Here's the link, Don. I verbalized the utterly unthinkable over on OGR by saying that I hope MTH goes belly up. Locolawyer gave me a tongue lashing and quite an interesting disertation on how the American capitalism system works. Several toadies piled on but I didn't back down. And when I listed off a VERY brief list of Lionel innovations that were accomplished without MTH's competition, it was all over but the crying. Eventually they all roamed off, torches in hand to squabble about unions, if memory serves...
Click her to magically go there
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Blueberryhill RR wrote: csxt30 wrote: Good Afternoon Everyone !!Chuck : hope you get everything done today, you're on the clock !! Try to get some overtime in too, for the Oct. train show !! Boss won't pay any overtime. Says she feeds me, that's enough !! Oh, don't forget to check on the Limo rates, Let them take a bus !!Hope everyone has a nice day !! Thanks, John
csxt30 wrote: Good Afternoon Everyone !!Chuck : hope you get everything done today, you're on the clock !! Try to get some overtime in too, for the Oct. train show !! Boss won't pay any overtime. Says she feeds me, that's enough !! Oh, don't forget to check on the Limo rates, Let them take a bus !!Hope everyone has a nice day !! Thanks, John
Good Afternoon Everyone !!
Hope everyone has a nice day !!
Thanks, John
Well that does it.... I don't know about you Doug, or you Roy... But I'm cancelling out, No limo, no go!!
BTW - Doug not sure who you were reffering to, but no-one really took the bait I threw out over there. (edit: re "unions" well, maybe a little bit.
I will be going to La Jolla, this Saturday, another presentation. No train room work --- Rats G-Scale layout? Maybe NEXT winter, 09.
Jim - Trying to find your thread over there, no luck yet.
dougdagrump wrote: Well it seems that some of our members have gone off-campus and stirring up some stuff. I swear, some folks just don't seem to have any sense of humor. Job well done.
Well it seems that some of our members have gone off-campus and stirring up some stuff. I swear, some folks just don't seem to have any sense of humor. Job well done.
As the late, great Jerome "Curly" Howard would say, "I resemble that remark".
Nyuck nyuck nyuck
Hey, Phil Rizzuto croaked today. "Dis is da day he became a (dead) Yankee"
Afternoon all !
Don, If you do go the "G" route make sure it is done during our so-called winter months. It is so muggy rite now that you start sweating just stepping outside let alone trying to do anything. Welcome to South Florida West.
Gotta put the "G" toys away and start getting things together for the museum on friday. Thursday I go back to my daughters classroom to finish up some projects and get the room ready for the little sweethearts(?) who start on monday.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
fifedog wrote:jaabat - If 88 did the ready-to-run route, then his shed wouldn't be a manly shed, built by manly men, with sweat pouring off their manly chests...
jaabat - If 88 did the ready-to-run route, then his shed wouldn't be a manly shed, built by manly men, with sweat pouring off their manly chests...
Sounds like the very thought is making you swoon, Fifey!
Personally, if I had the to-do list Brent does, I'd dial 1-800-getoverherewithashedrightnow, but it's all good. Work keeps a man honest and idle hands are the devil's workshop.
Hey, some subtle New England humor for you. A stranger stops his car to ask a Yankee farmer for directions. "Does this road go to Bangor, Maine", he asked. The NE Yankee looks the guy over and says, "Nope. It stays right heeyah".
sir james I wrote: Good Morning,Chief, you'd be proud. I just opened a bag of Tom's potato chips I bought in N.C. Figured it was ok as I didn't see Grits listed as an ingredient. good.My giant tomotoes are beginning to go under the knife so I'm a happy train guy today. Sir James
Good Morning,
Chief, you'd be proud. I just opened a bag of Tom's potato chips I bought in N.C. Figured it was ok as I didn't see Grits listed as an ingredient. good.
My giant tomotoes are beginning to go under the knife so I'm a happy train guy today. Sir James
Hopefully the nawthern tomatoe will cancel out any hidden grits in those potatoe chips !! Be sure & check back in later so we know you're OK !!
88 - I appreciate the offer, B. But I have a teenaged boy, who doesn't know it yet, but he is about to become most proficient with a 5 inch bristle brush...
Speaking of teens, cnw1995, the big question is now that your cellphone fear has been realized, what steps are we gonna take to forstall a repeat. I say one swipe with the SLEDGE-O-MATIC would do the trick. (oh, not on the kid; on the phone...) My kids are allowed to have all the cellphone calls they long as somebody else is paying for them...
hilldrum wrote: Hey folks,I just bought some of that bayberry Mega-Steam a "frew" minutes ago. I just wanted to make sure yall think, I got a good, deal. I know this thread might not be the best place to post. But I didn't want to make a new topic. -Hill
Hey folks,
I just bought some of that bayberry Mega-Steam a "frew" minutes ago. I just wanted to make sure yall think, I got a good, deal. I know this thread might not be the best place to post. But I didn't want to make a new topic.
Hill, I never used the Bayberry, but have tried Gingerbread, Coffee and Grandpa's Pipe Smoke. The family says the last one is the best of the lot.
Dave, Prayers for your wife. Don't get me started on Health Insurance!
Brent, I think K-Line called that "Snap Track". I to would like to have some of your energy, of course that is not likely to happen at 68.
Dennis, Glad to hear your Dad is on the mend.
BTW, I am waiting for the plumber to show up. Wife woke me up at 5:30 to let me know she heard water running. Nice stream of water coming down into the basement, through a first floor patition, from the second floor bath. Think it is the line to second floor tub and pot. Turned off the valve that feeds that line and it stopped. Not sure what needs to be done to fix it, but I don't do that stuff myself anymore. So far no damage to plaster on ceiling or walls, hope non show up before it dries out. Home ownership is such fun!
On the bright side I got a mystery package yesterday in the mail. Opened it up to discover Don had sent me two collector beer cans. HORSESHOE CURVE BEER! The now have an honored spot on my memorabilia shelf.
Take care all.
Cloudy maybe rain but haven't seen any since I've been home. I guess I'm going to the county fair(Armada Kurt) tomorrow as my wife doesn't want to take the boys by herself. Her new chinese brakes are still working for now. I never saw that before but my friend says it's way too common.I can't believe brake pads that rust. No list of new Lionel at the store yet heard they are holding back release of diesels waiting for legacy.
wrmcclellan wrote: csxt30 wrote: Prayers for Dave's wife also here. Glad Dennis's Dad is doing well. Another hot one here today - 104?I heard about Brent and that shed and those 2 x 4's. He went to the lumber store and when he asked them about 2 x 4's, they asked how long did he want them. Well Brent replies "for a long time of course - I'm building a shed with them." Doug - you are right about that photo Have a great day all!
csxt30 wrote: Prayers for Dave's wife also here. Glad Dennis's Dad is doing well.
Prayers for Dave's wife also here.
Glad Dennis's Dad is doing well.
Another hot one here today - 104?
I heard about Brent and that shed and those 2 x 4's. He went to the lumber store and when he asked them about 2 x 4's, they asked how long did he want them. Well Brent replies "for a long time of course - I'm building a shed with them."
Doug - you are right about that photo
Have a great day all!
I think the heat is getting to Roy, GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK
Regards, Roy
Good Morning Everyone !!
Kurt : were you brazing that coupler or is that called soldering ? You're really going up the learning curve !! Good Job ! I love when a job turns out well !!
Doug : that was really a great story abot that trolley restoration !! I sure enjoyed it & hope to see that museum someday !! I've been to their website before !!
jaabat wrote: lionroar88 wrote: fifedog wrote:Mornin' boys. Sunny and 60's right now in the Mid-Atlantic region. Gotta take the Mrs. to work, Dad to the doctor's office, then off to work myself. That's my day. Tons of projects to do, but never enuff time to get really into them. Brent, where do you get your energy...?Fife - it is draining fast. VERY FAST! Last night was the least work I got done, for the next couple days I am trying to stay off the ladder, that seems to sap energy very quickly. I do need to get the felt paper and shingles on the roof though... Hey Brent, why didn't a guy like you (more money than brains) just have a shed company drop a shed in your back yard? Oh, wait, I think I just answered that myself... Jim
lionroar88 wrote: fifedog wrote:Mornin' boys. Sunny and 60's right now in the Mid-Atlantic region. Gotta take the Mrs. to work, Dad to the doctor's office, then off to work myself. That's my day. Tons of projects to do, but never enuff time to get really into them. Brent, where do you get your energy...?Fife - it is draining fast. VERY FAST! Last night was the least work I got done, for the next couple days I am trying to stay off the ladder, that seems to sap energy very quickly. I do need to get the felt paper and shingles on the roof though...
fifedog wrote:Mornin' boys. Sunny and 60's right now in the Mid-Atlantic region. Gotta take the Mrs. to work, Dad to the doctor's office, then off to work myself. That's my day. Tons of projects to do, but never enuff time to get really into them. Brent, where do you get your energy...?
Hey Brent, why didn't a guy like you (more money than brains) just have a shed company drop a shed in your back yard? Oh, wait, I think I just answered that myself...
Good morning from a stormy and cool Chicago where it is allegedly supposed to get back to 90 today and storm the rest of the week. The kids are happy because it's keeping them from cutting the grass. Here is a great front-page article about a guy whose has spent his life restoring one trolley at the Illinois Railway Museum:,0,2689400.storyBoy, I sure noticed how the Chicago L structure highlights the handsomeness of those two fellows in Roy's photo.
Welcome Hill! Dave, I'll join the prayers for your wife.Dennis, good news about your dad!Fife, good luck on painting the house this fall - I'm still recovering from spending last summer way way up high on a ladder with a can 'o paint. Ah teenagers! I got a $350 cell phone bill yesterday - it's normally $94. Someone has been on the phone too much and it wasn't me nor the bride.
Good Morning Y'all!
Just did a quick scan over the past few days worth of messages. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Dad did indeed have a a MI (heart attack). They did a angioplasty/stent and he should be released today. Looks good as not too much damage.
I did go to the train show, but did not make it to Memory far out of the way. Will have to make a special trip for that. I did stop and see the folks from MS selling and inquired about a Wabash engine, but it had already been sold.
Looking forward to this weekend's get together with Chief and Dr. John.
Hope everyone has a good one,
Nice at 57 this morning. Still can't run yet although muscle is getting better, oh well? Just got to pace myself through this. Going to buddies this morning and help him with his wiring.
DAVE prayers to your wife.
HILL welcome to the pot o coffee.
All have a good one.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good morning all,
IIABSDISEI with temps near 90 but the humidity is gone for now. Dave, I hope your wife gets to feeling better. My wife went thru the same thing when she was pregnant. Brent, if I did not mention it earlier, congrats to your wife on her degree! I see where "Points East" is a little behind on getting to the dining car this morning. I hope the bran muffins did not disrupt his diet. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a foggy 56 degrees. Sun is trying to burn off the fog. Going up to 78 today, with a chance of a late afternoon shower. I hope not.
Today, I will finish mowing the front and hill. About 2 hours of work. I would like to get it done before any more rain. No time for trains, again today.
Dave....Prayers out for your wife. Insurance companies are a lot of fun. I found that out last year. Still paying on that one.
Speaking of Insurance companies..... I heard that the folks in New Orleans will NOT be covered by insurance, due to the fact that, the insurance co. have decided that he floods due to Katrina were caused by Man, and not a natural disaster. The levee that broke was man made, therefore it was caused by Man. If the water had gone over the top of them, they would be covered. Hmmmm...........Wonder if that's true ??
Well, Pretty Waitress says, " Breakfast is ready." Dining Car is looking well stocked. All Aboard.
Y'all have a great Tuesday.
Dave in StL, I hope your wife is already feeling better. Best wishes and prayers to the both of you. Please keep us posted.
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