ChiefEagles Got to see a picture or two of Susie-Q. Too good looking for that old codger she lives with. Time for popcorn.
Got to see a picture or two of Susie-Q. Too good looking for that old codger she lives with. Time for popcorn.
Morning all
Nice out now but to rain later. We need the rain and I can't see outside at work anyway.
Kurt Nice work on the crane.
DougM - More prayers. Your boy is luckly to have a good mom and dad.
Chuck - Good luck with the stairs. Is there anyone who can be handy to call if you need a hand to get back up?
Time to go to work
May God bless
Morning all. Where the heck is the train crew. Slept late like me and then cooked breakfast???? Drank coffee and watched hunting on TV. Now to go to Town Hall and then slip out to early vote. May fly to Ohio and vote again. Back to Town Hall. Suppose to start raining. Turnips are growing. Added some ferterlizer just to boost them on. Hope to come back later this afternoon and run trains. I think I hear the whistle blowing all aboard. Better get moving. God bless.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Jim.......I have a walk out door in the basement. Once I get down there, I have a choice.
I got a late start this morning,slept late had coffee and newspaper in bed then ran out for an errand. Lowest reg. gas this morn.$2.55. Overcast and rain forecast for evening. Going out for lunch, mayhaps almond chicken. not being in politics I will have to pay for my meal. Its good to be the Mayor. TTFN...S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Hello everyone. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Should be an interesting two weeks. Back at work today - cool - no, Cold - folks downtown wearing winter things - and grey. Looking forward to this weekend - running trains with the youngest and belting out college apps with the oldest - nothing like doing so at the last minute. TGIF!
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Don't know what happened but brents pic of the bridge is full size and the forum here on this page is expanded it wasn't this am. oh well maybe when we go to next page we'll get back down to normal withe.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
rtc - the forum looks good here.
VOTED, probably did not do any good in National election and US Senate. Maybe for Governor of NC. Hope I helped get an "old bird" off of the County Commissioners. She has been on there since County Commissioners was created. With her gone, CC meeting will be half as long. She has to comment at least once on everything presented and sometimes it does not call for comments.
Where is my rain? I know the Town Manager wishes I would go back to the lake. Got him on Town phones have a hum since we moved into new TH. "How many times do I have to ask you to get this fixed?" "Why haven't you gotten the Administrative Search Warrant to do a minimum housing code inspection I requested yesterday?" "Where is the information on the company that will build us a water plant and operate it for fees?" One good news Mayor, "We have approval from DOT to reduce the 45 mph section [a section has been 45 mph for years and is residential, DOT had refused to lower] of US 401 to 35 mph. We will now have 35 mph from Town Limits to Town Limits on US 401." Done my damage for a Friday afternoon. Came in Tuesday and got one of the ladies chewed out. She had not processed a request for a check for refunding a deposifor use of a picnic shelter in the Main Street park. Party was Sept 19. Yes, a month ago. I've been busy and uh uh uh. Check was cut immediately. Wonder why she is not speaking to me today???
Think I will go home and run trains and cook a steak for dinner.
ChiefEagles Think I will go home and runt rains and cook a steak for dinner.
Uh Oh... What happened... No free dinner??? Chief are you out of work????
Ran trains today with the daughters...3-yo loves the CAB-1! She added you only blow the whistle for the people to get off. The bell is to tell the people you're comming. Said she wanted to run some of the 'old trains'...I told her they wouldn't work with the remote....All of a sudden she wasn't interested. I guess I need to add the TPC, and a controller to the Christmas list.
Build YO Pizza tonight!
Brutus: I'm in for a Tardis run!
lionroar88 rtc - the forum looks good here.
Brent looks fine here now me thinkus it was a forum problem earlier today as all fine now.
kpolak ChiefEagles Think I will go home and run trains and cook a steak for dinner. Uh Oh... What happened... No free dinner??? Chief are you out of work???? Kurt
ChiefEagles Think I will go home and run trains and cook a steak for dinner.
Friday and all the bribers of Town officials are playing golf.
Reminds me, Brutus, followed a car to the poles to vote with the license plate TARDIS60
Good afternoon everyone. Well, jury is in deliberation. I am done, seen enough. If I had to endure that kind of pain for a prolonged time, I'd need a rubber room! Wonder what the suicide rate for lawyers is? While I was not sued, it could have easlily been so. Anytime someone has a less than favorable outcome, it seems they can sue. In the end, if they get an attorney to take the case, they don't have to pay a dime. On the other hand, if you are sued by someone, you have to pay through the nose to defend yourself. Costs hundreds of thousands of dollars....that is why so many cases are just settled.
On a much more kinder note, came home to find my Lionel Track Cleaner in the mail. I won a complete unit with bottles, only thing I need to get is the fluid and the swabs for it. All for $25.00. I still plan on working a project to really clean track. I will post results when I get it done.
Watched Toy Trains on the History Channel. I have seen this program before. Much of the video is quite dated. They still made Lionel trains in the USA and you should see the shots of Roger Carp and others at CTT.
Well, I hope y'all have a great weekend. PS: got my CTT.
God Bless,
Evenin' boys. Cloudy and 55 here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Daywork is over;WAHOO! Even though I'm generally an early riser, 0445 every day takes its toll.
88 - Pic turned out pretty good, although Roy's boys on the hood idea would have been precious.
Chief - Middle princess has yet to grab the steering wheel...the license has been a status symbol thus far.
cnw1995 - YOWZA, Good luck with the middle child. I've gotta lotta issues with my bunch, but not that one.
Headed to Michigan's north woods for the the rain...
Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)
Good Evening All
Like Charlie said, it's raining(lite)and it looks like it will be that kind of weekend.
Not much going on, went through some more old MRs, I think I have finished with them. These are from 79 & 80 but I already gave away much older ones switched to CTT when It started. Next will be my old RMCs. I will keep the Railfan mag. though, have issue 1 of that also. I think Brutus is doing family things tonite but I'm sure he will show up in the Tardis at some point tonite. Till then..TTFN...S.J.
Finally home. Railed hard here - thunder too - on its way to Kurt and Sir James - or maybe Ohio... cancelled all the Fri night football games - so now I have - let's see .... 15 damp teenagers in the living room watching scary movies - won't the bride be surprised when she gets home. ;) Off to the basement to run train... no, maybe I'll hang out here for a while...
Fall Fest is over and back home - kids won a cake, a bunch of candy, and wore us out. My wife had to run a game for the girlscouts all night, so I helped out some and also caught up with a couple friends when they came around with their kids too. It's 43 and drizzling here. I've got a couple hundred great scary movies Doug - say the word anytime and we can sit back and watch a few with some Blue Moons or Sammies and popcorn!
Sir James, glad you had a good day. Tardis is ready and I'll come back and get you all in a few minutes. TTFN!
ps - Chief, I wonder why it's TARDIS60? Dr. Who came on the air in 1963 (a great and terrible year), not 1960? Maybe this was the 60th TARDIS plate they issued? Cool - thanks for the info!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Had to get that one in or I'll be banished from the pot. Had a nice fire tonite with wife and dog, Burgers and dogs and Ol Mils were in order. Great nita as usual. Tommorrow is first day o phesants. Rain though all day so might wait til next weekend?
DOUG, Hope boy is over depression? Too young for dat stuff.
Ran trains for an hour NO PILE UPs.
Ahhhh now that was awesome! I had forgotten what it is like to run trains... had 4 going tonight, then turned off the lower level and ran two on the upper level. Realized something... no noise when running trains on the upper level. Oh... trains consisted of: 1 TMCC Odessey GP-30, 1 Legacy GP-30 (train 1), and new Great Northern 626 GP-7 Legacy.... wow that was cool. Now I've got the bug again...
Bed time. Brutus, maybe it did read 63. ?? She could not drive worth a hoot. Stopped for a round about and no one in the circle. I slipped past her and went to the next drive to get ahead of her in parking. Knew if I followed, it would take all day.
Light rain now. Good night. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
I remember reading that you were having an issue with an O2 sensor in your wife's car. Have you tried drawing in some Marvel Mystery Oil or Seafoam through a vacuum line to clean it? The brake booster line or a PCV line will suck it right in. It might help fix the issue. I just hope your neighbors don't mind the white cloud coming from your driveway! I used Mystery Oil in the Probe, and it runs much better now. I just found out that the mixture problem with the Probe was due to a faulty coolant temp sensor. I replaced it and the mixture problem is gone.
Made the trip to Houghton Lake.. rain all the way and deer all over the road..looks like the pre-rut is on here in the north. In just a few short weeks I will be relaxing in my heated blind reading Train mags and waiting for my buck to show up.
Jim,We had Bank 1 Sensor 1 replaced 3 weeks ago and the check engine light came back on right after it was replaced (then the dealer tells us we should have replaced both Bank 1 and Bank 2 Sensor 1s ) Just had Bank 2 Sensor 1 replaced today (long story) and it appears to be running much better. I now have a Traction Control Switch to replace because it is DOA - won't even click. And the A/C Compressor is DOA. Mechanic is doing the A/C next week for $500.00, so that isn't too bad (dealer wanted $1000)Mechanic is also FINALLY replacing the A/C Compressor on FiL's truck... even longer story. Which will be a GODSEND next summer as I use that truck for hauling yard debrise to the dump in the Spring, and use it to haul home improvement materials in the summer.
That must've been hot work, Brent. Still hanging around keeping an eye on the teens. Gotta get up again in six hours... ;)
Mornin' boys. Raining & 58 here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Still woke up at 0-dark-30...perhaps shouldn't go to bed at 2130...
Laundry day = messing with some trains day (only 12 feet separates these areas).
House warming later on, then Middle Princess is going to the ball (homecoming dance).
54 here and rain we needed it only got.01 inches for the month. No PHESANT HUNTIN today, rain, just ain't as young as I use to be. I hunted in every kinda weather. Oh well next week.
FIFE sounds like my basement. Trains on one side and laundry on other. I already have a load of darks in. Trains latter.
BRUTUS, get DA TARDIS ready, by chance can we go over The HORSESHOE in COLUMBUS and check out DA GAME?
Morning everyone. Back from church. Dark, grey, wet today: perfect for high school football. Bride gone to her retreat. I think there are a few sleeping teens - girls - in the daughter's room. Chores and kindergarten Halloween parade today. Hope to run trains later! I'd love the excuse to "do laundry" and run trains at the same time, although I know bride is happy the machines are not down there. Have a good Saturday!
A gloomy 53 this AM. I had a chance to go to "the" store but passed with a thank you, football day, don'tcha know. So I'm just checkin in and will keep watch from time to time. Enjoy your Saturday...S.J.
Good morning Y'all! Not much on the agenda today. I will be heading up with the kids to work on the layout in a few minutes. Probably would be a nice gesture to put a load of laundry for the bride. I feel the need to put some power to the rails myself.
Switching gears, the trial ended yesterday. Answered prayer, the jury ruled in our favor. The case was 6 years ago. I remember a good deal about it as a very long case. Patient ultimately expired, but that happens in our line of work. In the end, a 70 year old heart just doesn't respond as well as a 55 year old. I feel real bad for the family, but in this day, the litigeous society that we are, folks think that they should sue and make a few million if things don't turn out the best way. It is a tempered victory in that the patient still died. This is one of the main reasons that health care is so expensive. Our malpractice insurance is very high, as is most lines of medical profession. I think it would be a different story if we had a "Loser pays" rule. Just to defend these cases is several hundred thousand dollars.
OK, off my soapbox and back to the fun. Have been enjoying the latest CTT. Of course I am only up to the news section. Recently got a survey from CTT on the last issue. Told them to give Bob a raise! Bride is getting ready to start the Wii Fit, so I'll take my exit to go work on the layout. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
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