Glad to see another "Lostie" on the pot. I do not remember when Locke was hit by a car. The aspect that puzzles me is when Ben said the communication shack blew up, it cut off all communication with the outside world. That can't be right because they surely did not need to communicate when they got the airdropped supplies. Also, when they took Walt and Michael off the island, they used the little boat to the rendevouz (sp?) point and not the submarine. Of course whatever Ben says has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
I think Locke got hit in a flashback during the first season. This season is so much better than the second season. I once again look forward to Wednesday!
Dr. John,
Here are the pictures.
Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
Just announced on local TV here in Lexington:
Tubby Smith boards Minnesota Gophers private plane!
here's the full article:
None to soon IMO
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
wrmcclellan wrote: Buckeye Riveter wrote: Roy, do you remember the green CRT screens? Pen plotters? Sneaker networks? Boy, has it changed.....for the better. Buckeye - for the better? Used to be when the data center was down we all went home and it was another guys problem to fix. Now we get to fix it ourselves Do you remember or did you ever use the IBM punch card "verifier." You had to run your punch card deck through it if you had duplicated cards (you know - the ones the card reader ate) on the IBM "duplicator" as the "duplicator" did not annotate the new cards - ARGH!Hey and who can forget those high speed "chain" printers. One mistake and if you printed one line per page hundreds of pages of "watermelon paper" (alternating green and white striped tractor paper) ran out onto the floor. Always loved the look from the data center guy when he handed me a few reams of paper with one line per page. Those were the days!
Buckeye Riveter wrote: Roy, do you remember the green CRT screens? Pen plotters? Sneaker networks? Boy, has it changed.....for the better.
Roy, do you remember the green CRT screens? Pen plotters? Sneaker networks? Boy, has it changed.....for the better.
Buckeye - for the better? Used to be when the data center was down we all went home and it was another guys problem to fix. Now we get to fix it ourselves
Do you remember or did you ever use the IBM punch card "verifier." You had to run your punch card deck through it if you had duplicated cards (you know - the ones the card reader ate) on the IBM "duplicator" as the "duplicator" did not annotate the new cards - ARGH!
Hey and who can forget those high speed "chain" printers. One mistake and if you printed one line per page hundreds of pages of "watermelon paper" (alternating green and white striped tractor paper) ran out onto the floor. Always loved the look from the data center guy when he handed me a few reams of paper with one line per page. Those were the days!
Yes, I remember the verifiers, but the high speed chain printers were the start of my hacking career. There was always some loud obnoxious guys that nobody cared much for. We would make up do-loops that told the printer to just spit the paper out. We would then put the do-loops in their deck when they were not looking. When they went to pick up their output, all they would find is a note to report to the CS administrator.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
You certainly have my empathy! Removing wall paper, painting WITH cats, dogs, and kids. I'm impressed!! Just think how good it will be when your done. Just a matter of days? Good Luck!!
Brent, Nice pictures, great looking truck!!
Buckeye, Then of course there was the little program written in basic, that would display the following message on the monitor, succeded with a series of growing "...........................>"
THE SYSTEM WILL BEGIN IMMEDIATE FORMATTING OF THE HARD DRIVE, PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE .................................................................................................>
Raid at the Fullerton Farm is over. Big red two story barn, cows, goats, horse, lab and cat. Great place in the country. Love that part of PA. Big farms and rolling land. Got photos of John's great two room layout. Yes, hole in the wall and goes into another room. Great guy. Could sit and talk all night. Not hard to get to if you listen to directions. Could now go back with eyes closed. After I left, went into town [Elizabethtown] and to Barry's Train Shop. Neat town too. Off to the room. Have a good one.
BTW:should know it. Started raining.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Evening Y'all,
Chief, be carefull up that way. Don't let a smooth talking yankee get the best of you! I wish I could join the crew for lunch, but we have to stay in ready reserve to cover your 6. Ask John about the "Cool Trains" store, good guy and good prices.
Oh, Fortran and Basic, I think I can remember those days!. All I have to say, it was a sad day when one actually got thrilled at the purchase of those Commodore Vic 20...... I still have mine, along with the tape cassett for programs, and plenty of other assorted boat anchors. The fortran cards, oh what a joy when they fell and scattered
Had a good evening. We went to dinner with a few folks who also have adopted kids from China. We went for a traditional meal of Catfish, Hushpuppies, Cheese Grits, Pulled Pork Barbeque, and of course, Sweet Tea! Came home to find the latest OGR (holds me over till the next CTT arrives). We are now watching "Mary Poppins" with the kids. Good old movie, that the kids enjoy....It just needs some Lionel trains running (but I would accept Hornby considering it takes place in London).
John Bakeer, Glad to see you here. Missed you ol' buddy. Hope you are on the mend from your sticker shock on the pint tax. The polititians love them taxes. They pay for their pet projects with our money and tell you how much better your life is with them in office. Kinda like the old addage about peeing down my back and telling me its raining.
Y'all have a great day.....and to quote Laz, Happy Friday Eve.
Good evening all,
Busy day here. Had a nice visit from the Chief & later another friend stopped in to see the layout. Smoke got pretty heavy as 3 if the 4 trains running were smokers.
I stated putting some people in my Crusader passenger cars, not the easiest cars to take apart, but at least they come with instructions.
Been laying low cause of the RASCAL from the SOUTH trying to spy in on our homeland.
JELECTRIC, who was at BARRYs, when the CHIEF came in , MIKE, or CHARLIE? Hope they strong armed him into spending some of that Confederate money? If not I'll be telling them that a Southerner has been spilling GRITS all over the store?
Hope YUZ GIZ had fun?
See YUZ GIZ on Saturday.
Cooled down some with rain today. They have nearly finished the ramp to the new bus/train depot they are building behind our building. Bad news, because now I can't see the tains from work when I go out on break with my bud (he's a smoker) at all. They are working on the overpass too and today the grinder was making this high pitched ululating sound - EXACTLY like the sound the ants make in THEM!, the old 50's radioactive giant ant movie. Pretty cool, except it hurt the ears a bit.
John Baker, you hang in there man. We have our share of taxes over here, but nothing to compare to yours. Locally, they are pushing the smokers out of the restaurants, ball parks, and stuff. I don't smoke, but Jeff does and he is Not happy.
Last day of OT this week, so tomorrow will be very nice getting off work on time! Scouts Saturday - hiking around Jefferson Barracks with a guide to tell the kids about historical stuff.
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Good morning from New England!
Had myself a busy day here at work yesterday. But I have a lot to look forward to this weekend. Big train show both days in Wilmington, MA. And Saturday night, my wife and I are going to a benefit dinner dance. We get to dress up and have a good time. No kids either! They are spending the night with their grandparents! So as an added bonus, I'll get to sleep in on Sunday morning for a change.
Have a great day, everyone.
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a light rainy, 57 degrees. Going up to only 60. Looks like a rain will be here all day. Ground is getting soggy.
Today, I have an errand to run and then I will be busy in the train room for a while. Wife is painting the kitchen wall. New carpeting is coming on Monday. She is doing a good job. When she is finished, I will put up the top border. Should look really nice.
I guess the PA meeting went well with Chief. Hope all you guys got plenty to eat.
Well, Dining Car is here and it's breakfast now.
Y'all have a great Friday.
Good morning all,
It is a rainy and mild day in SE Indiana with temps in the 60s. I went to the YMCA last night and did the treadmill while watching "Jeopardy". Granddaughter is supposed to spend all day Saturday and Saturday night with us while daughter and son-in-law have evening to themselves before the next grandchild gets here. Sounds like it was a nice gathering yesterday with the Chief. The IRL starts Saturday night at Homestead. The dining car is now headed out to "Points East". All aboard! I hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. Cloudy and rainy Yankeeland. Chuck, meeting is not until tomorrow at 1 PM. The Rebel forces are once again against larger numbers but I bet they will not win. Wait and see. Really enjoyed visiting with John. Funny, the guy at Barry's did not know John nor LAZ [George]. Not very talkative. Later.
ChiefEagles wrote: Morning all. Cloudy and rainy Yankeeland. Chuck, meeting is not until tomorrow at 1 PM. The Rebel forces are once again against larger numbers but I bet they will not win. Wait and see. Really enjoyed visiting with John. Funny, the guy at Barry's did not know John nor LAZ [George]. Not very talkative. Later.
He probably new you were a Southerner and was checking to see if you were placing any GRITS BOMBS in the store. I'll be going to BARRYs tomorrow morning before the PA SUMMIT, I'll check out the store.
ChiefEagles wrote:Morning all. Cloudy and rainy Yankeeland. Chuck, meeting is not until tomorrow at 1 PM. The Rebel forces are once again against larger numbers but I bet they will not win. Wait and see. Really enjoyed visiting with John. Funny, the guy at Barry's did not know John nor LAZ [George]. Not very talkative. Later.
But I still maintain...If the Civil War starts anew, the South will DEFINITELY win....only 'cause all the YANKEES have move here!!! (We infiltrated while y'all were sleepin'!)
Warm here up to 79 nice day. Lots o'work....
Fife.. I understand. What I said still goes..when wifey sick she gets very clingy and can't do much around the house 'cause she wants the attention!!!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
Morning all!
Chief - sounds like Barry's was worried about a certain Rebel SPY!
Coudy here and hinting of rain. About 70 today.
Son placed third in his first attempt at the 400m dash yesterday. Not bad.
John - glad you were able to keep the Chief in check - it was probably all the smoke!
Hey - York is in a few weeks. I plan to be there. Hope something doesn't foul my plans this time.
Have a great day all!
Regards, Roy
wrmcclellan wrote: Morning all!Chief - sounds like Barry's was worried about a certain Rebel SPY! Coudy here and hinting of rain. About 70 today. Son placed third in his first attempt at the 400m dash yesterday. Not bad.John - glad you were able to keep the Chief in check - it was probably all the smoke!Hey - York is in a few weeks. I plan to be there. Hope something doesn't foul my plans this time.Have a great day all!
Sounds like another KODAK mement?
Good Morning Guys ......
Glad to hear the Chief visit working out so well. I was watching the History Channel this morning, and they were doing an expose on how bad Valley Forge Park has become. Did the Chief go up there as well?
Also, some of you may find this worthwhile. Sony offers a series of courses on line. Of course they are product related but 80 to 90% of the content is transferrable to competitive products as well. Areas of interest include digital photography, video, home entertainment, GPS, Internet connectivity and more. Of course they are free. I have gone through a number of them and found them extremely benefical. The website is http://www.sony101.com/
Our painting is all but done, work this weekend, AND THEN ALL MY TIME AVAILABLE FOR TRAIN ROOM.
It feels like spring out there today. Just back from my walk, and on the way in, I left my coat in the car.
I've noticed a slow-down on this board and the OGR forum of late. The arrival of nice weather must surely be the reason.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend, and all goes well with the Chief's lunch visit tomorrow. I won't be there in person, but I'll be there in spirit!
lionroar88 wrote:Mornin' all!Chief, hope you are enjoying the damp, humid weather we cooked up for you!Doc Update - went for my MRI on Wednesday - results are to be in either today or Monday. Went to the E.N.T. yesterday and found that it isn't the ringing in the ears causing lack of sleep it is lack of sleep causing my brain to not filter out the ringing... so now I have to go for a sleep study. Fun, I get to sleep with wires and probes all over my head! I also have to start wearing hearing protection when around loud noises... power tools, yard equipment, etc... Buckeye this is not an opening for you to make fun of the Chief. but you will anyway... LOL!Well I better get some work done and get my program written for school...Brent
Pop a Tylenol PM or two for a few nights and you'll get caught up on your sleep!
ChiefEagles wrote: Funny, the guy at Barry's did not know John nor LAZ [George]. Not very talkative. Later.
Funny, the guy at Barry's did not know John nor LAZ [George]. Not very talkative. Later.
Chief, the guy at Barry's was suspicous of you as soon as you opened your mouth and then when you started asking questions about two great Northern Gentlemen, of course he shut up. After you left the store, he most likely called John and LAZ to tell them that there was a suspcious character in his store asking about them.
Just brought the wife home from out patient surgery on her knee. Everything okay.
Yesterday, I had an appointment with my urologist and you won't believe what he found. The stone that was blasted four weeks ago is still there. Back to the kidney center for another blasting.
Lisa, loved the photo with the puppies.
88, I think you better check with your health insurance provider about doing lunch with the Chief. Putting yourself in harms way may not make them happy.
Jim, your videos were great, but in order for you to keep up with Frank53, you are going to need a spectacular train wreck. It is just not the same anymore without a wreck.
See ya down the tracks,
Good afternoon y'all. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
Had a nice conversation with the Chief. Sounds like he is doing well up there, though he is having to tread water. Always good to catch up with fine people. We may be going to Atlanta for the train show, but have to see how things go. It has been warm (85 right now), but will close in on 90 tomorrow.......Hey Kevin, please oen the door!
Talk to y'all later.
Ps:Chief, sent you an email showing what happens when a Yankee tries to sight in his rifle.
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