Morning all!
Kids are gone all weekend for church camp and the missus and I are all alone
Gonna go see the new Bourne movie this afternoon.
Have a great day all!
Regards, Roy
dbaker48 wrote: Todays build activity is going to be somewhat hampered, Need to go to Bon Voyage, party for neice, shes going to Paris for 6 months studying art. My analytical attitude doesn't understand that, but I never understood art anyway.
Todays build activity is going to be somewhat hampered, Need to go to Bon Voyage, party for neice, shes going to Paris for 6 months studying art. My analytical attitude doesn't understand that, but I never understood art anyway.
Donnie: Art is easy to understand...If you think it's $10 it's $10.
Sounds like you and jaabat need to start another support group...People found selling thing ridiculously cheap... PFSTRC Catchy, huh.
John: Did you notice what was pulling that carnival train?
Oohhhh Don.
The office of Mayor McChief is looking a tad lonely in the side yard rite now and Frank53's Amish carpenter is out on a binge somewhere.
So if you have no need I could put a few of those items to good use.
A feeble attempt at sounding like Jack Benny, but than again probably 90% of the posters on here are to young to know who he was.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Don, send them to me. My 3 wee little children keep asking me for a G-scale outdoor layout.
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Good Morning from an overcast So. Cal.
Thoughts and prayers for Graysons brother, and Dennis' dad !! Speaking of which I went to that chat room last night, and Grayson was there and Choochin 3 (from MD), had a very nice conversation. It was quite enjoyable. Grayson seems like a good kid, and we just got to get the edges smoothed out a little. We've all been there.
Had an interesting day yesterday, one of the guys from the club came out to check on my progress. That went very well. Then he said he brought some G scale stuff that I might be interested in. Now this becomes a real dilemna! I really dont want a G scale operation going on, but planned on the elevated capability for the 2 trains I had so they were not just in boxes. (Actually 4 now 5). So the space allocated was intentionally small. Now with the two tracks, and I had two small but adequate transformers. So couldn't walk away from a 7 car Bachman, Blue Line train, which has a steam engine (for $40). So now have 2 on one track. No TMCC or DCS just conventional, but can keep them seperate. So needed a stronger transformer or more current. Well, you guess it he brought over a MRC 7000 transformer.
Then he said I have some structures I don't want, now these are made by Polo, and include a Silverton Station, Engine Shed, and 2 Station platforms. The Engine shed is new in the box, the station and platforms are assembled and in good shape. So now I have those as well. Last night I was looking on the net what these dumb things sell for. I couldnt believe it!!!! Over $600, I paid less than 15% of that. Now what am I going to do with them? This is what Im talking about:
2 of these
This has gotta stop!!!!
So have a great day all, Prayers and thoughts for those who need them!!!!
OH YEAH, Talk about the perfect job, one of the guys at our club just got a job, as Engineer for the Walt Disney train at Disneyland. He use to work at Knott's Berry Farm as the fireman on the train there. Talk about happy, he is walking on air.
A BIG THANK YOU for your condolences for me and my puppy. Still stings but I will always have those memories.
Nice here today humidity broke and nice cool breeze this morning at 64 at 700, to get to 85. They say big weather change at the end of next week?
JELECTRIC, nice circus layout.
OTTS BOYZ have fun.
All stay cool, going to have big tomatoe samwitch for lunch, from garden.
Misty K11 : Try the link below as they have Pumpkin patches, sunflowers & I thought they have some wheat fields or tall grass. Oh, they have vegetables too !!
Thanks, John
Hello to all! It's been a while since the last post, have spent the last week and a half in the lovely midwestern portion of the nation...Went to a family reunion in Northern Missouri then traveled south to southern Missouri and stayed a couple of days. I absolutely love it back there but the humidity about did us in! We probably couldn't have picked a hotter time in the year but it was worth it. We are talking about retiring back there after 5 years or so.
Didn't find a lot of train stuff in the stores back there. I did find an Friscoe engine that was brand new in the box for $70.00 but didn't buy it....did I miss a bargain? I don't know much about them. It looked nice but hated to try to haul it back in a truck full of kids and all of the other stuff we had to drag back.
We are currently trying to redo my son's layout. We were going to go the desert route however since seeing all of the hayfields and greenery in Missouri, he has decided he wants to go with the grass scene so he can use his new John Deere tractors on the layout. I'm just glad we hadn't painted it up yet! Anybody have any ideas on making hay fields and corn fields???
I'm sending good thoughts and prayers to all who need them...there is way too much to try to catch up on the board.
Nudge nudge wink wink. None of those OGR (insert favorite derogatory name here) read our coffee pot. Secrets safe! So there.
Hey, Mayor McChief, answer your phone! The Roseyville town manager has been calling me looking for you all morning. Evidently, Eeephus McReb's pigs have wandered into the hollow and are now eating all of Mergatroid Dumpwater's polk salad! If you don't straighten this out soon, ol Eephus' hogs are gonna end up marinating in some pulled pork joint aforne sundown! Mergatroid has her shootin iron afixed on said swines!
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Mornin' boys. Sunny, 66, and what can be described as the prettiest morning this summer, here in the Mid-Atlantic region. A little light-headed this morning after the post-1000 celebration last night. Make mine black.
kpolak - Thanks for defining "nose-squirt" so elegantly. I have found over the years that chocolate milk flows thru the nasal passages quite smoothly. Pepsi on the other hand--->YOWZA!!!
jefelectric - Thanks for sharing the circus display photots. I particularly liked how you encorporated my favorite electric, 4400, in one of the shots.
Thoughts with dwiemer,Grayson,Laz,88 and everyone else who is in the need...
kpolak wrote: Got ya covered John,James E. Strates CarnivalHere's a video..I'm sure John saw this, but modesty kept him from Kurt
Got ya covered John,
James E. Strates Carnival
Here's a video..I'm sure John saw this, but modesty kept him from posting.
Good Morning Everyone !! Looks like that conductor told me wrong on the spelling of that canival train !! Just watched that video Kurt, nice !! That would go good with a circus train !!
Well, tons of stuff to do here today also.
Hope everyone has a nice day !!
Morning all. Up early for me. Drinking coffee. Got to hit he shower and head for Wilmington. Swing by Miss Edna's and drop off some veggies. Little out of the way but that is OK. Then swing by Tractor Supply for a part. Some folks got tons of rain yesterday PM. Poor Roseyville only got .2 total. The right side of layout sure looks good with soundboard. Now it will look better with track back down on it. Will not be home to answer phone so cell will ring all the way to Wilmington. Probably not as it is a weekend. Poor Murphey [Peek] walking around looking for his Mom. She gets up early on Sat. and goes out with the boys and talks to them as she surveys her gardens. No trains today. Glad to hear Keith is OK [OH, Tom too ] Have a good one.
Yes, Jim F, where are the missing ones? Really miss John Baker's crusty humor.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 75 deg with Blue Clear Skies! after a week of very heavy rain, flooding and tornado's in some areas. This time, Kieth and I are all safe.
Today the OTTS boys are meeting to visit the Holden Express layout at 11:00am
Then tonight I am going to the Browns game. This will be a very full day!
Jefeletric: John what a great addition those would make on my circus layout! Thanks for sharing.
Laz - very sorry to here of your loose. That is way they are called mans best friend.
I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder
Good morning from my bucolic New England town, where the lawn is an emerald shade of green and the wind is blowing lazily through the maples.
I got a Williams flyer in the mail yesterday. Big sales! This might be a great time to pick up a 773.
Red Sox gagged on it again last night. Put a fork in 'em, they're done.
Buckeye, Future is an acryllic floor wax. Modelers in the know have been using it for years as a gloss coat. A big bottle only costs $2 - 3 dollars and will last a very long time. It's as thin as water and airbrushes well. It can be overcoated with paints or commercial clear glosses and flats. It makes marker light jewels sparkle.
Keith, my Torpedo buddy, thanks for the tip on that man who sells good stuff cheap! Cheap is my second favorite price, right after free! I'm looking forward to my 1688. I need to find some tinplate prewar cars to run behind it. A freight consist would look great behind it! I'd like to make a cataloged set. No rush.
The dining car has arrived. A pretty young waitress (who isn't fat mind you) has just served me a corn muffin and a cup of tea.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a clear, sunny 64 degrees. Going up to 84 today with sunshine all day. Looks like nice weather for a few days.
Today, I have a few things to do around the house. I am going to be working on a cabinet, in the basement , that needs mounting to the wall. Trying to work a plan to mount in without drilling the concrete blocks. No big rush. Maybe I will run trains, later, when it's hot outside.
Dining Car is here early today. Time for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Saturday.
jefelectric: I love the circus photos from the're not helping me give up on the RB&B&B cars. Maybe for Christmas.
Looks like the kids really enjoyed it.
Jim Fortner wrote: John S - Charlene did some BIG shopping and we have tons of great treats in the house, so help yourself to anything you want. Did you leave out a bag of cheezits? Charlene swears she didn't do it, but Chewy really got into a fix! I think she ate the whole bag?!
John S - Charlene did some BIG shopping and we have tons of great treats in the house, so help yourself to anything you want. Did you leave out a bag of cheezits? Charlene swears she didn't do it, but Chewy really got into a fix! I think she ate the whole bag?!
Oh, yeah, that was me !! They were really good !! Now where do you kleep Chewey's treats at ? I think I may have gotten them mixed up one night & ate hers instead !! She didn't seem to mind, anyway !! Well, glad you're all restocked now !! I think The Chief had too much Pizza to make popcorn tonight !!
Dennis : we're hoping your Dad is OK . I don't know what an MI is though.
John : ( Jefefelctric ), very nice circus display !! A conductor from Buffalo was telling me the other night about a carnival that sets up each year at the state fair, get this, it comes by train !! Has about 7 passenger cars & the other cars carry all the rides !! I tried to find a web-site but couldn't. It's supposed to be called the James A. Straights Amusements or something like that he said. Plus the fairgrounds have a track going right into it !!
Well, off for the weekend now !!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Prayers for Renovo and family, Dennis' father, Laz and Lucky's family, Grayson's brother, RT for a good job soon, Rain for All (except ROY ;)) and all others I've forgotten or missed.
Cool day today, only 97! Supposed to be 98 tomorrow and then 101 Sunday and 100 through next week. Maybe a chance of a storm next Wednesday! Brown-outs up North of us, mostly in St. Louis. They got hit hard in the Winter storms too. Ameren guaranteed this wouldn't happen, but I guess we see what that's worth.
John (jefelectric) - nice pics and sounds like a great time. Hope you get your locomotive going. Laz, hope you're back in CAMP mode soon.
Where is John Baker? Kevin? Dr. John? Jim Haleyscomet? Etc?
Got the BFoC going again and also some history on it - check out that thread for more. BONE tired, stuffed from Culvers and have company for the weekend, so just stopped by to check up on the pot and say hi guys.
A quick check in before bed time. Been a tough time as my Dad seems to have had a M.I. over the last few days. Stubborn as a mule, wouldn't listen to Mom to go get checked out. Finally, I hear about things and tell him what I know he didn't want to hear. He went to the E.R. and a friend of mine is going to check him out. His enzymes are up, so some damage has occurred, but not sure how much. Right now, it is just a question of letting the process complete itself and then opening up the artery. Won't get into the technical end of things, but you don't want to open a vessel to an area that is "completing an infarct", until it is done. I will check with him tomorrow afternoon.
Speaking of tomorrow afternoon, we are heading to Atlanta for the train show. Hope to find a few bargains and see some cool trains, but I fear it will be mostly HO. If time allows, will have to go to Memory Station and visit with Roger.
Laz, so sorry for Lucky's passing. Our Lucky was so special as I know yours was. Not easy. Dogs are amazing, no matter what, they think you are the best thing and always happy to see you. Will pray for peace and comfort for you.
God Bless,
Just got back from the hospital. Apperently, he has a pin in his femur, and a broken cheek bone and scratched face. He is under heavy pain medication now, and will sit up when you talk to him, (no no to that, nurses have to push him back down, he aint awake, but it makes him stimulated). He is getting plastic surgery in the morning on his face.
Well, I'm off the the chatroom, talk to yall later.
"Lionel trains are the standard of the world" - Jousha Lionel Cowen
Good Evening,
Laz, Sorry to hear about your buddy.The Williams A-B-A that I converted to TMCC has died. When powered up all I can get are headlights and couplers. No sounds or motion. To late this evening to start tearing it apart so will wait till I have a couple of hours to try to trouble shoot it.Have plenty of engines to run so not a big deal.Chief, So what is the status of the Sound Board Project? Half way yet? BTW, we had 1.8" of rain yesterday in four separate showers. It had a chance to really soak in.
Went to Circus Days at the PA RR Museum yesterday with daughter and 3 grandkids. Very nice display. Here is a sample.
Take care,
kpolak wrote: CSXect wrote: Buckeye Riveter wrote: jaabat wrote: ..........and coat them with Future? Jim, what is FUTURE?You know like pledge furniture polish(pollish?) there went some knowledge leaking outFuture Floor wax. It's OK...We're part or Jimmy's 'in-crowd' sworn to secrecy; mum's the word; a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat...nudge, nudge, wink, wink...say no more, eh, eh.Kurt
CSXect wrote: Buckeye Riveter wrote: jaabat wrote: ..........and coat them with Future? Jim, what is FUTURE?You know like pledge furniture polish(pollish?) there went some knowledge leaking out
Buckeye Riveter wrote: jaabat wrote: ..........and coat them with Future? Jim, what is FUTURE?
jaabat wrote: ..........and coat them with Future?
..........and coat them with Future?
Jim, what is FUTURE?
You know like pledge furniture polish(pollish?) there went some knowledge leaking out
Future Floor wax. It's OK...We're part or Jimmy's 'in-crowd' sworn to secrecy; mum's the word; a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat...nudge, nudge, wink, wink...say no more, eh, eh.
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