Brent, be very careful with what that ejector toilet ejects! Could give a whole new meaning to the u-know-what hitting the fan!
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
RaleighTrainFan wrote: Also, I have made a firm commitment to 'the wielder of the cast iron pan' that I will not start on the train room till I have finished her master bathroom, moved the basement bathroom, and completed the basement renovations. Good gravy. That's quite a "to do" list. If my wife hit me with that one, I'd say, "Great. Why not add 'build the Great Pyramid of Khafre," "splice a rope from cheese,' and 'kill a man in Reno, just to watch him die' while you're at it."
Also, I have made a firm commitment to 'the wielder of the cast iron pan' that I will not start on the train room till I have finished her master bathroom, moved the basement bathroom, and completed the basement renovations.
Good gravy. That's quite a "to do" list. If my wife hit me with that one, I'd say, "Great. Why not add 'build the Great Pyramid of Khafre," "splice a rope from cheese,' and 'kill a man in Reno, just to watch him die' while you're at it."
I saw on the History Channel the other night that the world is defintely going to end on December 21, 2012. The Mayans predicted it, so it HAS to be true. I'm thinking about hosting a combination birthday/end of the world party that day. You are all invited. I hope you all can make it! I can see the TV teasers now - "world ends at 10, film at 11!"
lionroar88 wrote:... that I will not start on the train room till I have finished her master bathroom, moved the basement bathroom, and completed the basement renovations
Only about 4-5 years of work at the McClellan current pace....
Regards, Roy
fifedog wrote: Roy - my CONNELLSVILLE SUB has been my faithful 9 x 6 1/2 winter layout (many pictures posted) of the past 5 years. My newly constructed CUMBERLAND extension (7 x 6 1/2) has to tie into it, via a double track mainline thru the Cumberland Narrows (B&O) and a representation of the Western Maryland State line branch (single track).Not being able to run trains, theoretically, should put the spurs to my tail.I'll probably post some more progress pics Sunday...
Roy - my CONNELLSVILLE SUB has been my faithful 9 x 6 1/2 winter layout (many pictures posted) of the past 5 years. My newly constructed CUMBERLAND extension (7 x 6 1/2) has to tie into it, via a double track mainline thru the Cumberland Narrows (B&O) and a representation of the Western Maryland State line branch (single track).
Not being able to run trains, theoretically, should put the spurs to my tail.
I'll probably post some more progress pics Sunday...
Morning all!
Man the Pot is busy today! A beautiful morning here. Cool breeze and headed to 90 today. Rain in the forecast through the weekend. Chief - we are getting all your rain here. I picked the perfect year to replace the lawn.
Corn dogs yum - Texas State Fair and Fletchers Corny Dogs - can't be beat!
Down here - if it can be eaten - we fry it! Hmmm - why is the average life expectancy 58???
A couple of the train club members are going to do a small display for a kid's day event that occurs Saturday at the Age of Steam Museum here. Good museum, but cramped and all outdoors. We have Big Boy, GG1, UP Centennial, etc. The museum has a new property across the street (it is currently on the Texas State Far grounds) and hope to build a nice facility like Sacramento or PA with most of the equipment indoors. They are even talking about a roller platform for the Big Boy so the drivers can be moving (Johnny - GET OUT of THERE! - not sure they considered this aspect). We will take a small layout and have a display table with a Lionel Big Boy on a roller base.
Don - sorry about the ditch lights - I'm with you - who cares whether UP has them or not - they should have them!
I hope all goes well for Dr. John's wife. Prayers continue for her and all the others needing them.
John B - come live in Texas and have some HOT tea. We make hot tea by sitting a pot in the sun for a little while.
Mitch - congrats on a little extra time off for you! Enjoy it!
Jim A - A PC at home? You'll spend all your time trying to make it work and then you will go to the library to post on CTT . And - thanks for not going any further with that maple syrup comment .
Brent - good luck on the move. Don't start playing with the trains when you unload them or you will not "git 'er done!"
Chuck - looking forward to the bridge pics. It sounds like it will be nice. I like the 100 Year Bridge Co decals - they are sharp!
Mike C. - Glad to hear all went well with the birth of your granddaughter.
Fife - why is the newly completed CONNELLSVILLE SUB about to be Blue Flagged? You better get our blue flag expert John onto the task!
Buckeye - it has been a tough year for those with the KNACK. We lost the man who invented the remote control earlier this year and now Mr. Wizard.
LAZ - not to many "gimme's" or "mulligans" today.
Dennis - we share the "closets runneth over" with toy trains syndrome.
RTF - nothing like headlines from the front!
Zeke must have gone to sleep early last night?
Well, as you can tell, first morning in a loooong time where I do not have a bunch of conference calls.
Have a great day all!
Good morning from Raleigh.
For those who are interested, the ethics trial of sociopathic Durham County DA Mike Nifong (Duke lacrosse case) continues in the Court of Appeals building just up the street. I pass it on the way to work, and the news folks were swarming like ants around Colin Finnerty, one of the three wrongly accused players who will apparently testify today.
dougdagrump wrote: jaabat wrote: New carpet being installed today. I can hardly wait... Jim Oh my !!!!!!Have we just learned the Real Reason that Chief is going up north, picking up new "Landscape Material" for the layout.
jaabat wrote: New carpet being installed today. I can hardly wait... Jim
New carpet being installed today. I can hardly wait...
Oh my !!!!!!
Have we just learned the Real Reason that Chief is going up north, picking up new "Landscape Material" for the layout.
Get a real look at the Don Baker Roseyville Station. One in Jim's back yard.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Blueberryhill RR wrote: Good Morning from Blueberryhill....It is a sunny 60 degrees. Going up to 85 today, with sunshine, but there is a chance of rain, later this afternoon. We had a big , windy storm, yesterday. Knocked out the power for 3 hours. Bummer.Chuck
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a sunny 60 degrees. Going up to 85 today, with sunshine, but there is a chance of rain, later this afternoon. We had a big , windy storm, yesterday. Knocked out the power for 3 hours. Bummer.
Just us REBS getting our cannon tested.
Morning. Notice Jim A brags a lot about "things" he is missing.
Cloudy but no rain. Rain please. Slept late. Think I will do some trains until I meet with Wake Co Schools. I have them in a "tivey". Stopping them from loading and unloading buses on the main throughfares in Roseyville. "Saftey of the kids."
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Good mornin all from a beautiful Georgia, 72 now with the humididty at 83%, with the high reaching 84 today. Hope everybody has a safe and nice day.
"Lionel trains are the standard of the world" - Jousha Lionel Cowen
Dennis, you might be surprised to know what i put maple syrup on!
Just saw this... Thomas the Tank Engine Toys RECALL!
Morning all, a special one goes out to Dr. John and his bride. Look forward to hearing good news.
Chief, Nanna Pudding is about my favorite. If I can just keep the kids from eating the bannanas, till they are just right, Kim makes some mighty fine stuff. As for Jim not having had it, he would probably put maple syrup on it anyway. And Laz, you are right, corn dogs are another staple down these parts....YUM! I try to hold off on too many, that is what keeps me working. All the locals eat them and come for bypass.
As to Nifong, he probably never had a train set.....Trains make for better people. Something wrong about a guy who never played with trains!
The above does come with some exceptions.....some notorious folks have had trains, but I think they all took a bullet or pill.
I took delivery of 4 more boxcars last night. A "Cracker Jack", SP 6464, Santa Fe 6464, and a NYC 6464. I have them sitting on the layout as not another inch in the kids closet. I think I am done for a little bit. At least I have to get more trains running before the Chief calls me bad things.
Here's another one: How about Mud Pie? Oreo cookies crumbled and mixed into chocolate pudding with whip cream and mixed.
jaabat wrote: laz 57 wrote: JIM, How bout corn dogs a favorite of the SOUTH.laz57Never had one, Laz. Never ate a possum either.
laz 57 wrote: JIM, How bout corn dogs a favorite of the SOUTH.laz57
JIM, How bout corn dogs a favorite of the SOUTH.
Never had one, Laz. Never ate a possum either.
bread pudding - Yep - don't care for it too muchice pudding - Yep - don't care for it too muchhot dogs - YES - Like the 1/4lb ones at the ballparkpickles Yep - never met a pickle I don't like! :)hamburgers - YEScountry fried steak Yes - and Chicken Fried Chicken as well! :)elephant ears Yes - Jim they are large flat fried dough, similiar, but different than Funnel Cakecorn on the cob - YEStomatoes - YEScorn dogs - OH MAN YES! The ones at Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh, at the stand across from The Jack Rabbit are the bestJim, have you ever had: Mac & Cheese, Funnel Cake, Philly Cheese Steak, MD Crab Cakes, hot dog hash, scrapple?I'm getting hungry!!!!!
laz 57 wrote:JIM, How bout corn dogs a favorite of the SOUTH.laz57
Buckeye Riveter wrote:Jim A. has not had bannana pudding? He must live a very sheltered life. I wonder if he has had bread pudding, NOrice pudding, NOhot dogs, YESpickles, NOhamburgers, YEScountry fried steak, NOelephant ears, NO (WTF?)corn on the cobYES and tomatoes. YES Jimmy, you need to see the world outside of Taxchusettes. I KNOW. I SHOULD. I would suggest that you arrange a visit to see Roy in Texas and be ready for the cultural shock of your life. They not only own guns, they know how to shoot them!Boiled or roasted peanuts...Can't eat either type because they cause kidney stones. No peanut butter either. See ya down the tracks,
Jim A. has not had bannana pudding? He must live a very sheltered life. I wonder if he has had
bread pudding, NO
rice pudding, NO
hot dogs, YES
pickles, NO
hamburgers, YES
country fried steak, NO
elephant ears, NO (WTF?)
corn on the cobYES and
tomatoes. YES
Jimmy, you need to see the world outside of Taxchusettes. I KNOW. I SHOULD. I would suggest that you arrange a visit to see Roy in Texas and be ready for the cultural shock of your life. They not only own guns, they know how to shoot them!
Boiled or roasted peanuts...Can't eat either type because they cause kidney stones. No peanut butter either.
See ya down the tracks,
Great day here today about 58 and no humidity to get to 72.
laz CAMP was good today only a 3 miler and 15 minutes of weights. Got to play GOLF later don't want to get tight.
Went to gun shop yesterday and ordered a MARLIN lever action 38-357 for shooting next Wed. should be in on Friday.
BRENT hope your move is uneventful. Protect those trains at all cost.
MITCH, WOO HOO you'vr made it!
ROY, sorry to here about MR. WIZZARD, as BUCKEYE said "He had the KNACK".
Good morning from beautiful Ohio, where it is currently 62 degrees and low humity. A little cool under the bridge this morning.
Dr. John, I look forward to hearing about your wife's great prognosis.
Mike C, congratulations on being a Grandfather, but you look too young. You made some great points about the medical care.
As to Nifong, or is it Nifoonery; blinded ambition with a great amount of arrogance. Chief, you NC natives need to get rid of him. The president of Duky should also be in your sights. BTW, the Buckeye Nation has the president of Ohio University (which is different than Ohio State) in their sights for being so incompetent.
Speaking of football, did I tell you I attended my first Arena Football Game. It is hard to get excited about the AFL when you have seen 100 thousand screaming fans at the Shoe.
Sad to hear about the passing of Mr. Wizzard. Roy, he truely had the KNACK. His show is where I learned about vapors/liquids/solids and I give him the credit for me passing organic chemistry.
Jim A. has not had bannana pudding? He must live a very sheltered life. I wonder if he has had bread pudding, rice pudding, hot dogs, pickles, hamburgers, country fried steak, elephant ears, corn on the cob and tomatoes. Jimmy, you need to see the world outside of Taxchusettes. I would suggest that you arrange a visit to see Roy in Texas and be ready for the cultural shock of your life. They not only own guns, they know how to shoot them!
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Mornin' boys. Confederate grey and cool outside here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Spent better part of yesterday down in the train room, mocking up the track pieces to get a feel for what things will look like. Actually goofed up a bit on my template drawing, and what was to be a passing siding has become a junction. Ran trains on the finished CONNELLSVILLE SUB but that is about to be BLUE FLAGGED.
Chief - A lot of folks took the opportunity to grandstand over the DUKE lacrosse situation. Unless the student body talks with their feet, no one will be held accountable. Nifong hopefully will sink into oblivion.
Well wishes to all in need of them.
Good morning all,
IIABSDISEI with temps in the 80s and low 90s. Wow! Yesterday was a wild one. With the grandson being born (thank you all for the congratulations), the IT conference that lasted all day, dashing from downtown Indy to St. Vincent's on the southside to see the little tyke and his mom, going to Columbus for a game (which we won 1-0 on a hot night in a fierce struggle and then practicing with the high school kids for a half hour when I got home, it was a very busy day. I was out almost as soon as I hit the pillow and my wife told me this morning that the air conditioner was making loud noises last night and they shut it off. I hope they can get it fixed today or it will be a hot weekend.
Some other news, tidbits, and health information follow. To all those coffeepot people and general forumites who are women, married to them, and who have daughters and granddaughters of childbearing age, there is a reason for hospitals. When I made my initial report concerning the birth yesterday, the event had just happened. Later on in the day without going into TMI, there were some complications, but because my daughter was in the hospital with prompt medical attention, everything was and is ok. I am going to get on my soapbox here. Some people may advocate home births and other such options. My daughter even considered a midwife to save costs at one point. I am so glad she did not. I will now get off the soapbox.
In other news, they are finally laying new track at the Honda plant. Some CSX equipment with flat beds of of rails have been seen on the track going toward the plant and I have heard diesel horns at different times during the day. I hope to check this out on Friday when I am off.
Just the normal fare on the dining car for "Points East". I am looking forward to the F-1 race at Indy this weekend. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Today, I will start painting my bridge. Got the paint, yesterday. A real deep Blue color. Should look good with gold decals. I will take a few pictures and and post them. Hope the wind stays calm. Should dry good, in the warm weather. Wish me luck.
Well, Dining car is here and has plenty of goodies. Time for breakfast. I don't think it has stopped at " points west " yet.
Y'all have a great Thursday.
I was made an offer I couldn't refuse, Brent. Why buy the cow when the milk is free. But now, the cow is so cheap, it's time to buy. Still no ATM card though!!!
Best wishes to your father-in-law!
Good morning from New England!
The rumors are true. I will be buying a laptop in the near future. My daughter will be needing one for school. My sister called me up last night and offered to sell me her 6 month old laptop, unused speakers, printer, and carrying case for $250.00. What the heck, I'm in. Now I can be a PITA to y'all whenever Iwant!!! Banana pudding that!
Almost finished painting FasTrack ballast. Looking so much better. Wish I did it earlier.
I see the OGR avatar thread was pulled yesterday. Stir the pot trouble makers...
Best wishes and prayers to Dr. John and his wife!
fifedog wrote:mitchelr - Perhaps the school system could approach the local P.D. for some Secondary Security. Too many goodies laying around until everything is up and running...
mitchelr - Perhaps the school system could approach the local P.D. for some Secondary Security. Too many goodies laying around until everything is up and running...
Fife - Already called local and state PD as well as County Sheriff's Dept. Thanks for the advice. Congrats to Alexis.
Mike C - Congrats to you and your family on Abram's birth.
Dr. John - Prayers go out for you and your wife
LAZ - Hope the crabs were tasty...
Roy - Here's hoping that Apple ports OSX so it will work with PC's I HATE Windows
Jaabat - Congrats on the home computer, next on the list an ATM card...
Last day. Yahoo. Found out last night that they may delay start of my new position a week or two until they get replacements hired at other schools caused by the domino effect of my move, four transfers and two other promotions.
Take care.
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
OOPS! beeen Censored!
The missing word is the second syllable of well known pickled cabbage delicacy from mainland Europe.
John Baker
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