MichRR714 Made the trip to Houghton Lake.. rain all the way and deer all over the road..looks like the pre-rut is on here in the north. In just a few short weeks I will be relaxing in my heated blind reading Train mags and waiting for my buck to show up.
Made the trip to Houghton Lake.. rain all the way and deer all over the road..looks like the pre-rut is on here in the north. In just a few short weeks I will be relaxing in my heated blind reading Train mags and waiting for my buck to show up.
Soft baby!!!! Climb a tree in the freezing cold and sit for hours.
Morning. Weather persons said lots of rain yesterday. Hardly any fell. Then on 11 PM news, rain all over except a few sprinkles. Been raining for a while. Not hard but enough to get you wet [funny sprinkles].
Fife, Princess has boyfriend. How does Dad meet him at the door?
Youngest was suppose to come and stay the weekend. Called with excuse. Mom about to write her off. Stay at home Mom to busy to come visit parents. HUMMMM Says Grandson has ear infection [bet tubes are in the future]. We use to travel with sick ones. New generation.
Not sure I am going to Miss Edna's today or not. Resting up and rainy lazy day. Trains are in order I think. Have a good one and God bless.
PS: Dennis, glad it went your way. All my Dr. friends say that their insurance is one reason their prices are so high. The other is their PROFIT margin. [could not resist that one, just joking]
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Chief - I was a Casanova as a teen;so I simply assume I'm dealing with the same type of smoothie. I mind my manners, but I do say this when they leave my house,"Bring her back in the same condition she's leaving."
Good morning all,
IIABSDISEI with temps in the 50s. Good checkup at dentist yesterday. Wife could not find sweeper she liked in town so we went to Indy to look. Bought one at a place ran by relative of son-in-law. Expensive, but wife is happy. Made a day of it and went to Border's and Half-Priced Books, also J C Penneys and ate at Pizza Hut. Watched "Numb3rs" last night. Going to a wedding this afternoon. Watched some of the IRL qualifying last night in Australia. Will Power (what a name) is on the pole. Meira, in his first start for AJ, is starting 11th. Read some of the new CTT last night. Several good articles. I had bacon and waffles on the dining car this morning. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C.
ChiefEaglesSoft baby!!!! Climb a tree in the freezing cold and sit for hours.
Why be uncommfortable? I do the cold wet thing often enough to not be soft! :)
Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)
fifedog Chief - I was a Casanova as a teen;so I simply assume I'm dealing with the same type of smoothie. I mind my manners, but I do say this when they leave my house,"Bring her back in the same condition she's leaving."
While cleaning his big bore rifle!!!!
Another squirrel wanted to eat a pecan in front of me. My big bore airrifle sent him to the squirrel's big nut tree in the sky. Sun is out now.
Makes me think of the Trunk Monkey commercials - just what Fife needs as a chaperone: http://www.trunkmonkey.com/content/view/75/51/
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Great link Doug, thanks!
Laz, da family is about to go out for some stromboli grinders, or maybe pizza? I'll come get ya in about an hour and we can go to da game anytime you want
Worked 8 hours OT and then reclinerized for about an hour. Now - Jimmy is HUNGRY!
Chief, my Dad has had to hold off the varmint horde from his tomato plants. His squirrels like to grab a nice tomato, eat about half of it and drop it at the bottom of the tree. Not if Deadeye Jack is home though! Blam! Say hello to my leetle friend!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Oh - I got my CTT today. I like those Williams sharknose locomotives, wish they had tmcc for that price though.
Hi Guys
Two games done and 15 minutes till the Buckeyes. I'll never make it to the end though so I hope they jump start in the first half. Wife is waiting for the Red Wings game so we will be at seperate tvs. My CTT came today too, thumbed it at half time but I need a better look. One week from the big local train show but they are expecting a smaller crowd this year based on table sales. We really won't know till then will we? I already had banilla but if Brutus comes by I will choke down a little more. TTFN....S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
This is a new one for me I just got a phone call from some unknown place wanting me to place a bet on the Buckeye game. Never had that happen before.
sir james I This is a new one for me I just got a phone call from some unknown place wanting me to place a bet on the Buckeye game. Never had that happen before.
Evening all Not to much happening, been a quiet day basicly at work today. Just you normal day.
Lost my to be train room to plants and end tables we'll see not saying much right now as don't have the funds to do anything with the cut back on OT for a while.
Will talk to you all later have a good evening
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Good evening,
Brent, Thanks for posting the picture. Looks good. To bad some of the others couldn't make it on Saturday. First time for me on Saturday, but I really enjoyed it. Much more relaxed walking the halls with the reduced crowd. Will do it more often.
RT, Is this a budget thing or has the workload decreased? BTW, you can use the plants for scenery.
I don't really need all the color choices on that palette, very confusing.
RT- I make a legal bet on the Super Bowl, thats it. If its an off shore deal you would never get your money.
Today was a good day. After working on the layout and running trains, I went out by the swing set and put up a tire swing that kids just love. Then, came in, relaxed and bride decided we needed to go out for dinner. Had some good 'ol fashioned BBQ with GRITS and Sweet Tea! Was a great meal. Came home, found that I had won another two auctions, so made arrangements for payment and should get them this week. Picked up a Southern bay window caboose and a Madison Hardware Lionel tractor trailer for the layout. I figure the Caboose will go nice with that TMCC Berk I have on the way from Justrains.
Does anyone have the K-Line Southern Berk with TMCC? It looked like a nice engine from the pictures. Anyway, once I get her, I have to wait as SWMBO is going to hold onto it till Christmas as one of my gifts. IF anyone out there has one, please let me hear what you think of it. I am looking forward to playing with it.
BTW, Chief, got your message, we were out to eat when you called. As it is, the director and executive director of the movie we did were on "Huckabee" on Fox. I watched that, but will watch the other program when it comes on again. I have lots of information on that subject and have a few that will "reach out and touch them" if you know what I mean
God bless,
Evening all. Dennis, wife had women's dinner at church tonight. She came home saying everyone is bragging about all of your movies [not just the latest].
Think I might hit the bed early tonight [unless there is a good western on]. Last night I was watching a movie on Halmark, woke up to the weather on 11 PM news, woke up again at 2 AM saying, "I have to get out ot the recliner aand go to bed." and woke up at 4 AM and went to bed. Got up with Burg and Lucy at 5:30 AM. Went back to bed and slept till 9 AM.
Got a call from Shake and Bake who was working another show. Poor guy never gets a weekend.
Had to ride with wife to Walmart as soon as the MIL. Channel sniper thing went off. She has to get fixings for a shower tomorrow afternoon. Got some lake house things too. Got the sign this week that says, "The Eagles Nest." Will install tomorrow.
Women are having a baby shower for nephew's wife. Will be busy all afternoon. FIL and I are going to the lake. Taking conduit and etxc up to wire metal building [where cable was trenched in Wed.]. His first trip up there. MIL says to Pam that he is looking forward to the ride.
Going to sign off with: Good night. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
PSU WINS!PSU WINS!!PSU WINS!!!Great game by two solid football teams... I sincerelly hope Pryor goes Pro this year!
Brent......is it my imagination, or is the Ohio clan somewhat subdued after the PSU/OSU game? Before the game, called the PSU players patsies or something like that. Doom and gloom in Buckeye land.
Should MTH offer the OSU sets with the PSU fight song ?
Thought there was a seismic event so I went to the earthquake reporting site. They thought it was one also but revised their report after discovering that it was the OSU fans jumping off the bandwagon.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
"Dad, do you HAVE to wear your firearms every time someone drops by to pick me up?" "Sorry, dear, but I thought the shotgun was a little over the top."
This game really had me concerned, so I'm not going to kick anyone while their down - heck PSU Fans have been there all too often in the last 8 years.This was a hard fought game between two top 10 teams. This is the first time all season PSU's O has been held under 20pts and that in and of itself is saying a heck of a lot.
The wife and I picked up our granddaughter today and took her to a local farm to buy pumpkins. Beautiful 60 degree Fall day in New England. Grampy's influence on the 5 year old induced some rolled eyes from Grammy who thought two 30 pound pumpkins were a bit over the top for her tastes. My reaction: "These must be great pumpkins because Grammy thinks they're too big!" Granddaughter agreed. Wife didn't laugh when I told her to carry them out to the car. No sense of humor. Carving tomorrow......the pumpkins that is.
DougM......continued prayers for your son's progress.
Brent.....can you spell M5? It's time.
Good night all.
Morning all
PSU / OSU was a good game. Love defensive showdowns!
EDW- Got the bridge adapter and recovered data from oldder laptop, bride happy so I'm happy. Looking around for a replacement power bar now. Thanks again
Got to leavefor work.
May God bless
Mornin' boys. Condolences Snohizoans. Sunny & 43 (you can always tell a PETTY fan) here in the Mid-Atlantic region. S'posed to get up to the 60's, which means more time on the ladder painting trim for me.
Made some progress on the layout, by constructing two AMERI-town buildings for my business district. They go together pretty simple, but all the window glazing can be tedious (wished they'd include a little thicker stock of clear plastic;stuff tends to curl a little). Oldest princess had detailed the kit walls a couple weeks ago. Also, powered-up some of our hadn't turned a wheel in ages locos. I'm talking the original MTH Gp-9, original MTH CW40-8, Railking Genesis (with aftermarket OTTS), Railking Bicentennial GG1, and MTH SD70MAC (whose sound chip apparently went dead after 30 mins on the main . These are all PROTO 1 engines, and all of them make it up & down my grades (with train) without too much speed variance. NO PILUPS, but 1 side-swipe.
cnw1995 - Luuuv the "trunk monkey". The anti-car theft skit was the best.
RockIsland - No sidearms needed. Just a firm handshake, short greeting, and the I'm-just--looking-for-a-reason-to-gnaw-off-the-side-of-your-face "look" (always giving with a whiplash smile). It works for me.
88 - Caught the last half of that skirmish...kept checking the listings to see if I was watching soccer... I believe our Rogers Corners acquaintance feared the outcome, and left his state for a happier place.
Quick stop by this morning. Getting ready for Church. I am on camera, so I'll need to take some Aleve for the back/neck. Plan on doing a little more layout time after church.
Chief, I'll see about sending some DVDs up when they come out for your folks at church. Should be out around the middle to end of January as they are looking at it for Valentines Day gifts. I would prefer for it to be out at Christmas as I would love to give it as gifts to many.
Gotta run and get the family ready for church. Hope everyone has a blessed day and week ahead.
FOGGY here today at 43. To get to 63 then the bottom is to fall out the next few days, get cold and maybe some snohio?
Ran trains last nite for about an hour and a half, NO PILE UPs. I was running my 2 MTH NYCs. A Hudson and the new Mikado, both with PS2. Had them running between 27 and 43 MPH. I kinda liked the slower speed was relaxing watching them in a slower mode. How fast do YUZ GYZ run your trains? Maybe I start a thread on this subject? Anyway was a great nite in DA YARDS. Today I will run a nice 4.5 miles nice and slow. Great looking day then watch JILLIAN on the FOX channel at 1215 to see the weather for the NFL. Gotta love her report.
BRUTUS, good strombolis!!!!!! TANKs.
Quick hello here too. Cold and sunny today - bride is in a drama sketch at church so she left early and I have to get everyone there in ... 20 minutes - but wanted to say hi first. Maybe I'll use the Trunk Monkey. Dennis, I'd like a heads-up when the DVD will be coming out too. Want to see if I can get some for a few folks here.Jack, just noticed when I went out to get the paper that I'm the only one on the block with a lawn full of leaves. Plenty more still in the trees. I'll wait for 'em all to fall to rake the biggest pile. Thanks for your continued prayers for the middle boy. Caught some of the Big Game at a local chicken-wing bar and grill last eve. Too bad someone had to lose. Bears off this week...
Oh man one fumble and all is lost. Good game except the ending. Its still overcast and high winds predicted, but in the 50s. With the wimpy Lions blacked out here I guess I will have to watch golf in order to fall asleep this afternoon. No train plans but I have the new CTT to read. Enjoy your Sunday...S.J.
fifedog RockIsland - No sidearms needed. Just a firm handshake, short greeting, and the I'm-just--looking-for-a-reason-to-gnaw-off-the-side-of-your-face "look" (always giving with a whiplash smile). It works for me.
No Just parks his Cruiser backed in and at an angle like hes ready to pounce on someone.
Beth and I were 11 rows from the field on the 25 yard line! Sitting down there is completely different than 3 rows from the top, which is my usual season ticket location. The halftime show was great. S.J. said it right about on fumble changing everything...that loss wasn't as bad as the USC loss. Close ones are fine with me..especially to a really good team.
Have a good day,Wes
Good morning everyone! It's 53 degrees in St. Louis now and a high of 67? Laz - Tardis ride was a lot of run last night, I'll miss those Octoberfest Sam Adams when they quit making them this year, gold medal winner is right Course, the Winter Wheat should be coming along soon . It's nice to have something to look forward to Still no "it shipped" email from Trainz? I hope it shipped and the email is just late! Sir James kept me out until 1 AM using the Tardis to make crop circles again - fun, but I'm getting too old to stay up that late! No train plans today per se, but I do want to read my new CTT and watch Lionel Nation 1 later. I have a light fixture to replace in the laundry room and a bunch of door knobs to swap out. Then, I would like to pick up some more drywall since the weather is nice. I might need to mow the lawn - should be the last time, but then I thought last time was the last time TTFN!
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