MMMmmmmm, Grits with butter &/or Cheese....
If you, perchance, have a little Paizan heritage, Polenta w/Hot sausage...
Oh, almost forgot, Corn Tortillas....
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Zeke you have never seen starwars????? I hope you mean the new ones and not the classic ones
I have the special addition on VHS and the last 3 on DVD
In case you have not seen the lord of the rings movies try reading the book first(nerd alert)
A good old movie to watch is the Warriors lots of subway action also a nother interesting movie is the 4 Duces (mob/gangster movie)
magicman710 wrote: ChiefEagles wrote:Our mote is: the War of Northern Aggression is not over until Yankees eat GRITS and drink SWEET ICE TEA.
ChiefEagles wrote:Our mote is: the War of Northern Aggression is not over until Yankees eat GRITS and drink SWEET ICE TEA.
In the North the backword pepole(Amish) eat a form of grits called mush
Ohio is an Odd place as most of the people are from the Appalahcian area or are decendants of that area the rest of us are BUCKEYES. In the store the other day I saw a hugh bucket of chitderlings
It still amazes me how geography can make peoples appetites change! Thanks for the welcomes, and I hope I'll stay in these forums, yall seem like your pretty nice people.
Long live sweet tea and grits!!!!!!!!
And to all the yankees, I guess the only grits you've ever tasted was some walmart brand instant with no butter, cheese or anything. As long as they're good quality, with plenty of butter and cheese, they're better than anything. And I'm a firm believer in not putting splenda in sweet tea, sugar is the only way to go.
"Lionel trains are the standard of the world" - Jousha Lionel Cowen
csxt30 wrote: Blueberryhill RR wrote: ChiefEagles wrote: Our mote is: the War of Northern Aggression is not over until Yankees eat GRITS and drink SWEET ICE TEA. That'll be a cold day.............. Never happen. How about this one Chuck : Do pigs fly ? !! Thanks, John
Blueberryhill RR wrote: ChiefEagles wrote: Our mote is: the War of Northern Aggression is not over until Yankees eat GRITS and drink SWEET ICE TEA. That'll be a cold day.............. Never happen.
ChiefEagles wrote: Our mote is: the War of Northern Aggression is not over until Yankees eat GRITS and drink SWEET ICE TEA.
That'll be a cold day.............. Never happen.
How about this one Chuck : Do pigs fly ? !!
Thanks, John
The fat lady hasn't even started.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Evening all
Welcome to the forum Grayson.
Chief, maybe it is due to my Kentucky West Virginia roots, but I do like sweet tea and grits.
I see an avantage already to being on straight dayshift. An eight hour day! Shift is twelve hours and I live 45 minutes from work so the days you work, that is about all you have time for. Eight hours seems to fly by! Hauled off some grapevines and cut some grass and still had time for a few chapters of study.
Zeke- so many years on rotating shift does mess with your sleep habits. Generally not too many interuptions at 4 a.m., just need to watch the noise.
Got some control buttons off ebay. Now that I have these I'm trying to figure where I want to add the 583A crane, the 770 loader and the 752A Coaler to the layout. Runnin out of room
Got to go. Still working on memorizing definations
Godd night and may God bless
Hello to Grayson and welcome to a really great forum and an even better thread! Cheese grits are good and Sweet Ice tea is good with Splenda - Chief clued me onto that one. Nothing going on here - need to work on track plans. I want to start building my new table this weekend (Father's Day!). Brent, sent you an email, sir. I won a contoller for my operating O gauge track that came without one in a box of track from ebay. Lost out on some 022 switches, but will keep looking for good prices. No rain in Arnold, again. I took a pic of the STL Metrolink today, but have to figure out how to download to computer. I'm pretty sure my phone power jack is actually a USB port (small version). Need to find the manuals. My wife is out buying a shower present for my youngest sister, who is finally getting hitched this August. Cheapest thing was a pillow for $20??? Next cheapest was a pillow CASE for $25? We went for some stemware for this shower - 3 more to go, plus wedding present, plus rental on tuxes, plus bridesmaid dresses. This is cutting into my trains, tools and dvd money!
Zeke - how is your train club going? I still need to contact my local TCA folks and see what's going on around here. Maybe you could contact your local division of TCA and see what they have to offer?
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Hey Brent, I have two box cars on the way. Would have been here today, but UPS has rescheduled for tomorrow.
Sad day, one of the guys I was on the FD with passed away today. He had been the union rep for many years and I believe he was the NJ rep to the IAFF. Good guy, if he liked you, you know it, if he didn't, well, you know that too.
On a brighter note, one of the scrub techs at the hospital brought in photos of her dad's layout in NJ.....all I can say is WOW! shelves all around the basement loaded with PW classics and a large basement layout with the sides of the layout down to the floor shelves of PW accessories. Had two Z4000 running the show. He lives near where I will be on vacation, so may have to see about a visit. I highly recommended that she get her son a train set and begin the process. Supposedly, he gets all the trains, so he should learn to use them now.
Anyway, I hope that all have peace this night.
God Bless,
dwiemer wrote: jaabat wrote: What a comedian! Why don't you fly up too, Dennis? Then the 3 of us could raid those Yankee train stores together. We plan on going to Charles Ro, Northeast Trains, Mountain Trains, Treasured Toys, Modeler's Junction, and that's just before lunch. Many many train stores up here. Bring your charge card, because you're buying!!Jim Jim, that is what I hear...about all the train stores, not about me buying. Even though I have purchased a lot lately, I am still on "Train Restriction". It is not a question of finances, more a question of space. I have just about completely taken over my son's closet, a hall closet, besides having a large train room, all full of orange boxes. My wife says I am more into collecting and not into running the trains. I plan to make that change soon.....see thread on Chief's scenery.Dennis
jaabat wrote: What a comedian! Why don't you fly up too, Dennis? Then the 3 of us could raid those Yankee train stores together. We plan on going to Charles Ro, Northeast Trains, Mountain Trains, Treasured Toys, Modeler's Junction, and that's just before lunch. Many many train stores up here. Bring your charge card, because you're buying!!Jim
What a comedian! Why don't you fly up too, Dennis? Then the 3 of us could raid those Yankee train stores together. We plan on going to Charles Ro, Northeast Trains, Mountain Trains, Treasured Toys, Modeler's Junction, and that's just before lunch. Many many train stores up here. Bring your charge card, because you're buying!!
Jim, that is what I hear...about all the train stores, not about me buying. Even though I have purchased a lot lately, I am still on "Train Restriction". It is not a question of finances, more a question of space. I have just about completely taken over my son's closet, a hall closet, besides having a large train room, all full of orange boxes. My wife says I am more into collecting and not into running the trains. I plan to make that change soon.....see thread on Chief's scenery.
Just got done cutting the grass not that big of area so I just do it with a push mower. It normally thou puts me into a full sweat. Do ours tonight and neighbors tommorow night. Both lots are about 50' X 85' so like I said not to bad. mine has a 14' X 66' home and neighbors about 12' X 48' home.
Hope to get some train work done this weekend need to get some paint and a few more of those wooden brackets I'm using figure like 4 more of those and a few more of the metal ones in the middle I use.
Not sure but thinking of putting my 3 rail HO (Marklin) on the shelf layout also put it out side of my O Gauge layout.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
good afternoon everyone
crabs....hmmmmm that sounds real good.
its 102 in the shade right now, i want to do things but its to dang hot. this is why i am a night owl i can be outside or in the garage and not suffocate from heat. down fall well its dark,lol
got some really neat rolling stock off ebay in the mail today, other then tah just chilling inside getting ready to wathc star wars....i have never seen any of these movies but i got all that ar eout and gonna start watching them....later
Dr. John wrote: magicman710 wrote: Mornin all from Georgia's georgeous coast. Light rain this mornin with highs getting in the mid 80s today. Dennis your lucky you got rain, hail, and whatever you said. Savannah area has been tricked and tricked with them afternoon showers. Nothing but red coming our direction, then the next time you look at the radar, its all gone. Hope everybody else gets plenty of rain. Grayson Grayson, from your post I'm assuming you live in Savannah? The Jr. High Choir from our church is heading there tomorrow for a few days on their summer tour.Good to have another southerner on the Coffee Pot! Not as hot today in Prattville, cloudy and may get to 90 today. Much better than last two days over 100 (before the heat index!). Fair chance of rain for the next few days.Everyone have a good day!
magicman710 wrote: Mornin all from Georgia's georgeous coast. Light rain this mornin with highs getting in the mid 80s today. Dennis your lucky you got rain, hail, and whatever you said. Savannah area has been tricked and tricked with them afternoon showers. Nothing but red coming our direction, then the next time you look at the radar, its all gone. Hope everybody else gets plenty of rain. Grayson
Mornin all from Georgia's georgeous coast. Light rain this mornin with highs getting in the mid 80s today. Dennis your lucky you got rain, hail, and whatever you said. Savannah area has been tricked and tricked with them afternoon showers. Nothing but red coming our direction, then the next time you look at the radar, its all gone. Hope everybody else gets plenty of rain.
Grayson, from your post I'm assuming you live in Savannah? The Jr. High Choir from our church is heading there tomorrow for a few days on their summer tour.
Good to have another southerner on the Coffee Pot!
Not as hot today in Prattville, cloudy and may get to 90 today. Much better than last two days over 100 (before the heat index!). Fair chance of rain for the next few days.
Everyone have a good day!
No, I live in the Savannah area, I actually live in a pretty good sized suburb around 10 -15 miles south of Savannah. I say I live on the coast, but I really dont, the reason I say that is that about 3-4 miles from my house you hit marsh, and 10mi after that its the open ocean. yes, It is good to have another southerner on the coffee pot, everbody I see on these forums is in The heart of yankee land.
jaabat wrote: Laz,You're gonna give your wife crabs for her birthday???? Jim
You're gonna give your wife crabs for her birthday????
LOL!!!!! HA HA, Yea, real big ones.
magicman710 wrote:Mornin all from Georgia's georgeous coast. Light rain this mornin with highs getting in the mid 80s today. Dennis your lucky you got rain, hail, and whatever you said. Savannah area has been tricked and tricked with them afternoon showers. Nothing but red coming our direction, then the next time you look at the radar, its all gone. Hope everybody else gets plenty of rain. Grayson
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Keith - Havn't heard from you, do I need to do anything yet? Please let me know.
Dennis, we'd love to have you tag along. If you have a change of heart, let us know. It's set for June 19. And I'm intending to look, not buy. I have enough stuff already...I think.So much so that I've run out of space under the layout and had to build shelves for the walls to hold it all!
I feel like a collector who runs what he collects.
Nick/Dennis, Could not go on bender as I had to drive after the show and I had left it too late to get a room for the night. If I am spared? Next year I will have to stop over as the distance is too great for a flyer. Then swig will be consumed in copius quantity.
Feeling my age today SWMBO wants me to see the Vet. but why? He will only tell me to stop enjoying myself and join the Band of Hope, might as well be dead happy than miserable live.
Nick hurry with the evidence, or I will be (dead). I used to do a bit of medium duty courting in Halifax (near Ilkley) before I met present management, and you know the rest!
John Baker
Good morning from a sunny and mild Chicago where I rode the 'water taxi' down the Chicago River today just for the heck of it (and it was free). Of course, it added time to my walk to work since it was in the opposite direction but it was worth looking up at the undersides of bridges and up at the tall buildings. We boarded from a river-side dock after walking down, down deep under the city streets. Thought of Buckeye.
I hear you, Raleigh. Had a building full of protesting poli-sci students and assorted media yesterday...
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good morning.
I am looking out my office window down Fayetteville Street in Raleigh at a genunine media frenzy. Mike Nifong, the rogue prosecutor of the Duke lacrosse case, goes on trial for ethics violations today. The case is being carried on Court TV and there are probably half a hundred media vehicles here.
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