blhanel wrote:Hey Ray, when you look back at your previous posts, do you end up with scroll bars on them? There must be something odd in your site settings, as every post of yours I look at I have to scroll across/down to read it all. No one else's posts do that...
nighttrain thanks for the pie for tonight. matts got the tables set. I also got my container for work tonight.please dont leave too big of a mess to clean for tommorow.
stay safe
Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").
Brian (IA)
NightrainAFD1987 wrote:*brings in some pies. Hope this will help for dessert tonight. I can trust Ray to put them under lock and key until dinner, since I won't be here tonight. Gotta love them childbirth classes
Nightrain, your pies are now tightly locked up. No one will touch them until after dinner tonight. Thanks for your contribution towards dessert tonight.
Mookie wrote:MMMM - biscotti and Starbucks coffee every Saturday at bookstore. And they dunk really well!
There are a couple places in Sioux Falls that I can buy Starbucks coffee from, and I've never tried that brand. There was once a place in downtown Sioux Falls called "Kitchen Cordial" where you could buy whole cofee beans in many, many different flavors. Unfortunately they went out of business within the last year.
She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw
Looks like I get to do the teaching now.
Biscotti are an Italian cookie that usually have nuts and anise in them. They are hard and usually not real sweet. I think the Brits dip them in coffee or I guess tea but i am not entirely sure. They are really good and fairly easy to make. I don't think they are normally served with the type of dinner we are having tonight, but who says we have to stick with tradition.
Here is a link to a picture.
And on second thought. Maybe I'll skip the alarm clock tomorrow. I think it might tramitise Mook too much.
emmar wrote: Dinner sounds great Ray. I will stop by the kitchen later making sticky buns and biscotti for dessert with dinner.I'll come back tonight and post a menu for our breakfeast tomorrow and set the alarm clock so everyone rolls out of the hammock on time.emmar- The Beginner Cook.
Dinner sounds great Ray.
I will stop by the kitchen later making sticky buns and biscotti for dessert with dinner.
I'll come back tonight and post a menu for our breakfeast tomorrow and set the alarm clock so everyone rolls out of the hammock on time.
emmar- The Beginner Cook.
You are welcome to serve breakfast tomorrow morning, emmar. I might opt to sleep in tomorrow. BTW, what exactly is biscotti? I've heard that term before, but I am not sure what it is.
coffee will usually get the the kitty rolling along just fine.glad everyone is pitching in.I'll finish cleaning the lunch dishes and get the trash out to the dumpster.matt will be back in a bit to help set up the plates and cups for supper.uhoh csx has a pull apart on the main and the local wants to get out and work the standley elevator.sounds like another busy day for them.
Big90mack wrote: burger and fries oh a tall chocolate shake to go with it Hay mookie did you get any rain yesterday ?
burger and fries oh a tall chocolate shake to go with it
Hay mookie did you get any rain yesterday ?
Ribs - BBQ -? I am so there!
I've got the outdoor gas grill fired up and will be ready to start cooking hamburgers, hot dogs and bratts in just a few minutes. Hamburger & hot dog buns are out on the pick-nick table along with plenty of ketchup, mustard and pickle relish. There is also some cole slaw and baked beans/w/bacon. For dessert after lunch we have ice cream bars and ice cream sandwiches in the freezer.
I am considering doing barbecued pork ribs on the grill for dinner tonight. If anyone has any requests or ideas for menu items for dinner tonight, please bring it to my attention. I've got to run to the supermarket to purchase the pork ribs.
DF - I will take the 70 we are supposed to reach today. It is slightly humid and with higher temps, the humidity increases. So we are better at 70. I am a tad uncomfortable in long sleeved shirt....
La Mook
Morning all.....
Not too bad here in Burlington, WI, this morning, was out and about on vehicle-related matters, dropped my grandfather's truck off for some ABS work, then got filters so I can work on my truck in a bit. About 45-50 outside, supposed to get near 60 for the next two days. Snow is melting quick, although the lake that was in the middle of my dad's fields suddenly drained overnight, culvert must have melted through.
A quick breakfast here, then off to the machine shed to change engine oil and adjust the emergency brakes. See everyone later......
Randy Vos
"Ever have one of those days where you couldn't hit the ground with your hat??" - Waylon Jennings
"May the Lord take a liking to you and blow you up, real good" - SCTV
good morning
Cw having problems eh? well since ray took care of breakfast we will have the standby of blts,burgers and fries for lunch today.we will have to think about supper for tonight.matt has his 1/2 day today at school.getting warmer to grill out on the patio for sure.
O.k, Mookie. I've got your toasted beagle and cream cheese right here, and I am pouring you some milk and orange juice. Can I getcha anything else?
Ray - juice, milk and a blueberry beagle toasted with cream cheeze......mmmmmmmmmmm
So good - and thank you.
Ray is here......yawns......I will try to fill in and do whatever I can in CW's absence. I understand she's having computer problems of one kind or another. Mookie, I can run the can opener for you, and I can fix your breakfast for you as well. Just tell me what you'd like. O.K? I've got the coffee brewing, I've mixed a fresh batch of orange juice and the hot chocolate is out on the counter. There is hot water for anyone who wants their tea, and the milkman was just here, so we have plenty of fresh milk for miss kitty and anyone else who wants it.
I picked up a large assortment of donuts and rolls from my neighborhood Sunshine bakery on the way into the Diner. I have yet to decide what I will serve for lunch and dinner, but will figure something out.
Yawn....(just to look at that phrase makes me yawn!)
Welcome back Kentucky Brian and belated Happy Birthday.
Weather too nice to be inside - unfortunately my cord won't reach outside. CW left me a message (I disappear on the first good weekend and don't reappear on weekends until it is really cold!) - we are on our own in the dinner until about Wednesday. Gah....Who will run the can opener? Who will pour the milk and coffee? Who will make sure the chair is pushed up and the bib is on? (can you tell I have a list of high priorities?)
I know Joe will help, but not sure I can wait that long for coffee.....
Tree - I tried the garbage one time - all I got was an old sock and some yucky green stuff all over me!
Well - got my half-glasses on and I will go get the paper and drag it off to the little room off the hall while I wait.
Y6bs evergreen in my mind
I sent you an email. There's nothing changed on my end with my email. Let me know if all is OK that you got it.
Thanks Everybody. Have a great week. I've got a really busy one. Lots of new construction work starting for our waste water treatment plants.
Brian (KY)
*unlocks fridge*
now to dive into that chocolate cake...
I'm going to sleep after this.... I get to have fun at the doctors office tomorrow. I get to hear Sadie's heartbeat again YAY!
Happy birthday Brian!.
Sorry I didn't come on earlier to congradulate you, but the power has been out here all day. Just came back on not that long ago.
I'm gonna have a big bowl of salad and a large serving of Angel food cake. I was going to make some biscotti but they will have to wait for tomorrow. I will make then in time for lunch tomorrow. They are almond and almond/orange. They should be a good complement to whatever CW serves up tomorrow.
edblysard wrote:Due to the Cook's modem having become toasted....Pot Luck Supper and leftovers will be served ‘till approximately Wednesday.
Due to the Cook's modem having become toasted....
Pot Luck Supper and leftovers will be served ‘till
approximately Wednesday.
Okay then. Can I try out my Chinese recipes here?
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