I have the same problem with my MTH switches. I get all kinds of things going on with them, depending on what I do, or what loco/engine I try to use on it. I need to keep a journal I guess...but I would be happy to sign that letter.
I wonder how old these "new" switches I get at the LHS really are. Take a look at the back of a 0-54 realtrax (I think LH, but I'll check when I get home) box and see if you can notice the typo that has been on every new switch I have purchsed. Talk about quality control. I found it right away, and I'm not even that observant.
Sometimes my switches just loose power and I have to take the lantern off, or wiggle it to get the light to come back on. This happens on switches that I have never removed the lantern on too.
I got one brand new $75 switch our of the box, and it just sat there buzzing and lights flickering, trying to to straight and turn at the same time. Something with the auto no-derailment circuit I guess. I took it back and the next one was fine. That's the only one I ever took back. I should have took them all back.
My MTH railking F3 derails going through most curved tracks of either 0-42 or 0-54 switches. A few of them work ok, so I use them and the rest are in a box for future sidings. The front truck does not continue to track through the frog, and crosses over to the straight section. Talk about sparks.
The front truck in my 2-8-0 usually tracks through them, but tends to pop and bobble it's way through the switch, sometimes binding so much that it jolts the entire loco. It's heavy enough that it continues down the rail, but it's a little rough to say the least.
My RMT beep, K-line F7, Lionel GP7, and K-line speeder actually go through them fine. Go figure.
Wes...I'm thinking of making a short video of my problem. Your front truck problem sound similar if not identical to my problem. Compare the depth of the rail at the frogs with a switch that works.
Chief...You are going to be the next grovernator of NC. I can see it in my crystal ball.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cloudy 62 degrees. Going up to a partly sunny 78 today. We got some light rain last night. A lot of thunder in the distance.
Today, I am busy. Have a bunch of chores to do. Maybe an errand to run. Maybe I'll make it down to the train room later. I see a lot of mowing this weekend.
Dining car has arrived. Breakfast.
Y'all have a great Friday. Buckeye..TGIF
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good morning all,
Weather nice in SE Indiana. Had a good day at work yesterday. Got more done than anticipated. Did nothing significant last night. Did watch beach volleyball. US avoided upset. Going to see latest "Mummy" flick tonight. Reffing youth soccer game at 9 AM tomorrow. May see "Tropic Thunder" with Lucas this weekend. Had regular fare on dining car. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
I like my O22's.
Quiet day today...Tomorrow take the kiddies to the Fair, and MC-OGR summit. I need to get the trains ready. Took 1-wind out of smoke unit, I think I need anouther out...
Is it Fair time already???? Where did the summer go?
Doug: Hope the brooding works!
Buckeye Riveter wrote: Wes...I'm thinking of making a short video of my problem. Your front truck problem sound similar if not identical to my problem. Compare the depth of the rail at the frogs with a switch that works.
Can do!
62 and nice this morning but real foggy. Going up to 85. Well lost at GOLF again. But on the 18th hole I drove the distace 285 yrds and got a birdie. First time in along time. So maybe things are looking up? Had fun anyhow, and wings and YUENGs tasted great. Ran trains yesterday before GOLF for an hour all ran great NO PILE UPs. I just love the new EL CAPITAN set I got. Even though its conventional still looks and sounds and runs great. Did I tell you that before? But it is true really a great set.
BUCKEYE, how bout.....
These 2 places are a must for everyone in the SOUTH. One for all the sweet tea, and the other for GRITS.
All have a good one...
Hello, Boys..
There's this big orangie thing glowing in the sky.....wonder what THAT is?
Up to 90 again with thunderstorms, humidity and all that. In other words, another typical day in the swamp.
Having trouble with MTH? Nah, that's impossible!!! Of course, my FASTRACK switches perform FLAWLESSLY! Come to think of it, so does my tubular stuff.
Rain here has made working on ANYTHING darn near impossible. I've trying to time my work activities around rain drops. And of course, the Satellite sits, cause I can't paint in the rain, either.
Played Monopoly with the family last night, My daughter bankrupted me (DEJU VU MAYBE?) and I was in bed by 11PM.
Monday school starts, and so it goes again...she hates getting out of bed, though with the wifey out of work, maybe I won't have to wake her every AM. Once can only hope....
Later gents, time to get some more work done!
PS Laz---Nice Score!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
The best way to get a point across to a manufacturer is to stop supporting them. I only have the track that came with my Buckeye express set and plan on using Gargraves and Atlas switches any way but after hearing all the trouble you all are having I will avoid MTH switches.
WOW YUZ GIZ starting school already? When is there last day Memorial Day? We start next Monday, I have the dreaded In service on Wed Thurs, this next week then kidos on Monday.
Hope DA SUNs not to hot for ya?
Good morning,
Nice and sunny here in southeast Florida, not much rain in the past week. May have to call Jaabat and ask for a rain dance.
Trying to get ready for train show in the morning tomorrow, got change from bank the other day before work.(ooops said a nasty four letter word "work"). New MTH diesel working great so far.
Noticed my car leaking oil the other day, only down by a couple ounces so no big problem, forgot the washer on drain plug screw, will have to put it back on next oil change.
So far my worst problem was being woke up by a cat wanting to be fed this morning, only hope work goes that easy.
Lee F.
CSXect wrote: The best way to get a point across to a manufacturer is to stop supporting them. I only have the track that came with my Buckeye express set and plan on using Gargraves and Atlas switches any way but after hearing all the trouble you all are having I will avoid MTH switches.
I agree. When I started into the hobby though, I went with what my LHS had to offer, which was before Lionel released FastTrack. They had Lionel 0-27 and O, and MTH on the shelf. I wanted a system that I could just go to a local store and purchase, and not look for old switches that aren't made any longer on ebay, auctions, etc (Old standard switches and K-line o-27) Lionel 0-27 switches don't clear some cars, and had to be track powered in stock form. I didn't want to pay $90-$100 for O gauge switches, so Standard O was out. I never thought about quality when deciding on MTH. I assumed it was there. You live and learn I guess.
Mornin' boys. Mornin' fellow-back-to-school-shoppers.
GregM - better luck next go'round.
kpolak - thanks for the numbers. Hopefully "score" one or more at YORK.
SPMan - Fisheries are introducing Chinese oysters into the Chesapeake. The "home"grown ones just aren't surviving.
Dougnotta - Virginia refuses to ease on its harvest. A lot of seafood houses have pretty much switched to North Carolina and Louisiana hard shells. We're so used to eatin' them, I honestly couldn't tell you what the difference is. The secret is in the Old Bay seasoning.
jefelectric - Not sure when the last stock cars were used on the B&O's South Branch, but the stockpens in Moorefield are still in use for livestock sales on occasion. They appear to be in good condition too.
Chief - perhaps the school mascot could be the eagle. That would be a pleasant ho-mage'...
Anyway, should get 100% PTA participation...since a lot of the parents are in the same grade as their young'uns...
High School starts Monday for sure, Princess ran Orientation for Dance team 4 days last week. They got out of school June 7th this year. LOTS of "Hurricane Days", much like Snow Days up north, too many "teacher Planning Days" which are 1/2 days every other Wednesday during the school year. If weather holds, they get 3 weeks off during Christmas Winter Break. Last day of school for '08-09 is June 5th.
And so it goes......
WOW, nice break for CHRISTMAS. We also get out on the 5th of June next year. Hope your PRINCESS has a good year.
Fifedog, I guess it was inevitable that with every thing else coming from China that we now will get oysters from there too. I doubt they will taste like the original bay oysters. The last time I was in Baltilmore several years ago while at York, the only oysters in restaurants were from Rhode Island.
Dougdagrump, I'm with you on the crabs too. I've heard that too many people went into the crabbing business as a side line and now they are being wiped out so I guess the state has to put some kind of limit on them at least in Virginia.
SPMan - 4 centuries of organisms "hitchhiking" in the hulls of seagoing vessels sailing up the Chesapeake have led to the oysters demise. Only in this past decade have ships been ordered to pump out their bilge water before entering Hampton Roads. The parasites that like to attack the native oysters apparently aren't harmful to the imported ones.
As far as the crabbing, MD fishermen are trying to limit the female catch, to ensure the Blue Crab's future, but VA watermen aren't bound by the same rules. Actually, there is a long (and sometimes deadly) history with the two sides.
KURT-ARMADA FAIR is this week. Andy and I did the Woodward cruise today,already lots of cars, big car companys still setting up for tomorrow. Hes going back in the morning but I don't think I will go. Head still bothering me.
We also stopped at the train store but no new goodies. I did find out what happened to the MTH ETD,sold out,already gone. Later all...S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
jefelectric...Here is a photo of the ramp for an old stock pen on the Rio Grande Southern. It is not very big because it was used for sheep. I think they still use it, but the sheep are loaded into trucks.
What a great photo.
Well, I've bit the proverbial bullet. I'm going to try ATT's U-Verse - which is a fancy name for TV via IP. It looks complicated but I do not like our cable company that much... Anyway, allegedly, I can all cycle it back within 30 days if it doesnt work. We're going to drop the local phone too...And the best news of all, I get a DIY channel...
sir james I wrote: KURT-ARMADA FAIR is this week.
We'll be there! Saline Fair is the weekend after...same Carnival, different animals. Take care of yourself.
Doug: Let me know about the new IP TV!
Fife: I like the Eagle mascott idea!
Evening all, Hey sorry haven't really talked or wrote but when this pay period ends tomorrow ( I'm working ot till 3:30) I will have 48 hours of O.T. in 2 weeks. So I've been basicly going to work come home shower goto bed get got work ect ect. New pay period starts sunday I'm off but then work 8 straight days till I'm off again.
Hows everything been going have been trying to read some every night but haven't had or too tired to write most nights sorry.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
phillyreading wrote: Nice and sunny here in southeast Florida, not much rain in the past week. May have to call Jaabat and ask for a rain dance.
You do call and I can guarantee you will have a visit from a black lemo with guys with violin cases.
Busy day. Guy came early and installed more memory in this old desptop. Runs like a new computer and almost as fast as the laptop I have. $60 for the two memory sticks. Then upgraded my IE too. Opens with multi-home pages [CTT and The Gauge] Then off to meetings. Had uexpected guest. RAIN. Quite a bit. My still be raining. Sure wish I had sowed my trunips.
Early day tomorrow. Off with wife and her Red Hat Club. Lasst time she will wear Pink hat. Her Birthday is Wednesday. Her surprise party is tomorrow evening. Been had to sneek that one in.
Has anyone had problems with communications with upgraded Legacy? I posted a new thread on OGR about red light coming on with upgrade. To my surprise, lots are having that problem. Mainly with lashups. Lionel is aware. Upgrade with errors!!
I hear Buckey is going out of town. Time for a REB raid into good Ole' Columbus.
PS: the trashy MTH Realtrax switches. Seems my problems are with the new ones. Ones bought several years ago see to work fine. I've got some new ones that the switch points are so thin that they just bend over.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
RT= good for you and the job, you wanted one, sounds like you got it. I had the house open since I got home this afternoon but now it was getting stuffy sooo A/C is on first time in about a week. talked to Brutus by Email tonite I guess we will link up again later. so when everyone is ready fire up the thingy and lets go somewhere. S.J.
Evening all,
RT, sounds like they are keeping you busy. That's good, but you need a little down time for trains.
Hope everyone has a pleasant weekend.
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