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Elliot's Trackside Diner 26 Locked

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:08 AM

Good morning all.

Gotta go do Mom's shopping today. Then the meetng tonight I tried to attend last night. MRR is looking not to good from here til oh, (inhales and exhales somewhat forcefully) maybe Saturday or Sunday after this? Hopefully I'll get to duck in for a bit there and there.

Lee- prayers for your girlfriend. Hope all stays well in the surgery and the recovery

Barry- Ah yes that's the name. "Poo-teen" Question To some around here when it was mentioned it sounded disgusting. To me it sounds delicious. Of course to some the Horseshoe sounds bad as well. It's just a version of your Poutine. Meat of choice, (originally a hamburger patty) on toast, covered with fries, covered with cheese sauce. Don't knock it til you tried it. Dinner Ooops, done flung a cravin' on myself.

Garry- Yes he is.Angel He was up and playing (well sorta), they took the drain tube out of his stomach and went for a wagon ride through the floor. Today, they do an Ultra scan or sound, to check the condition of the cyst on the pancreatic gland to see if it is draining as they hope.

DerJohn- Yes, it would be a bit long to post frequently, but it has been a long time, probably close to a year I think, since it was posted and we have quite a few new folks since then so I figured, new walls, new view, and no I don't mean a new view of the twins, why not.

Say, I've got a wee little bit of time before I have to leave. I might be able to work on the layout for an hour or two. I hope I don't loose track of time like usualTongue.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:22 AM

 Good morning. It's 29 and sunny though a tad on the frigid side. The high will be in the high 50's and it will be partly cloudy.

Yesterday I changed out the batteries in the remaining six Tiki lights but I hadn't taken into account the possibility that some of the new batteries had possibly discharged while on the sales rack. Two of the lights ran down rather quickly last night. The batteries in them all came from the same four pack. The others were a mixed bag pretty much, some running down before 2 am while others continued almost to sunrise. The best performers were the two I initially changed out at first. So this morning I'm removing the batteries from all the lights and will recharge them then reinstall them into the lights. That should put them all on an equal footing and tonight we'll see what's what. In case you're wondering how I know when the lights ran down, let's just say I have a neighbor who's a serious night owl. He has an interest in this also as he wants to see if it will be advantageous for him to change out the batteries in his lights as he's commonly awake at those hours when they'll be on.

The Home Health nurse will come by today to change the dressing on my feet then I'll head out to get some grocery shopping done. I'll also be looking at some Athearn blue box kits I received in the mail yesterday. From a cursory inspection yesterday they appear to be in Great Northern livery. There is some passenger equipment in Chicago and Northwestern livery. Not exactly sure what I'll be able to do with it. All three cars need some minor work and they need to be weighted as they are exceedingly light. There were also two ATSF single dome tank cars still equipped with horn hook couplers. Those will of course be replaced with Kadee's as soon as I get some more.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:32 AM

HOLY COW!!!! Just realized. Today is the third. Third of March. That means yesterday was the 2nd.Banged Head I didn't wish anybody a happy Texas Independence Day. Nor did I celebrate it in my usual small and inexpensive way. Paul was even in yesterday and it totaly slipped my mind. First time in I don't know how long. (tsk) guess with no one talking about it much around me anymore, one just doesn't pay attention.

Oh well life goes on. Day after tomorrow is the fifth so that's the day I'll turn the calender from Feb to March. Looking forward too that. Unless I forget then too.

Almost forgot again.   a late HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY  TEXAS!!!!! yesterday.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:39 AM

HOLY COW!!!! Just realized. Today is the third. Third of March. That means yesterday was the 2nd.Banged Head I didn't wish anybody a happy Texas Independence Day.

That's OK. I didn't realize it either and I'm from Texas.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 9:37 AM

Morning all, just a cinnamon roll and a glass of milk for me.  I'm about to head out the door for w**k, selling auto parts to the world.  Today's truck day there, so I'll also be stocking shelves, so the day should pass quickly.  Today's weather, high in the lower to mid 50s, but breezy, so it won't feel anywhere near as nice as it looks isnce we are given to abundant sunshine at the moment. 

Well, that's about it for me, and thanks Todd for adding me to the "list".

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 9:53 AM


PECO switch machines??????


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Posted by fec153 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 10:15 AM

Good morning everyone. Still in the mid forties and won't hit sixty.  Wind still blowing hard. Bikers really not liking this . At least the rain has stopped.

Todd- I use an MRC 9000. I've run three locos at a time with it and no problem.

Bama- Which company you work for? I was in the parts business for over 35 years. Been out of it for 15 years now, but still remember part numbers. Its like morse code, or a song. Once you learn it, it stays with you.

Well Deb is at the point she WANTS me to get back to work.  So i guess I'll call my bosses and start next monday.

Having fun with an old Tyco engine my LHS owner gave me. Looks like a U-Boat, single tower motor in front and the teeth are on the side of the motor. Never seen this set up before. Had to take the couplers off to get the shell off the frame. pita.

Thats about it from mid Fla.  Blessings and prayers for all.



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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 10:42 AM

Todd- I use an MRC 9000. I've run three locos at a time with it and no problem.

I've got a MRC Tech 260 and I've only run two locos but it handles them fine. I don't, but it does.Laugh

I'm late gotta go. Lost track of time again. BUT, I got the peninsula ends cut out. Soooooo..... I hate to leave.Sigh



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by fireman216 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 10:54 AM

 Good morning folks!!..I will have a Montecristo sandwich and fries...and a vanilla shake. Yes...I know it's late morning...but I have been up early w**king on the layout while the house is all mine. The shoulder is healing well and I will be back at w**k  next week. NYS disability is insulting at what they pay when your out of w**k. Going to head back down shortly and start planting some of the 100 or so supertrees I built last week. Let's see how many times I change my mind while doing it. Talk to you all later!!...Tim

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 11:05 AM

 Good Mornin', stack of pancakes, small bucket of butter, and a big bottle of maple-flavored corn syrup please 'n thank-you... Oh, with a bucket of coffee.

Loving Wife goofed up yesterday, and again today. While setting the alarm clock, she bumped the actual time up by an hour. So....she ended up at her w**k at 0700 yesterday, rather than 0800! Of course, in the trickle-down, I ended up getting up an hour early...but it actually was to my advantage with one of two stories I covered yesterday. But, I was out like a light by 9 last night. She knew the clock was wrong...but never "fixed" she did it again today! Laugh I "fixed" the clock...some things around here, if I don't do 'em...they just don't get done.

JOE: You asked about the fire apparatus struck by AMTRAK in Detroit... Short answer, yes, they "should" have known better. Long answer: a variety of things either weren't done, or a variety of things were done wrong. I'm waiting to see more on the incident before I crucify the guys. 


Hey, did anybody see where some air traffic controller let his kid give instructions to aircraft? I think he and his supervisor got canned for it. I heard the tape, the pilots didn't seem upset by it; in fact, they seemed to enjoy it. 

W**k on the roundhouse is again on-hold. After going great guns on it recently, I'm pausing to cogitate... something about it is just nagging/bugging me. It's like it looks like a...."cartoon" of the real thing. Don't know, its hard to explain. 

Gotta get back at it: calls to make, photos to download off the camera, photos to edit, stories to write.

WELCOME to the new guys!

Have a great day everybody,

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 11:17 AM

Having fun with an old Tyco engine my LHS owner gave me. Looks like a U-Boat, single tower motor in front and the teeth are on the side of the motor. Never seen this set up before. Had to take the couplers off to get the shell off the frame. pita.

Sounds like Tyco's infamous 'PowerTorque' drive. A small metal  gear turning a big soft plastic gear that turns a smaller plastic gear that turns the wheels. The gears for the wheels are part of the wheelset itself. What usually happens is the small metal gear comes off and gets lost or it strips the soft plastic gear, assuming the motor (pancake style) has lasted that long. The pickups for this type drive are simple. Pickup from one rail by the front truck and power is returned to the other rail through the rear truck. Tyco locos with the PowerTorque drive can be somewhat interesting to look at but the actual running quality, if it runs at all, is low.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 11:28 AM

 Mornin'...... Oopps!  Afternoon everybody!

Zoe I'll have a Bacon cheeseburger special with gravy on the fries.  I'll go sit in the front booth and watch the switching going on outside.

No sooner got out of the shower this morning (don't want to pegged as one of those guys that wander around train shows.....) than the phone started ringing.  Deacons business....  I have everything printed off for the meeting tonight.  Still have to go grocery shopping this afternoon, do some emails for the NMRA, and have the Deacons meeting tonight.  Sure is good to be retired!Whistling  Hopefully I will continue adding studs to the walls of the engine house...... Nope!  Son just called.  he is done with the trailer so i will be picking THAT up soon and bringing it home.  Oh, heck, I may still get down to the layout for a few minutes, who knows?



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 11:50 AM

Howdy All..Its cloudy and 32 here...I'll have a cheese burger and diet coke please...Thank you...not much going on at Pearl street all have a good one...Jerry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 12:34 PM

Verona Coffee in a  SOUTHERN  mug, please.

***Chris, that's kinda funny about the kids giving airline directions. One of the most memorable flights I ever had was out of Phoenix. The pilot played the Lone Ranger theme song on take off and Happy Trails during landing. I didn't see a single passneger who wasn't wearing a big grin.

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Posted by fec153 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 2:17 PM

I heard the tape. Child was 5 years old sitting on dummys, pardon the slip, daddys lap, who was telling the kid what to say. The pilot had a smile in his voice. Glad no accidents occured. Someone should be fired or at least suspended without pay.

Jeff- I thought you would know what it is. Can anything be done to change out the motor? Convert it.? The body is in very good condition and to my eyes decent detail.  You know I'm NOT an R.C. and it sure is good looking from 3 feet.

Todd- Keeping the lad in our prayers

Prayers and Blessings for all.



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Posted by ns3010 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 3:11 PM

Afternoon all. Zoe, I'll take a RBF, thanks.

Had a half day, AND got all my homework done. So I'll be able to hang for a while.

EDIT: Looks like I got TOP. Awesome.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 3:19 PM


Zoe I'll have one of those RBF as well.  Put it on Joe's account!

Having spent most of the day so far doing odds and ends THAT needed to get done yesterday.....  I am not retiring for the next 45 minutes to the train room!   Don't try to stop me!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Espee Black Widow on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 4:36 PM

Afternoon Everyone

NS3010 and Heartland, thank you for the welcoming!

der5997, you are correct in your assumption that things have changed greatly since the last time I was involved in the hobby.  The waterbased scenery method was what was the in thing, plaster over a card board skeleton followed by latex paint and ground foam sprinkled into the wet paint. You didn't hear much about using foam insulation. Ground foam and lichen was the answer to all scenery issues. Now you have static grasses, Supertrees, grass tufts and mats, etc. DCC wasn't even called DCC. It was just in its infancy. The closest thing I remember to DCC was the Keller On Board system or you built the CTC-16 system out of the series of articles in MR. Most modelers were using DC with block control method back then. An Athearn locomotive cost you between $22 and $32 depending on what you bought. An Atlas or Kato was top shelf and would run you about $45. Yes things have changed a lot!

When I stopped working on my layout I had just finished the mainline and had some drop feeders installed so I could try out the track work. When I got back into it, I did some research and decided to go the DCC route. It was pretty easy to convert the layout over as there wasn't really much installed at that point so I upgraded the drop feeders and added the bus. And that's about as far as I got. I haven't done much more because I will end up moving it and don't want to have to much scenery in place to keep from damaging it during the relocation.

As for your other question, I model the Southern Pacific mainly during the transition period but I keep finding myself straying and purchasing newer locomotives and rolling stock. So I decided to have the best of both worlds and try to keep the structures in keeping with what would be found during the transition era yet still be plausible to be in existence during more modern times. I change the calender by what era equipment I have on the layout at any given time.

O.K. gotta go. Time to finish installing the cornerbeads and start taping the Laundry room tonight. Sooner I get it done, the sooner I get back to railroading or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Later all.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 5:08 PM

Jeff- I thought you would know what it is. Can anything be done to change out the motor? Convert it.? The body is in very good condition and to my eyes decent detail.  You know I'm NOT an R.C. and it sure is good looking from 3 feet.

I would recommend trying to find a compatible Athearn drive to put under the shell. A GP38 drive may work with a little modification but I'm not sure. I'm not a GE fan. You can pry the weights out of the Tyco frame and use them to weight other MR equipment.


The Home Health nurse came late today (3 pm) so I had some time to get some laundry done. I also picked up a couple of V8 emblems. So many people that have seen my car tear down the road argue with me tooth and nail that it has got to have a V8 stuffed under the hood when I know good and well that it's an over stroked and bored over 3.1 V6 jacked up to around 260 hp. So I figure I'll just put the emblems on it and they can feel that they were right without arguing the point. You just can't convince some people of anything these days even when the facts are staring them right in the face. I also got the remainder of the grocery shopping done. Some flavor packets to make my usual drink (water) taste like something other than plain water, a selection of soups (pretty much one of everything that was on the shelf) and some transmission oil and power steering fluid for the car. There's nothing wrong internally wrong with either system but the lines have a couple of leaks. With the beginning of the month bill paying scramble behind me I may be able to concentrate on what's important tomorrow. Some MR work!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 5:37 PM

Afternoon, Zoe - I'll have a cheeseburger (single, thanks, not one of those triples that Rerun likes), cheesy fries, and a RBF, please. Thanks!

Gorgeous day out today with that yellow circle up there in the sky, and it might've made it to 50 F (what is that, about 10 C?), though it has cooled off to 45 F now (7 C). Supposed to still drop off tonight to the upper 20's, but it might be really nice by the weekend (when I'm off w**k/on-call!).

Sam, I can't say as I blame you for getting back on the 'puter, if the viewing choice was 90210 episodes... I would think that the truck drivers there your way would get the word out to each other about 'Hey, better check your rig's height, *before* going under one of those bridges." But I guess some are a little slower on the learning. Oops Hey, on 'infecting' the rest of Transit with that catchy little tune, you might make sure you are closer to the exit than they are (and can run faster...). Just a thought there... (Doot do de doobah....Whistling)

Well, I got some photos of the (new) club layout progress - here's one of the paper plant somebody asked about:

and here's the album with all the new photos in it. Some of the areas are closer to being 'done' than others, as you can tell once you take a look. Oh, Sam? - there's a shot of the "Miss Bettie's Diner" (that's a knock-off of the Diner you're building) in there, too. And Chris, the roundhouse that's in those photos (I think) is the Walthers one, for what THAT is worth...Wink

PC, thanks for filling me in on what happened to your daughter - and how's she liking the wonderful world of w**k so far? Whistling

WELCOME to the Diner, Pat/SP Black Widow! And Sam should've warned you that sometimes(?) we get waaayyyyy off topic in here (like the little tune in that video link). Smile,Wink, & Grin But except for that and the occasional pun, we're a mostly harmless crew in here... Thanks for  the info on your layout - my layout is set in transition era (1st gen. diesels, a few steam locos, etc.), and my story is that - cheap independent bridge line that it is, the Colorado, Arizona & Western (CAW) busy second-hand stuff from (among others) the Espee when they upgrade to bigger/better locos.

Todd, a (long) ways back, Ed (of the SOTB OJ orchard fame) kept a similar list with birthdays - so I guess you could do that and send cards to everybody around their natal days...Smile,Wink, & Grin As much as we all know you love to visit your local card store. Whistling (Mana mana...)

Paul, good to hear you and Mary Ann are doing well. Oh, Duke has a place next to him reserved in the back booth for ya. Zzz

Barry, I'd say Audrey scored you some definite finds there! You probably should do something nice for her in return (fix her favorite dinner - if you're skilled in the kitchen, or something on the H-Do list, etc.). Wink

Hey, Flip - I understand that Sam is trying to beat your old record for the most TOP's (Top's Of Page). (Doo do be do bah...) - if his bank account holds out that long, anyway... He's already closing fast on PC's old TOP record! (And Flip? Would that song go like "Mana Manah, doo do be debah..."? )

Robby, nice looking boxcar there Thumbs Up - any word back yet on your job interview?

Joe, I'll have to start taking my ginko biloba, I guess - I already forgot what you'd posted.Confused But you're a bit early for April Fool's, anyway, since this is only March. Smile,Wink, & Grin

I see that Bill T. is a Simpsons fan, eh? Smile Good to see you again!

Lee - twenty-four billboards? Shock Man, where are you gonna put them all? Hope Dorothy's surgery goes well and smoothly. Angel

Uh, Todd, did you forget to send me my Happy (Texas) Indepdence Day card? Sigh Good to hear your grandson's healing up, and hope he can get sent home with his Mom before too long. (Yep, he's on the Angel list)

So Jerry, what've you been doing - putting together that laser wood kit you got? Have you started on that yet, or doing other things with your layout?

Not a lot done today, except picking up my Walthers sale flyer at the post office, getting my stuff for on-call tonight, and wanting to get some stuff on a lot of papers consolidated onto fewer sheets (and/or just put into the computer). Think I might do some further painting on my Delaney Transfer building tonight...

Prayers for those in need of them for healing, comfort, and a good night's peace/sleep. Will see you all tomorrow a.m. sometime.



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:13 PM

Good Evening--

Got some of the kits built up --- now 'Spring' has to inspect them for QA here--Whistling OK---WeeeelllSmile At least they didn't go PPLPOOOMP! on him----doo doo be doobah---mana mana-----doo doo bedooWhistling----in keeping with the spirit of the thing here---Smile

Chloe, I'll just have a hamburger with a platter of poutine please---and a coffee as well please----I'll be at the corner booth for a bit


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by fec153 on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:26 PM

Cape Jim- pc [Philip] and I are tied at three in a row T O P 's. I quit trying for four as with my hours, I can't stay with the 'puker long enough.

Monday I go back to my job. Deb gave me an ultimatum, go to work or just get out. Yep, she is better and I know not to argue.

Jeff- I do not have the expertise to try to get the engine updated, remotored. It runs nicely for such an old beast. I guess when it quits it will become a large paperweight..     Has your dr. said anything about using the salve again?

Belated welcome to ESPEE .

Prayers and  Blessings to all.



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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:35 PM


Todd, a (long) ways back, Ed (of the SOTB OJ orchard fame) kept a similar list with birthdays - so I guess you could do that and send cards to everybody around their natal days...Smile,Wink, & Grin

Shock Banged Head



Central Illinoyz

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:37 PM

 Ma Nah Ma Nah!

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Evenin'. Burger time. Zoe? Chloe? Whichever...double cheeseburger basket with a bucket of Cherry RC please 'n thankya...yep, at the RC.

Welp, a somewhat productive day of stuff for THAT (the editor of the newspapers I w**k for, for the benefit of our newest members of the Diner congregation). I think the pay period ends should get some stuff finished tonight. THAT'll make a little bigger check to pick-up on Friday. 

JIM: Good pics! I'm really liking the farm and the lonnnnnnnnnnnnng grain elevator. I won't even think about kibutzing (sp.) about THAT yellow CNW malt hopper sitting in line with the grain hoppers...nope, won't do THAT, wouldn't dream of it... Whistling Smile,Wink, & Grin Those CNW 180000 series ACF Center-Flo hoppers were regular attenders in Cedar Rapids. Not sure (since Rerun shredded all of my North Yard switch lists almost 7 years ago), but I think Quaker Oats shipped out grain by-products to brewers. Ira Kulbresh designed the cars and ordered them for malt service on the Cheap and Nothing Wasted. He was quoted in NorthWestern Lines as saying he felt the gold-yellow color was appropriate, referring to the beer (and resulting by-product produced by consuming beer) made from the typical load in the cars.

Oh, and I don't remember who was asking about the roundhouses a few weeks back...wasn't me, but I agree, THAT probably is the Walthers one.

My Atlas roundhouse...something about it just keeps bugging me... l'll have to post updated pics for you guys later this week and see what you-all think of it. It just a cartoon version of the real one, I don't know how else to explain it. Unfortunately, Atlas is the only one I've seen with the right profile on the side walls, albeit shorter by half on the front, and needing one more "step down" on the rear.

Too much else to keep track of/comment on around here over the past two days or I'm a-gonna yield the floor.

ChrisEight Ball

Ma Nah Ma Nah!



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:51 PM



Todd, a (long) ways back, Ed (of the SOTB OJ orchard fame) kept a similar list with birthdays - so I guess you could do that and send cards to everybody around their natal days...Smile,Wink, & Grin

Shock Banged Head


I can see Todd's looking for that SoapBox right about nowWhistling

Todd: I think he meant the virtual kind----Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 7:07 PM

Jeff- I do not have the expertise to try to get the engine updated, remotored. It runs nicely for such an old beast. I guess when it quits it will become a large paperweight..     Has your dr. said anything about using the salve again?

He advised me not to use it as it may interact with drugs I'm taking.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Trainman Sam on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 7:22 PM

Sam, I bet he had fun with the 3 PL42s, especially if they were all online, although I doubt it. And I saw it coming back down on X233. Also, is it just a fuel move, or is it also an equipment swap? Because I think all but one of the sets go up on the 2300 trains and get fueled, but not on weekends, since they took the fuel pad out of BH a few years ago.
And I know it's kinda random, but would you happen to know how many CIIIs are stored in BH? I think it's 24, but I'm not sure.
And all I can say about that bridge strike is, DOH!!

In regards to the three PL-42's, In order for any Locomotive consist to operate over any territory (with MMC to Hoboken as the ONLY exception) they all have to be MU'ed and "Online" so he must have had quite a bit of fun with those!  It was just a fuel move, they put the passenger cars on in order to go "track speed" otherwise would be restricted to 50 MPH.  You are right, they all get fueled on their trip to Hoboken, except for the weekends (the reason for the fuel moves to the MMC).  I have found out that the PL-42's use 2400 GALLONS of fuel in ONE DAY (when left running continuously, and yet another reason they have to be fueled every other if not every day!  BTW the fuel tanks only hold 3500 gallons).   I believe it is between 24 and 40 Comet III's stored there right now, not exactly sure.  I do know that they are all "retired" from service.  The Mechanical Crew in Bay Head don't know what Transit has planned for them, seeing as we have a 99 year lease on them!  I believe they are going to try to "sell/lease" them out to other commuter rr's, but that is simply speculation, no facts to justify the idea.

BTW!!!!   Today marks ONE FULL YEAR with NJ Transit!  It feels like it has been longer...

Lee- I don't believe there is a "backing" to it... it's only about 1/8th of an inch thick, and the one side has a 90 degree angle in it (I'm guessing where the "corner" of the tub would have been)

Chris- the airport in question is JFK in NY...  The kid was the son of the air traffic controller, and both the controller and his supervisor have been put on "administrative leave" pending the outcome of an "investigation".  And OF COURSE, the media are just running them into the ground... I heard the audio as well, and the kid gave all the RIGHT information, so NO ONE was in danger at ANY time.  All the planes that the kid spoke to were on the GROUND, taxiing to and from the terminal ( I still think it's a BAD name for where planes are loaded/unloaded)...  Just have to make something into an EMERGENCY when it's not...  the typical overreaction of newscasters... can't we take some of them into the "bad" sections of town and show them what a REAL tradgedy is???  Oops the SoapBox came out again...

Jim in Cape- Most of the trucks that get "stuck" IN the bridges are the simple two axle box trucks... and from what I have heard, it's not usually a "professional" trucker that gets stuck...Whistling

Doot Doo Be Dobah!  Doot Doo Be Doo!  Mana Mana!  Doot Doo Be Dobah Ba Dobah Ba Dobah dada doot doot doodoot doot!


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 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 7:30 PM

Trainman Sam
Most of the trucks that get "stuck" IN the bridges are the simple two axle box trucks... and from what I have heard, it's not usually a "professional" trucker that gets stuck.

We get some trucks stuck under a bridge here once in a while. Mostly it's an 18 wheel log truck that's loaded too high. The bridge clearance is 13' 6". It not a surprise to find the highway blocked while the logs are that were knocked off are being put back on the truck. Others are semi box trailers that are a little too high and get the roof peeled off. One truck was hauling two skidders. The cab on the first one caught on the bridge and they both got knocked off. The first one was broken in two. The bridge is an old plate girder railway bridge that was built back in the '30's. It's a very solid beast and isn't going anywhere.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:04 PM


Trainman Sam
Most of the trucks that get "stuck" IN the bridges are the simple two axle box trucks... and from what I have heard, it's not usually a "professional" trucker that gets stuck.

We get some trucks stuck under a bridge here once in a while. Mostly it's an 18 wheel log truck that's loaded too high. The bridge clearance is 13' 6". It not a surprise to find the highway blocked while the logs are that were knocked off are being put back on the truck. Others are semi box trailers that are a little too high and get the roof peeled off. One truck was hauling two skidders. The cab on the first one caught on the bridge and they both got knocked off. The first one was broken in two. The bridge is an old plate girder railway bridge that was built back in the '30's. It's a very solid beast and isn't going anywhere.

We see that a fair bit here. All of the underpasses in the downtown have been clobbered at least once in the past 6 months-----not all professional drivers mind---especially with smaller box vans but we see a lot of out of town professionals do this as well----not paying attention to guides etc...

One I remember quite well was following while on a bike, a big Diamond Reo truck hauling a 48' flatbed trailer with a mounted drilling rig----and watching as the drill augered it's way into the concrete side of the underpass. OOPSWhistling 

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:42 PM

Trainman Sam
the airport in question is JFK in NY...  The kid was the son of the air traffic controller, and both the controller and his supervisor have been put on "administrative leave" pending the outcome of an "investigation".  And OF COURSE, the media are just running them into the ground... I heard the audio as well, and the kid gave all the RIGHT information, so NO ONE was in danger at ANY time.

Correct and I agree with ya 100%!!!!!!!! I have no doubt THAT if the kid had said the wrong thing, Daddy would've fixed the situation post-haste! Was it the brightest move for the controller? Probably not. You can hear the pilots enjoying talking with the kid, so I doubt they had much problem with it. BUT, since "the media" got ahold of it, and sensationalized the hell out of it..."they" have to do something with the guy.Disapprove

I started on a rant, but THAT durn soapbox started racing across the floor at me!!!! HOW does it DO THAT????

Ah well....back to w**k. You know, I keep asking Rerun if he'd like to write some articles for me...he just gives me a "gee Dad, THAT's just a craptastic idea...I'll get right on THAT...yesterday" kinda look.

ChrisEight Ball

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