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Elliot's Trackside Diner 26 Locked

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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, March 4, 2010 1:14 PM

 Just a quick stop.

 EDIT:  Seems like I have top honors.   "Whats that???  We are out of everything, but the dollar menu items.   Good, I won't complain then." Smile,Wink, & Grin

 Made it to a LHS, and grabbed up three cars to do.  I have to start the fade today.

 I thought I would wait and see what comes by (train wise).  A friend called me and said Amtrak is 7 hours behind, and should be near me in about 30 minutes.  So about 30 minutes later here it came.'s a shot. 


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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, March 4, 2010 1:33 PM

Good afternoon, Zoe - I'll have a BLT and a bowl of potato soup, please. Thanks!

Sounds like - is that you in the back corner booth, Barry? Wow - I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Jim, what type of industry is that supposed to be? I like that one a lot since it's bigger than the cars that serve it.

  Vincent, that's a paper company (not sure if it's supposed to be a Proctor & Gamble plant - since the guy who built it w**ks for our local plant, which makes diapers). The one on the club layout stretches across most of the one (thinner) end of the layout and around the corner a couple of feet, so it's a pretty good sized complex. As for that yellow CNW covered hopper, I'm sure that our club is short on RC's (except maybe one member, who is a bit of a RC about trucks. He's the one I asked when I was wondering which model trucks/tractor-trailers would fit my RR's era). One thing on how some of the industries are fairly big is, some are kitbashed from buildings on the older layout (in a number of cases 2 or 3 different industries!).

Hmm, didn't mean to get Todd going by reminding him about those cards.. OopsOuch! Hey, Todd, why are you throwing things at me? I was just kidding, really! Smile,Wink, & Grin

Sam - congratulations on surviving w**king with Transit for one year (so far)!

DerJohn, that's some hefty snowbanks in your CP loco post! Guess the engineer had best not have his arm out the window on the armrest, eh? Evil

Robby, it sounded like watching your wife running trains just about gave you your cardiac w**kout for the day there. Shock Got your job prospects on the Angel list.

And oh, Lee... stirring things up in Robby's household! Tch, tch, tch...Black Eye

Chuck, it's good to see you in the place again, and how's your layout coming along (any photos)?

Jeff, make sure that Great Dane doesn't step on your foot again (wasn't that how you got your foot hurt, or was the dog just in the way and you fell because of him - I forgot now). Anyways, watch out for those two 'pups'.

Ulrich - I got your back (so to speak) on the Diner list; saved a copy from your post of it the other day, and added Chuck and Eddie/Bama. But you get to wear the medallion as the official Keeper of the List and all.Bow How's your spring there coming along - any sunshiney days? I know our days don't seem that warm, but if you're inside (home, car) some place where the sun shines, it can warm the inside up a bit.

Eddie, in all fairness to you, I'd bet you have a knack for remember where THIS particular dealer keeps THAT part that you know the number for, right? 'Cause I doubt that all places have a standard floor plan in their parts warehouse (like 2nd row from the left, about halfway down the row, etc.). That's the one downside to changing jobs, the having to re-learn where everything in the new place is (or goes, when you unload the truck). And how're the girls (the smaller ones - Heather and Mikayla)?

Wow, Ray - I don't think I can recall the part number on my Scout knife (maybe because I didn't even have one back then? Maybe...). But I am suitably amazed that you do - is this still your first one, or have you had to re-order it THAT many times?Smile,Wink, & Grin

Well, about time to head out for me. Have 2 and 3 p.m. clients at the office and then on-call tonight. Hope it goes as well as last night (NO calls, at all...Big Smile)



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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, March 4, 2010 2:22 PM

 Good afternoon...lunchtime! "Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so" - Ford Prefect from The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Welp, with THAT said...a double cheeseburger basket with a large Cherry the RC, please 'n thank-ya.

I finally got past a major case of writer's block in trying to write a new business feature...was going great guns...then WHAM! Head-on into another writer's block.Black Eye

As for that yellow CNW covered hopper, I'm sure that our club is short on RC's (except maybe one member, who is a bit of a RC about trucks.

JIM: You do know I wasn't being critical, an azzzzzz-clown, a rabid Rivet Counter, etc. about THAT CNW hopper...right?  It just kinda caught my eye as I used to see them, many of them, on a daily basis in the North Yard.


BAMA CSX (Eddie): Your parts-counter experience reminds me of a guy I used to know at a tractor dealership. He had his customer base so memorized, a guy would come in oil filter, and before the farmer was done requesting, the guy had grabbed the correct part and was writing it up! Incredible. There were times I think he knew the farmers' equipment better than they did!

ROBBY P: THAT is exactly why...I'll be real hesitant to let Loving Wife "play with the trains" when I finally make it THAT far... Smile,Wink, & Grin Must've been some discussion...trying to convince her of WHY covered hoppers had to go to the cement plant instead of a perfectly good warehouse... I like LEE's idea, by the way...Whistling


Time to get back at it... gotta find a way around this writer's block, try (again) to bug some people by telephone (I HATE THAT thing...telephones...evil, evil creations. *Apologies to PC...*), try to get some other stuff done around the house. 

It just never ends...

ChrisEight Ball



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, March 4, 2010 3:58 PM

Sir Madog
Jeff - seit wann bist Du ein Sprühdosen-Rembrandt? (and now you like to know what this means) I did not know that you speak German... Smile

since when you're a paintbrush Rembrandt? I lived in Germany for 9 years. My last time back from there was December 1978. I could speak the language fairly well then but now I have to really work at it.

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Thursday, March 4, 2010 4:16 PM

Well, I got the shots I wanted, but now have to wait over a week to get them back... Wally World strikes again... they only "pick-up" the drop off stuff one day a week???  What the heck is THAT about?  Oh well, live and learn on THAT one...

I got a few shots I didn't know were going to present themselves today.  I was travelling alone Mill Creek Rd and realized I was following the the ROW... I stopped at what I thought was a scenic lookout, only to find that it was the NH&I "Dump Ramp" for loading the ballast hoppers!  I got several shots, hopefully they will turn out to be good ones! ( I remembered seeing a photo of it, but had not seen where it was on the arial photos, mainly because it is in a rather wooded area!)  Anyway, I got several shots of the "Shop/Engine House" (Which ol' #40 was sitting in with doors closed, for the winter overhaul) one guy "Mike" was washing the coaches because of a special charter tomorrow and he wanted them to look "presentable" instead of the mud covered trucks and slightly dirty sides that remained on the cars he had yet to wash (which if you ask me, look better than 90% of NJ Transits consists hands down).

Last year I bought a Hi-rail Boxvan, because of having seen one in a photo for the NH&I.  Well, I found it today, and took pictures of what remained of it... Looks like someone creamed it quite nicely, the front end was totalled on the engine compartment drivers side, and the windsheilds were gone, the fram looked WAY BENT... so I will keep it's memory alive on MY NH&I!!!

Jeff- I like the shot of the passenger cars (almost a shame you're gonna repaint them... Key word: ALMOST)

Robby- Nice shot of the loco!  I couldn't imagine running a train 7 hours late...

Althought we (NJ Transit) just had one sit up on the Port Jervis line for 8 hours (seems a LARGE tree fell on the tracks blocking their route forward, and when they tried to back up, they found another tree had fallen behind them)  noone could reach them because the weather was so bad, but a fire company got to them and took everyone to their firehouse for food and refreshments!  Gotta love those firefighters!  I believe they were volunteers too!

I'll be at the RC for a while, reading my April copy of MRR...

Zoe, may I please have a LARGE RBF and a gigantic Icecream sundae?  Thanks!


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by Packer on Thursday, March 4, 2010 5:25 PM

Afternoon ya'll. Carnivores pizza for me!

The arm has still been bugging me, but it's not as nearlly bad as before. I think it's good enough to where I can start working on my stash of stuff. Guess the Ibuproffen Chris suggested is working. Yes Flip, normal doses here.

Ray, there is that. Pain is bad for a reason. lol

Jim,  My first guess was auto-parts plant. Must be a different type of paper plant than the ones I'm used to seeing. Then again, I only looked at the photo you posted.

Jeff, Is the GN caboose a wide vision?

Robby, nice shot of the loco


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, March 4, 2010 5:41 PM

Good Evenig

I's be habbing a bid less thad I usually have of this code---it just dod blugged ub by siduses a lot more than I get----ebry so ofded it fides a dew veind to extract...***** Hack hack coff coff--AACCHHOOOO!--snuffle snort ---HONK!!*****Dead

Got an interesting thing in the mail--fellow I know who collects old kits found something from a company called "Minikits" of an old/new sorta mine building. Not in original box but had some instructions for it---could be an interesting addition to a diorama of sorts--Big Smile

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a Strawberry Rhubarb PIE!!! please.  I'll be at the corder bood edjoyig something I can still taste summatSmile--mmmm---now why is SAM looking at me like that?----

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:10 PM

Jeff, Is the GN caboose a wide vision?

Negative. It's offset.

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Posted by fec153 on Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:27 PM

If you can feel pain, it means you are still alive.

Jeff-What road number is the GN car?   Would you want a 60' DOME passenger for your fleet? It is plastic but looks like stainless steel with fluted sides. Needs to screwed together as it is held together with clear tape. Rolls easily has knuckle couplers.




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:32 PM

Jeff-What road number is the GN car?   Would you want a 60' DOME passenger for your fleet? It is plastic but looks like stainless steel with fluted sides. Needs to screwed together as it is held together with clear tape. Rolls easily has knuckle couplers.

The number on the GN caboose is X-270. The nuber on the 50' boxcar is 3525, red scheme.

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Posted by fec153 on Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:46 PM

Jeff- I already have that road number. 

Barry- bath towel on bed, glass of warm milk with pat of butter ,melted, shot of whiskey in the glass of warm milk, drink down- Dont taste it, drink it down. Wear your warm p.j.s ,get into bed, get covered and sweat it out.

Went to AAP parts store for 1157 bulb. $4.99 for a two pack. Went across the street, bought two bulbs for $0.64 .  Freedom of shopping..

How cold might it be if it wasn't for Global Warming????



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:54 PM

Barry- bath towel on bed, glass of warm milk with pat of butter ,melted, shot of whiskey in the glass of warm milk, drink down- Dont taste it, drink it down. Wear your warm p.j.s ,get into bed, get covered and sweat it out.

I use my old fave---hot decafe coffee with a couple of shots of dark rum, wrapped up in two quilts---does the trick. I've got yours too.Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:58 PM

blownout cylinder
Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a Strawberry Rhubarb PIE!!! please.  I'll be at the corder bood edjoyig something I can still taste summatSmile--mmmm---now why is SAM looking at me like that?----

I'm looking at you like THAT because I was told we were all OUT of Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, and here she was just saving the last piece for YOU!  lol

Does anyone know where I can get a hold of a "Magic Wand" from BLI??? I tried their website, but could not find any information about them.

I bought Vincent's(Packer) NW2, and unfortunately, I have Bachmann EZ Command, and the loco is programmed under address 1931, so I have no way of accessing the loco to change the address.  I wish I knew another modeler in the Philly area that has full DCC capabilities!   Actually, this may well work out in my favour!  I could use it as the excuse I need to get the Zephyr now instead of later!...


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by fec153 on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:02 PM

Barry- best of luck. Hope you better quickly.

Can someone post a picture of a wide vision caboose please?  I just looked at my GN X283. The cupola is at one end.




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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:09 PM

Evening, Chloe, how about a nice bowl of chili with some grated cheese on top (and Beano on the side...Whistling), some cheesy fries and a RBF, please 'n' thankyouma'am! Dinner

Robby, good timing on that shot of the Amtrak train. Yeah!!

JIM: You do know I wasn't being critical, an azzzzzz-clown, a rabid Rivet Counter, etc. about THAT CNW hopper...right?  It just kinda caught my eye as I used to see them, many of them, on a daily basis in the North Yard.

  Nah, Chris - no offense meant (I'm sure) and none taken by me. If you missed my comment about the truck RC in our club, I'll definitely 'stoop' to picking the brain of an RC ANYTIME that I have a question to the order of "So, how far out of line with reality would it be, if the CAW had ....on it?" I figure THAT even a 150 percent RC (I don't think we have ANY of those in the Diner) has to be respected for their expertise (IMHO). Wink

"I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."

Sam - as they say in the song: "Someday my prints will come...Whistling

(Manah mana, manah mana... doot do be dobah...)

My supervisor got some Banged Head news today - found out that some of the people who've been doing intake assessments aren't 'okay' to do them, because they don't have a certain degree. So my supervisor, being about the only clinician who isn't already up to her you-know-where with intakes, will 'get' to do them (and we've been running between 6-10 - more or less - intakes a day Shock) Both Jason and I don't have any time we aren't either out of the office, or else covering crisis/walk-in, so we can't help her out. You might pray for them to get someone new in to cover intakes (and get admin. to okay the funding for the person's pay), if you would.

Jeff, do you have any photos of your other passenger cars? I don't recall what the L&A's passenger color scheme looked like. Thanks!

Chloe, better bring the OJ pitcher over to Barry's booth there. It looks like he will need a lot of THAT... Dead

While it's calm around here, I have a printout of my 'room-sized' CAW layout design that I need to put down heights and clearances for, and then figure grades. My layout design software recently added height settings for the track pieces, and I'm still trying to get the hang of it. It gives me some error message # (don'tcha love those cryptic error code? Banged Head), but I haven't found out if that's because I don't have a high enough grade percent, or some other silly reason...

I'll be doing that at the window booth while I finish up dinner, and see who else comes in.



Jim in Cape Girardeau


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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:17 PM


Can someone post a picture of a wide vision caboose please?  I just looked at my GN X283. The cupola is at one end.


  Ask, and ye shall receive, Flip:

Here it is...

[Edit]: Well, Flip, ya suckered me in on THAT one! Okay, Chloe, start my tab - do they still have that dollar menu? Great! Eat up, folks!


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Posted by fec153 on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:24 PM

Jim- Thankyou!  I think I have one in a different road. Only have maybe 6 or 7 cabs in my fleets.

Prayers and blessings to all.



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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:27 PM

Flip.......Here's all of the caboose pictures I have.  Might not be what your looking for, but maybe they will help some???


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:44 PM

 Good Evenin', since it's hard-w**kin JIM's tab...I'll stick to the dollar menu. Rerun and I will take 20 of the dollar cheeseburgers, please 'n thank-ya...yep, at the RC with a bucket of Cherry RC.

FLIP: Here's a BN wide-vision cabboose...might've been GN in a previous life. VINCENT (Packers) would know better than me.

Speaking of...VINCENT: Glad the arm is doing better, probably just pulled something. IF it continues to bother you, get it looked at. I'd recommend whatever your college has for a "health center" for the cost: typically free.

BARRY: Sorry to hear you've got the latest insidious, perfidious, vile virus! 


Welp, I've got two stories for THAT...woulda had a third but it fell through. I've got messages out all over the place for people to call me back on THAT durned telephone-thing... A creation of Satan himself, I tell you what....


Holy Crap!

I just discovered something...didn't know I'd shot this, but was wondering earlier why I hadn't. SAM and VINCENT, this one's for you boys...

We'll have us a seat at the RC, plow through this pile 'o cheeseburgers (thanks JIM!) and see who-all else makes it in this early spring evening...

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:48 PM

blownout cylinder

Good Evenig

I's be habbing a bid less thad I usually have of this code---it just dod blugged ub by siduses a lot more than I get----ebry so ofded it fides a dew veind to extract...***** Hack hack coff coff--AACCHHOOOO!--snuffle snort ---HONK!!*****Dead

Barry ... you may think it funny but it snot...... Grumpy

Robby .... Those cabeese are really ugly.

I took a break from wiring and operated trains today. Just for fun.

I think I'll have some KY cuisine. Burgoo for supper and derby pie for dessert. Yum.




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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:53 PM

 Since the tab is on Jim, I´ll take that dollar-burger platter as a late midnight snack!

I am doggone tired, but I just can´t sleep. It is getting to be 3 am, and I am up for more than an hour. Sleepy

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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:54 PM

Garry.......That's how I like them Mischief.  

Here's a ugly one, and me on it doesn't help.  What a smile!!!!!


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:59 PM


Click the link here...

Now that's a caboose!

Burlington called them "way cars"




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:04 PM

Jeff, do you have any photos of your other passenger cars? I don't recall what the L&A's passenger color scheme looked like. Thanks!


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:15 PM


Looks like the now long-gone "Star Clipper Dinner Train" out of Waverly, IA was thinking along the same color lines as JEFF... The Star Clipper was an off-shoot of the Cedar Valley RR, owned by a guy named Jack Haley. Haley also owned the Chicago Central and Pacific (ex-ICG Iowa Division). Haley painted the  Cedar Valley stuff gray and black, but went red with the CCP.


Hey, these dollar cheeseburgers are pretty good!


ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by Packer on Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:18 PM

Evening ya'll, I'll go for 10 of those burgers chris is having

I've been painting The wheels and couplers on a boxcar of mine. I'm gonna try weathering it with my airbrush tommorow.

Chris, That caboose could be from the GN, CB&Q, NP, SP&S, SLSF, or ordered by the BN. They all had WV cabooses, and it was probably the most common type on the BN. As for the thing on the fuel tender, I think it's supposed to for rail lubercating oil.

Jeff, Don't have either of those. I've got 2 50' boxes that could stand to be painted, maybe a trade is in order.

Garry, that caboose is why I've been trying to find a few of the bachmann slant coupla cabooses and some friction-bearing caboose trucks. I think they'd look alright when I cut the roofwalk off and paint them.

Barry, Colds suck, no doubt about that.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:19 PM

Looks like the now long-gone "Star Clipper Dinner Train" out of Waverly, IA was thinking along the same color lines as JEFF... The Star Clipper was an off-shoot of the Cedar Valley RR, owned by a guy named Jack Haley. Haley also owned the Chicago Central and Pacific (ex-ICG Iowa Division). Haley painted the  Cedar Valley stuff gray and black, but went red with the CCP.

When was that taken roughly? Seems that many years ago we, meaning Audrey and I, where through that area and came across that near there---Confused

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:34 PM

blownout cylinder
When was that taken roughly? Seems that many years ago we, meaning Audrey and I, where through that area and came across that near there---Confused


BARRY: THAT picture was taken in the fall of 1990. The one and only time I ever made it up THAT way.

VINCENT: You ARE correct Sir! THAT is a rail lubricator...according to THAT article...

ChrisEight Ball



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Posted by Trainman Sam on Thursday, March 4, 2010 8:42 PM


Is it me, or does it look like a puppy whistling???

Well, I think I'll just sit in the corner booth if it's unoccupied.  I want to get some more research done on the NH&I...  It was rather interesting, there IS an old station in Rushland.  It sits on the property of the quarry that is right next to the tracks!  It has been neglected for quite some time now, it seems.  the windows are starting to rot out, the clapboard siding is coming apart, but nothing a little TLC wouldn't fix!

Zoe, may I please have a dozen of the dollar burgers, a dozen of the dollar fries, and a dozen of the dollar sundaes?  Thank you!


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Posted by der5997 on Thursday, March 4, 2010 9:35 PM

Can't go to bed yet, as there is a loaf in the bread maker that won't be baked until 11:45..So I'll have a hot chocolate and a couple of cookies while I wait, please Chloe.

Barry: Hope you get that cold on its way really fast!


Where did the rails go?
...from terminal to terminal, just like always [clown]  Seriously, I've often wondered about the seemingly large gap between the bottom of the snow plough and the rail head on prototype locos. I guess this total rail coverage is the result of that gap. You've got it on the work situation prayers.Angel

OZRay: Good news from OZ today about the Spotted Bell Frog. Did you see this?

Robby:  Way cool Mrs. there!  It's great she enjoyed the switching moves.Thumbs Up

One other thing.  Sometimes I will "floor the car" to kinda blow it out,  she was making the engine go WAY to fast.  I said "that's to fast",  she replies "I'm blowing it out".      
  Being one myself, I think I recognize a fellow "Passive / Aggressive"!  I'm guessing she doesn't like your "blowing out" the car, and is just letting you know - kinda subtle like! Smile,Wink, & Grin Looks like a sunny day you've had going for you great shot of the Amtrak!

Sam: Thanks for the explanation of the slow order on the bridge. What does it take to get a frequently hit bridge recognized (or am I confusing this one with some that others have told us all about in the last day or two?)

I have Bachmann EZ Command, and the loco is programmed under address 1931, so I have no way of accessing the loco to change the address.  I wish I knew another modeler in the Philly area that has full DCC capabilities!   Actually, this may well work out in my favour!  I could use it as the excuse I need to get the Zephyr now instead of later!...
  Yes! Incidentally, the EZ Command doesn't have a factory re-set button?
Zoe, may I please have a dozen of the dollar burgers, a dozen of the dollar fries, and a dozen of the dollar sundaes?  Thank you!
...that's a whole decoder's worth up this way! Pirate


Do you paint white lines on cobblestone for the car lanes?
  see if this works, paint up a short length of that cream coloured masking tape a dirty white. (I'd suggest alkyd rather than acrylic if you think the paint may flake on handling.) When dry transfer to a sheet of glass, and using a metal rule, cut scale 4" strips. On the point of an X-acto blade lift a strip and lay it on the cobble street where you need a trial line. Press into the contours of the material.  How does it look? The beauty of this is that if you don't like it, just lift it off again. Not so Dorky, eh?


Of course I then have to tell them that I've been doing the job for as long as I have and I just remember stuff after a while. 
  must be pure joy when manufacturers change a part number - that has happened a time or two with our riding mower!
but went red with the CCP.
...sure it wasn't the CCCP? EvilMischief


Yeah certain numbers seem to stay in the mind after a while....
...and for a while too! I use the license number of the first car we had in England as a password every now and then! I know it, and it's fairly obscure to others.Blindfold


How cold might it be if it wasn't for Global Warming????
Laugh, just to show that there are two sides to everything, here's a Global Warming Protest!

Ah! Now it's getting time to put this to bed, if not myself.

The light for the bulk sand bin works, so that part of the project is done except t he weather-wash of alcohol and ink, and maybe some decals if I come across some that I can modify to suit.

This weekend

I hope to get the Cornerstone sanding tower moved along some, and the drying  house for that made into a yard office...that's the plan, but Saturday there's a Chamber of Commerce dinner to raise funds towards the study needed to justify a Multi-purpose "Quality of Life" building using "stimulus funds" of some $2.5m. The community has to put up 10% of the study cost, or $7k. The speaker will be the Premier of Nova Scotia, law partner of the Chamber President, as it happens! THAT will take a fair bit of the day, one way and another. So we'll see how the mrr time works out.

So, Goodnight all, and God Bless. Prayers continuing for all in need of Healing, Comfort, Prosperity and Peace.Angel

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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