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Jeffreys Trackside Diner, AUGUST, 2015!

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, August 21, 2015 2:58 PM

Well, we have been busy. I had Dr appt, MOH had Drs appt.

Then we stopped by the FILs he is all for the house idea. He says he sad that a few months ago, MOH doesn't remember that, but I vaguely do.

Our Buyers agent said the listing agent has suddenly scheduled an open huse on SUnday, and our offer goes on the table tonight, after, all , we may lose out anyway especially if someone comes in stronger offer than ours! We have our prequalified limit to deal with! {I just checked with the bank and we are good to go to increase our limit slightly, by aobut $15 pre month maximum.

Whew! then our nerves will really be on end! AWaiting an answer!

MOH says "my feet are wet and I ma getting cold feet if they wait too long or want too much $$!

Now that my father , who has said 'its your decision, but I'll support you either way ,and the FIL approves, {not that we need it but it sure helps!} We are not as wet footed, but are are still STRESSED. FIL may help out if we need something. that helps, but "dont expect much" he siad.

We ahve friends who will help us move to decrease the costs of moving IN IF we can "do it on a Saturday" problem there!


GRR pins and needles! Needles and pins! Here we go!

We will be SO tight the first year at least!


MOH is also applying for one of two jobs the HR dept suggest MOH apply for... so HERE's hoping on THAT front to,, keep your hopes, fingers and toes crossed and say LOTS of prayers!

We shall see what we shall see when we shall see it!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by JeremyB on Friday, August 21, 2015 5:51 PM

Evening guys

a very nice night out here, temps are in the 20's, Celsius that is. Sunny out right now but with a cool breeze you can almost feel fall in the air. Not much new to report here, I renewed my model railroader subscription this week so will get it until November 2016. Not much else going on. I have to work tomorrow but that's ok. Talk to you guys later.

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Posted by Uncle_Bob on Friday, August 21, 2015 7:56 PM

Galaxy, don't get wedded to that house.  You could end up like the Mrs and me --we had an offer on a house.  They came back with a counter offer that wasn't much of a move, and it was the third go-around.  We decided to not reply to it right away, and went to an open house.  We liked the other house better, put in an offer on that house, told the sellers of the first house where to go, and need up in a better neighborhood.  Just remember, we're due for another 500 year flood next year, so stay out of the flood plain.

(An explanation: Binghamton has had 2 so-called 500 year floods in the last decade, in 2006 and 2011.  Last time, the floodwaters almost got Gov. Cuomo, who was near the junction of the Chenango and Susquie in Bingo when the water poured over the wall. Hopefully we won't have another one next year --and I'm sure Gov. Cuomo feels the same!)

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, August 21, 2015 9:14 PM

Uncle Bob And others:

WE HAVE AN OFFER IN. There IS an Open House {OH} on Sunday, they are to respond by sunday 12Noon. They may decide to wait and see to seee what the open house brings, if we didn't have that as condition of offer. I doubt they will accept the offer, as it is the first one.

We have 3 offers, low, medium and medium high. We chose to skip the low and go for the medium offer to enter. We figured with an open house in the offing, they'd reject our lower offer out of course to wait and see what the OH offers. Many OHs may not have had much activity and this one doesn't mean it will either, but somone could beat us a the OH.

Keep your fingers, toes, and hairs on your heads crossed !!!!!!!!!!!

Uncle BOB: The house is high and dry, even in the '05,'06,'11 didn't affect the basement, by all looks, there wasn't even a hint of moisture or dampness, no musty smell, nada...

Uncle Bob: we LIVE 3 blocks over from the house! We know the neighborhood well, and this house is sitting higher than many on the street, the house {brand new deeded doublewide}next door, sits about 6 feet lower than "ours" for example. Many around here threw out basment contents and had standing water as high as 4' to hear them tell it, but not this one.They either had sumps already {our house didnt have/doesn't need a sump}which failed due to extended power outage {6 days}, or the like. WE LIKE the neighborhood, its location jsut off 434, just across the broome border from us  we are jsut across the Tioga border. we like the locale, and have hoped to stay in this area, but would have preferred Tioga county.It is still not bad!

We are LUCKY, we feel, especially if they take the offer, They supposedly want to 'deal', but they often say that, but then assume  they can squeeze a few more thousands out of the buyer.

Oh well, some sleepless nights ahead!!!

Route {or is that root?} for us!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, August 21, 2015 9:44 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, a cup of decaf would be great right now.

I spent most of the day over at my son's house sitting around and pretending to be helpful for the driveway/lawn/garage sale they are having.  Mostly I just hung out with two beautiful young ladies (the granddaughters) while they did most of the "work"!  I took a bunch of stuff over to it to donate to the cause.  Only things that sold were a couple class 3 reciever drawbars with the ball on them.  They got snatched up by one of the first guys that stopped by.  He was hauling a flatbed trailer behind a big pick'em'up truck saw the bargain and walked off with both of them.  I looked and found a few more items I want to get rid of when I got home.  They are already packed in the PiP to be taken over tomorrow morning for the sale.

 Galaxy, good luck to you and yours with all this.

I am still trying to get rid of the YellowJackets in the shed out back.  I can see where they are going in and out, but have no idea where the actual nest is up there (They are in the "attic" space).  Guess I just have to keep at it for a few more days.  Worst case scenerio I will remove the small vent on one of the ends and try to find the nest and nail it without getting attacked....

Currently 58°F outside here.

Have a great evening...  Prayers for all in need of them!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, August 21, 2015 9:56 PM


Several weeks back, we had a power failure on a clear, blue-sky afternoon, and when the power came back on the computer did not.  Instead, I got the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, and a message that said "Unmountable Boot Volume."  There's a way to recover, but it needs the original Windows CD.  I spent days searching my office for it, cleaning up, throwing away worthless paper and so on.

After all this, I discovered I could download and burn a CD with the appropriate utilities, so I tried that on my ancient Dell computer, only to find that the CD burner would not burn.  Finally, I found a place on eBay that would sell me the same utility CD for $5 including postage.  I eagerly awaited it, and when it was the wrong disk.  I contacted the seller and he sent another, which I booted up today.  It took several hours to run chkdsk on the whole disk, but when it was done I started the computer and it was just fine.  So, I'm back.

I have hardly touched the trains this summer, but we had some houseguests last night, and he was fascinated by them.  He's got 027s at home, so I gave him some O-gauge stuff someone had given me that I couldn't use.  He gave me an actually crossing gate bell, full size, that runs on 12 volts.  Yes, we tested it.  Awesome.  Anyway, we ran trains for hours and had a great time.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, August 21, 2015 10:10 PM

Thanks, RAy!
we are already broke and we haven't yet had a contract offer accepted, or written the closing checks!

We are actually borrowing from friends to cushion our purchase and the subsequent after closing-get a few things done {like a platform and shed, like replace at least two windows with ability to hold a/cs, etc}

Yes we will SOMEHOW pay them back! as quick as possible, We WON"T, I REFUSE, to be the borrower who actually "steals"!



Nervous and as jumpy as a pat of butter on a hot griddle!!!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, August 21, 2015 10:32 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer please and keep them coming.

 Work Front Well I will have Gilligan back as my first mate Saturday. Bang Head Good news is for now I will keep working 6 days a week, they do not turst him to work by him self? OK, if you don't trust him why let Drunk Dave come back in the first places?

 Wife and my debit card, never let them out of my sight togather again! Shop and save had a Buy $50.00 worth of food get $10.00 off speical today. I had to work so I let her have my debit card and told her not to to spend over $45.00, that would give us $55.00 worth of food. So what does she do? Spends $70.07 so now I can not pay the gas bill! And here I was thinking about getting her a card on my new charge card. Whistling

YGW I called you today but I got your voice message.

 Latter, Ken


I hate Rust

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 22, 2015 3:19 AM

GM, Men!

NO word yet. but I didn't expect one until tomorrow a the earliest, as the offer went in at 10pm last night by the time it got done.



keep those fingers crossed...



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Saturday, August 22, 2015 7:04 AM

The Gowanus Canal... a project to be builded on the layout of LION. I took many pictures but will model this one.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Saturday, August 22, 2015 7:15 AM

Wife and my debit card, never let them out of my sight togather again! Shop and save had a Buy $50.00 worth of food get $10.00 off speical today. I had to work so I let her have my debit card and told her to to spend over $45.00, that would give us $55.00 worth of food. So what does she do? Spends $70.07 so now I can not pay the gas bill! And here I was thinking about getting her a card on my new charge card. Whistling

LION had good results wtih the OneVanilla card him bougth at Walmart. Him bought the one shot card, but $500 on it, paid the fee of $5.00 is good forever or until used up. They also have the kind you can refil. These have a monthly fee in the $5.00 range, but you can refill them. They only have what you put on them.

Your bank can undoubtetly give better deals on similar products. Or at your bank, just open a "Household Account" with a debit card. Put x$ on it each payday, and say that this is for food and small incidentals. Cannot spend outside of the budget, because it is not there. Actually, whife should have here own bank account and credit card, she will knead the credit rating should something happen two ewe.

Agree what goes into each of these two accounts, she uses the household account for food &c. and the other for personal incidentals, thus she is not spending "her" money for "Your" food.

Does she work? or does all of your subsistance come from your work? Clearly much of your establishment must be paid via your account, but in your budget you include $x00.00 for food, and $x00.00 for the wife's pocket account.

Anyway LION appreciated using these "Wallmart" OneVanilla (one shot) cards while on vacation. They worked for me.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 22, 2015 4:14 PM

HMMMM, 8 Hours since Br. Elias posted!!!


Everyone that busy???

just mentioning, we are Saying prayers to St Joseph {patron saint of house hunters, among other things} {and my middle name!} So...


We have yet to hear anything. We doubt we will until tomorrow morning before Noon. with an open house in the offing tomorrow...dunno

We are going to go to the open house to nose around and decidely "monopolize" the open house if need be, if we can. WITHOUT claiming our offer is was IN! We are taking train nut friend with us, he wants to go. We can also get some measurements, recheck things,  etc while we are there, if need be.

We dunno, but my gut is playing turmoil on me,and MOH is in emotional turmoil too. Dunno...

Musicthe waiting is the hardest part...Music {Tom Petty and the heartbreakers!

pins and needles, and needles and pins. {actually I think htat is in an old old song, too!}

here's hoping




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, August 22, 2015 8:29 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer Please

 Day With Gilligan Well, he seemed OK, I guess. He looked fressher than normal and was never lost for words. He did a lot of pacing, then a hour later he just stared a head with a blank look on his faces. He was easy to ingage when I spoke to him, unlike before. Only thing that makes me wonder is he kept going out to his van every time I went to the back of the store with a cup in his hand? I stopped counting after 13 times. Far less than he used to.

 YGW Miss seeing you here at the site! Spoke with your wife (is she really from Cuba) and said she would have you call me. Just left a message just now. Call me at work Sunday and I will teach you the way of the Mattress. I am beat so off to bed I go.

 Later, Ken


I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, August 22, 2015 9:58 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie a refil for my dercaf would be greatly appreciated...

I again spent most of the day over at my son's house for the second day of the garage sale out in the driveway.  They did sell a good amount of stuff, but not nearly as much as they wanted to.  About half of the stuff I brought over sold.  I told my DIL just to keep the $$$ from that.  I get it back in stolen electric for gthe car.  She just laughted and shook her head.  I figure my son being out of work at the moment they can use any extra money...  My son may have sold one of the boat trailers he has.  The small one he got from his uncle.  The boat that is on the trailer is a small one and he figures it can be put on a pick-up truck bed if he sells the trailer by itself. 

Most of the time I played games with the granddaughters.  We played "I Spy" and the "Hot and Cold game where you hide something and the other person has to find it....  My son tried to take off the head of the engine on the lawn mower  managed to get all the visible bolts out but found there is one that is under the valves....  Intyeresting design, but he is NOT HAPPY......  He has two acres to mow and only a small rotary push mower working at the moment.  What he needs is a new mower.  The ride on one he has is about a dozen years old and has seen better days (he got it used for a little of nothing).  Amazing he has been able to hold it together this long I think.  I may offer him a no interest loan to buy a new one.  Heck the "Tesla Fund" is low anyway....

Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by angelob6660 on Saturday, August 22, 2015 10:41 PM

It rained heavily today that knocked out the internet and dish. It surprises me on how people are so independent on tv and nothing else when it goes out for an hour.

I received my books in the mail today Track Planning for Realistic Operation by John Armstrong and Building a Model Railroad Step by Step by David Popp.

Two days ago I got a Micro-Trains B&O Chessie System covered hopper for a fair price, I forgot they made it 4 years ago. It fits perfectly for my modern era time frame.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, August 23, 2015 1:15 AM

GOod Early morning:

Well, naturally the first offer was rejected automatically, probably out of hand as there is that blasted Open HOUSe today. {sunday}

they are willing ot go down only $400!!! with seller concessions of $3k.

Our next offer will be one of two: ether our higher price and no seller concesions, {they'd be wise to take,} OR if they really want that silly "7" number in the front off the offer to start off....then we take seller concession and they really get $1k less than taking our higher price number offer without concessions.

We will see,.

We are going to the open house to snoop. naturally we won't represent ourselves.

we shall see what we shall see, when we shall see it?

later on i will greet yoou, i think!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 23, 2015 2:45 AM

Good Morning!

It´s a nice and sunny day and it won´t turn too hot! The little one will be with us today, waiting to be fed all the goodies his mom has prepared for him. Petra spent all day in the kitchen and there were nice smells coming from that place. Whenever I tried to sneak in and grab a goodie, I was shoo´ed out of the kitchen. Mothers!

Galaxy - I know you and YOH want to have this house really badly, but let patience be your guide in this. Even if you miss this opportunity, I am sure there will be plenty of other chances coming up. After all the real estate market should be still a buyer´s market.

Nevertheless, I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Have a good one, Folks!

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, August 23, 2015 4:25 AM

GM, MEn!

Well, we have prepared our counter offer,

It also seems the seller had an inspecition done, and has hid certain results, liek required radon mitigation system REQUIRED, as it is over the EPA allowable limit.

We also CANNOT get a copy of it in any form or write it down, but ONLY to read it with the seller's agent present at our buyers agent's office BEFORE THE openhouse.

Part of our counter is to read it after MOH gets out of work at Noon today. We want to be able to fully read it, AND have time to go to the house to inspect the issues, WITHOUT time constriants and WITHOUT the OH in session. It may thwart the OH. may not, but at least it is there.

They are stubborn and say "it is to pay her {seller's} bills", well WE have bills to pay for the house too!

so we will see what happens.

Ulrich: {Or ANYONE}: this is going to be the deal on ANY house we buy...there is going to be a game to play, regardless, we ahve to play, unless we give a "full price offer" or "above full price"...and even Then one is not guaranteed to "win" the deal.


So we shall see what we shall see...

Tongue Tied



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Sunday, August 23, 2015 6:58 AM

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, August 23, 2015 7:47 AM


How did you enjoy Northern territory Upstate NY?

Which routes did you take?

obvioulsy it was a safe trip,or you wouldn't be back on here.



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, August 23, 2015 8:45 AM

Good morning........ What's on today's menu ? ... Waffles. perhaps ? 

Galaxy ... You asked if people were busy.... Yes ! ... Also, we have a lot of stuff lined up for when summer starts....... What ? ... Is it already August ? .... Holy cow !... Where did the time go ?

Ulrich ... In your case, good afternoon.

Mr B. .... I was beginning to wonder where you were. Glad you are back. 

YGW ... Hope the appointments are going well. 

Happy Model Railroading ! 






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Posted by howmus on Sunday, August 23, 2015 9:55 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a pot of Seneca Lake Organic Fair Traded Dark Roast Coffee to keep my R&GV RR Mug filled for a while.  Ah...  How about a couple thick slices of the brown zucchini bread my DIL baked for me with a lot of butter on it....  Yum!

Heartland Division CB&Q
Galaxy ... You asked if people were busy.... Yes ! ... Also, we have a lot of stuff lined up for when summer starts....... What ? ... Is it already August ? .... Holy cow !... Where did the time go ?

Yep, Garry you are right on the money.  I am hoping to get done this week some garden stuff I was going to do last April.  At least it will be ready for next year.  Today I need to finish mowing the lawn, if I can get the mower out of the shed without getting a bunch of yellowjackets mad at me....

Last night while doing some laundry I actually did a little work on the girder bridge I started last January.  Spent most of the time refreshing my memory on the specs needed for it.

 Galaxy, hope all goes well for you folks today.  Be careful what you say at the openhouse......Smile, Wink & Grin

Catch everyone later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Sunday, August 23, 2015 11:17 AM

How did you enjoy Northern territory Upstate NY? Which routes did you take?

We took I-81 north to the Canadian border, then turned right onto 12 then 37 until Malone, which is where we were staying.

Then we took I-87 south to 287, and then 80 to bring us back to Stroudsburg. My brother, Chuck, convinced us that 87/281 was fastet, but it has hills, tolls and traffic that the other route did not have, so I suggest it is a push.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 23, 2015 12:42 PM

Good Evening!

It was a nice day today - having the little one with us. When we met him at the train station I had to look twice before recognizing him - he has grown a beard, which makes him look even more like me in my younger days. I bet he does not like that Laugh

He gave me a craftsman kit for a nice building - Swiss style - knowing that I like that type of architecture. He also knows I can´t assemble it, but he wants me to take up the challenge and try. Well, let´s see ...

Lunch was great and I ate way too much, so the next days will mean tightening the belt again.

I used the time since Christian left to fiddle around with that track plan once more, tweaking it to get the max out of those roughly 4 by 3 1/2 ft. of real estate.


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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Sunday, August 23, 2015 4:36 PM




Br. Elias,   Where are we ????   Is Spock still with you ???  I think we have overshot the Diner !!!

I think you will have fun when the build starts on the Gowanus Canal.

Mr.B.Sure glad you got that puter problem solved. I really hate it when those things happen.

Ray,  You did a fine job on that Living room, now if you can only keep the wasps out of your shorts.  Glad you get to have good times with your Grand Daughters and get invited out for so many great meals and goodies. Tough to keep the weight down though >>>??

JeremyB.  So what is the scoop on that new job you mentioned ?  Your Jays although doing well, have lost a couple I see.

Ulrich,   Glad Christian got down for a visit. Too bad it was so short.  Looking forward to see how that new Kit build goes.

Garry,   Great looking build on the Plbg. Supply. I like it a lot.

Uncle Bob.   Say it isn't so........ 500 year flood... Nobody, no matter where you are want to deal with that.

Ken,   From what you say he (Dave) is doing, I suspect he is still drinking in his car, if he is making that many trips out to it. If you can tell for sure, I definatley would let his Wife know.

Galaxy,  Good luck to you and YBH, on the house offer. I, as well, have my fingers crossed for you.

I've had a busy week. I had to get re-certified for First Aid as I had accidently let mine expire. So that was all day sessions on Thursday and Friday.  It rained all day yesterday and very cool overnight. Got down to 5 degrees Celcius, but the forecast for the rest of the week is for back up into the mid-twenties.

I got started on an Athearn, (Bev Bel), Western Pacific caboose last evening, so I guess I'll put in a little time on it again now. No, I'm not putting an interior in it, at least not right now. But I did get the windows glazed last evening. Also must get back to the Elevated Station project soon.

Where is CRHostler and YGW and the chap from Findley, Nevada that worked at Scheels Outfitting in Reno?  For the life of me I can't remember his name.  By chance was it Paul ?       I think he was starting to have a health issue.

A Big Howdy to Flip, Terry, Jerry, Fergie, Cajun Ryan, Chuck,and all others who I believe still do a little peeking through the windows here.  Guys, we would sure like to hear from you.

Hope you all have a great week.

Johnboy out.......................... for a bit.



from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by Uncle_Bob on Sunday, August 23, 2015 5:24 PM

Johnboy, believe me when I say, I don't want more floods, either!  We live on a hill, but we still got enough water in our cellar from the 2011 flood to get a few things wet, including all of the lumber I'd stored down there.  (I didn't live here in '06, so I missed that flood.)  The '11 flood was a pain for us, but compared with what happened in the valley proper, it was nothing (entire neighborhoods were condemned because they were inundated with flood water mixed with raw sewage after a flood wall failed, for example).  My MIL lives across the river from us, and like Galaxy said, they had no gas or electric for about a week over there.  Two so-called 500-year old floods are enough for one 10-year period!!

So, how did the open house go, Galaxy?

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, August 23, 2015 7:32 PM

Evenin' folks,

Janie, a tall glass of lemonade would be great tonight.  I go sit over at the Rivet Counter and chat with the guys for a bit....

Weeelllll.... I was about ready to go out and mow lawn later this afternoon when the phone rang.  It was my son telling me the family was going to a chinese food place near my house and would I like to join them?  I bet you all know what the answer to that was.  After stuffing myself with all the stuff I shouldn't be eating, I waited about an hour after I got home to start the lawn again.  Made about three passes when the neighbor across the street (guy I have worked with in local theater) came over to let me know he had to have one of his 4 kitties put to sleep.  By the time I got back to work the sun was setting.  I ran out of battery while I could see (lawn is very overgrown right now) so I put it back in the shed and hooked the cord from the charger to it.  Will finish tomorrow.

I have been in the middle (luckily on high ground) of a major flood during the Agnes Flood of '72.  I was teaching in Waverly at the time.  School was cancelled for the whole last week when the flood hit.  Athens, PA just a couple miles South of Wavery was devistated.  The week before it hit I sang a solo in the Presbyterian Church in Athens.  The church is at the Southern end of the community right where the Chemung and Susquahanna Rivers come together.  The following weekend there was 28' of water right where I was standing.  Most of Athens was under water.  Corning, about 30 miles to the West was devestated.  They got 22 inches of rain in a couple days I think.  There is a line on the second floor of the Corning Glass Museum about a foot from the ceiling.  That is the waterlevel at the worst of the flood!

The trailer park where we lived was an island of sorts.  In fact our trailer was one of the few that actually was above the water level of most of the park.  The deepest in the park was about 2 foot of water.  The trailers were all above the water but you had to wade to get anywhere else.  Electric was only out for a couple of days for us, but Athens was out for weeks.  They said that was only a 100 year flood so evidentally the place to the East of there must be a lot worse....Whistling

There is a lot to be said for avoiding building or buying on a flood plain!

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, August 23, 2015 7:44 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer please.

 Work Front John Boy, I cannot say he is drinking just because he is going out to his Van all the time, but you have to wonder? Maybe it is just a habit, maybe not but who knows?

 We where busy for a Sunday, 10 customers in 5 hours. That is more people today than the last 3 Sundays total. Like it did me any good, I caught all the junk customers and Dave had a fair day.

 Fence Front Retaing Wall Plan. I had hope to install a cement block retaing wall, but don't have the room.  So here is my plan.

 1 Lowes has order me 2" X 10" X 8' foot ground contact lumber. These will be the faces of the wall. I will brace with pressure treated 2"X 4" lumber.

 2 I will use 2 and 5/8 corner post for a chain link fence has braces. 3 of them every 8 feet.

 3 Rent post auger with 6" and 8" bit.

 4 Retaining wall post holes will be between 3 foot and 4 foot deep depending on how well the auger diging goes.

 Well, what do you folks think?

 Latter, Ken


I hate Rust

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, August 23, 2015 8:10 PM


Johnboy, believe me when I say, I don't want more floods, either!  We live on a hill, but we still got enough water in our cellar from the 2011 flood to get a few things wet, including all of the lumber I'd stored down there.  (I didn't live here in '06, so I missed that flood.)  The '11 flood was a pain for us, but compared with what happened in the valley proper, it was nothing (entire neighborhoods were condemned because they were inundated with flood water mixed with raw sewage after a flood wall failed, for example).  My MIL lives across the river from us, and like Galaxy said, they had no gas or electric for about a week over there.  Two so-called 500-year old floods are enough for one 10-year period!!

So, how did the open house go, Galaxy?


We were lucky in all floods of 05,06,11. BUT we lose power for at least 5 days due to the fact that th sub station is in Castle Gardens, anf that neighborhood takes on water at first floor levels, just like twin orchards of vestal.

We are high and dry in this trailer park, but no power gets stale after about 2 days. Especially since in '11 I had FILLED  the fridge freezer and the little stand alone freezer  FULL of BEEF that Price Chopper had on sale as at that time there was a surplus of beef on the market. threw waay about $500 of beef and food alone. {The dry ice wouldn't hold the food cold in the freezer, nor fridge, and the Girl Scouts came around  With more than I could get at the fire station. Fortuantely with city water/swer, and a gas water heater, we had hot water for showers! and COuld flush the toilet!

We can get to town up over the hills on this side of the susquie, fortnately. At least to Vestal Pkwy, when we went to eat out the restaurants at Town Square Mall were all packed! many people out of home or power.

We had  a friend loan us the $$to buy a generator {gas} so that we would havee power, but as we were setting it up and sitting taking a break in the HOT LR, i suddenly said" no need for the generator now, the power is on!". MOH and fried said "how can you tell?" I said "Lok at the fan, its running!!!!" it was the only way to know the power was back on, what a relief!!!


Now: the open house: we got there earlier, and there was a family with small childeren who barely stayed, must have been too small for them. Then a young man with mommyand daddy in tow came in and did spend a time ther, we were there an hour, until my back hurt, and I was sweaty as the house waswarm. will definitely NEED to replace at least 3 windows with double hungs {it has awning windws} to accomodate the window a/cs!!!!

New carpet onthe floor in hte hall/LR was covered with more paper and such...t o prtect it.

The comps, some as far as I am concerned are not really comps, seem to show that all the houses of the 12 listed onthe report all sold in the same $10's of thousands it was listed in, so in other words if it was listed @$29,900, it sold about $22k. So we'd better ome up over our offer, and see if the FIL helps. I asked the FIL and he siad he did't know, he'd have to see what he'd be contributing to. He wants to see it tomorrow. We will see what he says, but I don't see how he couldn't like it! We may need a few grands from him too... to help seal the deal.


We stayed at the open house monopolizing it for about an hour, and bugged the h-*-*-* out of the listing agent! She didn't know us as the people as we used our middle names.

There was at one time a leak in the one room, and the ceiling had been patched with "goop". Only a FEW grounded outlets, and I wonder if they really were grounded or just a 3 pronger plugged into a wall box!!! they sometimes do that you know, maybe even you have done that. Inspector will let us know.

We shall see what we shall see.

our counter to them is not in yet, pending FIL seeing it.

Tongue Tied



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Uncle_Bob on Sunday, August 23, 2015 9:12 PM

I was a little kid at the time of Agnes.  I just remember it raining an raining for days on end, and evacuating our house (which had barely gotten any water in the 1946 floKipod), going to my grandmother's house, getting evacuated again, going to Southside HS (the building where Chemung County DSS currently is located), and watching the Chemung's flood waters pour down Penn Ave and South Main, forming a brown whirlpool in front of SHS -- and being told we'd have to evacuate to Pine City by walking through the flood waters and boarding buses that stood in the torrent.  Memory tells me the flood waters were far deeper than they must have been in reality -- I was only 5 -- but after we evaced, the waters deepened and gutted Elmira, just as they trashed Corning, Athens, Wilkes-Barre, etc.  After the flood, I was packed off to stay with family in Athens, where one of my cousins took me to see the LV's bridge over the Chemung, which had been undermined and was in danger of collapse.  I don't remember seeing any damage to the, EL's bridges and viaducts in and around Elmira, and I've never seen any pictures of the damage, but I've heard one fell in just outside town.  Again, something nobody sane would ever want to go through again.

Good luck with that house, Galaxy.

(Edited to remove something that made no sense, even to me!)

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