An Over-reaction? Locked

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Posted by Convicted One on Monday, April 13, 2020 5:11 PM


I can only hope that you are right. But as Miningman pointed out, the offshoring was in service to the 1% who can afford to buy policy.

I didn't notice the retail price of refrigerators go down when GE and others started making them elsewhere, so I doubt they will volunteer to give up those gains now.

China may very well lose it's appeal as an off shore source, but there is cheap labor to be exploited elsewhere, so I expect the titans of industry to look there, first. I'd like to think I am wrong about that. But I doubt it.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Monday, April 13, 2020 5:59 PM


I'm tired of all the endless speculation about everything.  Especially from most of the US press which seems to be doing its best to install FEAR in everyone.    First, that everyone was going to be sick and so many die.    Second, that the economy is going to tank forever and the only way to avoid that is have Federal Government control so much of it we'll be a full socialist country.    

As for the blame game, as far as I'm concerned the legitimate targets are communist China and WHO.     (The more I read in depth about China's influence with the WHO and particularly with its current leader, the more I'm concerned it has been too compromised to be trusted in the future.)     China because they've been having problems with their "wet" markets for years but haven't done anything about it as well as their ongoing attempt to deceive the world as to what was actually happening to the point of outright lying.

I look throughout US and much of the world and I don't see any leader who wasn't caught offguard by the serverity of this outbreak.    [Korea was lucky.   Due to the internal pandemic they had several years ago they were still stocked up with the needed supplies.     With that very recent experience were able to rapidly get their emergency teams moving quickly.   That also meant they were able to avoid the drastic lock-downs that so many other of the countries have.]     Two of them did at least do something early--Trump and the Italian premier who both issued edicts concerning flights from communist China within hours of each other in late January.  Of course, then all we heard for the next several weeks from almost all the US news media and every dem politican was how terrible and racist Trump was to do that.     This is the same news media that coninues to ignore the mistakes so many politicians like Como and DeBlassio made throughout February and into March.

Dave, if you thing the Washington Post does not have a political agenda that drives them you are living in a dream world.     It is a little better than the NY Times as it still has a fact checker who will call out the worst of the left's lies along with any garbage from the right.    For example, he did call out the left for their claim that Trump said that coronavirus "was all a hoax"  giving that a totally false rating.    Of course, it still hasn't stopped the dems from claiming that in the dem black money  TV ad that keeps running locally.    The ad takes bits of various Trump's speeches and strings them together so as to give a false narative of what he actual was saying.    

I have many acquaintants who are passionate democrat supporters who vote straight ticket.   Since higher academia is now about 90% democrat in most areas of the US, that's to be expected given my many years working in it.    But I am suprised at how many of the faculty openly have said that they hope that the economy crashes and the US goes into a 2nd Great Depression if that's what it takes to defeat Trump.   What's even more troubling to me is how too many of them want a level of socialism in this country that's definitely to the left of European socialism--something that's close to communism.   [Anyone who doesn't understand or doesn't want to believe that academics who have passionate political beliefs do communicate them to their students is naive.]     


Being a retired professor, I'd say the political perspectives in academia depend on the department, which institution and in what state. There are good reasons why many are progressive, though not so many are to the left of European social democrats. In Germany, that party has always been called the SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) and the same in Czechia, perhaps elsewhere.  As to your 90% number: since you quantified it, since you say you have an academic background , then you would know you need to provide documentation for such a claim. 

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Posted by daveklepper on Monday, April 13, 2020 9:51 PM

The following URL:

gives more than 448000 people Recovered from the Coronavirus World-wide and some detailed information on the situation in Flordia - but without giving the Florida recovered number.

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Posted by daveklepper on Monday, April 13, 2020 10:31 PM

Edited for brevity.  Full story:
Israeli startup protects intubated COVID-19 patients from complications
The devices were being already used in China before the coronavirus outbreak, so that when the virus took hold, medical staff were already able to bring the device to the epicenter of the outbreak.
APRIL 13, 2020 23:17
The coronavirus outbreak has created a spike in patients who need to be intubated. However, being on ventilators for a significant amount of time can also cause severe effects, which include pneumonia and damage to the patient’s trachea. For years, Kfar Saba-based Hospitech Respiration has been working on technology to avoid these effects, obtaining significant results certified in clinical trials and studies performed in several countries, as the CEO Yoav Venkert stated   Several hospitals in China were already employing its products. Therefore, when medical staff from all over the country convened to the Hubei province to help fight the disease, those coming from those hospitals brought the devices with them.  “It marked the first time that our devices were used in the treatment of coronavirus patients,” Venkert explained.  Ten-years-old, Hospitech does not produce ventilators, but machines that ensure effective sealing of the trachea and therefore prevent leakage of secretions from the oral cavity to the lungs, which can cause pulmonary infections and specifically the so-called Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP). It’s crucial the trachea is sealed for this purpose, an excess of pressure to obtain this result can also damage it. The startup’s technology therefore aims at helping doctors and nurses to make sure that the special balloon that is standardly placed around the tube inside the intubate patient’s trachea is at the minimum pressure require to seal it and not more than that.
“Statistics show that in Israel about 25% of the intubate patients develop VAP, and similar if not higher levels are recorded in Europe and China. In the US the numbers are slightly lower, but there is also a problem related to under-reporting the issue in order to maintain the hospitals’ reputation,” Venkert said. “Our newest fully automated device, called AnapnoGuard, constantly monitors the trachea so that it is sealed and adjusts the pressure so that it is at the lowest possible pressure, while it also removes the secretions. Studies that we have done in Israel and Europe show that the number of patients who developed complications significantly dropped: for example from 26% to 7% in the study in Israel, from over 30% to less than 15% in Italy.
Hospitech also offers another device that helps medical staff adjust the pressure of the sealing balloon when they intubate a patient. The device, which looks like a syringe with a digital display similar to a manometer, is single-patient use and extremely affordable with a cost of less than $20 per piece.  “Before the outbreak began, we were selling about 20/30,000 of them per month, now we are up to 40,000,” the CEO pointed out. “This instrument is not only useful because there are more intubate patients, but also because many doctors and nurses who have different specialization have been transferred to care for the coronavirus patients and might not be as practical with putting them on ventilators.”
Hospitech’s AnapnoGuard, which has already been approved in Israel, the US and Europe and before the outbreak was in an early commercialization stage, has currently been adopted by five hospitals in Israel to face the crisis, including Sheba and Rambam. In an effort to help with the emergency, the company decided to provide them for free.
Venkert pointed out that it is too early to assess the results of the system on coronavirus patients.
“The numbers are too small and there many factors in place for each patient,” he said. However, he added that the feedback from medical teams is very positive, “because it reduces the exposure of medical staff to infected patients and the need of interaction, as well as their workload.”
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Posted by Euclid on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 8:13 AM

Convicted One, 

I am not sure I understand your reference to the point of the 1%.  I see that Miningman referred to “the .1%.”  In any case, maybe those are the people manufacturing in China, and not the market for Chinese products. Those business owners certainly would benefit from “Made in China.” 

But the main beneficiaries would be the American people who have no concept of product quality.  They are the ones on Cloud Nine.   And I am certain that the average price they pay is way less than what it would be if the products were made in the U.S.  Our cost of hiring an employee is probably twenty times higher than it is for China to hire an employee. 

If China is really the rabid communists that cheat and lie about everything, as Peter Navarro preaches, we have no business dealing with them.  And the people who preached free trade with them 30 years ago really must have had their heads in the sand to miss the obvious. 

So, I say let’s get out of China now.  We will take an economic hit, but now is the best time for that because it will go unnoticed as our country lingers on the verge of economic collapse for a few years recovering from this pandemic.  Then in just ten more years, we will emerge strong and triumphant with an economy that really is “roaring.” 

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Posted by 243129 on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 8:16 AM

David Klepper, are you an Israeli citizen? If not, why not become one and contribute to the cause you admire and espouse so fervently?


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Posted by Overmod on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 8:21 AM

“Our newest fully automated device, called AnapnoGuard, constantly monitors the trachea so that it is sealed and adjusts the pressure so that it is at the lowest possible pressure, while it also removes the secretions.

The immediate question I have for them is how they get around suppression of the gag reflex with the balloon inflated 'where it would have to be' to get proper seal.  This might be especially pronounced if the pressure is being dynamically changed periodically.  At least some drugs that suppress gag reflex also tend to depress CNS, which is a potential issue when people have to be taken off ventilators for many reasons.

I am increasingly upset with the stated survival rate for intubated-ventilation cases; by at least one expert opinion only 20% are surviving.  That can't be ignored too much longer.

The second question is how, and with what materials and techniques, do they do the periodic lavage to keep issues of microbiological development, perhaps including an analogue to TSS, from developing in the mass of secretion that (in untreated patients at least) will be building up on the nasopharyngeal side of the balloon?  They indicate that this is done continually, probably via suction ports in the device, but don't mention if the secretions need to be thinned or sterilized, or how they are kept segregated properly from caregivers.  Those details need to be formalized in the context of COVID-19 complications.  

Studies that we have done in Israel and Europe show that the number of patients who developed complications significantly dropped: for example from 26% to 7% in the study in Israel, from over 30% to less than 15% in Italy.[/quote]

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Posted by Overmod on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 8:41 AM

I am not sure I understand your reference to the point of the 1%.

It's a codeword for 'the rich who run the world'.  A bit like using the three little nested parentheses to avoid being too obviously perceived as overtly 'anti-Semitic'.

Always fun to have an external enemy you can demonize, especially with carefully-engineered straw-man-style arguments.  This has been happening with the Chinese in ways that are somewhat reminiscent of what happened to Germans in the United States in the years after 1917.  (And can the Ruchstecke mentality against the 'Communist Chinese' be far behind when the economy 'turns out to be' unrecoverable in many ways?)

I'm certainly no admirer of the Communist system in China and the various schemes it has developed.  The problem is in assuming that everything that is of Chinese descent, or that comes from China, is part of that "them".  

And that everything coming from China is 'cheaper' than its American-fashioned counterpart.  We felt the same way about the Japanese in the '50s and '60s.  They fixed that ... with our significant help ... by the '80s (and went on to own 1 out of every 6 acres of land in America).  If that by itself significantly affected the American way of life, I haven't seen it; while it's possible that Commie ownership of much of America might produce the kind of intentional crashing of American business that ... oh, say, buying up gun factories to close them and make patents unavailable, or buying up shares of coal companies at an artificially-depressed price with the intent of manipulating their management, would, I suspect it might be no worse than a considerable amount of the American small-business bourgeoisie already seem to be so capable of.

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Posted by Flintlock76 on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 8:56 AM


David Klepper, are you an Israeli citizen? If not, why not become one and contribute to the cause you admire and espouse so fervently?



Let's not have any of that.  I'm the one who started this thread, if it gets nasty I'll have it shut down.  Play nice people.

On a more positive note, I just looked at a chart put out by the CDC that indicates smokers are less susceptible to COVID-19 than non-smokers.

Light 'em up boys!  Wink

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:50 AM




David Klepper, are you an Israeli citizen? If not, why not become one and contribute to the cause you admire and espouse so fervently?





Let's not have any of that.  I'm the one who started this thread, if it gets nasty I'll have it shut down.  Play nice people.

On a more positive note, I just looked at a chart put out by the CDC that indicates smokers are less susceptible to COVID-19 than non-smokers.

Light 'em up boys!  Wink


You'll have it shut down?  Isn't that just a we bit presumptuous, if not flat out delusions if grandeur?  Merely starting a thread does not confer ownership or control of it or any other special privileges.  Those all reside with the Kalmbach moderators. There are many reasons why the complaints of many about Klepper's post are valid,  among them the fair use doctrine on copyright infringement. 

That said,  the comment about Klepper's citizenship was out of bounds. Dual citizenship with Israel is legal,  last I noticed. 

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Posted by Overmod on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:12 AM

charlie hebdo
Merely starting a thread does not confer ownership or control of it or any other special privileges.

Actually, under the TOS, it does.  The originator of a thread technically retains the ability to determine if it is 'allowed' to drift off topic, and to request that it be summarily terminated "for any reason".  Juniatha used this repeatedly to control 'diversions' in some of the threads she started, and while perhaps some of the user-accessible control architecture has changed with the 'new' platforms, an OP certainly has the right to have a thread deleted.  (It is less certain that an OP has the ability to have certain posts in a thread they originated selectively deleted, but moderators certainly have repeatedly used that option and it seems unlikely that a request to moderators would go unconsidered...)

The issue is less about Mr. Klepper's posting than the general tone of many of the subsequent remarks.  Every one of the posts 'in question' has the little triangle to file a complaint, which brings up a box in which the complainer can go into as much detail as he or she wants involving why the post -- or the poster, or any tendency the poster may be exhibiting -- needs to have corrective modac.  Use this, and then let the moderators do (or shirk) their job.  

And use the down-arrow or delete keys if you don't like particular posts or don't want to be civil in ongoing discourse... it's the adult way to handle disagreements when consensus isn't forceable.

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Posted by Euclid on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:22 AM


Always fun to have an external enemy you can demonize, especially with carefully-engineered straw-man-style arguments.  This has been happening with the Chinese...

I'm certainly no admirer of the Communist system in China and the various schemes it has developed.  The problem is in assuming that everything that is of Chinese descent, or that comes from China, is part of that "them".  



Just to be clear, I am not demonizing China as an external enemy.  I just don't like poor quality products.

The actual demonizing of China is being well handled Peter Navarro, the Administration, and others who have been particularly engerized by the perceived wrong that China has inflicted on us with the virus.  From that camp, I am hearing, "We have nothing against the Chinese people, but the Chinese Communist Party MUST GO!"

We seem to be assuming ownership of China that is biting off a lot more than we can chew.  I would prefer that we just get out of trade with China period rather than go to war with them.  I think that is far more realistic than this eternal P-contest over fair trade.  

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:26 AM

It's not even clear where the current TOS is.  Do you know?  Can you link? 

Reporting abuse is not something I choose to do.  I believe it is incumbent on US as members to respect the rules and at least seriously give consideration to the public complaints of others about our postings. That is the adult way of handling this, not running to mama.  Sure,  one can ignore Klepper's long,  long,  unedited (unread by him?) posts. But that means scrolling through pages of material everyday in a thread that is of more general jnterest. .  I suggested he put it in his Israel thread,  but he ignored that request.  I'm beginning to wonder if one of his friends in Israel is doing the posting? 

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Posted by Euclid on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:27 AM

charlie hebdo
Merely starting a thread does not confer ownership or control of it or any other special privileges.


Actually, under the TOS, it does.  The originator of a thread technically retains the ability to determine if it is 'allowed' to drift off topic, and to request that it be summarily terminated "for any reason".  


Please show me where that is in the TOS.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:34 AM



charlie hebdo
Merely starting a thread does not confer ownership or control of it or any other special privileges.


Actually, under the TOS, it does.  The originator of a thread technically retains the ability to determine if it is 'allowed' to drift off topic, and to request that it be summarily terminated "for any reason".  




Please show me where that is in the TOS.



Is this TOS the same as the updated forum rules?  If so,  there is nothing about the OP having any special privileges.  But there are several rules about things like political topics and use of copyright material that much of Klepper's postings (and that of others) violates repeatedly.  

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Posted by Overmod on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:38 AM

Please show me where that is in the TOS.

Part of it is implicit in the process for withdrawing as a user and having all one's posts deleted.  More of it comes from specific messages from moderators that invoke the intent, including some concerning the specific ways that 'keeping on topic' (which is a hard provision in every version of the TOS since I originally joined decades ago) that moderators would respect.

It's been made a Chinese puzzle to actually invoke this, though: presumably non-subscribers still need to dial the 'customer service number' as there's still no easy way to send an e-mail directly through any of the contact pages.  My recommendation is to PM a couple of known moderators who will actually respond to 'modac'-related requests (like Ang or Dave Lassen) and have them detail what 'is' and 'isn't' the agreed interpretation in this post-coup time.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:58 AM

Implicit?  Only known by you? So there really are no "Terms of Service" as a binding agreement.

The rules, however, are written and thus binding. The one below is especially pertinent and repeatedly violated now by Klepper. I think this was why Wanswheel was suspended (he ultimately left in a huff on his own). Klepper was earlier warned about religious posts. Now he gets into Israeli domestic and geopolitics, much of it controversial, even if he thinks not.  Juniatha left the forum because one poster was incredibly rude to her repeatedly, as she told me in several PMs. Volker Landwehr also became disgusted with the way the forum operates with obvious favoritism. I'm sure the same is true of the many other people who have left or were banished for dubious reasons.

"Please respect copyright material. If you want to share copyright material with our users, please link to it. Don’t take a story from another Web site and post it in our forum."

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Posted by Euclid on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 11:36 AM

Please show me where that is in the TOS.


Part of it is implicit in the process for withdrawing as a user and having all one's posts deleted.  More of it comes from specific messages from moderators that invoke the intent, including some concerning the specific ways that 'keeping on topic' (which is a hard provision in every version of the TOS since I originally joined decades ago) that moderators would respect.

It's been made a Chinese puzzle to actually invoke this, though: presumably non-subscribers still need to dial the 'customer service number' as there's still no easy way to send an e-mail directly through any of the contact pages.  My recommendation is to PM a couple of known moderators who will actually respond to 'modac'-related requests (like Ang or Dave Lassen) and have them detail what 'is' and 'isn't' the agreed interpretation in this post-coup time.


Well sure, an OP can complain to a moderator that rules are being violated, and moderator has the authorty to act.  But the OP has no such authority or ability to shut down a thread or delete posts as though he/she owns the thread.

And the moderator has no obligation to act on a complaint from the OP as though the OP has some special authority because they started the thread.   

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 11:41 AM



Please show me where that is in the TOS.


Part of it is implicit in the process for withdrawing as a user and having all one's posts deleted.  More of it comes from specific messages from moderators that invoke the intent, including some concerning the specific ways that 'keeping on topic' (which is a hard provision in every version of the TOS since I originally joined decades ago) that moderators would respect.

It's been made a Chinese puzzle to actually invoke this, though: presumably non-subscribers still need to dial the 'customer service number' as there's still no easy way to send an e-mail directly through any of the contact pages.  My recommendation is to PM a couple of known moderators who will actually respond to 'modac'-related requests (like Ang or Dave Lassen) and have them detail what 'is' and 'isn't' the agreed interpretation in this post-coup time.




Well sure, an OP can complain to a moderator that rules are being violated, and moderator has the authorty to act.  But the OP has no such authority or ability to shut down a thread or delete posts as though he/she owns the thread.

And the moderator has no obligation to act on a complaint from the OP as though the OP has some special authority because they started the thread.   



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Posted by Convicted One on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:16 PM

I am not sure I understand your reference to the point of the 1%.  I see that Miningman referred to “the .1%.”  In any case, maybe those are the people manufacturing in China, and not the market for Chinese products. Those business owners certainly would benefit from “Made in China.” 

Don't sell yourself short. It appears to me that you havefigured out the part that  matters. Yes

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Posted by Flintlock76 on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:53 PM

charlie hebdo





David Klepper, are you an Israeli citizen? If not, why not become one and contribute to the cause you admire and espouse so fervently?





Let's not have any of that.  I'm the one who started this thread, if it gets nasty I'll have it shut down.  Play nice people.

On a more positive note, I just looked at a chart put out by the CDC that indicates smokers are less susceptible to COVID-19 than non-smokers.

Light 'em up boys!  Wink




You'll have it shut down?  Isn't that just a we bit presumptuous, if not flat out delusions if grandeur?  Merely starting a thread does not confer ownership or control of it or any other special privileges.  Those all reside with the Kalmbach moderators. There are many reasons why the complaints of many about Klepper's post are valid,  among them the fair use doctrine on copyright infringement. 

That said,  the comment about Klepper's citizenship was out of bounds. Dual citizenship with Israel is legal,  last I noticed. 


"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant, 

The Flintlock is truthful, 100 percent!"

The machinery's in place and just needs me to push the button.  Be advised. 

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Posted by Convicted One on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:58 PM

On a more positive note, I just looked at a chart put out by the CDC that indicates smokers are less susceptible to COVID-19 than non-smokers.

Now there is an area where a link would be a great improvement.

BTW earlier in this thread David posted that he believed you as the thread starter should have the ultimate say in whether he should post here  lengthy, drawn out copies of articles published elsewhere on the web.

Would you do me a favor and share with him the guidance you gave me concerning the reposting of longwinded materials published elsewhere? It might help resolve a lot of this "cabin fever" type  debate we have been getting here.

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Posted by Flintlock76 on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:02 PM

I spoke to David by private message.  What I said is private, as it would be should I PM any of you.  

I've had PM messages with other posters on other threads, they know I can keep a confidence.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:17 PM



charlie hebdo





David Klepper, are you an Israeli citizen? If not, why not become one and contribute to the cause you admire and espouse so fervently?





Let's not have any of that.  I'm the one who started this thread, if it gets nasty I'll have it shut down.  Play nice people.

On a more positive note, I just looked at a chart put out by the CDC that indicates smokers are less susceptible to COVID-19 than non-smokers.

Light 'em up boys!  Wink




You'll have it shut down?  Isn't that just a we bit presumptuous, if not flat out delusions if grandeur?  Merely starting a thread does not confer ownership or control of it or any other special privileges.  Those all reside with the Kalmbach moderators. There are many reasons why the complaints of many about Klepper's post are valid,  among them the fair use doctrine on copyright infringement. 

That said,  the comment about Klepper's citizenship was out of bounds. Dual citizenship with Israel is legal,  last I noticed. 




"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant, 

The Flintlock is truthful, 100 percent!"

The machinery's in place and just needs me to push the button.  Be advised. 


Yeah, go running to the lieutenant and have him or her shut it down. . 

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Posted by 54light15 on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:21 PM

I'm still laughing about the one you sent me. Devil

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Posted by Miningman on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:29 PM

Convicted One---  link re smoking



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Posted by Convicted One on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:52 PM

I spoke to David by private message.

Thanks Flintock, hopefully the message you sent was consistent with the guidance you gave me publicly in the "Need a Break?" thread.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:56 PM

I came across a recent study of many Covid-19 patients and looking at the correlation with blood type and vulnerability, as seen with other infections.  Preliminary results suggest Type O has the least chance of infection or death. 

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Posted by Convicted One on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:59 PM


Thanks, a bit of a shocker.

I believe there could be some validity as to the toxic environment we maintain in our bodies  likewise being toxic to the bugs that torment us.

I have in years past assembled considerable anecdotal experience that suggests exactly that. Two day cures for even the nastiest flu that I ever had, as well as lesser bugs.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:00 PM

Elderly casualty: Casualty

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