Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats Locked

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Posted by Wes Whitmore on Monday, May 4, 2009 7:09 AM


I spent most of yesterday repairing a crushed 3" drain pipe that my sump pump and gutters use to get to the street.  Apparently someone thought it was a good idea to plant a tree right on top of it.  It has been like this for a while.  When the sump pump ran, water flowed up out of the down spouts like old faithful...not a real good situation.  A couple hours of digging and PVC work later and all is fixed.  The joys of being a homeowner!

Have a great day, and thanks to all who have gave congratulations and even said a little prayer for us...we are very appreciative.


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Posted by cheapclassics on Monday, May 4, 2009 6:45 AM

Good morning all,

It is partly cloudy and warmer today in SE Indiana.  Lots of meetings at work today.  Long day ahead and probably won't accomplish anything.  All pays the same.  I had bran muffins on the dining for breakfast and sent them to "Points East".  Also sending a second section to "Points North" as well.  Beacon will be lit after "Dancing with the Stars" tonight.  I hope everyone has a good day.  Track opens tomorrow.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by anjdevil2 on Monday, May 4, 2009 4:30 AM

 Good EARLY Morning

Up early as I have MUCH work to do at...WORK!

Friday night had early birthday celebration at Dave & Busters for the Princess, she turns 17 Thursday.  She got tickets to "Wicked", which she will see on Thursday.

Saturday was the last day for the LTS, like RR Charley said.  Lot's of people stopped by lots more spent money to help "clean out" the store.  There is more to be done, but most of the "work" has been completed.  Went out for ice cream later that night.  Like RRCharlies sez, I'll be looking more on the internet for stuff, now the store is gone.

Sunday had the memorial service, more like a gathering, I was early and stayed until last.  Went home and made roast beef, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner with Chicago style Italian bread.  Early bed time for me - so much to do.

It's about 58 now and going up to 85 later & partly cloudy.

Wes - congas on the home!

Laz - prayers for your family!

See ya later!

I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
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Posted by ChiefEagles on Sunday, May 3, 2009 11:40 PM

Well, two MTH diesels upstairs charging since 6 PM.  Hope that does it.  Batteries charging????  TMCC and Legacy do not need a battery. Whistling  Watched a movie and reclinerized.  Just woke up as Lucy needed to go out.  Lucy is a real card at the lake.  She has to be riden on the golf cart each time you take a break while doing chores/projects.  Also, as a last thing before going to bed at night.  She runs to the golf cart, jumps into the floor and up on the seat beside Dad.  Rides there.  Sometimes you return and she just sits on the seat waiting for another ride.  No golf cart riding in Roseyville.  She wants to go back to the lake house real bad.  Well. time to go check those engines.  One has a charging port so it is on my MTH charger.  The other does not so it is sitting [smoke and sound off] on a siding powered up.  

Good night all.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the bed bugs bite or the Ioway Flu get you.

PS: maybe time to start a new "Pot".  First of the month and so on.  ??????? 

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by MichRR714 on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:28 PM

 Busy weekend here....Yard work all say Saturday...Today fixed my mother-in-laws toilet, assembled shelving to organize the garage...celebrated Mom's and Sister's birthday.

Nice weather...and no swine flu yet.. Life is good :)


Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)      


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Posted by Brutus on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:15 PM

Rained here this afternoon.  Picked up some supplies from Home Depot for the basement, got home around 1:30.  Thought about taking a nap, but then we got a call and birthday party was moved up for our friends' kid, so did that instead.  Full of cake, but they didn't have any icecream!  Tardis is ready - ttfn!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:10 PM

Good evening all,

It was a surprisingly nice day in SE Indiana.  Did not do much.  Tired.  Did go to the YMCA for weights and an outside walk.  Watched Housewvies.  Read the Watchmen Saturday night.  Good book and great movie.  I had bran muffins on the dining car.  Beacon is lit.  Practice at track starts Tuesday.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:01 PM

Quick drive-by.

Wes - Congrats on the house! When can we expect to see track being laid for the much anticipated Buckeye To Wes's extension? (I didn't forget).

SJ - sorry for the confusion on the other thread. Thumbs Up

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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:32 PM

Good Evening

A beautiful sunny day. I spent some time outside and also visited another birthday party. I passed  on the food so I would have room for ice cream and cake.

No trains today. Banilla is waiting for those who are ready. Brutus fire up the thingy..S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by RRCharlie on Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:26 PM

Well, I start an unintended one month vacation this week. Enrollment for my class did not rise to the point of meeting. Will miss the money, but will be nice to have some time to do other things. Went to a reception in honor of Dave Caplan this afternoon. Dave was the owner of the Train Works, Rich's and my LTS. Yesterday was the last day the store was open for business. I no longer have a LTS so will be doing purchases by phone and internet to satisfy my cravings.

I hope to get some work done on updating the train room this week. Happy May to all!!!!

Mel Hazen; Jax, FL Ride Amtrak. It's the only way to fly!!!

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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:25 PM


  Rained most of day today so was forced to run on treadmill today.  Did an easy 4 miles while watching GOLF.  Oh well is done and in the back pocket.  Later,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by SPMan on Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:52 PM

Afternoon all, Went to TTOS Southwestern Meeting this AM but could not stay long account had to get home in time for church.  Not much of interest to me anyway but lots of stuff for sale.  Might take a look at the bay this afternoon against my better judgement.  Have a good week Y'all.













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Posted by ChiefEagles on Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:33 PM


Got in about 3 PM.  Had to mow the backyard as it had grown.  Front looks good for now.  Resting up.  Now to find some chow.  Later.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by cnw1995 on Sunday, May 3, 2009 2:38 PM

 Afternoon all. Gorgeous day here - never got online yesterday had a baseball and soccer game with the youngest, cutting and piling brush for pick-up, dinner with friends. Long day at church today serving as video director. Tough to help the middle boy out with a paper on such a beautiful afternoon.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by Ole Timer on Sunday, May 3, 2009 12:05 PM

 RAIN ... RAIN .... RAIN ..... Sigh  ....

 Picked up an atlas train station and platform along with an atlas yard tower .... it's getting there .... just a few more items ... then the pulling out the hair routine starts ... and I keep losing some to the shower every week ...

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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:51 AM


  54 and a rainy day here today.  Might have to run trains later?  All have a good one.

Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:43 AM


             I have to get the postwar layout back together.  I'll probably start on it today.


           Congrats on the new house.  When you build your new layout, make it modular.  That way, if you ever need to take it down, you won't be back to square one when you put it back together (like me).Disapprove

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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:40 AM



        Sorry to hear about your SIL.  Regarding fishing, I feel your pain.  I have caught 6 fish this season, and my friend has somehow managed to catch 28 fish so far.ShockAngry  We have had very good results with wax worms.  We tried meal worms as well, but they don't seem to work quite as good as wax worms.  Got about five hours in last night and three today.


           IE8 takes some getting used to.  Also, if you are running Windows XP with Service Pack 3, the Internet Explorer icon might disappear from your desktop.

Finals are over, and I am just waiting on grades.  I don't have to work until Friday, so I will relax this week.


  I'm with you on the trout for this year.  Only caught 9 while BRO is at 13.  Worst year ever for us.  We are using mealworms, and catching lots o chubs, and whitefish.  I think the early start that they give us has lots to do with it.  Everyone north of us comes down here and fishes then 2 weeks later they have their own opening day.  By that time all our fish are gone.  Also we use to get more fish down here, now they took off one whole stocking and cut a bunch of fish out of the other stockings.  Heck we use to catch fish, trout, until July 18th down here, now tough to find any in May.  Might have to become a Bass fisherman?


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Brutus on Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:18 AM

sir james I

Wives seem to feel better about things they think they made us do. I don't know about this just volunteering stuff. It appears that it's not a good idea.

Bow  Words of Wisdom!  Laugh

8nTruck - we were running into that at my old house and it was tree roots mixed with the washing machine - have you had your line roto-rooted?

Wes - go with gargraves flex track and Ross switches, you won't be sorry!  I hear Ross track is really nice too, btw.

Today, I plan to finish off that return vent and put in the 8 inch ducting to connect it all together.  I had originally planned to use flex-ducting, but after some thought, I am going to take that back and get some of the solid stuff for this return.  I think I need about 4 pieces and it's about $10 a section.  I'll return the flex though and so that will offset most of that cost.  Also need some low expansion spray foam to seal up the vent boxes I built.  I used some metal tape here and there to make stuff fit, but there are some gaps around the metal studs that I want to fill.

Then, we are going to a birthday party for some friends' daughter this evening at Chili's, yummy!  I think I shall indulge in a couple adult beverages!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:58 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill....

It is a cloudy 54 degrees. Rained this morning. Need some sunshine.

Today is a quiet day. So far. I plan on taking it easy and watching the ballgame in the train room. While running trains.

LAZ.....Sorry to hear about your SIL. Prayers out for you and your family.

Wes.....Good luck with your new home.  Now THE question is... What kind of track are you going to use for your new layout ?? May I recommend " tubular ". It's the best. That ought to open a big can of "ideas". LOL

Dining car was here for the usual breakfast and then departed for " Points West".

Y'all have a great Sunday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, May 3, 2009 8:56 AM

Good morning

Wes, I hope you enjoy your new home.

Sunny and going to near seventy today. It was in the sixty's yesterday but the wind made it feel a lot colder. No wind today.

Wives seem to feel better about things they think they made us do. I don't know about this just volunteering stuff. It appears that it's not a good idea.

Enjoy your sunday...S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by Roger Bielen on Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:16 AM


.  Sedalia is a town of 20,000 or so and the sewers in my neighborhood are closing in on being 100 or so years old.  .

Would that be Sedalia, Missouri?  Way back when, I used to get out there at least once a quarter to meet with  the folks at a facility the company had.  If I recall correctly there were a couple of pretty good steak houses in town.  Are the remains of the old train facility still sitting and rotting away?

Roger B.
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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:13 AM

 Dennis - Frogs Legs and Grits. Now there's a meal worth fighting over! Brings back memories of frog gigging with my son when we had the lake cottage years ago.

Wes - Congratulations on your move. Hope this is the beginning of a long love affair.

Brutus - Couldn't you find a more comfortable, secluded place to take a 4 Hr. nap? Like the Tardis?

green 97probe -  Relaxing for a few days for me would include trains. How about you?

8ntruck - You posted at 1:54 AM? You must be a night owl.

Its been raining here off and on for two days and forecast to continue for at least two more, and heavy today. The pastures love it! I love it! Time today to check out the SPF thread, both Forums and play with the trains. Life is great!


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Posted by 8ntruck on Sunday, May 3, 2009 12:51 AM

Mostly cloudy today.  Looks like it might be starting to dry out a little.

Saturday shopping in the morning, followed by scrubbing the basement floor.  Got it about 1/2 done.  Fans and dehumidifiers running at full blast.  It is starting to get better. Grilled hambergers for dinner with corn on the cob.  Watched a movie with my wife, then the last 100 or so laps of the NASCAR race.

Patrick - back flow preventers, flap valves, or check valves.  Yup, I'm doing research on them.  Since it looks like the city is using my basement for a storm water surge tank, I'll call them next week and see if they will help out with the cost of one of these things. Supposedly, the sewer system is designed to have the capacity for a 100 year storm before backing up.  I'll write the back up last September off to that, but not the three that happened last week.  Sedalia is a town of 20,000 or so and the sewers in my neighborhood are closing in on being 100 or so years old.  There are not a whole lot of resources available to keep things updated.  An article in the paper stated that a survey and evaluation of the sewer system is planned over the next couple of years.  I suspect a check valve will be my best bet.

Brutus - the trains are safely up in the third floor attic - under a new roof.  Sounds like you had fun with your duct work today.  Why don't you do something more enjoyable Sunday, like rewiring your car's dashboard.

Sturgeon Phish - I know what you mean.  A long time ago, I stopped off and bought flowers on my way home from work for my wife for no other reason than I felt like it and thought that she would enjoy them.  I got home only to face the interrogation about what did I do, or what was I about to do wrong, and what was I apologizing for?  Go figure. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 2, 2009 10:55 PM


        Sorry to hear about your SIL.  Regarding fishing, I feel your pain.  I have caught 6 fish this season, and my friend has somehow managed to catch 28 fish so far.ShockAngry  We have had very good results with wax worms.  We tried meal worms as well, but they don't seem to work quite as good as wax worms.  Got about five hours in last night and three today.


           IE8 takes some getting used to.  Also, if you are running Windows XP with Service Pack 3, the Internet Explorer icon might disappear from your desktop.

Finals are over, and I am just waiting on grades.  I don't have to work until Friday, so I will relax this week.

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Posted by laz 57 on Saturday, May 2, 2009 10:16 PM


  Just got done with fire with BRO, had burgers and dogs GOOD!!!  Prior to this went TROUT FISHIN,  BRO caught and released 7, me caught and released 3 so not bad for 2.5 hrs of fishin.  He kicked my a&&.



  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Brutus on Saturday, May 2, 2009 10:15 PM

Big congrats Wes!  What a great deal, glad you are all moved in!  That's the worst job in the world!

Got a lot done today.  Lay sideways in a closet and worked through a 16 inch opening to cut out the bottom 10 inches from two steel studs just under another outlet and then built in place a box out of steel studs and some sheet metal to act as a return vent box.  Wish I had known the return vents would be where they are now, because this would have been 10,000 times easier to do before I had drywall up!  Banged Head  Then, after a fun 5 hours of playing around in on that, I went out and mowed the yard - after all that rain, it was about 6 inches tall and still wet, but it's going to rain again tomorrow so it had to be done.

Just had nice talks with Jim and Kurt and also watched the new Ron White DVD.  It's great but very very R-Rated!  Just FYI - my wife and I are still laughing!

Pizza and salad for dinner - room for banilla!  I'm pretty sore, so Mike you are on my man!  You drive and I'll watch the scope!  Tardis is ready to roll.  I have some Old Mills too, so swing by and see if Laz is still up!?

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Saturday, May 2, 2009 9:52 PM

Congratulations Wes!  I'll be over tomorrow to start building the biggest layout in Ohio.  We can make that 40,000 sq. ft. museum layout look tiny with your money. 


Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum. Smile, Wink & Grin

Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..

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Posted by Wes Whitmore on Saturday, May 2, 2009 9:47 PM

Just sitting down in front of the TV in my new house.  We are finally moved in!  Both sets of grandparents are here, and no one is on the couch!  Jack's first night in a big boy bed...crib is already in storage.  The new train layout will begin shortly in the future...but Beth has some things for me to do first...pretty exciting day to say the least.


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