Evenin' boys. Humid and 93 here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Back on daywork (wake up at 0500). Been tuning up the layout for operating tomorrow night. Hopefully the bug will bite to the point I finish the new section.
Chief - nice looking structures, and no tires on the rooves, either...
ogauge - do not look for NASCAR to refund tickets...ever...and I remember the 6 car field for the F1 race.
dbaker - Make sure all the wheelsets are on the rails before you fire up the layout.
Chief - Is this lakehouse a second home or are you relocating? If relocating, do you have to abdicate the throne/mayorship?
Hey Ray, sorry I missed your earlier post, prayers for the peepers!
Oops - hit enter?
Rich - yeah, some whackdoodle rolled a burning vehicle into the street and then shot the firefighter who arrived on the scene. He burned the house down around himself while trying to shoot cops and firefighters - they think he died in the fire was the last thing I heard. Prayers for your family, man.
Chief - wow, Very Nice! Looks great man!
Sir James, Kurt, Doug, Chief, Mike, Rich, Laz, Dougdagrump, etc - let's all jump in the Tardis and go help Don test his layout to make sure it's okay after the shakin' and baking?
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Congratulations John Baker!!!
btw, what did you do?
Laz....Client golf today. HOT!!!
Is it Friday yet?
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
OK Brutus, lets round up the gang and go see Don. If we go now its still light there. Got the 2026 fixed today, so that makes both sets I bought put back in running order. Also sold the Lionel HO set today(daylite steamer set).so I got something done with my day. Oh and finished CTT. Best one in quite awhile. Get ready for tomorrow and good nite....SJ.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Evening all. Back from another free steak meal. Wow. I need the Lake House to escape free meals. Roger, it is a second home [wish she would agree to move there, too far from Malls she says].
Notice Buckeye is a man of small words now days. This is gooooood.
Came home and wife had adopted a new baby girl. Ten weeks old. A puppy!!!!!!!! Its a something I can not pronounce. A little black fury thing named Lucy. Burg and I just grunt. It is being quite in its kennel. Good. Wife staying home from work tomorrow to orient it. BULL!!!!!
Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Got his brains rattled ?
Must have been sitting down at the time !!!!! " border="0" width="15" height="15" />
Glad you're OK, we didn't even feel it at the museum. One of the other club members was told by his son when he came by.
Everything ran well and as Laz would say "no pileups". " border="0" width="15" height="15" />
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Survived the day! Not to sure about the layout though ?? It will take some intense investigation to check everything! I told Kay I have a track operation and inspection crew coming in tonight, so she is baking a cake and called the caterer. I told her all we need was some banilla and root beer, but that won't do. She said she would get some grits for the Chief, and some Rhubarb Pie for the Northeners, and her famous Oatmeal Cake. We will be ready, and you don't need to worry about being quiet, noone is sleeping anyway.
Brutus, be careful on landing! I just noticed a new crack in the decking around the pool. (We might be expanding the pool). Also, just found out that two doors down, one of our neighbors is a pole dancer. So I invited her over for entertainment. Told her about the Tardis, and she had never seen one. When I told her how big the basement was, she was impressed! (She asked if that was were you suppose to go in case of earthquake, I said Sure!) So she will be doing the dancing in the basement (for those that are interested), while you all are here.
So far I have identified the following damage on the surface of the layout; Church slid off the foundation, Preacher fell off church steps, 1 unglued Tombstone fell over, , and 1 horse fell. Still checking further........
See you soon!
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a foggy 68 degrees. Going up to 85 today, with a chance of rain.
Today is a busy day. I have to drive up to Cambridge for groceries. The good news is that gas has dropped to $3.76 a gallon. Time to fill up. The food prices have continued to rise. Makes a lot of sense !!??.
No time for trains again. Maybe this weekend.
Dining car is here and it's time for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Wednesday.
Nice here today going up to 93? Ran an easy 2.5 miles this morning. Got to cut grass before I go to MOMs to do concrete steps in front o house. Busy so won't post til Saturday. MOM doesn't have computer up there. Did all but about a scoop of all the mulch. Looks nice.
JOHN, be right down after this weekend.
BUCKEYE, keep your head down.
B good or b gone,
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
I can hardly believe I get to type this. I have an INTERVIEW this afternoon and another one on Friday.
Gas here is hovering around $3.69 a gallon. Hope it continues to go down. One job is quite a commute. The closer one isn't too bad.
Decided to leave Atlas Golden Spike Club car box sealed for now. Have it listed for sale, but no nibbles so far.
How are we this morning? It was overcast and 76 when we got up this morning. Rain is in the area but nothing here yet. I was running low on banilla so a quick trip to Kroger fixed that. Got managers special, ground round $1.75 lb. Kroger is close to here so the only gas station I passed had reg. @ $3.69. Thats all for now, have fun doing something today....S.J.
Hey gang!
Greg, good luck on the job front!!
Rained yesterday afternoon, thunder, etc. Same today high in the early 90's thunder/lightning. Promises to cancel softball on Thursday and the engine removal tonight! Rained out softball last night as well.
Took the princess to the MD yesterday, Mrs met up with us later. Had din din at Maggianos then off to Target to look for more G Machines. None to be had.
Left my Atlas car by the train shelves, I'll have to get to it later....too busy with Month/Fiscal Year end. It's only 10 AM and already I have a headache!!! This to shall pass.
Ok, talk at ya later!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
Good morning;
Breaking news story from West Palm Beach FL, armored car robbery about 30 minutes ago on Okeechobee Blvd near Haverhill Rd at a Wachovia bank. Seems like it was planned out robbery, according to the news the guy drove a few blocks, then ditched his clothing, from the robbery site. Just turned on TV set for a couple of minutes.
Purchased a new clothes dryer last night, $341.00, there goes any new train hope for a few months. Want to see what Bachman has for the Williams line.
Lee F.
Sorry for posting so late in the morning. Had to catch a quick flight up from Miami. Man they wanted to charge extra for those big bags of money.
Slept late. Wife home tending to new puppy. She seems to be doing OK. Jumps in Burg's face and so far, only a grawl. He is being real patient [so far]. Sat and drank coffee and had cooked stuffed sausage and biscuits. Now to shave and shower. Will go to Town Hall.
Here that Don B is starting a new chewing gum factory. It is called Wiggles. I heard all his trains and cars stayed on the tracks. Guess that RR is earthquake proof.
Hot and humid in NC. Have a good one.
ChiefEagles wrote:Don't think Bob will mind. Question: Has "The Gauge" [Zealot.com] gone toes up? For a couple of days now, I get the its down/wrong address screen. From home and Town Hall. NGauger is on this form too [under another "handle"]. Mabye some one can enlighten. Thanks
I am in a pickle with my internet too. Zealot appears to be active as there are posts on todays general page, but I can't log on for some reason, as soon as I hit the 'log on' key it blanks my password and tells me I have used the wrong one. Is this happening to you? I am having trouble getting this site to remember me as it too asks me to sign in. But there it dos work once I sign in. My internet speed is all to pot, with speed varying between nil kb and 5 meg. I have discovered that there is something going on over here to improve internet speeds [which are generally very slow] and the networks are fertling about in the exchanges, but are keeping quiet about it.
John Baker
John, make sure you are set up to not clear "cookies" when you sign off. Also "cookies" have to be enbled. That allows the sites to "remember" you. I am just getting the famous MS site down/wrong address page. Even here at Town Hall.
PS: went through main address and got in. Looks like the Model Trains section has new "address".
Good afternoon,
Chief, I have the same problem for the past two days with Z.
We got back from BWI this morning about 10:00 AM, after daughter caught her flight to Albuquerque via Atlanta. To make this somewhat train related, I did see a large freight yard South of Baltimore as the result of a wrong turn on our way down. I wasn't driving but the camera was out of reach at the time.
After we got home I sprayed on 6 gallons of roundup in an attempt to catch up on the weed growth in my mulched areas. I left things get out of hand while the visitors were here as we seemed to be on the go every day.
I had the same problem with the "Z",just got in with the Chiefs posted address.
I am holding the new Lionel catalog in my little hand, arrived at the store yesterday afternoon. Start checking at your favorite store.
Good Afternoon, Ya'll,
Sorry for the absence as of late. MIL finished her 10 day inspection tour and went home Monday night. Spent much of my free time yesterday cleaning up after granddaughter's 5th birthday part this past weekend, attended by about 45 kids, parents, family, and friends. My one gas grill did the job but looks like a mess. Same with kiddie pool as half my lawn wound up at the bottom. Cleaning and packing away chairs, tables, umbrellas, coolers, trash city, a million bottles and cans. Sir James, 5 gallons of gas and a match would have come in handy for the cleanup. I had no problems with help cleaning up......there was no help.
GregM......good luck on the interviews. We're all saying a prayer for your success.
Rich......prayers for your Uncle. Stay calm through the business "close" crush. Been there and done that dozens of times. It's no fun, unless you enjoy stress and unmovable deadlines.
Speaking of unmovable deadlines, hang in there Mitch. Take a vacation after school starts.....oh wait, you can't. I can picture you walking the halls and seeing every bit of alleged wear and tear once the kids are turned loose in your pristine facility. Cheer up, the contractors will have everything ironed out by September........2009.
RaySP.......prayers that your eye issues get straightened out.
John Bakeer........best wishes for your upcoming nuptials. Spend your honeymoon in the train room building the layout. Remind wifey that the couple that plays together stays together. Better yet, come visit us. The exchange rates for you will be super.
Dennis H......never tell the wife the window you installed fit perfectly on the first pass or she will move on to the next 30 things on her "honey do" list.
SirJames.......I'll trade you even up, my Governor for yours.
Brent.....sorry to hear about the Bimmer a/c fix cost (ouch), but ya gotta have a/c. Suzie-Q would agree. Change your layout? Perish the thought.
Chief......I appreciate your missing me in my absence, even if I am a YANK. Shows how much we have in common. The lake house looks great, but maintaining two places is a daunting proposition to me. Continued prayers for Frankie, hope by this time he is healing nicely from the tick ordeal and that there are no complications. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Burg growls at and "corrects" puppy Lucy just like the mother dog would, to teach them what is acceptable behavior and when they have crossed the line. Sure am glad Pam is taking charge of the dog situation. My wife does the same, according to her version of reality. Re your advice to take a blow with a good stiff scotch in hand now that my MIL has left, she drank it all. There is a lot of beer left over from the b-day bash, most of which is light beer (Rolling Rock, Bud Light, etc.), and I'm not a fan of light beer. Apparently neither were my guests who consumed all the good stuff. SIL and daughter were at fault for the poor planning. I'll just have to grit my teeth and drink it.
DougM......re your 17 year old daughter whose legal driving privileges have moved past midnight. Been there, and had to be less than totally flexible with my daughter and son as I didn't like who is usually on the road past midnight. A split rail on the commuter line? Sounds like the new CTT came in real handy.
MikeC......so you're back at it at the Y, not as fun as soccer.
Jim/Brutus.......I got so far behind on my lawn (9-12 inches) while on vacation end of May that my daughter and SIL hired a landscaper to chop it all down to size. The nicest unexpected gesture one could have asked for to commemorate Father's Day. Even the goats that Fife suggested would have been hard pressed to level that playing field.
Fife.....re your comment about folks in the movie theaters talking on cell phones. We go once a year, twice tops. After paying $8-$10 a head to get in and another $15 on munchies and beverages, one would hope others would respect your right to sit down and actually be able to enjoy the movie. But NOOOOO! Two years ago a few yutes sitting behind us were already talking up a storm and then their cell phones started ringing. I snapped, stood up, and very loudly told them to take it outside so the rest of us could enjoy the movie. Initially, it seemed it would have more prudent to just go get a manager to be the heavy. But when several around us either stood up to join me or yelled their approval of the correction, peace was restored in about 5 seconds. Lynch mob mentality can sometimes be good.
DonB......now that you have received some expert advice from the neighbor pole dancer, we are waiting for you to start another raucous thread about the correct color of the pole (like the color of water discussion). Was it you or fellow Southern Californian DougDG that already has your g-string?
Kurt.......glad the vacation with the kiddies was a memorable one. Hope you took lots of pictures.
Dennis, wherever you are vacationing (Southern NJ shore), hope you are unwinding nicely. Rich/anjdevil.....whatever did they do about those huge masses of garbage dumped out off the NJ coast that were moving about a mile a year back toward the NJ shore?
Don: Well looks like the earthquake really shook things looose! What's going on here???? Things certainly look livened-up now!
GregM: Great news on the interview! Prayers to you for multiple job offers!
Quiet day here....80 degrees,need rain. May need to do the dance...Gas was $3.67 at BP, and $3.79 at the Mobil across the street.
Jack, no deal. Trading one useless governor for another won't help either of us. Still warm out went to 87 today, but no rain, grass is begining to show summer stress. Which means it won't grow as fast. The new Lionel Classics look nice in the catalog but only when we have one in our hands can we know for sure. That seems to be the best part of Vol.2, wonder how it will affect Williams pricing as the Lionel prices are competitive. OK Brutus fire up the thing,new batch of banilla in stock...S.J.
Evening all from muggy Southern Ohio
I was kidnapped yesterday! The story is this. Yesterday was my 30th wedding anniversary with my bride. I had reservations at a nice local restaurant and a low key evening at home. I had been putting the soffits up on the garage and my bride said get a shower we're going somewhere. Well I did as I was told. I was told to get in the car and we left to only my bride and the Garmin GPS knew where. After driving for about an hour and a half we pull into a bed and breakfast in Hocking Hills called Glenlaurel. It had a theme of Scottish Highlands. It was really nice. We stayed the night and earlier today after a nice breakfast we went hiking. It was nice and bride is happy. When the bride is happy everybody is happy. We got home in late afternoon and it has been a good day. The B&B was very nice. Good food nice accommodations and helpful staff.
Greg - Good luck on the interviews. IT is nice to have options.
Chief - Maybe I missed it, what kind of pup did you get? The pictures of the new property look great.
Kay and Chris - Happy Birthday
All take care and may God bless
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