Coffee Pot #10 OCTOBER 2012 SIX years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees Locked

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Posted by Hudson#685 on Saturday, October 13, 2012 11:35 AM

Lunch Time:

It was 37 at the Jersey Shore when I left for work this morning. Fall is here.

RT: Nice Ride, wish you the best "Riding in Cadilac Style".

Kev: The website is I called the jobber that we deal with and they said a kit goes for under $150. The product is Raptor. It has been on my Company Dakota for over a year and it looks great.

Brutus: Good luck with Chewey.

DJ: Continued Prayers

SP Ray: Happy Birthday

AF53: See you tonight.

Laz: 48 to go and I can spend a normal weekend at home. What is normal?

I will try to make the Tardis tonight.

Thoughts and Prayers for all in need.

Have a Great Day!


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Posted by Hudson#685 on Saturday, October 13, 2012 11:46 AM


Re Heating: I moved into my house in 1987. we did not have gas in the street then, come to think of it no city water or sewers. When building the house we wanted a wood stove. So to heat and make hot water we went with an oil fired boiler with a loop and tank for hot water. That was the most efficient way that we could do at that time. We also went on the budget plan with the oil company. It just so happens that we found out that the wood stove heats the house real well and when it is cold the furnance kicks on mainly to make hot water. So the oil bill is not a problem. The best part is that to date, I have not had to buy any wood, just cut to length and split. In 1995 I purchased a log splitter and it has been a life saver for I burn about 3 cords a year. Since the oil tank is in the ground, and the oil burner is getting old, when the time comes to replace it, I will be going with natural gas.

Back to work,



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Posted by SPMan on Saturday, October 13, 2012 12:54 PM


Spanky.........I am starting today the way I finished yesterday, with prayers that Tyler continues to hang tough and is home by Monday. Angel

BeerHappy B-DayCakeDrinks does it feel to turn 60?  Laugh

Banks......I hear ya about getting our elders to do what the Docs tell them to do.  My FIL @ 91 is supposed to use bronchial dialators along with his O2 but adamantly refusest spend the $ on them.

Brutus.......I hope your visit tomoroow to the vet with Chewy is a good one and that the vet can do something for the back end.  You know how I feel about our dogs (and cats), enough said about that. Angel

Later, gang.


Jack, it felt a lot better to turn 60 than it does now at 76.  However, I'm still here.  Thank the Lord!  Thanks for all of the birthday greetings from all of you on the forum.












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Posted by sir james I on Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:56 PM

46 degrees     

We have had light rain all day.I had a short nap, so am now waiting for Charlie and tonight's club meet. Michigan State is ahead of Iowa at this point in time. 13 to 6. Lots of commercials.  7 minutes to go. I will catchup in the morning Lord willing.. Go Buckeyes. That's for tonight..S.J.

Michigan just lost in OT. 1 game down 2 games to go today.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:58 PM

Lunch Time:

It was 37 at the Jersey Shore when I left for work this morning. Fall is here.

Laz: 48 to go and I can spend a normal weekend at home. What is normal?

Have a Great Day!


HudsonJohn.........I think I will start practicing NOW for the celebration....BeerLaugh



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 13, 2012 3:06 PM

Well on the gallery for the grain elevator I'm playing around with the idea of using the cut down body of an EMD E6B as the basis of the structure. It's about the right length and gives me something solid to build onto instead of building a freestanding structure from card stock and hoping it's straight or doesn't warp from the humidity. I told one of my friends about this but all he can imagine is a loco on top of the silos, so it doesn't make sense to him. I call that lack of imagination.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Saturday, October 13, 2012 4:48 PM

Evening all. Not much going on around here tonight.

Chief went hunting again? Hmmm wonder if we will need to save him again this year. ( Kev you weren't here last year Pat and Laz had to go save the chief and his buddy)

Heres a pic just befor they went in and saved them

Hope all having a good weekend talk to you all later

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Saturday, October 13, 2012 5:58 PM

Evening all. Not much going on around here tonight.

Chief went hunting again? Hmmm wonder if we will need to save him again this year. ( Kev you weren't here last year Pat and Laz had to go save the chief and his buddy)

Heres a pic just befor they went in and saved them

Hope all having a good weekend talk to you all later least LAZ or Pat had the presence of mind and the decency to clean up all of the the beer cans before he took the photo.Smile, Wink & Grin



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Posted by rtraincollector on Saturday, October 13, 2012 6:18 PM

Actually there was a bottle of Jack between the 2 deer on the back of the one in the rear chiefs friendSmile, Wink & Grin

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Saturday, October 13, 2012 6:21 PM


Evening all. Not much going on around here tonight.

Chief went hunting again? Hmmm wonder if we will need to save him again this year. ( Kev you weren't here last year Pat and Laz had to go save the chief and his buddy)

Heres a pic just befor they went in and saved them

Hope all having a good weekend talk to you all later

Laz had the presents of mind to sneak up on them, otherwise they would have unloaded their guns at us before we could announce who we were.  After giving the an old mil and settling them down we were able to do a little hunting.


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:34 PM

I'm doing a bit of work on the gallery structure now. I'm using my Dremel with a cut-off disk to cut the pieces from some scrap plastic kit parts. Making the windows will be the interesting part.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:52 PM

Good evening all,

It was partly cloudy and mild in SE Indiana, but the day was brilliant anyway as "my" soccer boys are REGIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!   The dream continues as they defeated a taller, faster team today 2-1.  The first half was scoreless and the other team scored 5 minutes into the second half.  The equalizer came about the 20 minute mark and the winning goal was scored with 6 minutes to go.   It was quite a game.  Much whooping and hollering ensued afterward and once again I was included in the pictures.  This was a great day.  Next week we travel to the southern part of Indiana for a potential two game semi-state.  It was a tough battle today and will only get tougher next week.  Afterwards the "saucy wench" and I stopped a nice restaurant along US 40 and had a delicious meal with enough food left over for lunch tomorrow.  TBIL and the barrel rolls will be many and long tonight.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by KRM on Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:56 PM


 Chief went hunting again? Hmmm wonder if we will need to save him again this year. ( Kev you weren't here last year Pat and Laz had to go save the chief and his buddy)

Heres a pic just befor they went in and saved them


RT I was here last year and saw this but it is still a good one. Wink

 Got my ZW and LW today, The ZW looks very good and the only thing I found messed up was the connection to the D post has fallen off inside the post bar in the back. Otherwise a nice unit. The LW looks like someone dropped it from a plane. Inside the upper and lower frames were split and the case was cracked.  I was going to just give up on it but I did a bunch of work and now I have it working as it should. I only plan on it for accessories so I just want to glue the cracked case up to help hold it together. I put a post out there for ideas on the best glue to use.

 Back to NASCAR boys,


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Posted by wrconstruction on Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:15 PM

Rt wrote  When I lived in VA. and worked for a propane company they had 2 deals you could do one was you could buy your expected fuel for the year during the summer and by buying it in bulk you save and if you didn't use  it all they would carry it over to the next year and then they also had the flat rate all year plan.

Well, we USED to have that here for oil, but the one and only local oil company at the time took every ones money all summer long and when winter came, there was no oil.   I dont know if every one ever got there money back or not, there was a big sheriffs sale of all there trucks a few years ago.

So , even though there are now a few smaller companies in town, every one around here is a little uneasy with the whole prepay thing.   That guy left a lot of people and kids in the cold with frozen pipes that year.


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 13, 2012 9:18 PM

Well, earlier this evening I put a couple of old Niel Diamond records (yes I said records) on the stereo to play while I worked on cutting the pieces I need for the gallery structure. The records are two of a box full that my parents gave me a couple of decades ago when I was living in my old Dodge motor home. Well I went to work on the structure pieces and the records played. I had it turned up loud as the stereo is in the back and I wanted to hear it over the noise of the a/c unit. There were no interruptions, no phone calls. Only the sound of the a/c, the Dremel and Neil Diamond. And these are OLD songs that he sang back when I was a kid. Presently the records finished. A couple of minutes later I got a phone call. Yeah, I thought, somebody's going to complain about it. What I heard was 'Play it again!'. Withing three minutes I got four more calls. 'Play it again'. 'Could you please play that again?'. 'I want to hear it again'. So even as I type this Neil is doing his thing again.

Now it's time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Saturday, October 13, 2012 10:58 PM

MikeC.........huge congas on your soccer boys win of their sectional final !!!!  Thumbs Up 

SJ......Congrats on your Tiger's victory tonight. Thumbs Up Did you pour Grand Marnier on your banilla tonight?Thumbs Up turned on your A/C tonight ?!?!  I'm looking for my long underwear!!!!  Laugh Bang Head 

Spanky and Corey must be happy.  Rutgers looks like they are for real!!

KEV.......that nice, shiny, freshly waxed black paint on your Siverado is getting water spots from the rain. Smile, Wink & Grin 

RaySP......your son wasn't driving your car when the snafu occured, was he? Laugh 

The pillow is calling me.  Grandkids wore me out tonight, didn't pull out of here until 10PM.  The entire place looks like a bomb went off, but I left the cleanup until the morning.  Ice cream is messy! Bang Head



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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 13, 2012 11:23 PM

Evening Fellas

Well Comcast was here today to setup the whole house DVR. Looks like a nice package - just have to wait for the guide to refresh. In preparation I had to get the plasma screen mounted in the basement - long story short I got it done and it looks really nice. This morning while I was waiting for Comcast, Christina and I were in the basement and she saw the trains, she was really interested in them so I setup a small loop on the floor and put Thomas and the two coaches on the track... Not sure what Christina has against the two coaches as she would knock them off the track as soon as I got them set up! She liked Thomas, but she REALLY liked when I put the WM Legacy GP7? on the track. She knows how to make it move (and not turn the power up too high), make the horn blow, make the bell ring (she dances when it rings), and finds it a lot of fun to try to catch the smoke! I can see this becoming a cherished time if she continues to be this interested in them... When I mentioned this to TheQ today she rolled her eyes and said 'I guess this means you want to put a train under the tree this year?' My response, 'Just one?' Wink

Anyhoo - back to the TV... the previous owner had this nice builtin cabinet built for the basement, and had it wired so the speaker wires are hidden... BUT he had a powered subwoofer that provided power to the front speakers - so I have to make jumper cables to bridge the 'sub woofer connections' so I have two exposed cables that can easily be pulled out of the wall, so have to figure out how to conceel them. Also I have to go back to BestBuy to get two more sets of banana plugs - I didn't know about the stupid subwoofer connection when I was there this morning. Bang Head

Well off to sleepy sleep for me... looks like I'll be stuck in M&T Bank Stadium tomorrow watching The Cowboys beat The Ravens... Whistling

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Posted by Brutus on Sunday, October 14, 2012 12:33 AM

Happy Birthday SPRAY!

Jeffrey - good job on the cutting and also on Niel Diamond, great choice Thumbs Up

So many barrel rolls, starting to get used to it!  Keep it up, Mike!

Doc checked out Chewy and she has no groove in her left knee, so it is very unstable and the knee just slides around now.  The right knee is not as bad, but still dislocates easily.  Meniscus testing was okay and the hips and sensory exams were okay, so there is not a disc problem.  She isn't using the left at all and there is atrophy already.  The doctor gave her more remedal (sp?) and some tramadol, which is a pain pill - narcotic.  He proposes to do a bilateral knee operation to cut new grooves for the knees to ride in and set the caps so they don't move around.  They will do pins to keep the knees in place until the healing is complete.  They are going to send us some paperwork including an estimate of the cost.  He thinks they can fix her up and give her another 5 years or so with an 85 percent success rate on the surgery.  We sure hope the price is not too dear as we love our fuzzy girl.

Prayers for Banks, Spanky and John.  Had a nice chat tonight with Hudson about this and that.  TARDIS is ready to fly, so let's get going!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:02 AM

RockIsland52 turned on your A/C tonight ?!?!  I'm looking for my long underwear!!!!  Laugh Bang Head 

Yep. It was still in the low 80's here. I keep it 68-71 in the trailer year round.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:44 AM


RockIsland52 turned on your A/C tonight ?!?!  I'm looking for my long underwear!!!!  Laugh Bang Head 

Yep. It was still in the low 80's here. I keep it 68-71 in the trailer year round.

Jack:  We are now warmer than we were all day yesterday...oh...and the ice cream thing? We tried that the last time the little one's were here...the [curse mode] BEEEEEP!![/curse mode] stuff turned into concrete and we had to chip the stuff off the table and counter...


Good Morning

A wet miserable blegh day for us' started to rain yesterday morning and is still coming down this morning....blah....

Like I asked earlier...why did we not see this rain when we really needed it? some stuff done around the house yesterday and it looks like more will be done today...including running my choo choo's.....

Have a good one!!

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:01 AM

Good morning. It's 70° and mostly cloudy with 94% humidity. There's a fair chance of rain. The high will be 85°.

Looks like a day for thunderstorms. Last night I got the wall and end pieces for the grain elevators gallery cut from scrap pieces of plastic from some larger structure walls and never once touched anything sharper than a Dremel cut-off disk. Today I'll see if I can put them together. Provided I can get that done I'll have to measure out the length and width for the roof pieces. So far virtually none of this has been measured (except the height of the silos). It's mostly been done by eye and dead reckoning. I have no other plans for today but who knows what anybody else has planned for me.

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Posted by fifedog on Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:21 AM

Mornin' boys.  Mornin' English.  Sunny & 54 in the Mid-Atlantic region. Had fun dinner with family at Kobe Japanese Steak House.Dinner  Middle princess heads back to school today.  I'll be working on the new section benchwork.

No crying over O's.  Fabulous season.

88 -  If you don't wanna go....

SPMan ---> Happy B-Day

Brutus - Best regards on the Chewy situation.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:30 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....

It is a mild and cloudy 64 degrees. Going up to 78 today with rain coming.

Today is an easy day. I plan on doing some work on my Trainmaster and finishing  it. Have a few chores to do. Watch some baseball. Lunch and a nap will be nice.

Dining caris here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Sunday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by ChiefEagles on Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:39 AM

Morning.  Off to homecoming at Church.  Big meal. DinnerWink

No deer.  Lots of turkeys.  Turkey season comes in and all deer I bet. Confused  Did see two real nice bucks.  Coming home and about 5 miles from home in someone's front yard. Crying  Not shooting does anyway.  Maybe later in the season.  Big buck tracks all around the food plot I have.  Coming to the plot and feeders during the night so camera shows. Sad

Have a good one. 

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:51 AM



Evening all. Not much going on around here tonight.

Chief went hunting again? Hmmm wonder if we will need to save him again this year. ( Kev you weren't here last year Pat and Laz had to go save the chief and his buddy)

Heres a pic just befor they went in and saved them

Hope all having a good weekend talk to you all later

Laz had the presents of mind to sneak up on them, otherwise they would have unloaded their guns at us before we could announce who we were.  After giving the an old mil and settling them down we were able to do a little hunting.


Thanks PAT for that re occuring nite mare of seeing those two strung out over the hood.  It's a good thing I had that 6 pack of BUCKEYE BEER to quell the situation, along with BUCKEYE CANDIES given to me by our true friend BUCKEYE RIVETER.  These BUCKOs said it was all about their scent of stench of GRITs that almost done them in.


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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:59 AM


  50 here getting up to 72 today.  Gotta close down pond today with PAM and hope to get netting over it.  Gotta clean out and purge filters and then take out pumps and UV lites.  About a good 3 hrs of work.

Cake CakeCakeHappy B-DayHappy B-DayHappy B-DayBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeer

SPMAN.  Have a great day!!!!

BRUTUS Prayers for your fuzzy dog.  Hope all is good.

CHARLIE, good video on the other forum.  Looks like YUZ GUYZ had fun. Hope SIR JAMES didn't get into a raucous mode with all those trains.


Stay frosty my friends,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, October 14, 2012 9:12 AM

It's a cloudy 65. The chief must have given a speech last night cause we got a bit of hot southern air this morning. As usual we had a fun time last night. The video is on the other forum and also at I think it will probably be here as well. We also had a pretty good rain yesterday, I don't remember the last time we had rain. The Lions play today so I expect a nice nap this afternoon..S.J.

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Posted by anjdevil2 on Sunday, October 14, 2012 9:59 AM

Happy Birthday SP Ray!!

Brutus -Thumbs Up on Chewy!

Up early as someone didn't care for that telephone pole on the side of the road and tried to relocate, he wasn't drunk, young, yes....Who dead centers these things on a bright sunny Sunday morning...Bang injuries, except maybe pride and punishment from his parents...Whistling

Hear the Yankees lost the game and Jeter this morning.  Not awake just yet, but will check the Sports blabber mouths to find out particulars.

Rutgers is definitely for real....Spanky will tell ya that!!!Smile, Wink & Grin  Jersey's College team!!

Angel for Tyler

Giant - Niners today- I might see it, have car repairs to perform Bang Head

It's official, I drive a Hybrid...If I don't plug in the battery charger at night the gas engine doesn't run.....Laugh those neon alternators are sooo expensive...

Suppose to get to 70 today at least my working conditions will be tolerable.  Should be on my HarleySigh

Jeffery - that B unit looks right at home on those silos....and a big CONGA to Mike C, nice going coach!

That's all from Exit 8

PS....Where's my HOCKEY SEASON????Bang Head

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I am the venom in your skin  --- Breaking Benjamin

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Posted by KRM on Sunday, October 14, 2012 11:33 AM

Good morning all,

 Still dark and dreary out there almost 70 degrees, a mist of rain but we have only got 8/10" so far. The weather guessers would of had you thinking we would need an Ark to get through the predicted rainfall.

Brutus prayers for Chewey and that the cost is something you can deal with. Prayers also for Tyler. Angel

Been working on that LW I got and ordered a lens cap  for it. Not getting much feedback on my question about what glue to use that I posted so i am just going to do what I was thinking in the first place.

Have a good day all.

P.S. Nice paintings Chuck! Yes


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, October 14, 2012 11:52 AM

Happy birthday SP Ray. Happy B-DayCakeGift

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