Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats Locked

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Posted by SPMan on Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:44 PM

Patrick, I saw that thread too.  One comment explained it all.  They did'nt need 42 more me too's.  I get benifits from both forums but this one is a lot more tolerant of people just shooting the breeze.

Laz, funny you mentioned catching Brook Trout.  I am currently reading a book by former President Carter of his hunting and fishing experiences.  He does a lot of fly fishing.  Never done that kind of trout fishing myself but it sounds like a challenge.  I got some strikes with a fly once at Yosemite National Park just attached to the end of a line on a cane pole.  Could'nt let the fish have it so they would just hit and bounce off.  Here in Southern California about all we do is trout fish with salmon eggs or floating cheese bait types.  People do fly fish up in the San Gabriel canyon on the West Fork of the river up there (really a creek by Eastern standards) .  It is strictly catch and realease with barbless hooks.  Some wild trout in there they say.  BTW were you in any of those pictures taken by the Chief at York?












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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:40 PM

Good evening

Sunny and 84 today then a small shower dropped us to 78.

Guys I am well aware of all the various toy train companys present at York and all that can be found there. My comment was the way writers on the other forum were  talking up mth, as though nothing else existed there.  I guess we know where they stand as well.  They did sponser a trip to mth which they do at every show.

Lancaster is a great area to visit and I have been there many times in the past but not recently. All for the train stuff of course. We would ride that train and then go up to the New Hope and Ivyland RR.  Lots of fun and soot.

Banilla is waiting...S.J.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:27 PM

Good afternoon all,

IIABSDISEI with temps in the 80s.  After the soccer games yesterday, I went to the YMCA for some weight work.  Was tired.  One of the games was a blowout and the other looked to be that way but ended up 3-2.  Handed out my first yellow card and first penalty kick of the season.   Wife and I went to "cafe Wendy's" for supper last night and just sat there for an hour watching traffic go by on the bypass.  We came home and watched some Buffy DVDs.  We were tired.  Did some YMCA work and dribbled around the cones outside today.  Watched the IRL race over at my dad's.  Meira was first out.  Sarah hung on for a 13th place finish.  The Princess was fifth.  Dixon won.  I had bran muffins on the dining car for breakfast.  Beacon is lit.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by jonadel on Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:42 PM

Thanks to everyone for posting about the recent York meet, it's always fun & refreshing to read reactions and hear about the purchases.  If anyone has a bad experience at York, it's their own fault!

A wonderful weekend here but someone---anyone----please shut off the shower nozzle!  We've had rain since Friday night and now are under tornado watch until 12:00 AM, ugh.  We were very dry and the moisture has been welcome but we don't really need 2" in two day with another 1.8 tonight.

Mitch--I understand your love of the Standard Gauge completely.  I've had my eye on a Christmas Set from MTH for two years and it still sits in the case at my favorite hobby store.  I know it has my name on it Blindfold

Should be an interesting week, I take the boss to the airport Tuesday as she has clients in Sandy Eggo, would like to tag along but the carpenters are here building the sun room (that is, if the sun comes out and the rain goes away) and I feel like I should be here.  I am planning on going with her the next time (probably this fall) and posed the question to our DIL about taking the princess with us so she and I could go to the zoo while Grammie works.  She thought it was a great idea, then my son asked if they could all go, nope!  He needs to save his personal days for his brothers wedding this fall plus the princess and I get along great without her parents being around Thumbs Up  I think it would be a fantastic trip.

Lightning to the west, need to sign off.


So many roads, so little time. 


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Posted by rtraincollector on Sunday, April 26, 2009 3:28 PM

Patrick from what I've seen of the other forum you could compare it to grumpy old men but instead call it grumpy ole farts as it seems there more at downing anybody and anything over there than anything else and yes I know a lot of them aren't old like here but it just seems more fitting to me.

Evening all ahd best day of my vacation yet today as did a little electrical work then wife and I went to lowes to get outlet as one I had was 1. wrong type, and 2. broke so returned it and got correct type ( the first one was a aluminum to copper type and I needed copper type.) then we went to the mall  it was basicly empty. but we went to walk as it big and we got a good walk in there. None of the malls here are very big to what I'm use to. This is a fair size one thou.

Guess will talk later taking it easy for rest of the day

Bob those MTH Standard cars looked nice and was agood price. I need to get more Standard cars as All I have is a 337 and 338 to go with my 8E ( all prewar pieces) Want to sometime get a steam engine in standard gauge.

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Sunday, April 26, 2009 2:40 PM

 I have been reading here about how much fun York was, NO negatives.Thumbs Up Read a thread on the "other" forum titled "The Good and Bad at York", and almost all 42 posts had some negative comments!Disapprove

Did I find the better forum or what!


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Posted by jefelectric on Sunday, April 26, 2009 2:08 PM

 Good afternoon,

Haven't posted in a few days as I spent two days at the York TCA show and then it takes two days to rest up.

I didn't buy a whole lot, just a couple of little things. A lighted hot dog cart and vendor, a lighted coke machine, and a little outdoor flower market to put in my town circle next to the produce market.  The gal I bought this from, on Thursday about 3 hours after the show opened, told me she brought 20 of these and that I had just bought the last one.  It is hand made and even my wife liked it so it must be good. Shock

Also got a couple of freight cars, CNJ wood sided box car, Waddell Coal Co. Hopper, a Consolidated Waste Industries Center Flow Hopper car (Tony Lashes Company), a Reading caboose and a MTH special show car with an MTH ad on one end and a Lionel Tin Plate ad on the other end.

I did really enjoy meeting the guys from the forum at York and walking the show for two days with Roy.  That is a big part of York for me.

SJ, Don't let the guys on OGR lead you astray.  There is plenty of Lionel at York, lots of tin plate, prewar, postwar and modern, particularly in the member halls.  The Lionel and MTH booths in the Orange Hall are about the same size.  Actually the largest manufacturers booth is Atlas, about the size of Lionel and MTH combined.  In the orange hall, the largest dealer hall, I think there were many more orange boxes than purple.  If you have never been there, do try to make it sometime.  Fall is better weather wise and it is a nice area to visit if you want to work it into a vacation.

It has been rather warm here the past two days and to continue tomorrow. Then it is due to cool off and rain for a few. We do still need more rain.

Have a great week.

John Fullerton Home of the BUBB&A
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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Sunday, April 26, 2009 1:51 PM

Buckeye has gone on a vacation to find his favorite weather.  He found a beautiful area that was having 44 degrees with rain. Damp and cold will make him smile. He plans on doing some fishing and long walks in the freezing rain. Lucky guy.

Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by cnw1995 on Sunday, April 26, 2009 12:58 PM

Afternoon all. Cold, rainy, miserable here. Back early from serving at church - got released from camera so I could run over to the pastor's house with the bride to set up for a 'shower' - they're adopting a baby orphan from Africa. Don, I cannot believe that story - 4 plumbers! $10K!  York sounds wonderful! I tried out an Evans Designs LED last evening with the diode (is that what it is) that Kurt kindly sent to me. It worked! James now has a working lantern.

Good news about the folks, Brutus.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by dougdagrump on Sunday, April 26, 2009 11:44 AM

Mornin' All from Taxafornia land of whackos and kooks but enuff talk about our governing body. Grumpy

Sir J. I must agree with your assessment. Ashamed

Things went well on friday, dead tired when I got home but a package delivery sure brightened the spirits. I had been wanting a Lionel "Desert Victory SD-40" for quite some time and I finally found one at an outstanding price. It isn't Legacy or RS-5 like the newest stuff but the sounds and ops are phenominal, I be one very happy camper. The grandson was here for the unveiling and testing, he fell in love with it. Once he got his hands on the cab-1 I don't think any of his Thomas stuff or my other TMCC stuff will fill the bill in his perspective.

It has really cooled off here since last weeks insanity, heat wise, but lots a blue sky & sunshine. Got some really nice boneless porkloin chops marinating in maple syrup, soy sauce and garlic to throw on the grill today. Chef  Dinner

Brutus, If memory serves correctly you have the halloween handcar. The pumpkin head guys, do they flex or bend at the waist as the handles move up & down? One of my many projects is to repaint a K-Line speeder for halloween and was thinking of trying to use the pumpkinhead guys as the speeder occupants.


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Posted by rtraincollector on Sunday, April 26, 2009 11:29 AM

SJ you have to remember something well My feeling anyway it seems to me that OGR is more pro MTH and anti Lionel but members not OGR it self and this one seems to be a better mix and may even lean a little more towards Lionel but its close to 50/50 here where I get the feeling over there its more like 75% mth and 25% lionel

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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, April 26, 2009 9:57 AM

Good Morning

Foggy and 51, going to 78,86 tomorrow which will bring more storms.

I was reading the York reports on that other forum and if I was to believe everything I read I have to think York is not for me. It sounds more like a mth meet than TCA.

Got Brutus and RT on chat, it is always  different.

Enjoy your Sunday...S.J.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Sunday, April 26, 2009 9:42 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill....

It is a clear and sunny 70 degrees. Going up to 90 today with sunshine. It's gonna be a hot one.

Today is an easy day. Nascar race and Indians game. I will be switching back and forth. Maybe a little train time later.

Good - Bye Pontiac.....That's a shame.

Dining car was here and we had the usual for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Sunday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, April 26, 2009 9:18 AM


  GREAT TIME @ YORK!!!!!!!!  WIFE and I had a great breakfast with DA GYZ.  JOHN F., DENNIS, CHIEF, and ROY.  A BIG THANK YOU ROY fot buying us breakfast!!!!  And KURT, NO GRITs for this guy.  CHIEF was going to order them again for us but had to put the kaboosh to it.  A BIG THANK YOU to DENNIS and DA CHIEF of bringing gifts to us from afar( da SOUTH).   Had a great time with DA GYZ at the bi annual photo shoot at the CTT booth.  Nice talk and great time with DAT BOXCAR. 

  I like FIFE only spent $100 there.  Only got a '41 hopped up Willey's and a "71 Cuda, along with some people, and a chain link fence.  Watched the Lionel presentation in the tent.  WOW!!!!   was it cool.  If YUZ GYZ didn't see the new VISION LINE make sure you check it out.  Great presentation, and they even provided beverages, not beer, but water and sodas if you wanted some thing to drink, free.  Gave us a few DVDs and Vision catelog, Lionel pin too.  All and all we had a great time there at YORK and both WIFE and I were tired when we got home.  We also went out had a nice dinner after YORK closed.

  Went trout fishing last nite and BRO caught and released 3 brookies and I caught and released a nice raibow.  Came home had fire, dogs and burgers and OL MIL.  Great nite but was hot yesterda, to get to 88 today.

Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Brutus on Sunday, April 26, 2009 9:01 AM

Good morning Coffee Pot - hmmm, fresh, thanks Fife!  Plans today - chat with SJ and work on basement.

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by fifedog on Sunday, April 26, 2009 8:26 AM

Mornin' boys.  Sunny & 70 already here in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Laundry, bills, and some SPF on tap for today.  Oh, and 'DEGA this afternoon.

Had a nice steak dinner with the family last night,and took kids to arcade, as I came home from YORK with a wad.  May have spent $100 bucks (40 of it on a MTH B&O FB dummy Thumbs Up) at YORK, and still had one of my better times there.  See, don't have to spend a fortune to have a great time.

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Posted by mitchelr on Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:50 AM

 Well another successful York Meet is over.  If you have never been, you ought to go at some point in your life.  For a Toy Train collector/operator it is the ultimate. I feel so fortunate that I only live 30 minutes away.  My feet are recovering from two and a half days of pounding the pavement. It was great meeting up with all of the forum guys for a photo Friday.  It was a real shame what they did to that poor defenseless, priceless boxcar.  No boxcar deserves that kind of treatment.

Hotter than blazes for this time of year yesterday, up near 90 and supposed to stay that way through Monday.  Grass needs to be cut today.  Also have a memorial service for a former colleague's father to attend this afternoon at 2:00 PM.

Take care,


Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:55 AM


Yep, I heard the Sutheners retreated back below the MD line.  It will be interesting to find what if any damage they lay claim to as a result of their trip.

Doug M, This is for you, I'm having a hard time believing this, but I'm sure its true.

Kay's best friend's neighbor was having sewer problems.  Had to have a plumber out.  Apparently the main line connection between the house and the street had been damaged by tree roots, and broke.  Ended up where the plumber had a crew of 4 guys for a day, what they did was insert some type of liner into the pipe.  The liner was some type of liquid that was subsquenty internaly heated that would seal the patch.  Cost of this job $10,000 .  The whole thing is done without digging the pipe or disturbing the landscape or sidewalks.  I don't understand it all.  I know the front of the house is less than 30 feet from the street.  Seems really strange, I know I would be digging up a LOT of grass, and breaking a LOT of cement for $10 grand!!!  Weird.



Nice to have your own septic system. Replace the whole thing for $4000 or one line for $1200. Sounds like Kay's best friend's neighbor need to contact the BBB.

Don - Did you get my email response to your phone call?

Any damage we southerners lay claim to while up north will be the gospel truth. You know we never lie.  Whistling



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Posted by Brutus on Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:43 PM

Don - let me think about this.  For about $100 I could rent a digger for a weekend and for another $100 get enough beer to ensure that any pipe I wanted dug up would get dug up.  OR, I could pay for some kind of liquid sealer - $10K.  Hmmmm.  It's a tough one!  Sheesh!

Worked 6 hours OT today.  No trains, but had some fun with my son and also visited my parents.  Dad looked great and said he felt fine, just tired from lack of sleep at the hospital.  He was really up and around too - phenomenal!  Really, the pneumonia was a gift, because otherwise they might not have found the heart blockages until it was too late!  Angel  Both parents officially quit smoking too!

Tardis is ready - sorry we missed you yesterday Kurt?  I'll come get you first!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by dbaker48 on Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:48 PM

 Jon, Sounds like a tremendous way of spending a couple of days !

Yep, I heard the Sutheners retreated back below the MD line.  It will be interesting to find what if any damage they lay claim to as a result of their trip.

Spent the day working 2 different shows; had some new "Questions of the week"

- Here I have a booth set up with all ink cartridges, guy comes up and asks "If I have any software for shavers?"   This guy was in his 50/60's, don't have any idea what he would be talking about.

2nd one

- Guy wants to know if I can get him Gel ink so he can refill his pen using a syringe.


Doug M, This is for you, I'm having a hard time believing this, but I'm sure its true.

Kay's best friend's neighbor was having sewer problems.  Had to have a plumber out.  Apparently the main line connection between the house and the street had been damaged by tree roots, and broke.  Ended up where the plumber had a crew of 4 guys for a day, what they did was insert some type of liner into the pipe.  The liner was some type of liquid that was subsquenty internaly heated that would seal the patch.  Cost of this job $10,000 .  The whole thing is done without digging the pipe or disturbing the landscape or sidewalks.  I don't understand it all.  I know the front of the house is less than 30 feet from the street.  Seems really strange, I know I would be digging up a LOT of grass, and breaking a LOT of cement for $10 grand!!!  Weird.

Ray, Obviously didn't make it to the AGHR open house or TCA's meet,  given a choice I think I would have gone to San Marino.  Hopefully next month, but uncertain at this time.

John F., Thanks again for the phone call !  Really did enjoy that!  You may want to get some progress pictures of the grandson's layout, he might really enjoy seeing them on the web (forum).

Got to get going, lots to do tonight before another day at the show tomorrow.  I knew there was a lot to comment about but forgot already.



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Posted by jonadel on Saturday, April 25, 2009 8:54 PM

Well, the party is over in York, turn out the lights and blow out the candle--hope everyone had a great time and I REALLY look forward to seeing pics of the treasures purchased.

Just about ready for bed, kids are here this weekend and now in Des Moines w/friends but we are taking care of  the princess tonight.  Built a fire in the fireplace and did marshmellows, it doesn't get much better than that Smile  We had temps of 85 yesterday and could have run the AC but didn't, today it was rain and 48 and furnace kicked on ........ wouldn't trade either day for anything.


So many roads, so little time. 


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Posted by sir james I on Saturday, April 25, 2009 7:55 PM

Good Evening

Low 80s today then storms arrived. Sneakin this post in before round three gets here. No train running today just enjoyed the weather until, well you know, the rain came. Banilla is ready  and so am I, fly on over here Brutus....S.J.

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Posted by kpolak on Saturday, April 25, 2009 7:36 PM

Evening all!

Ray:  Happy Birthday to your bride!

Doug:  Soccer souunds like a great time!  Hope Little League goes as well!

Quite day...except Bride has been working thru the night, and all of today, to be followed up by more work tonight, and probably thru the night.

Swim classes for both girls, came home and played with the neighbor lady's grandchild, followed by going to the local park.  Too nice a day to keep them inside.

Brutus:  Beacon is on!  I must have just missed you guys on the chat last night.  I was looking for you about 8:45pm, and no one was around.


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Posted by SPMan on Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:43 PM

Good afternoon all, went to TCA Western Division train meet today but got there late.  No matter, it was a pretty slow meet anyway.  A few of the guys had gone to York and the DCS demonstration layout was not running today either.  Table sales were basically the same stuff I saw last month.  Did not win any raffle prizes either.

Going out for Dinner with my wife to celebrate her birthday today.  Brutus, thanks for the happy birthday for her.

Ran trains a little bit this afternoon and changed some tires on the engines.  Looked at a lot of pictures on the internet of people at York for the Thursday night get together at Fridays restaurant.  Would have been nice if they posted some names with the pictures.  Talked to an old head collector friend of mine today at meet.  He hardly ever misses a York Meet but did not go this time.  I have'nt been since 2001.

Announcement today about Cal Stewart meet this year in Pasadena Convention Center.  The remodeling of the facility is finished and we will go back to the main hall this Fall.  It is much larger than the old place and more unloading space for meets.

Later, Ray











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Posted by PhilaKnight on Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:31 PM

Good evening everyone. It's been a long tme since I posted on here. Work has had me busy latley. And it seems that all at once the applaiances in the house went on strike. Washer died, Dyer decided to save the enviroment by not wanted to work and save the natural gas. Mother-in-laws water heater blew up. Just a bad month. From what I see everyone had a good time at York. Decided next year to make the trip. Did not relize it was only 100 miles from Philly.

The weather finnally turned for the better but it's 87 today and yesterday it was a nice 70. What a difference. And makes you want to slap the commander that decide my unit should wear black uniforms. 

Finnaly got to really work on the layout. Painted the Homosote and laid the track plan down. Plan on securing the track this week. Just have to decide what kind of pillars I want to make for the bridge over the lake. Suggestions are welcome. Using plywood for the deck. The bridge is not straight its a 0-54 curve. Need the pillars to be about 4 inches high.  

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Saturday, April 25, 2009 2:54 PM


Patrick - the buildings are all Plasticville from the 50's and 60's.  The exception is the ford truck with the dogbox.  I liked it so much I left it in place.

I orginally had a brown barn and log house but changed it out for the white one. 

The white barn and farmhouse looks more like the farm I worked on years ago.



I definitely prefer the white buildings with the red roofs.


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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Saturday, April 25, 2009 2:41 PM

Patrick - the buildings are all Plasticville from the 50's and 60's.  The exception is the ford truck with the dogbox.  I liked it so much I left it in place.

I orginally had a brown barn and log house but changed it out for the white one. 

The white barn and farmhouse looks more like the farm I worked on years ago.


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Posted by cnw1995 on Saturday, April 25, 2009 2:38 PM

Tres Adventures!  Back from soccer - nothing finer than a scrum of six and five year old boys and girls all going for the same ball. Missed another thunder storm. Time for a nap?

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Saturday, April 25, 2009 2:02 PM

Reb forces notified me that they had slunk south over the Potomac (a-gain...) a little while ago.

I was able to liberate the "rare and espensive" contraband from the invaders, and it is safe at fifedom hq.

Great time at the CTT booth.  Nice long chats.

MichRR714 - where were you yesterday...Confused

Pirate  Have to take my crew out to dinner now.

Our plan is working.

The Decoy Force "slunk" south to make you think we all went south. Our massive force will liberate our southern comrades who went to York, and retrieve the contraband.Pirate Enjoy your dinner. You will receive an appetite stopping call soon. Whistling


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Posted by fifedog on Saturday, April 25, 2009 1:12 PM

Reb forces notified me that they had slunk south over the Potomac (a-gain...) a little while ago.

I was able to liberate the "rare and espensive" contraband from the invaders, and it is safe at fifedom hq.

Great time at the CTT booth.  Nice long chats.

MichRR714 - where were you yesterday...Confused

Pirate  Have to take my crew out to dinner now.

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