Back from a nice long walk. Another pretty day here. Will take the kids for a trip to the playground later.
My post was a joke, Brent. Nothing more. Nothing less. If you're too PC to accept that, that's your problem. Same goes for anyone else. I've seen the effects of battered spouses first-hand, and I know more about it than you could ever possibly know or want to know. How many of you have told off-color jokes? Or ethnic jokes? Let the first one who hasn't cast the first stone. Enough with the self-rightous crap already.
Go suck your lollipop and lighten up.
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Work is incredibly busy. I am learning more than I ever thought I would (or could). It is good to be in this kind of situation again.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
I am just checking in before the dinner bell rings. Been a long week, between the dog, the fraud, and all the cases and long days, plus the tractor issues, I am ready for this one to end! I may try to get some train time in tonight. We are expecting a bit of a storm with tornado warnings....again. Thanks for the prayers for my dog, she does seem to be doing a little better today. Some medication and time may heal things. Supposed to have the yard sprayed for weeds/ants and fertilized, but will have to wait for the storms to pass.
Hope y'all have a great night...happy Friday eve!
Glad to hear the dog is better, Dennis. Our dauschund is driving me crazy lately - barking at everything and nothing - waiting myself for the supper bell - smothered steak tonight - mmmmm. Then working on the layout.
Survived the first day back to work today, still suffering from the York sensitivites. However, I am getting better. Arrived home Tuesday, Wednesday went on line and ordered two track cleaning cars, then Today signed up for the Atlas club and will get their sign-up car. Obviously, havn't added up the expenses yet. I am afraid to. I'm sure I will be put on restriction soon.
The guys at the club last night sure ooohed and awed over the engines I brought in. The in-laws are coming over tonight to see all the goodies.
Congratulations Brent ! Lots of changes going on in your life !
I was looking for yur place Doug when I flew over Chicagoland, but couldn't pick it out.
Later all,
Don, I know about the "restriction thing" been there, still there. After my last experience with ebay, I am not so inclined to buy anything lately. As for your track cleaning cars, which ones did you get? I was thinking of getting one of the ones from Northeast Trains. Please let me know what you think of whichever ones you got. Take care,
Evening all,
Finally off! This is my long streach off. Don't go back to work till Thursday night shift
Bride at work, so leftover chili and brew don't get much better than that. May start clening up the new loader and car after some homework.
Storms all around, tornado warnings and watches. Hope all passes and no one gets stuff damaged. Our home is in the north east lee side of a big hill and the storms typically comeover the hill and skip over our house.
Glad to here the pup is better. Crazy how we get attached to them. Need to get started with homework
See you in the AM.
God bless
cnw1995 wrote: Good morning from a damp, grey and cool Crystal Lake where intermittent rain makes it a great day to spend in the basement! Glad Nick had a good vacation to the DR - haven't heard from John Baker in a while - hope he's well. Mike C., how is the new job this week? Today, I am following up on a debacle of a fire drill last eve at school - evacuating 14 stories of students and faculty in three buildings with half not listening -
Good morning from a damp, grey and cool Crystal Lake where intermittent rain makes it a great day to spend in the basement! Glad Nick had a good vacation to the DR - haven't heard from John Baker in a while - hope he's well. Mike C., how is the new job this week? Today, I am following up on a debacle of a fire drill last eve at school - evacuating 14 stories of students and faculty in three buildings with half not listening -
Doug, I sent John Baker an email to let him know he has been missed. Hope he responds.
Did a little training last evening, took the mixed freight off the layout and put on an all hopper train for a change.
Today I helped the 4 & 6 year old granddaughters plant the stuff they had started in my green house. A pair of 4' high sun flowers and a couple of dozen zinias and marigolds. They had fun and they looked it, brown all over.
Take care,
Packing up for the campout - going to use our tent 'cause it's bigger, but sharing with my buddy Dave and his son. Got a letter from my friend in SC with more geneology stuff - great great grandad had a radio - apparently this was a question on 1930 census! Watching American Chopper and checking on my ebay bids - most run out while I'm camping. Chewy was eating one of my Lionel boxes - again! I don't know why she likes this one box, maybe it has an oil smell in it??? Can't run my train - stuff in the way tonight. Oh well, TTFN!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Finally in room at hotel. First time using laptop with wireless in big hotel. Broadban is slower than RR. Good place to stay. Big group of big construction trucks in parking lot with NS on the side. Read in Trains that NS is going to do big expansion of intermodal yard here in Charlotte.
Guys I have to agree with Jimbo Apitz on battered women. I haven ever understood how a person lets someone beat on them and still go back. My oldest daughter was the Domestic Violance Officer with Probation and Parole for some time. She talked to me alot about that subject. Most feel they can not do any better [and they can]. Hope Dr. John gets some good pointers on this so he can help those women [not only women, husbands and children].
Visited Lisa. Great person. Had a good time and was late getting away. Made it to the store though. She has a great small layout and a growing big layout she is working on. You know me. I stir up things. She said she could expand the one she is working on now. Me, I encouraged it.
Have not eaten yet. By for now. Food ready.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good morning all,
It is cloudy and cooler in SE Indiana with temps in the high 50s today. I did absolutely nothing last night. After supper, I sat down in my chair, did my Sudoku, and went to sleep. I did wake up later to comment on Brianel's post on the RMT S4s and check on some eBay bids, but that was it. Work has been very busy, but at least I get to see some trains on the way in and on the way home. Next week I will be able to start carpooling again and that will help. I sent some more bran muffins on the dining car to "Points East". They seem to be very popular. I hope everyone has a good day.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cloudy 58 degrees. Going up to 68 today, with a slight chance of some showers, later. What a night.....Thundershowers, lots of rain and some scared pets. Finally, all calmed down and slept.
Today, I have a few things to do around the house and this afternoon, I might get some train time in. We have been redecorating, and I need to put things together, for the next room. Basement is last. Train room needs one more wall painted and it will be finished. Then, I will put shelves back up and display trains.
Dining car is here early. Don't know if " points west " has boarded yet. And now, it's time for breakfast.
Y'all have a great Friday.
Mornin' fellas, and gal.Took wife out for dinner last night, her choice, to celebrate her dissertation getting approved. She chose to go to Five Guys Burgers and Fries! We had gone to Carrabas the night before and neither felt too much like Italian, we have to go to one of her friend's belly dancing recitals tonight (not looking forward to this at all) and it sounds like there is a group going out for dinner afterwards... probably for Italian!Fife - I'm good to go, let me know when you want to run some trains!
Mornin' boys. Wet with rolling thunderboomers here in the Mid-Atlantic region.
88 - Right-o. I start daywork this weekend so we'll git-r-done in the next two weeks. Just let me know what's NOT good for you.
Good Morning All,
Been a busy couple of days at work. The weekend weather here in Denver is going to be just awesome. We had snow just two days ago and the high on Sunday will be in the low 80's.
Hope everyone has a nice day.
Morning all, had a good night's sleep and not much on the schedule today. Had to carry the sick pup in last night and out again this morning. She seems to have good and bad moments, which is better than all bad. She weighs in at 85lbs so I am glad that I can lift her. It would be real bad otherwise.
Heard from John Baker from across the pond. He seems to have a bit on his plate with some travels, so perhaps that is why he hasn't chimed in. I did let him know that he is missed.
Chief, from what I know of Lisa from this forum and emails, she is a great woman and certainly adds to this motley lot. Hope we get to meet up with her too. Also hope she finds the right job for her.
Have to catch up with the secret service today about the fraud thing. I think we have a good case here and that this guy turns around. I have written off the money, but don't want any other victims.
Got some more vehicles in and hope to add them to a completed layout before I die. It seems I can't get any work done on it lately.
Have a great day Y'all,
Good morning from a damp and cool Chicago where the mist hangs low over the city and I picked up a gigantic (heavy) NASCAR picture book (as a birthday gift for a friend) on the way to work - so I can thumb through it all day! Ran all three trolleys at the same time last evening to provide a wonderful background to my tinkering with an electric pencil sharpener which the youngest jammed full of crayons a while ago - crayon melted all over the grinder but I got it to work. This weekend is supposed to be hot (80) so hopefully I will get to some yardwork before the city comes around to pick up brush. I also want to tinker with the other two long runs so I can get the other two trolleys or the #520 freight to 'run automatically'.
Glad John Baker sounds good. I'm not quite sure - after all these years on the forum - how to look up someone's profile.
Mike C., I don't get sudoku - I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I'm sticking with cross-words.
JTaylor801 - apparently it's a location about 20 miles outside of Denver. Go to and go to the Colorado pics. There's a gorgeous panoramic view of a UP train ascending the curve. That's where I would want to be on a pretty Denver afternoon.
88 - I shall check with Tom about Tuesday night.
Morning y'all from a beautiful NC. Started out rainy but now sunny and warming to the high 70's today.
Was glad to meet the Chief yesterday for a short but very nice visit. He helped me out quite a bit on several things and gave me some ideas that are still rattling around in my head. Sure wish he lived closer by - could really use his expertise on running trains - got a lot to learn there. (I'm sure he will tell you privately that I'm one of those dizzy blondes.... he's too much of a gentleman to put it on the forum!!)
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Morning all. lite rain 58 in Detroit area this AM.Toledo has flood warnings from yesterdays rain.I was reading on the OGR forum that folks were getting flu like sickness at York,some pretty bad. Guess not going can't be all bad. Actually never went. Well one more coffee and i'm out of here.Stay dry and healthy.
Mich Jim
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
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