Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats Locked

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Posted by 8ntruck on Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:25 PM

Lionroar - I was wondering how your plumbing project turned out. Sorry about your difficulties.  I finally got far enough along that I could check my vent stack plumbing job from last week for leaks. Found that the hubless connector between the old iron pipe and new plastic was leaking.  New fitting fixed it. 

Chief - great viedo.

Fife - sounds like you had quite an adventure.  I think taxi drivers are the same the world over.  I had a memorable ride in Budapest - trolly tracks, sidewalks.....

Rained just about all weekend here.  Not much ambition today.  The pot roast I cooked on the gas grill turned out well - even though I ran out of gas half way through. 

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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:28 PM


  Rain held off so got grass mowed.  Ran a nice 4 miles with dog, wife walked.   Came home got a call from my budddy BILL.  He wants to buy my Lionel Mohawk #18009 so sold him it now have $$$ for YORK.  Watched DRAG RACING on ESPN2  pretty good but now I'm tired so beddie time.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by fifedog on Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:38 PM

88"mon" - According to the locals, when AIR JAMAICA went belly-up, the other carriers simply couldn't keep up with the void...  The thing with AA is how they dig in to spite themselves, instead of rising to the occasion.  If you know you're not going to be able to fly people in a timely manner, offer them alternatives like Cape Air or a ferry.  AA wouldn't even release folks luggage so that they could make other accomadations.

Chief - Not watching for bikinis. Watching for tall-masted mainsails.

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Posted by dwiemer on Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:51 PM

Hey Dad, I mean Doug!  Glad you had a good time with the Mrs.  Sounds like you know what you have there.
Fife-Mon, glad you had a good time with your Mrs.  Glad you at least had a few days of enjoyment despite AA best attempts to shatter the trip.  I would certainly look up corporate and send a letter.  Who knows, perhaps they will try to win back your favor.

Chief, not to worry, you can sleep for the trip.  I do have those dozen eggs the kids colored for Easter that I have to finish.....nah, couldn't do that to a friend.  Looking forward to it though.  Really need this time away from work.  Would love to have brought the family, but son has testing and daughter has recital practice.

Well, had a decent day.  Slept till 0700 and then got ready for early church.  Was not scheduled for any media stuff, but did step in to operate main camera as the guy who was to do it was also giving testimony.  Also did it tonight as we have some new guys, but they are not up to the task.  Really takes it's toll on my back and neck.  A little medicine and I hope I'll be OK by morning.  Speaking of morning, I have the first case at O dark Early, so I'll sign off.  Hope everyone has a great week ahead.
God Bless,



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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:09 PM

Good Evening

Cloudy and a gloomy 56 today. Light rain now.

I have Brutus and RT on the chat line talking about food so now I am hungry. My wifes turn to have a cold just as I am getting over a "bug" sure hope the cold stays away from me. Banilla is  ready so off we will go in the Tardis...S.J.

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Posted by wrmcclellan on Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:28 PM

Evening all!

Fifer - sounds like your camera had as interesting as a trip as you did? Have you taken a GOOD look at ALL the photos on that thing?????

Leaving Tuesday early for York. Looks like there will be a good crowd of us there.

Spent the entire day cleaning the front flower (ah- weed beds) beds out today. I actually had other plans but SWMBO struck quickly with we need mulch and the monkey grass dug out. The monkey grass is now history and awaiting pickup by the city bulk trash truck tomorrow. Got the beds cleaned, weeded, and remulched while the missus plated new flowers. Also mowed, trimmed bushes, and weed wacked. So it is all good until this time next year!

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. I'll be running errands on my day off and packing for York.

Regards, Roy

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:06 PM

Good night all.  Patrick, yes and I know he is a Yankee.  With a "name" like that confirms it. Laugh

Buckeye, you have not mentioned page 16 of April 09 Trains

Shake and Bake is not posting.  No reply to my addition to his thread about book on DCS.

Sleep tight. 

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by mitchelr on Monday, April 20, 2009 4:55 AM

 Morning to All,

Been fighting a cold/sinus thing all weekend. Slept most of the day Saturday after a late night at school Friday.  There was an Art Show featuring students' work which was was really nice.   The Mrs. is gearing up her her trip to FL, she leaves Wednesday night to go to my folks house near the airport and flies out early Thursday AM.  I am looking forward to York. My buddy is going to meet me there Thursday afternoon instead of coming up on Wednesday as usual. HIs Dad just had surgery on his back about two weeks ago and he is the main care giver, plus he has a big old dog who doesn't make out too well at the kennel any more.  Hope this sinus thing is over by Thursday.

Like LAZ I did get the grass mowed so I will not have to fight with that this week. Supposed to be rainy and raw for the beginning of this week.  Thursday and Friday look good so far.

Well, I need to get movin as I have another early meeting.

Take care,


Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839

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Posted by laz 57 on Monday, April 20, 2009 6:19 AM


  45 and a bit rainy here today to get to 49.  YORK WEEK!!!!!!

Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Monday, April 20, 2009 6:41 AM

Morning all from wet overcast Southern Ohio,

Another busy weekend.  My grass and mu friends grass all cut.  That pretty well shot Saturday.  Then Sunday, three services, the grandkids and daughter had an eight hour pass from her drug rehab Sunday.  Like a three ring circus!

Sound like a lot are gearing up for York.  When you see American Flyer think of me, I wish I were there!  It does look like I'll make the fall show.

Well need to get to work.  You all are in my prayers

May God bless


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Posted by cheapclassics on Monday, April 20, 2009 6:50 AM

Good morning all,

It is rainy and cooler in SE Indiana with temps in the 50s.  Watched "Desperate Housewives" last night.  Good show.  Not much else to report.  Good luck shopping for all those going to York.  Beacon is lit and I can drive.  Amazing what you can do without thumbs!  I had the regular fare on the dining car this morning.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by dwiemer on Monday, April 20, 2009 7:34 AM

Good Morning all.  Got just one case this morning and then I head to the house and get ready for York.  Downloaded map and directions to York via Rolesville.  Have some kind of big dignetary to pick up.  I have driven some pretty big names in the car, but this may be the top.

From Laz's report, the temps seem high enough for shorts.  I will bring both, but prefer to be comfortable if I am walking around for 3 days.  knee has been acting up, so I will bring some meds.  Now, lets see:  Camera-check, Clothes-check, Gas in car- Check, Red Bull for the drive-Check, plenty of room in trunk and back seat for trains-Check, Enough money to pay for trains in trunk and back seat-  Well, maybe not.  At least not that SWMBO knows aboutWhistling

Looking forward to catching up with yet more members here.  BTW, Chief, was that Dr. John in the revival video?.... I know, just kidding.  Ray is actually from Albany, GA at one point.

Well, gotta run.




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Posted by dwiemer on Monday, April 20, 2009 7:43 AM

Oh, almost forgot, Chief, Congratulations on Miss North Carolina being crowned Miss America!Thumbs Up



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Posted by fifedog on Monday, April 20, 2009 8:15 AM

Mornin' boys.  Raining and 50 on the "Mon"-day (one last time) morning here in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Back to work this afternoon.  Wifey already talking about going on a Cruise ship (she absolutely loved seeing the Princess Emerald), but she wants to wait 'til one docks at our marine terminal (good job, AA...)

Roy - Nothing interesting showed up on the digital, and pretty sure nothing "interesting" went out on the web. Smile,Wink, & Grin  After we got the Boomerang Cybershot back (the 2nd time), I was no longer entrusted to secure same.  Which was fine by me, as never comfortable with the strap over my shoulder thingie.

dwiemer - If you notice your fuel mileage going south after Roseyville stop, make someone dump out his stash of GRITS.  If you tell him he has to pay for fuel for remainder of trip, he'll dispose of them post-haste.  It will be cool meeting you finally.

Speaking of COOL, Lawson Farms - I can't get enough of the post race footage from Phoenix.  Feel good story of the year.

Did you all see that BK gave us a PLUG for Friday...fancy graphics and everything!

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Posted by cnw1995 on Monday, April 20, 2009 8:35 AM

 Morning all from a wet and gloomy Chicago - weather which I am sending on east. May you guys fortunate to go to York have a safe journey there and back and find the things you want! Can't wait to hear your stories.

Can't imagine cutting the grass already. It's just beginning to turn green. Roy, why are you cutting out what sounds like perfectly good green stuff (monkey grass?) - I need everything green I can get to live. Smile

Worked for just an hour yesterday on a buddy's layout. It's the one I've been working on for seeming-forever as he retro-fits an elevated loop into the existing scenery. I'm small or limber enough to crawl about atop things without being Godzilla. think we're just about done - then he can re-wire things. 

Picked up a lighted-station platform - maybe install tonight. 

Fife-mon and Patrick I was thrilled to see MM win Phoenix. Also watched part of F1 race!

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by sir james I on Monday, April 20, 2009 8:52 AM

Good Morning

It rained all nite and now we have lite rain and 50s.

I gave my wife some Nyquil last evening and she got up this morning and fixed me some breakfast, talking on the phone now so I guess thats better than yesterday.

I hope the weather for York is nice, things here are for warmer by thursday so maybe you guys will get warm too. Have a great Monday...S.J.

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Monday, April 20, 2009 9:14 AM

Morning.  Slept late [Lucy too].  Then ate breakfast.  Now getting ready to go to County Commissioners and then Mayor meal tonight [FREE steak].  Wifey is taking a radioactive pill today.  Then they check her thyroid tomorrow.  If it absorbes it, she has problems.  If not, it is a virus.  Praying it will be virus.  Chat later.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Ole Timer on Monday, April 20, 2009 9:17 AM

Lionroar ... thanks mills for that Myersville info ... my sister in- law lives there ... been there bucu times and did'nt know that existed !

Met a guy from ebay from my town by accident ... bidding ... has a whole room full of trains to sell ... invited me to come shop on site ... Thumbs Up ... holding my breath on another possible deal  ... another ole boy is dragging out his williams cab forward to check for condition to sell privately to me .

Fifedog ... sorry about all the stress on the camera ... but sounds like you all had a great time ! But it is good to have you back .... Smile,Wink, & Grin

Chief ole buddy ... all my wishes and prayers are with you and your lady ... just made a lil prayer for you all as i sit typing .

Raining like the devil here in Maryland ... darn it .... want to get that folding table back out under the maple tree and do detailing in the fresh air . Had a couple days of tearing apart .. painting out there ... was great .  That yo yo still holding shipment on my weathering kit .... I'm trying to be nice to him ... but .... Angry 

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Posted by laz 57 on Monday, April 20, 2009 10:26 AM


  All you YORKIEs.  Weather for this week,



Wednesday-showers then brightening.

Thursday-sunny 72.

Friday-75 warm.

Saturday-79 warmer.

Break out the shorts, boys.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by GregM on Monday, April 20, 2009 10:46 AM


You reminded me that I bought parts to refurb the kitchen faucet,  It whistles when the sprayer is used.  Also, the last time I "fixed" it, apparently I didn't get the 'O" rings just right.  Once in a while it wil leak when turned side-to-side.

Oh, by the way,

I hate plumbing also.

I would rather step in a boxing ring than tackle a plumbing job.  I really think the pain would be over faster.


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Posted by Ole Timer on Monday, April 20, 2009 11:23 AM

Brent .... teach it a song to whistle .... LOL . All jokes aside .... I hate plumbing too . I'm still getting air whooshes in system after new pump install .... Banged Head .

York trip got put on back burner this year I think .... just blew a hunk of change on a Williams Brass Cab Forward ... NIB . Among a bunch of low priced deals on ebay ... believe it or not ... finally getting wanted items cheap . Man those cab forwards are hard to find for sale .... nobody wants to give them up ! Took me months to get buddy on ebay to let it go .... saved hundreds though .

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 20, 2009 11:27 AM

Afternoon Fellas.

Ole Timer - Yeah I know what you mean about Walkersville Southern. I found it rather interesting that Fife never mentioned this either! It doesn't appear to be a very long line, but at $9.00 a ride I'll check it out. If you're game some Saturday drop me a PM or email.

Greg - I used to find plumbing relaxing... now I could do without it and the 'Why didn't you think of that?' 'Ummm maybe because I'm not a plumber?' Wink

Just got back to the office from stopping at Lowes and picking up enough PVC parts to do the drain in either 2" or 1.5" pipe (the drain is currently 2" which I like, but from the sink to the P-Trap I could do it in 1.5" to get some extra wiggle room).

CTT Forum Photo shoot will take place at 1PM. Meet at the CTT Booth at 1PM and we'll make our way outside once everyone arrives (typically by 1:15 or so).

Dress appropriately - temps in the Mid 70s so it will be warm. Short Sleeves and Shorts for me. Also wear VERY comfortable walking shoes.

Looking forward to meeting some of the forum members (new and old) who we've not had the pleasure of meeting before.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 20, 2009 11:28 AM

Ole Timer - don't put it on the back burner... at least come out for the comradarie!

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Posted by jonadel on Monday, April 20, 2009 12:08 PM


Fife--welcome back to the mainland, what an adventure, ugh.  We've done 3 cruises over the years and have enjoyed every one of them, from 4 days to 7 days.  I want to do two more:  one in Alaska and one through the Panama Canal.  After the last one 8 years ago we said let's just to one of those destinations and stay for 5-6 days, best decision we've ever made.  Cruises are great and they take care of your every need PLUS right now there are some unbelievable offers on the table.  We really did enjoy our 4 nights this March in the FL Keys, it was great fun to see the cruise ships come in and greater fun to see them leave Cool

Doug M--how about this wind today, Holy Cow, it's a good thing Chief isn't in Chicago or his hair would be in Lake Michigan Laugh

 Spent the weekend in MPLS and had a great time being with youngest son and bride to be, met the  parents of the future bride at a Twins game Sat. night and had a good time, in spite of $6.50 beer Thumbs Down Twins took care of the Anneheim Angels easily Thumbs Up

I'm really looking forward to the end of the school year, I turned down 3 opportunities last week to work with kids and directors, I would have been out every day----the next time I retire..........

Stay well!


So many roads, so little time. 


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Posted by anjdevil2 on Monday, April 20, 2009 12:27 PM

‘Afternoon boys....


Sorry I’ve been absent, Had a run in with some kidney stones Saturday morning and spent most of that day and Sunday in la la land.  Still not up to the task, but better.


Had some Chinese food last night, first full meal since Friday night....and that was good. Dinner


Fife – glad you’re back, sounds like you had a nice time...Smile,Wink, & Grin


Brent – be thankful your weren’t a fireman....(where I learned all my plumbing skills)Banged Head


Brutus & Chief -  Angel      for your wives.


Sorry I won’t be at York, I’ll be at Universal Friday Night and then Disney on Saturday.  I get in free on that should be fun.  Maybe in the Fall I’ll get to York.


If I missed someone/thing, I apologize, you all are a talkative bunch.


I actually forced myself to stay up and watch my Devils win against the ‘Canes last night, and just to make it worse, I stayed up to watch the Soprano’s “The Blue Comet” episode.


Stay well, I’ll be back later (or tomorrow...?)


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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 20, 2009 2:46 PM

anjdevil2 Kidney Stones = Not Fun

Been there done that. Don't wish to ever again

Congrats to your states beauty there chief she did you all proudThumbs Up

Chief and Brutus hope all turns out well for your wives.

This has been a terrible start of my vacation I seemed to pick up a stomach virus been doing a lot of sitting in the thinking room ever since 2 am. very weak and tired right now.

i'm eating for the first time today ( saltine crackers) Yes I'am also drinking for the first time . joints sore also well It will pass in a day or so I hope if not I do have a doctors appointment thursday.

hope all have a good time at York this week.

Have to take cat to get fixed wednesday. hope to run Gas line for stove and run electric line for it also (120v) and hook it up.

talk to you all later

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Posted by SPMan on Monday, April 20, 2009 3:36 PM

Morning all, roofing job all done but electrician came this morning and hooked up ceiling exhaust fan.  Only thing left to do is new skylight for kitchen which is on order.  Vacumned the whole house again today for about the 14th time.

Chief, loved your Ray Stevens video. Funny!  Reminds me of that other Southern comedian who is always telling stories about Marcel Ledbetter etc.  Can't think of his name right now.  He's a riot too.  Prayers for a good outcome for your wife.

Fife, glad you had a good trip.  Hope AA gets their act together cause I have all my free miles with them.

Wish I could go to York.  I envy all you guys on the East coast who can drive there.  I have been there at least 8 times in the past but don't want to spend what it cost anymore to get there and stay there.  I still have some Airline miles but I have health issues to deal with as well.  Just not a good time for me to go.  It sure would be fun to meet some of you guys though.

DBaker, where are you?  Hope all is well.

Brutus, make those guys get rid of all the empty beer cans left in the Tardis. 













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Posted by dougdagrump on Monday, April 20, 2009 3:58 PM

Ray & Don, Hope it's a bit cooler up your way. Thermometer just hit 104* and dry as a popcorn fart. At least the wind isn't howling like it was yesterday.

Anybody got any of the Trainman line flats ? Got some die cast trucks and such coming in and looking at whats available at a "reasonable" price and was looking at the 40' Weavers that Just Trains is unloading but they are only 2and 1/2 inches wide the same with the 41' MTH. Looking for the 2and3/4 inch wide cars as some of this stuff would leave to much overhanging the car sides.

Brutus, Be sure to recycle all those beer cans, that should cover maintenance costs and any "bail" charges when the crew gets a little out of control. Shock  Blindfold

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Posted by MichRR714 on Monday, April 20, 2009 4:48 PM

 SJ Hope Pat is doing better, same to Brutus' Char

Raining here in NJ today.  Weather for York is supposed to be great though!

Also to brighten my day the Lionel PM Berk Shipped today !!! :)))) 


Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)      


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Posted by Louisiana Southern Pacific on Monday, April 20, 2009 5:04 PM

"3-rail operators? I call my self a 2 railers with a spare!"

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