laz 57 wrote: Buckeye Riveter wrote: anjdevil2 wrote: Someone turn off the spigot, now PLEASE!!!!!TGIF..........Had the meeting today with the idiots. Were they from DA SOUTH?laz57
Buckeye Riveter wrote: anjdevil2 wrote: Someone turn off the spigot, now PLEASE!!!!!TGIF..........Had the meeting today with the idiots.
anjdevil2 wrote: Someone turn off the spigot, now PLEASE!!!!!
Someone turn off the spigot, now PLEASE!!!!!
TGIF..........Had the meeting today with the idiots.
Were they from DA SOUTH?
No, these were home grown on a rotten vine. One of them thinks since his grandaddy was an army general, he's one, too.
Morning everyone, I am loading the dinning car for points east. It is hard work un-loading four semi trucks full of food. Chuck and Mike eat more than Mr. Phelps, the swimmer.
Ninety one today with no rain. Hasn't rained good for over a month. The thunderstorms that knock down corn and trees have not appeared this year. Wish it would rain. An all day rain would be nice.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a sunny 60 degrees. Going up to 90 today with sunshine most of the day.
Today is a normal day ( so far ). I have some chores to do and then I will spend some time in the train room. Dusting time. Need to run train for awhile. Nascar race and ballgame on tonite.
I see Buckeye is up early. He should load up the Dining car. He ate all the goodies last night, for a snack. Dining car has arrived and it's time for breakfast. Then, it is off to " Points West ". Needs to stop for a few hours in Roger's Corners , to take care of 2nd breakfast. Poor Mike will have to eat what's left. Maybe we need two Dining cars.
Y'all have a great Saturday.
Well they did it....The lights are on in Wrigley Field!
2 parties today...not sure we'll make either. Bride's been on the 70+ hour routine, so family time is in order.
Brutus: I bet we could dole out that bottle of shine, or use it for Tardis fuel, and put the empty next to the reclinerizer. Chief's so busy / tired when he hits that thing, it won't take much to convince him he drank it. Nothing like a tapped pint of Guiness at 54-degrees.
Flowers watered...we need some rain. Hey Noah (anjdevil) redirect that spigot!
Mornin' boys. Mornin' English. Mornin' Gator-bait. Just coffee for me this AM. Have to work the State Fair in a little bit, and yes, I do avoid walking pass the swine judging contest area in this age of cell phone cameras... I would usually write that it is beautiful and 65 here in the Mid-Atlantic region, but that might be considered insensative to those climaticly challenged at this I won't. Had to go back and read 4 pages!
Jonadel - (Bud light voice) Here's to you, ol' transporter of the honored ashes, Mister Patriot Guard Ri-i-i-derrr...
Buckeye - I believe that offshore engineering degree factory is located somewheres near Duke.
60 and nice here. We too need rain. Ran my new Legacy UP FEF last nite, what a beauty of an engine. Just love it. Not much to do today, just pick some beans and make em up for lunch and do laundry.
FIFE, have fun at the FAIR. Remember don't eat to many CORN DOGs.
have a good one,
fifedog wrote: Have to work the Merryland State Fair in a little bit, and yes, I do avoid walking pass the swine judging contest area as I might win first prize.
Have to work the Merryland State Fair in a little bit, and yes, I do avoid walking pass the swine judging contest area as I might win first prize.
Morning all. Off to Miss Edna's in a few. Think we have Church bar-be-que meal tonight. Hope all is well with the FL gang. Send us some rain. Shake and Bake, I think the count is in your favor even after the suckup troops came out.
Have a great day. Later
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
75degrees at 8am,going to 90+,still no rain, too bad we can't even the rain out but this is normal here in Aug. but we are down 2 inchs for the month.
The Tardis was upside down? sorry about that,it happens every time I have more than two root beers. We did hve fun though. I think.
No plans for the day yet, think I might stay in.kind of hot. Enjoy your saturday...S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Good morning from St. Louis where it is 73 degrees and set to hit a high of 86 today with sunshine for my daughter's birthday party. I slept in a little after helping Laz polish off that 30 pack - thanks man! Luckily, I had some poptarts for breakfast, fudge type, and they are chock full of essential nutrients and vita-mings. Found my CTT and so far the cover looks good. Also got my Wood magazine yesterday, interesting project on the cover! Kurt, when I do start my layout, I'm going to be calling you a lot for advice on wiring the control panel.
Man - it's so weird to be home on a Saturday morning!
Kurt - do you think that Chuck or Buckeye noticed we raided their secret shine supply? All that reconoitering finally paid off!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good Morning guys
Hope everyone in Florida and other areas come though the deluge OK ! Glad to hear Dennis may be getting some relief and help, those hours take a terrible toll on the family as well.
Regarding the smoke issue, I don't have anything negative to say about the product, I've been using it for quite awhile. My only issue is with having a "cloak" around the operating characteristics, makes me suspcious. I don't think its unreasonable for;
- Train mfgr'rs to provide information "Smoke unit operates at 160 degrees only fluids in that range should be utilized without affecting the continued operation of the unit" (I don't really believe that revenue generated from Smoke fluid is very substantial for them. They give away I'm sure much, much more than they sell.
- And with or without the above statement. The alternative suppliers could post on their websites or have a data sheet, identifying different smoke units and their heat ranges. Then, provide on every flavor or bottle the operating temperatures of the smoke fluid. If any company did that, I think there sales would increase as well. I know I would choose that supplier for providing the information, and integrity it represented.
- Additionally, if a supplier indicated that MSDS sheets were available upon request, confidence would also be bolstered regarding product safety.
- I did see a couple of good things that came out, (1) the possibility of Ben (from right here on CTT forum) of doing some tests, and (2) the reference of this site and information from the other forum.
Most of the people on this forum and other forums are technical enough, that the information I've mentioned would find it extremely informative and beneficial.
Thanks to those who have supported my inquiries, and have been interested in "clearing the air" on this issue. I've got some switched I want to install today, so time to get to work.
Have a good one !!
Hello Peeps...
The Morning Report from Burlington today is.. cloudy and 76 degrees. Went out to the building today, I read somewhere someone had to do some tool reorganizing.. of their tools... Well I got to thinking I wanted to hang up some more insulation in the building, (all the walls are done...but I still got to do the rafters). I got out there and did some reorganizing of my tool box...really needed it. figured I would do it before I try to set up the layout....
Hey Chief, have you had any rain there? It rained here the other day and you being only 70 miles from me or so I figured you may have gotten some rain.
Brutus, you dont have a layout set up? I thought you did or are messin with Kurt?
At the moment my layout is not set up, but, I sometimes would pull out a set and put it together on the floor, and run it, I found that using smoke, If you use to much it gets on the tracks...and the engine wheels, what a mess to try and clean off...u have to wipe all the track down and then try and get it off the train wheels. From then on I decided I aint gonna use the smoke. Especilly on a permanet layout, be to hard to clean the tracks..especially on a helix..
Is there a way to check when you subscription is going to expire...I want to reorder mine before it expires, can this be done on the website here, or do I have to call customer service? If it matters the magizine I recieve is MRR (Model Railroader).
--Black Diamond-- One thing about a train, it doesnt matter where it's going, You just have to decide to get on... Woo Wooo.....
dbaker48 wrote: - Additionally, if a supplier indicated that MSDS sheets were available upon request, confidence would also be bolstered regarding product safety.
When an office has to have the MSDS sheets on white out, I believe that the MSDS sheets on smoke fluid, that I am going to use in my home, is not too much to ask. All they do is post the MSDS sheets in pdf form on a web page. It is not like they need to mail it out to everybody who buys a bottle of fluid.
Some good news!!! The Chief just called. Most of the time I would have declared it a bad hair day, but not today. He is inviting us all down to his new lake house for barbeque and fishing. A weeks free vacation...........I'll take it!!!! Laz, bring your weapons of choice. We have some rodent removal work.
Chuck...Do you know where the hooch we had hidden away has been stored? We are down four or five cases.
Morning Y'all,
I am home alone as wife and kids went to FIL's. He called, said he really liked the Georgia Power steam engine and was very appreciative. Did some work on some projects I am trying to get done. SWMBO left a list and now I have to eat and get to some more.
The rain is still on the heavy side. At least it is not flooding here. We were supposed to have a CV surgery pool party yesterday, but that didn't pan out. I know we need the rain, I just wish it would be for an hour a day every other day at 0200.
I hope that everyone has a great day.
Hey Dennis, hope you get some stuff done, but also get some rest - don't burn the candle at both ends man.
Buckeye - you say you are missing something? I would check behind a certain recliner, if I were you!
Black Diamond - I'm on my third temporary layout in 3 years But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, as I've been promised a big area in the basement once it's finished and I'm putting up drywall now!
Mornin' Boyz & Gurlz !
Don, I thought a MSDS was required by law since "smoke fluid" is a distillate.
Got my R.I. GP7 back from Brasseur's on thursday, took it to the museum yesterday and like I told him in the e-mail I sent to Dean "Fantastic" is the only way to describe it. He replaced the original magnetraction wheels with traction tire wheels. It ran for about 3hrs total, off & on, dragging around a Williams dummy and about nine cars including a coozyboose and the performance /operation was great. Will be sending him a second one to change-out very soon.
Ran the Hogwarts as well yesterday, for what this set cost initially that loco is a beast. It ran from 11am to 4pm only a few stops for a little smoke juice and was still cool as cucumber at closing time. For a Lionel puffer it put out exceptionnally good smoke, surprise/surprise. The only problem encountered was the inability to use the whistle thru the TPC, switched over to conventional transformer ops and worked no problem. Only two of us there yesterday so didn't want to spend time putzing with things that weren't of great importance.
What is this stuff you guys keep talking about?
I think you called it rain..........
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Brutus wrote: Black Diamond - I'm on my third temporary layout in 3 years But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, as I've been promised a big area in the basement once it's finished and I'm putting up drywall now!
Brutus, The real question is: Who decides when the basement renovation is complete ?
cnw1995 wrote:Morning all. Grey and muggy here. I'm with Buckeye - wouldn't mind an all-day rain. All those crushed beer cans on the floor of the Tardis- if we recycle them, it'll probably pay for another case. Pop-tarts is the true breakfast of champions... Inquiring minds want to know why the dining car never goes west (to me).
Or over the Mississippi into the Heartlands of Iowa?
So many roads, so little time.
Looking for a little help Guys.
Thinking about the Halloween garage layout and hoping somebody in the Pot has some layout software that includes Fastrack. The upper level will be no problem using 027 on it (folding tables), but the lower level was thinking about a "folded figure 8" so it appears in the visible portion as two independent tracks but the crossover, 45* or 22.5*, would be hidden from view. My question is the minimum platform dimensions and if available the pieces needed to make it, already have some Fastrack but will definitely need to supplement current stock. Last time I tried using the software, RRtrax I think, I was ready to chuck computer and all off the balconey.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Tropical Storm Fay has left south & central Florida and might be going to southwest Georgia in the next few hours to days, also Alabama & South Carolina may get some rain from this severe flood making storm.
Hello all! Not trying to hog all the rain as there will be plenty of rain to go around, ask anjdevil2 if you don't beleive me or look at Port Saint Lucie & Fort Pierce Florida!!! Two cities that have sever major flooding.
Had to fix a few things since the storm blew through here, so I was very busy lately.
New Sonic Drive-in food place opened here in western Lake Worth FL last week, went there today with my wife, they have good food.
Lee F.
dougthegrump wrote: "Don, I thought a MSDS was required by law since "smoke fluid" is a distillate."
It's been a number of years since I've had to be concerned with MSDS's but, if I recall correctly there is/are small amounts that don't require them with the product. But they need to be available if requested. That's the way consumer products don't need them, i.e. hair spray, detergents, etc.
dougdagrump wrote:Looking for a little help Guys.Thinking about the Halloween garage layout and hoping somebody in the Pot has some layout software that includes Fastrack. The upper level will be no problem using 027 on it (folding tables), but the lower level was thinking about a "folded figure 8" so it appears in the visible portion as two independent tracks but the crossover, 45* or 22.5*, would be hidden from view. My question is the minimum platform dimensions and if available the pieces needed to make it, already have some Fastrack but will definitely need to supplement current stock. Last time I tried using the software, RRtrax I think, I was ready to chuck computer and all off the balconey.
Doug - Help me and I will give it a shot and pdf the results. Will give it a shot later tonight.
BTW - Strangest thing happened, we have this river channel behind our house, always dry! Seems someone or something let loose with a lot of water, the level was very high this morning. Strange......
Good evening all,
IIABSDISEI with temps in the 90s. No rain means no grass mowing. "My" soccer girls had an early 10 AM game. I got to ring the bell and whoop and holler once during the game as they found the back of the net once. The score was 2-1 at that point, and there was hope for a tie, but it ended up 5-1. Still they have scored in the first two games so there is promise. Manning is having a horrible weekend at Sonoma, starting 21st. The Princess is ninth. The perpetual underdogs in F-1 (STR, used to be Minardi) are both starting in the top 10 this weekend. Sorry to hear about all the rain in Florida. I could send the dining to "Points Further West", but it would have to be re-stocked along the line as Chuck and I have healthy appetites. I had bran muffins this morning and they were delicious. Yes, Chief, you heard correctly and that is her own terminology. Brutus, make sure the Tardis passes over Hoosier Land tonight. I will try to bring her home upright. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Buckeye Riveter wrote: Chuck...Do you know where the hooch we had hidden away has been stored? We are down four or five cases.
Yes, Buckeye, we hid the hooch, here, on Blueberryhill. I check it every day, ( burp ). It is well secured. Trust me. Do you need another dozen cases ??
Doug, Don beat me to it. Why don't you post the results on the 'pot, too! Sounds like a neat idea.
Went to the pottery place, Baked Goods on Tesson Ferry, and for my project I started painting a small ceramic trainset. It includes a locomotive and tender, passenger car and caboose. The guys that own the place said they will find a couple more passenger cars for me too. All I managed to paint in an hour though was the trucks and the boiler... I'll have to go back a few times in the next month to get it done, that's for sure!
Evening all!
Quiet day...Everyone woke up about 4:00pm and we made it to the double Birthday Party down the street. Girls in bathtub, scrubbing off the accumulated dirt. Was nice to spend some quality time with the neighbors. Bride and I have special date-night-dinner-in planned after kids in bed. Prosciutto, fresh mozzerella, bread and olive oil, pickles, and grapes, with a nice California Red Zin.
Chief: The EOT is defective...huh? I was ready to buy a few of those too...not anymore. Re-allocated booty??? Was that what you went to the Dermatologist for?
Brutus: I'm in! Fire it up!
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