough left over to do that already. ( miscalculated my sq ft needed by an extra 100 Laugh well gives me flooring to do the laundry room. ( her question how do you make the hole for the dryer hose ( it goes down thru the floor) answer you cut the circle with a jigsaw right where it already is. in this case will temp put boards in place craw under house and draw circle on bottom and then take them up and cut lol

Today was pretty good day the day after normally is. then I go into my normal 4 or 5 good days one downer day for the rest of the year lol just me.

Oh I do this program where I earn points for receiving emails or buying from stores like home depot / Lowe's/wal-mart ect well I earned enough points to get a free $50.  and $10.00 shell gas gift card which I used the $50 yesterday to fill the car Big Smile nothing like free gasoline lol. Speaking of it is down to $3.15 9/10 at my normal station $3.22 9/10 at the shell station I went to.

Well thats about it from here talk to you all later

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Posted by 8ntruck on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:03 PM

Mixed bag of weather in the last few dats here in the shadow of Montserrat.  Today was not too bad though.

Tied up one of the two projects I had in Spain here today.  Working through the politics on the other job.  Hopefully, they go the right way, and I won't need to extend my trip, so I'll be able to get back in time for the elections.

Looks like I'll have a little breathing room tomorrow and be able to do some local sightseeing.

Good to see that there might be a new Lionel catalog waiting at the LHS when I return.


All for now.

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Posted by traindood on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:16 PM

 Afternoon fellas and gals:    Been awhile since i last posted. All is well here in trendy Sparta. How sweep it is! Smile, Wink & Grin   Sorry Chief; you should know better than to root for those d--med bums. Stonewall must be rolling over with laughter !     Yippee!!     Too much to list here, however got lotsa stuff done.  Not real crazy on who will win, the series that is. The national election, that's another matter. Make sure you'all VOTE.     later.  

Think good thoughts, do good deeds! 


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Posted by RockIsland52 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:07 PM

Chief, Prayers for the Raleigh Mayors MIL. There are a lot affected from that medicine.

Enjoy the Day!


Chief.....I second John's prayers. 

I believe those meningitis-tainted drugs came from a pharmacy formulary outfit here in Taxachusetts.  The one drug that has been the focus of national attention were steroids used to treat spinal inflammation.  That place has been locked down.  It had previous warnings and threats of close down for other violations.  

The state "powers that be" set up an oversight and enforcement structure, spend a bunch of taxpayers' money, and this is what you down the drain, sickness, death, and misery.  I say fire them all and close down the agency charged with "protecting" us as well.  SoapBox



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Posted by RockIsland52 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 2:38 PM

Good Afternoon From Chilly And Overcast Cape Ann Taxachusetts,

It looks like the warmer weather youse guyz West of me are enjjoying will be passing me by to the South.  Low 50s today and it looks like 60s in the near future are out of the picture.

BOC.........I am hoping and praying that your "???" on the test is just a slight bump in the road. Thumbs Up 

JohnnyF........that was some really good news on your wife Jean's knee replacement.  Sooner than I expected post op too. Thumbs UpAngel

JimmyT.......I am still running Windows 7 and absolutely will not upgrade to 8 unless someone can explain why 8 is so much better.  Why change?  Re the exhaust mods on the MustangGT, Thumbs Up  I am still operating my 2007 SRX under the warranty extension and won't consider an aftermarket exhaust system upgrade unless I have to.  I got 12 years and 114K miles on my last car's exhaust system when I traded it in, no issues, not even with the catalytic convertors or the hangers.  Besides, I have had my fill of the louder exhausts.  My Corvette cured me of that (Hooker full race side exhausts including headers.  Couldn't have a conversation with the passenger while riding in the car and couldn't listen to anything the sound system put out.  Smile, Wink & Grin

Banks........sorry to hear about the sub par harvest this year.  I suppose that goes with the farmer's territory.  But that is of little consolation when you have all of that effort and $$$ poured into it.

Brutus.......$$$ wise I figure you are still money ahead with Chewy's surgeries, way ahead.  As for PT on the first knee, they do have aquatic centers for dogs and their PT.  We have at least 3 of them within 30 miles North and West of me.  Not sure what they cost as we have not had to use one with any of our dogs.  We have never taken out any of the available veterinarian/medical insurance plans on any of our dogs, though we have been looking into it.  Dogs are expensive!!!!  Was sorry to read Char has bronchitis and I hope the Docs get that straightened out in short order.  Maybe you should take her to the Carribean for a couple of weeks to help her get over this? Whistling

SJ/DougM........hasn't it been decades since the baseball playoffs were extended this late?  I seem to recall watching a World Series where it was snowing during the game, around the mid 80s I think and Willy Stargell and the Pirates were in it.  I agree.  Baseball in the snow doesn't cut it for me either. are lucky.  You and Kelly are on the same page when it comes to not letting debris and worthless junk accumulate.  My wife is not cut from the same cloth.  Add in our kids who have used the basement as their personal trash repository.  But I am still making headway, will take another 8 weeks or so.  If I am too obvious, the wifey will want to jump in and derail the progress.  This week I got rid of 3 TVs, 3 old computer monitors, and a 6 more 40 gallon contractor bags of useless stuff, plus about 15 empty (putrid) cardboard boxes I had to cut down to size for recycling.  Found another dead TV under the pile!!! Bang Head  Still have old useless furniture, a dead refrigerator, a dead hot water tank, ancient books, a huge weight apparatus(my son's, has to be disassembled),  and a whole host of other stuff to jettison.  Since my wife never goes in the basement, and I hide the discards until trash day, then get up at dawn and drag the stuff out to the curb.  She never seems to notice we have so much trash piled up at the curb on trash day.  I figure I am safe until I get to the really big stuff. Thumbs Up  By that time all of her junk will be long gone, can't be dragged back into the house..

Re bulletproof vests.  I will need one of the Chief's police department discards when the wifey realizes what has been going on right under her nose!!! Smile, Wink & Grin  

KEV......that 115mph Amtrac train isn't much faster than the Hiawatha from over 70 years ago. Stick out tongue

V8 last water bill (for a quarter, the Summer) I got nailed for $395.  Watering is out!!! Bang Head

Jeffrey.......your daily accounts of your Dad's projects for you never fail to put a smile on my face.  Sounds like my Dad (RIP).  I can recall when he had me up on a ladder cleaning his (second story) gutters with a hose, a leaf blower, and my bare hands.  I met a rabid racoon up there while I was working.  Wouldn't have been so bad but I was sporting a cast on my leg (knee down) following tendon repair surgery.  Told him I didn't think itwas a good idea, that if I fell or got bitten.....  He didn't care, said the Docs could always put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Bang Head

RT........hope you are feeling better.  Thank you for the floor and wall pics of your budding train room!!!!  Looks fantastic!!!!  The good news: you do good work.  The bad news:  you are raising the bar for yourself in the eyes of your wifey. Whistling

Chief......who was cutting all of those square miles of lawn in your absence? Laugh

Where are you JoeyD and JimSP?  What in life could possibly be more important than us? Smile, Wink & Grin

V8Dennis and HudsonJohn.......I think we up my way have both of you beat.  They do not accurately refer to Massachusetts drivers as  m@$$ho!{z for nothing. Bang Head  

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!! 

Later, gang.



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Posted by cnw1995 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:57 PM

Almost 80 downtown too. Woo-Hoo!   Lots of fields of stubby corn that never grew out by us.  Congrats Hudson!

I'm curious: how does a bullet proof vest 'expire'? 

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:53 PM


 Busy here, corn harvest has begun in earnest. So so crop but thankful for what we have. A couple of months ago it looked like there could be none. The jury is still out on soybean.

 Banks, Almost everything is harvested here. Nothing left but flat empty fields.

BTW, I like the fast little train. Yes


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:35 PM

Banks: I PM'd you back instructions for your signature,

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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:22 PM

Good afternoon all,

IIABSDISEI with temps near 80.  Will last another day before turning autumny again.  Ok, soccer season is officially over for me now.  My league team had a 3-0 in the second half and in the last 20 minutes of a 25 minute half, we gave up 3 goals to force an overtime.  After no score there, we lost on penalty kicks 2-1.  I thought there was a good chance we would not win, and if we had gotten blown out, I would have understood as well.  This one will leave my head shaking for a long time.  At least the weather was good last night.

Just to clarify my levels of soccer participation for those of you who are semi-new here, I referee youth league games U-14 and under.  I scrimmage with and strongly support both the boys and girls teams at the local high school, but I have no official connection in terms of a coaching capacity with either one.  I play in a coed adult (18 and up) soccer league in both the summer and the fall.  It does get confusing at times, but I try to keep everything listed as to how my participation varies in each section of the sport.

TBIL but no barrel rolls tonight.  RI52, you are right in your observation about the team.  Never really expected them to do this well after losing so many good players from last year.  You have to have hope.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:00 PM

Partly cloudy with temps at 80 degrees here in North Central IL. "For V8" Smile 

I have been sweeping, blowing, and burning leaves since 8:30. Only south yard left, it is over the sand filter septic field. sweeper will not work there so I will blow them into the woods then I will be done. Got to eat, got the shakes from Low BS.

RT looks good. Yes

BOC, Angel

Brutus, and the bionic doggie.  Yes

 Jimmy T Hope the interview went well.

Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:37 AM

Jeffry, that second little train is still in my signature. I tried what you said last time and nothing shows. When I try to edit my signature it isn't there.

If you want PM me your sig line and I can see if I can find it.

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Posted by Hudson#685 on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:21 AM

Lunch time:

Time to pass the torch to my replacement as 36 days to retirement approach. I will be doing training from now to 11/29, most of it at the 22 field locations. I wonder if my company pickup will hit 190,000 mi.

BOC, Sorry to hear about your results. Prayers.

Chief, Prayers for the Raleigh Mayors MIL. There are a lot affected from that medicine.

RT: Den looking good. Big improvement.

V8: You just descride the Garden State Parkway!

Prayers and Thoughts for all not mentioned. We have many.

Enjoy the Day!


  • Member since
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  • From: Rolesville, NC
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Posted by ChiefEagles on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:21 AM

Banks, good luck on corn harvest.  Most of ours is done.  A lot of the cotton is picked too.  Sweet potatoes and peanuts in.  Tobacco in and stalks cut or disked in.  Hope storm stays away from east coast.  Would mess with late crop harvest.  Mainly beans here.   

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Banks on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 11:14 AM

Hello all

Busy here, corn harvest has begun in earnest. So so crop but thankful for what we have. A couple of months ago it looked like there could be none. The jury is still out on soybean.

Where is the York photo? Did it get lost in cyber land? Sounds like a good time was had by all.

Glad to hear Tyler is doing so good

Probe, How'd the interview go?

Good news on Chewy.

Jeffry, that second little train is still in my signature. I tried what you said last time and nothing shows. When I try to edit my signature it isn't there.

SS Fund calls

Prayers for those in need

Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:59 AM

Sunny and 67, we are getting 2 warm days till down she goes. I saw the schedule for world series games and west coast  will start early so all games will be at 8pm eastern. Just home from the tooth cleany guy and Wild Bills trains for my Lionel catalog..S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

  Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC)   - Detroit3railers-  Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS

  • Member since
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  • From: Rolesville, NC
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Posted by ChiefEagles on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:56 AM

Morning.  Early out to groomer with Finn and Lucy.  Back to run through Vegas [slept through last night].  Phone calls from Town, BB&T and Bass Pro.  Wiley trying to dig under fence.  Fixed that.  Now to Town Hall.  Town Manager probably sending PD Chief down the road.  Out of 15 bullet proof vest, 13 has been expired for several years.  Not good.  Also no vests for aux. officers.  Squirreling money for his pet projects and trying to look good to the Board.  Also morale is at all time low due to his management style.  Not fun but have to handle. Sad

BC, prayers.  Raleigh Mayor lady's [a buddy, not to old one I had problems with] elderly MIL has the viral meningitis from injections.  Prayers for her.  She is holding on but not good.

Have a good one.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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