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Elliot's Trackside Diner September 2010 Locked

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, September 20, 2010 11:48 AM

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morin'n, bucket of coffee please 'n thank-you.

What's this? Everybody is hiding in the back...well, 'cept for TODD who seems to be doing a mind-meld with MISSY... seems like he's mumbling something about what the dog is thinking...

As for how people convey their'll not get a peep of critiscism, critisisim, complaint out of me! Heck, in the world of w**k, I've got a proofreader and an editor to make me look "good." Believe me, I'm sure I need their talents!!! Oh yeah, THAT reminds me, Maggie the Creepy Proofreader Girl has moved on...seems she wanted to get further edumacated somewhere. So now we have Adam the Proofreader Dude. THAT Editor was hesitant to hire the guy. Seems he's an "award winning video photographer." She thought proofreading might be a bit too..."pedestrian" for him (said in a snooty, elitist manner). I figure, there isn't a whole lot of demand for people who shoot videos out of their he's probably happy to latch-on to any job he can.

It could be another busy week. I've got two articles hanging over from last week to finish up, a business feature I MUST get done this week, volleyball somewhere, and two or three other leads THAT have been floating around for a few weeks now. I've called the business to line-up their feature, got the answering machine Bang Head. Now, I'm in a holding pattern waiting to hear back.


ULRICH: I too know what its like to have dreams vaporize...hang in there Pally! We're still pulling for you!


A good, SAFE day to all...



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by nik .n on Monday, September 20, 2010 11:32 AM

Hi all.


Just sprinting through.

Anyone know of any RR shows going on around Scranton, PA?


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Posted by Trainman Sam on Monday, September 20, 2010 11:06 AM

Good Afternoon, friends!

Chloe, may I please have a Large RBF and an order of hamsteaks with fresh veggies? Thanks.


Just stopping in for a quick bite on my layover.  I have to say that I, too, have an issue with dyslexia.  Occassionally I have to reread sentences and when I am typing, I have to really concentrate on certain words.  Unfortunately I also suffer from ADD, but have learned to live with it, and have adapted my way of learning and working around my "deficiency".  Most of the schools that I attended did NOT attest to my condition and said that I was just a troublemaker.  Thankfully I had a few teachers who worked with me and helped me develope my certain way of working through the problem.  Anyway, to get off the SoapBox, I'll be in one of the window booths...

Robby P.- Good luck with the car weathering business!  Although I am certain you will NOT need the luck, what with the supe quality jobs I have seen you put out!

Jeff- Seems THAT van has come along quite well!

Well, I better get my nap in before I can get any shut eye prior to sign-up!

Be back later!


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 20, 2010 10:35 AM

Sir Madog

I have not been in here for a few days. I am not feeling well, kind of depressed. Saying good bye to one dream too many - well, I just cannot cope with that the way I should.

I know what you mean friend. There's many a dream I had to give up on myself as well as amny of the outdoor activities I liked. Community walks (Volks marches you can them over there), rock climbing, backwoods hiking. Those are all things I can no longer do. It's also quite difficult to work on cars anymore or for that matter just doing routine maintenance around the home. I can't even walk down to my parents home anymore and it's only a few hundred yards away. I have to drive there now. At least I can still do that! Sometimes I'm happy for what I still have but I sometimes just wish it would end.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 20, 2010 10:21 AM

Good Afternoon,

I have not been in here for a few days. I am not feeling well, kind of depressed. Saying good bye to one dream too many - well, I just cannot cope with that the way I should.

Zoe, make that someting, just anything to cheer me up, please. Yes, that´ll do and no, I am not under age!

Galaxy and all others - I hope to get my words right. Your contribution is always welcomed, not for how you type, but the warmth and the friendship it expresses. Being a non-native "writer", I also have a hard time with some words, and I am glad the spell checker works at my end. There is many a time, when I have to revisit my posts and correct them. Even then, I may not catch the right undertone. However, I trust that my friends will tell me, should I  have "put my foot into it".

Jerry - good to see you are back - I was worried! Still, the MIA list is quite long!

Just have a good one!

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Posted by Cox 47 on Monday, September 20, 2010 10:04 AM

Good Morning All...Its sunny and warm here...I'll have coffee and a sweet roll please...thank you..Not much going on here on the I&S..Been worjing on a atlas FM..stripped paint and doing a fantasy IC paint job...You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 20, 2010 9:14 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have a short stack of Buckwheat Pancakes with Maple Syrup, a side order of Bacon, and a very large cup of dark roast coffee in a FGLK Mug.  I'll go sit in the back booth.  I see a couple of my friends trying to hide back there.





After being picked on yesterday I shant type much today. Wouldn't want anyone having to try to figure out what I typed...I can only say there ARE some people on here whose spelling and/or typing is absolutely atrocious and after reading some of that I would assume mine would be a treasure to read. {meant to be tongue-in-cheek}.


Don't think I'll be doing much typing in here today either. Wouldn't want to burden anyone with my multiply spell checked posts. I'll just be in the back here someplace.


Hey you guys!  Neither one of you have any apologies to make to anyone for your posts.  I never have any problem understanding either of you and there are some (out in the main forum) I have to read 4 or 5 times before I have figured out what they are trying to say.  Besides both of you have a lot of good things to say.  BTW, I usually have to go back and edit my posts three or four times before It has more or less correct spelling and makes any sense at all...

When I was at the home of a MMR last week for the operations session, I met a gentleman and his two sons.  Turns out the guy is married to the owner of Keystone Locomotive Works.  And...... She is a graduate of Eastman School of Music like myself.  She was a Freshman the year after I graduated. She threw an email my way and we have been chatting about some of our old professors and friends at Eastman.  Also about the number of musicians who are also model railroaders.  Tis a small world sometimes....

I have a lot of "stuff" to get done in the next couple of days, so I better get at it.

Catch you all later!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 20, 2010 7:33 AM


After being picked on yesterday I shant type much today. Wouldn't want anyone having to try to figure out what I typed...I can only say there ARE some people on here whose spelling and/or typing is absolutely atrocious and after reading some of that I would assume mine would be a treasure to read. {meant to be tongue-in-cheek}.

Don't think I'll be doing much typing in here today either. Wouldn't want to burden anyone with my multiply spell checked posts. I'll just be in the back here someplace.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, September 20, 2010 7:19 AM

 Good morning. 

 Its a busy day for me.  I have to pay the house taxes (ugh!!!), go by the post office and mail the form out for the train show, the DENTIST (pay them off, and make a appointment), the library, the LHS for the cars for the show, and last............Get a loaf of bread.   Whistling

 So.........I probably won't be back in till later today.

 I hope everybody has a good morning.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, September 20, 2010 7:18 AM

Good Morning! Coffee and some cinnamon raisin toast please. And a bowl of Quisp thank you.

Today is back out to Mom’s house for more grouting in the bathroom and who knows what else.

I want to work on my choo choo trainset.

Ken- Sounds like your Lowe’s is similar to ours.

I’m not one to compare a business in Springfield, Illinoy to any other sister store in it’s chain anywhere else. Spfld seems to have the worst of most chains. And yes I can verify this first hand. Of the two major players in home improvement here, Menard’s and Lowe’s, I would choose to decline Lowe’s invitation to “build something together” and go to Menard’s. They are less expensive and the assistance you receive is more realistic, or should I say more accurate. I do visit Lowe’s from time to time, They have some nice things Menard’s doesn’t. Styles you know. And they carry DeWalt power tools and Eastwing. So they are my tool choice for those items. Oh wait, last time I was there, I didn’t see Easwing. Hmmm.

I want to play with my trains again.

JERRY!!!!! Great to hear from you. We were getting’ worried there.

G- Don’t worry about the spelling. Though I did know you were Dyslexic, even if you were not I wouldn’t say or think a thing about it. Well, maybe think, but not say anything. The issue with “the” happens (originally typed “jappens”)to me a lot as well as “teher” for “there” (didn’t even have to try to misspell that one) as well as some others as the brain moves faster than the fingers. (I only use three to type. Any more and who knows what would happen. ) and good ole fat fingering accounts for many red lines under the words. Of course when the spell check decides it knows the word I mean, is when I get “or” for “are” or “our”, and assorted other words that don’t make sense. Proof reading, though I do it and catch many mistakes, isn’t as effective as they say when you are proofreading something you’ve written and within such a short period of time anyway. And I know I’m not gonna sit around and wait to proofread a post for 3 hours before posting and I sure as heck wouldn’t expect any one else to either. I have read many absolutely horrible spelled posts and have understood most every one. However we should all at least try. But it’s not like we are being published. Some get in a hurry, some are just not good spellers and some have a problem. The biggest problem is with those who get snotty with the spelling without knowing the circumstances. And I know Garry did not mean anything by the comment, and would have not said anything anywhere but here where he knew we all already knew about your Dyslexia and would not take it as laughing at you.

I want to w*rk on my little railroad.

Ray is right. I mean correct. I really don’t know were he is right now, to the right or to the left. He’s kinda sneaky. Always popping in from out of nowhere. We need to hang a bell on him so we know when he’s coming. Anyway, most people seem to think if you can’t do something like me you are dumb. Problem with Dyslexia is, no one can see through anothers eyes and use their brain to see what they see. How many times have they modified what a dog sees? I know when I grew up science “knew” they were color blind but had excellent vision. Now…. "well, some colors, but relatively poor vision that is tuned more towards movement" Yah, apparently they've never tried to hold on to Missy's leash when she "doesn't" see Mommy.  (now if only I knew what the thing was thinking, when she just sits there and stares at me. The dog, not the wife. THAT I usually find out. )

Any way as a child they were made to feel stupid and as an adult they just were uneducated. Nobody probably believed the switched letter thing because they look fine to me and I’m looking at them right now. So, study harder. You’re making up excuses. Therefore it went “undiscovered” for a loooong time. Smart people can be pretty dumb when they get hung up on how smart they are.

Oh by the way, what I meant about the assistance at Menard’s being more accurate was, if you ask an employee a question, at Menard’s they at least have a tendency to give you a blank look and go for the box, and say I don’t know. A Lowe’s they seem to want to puff up and give you some detailed answer that sounds good until you get home and find out they should have read the box and said, “I don’t know”.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, September 20, 2010 6:47 AM

Good Morning!

Am I only the second one awake already here at 7:38 AM? Is it that early?

I will take a full breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, two sausage, two bacon, two pancakes, two rye toast and some fantastical strawberry preserves.

After being picked on yesterday I shant type much today. Wouldn't want anyone having to try to figure out what I typed...I can only say there ARE some people on here whose spelling and/or typing is absolutely atrocious and after reading some of that I would assume mine would be a treasure to read. {meant to be tongue-in-cheek}.

Well, today some shopping. Want to get a Shark steam mop, a mini sweeper, and two new furnace vent covers for the LR. The ones we have are bowed from being in the middle of the floor and being stepped on, so both of us have tripped on the upturned edges and fell down. The mini sweeper we have has died, and we miss it, so hopefully there will be some still available. And the steam mop is just an easier way to clean the vinyl flooring. Those two are my "Christmas presents".  Have to throw in some grocery shopping on the way home too.

Well I will let you all start your day without boring you...

Have a great day!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Monday, September 20, 2010 6:13 AM

Good Morning Folks!

Just passing through, hope everyone has a great day!


The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
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Posted by ns3010 on Sunday, September 19, 2010 10:42 PM

Hey guys. It's getting late, so I can't stay and talk. However, I will leave you guys with this:


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Posted by der5997 on Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:02 PM

Good Sunday evening folks:  turned out to be a rain day - that saved some time since I couldn't go for an after lunch walk. Then the people I was supposed to go into the Harbour to see came here instead - so a journey was saved - the meeting went on forever - cancelled out the time saved not walking.


However, I was able to get at the RDC fixed.  Three stage fix. Stages one and two visible here.     In order to hide the lighting wires under the interior detail insert (cream plastic slab with contact strips and light boards - underside showing in the photo)  the wires to the rear light board had to be lengthened by less than ¼ " (Light board on the left, the black shrink wrap shields the joins).  And to fix the loss of continuity issue, the decoder needed to be hard wired to the motor (Orange and grey wires)  Diagnosing THAT involved using my home-grown decoder tester to see that the decoder was still working on the one hand, and that the motor wasn't fried on the other.


The third stage was necessary because once back together and running, the car kept baulking at turnouts. Turned out that the re-positioned lighting wires were fouling the contact pins from the trucks to the electrical strip to the decoder, binding the truck from free swivel. Taping the wires in place to the bottom of the interior detail insert solved that, and I've just brought it back into the East Sydney station, completing the run it was on when the grit-in-the-gears problem arose. So, all in all not bad for a day when I didn't expect to do any mrr!


Jerry: Great to see you back again. Take care of those feet!  Pics of the new paint jobs?  What stripper do you favour. (well, OK I guess you don't - what stripper do you favor?)


Rob: Check your "Conversations"


Ken: I can confirm that Firefox enable Spell Check in the Forum (unless it's a feature of the New Format anyway)


Galaxy: I'm getting this spacing between paragraphs by hitting Enter twice rather than once.


I have a pasture to scenic sometime, so was interested to see the article on doing that in the Sept. MR. IMHO, a complex and expensive solution - but I guess he's working in HO, and the static grass effect may be more impressive. I think I'll stick to my original plan of ground foam on the basic sawdust/white glue field that's there now. This photo was taken while I was fixing a turnout motor some time ago.  I shall check out the fence wire stuff he used - an elastic thread painted up for rusty galvanized wire. I'm wondering if it comes thin enough not to look clunky in N.  If not, it's back to Plan A - my granddaughter's hair glued to posts and painted. I have a stash of that she helpfully provided before she went Goth put away somewhere.


All this talk of fences gives me the urge to look at the fence needed at F&F Fabricators.  The whole industry has to be removable, in order to get at the tracks behind it. I think I'll mount the fence on the edges of a plastic sheet that will form the paving outside the factory building as well as the floor of the first arch and have the storage racks in that arch built onto it. The piece will be an insert  - the first thing removed when moving the scene.


So, I'll have a medium JR Regular to go please Chloe. Nothing to eat thanks, I'm running a bit high on blood sugar after supper - underestimated the power of a cinnamon bagel!



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Posted by GMTRacing on Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:17 PM

Good Evening All,

    Productive day at home. Got the chores done, finished the shelving and staining and fit the stereo components to same. Most of the stuff I cleaned and repaired is ok but I'll need a new CDRW machine as I can't get it to work. I also need to replace the speaker clips on the receiver as two don't work. Little by little I'm getting closer to the next layout.     CUL, J.R.

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:06 PM

 Well I be the last one to pick on someone with trouble spelling. You might try Fire Fox, it spell check seems to work well on the site. Once I was helped with turning it on (folks here) it work's like words spell check. Red line comes on under the missed spelled word.

 But regardless I enjoy your post and can read it just fine, just have to click the Cuda Ken Decoder Ring over one notch. Smile, Wink & Grin

 Jeffery enjoy the Beer and looking forward to seeing some more layout pictures.

 Flo, keep the kegs on and I will pick up the tap when I come back for Breakfast.

 Got the lower hatches, the lower piping and one of the cover hatches on the hopper. Boy the upper hatch hinges are small!


I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:53 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo just a decaf and a hot fudge Sundae for me please.  I'll go sit at the Rivet Counter for a bit.

Had a good day out at the museum playing Docent today.  Not a huge crowd, but good.  We had a lot of first timers out there.  Many had only recently heard of the museums and were wowed by what they saw.  Near the end of the day we had a Father and 3 young boys who stopped in and asked about where to go to get the tickets for the train ride.  They were not aware that there are 2 museums that work together for the rides.  Since it was about an hour before closing, I suggested they come back another day and go through the NYMT Museum for the whole experience, but told them were free to look around at our end.  I mentioned them to one of the car hosts when they came back down for the last bunch of people to be taken up to Midway Station for transfer to the Trolley.  He said, is that the guy with the 3 little boys?  I said yes, and he wanted to know where they were now.  He caught up to them as they were getting in their car to leave.  He offered them a "free" ride up to midway and back on his caboose.  You never saw 4 happier guys in your life!  The grins when they came back down with just the crew would light up a dark room!  They will be back!

Galaxy, funny the dyslexia subject should come up here today.  Out at the museum there is a young man who is a recent graduate from RIT who is deaf.  We got taking among a group of members about handicaps.  Both the other kid and I agreed that some handicaps elicit a helpful response.  We have a number of regulars who visit almost every week who are developmentally disabled.  They are always treated with respect and genuine care from everyone at the museum.  Anyone who has vision problem is always assisted without batting an eye!  However those of us who are deaf and have to ask more than once what someone said most often get a deep breath and rolling eyes.  In the same vane, dyslexia is usually sluffed off as being "dumb" and/or lazy....  I have been trained in working with students who have the problem and have had the sessions where I have been asked to read garbled text with a "teacher" standing over me telling me to "think harder!" or hurry up and then roll the eyes and sigh....  My heart goes out to all of you who have had to experience THAT kind of treatment.  If nothing else, going deaf has made me much more in tune with those of you who have these type of disabilities.  BTW. the first student who was ever "Officially" diagnosed with dyslexia in Geneva was already graduated (in the top 1/4 of her class) before I came to work in Geneva.  At the time I had the training, she had just completed her Masters Degree Magnum Cum Laud, and has now earned her PHD and is a college professor.  The disability has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or ability to succeed when proper help is given.  Just my

Hope all of you have a great evening!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:57 PM


 Galaxy, have you tried spell check? Reason I ask I am all so some what Dyslexic and spell check has helped me a lot. In fact when I was heavily into a Mopar site a friend started a running gag about selling Cuda Ken Decoder Rings! Laugh I started using spell check and made a game of it to see if I could get through a post with out miss spelling. My spelling still sucks, but way better than it was 12 years ago when I first went on line!


Ken, The spell check here on this forum does not work for me. Unless I type all responses into MS Word first, then transfer to here, I don't get the spell check option. Then, often when I try to transfer, it doesn't come out here the way it did in MS Word. SO I kinda loose out both ways. I have to rely on good old proofreading and hope I catch the backwards words. Other forums I am on with spell checkers, the spell checkers there work, it's just here that the spell check doesn't work. The other problem is that when I do the proofread, the word can still look correct to me, but be worng for those who aren't me.

So I adopted the disclaimer in my signature so others who catch {and laugh?} at my misgivings would know that I'm not just an idiot, but an idiot with a problem. I learned to "get over it". 

It's more how my brain is wired as I obviously type what my brain perceives to be correct. ANd obviously my fingers are hard wired to my brain.

The thing is, I AM a good speller...IF someone asks me how to spell a word and IF I don't have to look at the word or type it!

I like the "cuda ken decoder" idea. MAybe I should publish "Galaxy's guide to teh word world according to teh stars in Galaxy's Galaxy" or something!

There is a "joke email" that floats around sometimes that has a whole paragraph of misspelled words in it to show that at least one out of two people can really read mixed-up, misspelled, mistyped owrds and actually comprehend the paragraph. It starts off something like this:

"If yuo cna raed this, yuo aer oen of fifty precnet woh cna raed meessd up wodrs in teh corerct order". Oddly, I am one {and so is my other half} who can read it and understand it correctly.

Thanks to those like Jeffrey W. who recognize the issue and don't chastize me for it. For me, it gets worse as I get older....



...I recognized it for what it was the first time I saw it as I also have dyslexia. I had always had problems with it to a certain extent but it kicked into high gear about the time I was 14...




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:28 PM

I'll be in the back booth enjoying the Ken got for me.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:22 PM

 Galaxy, have you tried spell check? Reason I ask I am all so some what Dyslexic and spell check has helped me a lot. In fact when I was heavily into a Mopar site a friend started a running gag about selling Cuda Ken Decoder Rings! Laugh I started using spell check and made a game of it to see if I could get through a post with out miss spelling. My spelling still sucks, but way better than it was 12 years ago when I first went on line!

 Flo, Big Pitcher of Beer and a frosted Mono Mug, in fact the Beer is on me for the gang!

 Talk about a wasted Day!

Packer I did think about taking the Luna back, and in hind sight it would have saved me 2 hours! I did cut the Luna, and I said it was not straight but close. Laid it in the hallway and one section was just a little to wide. Be a dumb$1***$2I tried to force it into places! Bang Head Front and rear fit fine, but not the center, it was to wide. Plus it was stuck and I could not reach it. After trying to get the Luna up for 15 minutes it finally ripped in half!Bang Head

 Front section after I got it squared back up (had to cut off 8 inches) using a Jig Saw and a Air File (auto body tool) I only got a 3 X 3 foot section down. This took me around 2.5 hours and maybe more! 

 Next foreseen problem? Hallway is 35 and 7/8ths inches wide, Tile are 18 X 18 inches. See a problem coming? I do! Guess I will back cut into the dry wall so I won't have to cut around 24 sections of tile so they will fit. Here i thought the Hallway was going to be a slam dunk!

Train Front Other than I have no walk around throttle and only 1amp power the trains are running very nicely with the E-Z Command. Getting ready to work some more on the Inter Mountain Cylindrical Grain Car under body details and the upper hatches.

 Does anyone here at the dinner have a picture they could post of the above Grain Car? I am unclear on how the walkway supports go on.

 Time for more NCIS and working on the Grain Car.

                   See you all for Breakfast


I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 19, 2010 4:48 PM

Dyslexic typing. I type a word the way it seems to me in the mixed up order that it seems to me. The word "the" usually comes out "teh" as that is the way I see the word, and my fingers only type the words as I see them. And "e" and "h" usually are backwards to me so "they" often comes out "tehy" , "there" comes out "tehre" as well. I have to correct or recorrect words or I miss them based on teh fact that it "looks right to my eyes" but to the rest of the world it is incorrect.

I do make common {or maybe not so common} spelling mistakes and do make some typing errors as well as anybody. I put the "dyslexic disclaimer" in my signature as I got tired of trying to always correct words that appear to others as incorrect, but appear "ok" or "correct"  to me, and having ohters point it out to me all the time. Even proofreading is a the word looks correct to me, so I often don't catch the words wehn I proofread. I am not the only one with this problem.

While it may have been tongue-in-cheek, thank you for pointing it out to everyone who already didn't notice.

{BTW, my ohter half is so dyslexic that entire sentences are read backwards and out of order when reading out loud.}

I recognized it for what it was the first time I saw it as I also have dyslexia. I had always had problems with it to a certain extent but it kicked into high gear about the time I was 14. Same problems as you basically. Numbers also get mixed up. 3's and 8's, 6's and 9's, etc. I make frequent use of a spell checker and often proofread several times. Even then I sometimes miss things. When it comes to reading, as from a book or magazine, the pages often run together and getting scrambled up after 10 or 15 minutes forcing me to let my eyes rest for a few minutes before continuing. I can identify with what your other half goes through.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Packer on Sunday, September 19, 2010 4:27 PM

Hey guys,

Got in from pressure washing the patio. I do have a question about the motor on it though (it's a Briggs and Straton). It starts and runs fine, but it's almost impossible to shut off. Normally the throttle lever shuts it off, but now it only runs really slow when it should be off. As a result, I have to disconnect the spark plug to shut it off. Kind of fun when it's wet (I was smarter this time and had it on the side that stays dry)

Ken, It's not too late to take it back and see if they can cut it down to the size you need with the big miter saw-like tool they have? (mine has one of them)

High-mileage cars: All the talk of some of the diner's patrons cars wearing out around the 200K mile mark has me a bit bugged. My car has 180K, and one of the previous owners used straight water instead on an antifreeze/water mix (rust inside radiator, thermostat, heater hoses, and whereever else anti freeze goes). The transmission is fairly new (last owner replaced it at around 150K, I bought the car at 160K), the clutch, brakes, springs, and shocks have less than 10K on them. Wonder how much longer the motor will last before it starts acting up? (2.3L I4).

I intend to replace the engine later anyways (might try to buy my fathers 351W; just have to figure out what kind of manual transmission could handle it and would fit in my car); but while I'm still going to college and working full time; sticking with it might be a better idea.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, September 19, 2010 3:46 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Galaxy ... What did you say about tiping? Dislexic? My tipng steenks..  .I  kant spel eether...

Yes,... Dyslexic typing. I type a word the way it seems to me in the mixed up order that it seems to me. The word "the" usually comes out "teh" as that is the way I see the word, and my fingers only type the words as I see them. And "e" and "h" usually are backwards to me so "they" often comes out "tehy" , "there" comes out "tehre" as well. I have to correct or recorrect words or I miss them based on teh fact that it "looks right to my eyes" but to the rest of the world it is incorrect.

I do make common {or maybe not so common} spelling mistakes and do make some typing errors as well as anybody. I put the "dyslexic disclaimer" in my signature as I got tired of trying to always correct words that appear to others as incorrect, but appear "ok" or "correct"  to me, and having ohters point it out to me all the time. Even proofreading is a the word looks correct to me, so I often don't catch the words wehn I proofread. I am not the only one with this problem.

While it may have been tongue-in-cheek, thank you for pointing it out to everyone who already didn't notice.

{BTW, my ohter half is so dyslexic that entire sentences are read backwards and out of order when reading out loud.}

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

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Posted by Cox 47 on Sunday, September 19, 2010 1:54 PM

Afternoon All...Its sunny and warm here...I'll have Iced Tea please...Thank you...Havn't been in for awhile..I keep plugging along on I&S..Stripped paint on a couple of engines this week...right now I'm watching Cards game on TV..Benn having trouble with my feet and leg swelling so hav'ta spend alot of time with my feet up...You all have a great Sunday afternoon..Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, September 19, 2010 1:48 PM

 Yep.Garry it was raining big time.

 Flo, Dew to go please.

 Well, got half the hallway clear out, found a easier way to get the track strips up.Three Foot Pry Bar did the trick.

 Went to lay the first section of Luna down. Bang Head Told the guy at Lowe's I need it 36" wide or a tad narrower. SoapBox It is 38" WIDE! Bang Head And I can't cut straight if my life deepened on it. Plus find the room to cut a 8 foot section is going to be a challenge as well.

 Inter Mountain Kit Got the couplers, trucks and brake gear on it. The Athearn trucks will hold the PK 36" wheels and with 148 Kadees coupler height worked out pretty good. Now trying to figure out how the walkway supports go on.


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:15 AM

Hello everybody .

I'll have coffee and a blueberry muffin.

Zan ... Glad there is agreement on the layout's right-of-way.

Todd ... Sounds like a great festival.

Ray .... Sounds like you ahd plenty to eat at the picnic.

Der John ... Layout progress looks great!

Ken ... Rain? It's warm and dry here.

Galaxy ... What did you say about tiping? Dislexic? My tipng steenks..  .I  kant spel eether...

Bill T ... Congrat on your ability to post here this morning. Must not have bee na late night with teh Hehi "friends". 

On the layout, I'm building a powerhouse. Soon, there will be another coal receiving customer.





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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 19, 2010 10:54 AM

Been up and around since 5:30 this morning. The laundry is halfway done and I've been out to check my fire watch area. After the laundry is dry I'll be able to take it easy for a while.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by der5997 on Sunday, September 19, 2010 10:50 AM

 Good early afternoon Diners:


From that idea, things started to snowball.  First a complete redesign of the folding layout base...which led to redesigning the control panel from a free standing cart to a drawer arrangement ...which led to the need to reconfigure most of the wiring I'd already done.   One step forward, and two back  Confused
...Yes, but your wife is assuredly a "keeper"!


Beside, even if I did stop, I would still have to deal with her watching Stupid TV Shows I am trying to fall a sleep. it the sound or the lights?  If the former, how about a set of earphones...there are wireless ones I think;  if the latter, how about a blindfold - it won't slip off like those nose-band thingies unless your forehead is like REALLY slippery.  Thanks, BTW for the comments on the layout - I enjoy the photos that other Diners show of their layouts, always an inspiration, and often something new to learn/try.


They also had an old box car with a cowboy and an outlaw popping out alternately from the ice hatches as if they were in a gun fight.
...there was a Lionel car similar to that a Train Show or three ago in Dartmouth.  Had a robber and police theme on some kind of flat car, or pickle tank car or ????  Anyone recognize that?

Small chance of mrr for most of the rest of the day - may get to run a train, or work on figuring why my Kato RDC won't run now I've re-assembled it. (Had to clean out grit - how did that get there?-from the gears of the front truck. (It didn't look like ballast from any section of the layout that RDC runs on )  Anyhow, I took the opportunity  of disassembly to route the lighting wires below the interior detail, and now there doesn't seem to be continuity between the wheels and the decoder.....repeat after me "MODEL RAILROADING IS FUN"



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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, September 19, 2010 9:38 AM

Good Morning! Williamsville Fall Festival was a huge success! The start of something again is hoped. Many people and vendors have expressed the desire to come again next year and some vendors have asked to reserve a spot now.

The Model Railroad display was an O scale series of loops and a few switches on plain flat bench work. They had several trains running at once and was kinda neat but not very interesting really. The 1949 2-6-2blasting around the track was kinda neat. Still ran pretty darn good.. They also had an old box car with a cowboy and an outlaw popping out alternately from the ice hatches as if they were in a gun fight. Kinda neat too. The kids liked that.

Well, Church in the park at 1000 so I best get going. Brenda has already left because they need the PA system we put in the Beauty shop because of the rain that came up last night. Cut the festivities by about an hour, but things were pretty much wrapped up by then so it really didn’t cause any harm. Now, they need it and can’t get hold of the girl that owns the place to get the system. I guess when she (Brenda) said put the PA in the village hall, instead of saying "Nah, it’s closer here and we can get it from her", they should have taken it to the village hall.

Gotta go…

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Sunday, September 19, 2010 9:24 AM



Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.



Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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