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Elliot's Trackside Diner 26 Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:30 PM
This diner is closed. Please go to the new one HERE.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:20 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Flo, I see you and the rst of the crew have started packing for the move already.  Is it too late to get dinner?  Oh good.  Then I'll have a hot roast beef sandwich with fries.  Lots of gravy on both if you would.  Yes I consider a dill pickle to be vegetable....  Don't forget a cup of decafe in my R7GV mug.  What?  It's packed, well then whatever mug you have handy then.  I'll go sit in the back for a bit.

Pulled apart the logging empire this afternoon....  Pried off a big hunk of 25 year old scenery and underneath was a pile of seeds that had been carefully split in two and the inside eaten....  I guess I know where the mouse I had down there a few years back ate his lunch.  Salvaged both the hand made stub end turnouts from way back when and have them saved.  Why?  I have no idea!  Guess it will something more for my sons to have to throw out after I'm gone......Whistling  I will need to buy another sheet of 3/8" plywood and cut it to fit in the hole the logging pike was in.  I may be able to get a 4' x4' section at the Home Value Store.  For a price they sell stuff like THAT.  I may decide a 4' x 8' sheet is a better deal.  I have no use for the other half sheet at the moment, but........

Sawyer, enjoy Spring Break!  Oh and good luck on all the tests tomorrow!

So who is supplying the switcher for the move?  How about the first person in after midnight?  Could be Ulrich?  Be a good chance to see how his loco works... Smile,Wink, & Grin  Maybe we could set an alarm clock for Duke and he can bring a....  what do they call them?   Ah, Berkshire!  THAT would be classy!

Oh well, I'll probably see what happened when I get up tomorrow morning.  Have to be at my son's house before noon.  I get to play, ah, sit for my granddaughters for a couple hours tomorrow.



[edit]  Whoo!  The dinner is underway and I haven't finished my decafe.  Good thing I have my train legs and know how to stay steady.  Yep Ulrich is trying out his new loco.  Powerful, really got her inder motion fast!  thank you Ulrich!

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:12 PM

 All Aboard!

It is April 1st, 2010, 1.15 am here in Germany. Time for the move to the new track for this month. Chloe, Zoe, Flo and Janie - hang on to the counter, as the switcher is coupling to the car. Vinnie in his corner? Yup, so were are ready to move!

Here we go!

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:10 PM

 Found the diner on page 2. What's up with that?

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 4:32 PM


Sawyer - to make an echo - nice job on the locos. will we get another progress video soon?


Thanks! there isn't much progress though, but there is enough to where I could manage to make one. Perhaps I'll have one up by next monday, but no promises.

Joe, our spring break doesn't start until 3:15 tomorrow. and to top it off I have tests on both Antigone (Greek play we read in english) and a test on genetics in Biology. to top it off they're back to back (2nd period english, then 3rd biology). also have a physical science quiz.

Vincent, thanks for the compliment. as to the theme change, there's too much money sunk into this layout to change now. although I do wish it wasn't on a 4x8; there's a few areas I think building benchwork differently would have opened up a much better look, and there's essentially no mainline run to speak of. But that's lessons learned for the future. I love the yard design and the town switching should be fun.

Lee, hey, it's all just a hobby lol 

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:07 PM


Good afternoon Gang,

I just brought a couple of pieces of Pizza from last evening, so Chloe just make it a large RB and very little ice, Thanks.Tongue

At work today and snuck in here on my lunch.

Jerry,  I have meant to ask you since you changed your picture in your avatar,  What are you doing there //   It looks like you are broadcasting or do you belong to a high tech MMR club and you're the dispatcher?

Please tell us about it, I have a feeling that there is a good story behind that.

Jeff, Nice work on those Alberta Cars.  They have drawn so much of your blood lately you must be down a couple of quarts.... Glad to hear the feet are doing better.

Rob,  Tell us about your weather. Has it stopped raining yet? or are you looking to buy a Zodiac to do your critter rounds?

Ulrich,  That is one fine looking locomotive, you must just be itching to get it running on the layout.

Der John, Very nice work on that service rack, I know it will look great when fully outfitted.  How did that last storm affect you there. Sounded like it was a doosey.  Also have you heard from Captain Fergie ??. This is quite unlike him to not have checked in either from land or sea

Well I'm still working downstairs after the disaster.  Finished the bedroom about a month ago and took a bit of a break during which we visited Spokane for a week.  Yesterday I finished tiling the storage room floor. It is about 13' long by 4' wide. We have some food storage there and then MMR. storage. I have all the bench work for the staging yards in place there. I built them out of old hollow core bi-fold doors, they are 13' long and a foot wide. enough for four tracks if I can get the turnouts and the curves lined up properly.  I also built a little desk just inside the door that I can use as a minor workbench to repair couplers or trucks so that I don't have to run them upstairs to the computer room where I do most of my modeling.  That will save a few trips and minutes.  Thumbs UpThumbs Up Big Smile

Next is back into the train room and get it unwrapped and vacuumed up.  Still lots of dust in there from when they jack hammered the floor out of the bedroom and storage room. I do have the connecting sub-roadbed to hook up the staging with the layout in place, did that the other day as I had a real burn going on to get doing some railroading as it has been a while.  Felt real good. So looking forward to getting back in there for some real work. (fun).

Well I had better look like I am earning my pay. Confused

Catch ya all later.

Johnboy out.........................for now

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:49 PM

 So whats on your agenda for today.. as far as weathering.. I keep tabs on your work.

Just been working on those bright blue spots that were driving me crazy.



Well the noon vampire came and drew the blood that was needed for the antibiotic check. The rest of the day is mine. Had me a bowl of taco soup for lunch an dnow I think I'll take me a little nap.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by der5997 on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:05 PM

Lee: Thanks for the Service Stand tips I had totally overlooked fire safety (Oh the shame with so many VFFs in the Diner!Blush)  Trash barrel ( section of drinking straw probably) and cords, OK. MU hoses - bits of thread with painted ends may work in N.  As to the worn stair treads, it's possible less is more in this case, as there isn't a lot of room, but I'll try it on the end that's hidden and see how it goes. Maybe dry brush some Testors silver - but that's pretty bright - have to tone it down if I can find a suitable black.

JR: Der - on the ground would be some old broken couplers, the obligatory wood and metal scraps, a broken set of steps, hand rail pieces, chain and the usual cast off parts from a tidy up of the engine while getting minor service. All depends on how neat your railroad is.

...Thanks, this too is  helpful...They had better be neatish, or there won't be any space left for people! Big Smile. I've a few non-working couplers put by somewhere too.  Some cardboard boxes of filters and such - may not be too hard to do. I'll have all the steps, handrail and so on I need for that when Atlas finally get around to making and shipping the front/rear pilots and walkway/handrail casting for their GP7 in N. I'm beginning to think I'd be further ahead going on the bay and getting a clunker one just for that casting. Hmmm...The LHS said that if i came across a set elsewhere, they'll just stand down the order to Atlas.Cool


or the sunday soup available even in small stores called Menudo made with cows stomach....
...Tripe and onions was (maybe still is) a favourite dish in England when I was a kid. (At least it was among those who liked it!  I didn't so much.)  Tripe?  Aka cow's stomach lining. White and weird looking - sound familiar? Never heard of soup from it, but hey! Why not?  Cow's tongue - now you're talking! Cold pressed tongue for sandwiches, or braised, with a rich gravy - and of course more onions! Dinner Thumbs Up Thanks for the advice on the platform.
But I was thinking of more of basic stuff you need.  Such as.. large toolbox.. small toolbox. 
I'm thinking things that would likely be left out in the weather, and tool boxes outdoors... maybe not? (and on thinking about it probably not the cardboard boxes JR suggested either- for the same reason- pity as both ideas are neat and fairly easy to do.) Thanks too for the inspirational brag about your #1 son! Give them our best!  Jeff's recipe for the Taco soup sounds pretty much a spicy hamburger soup - good anyway you want to call it!  Leave the corn out of mine though, if it's not too much of a bother.

I think that I'm going to chill doing nothing mrr related for the rest of the afternoon. I've been waiting well over a week for the mail to bring me a package from the LHS in Halifax.  Hasn't come, so today I broke down and phoned, because if it's in the mail and not arrived, it could be lost. My anxiety level had been building, as a loco and decoders are involved. Turns out that it had been totally forgotten - and will be put in the mail tomorrow! (Good  thing it was paid for on a card, so I won't be billed until early next month. Tongue.) Anyway I need to do something different now, because while relived, I'm a bit turned off.

But - before I go, while I was talking to the LHS he said that Dave Lotz (Digitrax Rep) - will be doing a Clinic at the Tracks and Tides Maritimes Federation of Model Railroaders Convention in Saint John New Brunswick May 22/23.  Dave Lotz  is Digitrax Rep for Eastern Canada and Eastern US. I mention this because if there is a Show or Convention that lists a Clinic by him near you, and you are wondering about Digitrax DCC , it may be worth taking in.

Nearly Tea time...I'll take a cup of Celestial Seasonings Holiday Spice Whatever to the RC.



"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by Blazzin on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:49 AM

  LOL>.. Jeff~  you got my mouth watering....

 So whats on your agenda for today.. as far as weathering.. I keep tabs on your work.

  And Jeff,  I.. and some of my friends.. always take our starters.. to be rebuilt.  Usually done.. once in the life-time of the car.  Once you take it to be rebuilt.. well this one guy.. anyways.. he rebuilds better than most .. and seem to last the lifetime of the car.  I personally got tired of changing the starter on my VW bug .. but this one guy .. his work.. its nicely re-built.. it just seems like that last forever.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:58 AM

  Jeff... what the heck is Taco Soup.  I've never heard of it~  My culture is basically hispanic (southwestern) with all sorts of foods that covers the basic necessities of staying alive..  If I told you my mom cooked up a pigs head and made taco's.. well.. or the sunday soup available even in small stores called Menudo made with cows stomach.... the works.   Mmmm cow's tongue for dinner.. I've had it all .. but never.. ever have I heard of Taco Soup.  So I woke up.. wondering.. TAco soup?   If I were to make Taco soup?  What would I put in it.  But in truth it sounds like a southwestern soup we have.. down here.. with maybe some corn added to it too.  Fill me in before I look it up Jeff~


Here's a simple recipe I found online at


1 lb lean ground beef (or turkey)
1 onion, chopped
1 pkg taco seasonings
1 pkg dry Ranch seasonings
2 large cans diced tomatoes, undrained
1 can Rotel tomatoes, undrained
1 can black beans
1 can pinto beans
1 can whole kernel corn

Brown meat and onion. Drain. Add seasonings. Drain beans and corn. Add to meat along with tomatoes. Simmer until well blended and hot. Eat and enjoy.

Add a bit of grated cheese or sour cream and this simple soup is perfect for cold nights.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Blazzin on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:42 AM

  Good morning all~

  I woke up this morning... (went to bed reading Jeff's thread)  .. thinking.. 'What the heck is Taco Soup'?

  Jeff... what the heck is Taco Soup.  I've never heard of it~  My culture is basically hispanic (southwestern) with all sorts of foods that covers the basic necessities of staying alive..  If I told you my mom cooked up a pigs head and made taco's.. well.. or the sunday soup available even in small stores called Menudo made with cows stomach.... the works.   Mmmm cow's tongue for dinner.. I've had it all .. but never.. ever have I heard of Taco Soup.  So I woke up.. wondering.. TAco soup?   If I were to make Taco soup?  What would I put in it.  But in truth it sounds like a southwestern soup we have.. down here.. with maybe some corn added to it too.  Fill me in before I look it up Jeff~

  Lee.. "Keith, move to Ohio….17F over night with 85F during the day is typical for March-April weather along the Lake"
  Lee, that kind of weather has always rubbed off of me .. to my kids.  They always have a jacket in the car .. just in case.  Although.. during the summer.. a trip across the desert.. I've always have insisted on taking one jug of water... maybe two or three.... for no other reason.. than just for 'Good Luck'  .. the day I dont' take water with us.. would be the day.. I had wished I had brought water. Also a hat, yeppers.. during the winter .. you need a hat.. I believe.. just like in a home and insulation.. about 70 percent of heat.. goes right through the roof.. or your head.  And during the summer.. (my wife's mom lived in Phoenix AZ) in Phoenix.. ppl wear hats.  Cowboy hats, anything to keep the sun off your head.  You will cook your brain.  As the saying goes.. "Like a whiteman out in the sun with no hat~"  lol. 

  Eh?  But today is cold.. yesterday was cold.. and the day before extremley hot.. and I decided to mow the lawn that day.  By noon.. I was all tuckered out... and sweaty.

  Der John.. wow.. nice platform.  But as far as what you put on there.. I haven't a clue.  But I did think of the basics.. as I read.  But I was thinking of more of basic stuff you need.  Such as.. large toolbox.. small toolbox.  Saftey equipment.. fire ext.  Good luck~.. lol.  I'll be having the same problem.. but a year from now.

  Heck I'm still wondering about other stuff.. what to put in there... sorta like Jerry's Engine Hoist.. I haven't a clue how to do action.. or some small thing going on~

  Now on a side note.. I have mentioned Keith and Jeanne have 3 kids.  You always hear about the two youngest.. but never have heard much of my oldest son.  As the saying goes.. "The acorn never falls too far away from the tree.  Well.. my oldest is pretty much like me.. but the short story I wish to share.. is a unique one.

  My oldest son.. 28.. extremely smart.. was going to college.  He has always had a fairly strong Christian upbringing... but felt something was missing in his life.  He quit college .. went out and got a job.. and started working.  He lived at home.. saved his money.. and found someone at work .. he fell in love with.  She .. was a missionary.. in China, I believe (speaks to dialects of Chineese)(the hardest.. Cantanese.. and Mandarin.  She had left the missionary work.. went out and got a job.. (the same place as my son's).. these two find each other.

  If there were ever two lost souls that have found each other in this crazy world.. it would have to be these two souls.  I told Jeanne.. I reminds me of the movie African Queen.. with Bogart.  She is a beautify person.. inside and out.. blonde.. tall.. sweetest thing you'd ever see.. it brings a tear to my eyes to see these two blonde blue eye'd .. kids.. or should I say twidapated kids.. brings.. a tear to my eyes.... as these two come visit us on the weekends .. every now and then.~  It gives me a good feeling to see my oldest son.. doing so well.. and happy.  Now he tells me he's ready to go back to college.. ~  Now that he has a sense of direction... lol.   He is also applying for a job opening.. someone had recommended him for the spot.. at another company.  Its a job starting at 50 plus thousand a year.. wow.. am I happy?  I am blessed~  just wanted to share my good feelings.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:10 AM

 I got the morning vampire satisfied. Still have to endure the one coming at noon to draw another blood sample. I'm glad this only happens one day a week. Those needle sticks smart. I'm starting in on finishing the rusted hopper today. If I have time there are a couple more cars I can start on.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by ns3010 on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:03 AM

Morning all. I'll take a Barry sized breakfast, thanks.

Not much going on today, relaxing first day of break.

I'll be at the RC catching up.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:58 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe just a bowl of cream of wheat and brown sugar to go along with the cup of dark roast in a FGLK mug.  I'll be at the Rivet counter for a bit.

For the last day of March here in the Finger lakes, we have Variable Clouds and partly to mostly sunny with temperatures rising towards the mid 50s. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.  High supposed to be 55°F.  Tomorrow and for the next few days we will be in the low 70s.  I think I better check out the lawn mower and see about putting away the snow blower for the season.....

Thank you to those who commented on the weathering job!  I think just toning down the shine helped a lot in how she looks.

Ray, that’s a lot of pulling power you have there.  What year is your layout? 1930’s?


Lee, the Seneca Lake, Ontario, & Western in set in 1925.  As far as I know, at THAT time only one US Locomotive could out pull the 2-6-6-2 and THAT was the USRA 2-8-8-2.......  #325 and her sister #236 are the workhorses of the fleet and are usually assigned to slow coal drags.  They can pull about 20 coal cars up a 2% grade with no problem.  I have been told by an operations fanatic (Really knows his stuff) that was very prototypical in 1925.  On the level, I don't have enough cars to test it.  Glad to hear Dorothy is better.  Doesn't sound like much fun with the tear in the wound........Shock

I have started to get some new shots of the layout for a photography clinic I will be doing May 1st.  The clinic will be in 2 parts each 15 minutes long.  First part will be on equipment and technique, the second on using Photoshop (or other program) to work with the images to prepare a final print.....  So far, part 1 is about 2.5 hours long..........Whistling

Best get myself moving.  Lots to do today!  later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:51 AM

Good morning peeps!

Supposedto be a nicer day than all the rain/sleet yesterday.

Not much to say...have PT for my back today and they make you do a small workout after, I now have Vicodin for the pain,,,it works ok I guess. Unless I am sitting or laying down, I have pain. I have muscle relaxers too, but they put out to sleepy-poos. Tomorrow is MRI of my back.

So I will spend the rest of the day relaxing.....

Hope everyone has a relaxing day...even at work, in traffic, etc. It's all in how you look at it!

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:55 AM

 Good sunny morning.   A good day to clean a car!!

 Well I guess I better clean up the car today.  Its a nice day, and the car hasn't been touched in months.  Thanks to "old man winter".   

 Not much planned other than that.  

 Hope everybody has a good morning. 

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:54 AM
Jeff, TYC Starter, Lifetime Warranty, New, $77.79.
But you should be able to order it localy.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:54 AM

Good Morning All,

     A  regular and a blueberry scone please. 44f and cloudy with showers today. At least the steady heavy rain has stopped for now. We had one leak here in the new roof - to be inspected today - over the Hitachi lathe of course in the machine shop.

    Home was much better with the area around the chimney staying dry and the back slider still dry. We did have a little water in the basement  mostly from the one corner of the foundation where the gutter downspout is so that may just be an easy reroute on the splashblock and some selective shoveling of dirt. We need to rip up most of the front yard anyway after two years of construction and digging. For that matter the back is looking bad as well so once we start the front we might as well carry on to the back yard as well.

   Museum went well last night and i got a lot done on the roundhouse making a backdrop/viewblock for the interior and blocking out the interior floors to raise them to rail height - that with 1/4" foam core. We'll eventually cover the foam core with planking and then we can get after the roof which is a hill (the roundhouse is built into a hillside) and also the terminus for the interurban line above the mains. I guess I should really take some pics at some point, eh?

Der - on the ground would be some old broken couplers, the obligatory wood and metal scraps, a broken set of steps, hand rail pieces, chain and the usual cast off parts from a tidy up of the engine while getting minor service. All depends on how neat your railroad is.

   Well time to get back to it in the shop. I see I have top so fire up the plaxtic money ladies Still struggling to get everything done for next week.  CUL, J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:48 AM

 Sam: Check your PM's.



Good morning. It's 50 and clear. The high today should be near 80 and mostly sunny.

Gotta be at the hospital at 7:30 this am to have blood drawn. After that the rest of the morning is mine to do with as i please until noon when the Home Health nurse will come out to draw more blood. What they're doing with these samples is checking the levels of the antibiotics in my system. Not enough and the job isn't gonna get done and too much can damage the kidneys and spleen. They have to make sure it maintains a certain average. This is an inconvenience I can live with. Later today I'll get to work on that hopper again. Those blue areas on it are really bugging me. They just look too clean. By the time I finish with it the poor thing will probably look like a rust bucket worthy of any scrap line. I was just looking at the stack of boxes on my layout and realized that in only a day or more they'll all be going to the post office for delivery to their new homes. I hope the recipients will be as happy with the contents as I was with their items of trade. The vast majority of what's going out are Athearn blue box kits, some assembled, most unassembled.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:42 AM

John, IMHO: They had these at Stanley yard in Walbridge, OH. I would have a fire box with a fire hose in it and a couple fire extinguishers lying about.  Under the platform you would find a stray battery box door and maybe a couple of large batteries.  The steps should have a dull silver worn path up to the platform.  Used oil filters and fuel filters should be strewn about.  The railroads use to keep a case or two of 1 pint water bottles for the engine crew to carry with them. Maybe a red 55 gallon drum cut open as a trash can. A set of spare MU hoses/cables hanging from one of the hand rails.  Oh and you have to have a few dirty orange extension cords lying about.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:39 AM

Jeff, Where are you getting your starters?  I might have an Internet source for new in the box starts less than $100 with a 3 year warranty.  What’s the make/model of your car, and what engine do you have I’ll look it up for you.

I use what I can get from the scrap yard mostly. The auto parts places want a ridiculously high price for their rebuilt starters. I could almost buy a brand new one for what they want. Make and model is a 1994 Buick Century with a 3.1 V6. It needs a high torque starter as the cylinders were bored over to 3.3 when the engine was rebuilt.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:31 AM

Good Morning

Sunny and a high of 17C today---by the weekend we'll see 22C-24C.Thumbs UpWow!!

I'm having a bunch of hd stuff to do this morning as well as this this afternoon. We found out that we have visitors showing up on Friday for the weekend. Grand Central house will be the name for our residence I guessWhistling

Flo, I'll just have a coffee this morning please--I'll be at the RCSmile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:29 AM

 Good Afternoon,

a little later than usual, but still in time to grab a burger and fries here in the Diner. Zoe, would you be so kind? Thank you - and no pie flung at me, please!

My Kadee couplers were in today´s mail! And guess, what? They came fully assembled, just ready to be pushed in that NEM coupler pocket. No messing around with those tiny little springs. Getting ´em fitted to my loco was a 2 minute job, getting the snow plows installed was another hour! I had to rework the reworked snow plows, it was one of those tedious cut and fit, cut and fit jobs. But it is done now:

This is what she looks like now:

Isn´t she a beauty? I will give her a light weathering job during the weekend, to capture that used, but not abused look.

Have a good day!

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:29 AM

Good morning all,

I have 19 storage tracks around the turntable and two 3 foot tracks at the ash pit tracks.  11 out of 19 will hold a mallet.  The wire feeds to the storage tracks will go to a rotary switch that will control what track is hot or not.  I have one short track to store a small track crane.

Robby, there are two common sets of train DVDs that come in a tin box.  One has a steam locomotive on the front and one has a BNSF diesel on the front.  The one with the BNSF on the front has a bunch of modern tour trains that are available; it’s a good set if you want to plan a train vacation in the Americas or Europe.

Jeff, nice job on the weathering. Where are you getting your starters?  I might have an Internet source for new in the box starts less than $100 with a 3 year warranty.  What’s the make/model of your car, and what engine do you have I’ll look it up for you.

Keith, move to Ohio….17F over night with 85F during the day is typical for March-April weather along the Lake.

Dorothy is doing better with her foot, visiting nurse has been stopping in once a day to clean and change the dressings.  Last night I cleaned and changed dressings and it looks like it’s starting to heal properly.  Last week she had split the wound open and you could see the bones in her big toe and the compression staples.  Do c had to scrape and clean and put new heavy duty Conrail Blue stitches in.

Sawyer, looks like I need to get to work, you’re getting more done than I am.

Ray, that’s a lot of pulling power you have there.  What year is your layout? 1930’s?

Sam, the one thing I hate about Digitrax is the difficulty in reading their manuals. They write as if we all have an electronics PHD.   The equipment is easy enough to set up and run, but I don’t need a cardiac surgeon to teach me CPR.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:42 PM

Good evening all, ladies. Just a warm glass of milk for me. I'm about to be heading off to bed and finally got caught up in here. Boy y'all can talk alot! Well, nothing much happening around here, just work, homelife, and then back to work.  I see that there have been some pie tossings, stealings, swipings, and fightings....I'll remember to keep out of this one, and no ma'am Chloe, I didn't notice the pie in your hair, but the whipped cream dollop sure looks interesting on top of your head. 

Welp, that's about it for me, gotta head to bed, falling asleep whilst typing this response up...

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Posted by ns3010 on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:23 PM

Here's the cleats. You can swap out the Nike logo for any of those colors, or white or black. I picked the orange cause it looked the coolest:

Also forgot to mention...
Yesterday in chem, we made slime. I made mine bright green, way brighter than the photos show. It's really neat. Considering that it's really easy to make (all you need is glue, water, food dye, and Borax), I wanna make more over break, if I can get my mom to buy Borax...
This one's just for fun. The Tri State Rail logo:

Well, I gotta go, so I'll catch you guys in the morning. I'm going to New York in the afternoon (I'll do what I can for photos while we're going through Newark and Kearny and stuff), but I have most of the day home alone (PARTAY!!!!!!! lol).

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:03 PM

Trainman Sam
Jeff- Nice work on the hopper! I'd almost leave it at THAT!

I would, but those stark blue areas are really bugging me. I'll have to rust 'em up a bit.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by ns3010 on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:31 PM

Evening all. Chloe, I'll take some, uh, dessert-type-stuff, please. And I promise I will NOT throw it.

DerJohn, got your email. I'll send you one back as soon as I finish up this post.

Vincent, yeah. Hopefully, everything will dry up before we have our first game on grass, since everything is SATURATED right now, and it's still raining...
Our first game is Saturday, and it's home on turf. The next game will be Tuesday away, and IDK if they have turf or grass.

Sam, just hope you're not on the Coast Line on Memorial Day weekend...
Once you're done qualifying down in AC, is that it except for the RVL? How long till you're done and put on the extra list?

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:12 PM

Good evening all!

Jeff- Glad you're healing well!  Nice work on the hopper! I'd almost leave it at THAT!

Galaxy- What's the harm in enjoying yourself once in a while?  The opportunity presented itself to have a little fun and get just a tad bit rowdy, and I (along with others, whom shall remain nameless) took that opportunity to de-stress after a long day!  I'm sorry if this offends you, but where better to have a "food fight" than in the virtual world where the only ones who have to clean up are the "virtual" helpers?! 

Vincent- Really cool that the driveshaft made such a difference!  I wouldn't have thought that the weight of the shaft would effect acceleration? I wasn't careful, I learned something today!!!

Well, we had the "walk around" at 30th Street Station in Philly today!  MAN, I am glad we were able to get a van for the second half of the day... Zoo Interlocking is one of the LARGEST interlockings in the world, and MAN does it take up a lot of realestate!  I don't even want to know what it looked like before they simplified it!  The rain was coming down rather harshly this morning, but thank the Lord that it died down for about an hour!  Just enough time for us to do the walking portion of the day.  We have our written exams on the territory on Thursday, and our instructor is trying to get a road foreman to give us the verbal exam on friday!  Hopefully this works out, as we could then concentrate on qualifying the Atlantic City Line  next week!  We (my classmates and I) would like to get the AC Line DONE with before Memorial Day, in order to avoid the crowds... We shall see!

Adios muchachos!

EDIT: P.S.  Barry  This one's for YOU!

And this is for Chloe!!!


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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