Well its 54 here too, just like OHIO huh CHUCK. We are to get to 86? Nice day here, got up at 520 took dog for mile walk then did a nice slow 5 miler this morning. Read paper and now just found out got to send in Legacy to Lionel foe upgrade. Oh well got to go to post office anyway today. Cut forsynthia bushes way back so only about a foot is sticking out of ground. Before they were 6 feet tall. Thinking of digging them out in the fall and planting some of those dwarf alpines?
Going to finish up a little landscaping today and then sharpen mower blades and cut grass.
JACK, with the rifle I'm a better shot. He beats me with the handgun.
BRUTUS, get DA TARDIS ready I'm in for tonite. Did I here baby back ribs?
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Dig up if you must, but don't pitch your forsythia bushes. Transplant. That is one of the things I miss most in Florida. When the burst of yellow from those bushes sprang forth, one knew Spring was really coming!
Mel Hazen; Jax, FL Ride Amtrak. It's the only way to fly!!!
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good morning all,
IIABSDISEI with temps in the 80s. This is a quick post as I got stuck in traffic due to I-74 being closed with a downed power line. Took several back roads and finally made it to work. Did weights at the YMCA for the first time in a while last night. Soccer game tonight. May be our best chance to win a game this season. I had the regular fare on the dining car this morning. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Morning, Had to do a few house keeping duties on the computer here at the hospital and figured I'd try to stop by before getting the rest of the day handled. Have some Human Resources items to handle for a Locum person while we get ready for my vacation. The amount of paperwork for a 9 day stint is increadible. Lawyering has become quite invasive in the healthcare industry.
On a good note, not much going on regarding cases today, so I'll head home in a little while and celebrate my son's 6th birthday.
God Bless,
PS: Doug, we were posting at the same time. I did say some prayers for them last night. I am sure it is still a struggle for them. Thanks for lifting them up.
RRCharlie wrote: laz57;Dig up if you must, but don't pitch your forsythia bushes. Transplant. That is one of the things I miss most in Florida. When the burst of yellow from those bushes sprang forth, one knew Spring was really coming!
Another beautiful day until the storms arrive late today high of 86. Settled plans for friday going apx. five miles from the house for outdoor grilling with some of the family and others. Right now sat. & sun. are still open, we shall see. What I need is a trip to the train store for a pick-me-up. Maybe next week.....Stay well.....S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
lionroar88 wrote: RRCharlie wrote: laz57;Dig up if you must, but don't pitch your forsythia bushes. Transplant. That is one of the things I miss most in Florida. When the burst of yellow from those bushes sprang forth, one knew Spring was really coming!Laz,Before you discard of the Forsythias let me know. I am have been thinking of planting these around the base of the shed to cover the opening, and Susan wants the shed to 'look nicer'... ITS A SHED!!!!!!
Pam planted two along the fence line out back. They became real big. She is hiding the greenhouse and my boats/tractor shelter. It works. Brent, they multiply too.
Been reading posts, but not posting much.
Last week I got a call from guitar player/friend that his basement flooded. We had a storm drop 2" of water and hour and the storm drain couldn't handle it. Looks like it came up right out of the floor drain. 6" Deep. I had a set of practice drums and a bass guitar cab down there, and he had guitars and a bunch of pedals and electronics. It's all drying out now. I picked up my bass cab and water poured out of the port holes.
We celebrated Jack's 2nd birthday on Sunday. My how time is flying by. We got him a thomas the tank table and a couple of push trains. His grandma got him a MTH OSU caboose to go along with his train.
I now have my first RMT Beep and I'm super happy with it. Its a #1504 Ohio Central. It's a great little runner with good detail. It runs through all of my 0-54, and 0-42 curves, and by 90 degree crossings without stuttering. I couldn't be happier with it. I ordered it direct from RMT.
Have a nice 4th of July!
Hello boys, here and across the pond!
Like Wes, been coping the mail. Glad that we're back up to speed here....Doug & Fife are back home, and Madge is up and running! Awesome news.
Dennis, got my info on the July 1 anniversary. Just like 9/11, never forget. Go to: www.firefighterclosecalls.com Lots of information there. I get the updates.
Train table is clean again, did some rearraigning of the Passenger spur, so now there is more room for the Pennsy cars & Flyer. Ran everything to confirm, just need more space. I got those main line signals and they don't work. I hope Mike Regan is listening.......
I have 2 Southern Pacific A-A F-3s by Williams that don't work. I'll be sending back to Bachmann with $25. I'll let youse guys know what transpires with this deal.
Tomorrow I'm off, a little ME time. Maybe get the Hot Wheels out sort and sell, Friday lazy day, just have to get the car ready for our Parking spot on the river for the 9:45 Fireworks. Packing chairs coolers & goodies. Hopefully, no rain. Off on Saturday & Sunday. Princess home again Tuesday. I miss the little one. Keeps ya hoppin' fer sure.
Later, gents!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
John Baker
Started to do a spell check part way through the previous post[the i before e dilemma]and the damned thing stopped me typing another word! I've forgotten what I was going to say now!!!
Just done a defrag. it may have something to do with it? A restart is probably advised.
Truckers have caused a blockade in London protesting against the cost of fuel [$10.90 a gallon here], and this idiot government is going to slap another $0.18 a gallon tax in October. I've been a member of the Labour party for over 50yrs, it saddens me to see the bloody fools throwing away my loyalty and faith. Can you imagine taking $15.00 a week in tax off the poorest people in the country, and then letting us be ripped off by the energy companies, the banks and all and sundry.
Sorry, rant over.
Have a good day every one, going to the Armoury to get my senses aneasthetised by Dr Robinsons Elixir. They even upped the tax on that $0.10 a pint.
How to loose friends and alienate people.
Good afternoon, ya'll, from sunny Taxachussetts,
MA. pols passed a late-night bill Monday, jacking the MA. cigarette tax another $1.00 per pack, retroactive (?!?!). We now rank #5 nationally in cig. taxes. I ask you, how does a business owner go back and get the tax money from last week's customers? Typical legislator detachment from reality. Additional tax money allegedly going to fund the State's bankrupt and hemorraging "Healthcare for All" type of initiative. And the pols still cannot explain why the proceeds from the Big Tobacco settlement a couple of years back never made it to that healthcare account; nor have they responded to questions about where the settlement money did go. Functionally, what that means in my neck of the woods is that all the smokers drive to NH to get their cigs. and liquor, further devastating the MA. business owners nearest the NH border.
I got my Pot chuckle for the day reading about plantings, the purpose of plantings, and the planting transplant strategies. Last summer wifey wanted rhododendrons (sp?) trimmed back below the window sight lines. Check. Trimmed per boss' specifications. Used rhodo fertilizer spikes. Outcome: plants grew like crazy, back to square one in 11 months, except this year no buds and flowers where trimmed last year. Wife very angry with no buds, told her you miss a year where trimmed. Now she wants me to go back out and trim the suckers back again. How do you win this one? I think I'll go out and buy a bunch of fake plastic rhodos, cut off buds, and glue them to my existing plantings.
Today.....must go out and start with the pool chemicals' balancing act so kiddie pool is ready for the kiddies and the July 4 cookout. White deck furniture turned green in the past month from organic growth, so a good scrubbing is in order. Dog poo patrol (scientific projection = 42 piles since last week), then do the mowing and trimming. I did finished futzing and cleaning the grill, and got backup propane tank filled. Cleaning coolers with bleach next, must be germ-free ya know. Boston projects 500,000 folks for the July 4 concert and fireworks show, and fortunately I won't be one of the poor suckers going down there for that.
CSZect.....that's no small accomplishment and quite a long arduous journey. You should be proud of yourself and really psyched.
Don......regarding the shipping of your train stuff to the Chuck And Buck Train Upgrade Intermediaries, LLC for your Legacy upgrades. They have rigorous post-upgrade testing procedures they conduct before shipping the product back to you. You should have your upgraded trains back by Christmas......2009, worn out.
Brent.....thanks for the heads up.
Wes.....congrats on Jack's 2nd b-day. Judging from his first name and his relation to you, he must be a brilliant child prodigy.
Chuck and I have to get our acts together and send our engines back to Lionel for the Legacy upgrades. Oh wait, we run conventional. Don't have to do that.
Dennis.....prayers for the firefighters families. Heroes never to be forgotten.
Rich....how do you run your 70 Roadrunner with the no-lead fuel and reduced octane? I tried octane boost and lead additive, then retarded spark. The car still pings, has lost power. Compression ratio at/above 11:1, perhaps no solution short of engine overhaul for me.
Jim/Brutus....weather forecast in your neck of the woods and up through DougM and J&J's locale looks brutal. Severe. Add in the Mississippi cresting and, stay safe and dry. How does Tardis handle the high winds? I'd ask you to drop by and pick me up some night, but I'm afraid you'd get angry at the Massachussets tolls and the long lines. You'll have to show ID too because they are screening for Suthiners and turning them back at the borders.
Laz' salmonella outbreak safety measure = Old Milwaukees, prescription doubled. Roy and Mitch, works on contractor induced migraines too.
JohnB.....good to see you posting more often as of late. Re the jacked fuel taxes and the impact on the price of petrol and diesel, sounds like the Commonwwealth of Massachussetts and the UK are on the same page of the "tax and spend on the backs of those who can ill afford it" textbook. Legislation is pending to increase the Mass. fuel gas taxes again, only a matter of time.
Later guys,
Right now, the 'bird is in semi hibernation, realing from the effects of my wife's ill timed and fated divorce of yours truely. Hence, it lives quite comfortably in my sisters climate controled garage.
But, to your question: Several years ago, I rebuilt the engine. On the cusp of no lead, I reduced the compression to 9.5:1, just to run on regular gas. My "race" engine in my other car has the same compression. I may give up a few ponies, but I can run on just about anything that burns. The timing is at +10 degrees BTDC. With better octane, I can run +35 @ 3500 RPMS with no ill effects. And run all day, at that. (race engine ran 13.0's @104 quarter mile times 3300 lb car 3.55 gears and automatic).
And yes, when the car was last in my hands, I beat the snot out of it. Drag race, street race. After all, it is a MUSCLE CAR....(that I can fix)!!
RockIsland52 wrote:CSZect.....that's no small accomplishment and quite a long arduous journey. You should be proud of yourself and really psyched.
I would not say proud, would say amazed at how well the optifast plan works(only if you do as the Doctor and Nutritionist asks) I am amazed at how well it has worked for others as well. The hard part is when they put you back on food as your eyes are now bigger than your stomach I will probably never eat another chipotle burrito again not only because of the serving size but also the sodium content. As far as it being a long journey 30 some weeks is a nothing compared to half a lifetime struggling with weight. And it was done with out pills or surgery with a simple formula of calories in less than calories burnt(hard to do and still get all the nutrients needed which is where the optifast drink comes in)
Morning to All,
Put on a fresh pot. Beautiful morning here in South Central PA. Last evening the Mrs. and I went to our summer movie series at the restored Gettysburg Majestic Theater. The movie was Gettysburg. What a great movie, but a long one. Show started at 7:30 and did not get out until midnight. Had to come home and sleep fast. Tonight we head to DC to pick up our son. He is working the reenactment this weekend. His friend's dad is one of the big organizers so he's worked there the last few years. Long days 7:00 AM until well past midnight, but a way to pick up a few hundred bucks over a weekend. Then I suppose we will have to take him back on Sunday evening. He is still looking for a new aprtment. Rents in Northern VA where he and his buddy want to live are outrageous. 2 bedroom apartments near DC METRO stops start at $1450 per month and go up. One place was $2100 a month. Of course it would be easier if he had a full-time job lined up...
Take care,
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
It is a cloudy and rainy day in SE Indiana with temps in the 70s. We finally won a game last night 2-1! Lucas almost had a goal, we had a sub, and my legs are not killing me today. I spent some Second Life time at the American Cancer Society site. It was very interesting. The US Women's National Soccer team won for the first time in Norway 4-0 yesterday. A certain Norwegian soccer friend may be getting a phone call today :-) Work went well yesterday. After today, I am on vacation for a week. We have no plans except for IU orientation for Lucas next Tuesday and Wednesday. I had the usual fare on the dining car this morning. I hope everyone has a good day.
Another nice day here today in MILLERSBURG,PA. It was 60 this mornin at 530 took dog for mile walk then today being my easy day ran a nice quick 2.5 miler. Lots o people up and about this mornin bumped into 5 people either walking running or biking. Must be something in the air?
Today got to pull weeds again and run my power edger. Still didn't get my mulching done yet way behind, hope to get it next week.
BRENT, we cut our forsythia back to about a foot. This stuff grows fast. I have 8 bushes here and think if I can get my buddy to dig em out in the fall you can have em. He has a backhoe and these things are a real bear to get out of the ground. They are nice as MEL said in the spring with the yellow blooms you know spring is here. But grow like crazy.
JACK, I will take your advice and double my dosage of OL MIL. Thank you!
BIG FIREWORKS display on the SUSQUAHANNA RIVER tonite in MILLERSBURG. So maybe no GOLF today, at least I won't loose.
B GOOD OR b gone,
OH yeah almost forgot sent my Legacy back to Lionel through USPS cost was $5.75 priority mail.
Storms, lots and lots of storms last nite. Came west to east from Chicago way and just kept pounding. About four hours of lightning in the area and rain till sunup. South of Detroit to Toledo got 4.5 inchs of rain. Didn't sleep good at all, kept wondering if the sump pump was doing it's job. I'm happy to report,it did. At one time I had bought a water alarm from a discount tool co. but it did not last long. I figure why bother with another, I'd have to buy a gross of them.
So with the tv and laptop unplugged last nite only thing left to do was trains, had fun no pileups. . . .Have a good one.....S.J.
sir james I wrote: GOOD MORNING ALLStorms, lots and lots of storms last nite. Came west to east from Chicago way and just kept pounding. About four hours of lightning in the area and rain till sunup. South of Detroit to Toledo got 4.5 inchs of rain. Didn't sleep good at all, kept wondering if the sump pump was doing it's job. I'm happy to report,it did. At one time I had bought a water alarm from a discount tool co. but it did not last long. I figure why bother with another, I'd have to buy a gross of them.So with the tv and laptop unplugged last nite only thing left to do was trains, had fun no pillups. . . .Have a good one.....S.J.
So with the tv and laptop unplugged last nite only thing left to do was trains, had fun no pillups. . . .Have a good one.....S.J.
Sir james,
This place makes a couple of items that you might like. The cheapest is a water alarm that allows you to remotely mount the speaker up to 1000' away from the sensor so you can hear it when it goes off. The $70 model will call out a phone line to you as well. It's pretty affordable. I believe you can get multiple sensors and run back to same controller.
If you were into spending money, their freezer alarm will call you and let you know that power is out, as well as if the water sensor was tripped (it's an add-on). Kinda neat, but kinda expensive.
Good afternoon, ya'll,
Procrastinating from the lawn mowing, waiting till the lawn's dry (excuse works on wife) and it's 90 degrees so I can make this twice as difficult as it needs to be. Like Doug, we had torrential t-storms yesterday with winds gusting to 70 mph. My trash barrels wound up in Maine.
Had a nice chat with Brent yesterday, briefly interrupted by SuzieQ who knows a worse-half procrastination tactic when she sees/hears it. BTW 88, regarding my fiercely-protected Chicago accent, at least I havn't succumbed in the past 20 years to the Boston folk and their strange dialect. That would be tragic and something you could hammer me on.
MikeC....make that vacation count!
DougDG.....re your Kingston Trio/"never return" comment and train commuters on another thread: about 7 months ago the MBTA (Ma. Bay Transit Authority/Boston) was whining that they desperately needed more ridership and the resulting revenue to absorb fixed costs. Well, they got their wish and ridership is up. This week they are whining that the increased ridership is driving up costs. Can a fare hike and reduced services (novel combo) be far behind? If they would provide a modest amount of additional parking, commuters would be coming out of the woodwork. HELLOOOO! There is still no place to deposit your car legally and take the train.....same issue, different decade. Truly hopeless.
DougM......I'm about 22 miles North of Boston, and after driving and working down there for about 2 weeks I decided that keeping a schedule and riding the commuter rail was mostly upside. Cheaper, faster, less stress, more relaxing, dependable, lower auto insurance and upkeep costs, and ya don't get nailed by those astonomical downtown parking fees. The short walk to my building from either the downtown commuter rail station or a closer subway station had an occasional rain or snow glitch which was solved with an umbrella and some rubbers/galoshes (no not that, shoe prophylactics).
CSZect, my SIL's Body For Life diet/exercise program highly successful, stresses calories in and calories out too, portion control, swapping out this for that, avoid fried/fatty foods, and grazing throughout the day with 4 meals instead of 3. Result: stomach shrunk big time, and he can't gorge even when he wants to, stares at unfinished steak and baked potato with tears in his eyes. When he moved to the weight maintenance mode, he found he can't tolerate many fried foods either. Gets sick as a dog.
Mitch.....if you truly loved your son, you'd get two side jobs, work 20 hours a day instead of a paltry 14-16, and buy him a condo.
Chief....any marinated varmint on the July 4 cookout menu? Remember to remove pellets before serving.
Later, guys.
Howdy All !
Working on July 4th Special for tomorrow's museum run, as usual almost finished and ran out of supplies. Had to make a run to Michaels to replenish inventory.
Brutus, Guess who has their halloween stuff out already? Best fire-up the tardis for a Michaels run, they have some great stuff out this year. I can see that it will be a busy October this year.
Must get back to the laboratory to work on my creations !
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