Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats Locked

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Posted by jonadel on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 6:22 PM

Brent--I have a couple of ideas for you but they need to wait until tomorrow, just like the bean recipe, as the grill is calling and I'm just dead tired.  It's going to be a very early night for the Iowa guy, the next time I retire ................


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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 6:55 PM

Buckeye, nice commentary on the cemetery.  Trace Adkins did a good song called "Arlington" on that same theme.

Mike C......I would have given anything not to have hugged that gravestone for over 55 years.

I have been buying a few things from Henning Scale Models from Lansdale, PA.  So far the experience has been great.  Also discovered that York Trains in NW Indiana still has the older Williams products. Thumbs Up

Still have a bad head cold, but I need to get rid of it before this weekend. 

I see the professionals won the NCAA tourney. Zzz Zzz I wonder how they like their basket weaving classes this year. Whistling

This is the final week for hockey and if you are watching the standings, you know how tight and competitive it has become this year.  Unlike basketball, you are not asleep at the the end of a hockey game.  I hate the last two minutes of basket ball. 

Looking forward to the BIG RED MACHINE doing some mowing this year.  It is been a long time.

Yesterday, I talked to my buddy with terminal cancer.  He is slowly fading.  He sleeps about 14 -15 hours a day and is on anxiety medications. 

Heading down the tracks, so I'll see you later.  




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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:28 PM

Well, they need to take this software and *^#!(  Too many OOPS and slowness.  The Gauge and OGR do NOT move this slow.  I have things to do and not sit and wait on a slow software.  Banged Head  

I must say, Michigan State did a whole lot better than Ohio State. LaughLaugh

One homicide in Rolesville.  In an uncompleted subdivision.  Only the street and some utilities installed.  Body found by a walker in the area.  Locked cable had been cut to allow entrance.  Really don't think the news media has picked up on it.  Body was discovered at the time UNC was arriving back at Chapel Hill.  All TV crews were there.  CCBI and Police Chief just leaving the scene.  Press release will be coming from the Chief [let the porfessionals do this one].

Now for a break.  Hope this will post. 

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by jonadel on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:37 PM

Just to echo Buckeye's comments about the pro team last night winning the last game, I'm wondering what the graduation numbers are at UNC for the men's team or IF they graduate, hmmmmmmmm.  In spite of how you feel, Bobby Knight's team were also students and, did win.  What say you Mr. Eagles?


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:56 PM


Just to echo Buckeye's comments about the pro team last night winning the last game, I'm wondering what the graduation numbers are at UNC for the men's team or IF they graduate, hmmmmmmmm.  In spite of how you feel, Bobby Knight's team were also students and, did win.  What say you Mr. Eagles?

All of them that were seniors, MR. IOWAY. Thumbs Up  Didn't Mr. Knight get indicted for something? Whistling  Duke and UNC graduate their players.  Can't say the same for NCSU. 

Always liked Mr. Knight.  Good fisherman. 

Now Mr. Ioway, I think you are the rat that crawled out of the corn barn.  Its corn that holds your state from becoming Kansas. Smile,Wink, & Grin

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Posted by sir james I on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 8:07 PM

Good evening all,

The guys were good and they won, why would anybody want to insult them. Doesn't make sense.

Well the rest of my day was quiet, I did run the new engine for a few minutes though. Brutus, banilla and butter pecan on the ready, lite the fuse and jump in...S.J.

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Posted by jefelectric on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 8:34 PM

 Good evening,

I'm not much of a basketball fan, so won't comment on the discussion.  I didn't even watch the game.

Winter is making a comeback, hope it doesn't last.  Very cold and bitter wind today.  We had another sad event to attend today.  A dear friend of ours was buried today at the age of 61.  She was a bridesmaid at our wedding  almost 42 years ago.  She was very well known, owned a furniture store, and loved by everyone who know her. 

The granddaughters stopped in for a visit this evening with their mother and the girls and I ran trians for a while.  Had four trains going with 5 engines, four with smoke.  Had to start the exhaust fan. Laugh

Tomorrow is Museum day and Thursday will be working on grandson's HO layout.  Hope to finish the wiring and install the switch machines.

John Fullerton Home of the BUBB&A
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Posted by MichRR714 on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 9:54 PM

 Pot is only brewing a drip at a time tonight....Somebody needs to put a turbo charger on this server..

Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)      


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 11:05 PM

Its slower than a drip.  Of course the only drip around here is Buckeye. Whistling 

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Posted by SPMan on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 11:38 PM

Jon, thanks for the tip about the habatchi grill.  I checked out the website and they even have a vidio about it.  Looks pretty simple but that's what I need.












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Posted by 8ntruck on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 1:28 AM

Sunny and about 60 here today.  Didn't get to see much of it though.  One ot THOSE days at the plant that ran long.  Once unwound and looking at the day in retrospective, it is really comical what we manage to do to ourselves in industry.

Lionroar - you could always go with the narrow streets, but make them seem right by changing the cars, trucks, & trains to European makes and models to match the skinny street.  Just trying to help:).

I watched my alma matter dig themselves into a hole they never got out of yesterday.  2nd half of the game was better than the first.  MSU did put away two other #1 seeds on the way to playing last night.

I prefer watching college sports over pro sports.  Anything can happen on any given day, and the game seems more honest.

No, I'm not going to eat grits.  Maybe a pasty.....

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Posted by mitchelr on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 5:18 AM

Morning Folks,

Just stopping in for a quick cup. Had a good dusting of snow overnight.  I have had enought\ of the wet cold weather for the time being.  I want spring to come. 

Never did get pics of the standard gauge set taken.  Maybe this weekend.  Need to get  transformer to use with this set.  Looking for MTH Z750 or Z1000.  Probably will wait until York and then won't have to pay shipping. 

Have a great day.


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Posted by laz 57 on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 6:20 AM


  29 and a bit o snow here this morning.  Not sticking, but it is cold.  To get to 48?

GOLF tomorrow to get to 60.  Our start to spring training.

Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by jonadel on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 6:41 AM

Good Morning Gentlemen and Mr. Tar Head, Heel, Foot

The BB players were seniors by elegibility standards, go ahead and send me their names as they appear on the commencement program this May.  In all honesty, I do hope they graduate, if you remember correctly Indiana had one of the highest graduation rates for their BB players.  Did I like Mr. Knights escapades, no but I did like his idea about having his players graduate.


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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 7:07 AM

Good morning all,

IIABSDISEI with temps in the 50s.


Buckeye, I meant no disrespect nor did I mean to touch a nerve.  Obviously, I did and I apologize.  55 years is a long time to grieve and sometimes eternity is not long enough. 


Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 7:41 AM

Good Morning from sunny but cool (35°F) Southern Ohio

We had spitting snow yesterday, but it is pretty out now.  I have one load of laundry on the line one in the washer and another ready to go.  I am taking the next three days off, mostly to prepare for the upcoming services.  I am going to “sing” part of the service on Saturday night called the Exhaultant, and I am very nervous about it.  I am not a very good singer, but as it says, make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Old Timer – Loved the chalk story!

Brent – I like the town mock up.  Would cutting the pieces so you have fronts with an inch or two of side wall get the appearance you want.  You could cheat the depth and have twice as many structures.  Then go the 3”extension for as much walk space as needed to be able to get back there.  I think a wider street gives you more options for details in the town.

May God bless



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Posted by ChiefEagles on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 7:49 AM

Morning all.  Yankees tried to send their fridget temps to us REBS but we ran it back.  Never got to freezing as the forcasters had thought.  Approve  Sun is out and temps warming fast.  Don't think I will get time to transplant plants into garden today.  Will do tomorrow.  Should not go below freezing from now until late fall.  Got meeting with big Raleigh Mayor at 1 and Regional transprotation meeting at Rolesville Town Hall [we are hosting] at 7.  Got to get my traveling car shipped. 

Mike C.  Know you are proud of Lucus. 

Hope all have a great day.   

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Ole Timer on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:23 AM


Ole Timer - thanks! I'm actually looking for advice though - should I extend the upper level 0", 3", or 6"?  Is the lack of depth going to be an issue with people viewing the town?

It's hard to make that call without being there and looking at the layout in all positions ... but it seems if it's not low enough it will be too darn close and you'd have to bend and peek under ... man that's one I don't want to advise .

Darn weathering powders doubled in price ! Banged Head

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Posted by dwiemer on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:40 AM

Good Morning all!

Did some catching up on this chatty bunch.  Not a basketball type, but enjoy the barbs passed for the faithful.  Not much going on today.  Mostly an administrative day.  I made up some forms for performance evaluations for the department.  Always best to take care of matters before others do it for you.  They never appreciate the depth of what you do when they have no idea, yet they control the purse strings.

RT, we tolerate a lot of things down these parts, but bad behavior is not one of them.  A lady should be treated like a lady.  Anything less is offensive.  (I am not taking your comment as an attack, just clarifying my thoughts)Wink

Well, I am trying to be a good boy and not purchase a few good deals I have seen lately.  Want to save my coins for York.  One question regarding York/Lionel, etc.  I have yet to send my Legacy system in for the "upgrade".  I wanted to wait to make sure it was going to work from other's experience.  Should I see if Lionel wants me to bring it along and just hand it to them, or should I go through the process with Lionel's corporate office?  I have several command engines, but no Legacy engines.  I hope to change that when up there.

Chief, hope they get the murder solved quickly.  Sorry to hear about that little girl in Florida.  I rarely watch the news these days, but heard about it through others.  Sad state of affairs we are in these days.

God Bless,



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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:42 AM

Good Morning, Sun finally came back, going to near 50.

No plans for the day so I will just see how it goes..S.J.

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Posted by phillyreading on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:45 AM

Good Morning,

Went to council meeting yesterday about road paving at county commision building. Proposed costs are going to be around $15,500.00(per house) to pave roads out here in unincorporated Palm Beach County, that is if they get 51% or more homeowners to sign up to pave the roads. At first I was under the impression that the cost was going to be about $7500.00 per house, so I said that the homeowners out here can not afford that kind of money during these hard economic times, plus we were just hit up for $8200.00 for water about two years ago. The area in question if anybody wants to know is the Ranchettes near FL turnpike exit 93 and Blanchette Dr. in Palm Beach County.

Along with that the electric company wants to increase the bill by $12.00 a month on the base rate and seeking an 8% increase for fuel.

Had some cold weather overnight again, got down to mid 40's here in West Palm Beach area, still no rain.

Lee F.


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Posted by cnw1995 on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 9:11 AM

Morning all. Cold and sunny here - sending more cold air east - sorry. Good class last night. Better conversation with Charlie, Sir J and Brutus on the long train ride home.

Buckeye, sorry your friend is fading. Thought of you - started reading Flags of Our Fathers...

Mike C and Kurt, I'm trying to record an F1 race to watch what all the fuss is about. I saw Indy live once and it was something - though to me, racing still = NASCAR...

Dennis, from your mention, it sounds like that missing girl in FL was found, sadly. Been praying for that situation.

Jim Stur-Fish, I think you'll sound great this weekend doing the singing prayer. Will be thinking of you Sun. morn.

John F, I'm sorry for your loss. 61 is too young. Is that HO layout for your grand fully up?

Brent, I've been pondering your photos. Do you have any extra cardstock to visualize how the town will look on the layout? I'm not sure of your visitor's viewing angle - you can compress things pretty thoroughly if they see the town from an angle. ie practically no street at all -  I've been really studying an article by Frank Ellison in my 1948 copy of Model Builder - he has a lot of visual tricks from his theater experience. As Jim mentioned, cutting the buidlings can work - but I'm not sure you want to do that - if viewed from the side, the full building usually looks too big - there's no space to help establish its scale. Oh boy, I do go on. Sorry.

Sox win! Sox win! They're number one - for a day.

Almost forgot, Lee, for what it's worth, that figure's comparable with what I've heard for here (very high labor costs, etc) - but with sewers and town water also included.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by dbaker48 on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 9:38 AM

Good Morning, 

Been a few days, I'm sure everyone missed me.  As I would expect lots has been going on.  I've been kinda busy, work stuff, and then in the free time been really banging my head with the Session programming stuff.  I would do something and then think, I wonder if that will work.  Then try that and something else pops up, how about this.  And so it goes.

Overall, the programming capability is really a lot of fun.  I put a thread up with some of the major things I have discovered.  And probably the most significant factor is the ability to create a program with any command equiped engine on the layout.  The only thing I find lacking is not being able to creat a session and saving it to a pc, then being able to have a backup.

Had my 15 minutes of fame this past weekend.  Was interviewed on a Radio Computer talk show about printers and ink.  For three days the phone has been ringing off the hook, people wanting advice on various products, and how to make their printers work without ink.  Then today will be doing a presentation for a computer club up in Ray's neck of the woods.  And, was invited to be a speaker at a regional conference in San Diego in May.  So, doing everything I can to try to keep things afloat during these times.  Retire????  What's That ???  (Better stop this topic, I'll say some stuff that won't make people verry happy.)

 Did have one major pile up last night.  Chris and I did a recording, and one switch was not in the correct position when we initiated the session.  So we ad libed the sequence and it worked fine.  Then when we later did the playback, we didn't restore the errant switch to the wrong initial position, so during the playback the swing of the Lionel Big Boy got in the way of the oncoming J Series, fortunately no major damage, just some nerves.  One thing about doing these recordings, I see lots of potential for multiple people involvement.  Whether it be doing numerous engines simultaneously, or assigning various tasks; engineer, switchman, yardmaster, accessory opereator, etc..  Would be interesting in a club environment as well.

Hope everyone has a great day!  Suppose to be raining here today, but sun is shinning and just a few clouds around.  

OH, fair warning for the Tardis Crew.  Wife was startled the other day when the meter reader came into the back yard to check the gas meter.  So I hung a cow bell on the side gate, so that any intruders were well announced.  (Probably will drive the neighbor nuts.)  But it works well !!


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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 10:29 AM

Dennis it wasn't ment to be. It was ment as a joke and I agreed with you and the chief acually even thou not stated as If you read my post I told doug to accidently on purpose invite said youngester and just happen to be one answering door that night . I left the rest for him to figure out how he wanted to get the young mans mind in the right mode when it comes to a lady. As to the commrent to you I was saying you can be just as (can't think of right word( but way to get even sounds good) to the young man for droping her I acually hope he relizes after the fact how big of a mistake he made and regrets it for a very long time. I was kinda thinking if he did show up having a cattle prod in hand might be a good attention getterBig Smile

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Posted by dougdagrump on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 10:40 AM

Mornin Folkks,

Just a quick drive by before heading out to backyard again.

Thought I would post this for everybody's enjoyment:


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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 10:49 AM

 Good (Late) Morning:

Jon - Did you get my reply email?

For those interested in BBQing and Grilling, have you been to The Smoke Ring BBQ Forum at ? I found it interesting. Check out the Avatars.Laugh

Has anyone compared types of smokers, Vertical, Horizontal, Separate Fire and Cooking Boxes?

Jon - Hasty Bake appears to have a single fire and cooking box, but I can't tell for sure from their web pictures. Checked out They have both vertical and horizontal.ConfusedConfused


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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:14 AM


Mornin Folkks,

Just a quick drive by before heading out to backyard again.

Thought I would post this for everybody's enjoyment:



Thanks Doug. I did enjoy this layout. Yours? What impressed me was it was built in 8 months! And really long trains - 166 cars. And built by one person.


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Posted by jonadel on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 11:52 AM


I did get your email, thanks.  My Hasty Bake is horizontal and is big enough to get 3 racks of ribs on plus a huge oven proof bowl for the beans Cool   It has served me very well for 12 years, it's so versatile and that's what I like, you can crank up the coals rack and do steaks or lower it all the way down and smoke anything.  Several years ago at Thanksgiving I was determined to do a smoked turkey for the family, found a terrific recipe that is not difficult but the bird needs to be in a brine bucket overnight with lots of fruit spices, no biggie.  My wife was apprehensive to say the least so she does a 2nd turkey in the oven which is always wonderful, we time everything perfectly so everything is done at the same time.  We put both platters of turkey on the table and the reaction was hilarious, hardly anyone took hers but mine was devoured Big Smile  Now we only do the smoked turkey, she trusts me plus the leftovers are amazing---I think cold smoked turkey is a real  treat.

Most commercial smokers do the vertical type units as they are doing huge amounts of meat.  If I was doing competitions that's what I would get but then it wouldn't be as much fun.  I watch a lot of cooking show competitions and I'm amazed at what some BBQ teams will do, pretty cool but not for me. 


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 1:05 PM


Brent, I've been pondering your photos. Do you have any extra cardstock to visualize how the town will look on the layout? I'm not sure of your visitor's viewing angle - you can compress things pretty thoroughly if they see the town from an angle. ie practically no street at all -  I've been really studying an article by Frank Ellison in my 1948 copy of Model Builder - he has a lot of visual tricks from his theater experience. As Jim mentioned, cutting the buidlings can work - but I'm not sure you want to do that - if viewed from the side, the full building usually looks too big - there's no space to help establish its scale. Oh boy, I do go on. Sorry.

Doug, Jim and Jon - The picture was taken from where the visitors will be walking on the 'closed' end of the layout (there is no exit you have to reverse course and exit from whence you came). So the 'Viewing Angle' would be if you turn 1/4 turn to the left, or if you can squeeze between the layout and the wall. The gas station in the town mockup would be nestled inside the far inside curve facing toward the inside of the layout. As for cutting the buildings... I really don't want to do that because of their cost and you will be able to see the town from an angle (see the sides of the buildings) so chopping them would look odd. I bought some luan at Lowes yesterday so I should be able to start building the base for the town and then mock it up on the layout to better illustrate all this. I'm not too worried about cutting the luan because the 6" extension would be mostly on the upper ledge, so if I decide to cut it down it is simply a matter of removing the ledge and cutting it on the table saw. Getting additional pictures is tough because of the size of the bin and set box the track mockup is resting on... I'll try and fix that tonight and take better pictures...

EUREKA!!!!! How about this:
Go with the 6 inch extension, but instead of having the lower tracks bumped out from the upper tracks, have them underneath like a tunnel but with the exterior tunnel wall removed?

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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 3:01 PM


Buckeye, I meant no disrespect nor did I mean to touch a nerve.  Obviously, I did and I apologize.  55 years is a long time to grieve and sometimes eternity is not long enough. 

Mike...I did not take it that you were being disrespectful in any way shape or form.  No apology is necessary. 

Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum. Smile, Wink & Grin

Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..

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