Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats Locked

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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:31 PM



Getting ready for class tonight. Still cold and grey - got the middle boy his birthday gift - 2 tickets to White Sox day game - lower level seats, and a parking pass. $115 with taxes, handling fees and other phooey. Wow. And that's without $6 hotdogs and $10 beers. Oh well. Didn't go last year and probably won't next.

Doug......adopt me.  I come with my own car, auto insurance, and clothes.  I mow lawns, and you don't have to send me to college and pay for it.  Plus I've had all my shots and am house broken. 



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Posted by tmcc man on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:37 PM

Hey Guys!

Haven't checked in here for a while. I've been lurking here and there but school, friends, cars and a ton of other stuff has me completely wrapped up.

I've decided that I will no longer be joining the military, but my major in college will be criminal justice. After I graduate, my plan is to head into the police academy and then hopefully go into Philly as an undercover officer. I definitely want to do undercover narcotics, because I'm so strongly against the drug flow throughout Philly. It's an abslolute disgrace to see the decay of so many good people to these stupid substances that not only ruin the drug takers life, but the lives of the innocent people around them. My plan after the undercover deal is to do S.W.A.T for a few years, and then leave the police force and go into the F.B.I for counter-terrorism. I want to make this world a much better place for people to live in. 

My mom, grandmom and girlfriend aren't too happy with that choice, but I do have the support of everyone else in my family, especially my aunt who is currently a detective.

 Trains have taken the back burner for a while, but they were up for Christmas and through New Years. There's still a possibility that the G-Scale may be built out back, but this summer is going to be extremely busy.

I've been extremely extremely happy with my life lately. I'm in an amazing relationship with an amazing girl, and we are extremely close to one another. I couldn't ask for anymore in her. She's awesome.

School is going well, and I'm doing good in every subject but trig. I cannot stand that subject, and no matter how hard I try to concentrate I can't. But other than that, everything else in school is going well. Plenty of things to do on the weekends, from bbqing at my friend Mike's house, to taking the convertible out for a nice cruise. My photography habit has been eating a lot of my time up too. I'm obsessed with my camera. It's a Canon Digital Rebel XTi, and I have three lens's for it: Canon 18-55mm, Canon 75-300mm tele-photo zoom lens, and a Canon fisheye lens. I have found that my lens addiction is catching on, and I really want a 500mm zoom lens, but the only issue is the price. Too much for me right now. If anyone wants to check my site out, here it is:

That site has a bunch of different photos, mainly from the XTi, but a few are thrown in from my old Panasonic Lumix point and shoot camera.

We had a nice easter here, but I had the good fortune (sike) of having my wisdom teeth being removed last thursday. I'm feeling a lot better now than I was, but the bruising is starting to show up finally. I'll deal with it day by day.

Regarding the pirate situation: I was talking to my government and economics teacher about it today and he was saying to try to imagine being the captain and seeing the three pirates being picked off like that. The accuracy of those shots was amazing. When you factor in the counter measures the snipers had to face, comping for the wind and the bobbing of the ships on the waves, it's amazing that the shots were as accurate as they were. I have a ton of respect for the people in our armed forces, they are amazing people.

I heard today that there have been 4 other hijackings of ships by more Somalian pirates. One was even quoted as saying the U.S. handling of the situation has not detered them from carrying out these attacks. These guys must be suicidal. I also saw that the we, the U.S., may be leaving a few Destroyers for patrol purposes. Hopefully that will bring that situation to a close.

Prayers for everyone that need them. We've been having trouble here lately, but I've been praying, and so far it's working, which is all I can ask for.

I'll try to check in more often. Talk to you guys later!



Colin from
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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:07 PM

Colin a few destroyers in the area really isn't going to bring the situation to an end what needs to happen is a bunch of these countries just not us and france place a big naval force there and a lot of fast smaller attack boats that our special forces have like the old PT boats but quicker and better armed. If we start taking out them as fast as they show up after a while they'll learn its time to got into another business or kiss ther tail goodby. but still this has to be a long term goal this isn't going to end in a few months and after it does we need to stay there a few years to ensure it doesn't return. If you get like 20 or so countries all suporting with about 5 -10 river type boats all the time that would give you about 100 - 200 boats over the area that could react quickly and they would know what to be looking for. it may get to the point where about 5-10 ships need to meet and go thru at the same time with patrols gaurding them the whole way. It going to take some doing and our goverments need to get together and figure out how there going to bring this to an end attacking somalia isn't an answer as the pirates are living in the middle with the inocent people of the country. But never forget the silent force is always around somewhere. Whistlingthats why there motto is run silent run deep. They can pop up and out of nowhere.

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Posted by tmcc man on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:12 PM


Just read another article on Yahoo. Not may options. It's not only a problem on the water, but inland, as it's a country ruled my gangs. There is no government control. Factor in 1,900 miles of coastline and there's no possible way to prevent any of these attacks from happening. It's sad, but true.


Colin from
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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:27 PM

Hi Colin....Good to hear from you.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:33 PM

Even my idea of like 200 boats that would still put them at 10 miles apart so they attack one inbetween 2 at 5 miles each way in the 5-10 minutes to get there they would have control and then you also have to add how wide the area is so now your even making it a lot further away each one. so like I said the only possible choice would be to escort like 5 - 10 ships at a time and then you end up have open war on the open sea lanes. some how something will be done but its going to take a long time to get it right . I know avoiding all shipping in that area isn't the answer either.

its somethin they have to work out. 

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Posted by Brutus on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:45 PM

Hey guys, I'm up for the Tardis tonight, feeling a lot better.  Talked to other family today and I was not the only one stricken - it's a 24 hour bug of some kind.  Laz - if they gave me mental days, then they would never get any work out of me Laugh  You guys all know that by now!  Wife got back with her doctor today and they are doing more tests to determine cause of anemia.  She doesn't have any symptoms of anything and we know they put her on iron with the kids, so probably nothing - just metabolism and diet? 

Colin - good to hear from you, thanks for keeping us up to date.

RT, Colin - another factor is that there is no more local fishing in that area - high tech big industrial fishing by China and Italy has wiped it out.  Not that that is a moral excuse, but it explains things a little more. 

Patrick - no worries, I have a spare key Wink  I'll be along shortly!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:53 PM

I'm ready brutus have choclate cake with vanilla icing in one hand and fudge royal ice cream in the other and beacon is on

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Posted by wrmcclellan on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 7:48 PM

Evening all!

Good to hear from you Colin - now that girls & cars are in the picture for you - you will take a 25-35 year break from trains Smile

Beautiful day here today - 70 and sunny.

May have some relief coming at the office - new org chart released that shows me returning to a senior staff advisory level instead of running the eng group. Has a couple of the team unhappy but they understand. Who will the new boss be???

Son on a bit of a break from soccer due to Easter weekend.

Looking forward to York next week - need the break in the worst way - will be good to see the CTT gang that can make the trip!

Have a great day tomorrow!

Regards, Roy

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Posted by mitchelr on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:01 PM

 Evening Folks,

Just dropping in to say hello.  Nothing significant happened over the holidays.  Son and GF came and we did some shopping. Had dinner at sister & BIL's house on Sunday. Loved being away from school for a few days.  Also looking forward to York next week.  Wife will be away in FL for sister's 60th b'day celebration, so I get to be a bachelor for a few days that coincide with York.

Still have to take some photos of the new standard gauge set.

Take care,


Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839

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Posted by sir james I on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:14 PM

Good evening

Lite rain all day, I have been taking doc. meds for a cough but today was bad again. Maybe the dampness.

No big events today and did not get to the trains. Dentist office in the AM for cleaning. Not my favorite place at all in fact pretty close to the bottom of my list.

Banilla is ready, Brutus you may need the fog lites to help ease the way through the rain...S.J.

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:16 PM

Evening all,

Finally getting to sit down and rest, been going 90 MPH since 0500 this morning and I am beat.

Good to hear from Colin.  Admire the job choice.

I am going to pay some attention to my bride.

May God bless


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Posted by dwiemer on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:21 PM




Getting ready for class tonight. Still cold and grey - got the middle boy his birthday gift - 2 tickets to White Sox day game - lower level seats, and a parking pass. $115 with taxes, handling fees and other phooey. Wow. And that's without $6 hotdogs and $10 beers. Oh well. Didn't go last year and probably won't next.

Doug......adopt me.  I come with my own car, auto insurance, and clothes.  I mow lawns, and you don't have to send me to college and pay for it.  Plus I've had all my shots and am house broken. 



OOOO Doug, Adopt me too!  I am all those things except the last.  I'll work on the house broke thing, but I'm a quick learner!

Colin, great to see you checking in.  Regarding the pirates, I heard a good quote from a Capt. that had worked with Capt. Phillips in the past.  He said that the shipping companies should hire about 5 armed security guards per ship.  They did this on a ship he had in the Caribbean.  They were travelling through dangerous territory and had two armed guards on board.  One night, some pirates attacked and attempted to board the ship.....guards killed them all and kept going.  While the crew cannot be armed, supposedly they can have armed guards.  As to the bravado of the pirates, the guys making the calls are cowards!  They sit in base ships or on shore and then send young men (14-20) out to take the ships.  I would say stage strategic raids and eliminate the commanders, but our administration is not going to do anything that ruffles the feathers of the UN.

OK, off the soapbox.  Wife has been keeping me busy.  We have the carpet cleaners coming tomorrow, so I am putting furniture in rooms where we don't have carpet and making it easy for the carpet guys.  Oh well, wife is the type who clean up the place for when the maid comes.

Roy, I too am looking forward to a little R&R at York.  It will be a nice break from work.

I tried to replace the string on the violin tonight.  I broke the replacement trying to put it on the peg....Arrrrghhhhh!

Well, God Bless,



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Posted by ChiefEagles on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:31 PM

Evening all.  Had several good showers.  Watched movie with Wifey.  Now to settle down.  May go run trains.  Want to go to lake but raining.  Have to take a couch and recliner so it has to fair off first. 

Pirates are to be shot.  Gunships need to patrol and take care of them.  What I am watching is the female Iranian American Journalist being tried in Iran.  If they keep her, we need to take two of theirs.  Announce, you take one of ours, we will take two of yours.  You take another, we will double that.   

Colin, good step going to College and majoring in Criminal Justice.  Being a Cop is one of the best professions you could ever be.  Will not get rich but will do a lot of good.  Speaking of cops, Frankie's SRT guys that did the shooting are OK'd.  News did say tonight that the guy shot had a BB pistol.  They did NOT make a whole lot out of that [thank God].   

BTW: where has Rich gone???  No word from him for a few.  Or did I miss one, RT. [I can depend on RT to keep up with everyone]


 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by rtraincollector on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:54 PM

chief I've haven't heard from him in a while either last I remember something about a starter or something on the bike


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:04 PM


           Glad to see you came back.  Good luck with criminal justice.  I'd rather be doing something like that instead of Electrical Engineering Tech.  I am too far in to it though.  Are you still on xbox live?  I need to renew my Gold subscription though.  My gamertag is the same as my username here.

 It has been a crazy week here.  Yesterday, I was walking to class carrying my laptop when I felt someone try to pull it from behind.  I spun around and struck the would be thief in the chest with my laptop case and knocked him to the ground.  Never thought something like that would happen on campus.  Definitely shook me up.

Fortunately, today has been uneventful.  I bought new wires and plugs for the PGT, but it is still running a bit rich.  It runs strong with no missing or hesistation, but there is light gray exhaust and a slight gas odor. No codes or CEL though.  Disty cap and rotor are good, timing is correct, so I am stumped. Anyone have any ideas?

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Posted by njalb1 on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:26 PM

If its burning a little oil, grey smoke, could be worn valve guides ... Ford, used an aluminum cylinder head with replaceable valve guides that wear quickly !

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:35 PM

Evein' Fellas

Been a heck of a ride around here the last few days. Sick as a dog Sunday night, off yesterday due to recovery, and no voice today due to excessive vomitting Sunday night. I think I actually chared my throught!

Any how I did get down to the trainroom tonight to cause some damage - literally! I knocked the GN GP-7 w/Legacy off the tracks and onto the floor. Cracked the rear of the shell near the control cover! Not sure if it works because the track is disconnected due to expansion. I'll be beyond ticked if it doesn't work any more! Sad

Pirates? Shoot-em-all? Come on. We have rants on here about how people in this country can't afford to buy tickets to ballgames and then posts about people needing to be killed because they hijack a ship because they can't afford to buy ANYTHING? And why can't they buy anything? Hmmm... ALL sources of income in their country have been eliminated by foreigners or is controlled by thugs. Watch Blackhawk Down if you need a refresher as to what Somalia is all about. The ONLY way to fix this is to establish a functioning government, support that government with military aid and financial aid, create infrastructure, and then build their economy... why won't this work? See Irag & Afghanistan - the American, British, EU, Australia, Japan, etc all have no backbone any more. It would take some 250+ warships to effectively patrol the waters around Somalia - some 1.2 million square miles... no country or countries could do that, so untill we, as a World, wake up this is going to continue.

As for pro-athletes? If you want the best seats you are going to pay for them... if you can't afford the best seats, move back or up. There are cheaper seats in the stadiums. If you don't like the consession prices, don't buy them. When we go to Ravens' games we rarely buy food in the stadium... typically 1 bottle of water (they keep the cap - so we bring our own), and maybe a pretzel or nachos. We don't buy beer because it dehydrates you during warmer games and does not keep you warm during cold games... that and it costs a boat load of $$$ so they can keep it. Sorry guys you have a problem with people making big $$$, what about those that have spent years and $$$ on their education? You don't think they've earned the right to higher salaries? But it is OK for someone with a HS education to make $40.00 an hour holding a shovel or turning a 'Stop/Slow' sign? Or how about those on welfare for 30+ years that CAN work but CHOSE not to? Life isn't 'fair' and it was never meant to be. As my Grand Fathers and Father taught me... if you don't like your lot in life - get off your *** and do something about it. Oh - and that $10.00 beer - is most likely being poured by someone earning much higher than $9.00/hr! Minimum wage was meant to breakup the sweatshops of the late 1800s early 1900s, NOT to raise a family of 4! Back when I was in HS the minimum wage was $1.75 an hour... I didn't need anything higher than that either... now you need a $9.00 minimum wage - why? Because everything made by minimum wage workers has gotten more expensive... why... minimum wage went up $7.25!

Sorry for the rant but sometimes things here get a little callywonkled...

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Posted by 8ntruck on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:36 PM

Happy Tuesday all.  The usual stuff going on.  The press we've had down at work for the last six weeks is back together and should come back on line tomorrow.  That will give the press crews some weekends off now.  We seem to have beaten last week's production gremlins down, freeing me up to get some project work done.

I've got a couple of bids going on some E-bay train things.  Every so often the stars align and you win an auction with a bid that is reasonable.  I'm hoping that will be the case on the #6660 crane car.

Stopped by the post office today and sent Cesar his due.  Weather is warming up and the sun actually showed up for a little bit.

Collin, Jim - Law enforcement and electrical tech. are both good, portable professions. Study hard and do well.  I'm elegable for retirement in just under two years - we need the next generation in good jobs to keep Social Security alive, just like I've been contributing to the older (wise?) ones here on the forum for the last 30 yearsLaugh.   

Pirates - basically it has been business.  Grab a ship, the ship owners pay money.  When that is the only industry around....  I started wondering today if some groups are now going to turn to piracy as a form of political statement.  Defence methods - a lot of hard lessons were learned in the North Atlantic in WWII.  Maybe some of those tactics might work.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:40 PM are right.  Rich is mia.  Could he too have dreams of calling DougM "Dad?" 

Rich probably got another Harley.  Then read how generous DougM has been doling out the birthday baseball package to his son.  He probably called Jon, and the two of them are riding hard to meet up with Dennis, RT, and me at Doug's place so we can all move forward on this adoption process.

But Doug is boat deficient.  He has lots of freshwater venues near his home, so we can help him pick one out that will accommodate us all.  Jon knows all about that stuff.  We will counter his wife's objections to the boat purchase by promoting her to Admiral.

Doug is also going to need to build a 10 car garage for our vehicles and a whole bunch of bunkbeds and bathrooms near the train room.  And determine a schedule so we all get equal time running his trains. 

As adoptees, we will have certain responsibilities to divvy up.

First, we have to remove Doug from the appliance scenario.  He has messed that up.  Next, we have to form a crack cat surveillance team so the cat doesn't wind up sealed up in the wall again.  We will need to form a dog walking team.  And most important, we will have to help Doug engineer and construct a wastewater management system that won't clog or back up. 

Due to our good influence on his children, valedictorians and full-ride academic scholarships will soon follow.  The money Doug will save on colleges can be reinvested now in season baseball, football, basketball, and hockey tickets for us.  He'll have plenty of money to spend on us at all the ball games.

Not sure how we can Doug out of trouble with his wife, though.  None of us has perfected a plan on that front with our own, let alone come up with some foolproof ideas for him.  He'll have to go that road alone.  Even if we were to all side with him on every "issue," experience tells me the better half would still prevail every time.



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Posted by 8ntruck on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:52 PM

Not sure how we can Doug out of trouble with his wife, though.  None of us has perfected a plan on that front with our own, let alone come up with some foolproof ideas for him.  He'll have to go that road alone.  Even if we were to all side with him on every "issue," experience tells me the better half would still prevail every time

Maybe some ground rules about not using the dining room table or china cabinet as staging areas for the train goodies - be really generous, keep the dining room clear in months with blue moons.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:19 PM


     I don't think it is burning oil because the exhaust doesn't have a blue tint or oil smell.  I never have to add any oil either.  Has a distinct gas odor.  Both upstream O2 sensor as well as the pre cat O2 sensor are the same ones that have been in the car since it was built on 1-29-97.  With 189,287 miles on the clock, they probably need to be replaced.

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Posted by laz 57 on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6:36 AM


  45 and rainy here today only going to 48?  We need the rain we are still behind in the rain bucket.  Oh well, grass will grow.

BRENT, I agree and disagree with your thoughts on the pro athelets.  I agree with you on not buying the consessions at ball parks.  On salaries I totally disagree.  I guy who throws a ball and plays a kids game is worth more then a doctor, police officer, teacher, etc.?  I went to school, got 2 degrees, dug ditches, finished concrete, built houses, and now am teaching kids, and not making no where near what a ball player makes for throwing a ball.  I know the value of a buck and these guys and the owners of teams and their stadiums, which we as tax payers gave them the money, are no where worth the salaries that are paid them.  Heck in the 60s ball players had to get a job after the season to make ends meet.  Now they are nothing more then pre Madonnas, wanting even more money each and every year.  The way to stop this is stop going and after the first day check out the attendances, they are going down.  I hope that continues so a family of 4 can go to a game, and enjoy baseball again, without taking a bank loan if they can get one?

That's my rant,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Ole Timer on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6:58 AM

LAZ ... do I totally agree with you .... on msnbc they stated a ball player ...  was getting over a 100 million dollar pay package over a couple  years ! And he was one among many at different sports . That's bull crap .... no wonder we have to pay those prices at the gate .

We were behind on rain here and I was worried ... prayed for rain ... the Lord has it raining almost evey day Sigh ! Now why did'nt he answer some of those other ones in magnitude I begged for ... Laugh  ? You know that old saying ..... " be careful what you wish for " .

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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 7:04 AM

Good morning all,

It is cloudy and slightly warmer in SE Indiana with temps near 50.  Just did weights and some half-hearted soccer juggling last night.  Long day at work and too many meetings.  Did some Second Life last night.  It was last night to soak toe.  Done with that.  Tmcc man, welcome back!  Lucas is majoring in criminal justice as well.  Tonight is soccer with the high school kids.  Hopefully I will be at about 90% capability at least.  I need to get my game back.  I had the regular fare on the dining car for breakfast.  Beacon is lit.  Pick me up after soccer, though.  The Old Mils will taste good.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 7:34 AM

Mornin' Fellas.

They get paid those salaries, yes, but there is also language written into those contracts that quite a bit of it must go to charities. Why do you think most pro-athletes have foundations? Are pro-athletes over paid? Yes some are... but it is their talent and skill that draws the crowds - like it or not. If you or I had their talent and skill then why aren't we out there? Answer is we do not, many are willing to pay the prices to see them play and therefore their stock price goes up. The better they are the more face time they get and the more face time they get the more endorsement deals they land. Are they worth more than a doctor? Teacher? I don't know - define worth. There are also many athletes that donate money to their alma maters, some as far back as High School. We can argue this point back and forth... my point was there are people, at all walks of life, that are paid more than they should be for the jobs they perform, and there are some that are under paid - but that is life. I believe the reason attendance is down at many events is due to the economy and people not having the disposable income they had in years past. If they had the disposable income they would still be going - IMHO.

I wasn't for the new stadiums in Pittsburgh, but if you look at the amount of taxes paid by those franchises you may think differently. Without those stadiums do you realize how much tax money would be lost if the team left town? Then all the jobs associated with that stadium - not only on game day, but also the residual effect of the lost jobs at eateries, bars, and other stores? I also believe the stadiums were not fully funded by the tax payers - if memory serves me correctly. Unfortunately I don't have time to go back and research it.


Hope all have a good day.

Chief - prayers up for Pam and ex-step-daughter.

Brutus - Hope you get over what ails you... I was in the same boat Sunday night... not fun.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 7:37 AM

Good morning again,

A few months ago, I almost left here because of the shadows hanging over me.  Today another one left.  There is still one left, but it may not be as big as it once was.  Thank you all for the support.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 7:40 AM


Good morning again,

A few months ago, I almost left here because of the shadows hanging over me.  Today another one left.  There is still one left, but it may not be as big as it once was.  Thank you all for the support.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Mike - Glad you hung around and glad your shadows are receding into memory! Thumbs Up
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Posted by anjdevil2 on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 8:07 AM

Morning Guys....Thanks for missing me...!


Been really busy as the train store winds down.  The Acela was finally sold and we have 3 pieces that have been sent back to MTH, 2 that I have repaired and 2 Lionels that have been sent back.  I’ll be in the LTS early on Saturday, as we’re going to go through the back room and see what surprises awaits.  I know there is at least 12 Atlas O switches on the shelf, a full box of LGB 5’ straight it should be interesting.  Last Day is May 2.  RIP Train Works.


I’m looking for a house now, I have been pre-approved and the hunt has begun.  It will be at least half the size that I’m in now, but, no fear, there are plans for a layout no matter where I end up.  Unfortunately, it’ll still be here in least I have a job.  And the Princess will be closer to school.


We’ve adopted a cat here at work, looks like someone dumped her off.  The guys have been bringing her food and she spends most of the day in my office out of the way.  We hope to have a home for her soon.


As for athletes/baseball/ get paid for your worth and the money is in sports.  God blesses some of us with athletic talent and some with brains.  I accept that and really don’t care.  I enjoy Yankees Baseball, NY Giants Football and my beloved NJ Devils hockey.  Yes, it is expensive and I am obviously far removed from my teams, but would go if I have half a chance, budget be damned.  Though, I’d rather go to see hockey.  We have a AA affiliate of the Marlins here and I go occasionally and enjoy it.  The local hockey team has folded it’s tent a couple of years ago due to lack of attendance.


And the Harley?  It’s being fixed, the dealer is replacing the entire ignition system and reverting it back to stock...and we’ll see what happens from there.


Colin, good to see you.  Always nice to have the young guns stop in (Colin & Jim T.)


Cooler and breezy today, had winds up to 60 mph yesterday and rain, today feels like

a fall day, crisp and clear!


Well, that’s all the news, Easter was great, I cooked, no nap, and I’m STILL tired.


Mike, glad yer still hangin' in there..!!


Catch ya on the flip!!



I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
I am the venom in your skin  --- Breaking Benjamin

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: South Carolina
  • 9,713 posts
Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 8:39 AM


Good morning again,

A few months ago, I almost left here because of the shadows hanging over me.  Today another one left.  There is still one left, but it may not be as big as it once was.  Thank you all for the support.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Mike you would have been missed very much. Glad we were able to give you the suport and you stuck around and gave us the chance to do so. I may not say it enough but I enjoy reading all that is put out here. May not agree but thats what this great country is about so stick with us and we'll stick with you and best of luck and wishes to get it all straighten out sooner or later

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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