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Elliot's Trackside Diner September 2010 Locked

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:05 AM

Morning guys



As for CPAP & Bipap machines, after using both, I quit using them. The Bipap about sent me to the ER after only 1 use. I still curse the woman who set it so high. I'll just let nature take it's course and battle back where I can.

Cowboy Rob

Oh, sorry your experience was so bitter. I have never had a BiPAP so I don't know the difference between it and MY CPAP. I now cannot even fall alseep on the couch in front of the TV as I don't have my CPAP on and I start to snore right away and jerk awake {snore myself awake} in front of the TV. I have an O2 feed into the CPAP and I don't necessarily always get a good night sleep, but I wake up with far fewer migraines from low O2 levels overnight. I love my CPAP and O2 machines. I definitely can't sleep without them now. It took me about 3 months to get used to all the air the CPAP was pumping out at me and my nose...felt like a dog with head sticking out of a window going 55, but I adjusted to it easily little by little.

A lazy day for me. Other half has to work. All I have to do is run vaccuum. Pulled a muscle in my right arm, and in my rgiht shoulder blade, so very sore and tender.

Also it that time of month when I don;t sleep well, and has nothing to do with teh CPAP. Certain Moon phases and I have trouble, so maybe today I can catch up on sleep with the two putz {cats} in bed.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:01 AM

Good Morning

Welb--I got to get ready for another day of staying home and being on-call for another 48 hours---yay

I think I'll actually try to get some RR stuff done while waiting for the cell to ring--

Anyhoooo--have yourselves a good day people--Smile, Wink & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:56 AM

 Gooood morning.   Nice and sunny for the next few days!!

 Not much planned for me today.  Watch the Steelers vs. Titans, and order some cars for the show.  Sounds like a busy day huh???

 I will pop back in later.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:12 AM

  All night long here in Maryville IL. Started around 12:00 AM and still going strong.

 Flo, I will have a BLT and a glass of Dew please.



Try BreatheRite strips for the snoring; my wife made me do it a few years back and they did substantially reduce the snores.  Should help.  Snoring can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, sleep study needed to confirm.  Then a CPAP or BiPAP may be needed.  The downside is that these machines don't generate enough air pressure to power an airbrushSigh.  Gary


 Gary I have used them in the past. It help's for a while, but I cannot get them to stick all night. I have wash and then wipe down my nose with alcohol and still won't stick all night.

 Far as the sleep study, did that. The Sleep center I went to had the worst mattress I have seen, and I have seen a lot of them working at Mattress Giant for 4 years. The one I got stuck on made are hardest Mattress seem soft. I tossed and turned all night. They said I was in Rim 4 Sleep for 10 minutes for the entire night! My wife is pretty sure I have Apenea, she says there times I stop breathing.

 Beside, even if I did stop , I would still have to deal with her watching Stupid TV Shows while I am trying to fall a sleep.

 Inter Mountain Guess that will be my train room project today. There are just way to many parts! I bet this one hopper has more small parts than 25 Athearn Blue Box cars!

 See you all for lunch.


I hate Rust

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, September 19, 2010 12:15 AM

Tall glass of lemon water, please.

Got two traffic lights in. Also did some foam work along the side of wife's layout. Plus, made a "Better Call Saul" billboard, for those of you familiar with the show Breaking Bad.Pirate

As for CPAP & Bipap machines, after using both, I quit using them. The Bipap about sent me to the ER after only 1 use. I still curse the woman who set it so high. I'll just let nature take it's course and battle back where I can.

Have a good night y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Zandoz on Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:57 PM

Hello folks!

Whew!  I finally got caught up after not being around a while.  Seems lately that most of the time I'm not feeling up to much of anything...lack of energy and inability to get comfortable Sigh

On the model railroad front, I'm still waiting to hear from the LHS on the DCC decoder installs. 

As of about a week ago, I'd gotten pretty far along on the pre-wiring of the underside of my cut down HCD...but then it happened.  One day I was in the kitchen, and I heard my wife rummaging around in my room.  When I asked what she was up to, "Oh, nothing much".  I thought she was probably moving a night stand, as I had requested to make way for setting up the layout in the room.  Hours later, when I finally went back to the room,  she had arranged things differently than I had requested.   Oh well....the end result was the same...the place to put the layout where I had planned...but there was something about it.  Around 5:00am the following morning it hit me...with very little work, I'd have a much better spot for the layout along another wall.  When I started to explain the proposed change in layout space to my wife...halfway the the first sentence of explanation, she finished what I was going to say, then added "I figured that out a while back"  Bow.  From that idea, things started to snowball.  First a complete redesign of the folding layout base...which led to redesigning the control panel from a free standing cart to a drawer arrangement ...which led to the need to reconfigure most of the wiring I'd already done.   One step forward, and two back  Confused

Have a good one, all. interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.

Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.

"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."

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Posted by teen steam fan on Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:08 PM



Try BreatheRite strips for the snoring; my wife made me do it a few years back and they did substantially reduce the snores.  Should help.  Snoring can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, sleep study needed to confirm.  Then a CPAP or BiPAP may be needed.  The downside is that these machines don't generate enough air pressure to power an airbrushSigh.  Gary

Oh boy, sleep. Sad

My mom is a sleep tech, so I hear about this stuff all the time. One time she told me that she had to dial a guy all the way up to number 40, (Almost redlining the pump, Probably not to 2PSI) and the dude was still having apneas and o2 levels in his blood was dropping. Wound up sending that guy to the hospital. Kinda amazing what a sleep study can find. 

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:37 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo, just a decaf for me.  Still stuffed from the picnic.  There are some great cooks in the old crowd....  Of two of them taught cooking at the Middle School ans all the rest of us are pretty good as well.  We are all looking a few years older than the last time we got together which was at my house.

The technology teacher whose house it was at came out to greet me, looked at my little Yaris and said, "I like it?  What is it?"  When I went to leave he said, "Stop!", ran behind the car and made big winding motions.  Then said in a loud voice, "There it is all wound up for you."  He is also thinking of getting a model railroad going in the basement of his house.  Plenty of room for it.  He has a son who lives at home who has schizophrenia who is doing pretty well at the moment who also loves railroads so it could be a great family passtime for them.  I had a good chat with the son about model railroading.  I invited both down to see the layout some time.

Tomorrow is Docent duty at the museum, and I am completely tukered out....  Think I will turn in a bit early and see if it helps.

Have a great night!  Prayers for all in need......


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:29 PM

Sleep studies. Doc wanted me to do one as it also impacts high blood pressure (negatively). CFO did the study and got the aqualung which in the long run didn't do much good (especially the mask thingy). I think the bandaids are a better idea.   J.R.


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:12 PM


 Jeffery How many miles on you Mopar Beast and how many miles between using a quart of oil? I think I PM you this before but I swear by Slick 50, Mobile One oil and Restore.

  When I pulled my 69 Charger R/T out of the scrap yard it had 125,000 miles on it. It's Big Block had what I called the death rattles. Took it over to Mid America Mopar for a buddy of mine to look at. Rich and I talked about the car and it was time for a fresh 440. Took her home, did a oil change with Mobile 1 and a quart of Slick 50 and start driving it. After 400 miles it had used a quart of oil, so I added a quart of Restore (Hot Rod had just did a article on it in a 360 Dodge Little Red Wagon) Oil use went from 400 miles a quart to 1100 miles, not bad. I all so saw a small power increase.

It has just under 76,000 miles and has seen a lot of abuse. All I need it for is to get me around town so mostly low speed driving. Up until this morning it was quite noisy but after the additive was added it has only a little noise from some loose rocker arms.



Jeff - none of the consumer oils have ZDDP (the actual zinc additive) anymore. The Feds put a stop to it as it can clog converters. 

I knew they had done it for some reason. Mine doesn't have any converter to worry about. Engine to cherry bomb to pipes to echo chambers. My neighbor hates it when I fire it up in the morning.


sounds like what I did with my old Dodge Sportmans van, which took me to many a mountainous location for my art. Don't recall the mileage now, but it was well over 200,000 when I finally abandoned it in my parents driveway many years ago. Think it's still there collecting moss to this day...oops!Whistling (I aught to treat our pickup truck to that soon)

Same thing with my old Century. It had just under 350,000 miles on it when I signed it over to the scrap yard just this past Monday. It got a dose of Restore at every oil change.


Lee: Nice haul there.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by Weighmaster on Saturday, September 18, 2010 6:51 PM


Try BreatheRite strips for the snoring; my wife made me do it a few years back and they did substantially reduce the snores.  Should help.  Snoring can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, sleep study needed to confirm.  Then a CPAP or BiPAP may be needed.  The downside is that these machines don't generate enough air pressure to power an airbrushSigh.  Gary

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:54 PM

Hey guys, finally made it back.

After I got my computer back, my internet stopped working, so I couldn't get on for a few days. But I'm getting a new computer in the very near future, so that should help!

Here's what's going on on the model railroading front:
1. Today was my last day of work. I've been waitering for the past several weeks, so I've been making more money, which means I can finally buy stuff. But today was our last day for the year (we closed at 3), so that'll free up some time (although I'm going to Wildwood next week, and I'm hoping to begin my Eagle Project in October, so there goes my weekends for the next month).

2. If I can find time this week, my dad and I can cut the first sheet of plywood. If time allows, maybe we could also run to Lowes and get a second sheet and some foam.

3. Thursday night, I placed an order for some stuff from Island Model Works (FINALLY!). I bought a PL42AC shell (to go with the drive I'm getting for Christmas), PL42AC decals, and 3 sets of Comet V decals (don't have the shells yet, though). I went big on the decals because their license expires in a few weeks, and IMW will not be renewing it, so it is the last chance. Don't know when the stuff will come; depends on if Joe has any of the PL42 shells cast already (it's a small company, so most of his castings are done as needed).

4. Next up will be roadbed and track. I will need a lot, so I will have to buy a bit at a time. My IMW order cost about a hundred bucks, and I'm hoping to attend the Mass Transit Modelers show in October, so the first order of track will have to be small. If I can get enough to get the main loop up and running, I'll be happy.

Well, I've gotta do homework, so I'll catch you guys later!

EDIT: Dang, I just came in for a few minutes, and I get TOP! Well, there goes the money I just made...

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:53 PM


Galaxy, there was an article in the local paper yesterday about the Hydrofracking debate.  The title is "Report: Toxic Chemicals found in PA Water Wells".  It tells of the water in a community water supply that has already had contamination from Methane gas is now contaminated with the chemicals used in hydrofracking.  All of this has happened after hydrofracking began....  (Probably unrelated, right..... Hmmmm.)  Cabot Oil and Gas has already been fined $240,000 and ordered to clean up the pollution (which is impossible....)  You are very right to be nervous about the process!  I am!  The problems may not show up until years after the hydrofracking is done.  The testing was done by an independent company that has been testing the communities water for years before this happened so it doesn't have anything to do with tin foil hats.......  Opps, the box is coming my way!

That is exactly what they have been reporting here as the fracking issue heats up. Notice I mentioned Cabot Oil and Gas and they show up in your article! Cabot Oil and Gas is the worst offender just across the border in PA, and has been fined more often than not, and has even been shut down a time or two if memory serves me. Easier to pay "cheap fines" and make millions of dollars than to fix problems. The area we are talking aobut across the border in PA IS rather "country-fied" with large areas of land available for drilling. Cabot has had to truck in water for the residents whose well they have been determined to contaminate by their drilling sites.

The chemicals in the fracking fluids are considered "proprietary" and thusly Haliburton {yes the same Haliburton that got Govt automatic no-bid contracts from the Bush gov't.} says it doesn't have to divulge the ingredients. Those of us who oppose fricken fracking think that is so that they can "claim" the chemicals were there all along individually or in combinations in the gorund and water. But where the water has been analyzed both before and after, there are compounds showing up that weren't there before fracking as you said in the article. It isn't just the "light your tap water on fire" issue with methane gas  in the water.

Also when the news stories air, they always show the discharge pipes shunting off effluence of filthy fluids into their "temporary ponds" made with only pond liners. Pond liners can leak easily and contaminate the environment around them, which as you said can mean all of about impossible to clean up.

There ARE, apparently nat gas well pockets around the area that pump out nat gas quite quietly and hum along just fine, but that is not the fracking method.

Those who are for fracking usually have something to gain {money is powerful isn't it?} from the drilling and don't care so much about the ramifications of Poluting it may cause. They can always take their money and sell out and move. Those who have wells around them that are "fine", hey more power to them. They can have the well in their backyards, but i don't want to hear one complaint or see one law suit filed if it goes awry! Whistling

The village of Endicott, NY here has a toxic underground plume leftover from IBM manufacturing and other dry cleaning chemicals from dry cleaners {PERK fluid} in the ground requiring most homes in the village to have remediation systems installed in the basements venting to the outside. SO this area is well aquainted with pollution problems BEFORE fracking even begins. WE have several other "brown fill" sites that have been cleaned up or need to be cleaned up in the area , ANd we learn more and more about the pitfalls of fracking as Cabot Oil and Gas continues to frack {like the movie title "All Fracked Up" he he} the surrounding communities where it drills.

AS much as I like my nat gas for heating my home, I have to say I am against THIS method of aquiring it, unless Co.s are held strictly accountable and are fully transparent!

Just my opinion and My 2 Cents, others will vary.

SoapBox  is put away now!

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:48 PM

Coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.

***Bill, I like your friends.Devil

***Ken, sounds like what I did with my old Dodge Sportmans van, which took me to many a mountainous location for my art. Don't recall the mileage now, but it was well over 200,000 when I finally abandoned it in my parents driveway many years ago. Think it's still there collecting moss to this day...oops!Whistling (I aught to treat our pickup truck to that soon)

***Lee, nice haul!Thumbs Up

The first 2 Model Power street lights arrived today. They seem BIG for HO scale. Hope to install them tonight and be done with that side of the street.

Working on sealing porch tiles this evening. Doing 3 rows at a time makes for a slow process. It went last winter without any upheavals, but I do not feel like tempting fate again. 


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Posted by wetidlerjr on Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:31 PM

I just stopped by for a Grape NeHi...

...and I brought some friends. Wink

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, September 18, 2010 2:48 PM

Ah well water - great stuff - natures finest! The town next door has a section where the water is tainted with uranium and no nuke stuff for miles. Naturally occuring it is. That's the great thing about ground water - anything you put in comes back.

Jeff - none of the consumer oils have ZDDP (the actual zinc additive) anymore. The Feds put a stop to it as it can clog converters. 10 - 40 should be fine though I use 15-50 in the summer and 10-30 during the cold weather. We use additives here on the race motors as well as we had a run of camshaft lobes going bad when they removed the zinc and then swore they didn't - "See it stil meets all the federal specs". Bullfeathers.

   Lunchish turned into threeish as the CFO found and bought a mini pickup to drag her kayaks around with. The owner was a friends uncle that passed and the truck hadn't moved in a couple of years so we dragged it out of its garage and freed off the brakes but it just wouldn't fire and the clutch is stuck so now I'm waiting for the wrecker to show with it. Once i get it to start and run I'll unstick the clutch and go over the rest of it. Last mini pickup I dealt with was a Datsun (gives you an idea of the timeline. no?) This one is a Dodge Ram by Mitsubishi so it should be good.  We used to have one as part of special services on Okinawa and we would rent it and drive all over the northern part of the island which is all dirt paths and volcanic rock. It never stranded us and if this one is half as good she'll be fine. We are after all talking about the woman I love who broke the clutch gearbox and diff on her F-150 on consecutive weekends. Yee Haw . Probably married me 'cause I was the only one who'd fix it all.    J.R.

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, September 18, 2010 2:36 PM

Afternoon all, I just returned from the Eire County Fairgrounds Train Show.  The show was a little better this year as the isle were wider, running modules, more vendors, and a train ride in the parking lot for the kids and those adults that brought small kids to give themselves an excuse to ride the train.  Admission was $4 with free parking.  It was an even mix of all scales this year.  I understand some of the nicer vendors went to the train show in Lodi, OH this weekend leaving mostly the “Yard Sale” vendors in Erie County (pun intended).   I had a nice chat with the vendor that sells plaster castings and he explained how he made several of his custom vehicles and original loads.

Distance: 75 Miles from Euclid

Directions: Get on SR-2 heading west, mash the throttle and go straight for 64 miles. At SR 250 slow down, turn north, mash the throttle and go straight to Strub road and turn Left then right on Columbus, Fairgrounds on right.

The haul:

PRR Tee shirt and a free coffee mug (All tee shirts were $10, sweat shirts were $15)

6 Proto 2000 NKP 50 foot auto boxcar kits (new in box) different road numbers

2 Proto 2000 NKP 50 foot flat car kits with loads (new in box)

2 alfalfa loads and 2 covered bulldozer loads

2 butter dishes of Harley Smith’s scrap load material

total spent $80

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, September 18, 2010 2:27 PM

 Afternoon Madison IN!

 Flo, I will take the Santa Fee Sub on wheat and toasted, extra peppers and vinegar and oil, a Tender of Onion rings and a Beer in a frosted Monon Mug.

 Jeffery How many miles on you Mopar Beast and how many miles between using a quart of oil? I think I PM you this before but I swear by Slick 50, Mobile One oil and Restore.

  When I pulled my 69 Charger R/T out of the scrap yard it had 125,000 miles on it. It's Big Block had what I called the death rattles. Took it over to Mid America Mopar for a buddy of mine to look at. Rich and I talked about the car and it was time for a fresh 440. Took her home, did a oil change with Mobile 1 and a quart of Slick 50 and start driving it. After 400 miles it had used a quart of oil, so I added a quart of Restore (Hot Rod had just did a article on it in a 360 Dodge Little Red Wagon) Oil use went from 400 miles a quart to 1100 miles, not bad. I all so saw a small power increase.

  Month later I drove it back by Rich's to visit, he came out and ask me "when did you drop in the new motor"? All the death rattles where gone (note, it was rocker and lifter racket, never any bearing knock) Told him what I did and he was disappointed because I was going to buy the fresh 440 from him! Big Smile Later I added a new chain and heads and that engines was still strong when I yanked it at 192,000 miles. Got a deal on a 426 I could not pass up.

 Today is a lazy day! Decide to heck with the floor and laying track. Did get the DT 400 sent to Digitrax and they should have it Monday. Hope it is a quick turn around.  Not that I mind the E-Z Command but I keep wanting to get up and walk to the yard and do some switching. Then I remember Bang Head no walk around with the E-Z.

 So to consul my self I went to K-10 Model Trains and bought a Custom Painted Blue Box SOO Line Covered Hopper and 3 sets of Athearn Trucks. Like I need any more of anything! Whistling This mourning for the heck of it I counted how many piece's of rolling stock I have on the layout.  I have 175 sitting on the rails and not sure what is under the bench and on the shelf's

 Speaking of Covered Hoppers, what are the hole's in the end's for Whistling

  Not sure about dinner yet, might do the BBQ.


I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, September 18, 2010 1:10 PM


Just about ready to head out to the party...  Janie, just another cup of coffee (dark roast) to keep me awake for the afternoon......

Quote from the past: "The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad.”

- President of Michigan Savings Bank, 1901

teen steam fan


Methane gas? Are they sure a well worker hasn't been eating burritos on the job? Dead

Ah...  Yes!  Methane.  That is basically what Natural Gas is. 

I will probably stop in this evening to see what everyone has been doing.  May even have a photo of a bunch of old, weary, retired teachers for all of you to use as a dart board.....




Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by teen steam fan on Saturday, September 18, 2010 12:31 PM



Galaxy, there was an article in the local paper yesterday about the Hydrofracking debate.  The title is "Report: Toxic Chemicals found in PA Water Wells".  It tells of the water in a community water supply that has already had contamination from Methane gas is now contaminated with the chemicals used in hydrofracking.  All of this has happened after hydrofracking began....  (Probably unrelated, right..... Hmmmm.)  Cabot Oil and Gas has already been fined $240,000 and ordered to clean up the pollution (which is impossible....)  You are very right to be nervous about the process!  I am!  The problems may not show up until years after the hydrofracking is done.  The testing was done by an independent company that has been testing the communities water for years before this happened so it doesn't 

Methane gas? Are they sure a well worker hasn't been eating burritos on the job? Dead

Galaxy- Happy Birthday. Sorry your other half has to work that day, but what can you do about it? 

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:24 AM


Jeffrey, bet your glad to have your own wheels again.  Hope the van gives you many years of good service!

I do too! That's something that we'll have to see.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by howmus on Saturday, September 18, 2010 11:17 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, short stack of blueberry pancakes for me this morning.  Oh yes, A cup of your finest dark roast coffee and leave the maple syrup for the pancakes.

Just got back from the County Landfill (only about 6 miles from my house) where I dropped off a truck load of "Hazardous Household Waste..."  They are now taking old TV's as well as any other electronic items for recycling.  I had 2 old TV's sitting around here waiting for today.  They are now waiting to be recycled along with an old stand alone computer HD, a pile of old wall warts in varying voltages, some other no longer needed computer add ons, and a few VCR's Tape players, etc.  They have always taken some computer equipment, but stopped taking monitors a couple of years ago.  NYS Law now requires recycling for a lot more electronic equipment so they expanded.  I would have had to pay $ previously to get get rid of much of it.  (No, I don't don't send toxic waste to the landfill in the trash.  Also got rid of a big pile of old Tube and CFL florescent lights, some used motor oil and a few other things.  I, for one am very much in favor of required recycling of these type of items. 

My son brought my truck over early this morning and helped me load with the junk.  Their car isn't quite done, but should be ready some time today, so his wife drove over and picked him up.

Jeffrey, bet your glad to have your own wheels again.  Hope the van gives you many years of good service!

Galaxy, there was an article in the local paper yesterday about the Hydrofracking debate.  The title is "Report: Toxic Chemicals found in PA Water Wells".  It tells of the water in a community water supply that has already had contamination from Methane gas is now contaminated with the chemicals used in hydrofracking.  All of this has happened after hydrofracking began....  (Probably unrelated, right..... Hmmmm.)  Cabot Oil and Gas has already been fined $240,000 and ordered to clean up the pollution (which is impossible....)  You are very right to be nervous about the process!  I am!  The problems may not show up until years after the hydrofracking is done.  The testing was done by an independent company that has been testing the communities water for years before this happened so it doesn't have anything to do with tin foil hats.......  Opps, the box is coming my way!

Best be on my way.  Reunion of the Fine and Practical Arts dept. from the Geneva Middle School this afternoon.  looks like we have a great day for it.  Currently 64°F with a high around 72°F this afternoon under beautiful sunny skies.




Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 18, 2010 10:36 AM

Good morning. It's 79 and partly cloudy. The high will be a hot 98. Any chance of rain is slim to none and Slim just left town.

Went to one of the oil change places yesterday. I got a bit of a laugh while I was there. The guy down in the pit took the oil plug out and was standing off to the side so he wouldn't get hit by the oil. He might have been better off standing dead center. The oil left the drain hole at a sideways angle and soaked him from shirt collar to crotch. He could have complained but didn't. He went about his business and changed out the filter then put the drain plug back in place. The guy up top put in Castrol 10W40, about which I expressed some concern but he assured me that between the heat and the old engines wear it would be better for it. Well so far that seems to be holding true. I expected it to sound like a threshing machine but it actually sounded better than when I got there. I learned later that the oil, because of the fact that the engine doesn't have roller lifters, should be an SL type. Well I couldn't get an answer one way or the other about that so this morning I picked up a zinc additive to add to the oil. It also has the added benefit of quieting noisy lifters which is no bad thing. It seems to be working well. Within half a mile the engine was quieter, had more power and the lifter noise had quieted down.

On the layout front I'm considering my next angle of attack. I'm sitting here considering the amount of rewiring that has to be done and how much stuff has to be removed from the area in question and I'm dragging my hand down my face and wondering the heck I've gotten myself into now.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:48 AM

Good Morning All,

   Back in the shop after breakfast with the CFO who has softball practice this morning. Trying to catchup some gov't w..k staining shelves for the house and putting more bits on the Focus. Need to change back to stock brake lines for state inspection as I need to jump through hoops to retitle my "salvage vehicle".  Need to remove the front air splitter as well as it would draw their ire and I hope they'll overlook the 2' ride height reduction. At least I don't have window tints as they are a real no no in these parts. The supercharger and exhaust both were approved and I did leave all the emissions intact so hopefully we can just concentrate on the quality of the actual repairs.

    60 and sunny today and we should have more of the same tomorrow when I tackle some of the HD stuff. Speaking of the orange type HD, they had their Christmas stuff up last month.

   Interesting history on the Christmas Shops G. Of course with the BB&B purchase all the cute stuff like unique architecture went out the window and the stores are now just another big box dedicated to the ultimate enrichment of China. No son please put away that soapbox - I don't like heights.

    Off to the shop, see you lunchish.   J.R.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:36 AM

Morning all,

Slow quiet day today. DOn't have to do anything unless we want to.Stick out tongue

I overdid it on my back with the chores yesterday so a day of relaxing is what I need. I also pulled a muscle in my shoulder, doing of all things just folding laundry. Oops - Sign No chores to really do today, though there are a few "pull and clean behind" projects I may start on as they are bugging me and my other half.

ANd I didn't sleep well at all last night so maybe a few naps today are in order.

Next Sat is my B-day and my other half has a shift and a half to work that day Super Angry, so we won't be going out for Dinner exactly on my B-day. Can't yet decide where but we have decided pretty much taht roast duck of some kind sounds delicious as we haven't had any duck in a long while. WE are kinda tired of Prime Rib for special occasions. The FIL pays for the dinner out for B-days, but we have to pay for any Drinks  or Beer if any at all. There will be no Gift, as we don't celebrate B-days that way anymore. Dinner out is enough. WE may be able to go out Fri nite, if work doesn't do a call-in for the day.

Well, i'd better get on to the resting portion of my day!

Have a great day


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:00 AM

 Mourning Madison IN!

  Flo, 3 Eggs Sunny Side Up, Hash Browns and a Hunk Of Ham and glass of Milk.

 Well I was up at 4:30 AM this mourning and starting to feel it. For about the last 3 weeks I have been sleeping on the couch in the family room. Seems my  has been keeping my wife a wake at night, and she keeps poking me so I didn't get any sleep either. Plus if I want to turn in before her, I don't have to try to sleep through Dancing with the Stars or the other silly butt shows she likes!

 Todd I am fine with Jammie's pants, it was the alternative that was disturbing to me! 

 Train Front Got the Rio Grand Hopper on the main now and is tracking just fine last night. This mourning and added weight and couples to the flatcar I got at the show. Only one left is the Inter Mountain Hopper, I am going to try some Athearn trucks on it, with the ones it came with being JUNK.

 After I overnight the DT 400, I am going to start adding run a rounds using the brass turnouts I bought at the show. Well, that or the hallway.

 See you all for lunch.


I hate Rust

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:23 AM

Good Morning! Coffee please.

Today is the big Fall Festival day. The one Brenda has tried so hard to bring back after a five year absence. It is a beeeeeautiful morning and I hope the weather holds all day. So far it looks fabulous. I will be assisting her today with the things that need done. She is already uptown and, once again I’m running late. Hard to get moving as I’m running on just a few hours of sleep over the last three nights. I feel like Ulrich, though for far less reasons. I’m just a bit nervous for her. I want it to be a success so bad for her I can’t sleep. She has fought a few people tooth and nail right up until today on this thing and (jealousy from one Village Board member. Female. Flirter. No one likes her but some desperate guys. She thinks all men crave her…..You know the type. And a couple of her croanies.) Anyway, I just want it to go well.

Enough about me …

Robby- Don’t sweat the test. It’s actually a good thing. It will find out your needs prior to taking a course so you don’t get in above your head. Believe me from experience. College does not wait for you to “get it” and the instructor doesn’t really care if your struggling or not. Oh some do, but still not like high school. It’s up to YOU to get it in college. And if you don’t, oh well. Get some help on your own. "This is college son. Not High School. This is for people who want to be here.Not for those who have to be here"

Ken- Don’t worry, I was wearing my jammie pants. Sorry about the throttle. I’m feelin with you on the play time problem. Haven’t had time myself.

Ray- Though I cant say I don’t shop at the stores,(I’d have nowhere to shop) I feel the same way you do about the holiday stuff. Before you know it, there will be nothing but Christmas year round.

Oh well, only one card I suppose. That idea does have it’s good points.

Aaaaaaand Jeff has me fired up over the government stepping in on lawn and garden equipment and the emissions. Making my old Lawn-Boy 2 cycle mower parts obsolete and costing HUNDREDS! To buy another push mower. AND that will soon (hopefully not too soon) cost me a garden tractor because Kohler cast irons vintage 1977 are becoming partless as we speak. Ok, stepping back before I get both feet on the box.

I suppose, at some point, if the new tractor gets to the point it won’t work at all, Jeff will attempt to “fit” a more user friendly carb on it. Maybe not real soon but some day I’m willing to bet. But ONLY if he doesn’t get on the wampum warpath and beat the thing to pieces first.

CNCharlie- I feel with you on the Mother thing. I’mrunning into similar things with mine.

Rob- Yup, what J.R. said. Starter can take out the battery, and a battery can take out a starter. Other than the solenoid issue, mostly that starter takes out the battery. Pulls too hard don’t you know.

WELL. I had best get uptown. I’m kinda looking forward top see what kind of MODEL RAILROAD display they are going to set up in the community center. The guy in charge of that is an O scaler. Haven’t had a chance to talk to him about it at all as I’ve been so busy with Mom and her house.I haven’t been to Church in a while.(Preacher and his wife even stopped in at the restaurant to see if I was still around, they haven’t seen me in so long.)

I’m gone, Bye bye!

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, September 18, 2010 7:21 AM

 Good morning.

 Well I'm off on a bus trip this morning to Pittsburgh.  The wife, her grandma, and her aunt are also going.   So no MRR for me.  I do have to start on some cars for the show.    I haven't even started, and its already the 18th!!   Next thing I know it will be Nov.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Saturday, September 18, 2010 6:40 AM

Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.



Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by CNCharlie on Friday, September 17, 2010 11:03 PM

Good Evening!

Haven't been in for a little while as I have been busy but not having fun. Mum had to go into the hospital via ambulance Sunday midnight, was discharged yesterday only to go back in today. She is very weak and has I believe more than a few problems which I guess is to be expected as she is 96. There really isn't much they can do for her but she can't manage at home even with Homecare assistance.

We have fall here with the leaves turning colour and temps in the mid '50s. Risk of frost tonight. I may do my N scale layout in a fall theme but that is a project for next year. I am leaning towards a version of Woodland Scenics Scenic Ridge but on a door.

Not much new on the RR front. I am slowly putting together a PK2 tank car kit that my FIL gave me as he just couldn't manage all those small grab irons,etc. At my pace it will likely take me a couple of weeks to put together as I don't work on it every night and then only for a half hour or so. I have been running trains a bit, a couple of express reefers, baggage and RPO pulled by a Spectrum Mountain. Next up is a passenger train with a Mehano Hudson. It is a version of a CN K5a they sold up here. It really only vaguely resembles the prototype but I like it anyway. Besides it is the loco that got me back into model RR.

Garry, you asked about Jerry and while he hasn't been in here for quite a while, he is posting regularly on a N scale forum I look into from time to time so I guess he is OK.  Maybe Chloe will have to change the menu to entice him back in or it could be like a lot of others who just stop coming by.

Not much else to report. It's usually been too late and I've been too tired to drop by.

CN Charlie


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