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Elliot's Trackside Diner 26 Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:36 AM

 Good morning. It's 52 and partly cloudy. The high will be in the mid 60's and there's a 60% chance of rain.

The only thing on my schedule today is the Home Health nurse coming around noon. I'll be going out a little later to test the repair job on the car. It will be interesting to see if the acceleration problem was due to something as simple as a leak under the EGR. If it is, OK. If it's not, then I'll have at least closed off an exhaust leak.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:49 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have one of those breakfast bagels and a cup of dark roast in a FGLK mug if you please.  I'll be in the front booth enjoying the view.

Currently 48°F under cloudy skies this morning here in the Finger Lakes.  Should make it into the mid 50's by this afternoon.  Yesterday we set an all time record high for the date of 65°F.  Oh, an official welcome Sign - Welcome to Spring!!!

Todd, good to hear the little one is recovering well.  Hope the cyst takes care of itself without him having to have surgery. 

I have a bunch of house cleaning chores to occupy most of my time today.  Mostly just picking up, putting away, and vacuuming the floors.  A couple old high school buddies of mine are coming over tomorrow afternoon to see the layout and then go out to dinner for old times sake.  One of them is now our county historian, was a Social Studies/History teacher for 30+ years and is a widower like myself.  The other is a Math Prof. at a State College.  I was the Best Man at his wedding many years ago.  We should have great time.  All of us have been active in Scouts over the years, and two of us have sons who are Eagle Scouts, and the other has a daughter who was the first president of the Venturing council (co-ed) for our old local Boy Scout Council.  We get together about once a decade or so.

Guess I better get moving.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by der5997 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:51 AM


VINNIE!! What are you doing wearing a dress .
...maybe it's catching!  LOL


Der John.. I was wondering if you were still trying to remember.. just what the heck is a 'Bottle Stopper'.. lol. trouble remembering all of your list! A bottle stopper is of course a re-sealable gob stopper for glass beverage containers. A gob stopper could be made to work, but you may have to wait for the necessary duct tape to be put into wide retail distribution, unless you know a heating contractor! Whistling

Got to get o lunch at The Henley House Restaurant (MIL orders!) Dinnerand then it's a Pre-Budget public rant at t he High school with the Provincial Finance Minister there to hear the public's My 2 cents on what to do about the $500m Provincial Deficit. Pure Joy!


"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:40 AM

 Mornin folks (well, almost afternoon here on the East coast). Man I'm tired, played hard in the rugby game last night, but I know I can play better. Which was why I was surprised when after the game when the coaches were talking to us the coach mentioned me when talking about who played great. Probably because I was one of the few making tackles. Man, I messed my shoulder up though. went to tackle the opposing team's 13 man and smashed him down, but my right shoulder moved a funky way and I either strained a muscle or sprained something or i don't know what. Feels fine as i type this, but if I move my arm too far over there's pain, and I can't really lift anything with it. My dad checked to see if it was dislocated though, and according to him it isn't. My girlfriend came to the game too and that was fun hanging out with her and my family afterwards. We lost the game though, 4 tries to one. I think they also had a conversion kick too, so the final was probably something like 22-5. We dominated them though, but they had a few guys who could break through us (we need to tackle better; wayyy to much arm tackling, not enough stickin your shoulder in and laying them on the ground) and they also had some great try line stands (prevented us from scoring two tries, one of which was in the first 5 minutes of the match. we scored there and it would have been completely different).

Vincent-Pick up an issue of the April/May/June issue of The Railroad Press. There's an article on Burlington Northern's Marias Pass

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by Cox 47 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:57 AM

Good Morning and Happy 1st day of spring!...Its sunny and 53 here...I'll have biscuits and gravey and coffee please...Thank you..

Sawyer..congrat on good game...but take care...

Jeff..You have been thru so much..Keep your faith..You are in my prayers..

Der John...Any photo up dates on your layout?..

Any one hear anything from PC?

This is a couple of orecars that I picked up,pulled trucks and replaced,painted to match cars,body mounted Accumates and tryed to make the loads look alittle better..hope to get some more for a small ore train...

You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:30 AM

 Jerry, thanks man. I'm just hoping it's better by tuesday; I'd hate telling my coach I ain't playin b/c of it, but i don't think i can tackle or ruck or even push the scrum with it hurt.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:05 PM

Coffee in a  BURLINGTON NORTHERN  mug, please.

***Jerry, any challenges in body mounting couplers (strength, height, etc)?

Started another group of trees.  

Sunny and warm here today. Opened all the windows for the second time this week.

Have a great day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Cox 47 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:33 PM

Rob I just glued the Accumates on..some say its not the way to do it but I havn't had any trouble with it..If I have height trouble I just shim the truck..Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:01 PM

 just uploaded these pics I took this past week or so. Here's a few for weathering:



I have another but it's on my phone, so I'll have it uploaded later.

And here's a nice shot of 7079:

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:17 PM

Garry- Save the tube in the snoot, Anthony looks and acts great. He doesn't appear to be in pain anymore. He does however have the cyst that causes problems. Trial is set for mid May I believe. They are looking at lesser degree of charges to insure he gets convicted. After the Doctor testified he was punched in the stomach hard enough to kill him and is lucky he didn't, I find that hard to understand. Though I know how the system works. I would rather see a conviction rather than an acquittal due to some technicality.

Basement bound.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Paul W. Beverung on Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:44 PM

Afternoon Gang: Well I guess we had our summer yseterday. It was about 70f and sunny with a gentel breeze. Really an almost perfect day. Today is 32f and raining with a very cold north wind and snow expected tonight and tomorrow. I'll never get that water line run down to the corrals at this rate.

Der I'd put a drawing on except the only one I have is on a 36X40 sheet of drafting paper and won't fit in the dcanner. Of course my complete lack of computer skills for doing that also has something to do with it. I'm just an old fashioned boy.

I didn't get a picture of the Katy when it came through the otherday. There arn't too many times when I have a camera with me when I'm doing the cattle. It would have been a great shot.

Today I'm going to camp in the office and do my continuing education for my electrical license. It's a good day for it. I sure don't wnat to do anything outside.

I may drop back in later.

Take care now.

Paul The Duluth, Superior, & Southeastern " The Superior Route " WETSU
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, March 20, 2010 4:02 PM

 As far as the problem with the car goes, the epoxy gasket seems to have done the trick. I received another box in the mail this week with more model railroad equipment.

A 40 foot GN boxcar #11582, brown scheme.
A 40 foot Northern Pacific boxcar #8256.
A 50 foot UP gondola #31216.
A 50 foot flatcar, gray, unmarked.
A 40 foot GN boxcar, #27024, green scheme.
A 50 foot UP double door boxcar, #300620.
2 50 foot ATSF boxcar, #11037.
A 50 foot CB&Q double door boxcar, #48203.
2 US Army railway guns, #114.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, March 20, 2010 4:09 PM

Extra strong coffee refill, please & thanks.

32 trees made thus far. Have no idea how many wife's layout will require, but these are really quick and easy to make. Heading towards more branches and less foliage on the latest versions. Time to go pillage a group of dead weeds for more dry twigs as rain is in the near term forecast.

Cowboy Rob


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:00 PM

Good afternoon.... bucket of coffee please 'n thank-you.

'Twas an early morning rise 'n shine time today, had to go with a fellow firefighter to Sam's Club in Ceeda Rabbits to procure stuff for the department's annual pancake breakfast. Upon our return to town, we loaded-in the thousand or so plastic paper plates, the plastic silverware, and the paper plastic cups. Chief was at the station, so we chatted with him for awhile, mostly about the house fire from the other day. Probable cause? Overloaded electrical circuit, and a lot of misused orange electrical cords. *hint* Don't coil-up (tightly) a 100' cord for a 10' run. Better yet, don't use the orange cords/run them under carpet/under a mattress. Chief said we done did good, we'd learned a few things, we'll train and prepare from it to do even better on the next one. 

This afternoon, since I'm at a lack-of-materials/supplies standstill on THAT roundhouse...I dug around in the cache and pulled out a McKean boxcar to w**k on. I've got enough supplies for THAT project. Thanks to some internet research, the RC in me found out it needs a regular sliding door, and NOT the plug door McKean included. Also, regular (short) draft gear, not extended. Further research also led to a bit of an RC dillema: It's a Conrail 50' outside braced, ACF boxcar. Conrail class X-71. The McKean kit is dead-on for it. The dilemma? Some pics show bare metal/silverish roofs. Others show oxide/boxcar red roofs. The kit roof is the same oxide/boxcar red as the body...I "could" go for the metal look, or leave it as-is. I've found prototypes in the number series THAT go either way. Now then, the doors. I found appropriate doors in my parts bin...BUT, I can paint 'em yellow...or the oxide/boxcar red color. Again, I've found cars in the same number series...going either way. I figure, about the time I go one way, somehow, a picture of THE car (CR 208134) will show up proving THAT I did the roof and/or doors wrong. I found CR 208135...may just copy it (and cross my fingers!)

Hmmmmmmm, maybe a bit more searching.

Oh the joys of being a RC....Banged Head

Flo, Chloe, Janie, Zoe? Whichever (man, I can never tell them apart!) Maybe some kind of Over The Counter analgesic for my head to go with the coffee???? 

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:52 PM

: It's a Conrail 50' outside braced, ACF boxcar. Conrail class X-71. The McKean kit is dead-on for it. The dilemma? Some pics show bare metal/silverish roofs. Others show oxide/boxcar red roofs. The kit roof is the same oxide/boxcar red as the body...I "could" go for the metal look, or leave it as-is. I've found prototypes in the number series THAT go either way. Now then, the doors. I found appropriate doors in my parts bin...BUT, I can paint 'em yellow...or the oxide/boxcar red color. Again, I've found cars in the same number series...going either way. I figure, about the time I go one way, somehow, a picture of THE car (CR 208134) will show up proving THAT I did the roof and/or doors wrong. I found CR 208135...may just copy it (and cross my fingers!)

Ah yes. Forever riding on the edge of RC disaster that is! I'm about on the same thing with a couple of buildings that I came across that Eric's dad had in his photo album of when they were out west near Scepter AB.....I actually came across some measurments of 1 of the stores but there is a bit of a mystery around the other one that was next to it. The mystery involves whether it was attached to the other one or not. In the photo it shows what appears to be a lean to on the one building but the other's interior appears to show a doorway on that side coming in. Problem is that the leanto on the other building seems not to connect but then does it? OY--so many decisions---ConfusedWhistling


HelloSmile,Wink, & Grin

Had a nice constructive day of runnin' 'roun' doin' the classes and stuff. Now I's be bushed. Going to be sitting in my trainroom and moping/meditating upon the aforesaid building issue.

Chloe, I'll just have a regular sized burger platter and a RBF please---I'm going to sit at the RC and contemplate the scenario here---Whistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 6:00 PM

Evening all. Long time no see. Janie, I'll take a RBF and some fried chicken, thanks.

Been enjoying this nice, and very warm, weather this past week. I've been able to wear shorts and sandals every day! I HATE long pants and shoes. I would go everywhere barefoot, if only it was allowed, and it was warm all the time.
Unfortunately, it's going to drop back into the 50s and rain a little for the next week. Yeah, more rain. Just what those already flooded communities need. Trains bypassed Bound Brook for a WEEK due to flooding!

Lax has still been going pretty good.
Last night, there was a rock concert for a team fundraiser, and, I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty dumb. Really, dumb, actually. Our team was nearly half the people there. But I heard they made about $800, so that's pretty good. That'll get the team some nice stuff.

Kinda got a lot of homework this weekend, but it's going. Hopefully I can get most of it done tonight, and have a good part of tomorrow to do nothing.

Well, I gotta go, since my food is here, but I'll pop back in later.

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, March 20, 2010 8:49 PM

Looks like Jeff has just about had it with these medical bureaucrats (or as I say byur-i-crats). 'peers he's bringing out the big guns. 

Spent a little time working on the railroad. Mostly looked and planned. But I did, lay some more track, found a bad spot where in the curve the joint had shifted and made a too sharp bend for the triple axle to navigate. Repaired THAT, and dug out some more on the run off. Started to make the jig for the trestle bents; got a piece of wood. Not a bad start.

Think I'll have a bowl of Neopolitan ice cream and some cookies. It's once again cold here so why not.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:26 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo just my usual decafe please an thank you.

I actually got a bit of time to get some things accomplished in the train room.  Finished the two end walls for the Engine House at Bare Mountain.  (Photos in WPF.)  Also got a 3rd. layout to be open for our May 1st. NMRA Division Meet.  It is a guy who models On30 and has some awesome scratchbuilt equipment and scenery.  We will have 4 layouts open including the club layout where the meet will be.  They have both an O scale layout (the original) and a smaller HO layout (newer).  They have a tiny portable n scale roundy round as well.  The others will be open in the afternoon.  All of them very worth seeing.

Got to be 8:45 tonight and I realized the gentleman who is in charge of Ushers this month hadn't called me back yet.  I couldn't usher the last two weeks but will tomorrow.  I called his home #... No answer.  So I called his cell phone and he answered.  He was obviously at a party or meeting. Asked him I was supposed to usher, and he said yes, then OMG!  He hadn't called anyone yet, totally forgot about it.  He thanked me profusely!  Told him he owed me one.Wink

Jeffrey you got the Big Bertha there! Yep take her along with you next time you go to the pharmacy....Whistling  Nah, better not!  They will call those guys in the white coats!  "There coming to take me away, ha, ha."

Hope you all have a good evening!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:53 PM

I suppose I should have been working on the layout, but I just watched a one sided basketball game. U of Ky defeated Wake Forest 90-60.

Todd .. Thanks for the update. It is really sad.

Paul .. I think it's normal not to have a camera when there is something you want to take a picture of. It's the Murphy's Law of railfanning.

Anybody else have some of those "Gee, I wish I had my camera" moments? 

Chris .... Do you get to the LHS often? My friend, Gus, is from you neck of the woods. I think he said the LHS is managed by a woman in Cedar Rapids.

See you later. I hope Jerry has a good one, too.





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Posted by Trainman Sam on Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:23 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Anybody else have some of those "Gee, I wish I had my camera" moments? 

YES, on friday as I was pulling into Newark International Airport Station, on the Northeast Corridor Amtrak Territory, Track A parallels the freight tracks, and on those tracks was a solid block of tank cars!  HAD to be at least 100 in sight, and it continued well beyond the curve that takes the freight tracks away from the corridor.  Definitely an interesting sight!  As I was pulling into the station and slowing down from track speed, the tankers just kinda "blended" together, just as highway lane "dashes" can do at higher speeds!  As safety is always an issue on the head end of a train, we are required to have cell phones, or any other "personal electronic device", turned off, in our bag, and out of reach!  THAT and having passed the Ringling Bros. Circus Train on the Corridor last wednesday (I believe it was wed, but could be wrong),  NOW THAT was an awesome sight... and glad I got out of NY Penn when I did, I have been told that ALL movement stops until the circus train has passed through the station...


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:29 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Do you get to the LHS often? My friend, Gus, is from you neck of the woods. I think he said the LHS is managed by a woman in Cedar Rapids.


'Eh, not very often...I'm one of "those guys" who gets most of his stuff off "thEbay" and direct from Walthers. But, THAT said, yep, Diane Karr runs the place (Box Karr Hobbies), always has; probably always will. She and it have been around for...thirty-plus years.I spent a lot of time and money there in my "younger days."


Good Evenin', geesh, it's later than I thought! Ladies, just a RBF please 'n thank-ya.

Welp, after more online research, I settled on leaving the roof alone, and painting the standard sliding doors to match. I kinda lost track of how many hours I've spent on THAT car today/tonight. It's a "Running Extra" series kit by McKean...don't know what THAT means, but it has the seperate grab irons to install...thin plastic, a challenge to take off of the sprues without breaking them. 

I've got a hunch, if I was to talk about buying/building McKean/Front Range stuff in other parts of the Kalmbach property...I'd probably be berated, belittled, ridiculed, and at some point insulted. (In-)Accu(rate)Rail has several of the same cars today...and nobody seems to mind.

Oh well. I like 'em. I couldn't afford them "back in the day;" so am finally enjoying them 20-odd years later! One good thing about the McKean/Front Range stuff, I don't have to worry if a paint scheme is "too new" for my '88-'93 era!Mischief


Bedtime... good night everybody, and here's hoping for a better tomorrow for us all...

ChrisEight Ball


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, March 21, 2010 5:47 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Paul .. I think it's normal not to have a camera when there is something you want to take a picture of. It's the Murphy's Law of railfanning.

Anybody else have some of those "Gee, I wish I had my camera" moments? 

Ah---Fredericson's Postulate: "The desired scene is inversely proportional to the availability of the camera"Whistling

Run into that scenario many times---Sigh


Good Morning--Big Smile

A few snowflakes and ice pellets fell over night so I had some scraping to do this morning--supposed to have showers this morning then clear up for tomorrow----which will promptly cloud right back up again and be raining that evening---Whistling

Got the weekend seminars to deal with---after church----Whistling

Chloe, I'll just have a coffee and a breakfast bagel please---I'll be at the RC for a bitBig Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, March 21, 2010 6:34 AM

Good morning,

Well Railfest was pretty good; Picked up some more signs for the layout room a couple of boxcars, weathering stain, and some tee shirts for Dorothy.

LOL, I haven’t seen a bottle stopper in years.  Do they still sell those?

Jeff, that 155 MM gun should take care of that wolf spider who was living in your engine house.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, March 21, 2010 8:23 AM

Jeff, that 155 MM gun should take care of that wolf spider who was living in your engine house.

Nah, the spider is more than welcome there. It takes care of the occasional trespasser.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by howmus on Sunday, March 21, 2010 8:41 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have a short stack of buttermilk pancakes with Maple Syrup and a cup of dark roast to keep me awake during church..... 

I'm up all fancied up and ready to go do some ushering this morning.  just thought I would pop in to say hello and enjoy breakfast.

Catch you all Later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, March 21, 2010 8:50 AM

Good Morning ..

Barry ... My most memorable "Fredericson's Postulate" was when I was a teenaged railfan. I grew up next to the Burlington Route before there was a BN. The Burlington had its passenger car shop in Aurora which was the western terminal for dozens of daily suburban passenger trains into Chicago. In the middle of the day, the suburban trains typically were short with only about 2 or 3 cars hauled by an E8 or E9. Ocassionally, a car from one of the inter city Zephyrs would be deadheaded in the suburban train as it was shuttled between the Aurora shops and the coach yard at Chicago Union Station.

Now, that I explained the background, here is the photo I missed due to lack of camera.  The Burlington refurbished the Pioneer Zephyr in Aurora and then donated it to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. I saw a suburban train with an E8 or E9, one power car coach, one or two Budd bi-level coaches, and one Pinoneer Zepher with its nose coupled to a bi-level coach. For an instant, I thought about sprinting home for the camera, but there was not enough time. It would have been an interesting photo. Oh well.





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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, March 21, 2010 9:23 AM

 Good morning. It's 36 and cloudy. The high will be 47 and it will still be cloudy.

Had a good test run with the car yesterday and have come to the conclusion that most of the acceleration problem I was having with it was due to a burned in channel on the manifold where the EGR valve sits. Now that the defect is repaired there is hardly any hesitation. The rest I put down to the fact that the car is going on 16 years. I've been looking through the kits in my recent delivery of model railroad stuff and they look to be complete. Some are already assembled while others are still still unassembled.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, March 21, 2010 10:15 AM

 Good late morning.   Its another nice sunny day.

 Not much planned today.  I did work on a Life Like police station this morning.  Weathered it up some, and it turned out pretty good.  I will get some pictures up later this week.  I also bought another kit to do later this week.  

 Jeff.........Seems like you have a lot to add to your collection.   That cannon will come in handy with the "graffiti taggers" on the layout  Mischief.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

  • Member since
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  • From: Williamsville, ILL
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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, March 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Gooood morning. Just coffee. (head hangs low) didn't attend Church today. No problems, just didn't get moving. It feels like a lazy day today.

Heartland Division CB&Q
Anybody else have some of those "Gee, I wish I had my camera" moments? 


Any time there is anything other than the AMTRAK. If I do have it, and that is admittedly a rare event. Nothing other than the AMTRAK and that is just the super common ones. not even an F40 being used as a baggage. No camera......well, nothing still very special. I live on a boring stretch.

SAY! research time. I've got to look and see if I was on the old IC City of New Orleans route. Good chance, but probably not. Oh well gives me something to look up.

Today, I will push myself to the Menard's and pick up another sheet of OSB, from here on out referred to as plywood or just wood. It is what I seem to want to type everytime and I really don't think anyone here cares enough that they will get so overly upset they lose sleep over me calling OSB, plywood. I am at the point I could use it here shortly,if not today. Still need to wire that section though. Maybe get another small roll of 14 guage house wire for the buss wires.

Also been trying to figure where I want my throttle spot. I have decided that I will not have a big control panel. I will have small switches to power the team tracks and sidings at their location. less wire, less confusion, less work if I happen to ever change or add anything. Plus, I need the exercise. 

Have A Great Day!!!  


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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  • From: Olympia, WA
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Posted by gear-jammer on Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:27 AM

Good morning, Chloe.  I will have a cinnamon roll with my coffee this morning.

Thought that I would stop by to say,  "Hi". 

 Friday evening I did a Bragdon Geodesic Foam demo for our local MR club.  It was a great time.  Yes, mere mortals can use the product. You do not need to be a chemist to be successful.  I was able to show them how forgiving the product really is.

I see that Jeffrey is expanding into NP.  Way to go.

Later,  Sue

PS.  Chloe,  I buy because I am at the top of the page.  We will see who shows up.

Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.

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