CSXect - I too fight the weight issue, seems like I always have. But your doing something about it!! And the best thing is when people help encourge. It is a tough and lonely battle, and sometimes you get into slumps, that noone is noticing, and does it matter. It DOES, and usually the reason people don't comment is due to their own conscience about themselves. What got me at the computer show, was the age of the people. They were all young! And from their appearance was obvious they had just given up. Didn't care what they looked like. Sad !!!
Keep up the good work! And remember it WILL take time, but you have already lost 1/2 a person!!
Dbaker48, no offence, The last IT person that I worked for for a few weeks as it was a temp job was hefty. I am somewhat of a computer geek and a train freak as well. I was as heavy as 379 before the diet the doc set my goal to 258 based on height even before I became obese I pretty much filled a doorway as I have wide shoulders and am 6'4". When there was no clearance between my steering wheel and me on the the Transam I was concerned a little bit but what did it for me was not being able to fit in a booth at a resturant very embaressing
The key to this diet is not to cheat drink all the shakes and get in your 64oz of water which actualy keeps you from having hungar pains.
I think lack of physical activity in most jobs now a days is making us heavy people in this country.
Buckeye I hope you missed the" necessary"
Overcast as usual 31 deg., TTOS show today, am going but rarely see anything new.I just go because its close and $2.00.Good exercise.
KURT- someone near Lansing was looking for a train pal maybe he will read your post and leave a message here. also a new one in the U.P.(sorry guys I did not go back looking for your handles) Have a safe sunday,,,,Sir James
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
magicman710 wrote: Buckeye, is this what you saw?
Buckeye, is this what you saw?
Pilot to bombardier. Pilot to bombardier. Bombs awaaaaaaaaay!!!
Very good, Grayson.
Mornin' boys. Sunny and 36 here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Made lots of trees (Scenic Express rolled in Woodland Scenics turf)with the princesses yesterday. Will spend time hot-gluing them in place today. Waiting to see 88's big post on SPF.
jefelectric - If fifey's-wifey enjoys herself in Vermont, who knows...
Buckeye - another successful "bombing" raid. Glad you made it back.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
ChiefEagles wrote: More Michigan posters.
Just reinforcing our boarders Chief. Cutting off the northern escape route. We'll let our Ohizoans neighbors finish the job. Or maybe it's just Sir James and I inventing additional postings to make it seem like we are.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a frosty 30 degrees. Going up to 46 today, with a chance of rain, turning to snow, later.
Today is a relaxing day. Have a few normal chores to do and then, I will spend some time in the train room. Need to start dusting again and work on scenery. Running trains in the process.
Dining car is here and serving breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Sunday.
Back from game night, had a good time as usual. Had some apple pie with carmel drizzled on top with nuts (I think it was chopped pecans) - it was good! Sir James, Dave has about half a pie left and said he'd leave the alarm off for you - just use the usual knock down at his house. Found a place for Chewy to stay while family is at Disney for a couple days. Will make reservations and check the place out asap.
CSX - you need to think about joining my new top secret group, MOOers (Missouri O-Gaugers). Several of our agents were recently headed off in an attempt to investigate a certain location in Ohio known to be a hub of suspicious activity. I really can't say much more about it in an open forum like this, but some farmer rounded up our agents and they have not been heard from since then. We were preparing a reconnaisance in force plan, but ran out of agents.... PS - we used some brass plates that are intended to cover latch holes for doors as weights on our car.
Office is downloading updates, oh joy....
Jason, hope your wife is feeling better asap.
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Good Evening (Morning by now) "Coffee Potters" (like that term).
Had a usual day at the Computer Fair today, selling ink and paper. Quite boring actually. Comment: Train enthusisasts have a reputation as being old, overweight, and introverted. Computer Geeks are considered to be skinny, nearly blind, and extroverted. I' don't know but maybe I was at the wrong show. Never saw so many Big, (and I mean BIG), unkept, and obnoxious people as what there were today.
Sir James - Hold out for the York trip, it will be worth it!!!
Nick - Your really making progress! I'm impressed !
CSXect - You sure are making progress with that diet ! My admiration and respect!! (I hope you didn't take offense with what I said earlier. But I swear their must have been 18 to 20 people pushing 500 lbs..
Jason - Sorry to hear about your evening. We got some portable intercoms about 2 years ago, they really work great.
John F - You just have too many shows to choose from. I really feel for those guys there trying to sell stuff, the local market has to be flooded! REALLY GREAT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR PLANS FOR 2009! NOW I KNOW FOR SURE I WILL ATTEND, THAT MAKES FOR SURE YOU, AND ROY WILL BE THERE! IF TIME PERMITS CALIFORNIA WELCOME MAT IS OUT, AND ROOM IS AVAILABLE.
Welcome back Buckeye!! You were missed! Tried to keep thing in control, but see you have it covered!
Doug (dagrump), That was probably the best and most enjoyable show you have attended! I will be coming down for the Kids Club this month.
Chief - Your just catching it from all sides. Poor guy !!!
No time for trains today, not even 15 min., got to get ready for show tomorrow. Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY !!!!
Spanky Bird thanks for the info and link to OTTS pics and site, will keep this in mind.
Hope to start on a layout this spring I am thinking of a 8x16 approx. size table with each loop on its own elevation kinda like steps G on the bottom then 072,maybe On30, S 42radi and 031.This will allow me to run everything I have scenery will be minimum. Unless I come up with a better use of space and still be able to run multiple gauge trains.
Now we know what happened in Wake Forest [neighboring town]. Seems Buckeye was using an old WWII Nazi bomb sight. Back from loooong Fireman's dinner. Good comedian. Lots of Yankee jokes. Great meal. Southern Fried Chicken, scalloped potaotes, green beans, apples, baked ham, apples and banana pudding. YES, NO mac and cheese [Yankee invention]. Plenty of SWEET ICE TEA.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Evening all
At work on night shift after having class today. Reports, tests and papers start up again. November and ordination can not come fast enough. Slept in the car on the way home while bride drove. Going to be a long night.
Nick-Great progress, the layout looks nice.
Buckeye-Did you yell fire in the hole before flushing?
got to go.
MAy God bless
CSXect wrote: Nick12DMC wrote: sounds fun. Mike, Thanks, 16' x 8', Hellgate is one of my favorite Lionel items. NickWhen I was a cub scout way back when it was cool to be in the scouts I made a few pinewood cars Mine was a bat mobile and we had to melt lead to make weights so that each car met the specs what do they do for weights now???Buckeye and or Spanky Bird how do you join OTTS is it a formal or unformal group???Chef you still out there?
Nick12DMC wrote: sounds fun. Mike, Thanks, 16' x 8', Hellgate is one of my favorite Lionel items. Nick
sounds fun.
Mike, Thanks, 16' x 8', Hellgate is one of my favorite Lionel items.
When I was a cub scout way back when it was cool to be in the scouts I made a few pinewood cars Mine was a bat mobile and we had to melt lead to make weights so that each car met the specs what do they do for weights now???
Buckeye and or Spanky Bird how do you join OTTS is it a formal or unformal group???
Chef you still out there?
Hi CSXext - Normally you have to attend one meeting or one OTTS funciton to join. You can attend one when Buckeye has one of his Centeral Ohio OTTS meetings.
Check out our web site at
for some of our fun things we have done and members layouts!
I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder www.spankybird.shutterfly.com
Evenin' All.
We went to the "World's Greatest Hobby" show today and I am on my butt. Based on the number of people that I saw in the sellimg hall it was a very big success, seemed like a lot of bags & boxes were also being carried out by visitors as well. Was very glad to see so many manufacturers there as well, off hand can't think of any of the regulars that weren't there.
However, I must confess that my wife and I made a BIG mistake. We took our 2 year old grandson, who apparently has become a Bigger Train Nut than grampa. He wasn't bad but he wanted to see EVERY train in the place and he wanted ALL of them to be running. After seeing them he didn't want to leave one exhibit to go to another, after all those tears I am surprised he didn't get de-hydrated. Would liked to have spent more time looking and chatting but this old codger was getting to worn out carrying a crying child around, the only bad part of most of the operating layouts they are to high for youngsters to see.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
A close escape, Buckeye! Went to Hobby Lobby to get some 'jewels' to create lanterns for Thomas and Percy.
Jason, sorry about your 'date night' being ruined.
I'd like to find one of those bobber cabooses, John. It might make a good brake van. Too bad about the show.Nick, great progress on the layout!
Looks like there is a new OTTS member in CSX...Watching NE and Jags...
"Lionel trains are the standard of the world" - Jousha Lionel Cowen
Just returned from Orlando, Florida. I really don't see why all those people flock to that awful place. It was warm, sunny and there were blue skies all day. People were swimming in the outside pool. I'm glad I'm back in Ohio, where it is cloudy, cold and we are all hoping for a cold rain or sleet.
Chief...You will be proud of me. I tried some grits while I was in Florida. I took about 1/2 cup of grits and put them on my plate next to my eggs. I then took two (2) cups of maple syrup and poured over the grits. It wasn't too bad. The next time I'll add some butter for more flavor. On the way home, we were flying over NC, but I missed the view from the plane because I was in the laboratory flushing. You might want to check the roof of the Roseyville Town Hall. My aim was really good.
Needless to say, I did not see one train or train store in Florida. They do have a bunch of 7-11 Stores. They also speak a funny dialect of Southern in Florida. Sounds more like Spamish to me.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
With the Packer win perhaps it is time for y'all to learn how to eat cheese curds as well as grits.
The Northwoods Flyer Collection
American Flyer Trains
"The Toy For the Boy"
CSX = Woodland scenics has a complete line of pinewood derby parts. weights in diff. sizes and shapes, decals, complete finishing kits, all kinds of add ons.
I managed to survive the day with wallet intact but still puzzled as to her motive.I'm not asking. I've been watching the green bay game snowing hard. thats the way football was played for many years.The last line was for the younger guys who would not remember.I will close for now be back later.......Sir James
Good evening,
Well Greenbay beat Seattle in the SNOW.
Went to the Greenberg show in York today. Seems each year it gets a little smaller. Only bought one thing. An MTH PRR woodside bobber caboose. My HO buddy only bought a John Deere tractor, everything he was looking for, we could not find. Think this may be our last trip to that show. May try the Allentown show in Feb if it doesn't snow.
Oh, I did take a special picture for the Chief at the show.
Fife, engoy you trip to Vermont. Jean and I decided to skip this one and save our pennies for Arizona in 2009. We can work in a visit to our daughter in Colorado on the same trip.
Sir James, This really sounds serious, work your cards right and you may be able to bargain a trip to York out of it.
Well it was supposed to be a night out on the town. Kids are at the inlaws . And a half hour before we were supposed to go out wife says she has the chills and cant stop shaking, 10 min later and she was "praying to the porcelin god" she is in bed now with the phone so she can call my cell if she needs any thing. thats the only thing wrong with our bed room on the third floor ( finished attic). and me in the basement. well I guess I will go work on the trains.
Hope it wasnt the thought of eating GRITS that did this.
B&O = Best & Only
CSXect wrote: Hi all. Not much going on here at the moment, Total lose of pound so far is 55Anyone know if a k-line allagany(SP?) is a good runner/puller? Thinking of getting one.
Hi all. Not much going on here at the moment, Total lose of pound so far is 55
Anyone know if a k-line allagany(SP?) is a good runner/puller? Thinking of getting one.
Way to go CSX!
Manamanah wrote:Nick12DMC What is the LxW of your table? Looks like a very nice beginning, thanks for sharing the pictures. I love the bridge.Sir James you are doomed. Your best bet is to get on offence, get or do something she’s been wanting, before she hits you with the big-ticket honey please!Off make my sweetheart some coffee,Have a blessed evening all.Mike
Brutus, Thanks. That pinewood derby sounds fun.
magicman710 wrote: Afternoon all.Recieved the wrong item yesterday from Trainz. I bought a SC-2 on eBay for $80 and they send me a SC-1. Emailed them about it.
Afternoon all.
Recieved the wrong item yesterday from Trainz. I bought a SC-2 on eBay for $80 and they send me a SC-1. Emailed them about it.
Hope they get it straight for you.
More Michigan posters. Might shut up some of those mouthy Ohio guys. Been real quite since the football game.
Off to Firemans Appreciation dinner. Deer fed. Later
Evening all,
Working this morning/early afternoon. Had some "train time" later in the afternoon. Got the two outer loops (072 & 060) laid out and then....wait for it.....actually ran some trains.
First runner on the layout is fittingly the first loco the lad got 2 years ago. The Santa Fe Berk Jn.
Then it had to be the Hogwarts set
Boy does this smoke well on ZW power!
Have a good one
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