Coffee Pot #8 AUGUST 2012 SIX years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:37 PM




Chief.......have you done a cost/benefit analysis on all those free meals?  The gasoline costs getting to these free food events and then home must be cutting into your train budget.  Hope the diet is still on track, slow and sure wins the day.  Lots of salads, fish, and chicken around these parts lately.  Same objectives, different household. 

Later, gang.


99% are events I attend for the Town.  So, I get IRS mileage rate reimbursement plus parking. Whistling 

 Chief, you give a whole new meaning to politician's and pork.  Smile, Wink & Grin

 BTW, Have any of you used Realtrack trestles with Lionel 027 track? will it work?



          The Realtrax trestles will work with O27.  I have an elevated loop of tubular O31 supported by the Realtrax trestles. Aside from the 1/4" height and 1 1/4" length differences between O27 and O31, it'll work fine.  EDIT: You'll have to use shorter #4 screws to fasten the track, but that's all.


        Ouch.  I've got a wisdom tooth that has a good portion missing, so I can relate to the tooth pain.  Not looking forward to getting that pulled.


           DCS problems? Buy my book!Wink Seriously, send me a PM of the details.  I've been playing with DCS since April of 02, and I might be able to help.Smile

Saw that the MTH Turbine with PS3 (finally) shipped.  Almost makes me regret buying the Diablosport Trinity from AM.  I have the PS1 Turbine though, so that'll hold me over for a bit.Wink  More power and toque is always good.

Pulled the throttlebody off the Mustang and cleaned it after work today.  It was filthy, which was suprising for 46K.  I didn't know that the battery had to be disconnected to clear the drive by wire memory, but I found that out the hard way.  I thought I was taking the car for a test drive, but it was the other way around.Laugh

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Posted by sir james I on Thursday, August 30, 2012 9:11 PM

It's 78 now I think it went to about 87 today.

Got the yard trimmed, granny had two of the grandsons come over and help with the fall garden prep. I can't believe it's over already. Yes we sat outside till dark which is just before 9pm now. No banilla yet, I will wait for the thingy..S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, August 30, 2012 9:42 PM

Time for me to call it a night. Had two power outages today. Both lasted only a few minutes. One was this afternoon and the other was this morning before I woke up. My father told me about the short duration.The lights went out when he was about to leave the house at 0'dark-thirty and came back on just as he reached his car, a trip of three to four minutes for him. My old LED clock is getting hard to reset and it won't remember time during an outage at all despite having a new battery. I think it's telling me it needs to be replaced. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Demay on Friday, August 31, 2012 1:16 AM


Although I did not have to work today I still woke up at 0515 to go for a five-mile run.  The temperature was not too bad at that time but it was still pretty humid.  After the run, I had a quick shower and then went back to bed for about an hour or so.  I was able to watch the Vanderbilt-South Carolina football game and it was a close game.  We have been pretty lazy today, but the wife and I have a dinner-date later on this evening.    



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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Friday, August 31, 2012 7:15 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a cool 56 degrees. Going up to a hot 91 today with sunshine.

Today is an easy day. A few chores and an errand to run. Then, I can relax and enjoy the last day of August.  Lunch and a nap for sure.

Buckeye & LAZ.... TGIF

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Friday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 31, 2012 7:27 AM

Good morning. It's 73°, humidity is 98%. Just 0.01" rainfall this morning. Wind gusts of 25 mph. It'll be mostly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms moving northeast at 30 mph. The high will be 92° but will feel like 100°.

Looks like today is going to be grocery shopping day. I also have to go to the pharmacy to get refills on all my meds. There's going to be a familiar face missing there. My pharmacist passed away last Saturday (8/25). He was 74. I'd known him for twenty-nine years.

Hopefully the brake pads for my van will be in today. It'll be nice to get everything I need in one trip. Need to get gas too. Looks like the cheapest place in town is the Gas and Go at the old GBI store. $3.54 a gallon for regular. I might be able to find someplace cheaper.

Nothing planned for the layout today.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, August 31, 2012 8:28 AM


  Did the walk and run already.  Whilst at the river again saw my eagle.  He was dive bombing the ducks out there, pretty cool.  Then lost interest and landed on a rock and rested.  Its an inmature eagle, doesn't have the white tail featers yet.  But it is a treat to see these magnificent birds.  Tickles me everytime.

  Won at GOLF yesterday.  I stunk early BRO stunck later.  Beers and wings were tasty.

  Today packing up to do repair work at MOMs, on her roof.  Gotta do some pop riveting and tarring of the tin roof.  Tomorrow start to rip off my outdoor fireplace roof.

FIFE, when it rains it pours.  Hope tooth is ok.


Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by sir james I on Friday, August 31, 2012 8:55 AM

Its a sunny 71 going into the 90s today. Yes I said 90s but only for one day. Always good to read what Joe is doing in Japan, but he has had no new adventures lately.  Some days just have to be plain Banilla for all of us. We had a good group on chat last night including Mr Murphy. The darn Tigers lost, they had a chance to come up a game on Chicago but blew it ....S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by KRM on Friday, August 31, 2012 8:57 AM

Hi Guys,

Sunny and 80 already going to the mid to high 90s.

Bachelor today and tonight. The wife is going to spend the night at the daughters place and shop with her for stuff for the granddaughters birthday party next week. What does this mean?= Wife gets to pay for it. Tongue Tied

Jim P and Fife good luck with those tooth issues. They can be bad. Surprise

 Laz. The hummingbirds have been going nuts around here the last few days. More of them than normal. I think their heading south already.

Sounds like there may be a big Tsunami wave over in the far east. Prayers for those in the way. Angel

Have a good one.



Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by Banks on Friday, August 31, 2012 11:24 AM

Hello all


I tried to remove the second little train GIF from my signature but when I go to the edit page it's not there. Ideas anybody??

Fall is in the air here. 'twas chilly here this AM The barn swallows left two weeks ago. They're usually here till after Labor Day

Mrs announced only 176 more day as we left home (Till next summer break. At least 4 years till retardment)  Thumbs Down

Lots o yard work planned this weekend, maybe a picnic on Monday

Chief   thanks for the heads up on the "master wirer" I missed that.

Fife     good luck with the tooth. Been there done that. Not a pleasant experience.Hope the BP thing is under control too. Which medicine were you taking?

Kev  bachelor party??  Beer  watch you don't end up with a big head Ick!

Best get back to CHIEF's  SS

Prayers for those in need

PS IS there any truth to the rumor BUCKEYE will be visiting Altoona?

Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by SPMan on Friday, August 31, 2012 11:43 AM

Good morning all,

Went to retired engineer's breakfast yesterday.  Had a nice visit.  Had to get up at 5:30AM to make an 8:30AM breakfast.  Don't think I will go every month.  Too far and too early for my old bones.

V8 vega, 750,000 guns sold in California. Wow! Somebody must be planning a war.

Tired of hot weather.  Not sleeping too well.

Got invitation to help run the carpet central layout at Cal Stewart train meet again this year but at new location near Ontario, Ca. airport.  Think I will pass this time.  Might try to sell some stuff instead.














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Posted by rtraincollector on Friday, August 31, 2012 3:10 PM

Stopped by the chiefs place at the lake and this is what I found him and his nieghbors doing.

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by MichRR714 on Friday, August 31, 2012 3:43 PM

Have a nice holiday weekend guys!

Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)      


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Posted by cnw1995 on Friday, August 31, 2012 4:31 PM

Aloha. Nice chat on the TARDIS last night!  Worked at home today to drive down to pick up the college boy and take him home for the weekend.  Fife, hope the tooth is better so it doesn't impact your work or weekend.  Jack, hurray on the hostage release! Bob, great video!  Hope to run trains later.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 31, 2012 4:35 PM

I tried to remove the second little train GIF from my signature but when I go to the edit page it's not there. Ideas anybody??

Copy your signature data and paste it into a notepad document then do a 'FIND' on toytrain8. It shows up so it has to be there. Once you locate it you'll know exactly where to look in the edit field.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 31, 2012 5:10 PM

Went to town this morning to run some errands. Got to the pharmacy to drop my list off then to the auto parts store to pick up the caliper and brake pads. Boy, these pads are monsters compared to what went on my car! Caliper ain't no slouch either! Went to pull out for there and the left caliper seized. I got to a parking lot across the street and used a large bent screwdriver to push the caliper back. It locked again but had enough slack I could get home. Got home and checked both front hubs. Right was cool, as it should be. Left was hot. No question about it. Brake hoses look almost new. Went back to town later with my father as he had some errands to do. One was to go by the nursing home and check up on my mother. I was able to find a wheelchair that wasn't in use so that saved me a lot of pain. Went to Wal-Mart afterward to do the grocery shopping and get a new jack ($55. Old one has a busted seal) and pick up a few things for my father who was waiting in the car. From there to the pharmacy to pick up my meds. They missed two! I'll have to bring it to their attention the next time I go in. Told my nephew I got the parts and a new jack and I'd need his assistance ASAP. Now we'll see how long it takes him to get off his duff. I hope to have the van drivable again by tomorrow. Saw in the news today that parts of Alexandria were flooded but should be open by now. In Leesville this morning we had a short but very heavy shower, seemed like maybe half an inch in just ten minutes! Fortunately it passed quickly and there were no further showers.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by hscsltb on Friday, August 31, 2012 7:31 PM

If Cheif was a Rhode Island politition he would charge the town overtime for his eating the free meal.

Harold Brown
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Posted by sir james I on Friday, August 31, 2012 8:58 PM

FYI......A September thread has already been started.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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