I agree with Chuck on this.
Thanks. I've got a good feeling about this one.
18" vertical cliff, huh? Sounds like my layout.
I got the WEP error fixed on the desktop I've been working on. All that was needed was to install Service Pack 2 for XP. The next thing that needs done is to get that 512MB of DDR swapped out. I'd like to get as close to XP's 4GB limit as possible. Brent, any thoughts on this?
Jon I agree also
Not much going on here today just taking it easy so far.
back to work tomorrow so guess early night for me. did a little work on the shelf/ceiling layout but not much as need a new drill bit for drilling the bricks lol my old one is dull. But did get one L bracket put up today in a critical area.
next in either direction will take a little planing as will need to get it right for length.
talk to oyu all later need to go bake a cake for wife and me.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Hey Buckeye; Is your hometown named after Leonard Slye? Second request. later.
Think good thoughts, do good deeds!
Ken, I'm glad you like the layout and the Hell Gate Bridge. There has been only one person that tried to steal the bridge. I can't remember his name, but here is his photo that we put up in the post offices in North Carolina.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Jim, ( green97probe)..... I sent you a Forum e-mail.
Prayers needed tonight for SJ. He was taken to the hospital by EMS earlier today. He passed out while at his computer and Pat caught him before he fell down. It is not known yet what caused the events but tests are being run.
I spoke to him on the phone a little while ago, his spirits were down, but he is hanging in there.
Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)
SirJames - Get better real soon!
Bayville, NJ
Life is what happens to youWhile you're busy making other plans - John Lennon
JT - XP can only address up to 3GB of RAM. Anything over that and you need Windows7 (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS OS). When my desktop took a long walk of a really short peer I decided my days of building computers are O V E R. I bought a Gateway desktop that I couldn't be more pleased with and also a Gateway laptop (same feelings as the desktop). TheQ refuses to buy anything other than Toshibas. For parts I always used (hope it is OK to link to their site as they aren't train related and are a portal search for parts).
Buckeye - Nice bridge - but why did you invite The Big Orange Cat to your layout?
for SJ.
Replied to your message.
I am just planning on using the desktop mainly for older games (Tomb Raider 2&3 and The Journeyman Project) and storage. I am with TheQ regarding Toshiba. I had a Compaq CQ50 with Vista Home Premium (ugh) that died after a year and a half before I got this Toshiba from Staples. I couldn't be happier with Toshiba or WIndows 7.
Good evening all,
SJ will be in my prayers tonight, as well as Granny and the folks running the tests.
Charlie - Please keep us informed.
Good night,
Prayers for SJ - sounds like he was doing better later on, so hope it's not serious. Please keep us posted!
Char had a doctor appointment this morning and doesn't go back for 2 weeks. She is cleared to go back to work the day after that appointment (right now), so we are keeping our fingers crossed. Her numbers were all better and her hemoglobin was 12, which is in the normal range
Tardis is ready, let's go drop off some banilla for our boy. I'm sure they won't notice if he has a small cup full. I'll bring a clean cup, even.
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Yesterday's rain further degenerated into wet snow. Had about 6" of snow on the ground at noontime. Had melted down to about 3" by 6pm. Gotta love this springtime weather.
Prayers for SJ & family.
My wife watched 'The Batchlor' tonight - I reclinerized.
It amazes me that the group protesting military funerals does not respect the fact that the very people who's funeral they are protesting gave their lives to protect the right of free speech.
All for now.
sir james I Good Morning 28/40 with bright sun I'm just gonna say hi as my heads spinning like a top. Not a virus, think it's sinus..S.J.
Good Morning
28/40 with bright sun
I'm just gonna say hi as my heads spinning like a top. Not a virus, think it's sinus..S.J.
Better get well, I need someone good to "fight with". Buckeye is not a challenge at all.
Group protesting military funerals claim they are religious. They have no religion at all. That screaming lady lawyer claiming first admendment rights is a "card". One day some grieving family member is going to exercise their second admendment right on them.
Reclinerized since 10 PM. Cat in and dogs peed. Off to bed.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good morning all,
It is rainy in SE Indiana today. Prayers for SJ and family. When one of our own is down, not too much else really matters, but thank you, Buckeye, for the comments about Springfield. Will definitely have to make that one. I had the regular fare on the dining car for breakfast before sending it on to "Points East". TBIL after V. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Good Morning from Central Jersey,
28, heading to the 40's, clouding up and rain , Just when the water is receeding.
Jon, I agree with you 100%.
Brutus, Great news for Char.
SJ, Hang in there and get well soon.
GP97, Jim, Good Luck on the interview today. I have a good feeling also.
Thoughts and Prayers for all in need, that includes you SJ.
Time to get ready for the Safety Huddle. Today's message: "Working in Floods". I am not kidding.
25 and frosty here. Not much going on.
SIR JAMES hope all is well take it easy BUDDY.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a rainy 40 degrees. Going up to 48 today, with a chance of more rain.
Today is a busy day. I have the usual chores to do and then an errand to run. Then, I can relax the rest of the day.
SJ....Good health to you.
Dining car is here with the usual breakfast.
Y'all have a great Tuesday.
SJ - Follow the path Chuck took a while back. He is back to normal (for an Ohioan).
RFD-TV --- Rural America's most important network!
SJ........I would like to join the rest of your partners in crime here and offer good thoughts and prayers for your speedy recovery. By the way, this temporary medical leave of absence from the POT was not officially authorized by the Chief. To make matters worse, there was no banilla on the Tardis last night. So get well, and be quick about it!!!! We need you.
IF IT WON'T COME LOOSE BY TAPPING ON IT, DON'T TRY TO FORCE IT. USE A BIGGER HAMMER. your continued great news on your fearless leader (Char, not the Rocky and Bullwinkle one). I can imagine how encouraging that is to you and the family........and to your family here on the forum. Give her our best wishes.
Aloha. Prayers for SJ! Joe, when I first scanned your post, I thought: Lionel has a Kindle? Roy, I've heard some interesting stories about your latest trip to Vegas... Brent and Jim, I've been slowly upgrading our 100s of machines to Win7. It is a very nice, cleaned up version of Vista. Make sure the box you want to use it on has plenty of RAM. Just walked the daughter from the train to the bus to head back to college.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Brent....As always we left the door open.
LawsonFarmsRR SJ - Follow the path Chuck took a while back. He is back to normal (for an Ohioan). Pat
And they are never normal!!!!
Morning. Chilly and suppose to be raining. Just finished another Mayor's show video. Seems my Mayor's Shows are viewed by more people than any other Mayor's show here. TV guy says I make them interesting and do not sit behind a desk and tell what the Town Board just did like the other Mayors.
Off to Hunters' Haven and the pond. Then BoJangles for lunch.
Mornin' Y'all.
SJ- Get well soon, us old geezers gotta stick together in hopes of keeping these young whipper-snappers in line. No more Sat. & Sun. parties, only Sat. or Sun.
Spent part of yesterday out in the sun doing some weeding and planting. Eventually my helper, Mr Itis, decided it was time to call it a day.
Gotta go refil the just way to early for maybe for lunch.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Almost forgot you, Roy. You need our sarcastic get-well wishes too! Hope you are feeling better!
Good morning all, just checking in. Checked with Justrains for my WBB Norfolk Southern Executive F unit order for delivery date. They just said "soon". I read on another forum that some guy is going to use some wig wag flashing lights made by another company to install as ditch lights on the WBB model which as delivered only has decals to represent the ditch lights. That sounds like fun. I don't think MTH had ditch lights either.
Taking last dose of prednisone today and will see doctor tomorrow. Leg pain seems gone now and I don't plan on taking anymore of that medicine. Too many possible side effects.
Need to go to mall today and look for new spring shirts. I have been growing out of my old ones if you know what I mean.
#2 son returned home last night from trip to "Winter Rail" in Stockton. Read an interesting article in latest Railfan and Railroad magazine about use of remote control engines
on yard jobs. Is it safe? It depends on who you ask. Studies by the railroad companies suggest that it is. Independent sources have mixed opinions about it. As a retired railroad engineer, all I can say is that I am glad it is not me out there now. The switchmen's union (UTU) agreed to the remotes only with two man crews but now the railroad companies are doing it with just one man in some places. That means one guy has to run around with a control pack strapped on him like rocket man controlling the engine and making couplings while looking out for hazards from other people, places and things, not to mention keeping up with yardmasters instructions, reading bulletins, watching out for cars rolling back that have been pushed into tracks ahead of you. etc etc. Talk about being as busy as a one armed paper hanger? Railroading as we remember it, is just a memory now. At least my O gauge trains are still fun.
SJ - Hope you feel better soon.
I was amazed when I first saw them. Hopefully they won't encounter some of the issues we do w/TMCC & DCS. At least when I would be working the humpyard in Cincy I got to stay "hi-n-dry" in the cab and not on the ground. Don't think I'd want to be that guy working by himself in that situation, railyards are hazardous enuff w/o having to be like a centipede in sack race.
Wonder if Lionel or Atlas pieces/parts could be used for operating ditch lights, although the flashing aspect mite be difficult to do.
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