fifedog wrote: Guess it could be worse;I could own a BMW...
Guess it could be worse;I could own a BMW...
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
laz 57 wrote: Now I sit here at school, no kids just putting in my time cause I have to. laz57
Now I sit here at school, no kids just putting in my time cause I have to.
How many more days are you required to go in? Do you have any projects to work on while you are there?
Just noticed, I haven't made it to five hundred posts yet.
Oh well, I better get back to submitting resumes to that great void called cyberspace. I think they are all ending up in the bit bucket. lol
Well Laz, there are some schools closed here today, but not the end till Thursday. Yesterdays storm left them without electricity.
90s today with more storms forecast because of the heat. A little cooler after today, High 80s. I usually like to take a short walk in the morning but I went outside today for a few minutes and changed my mind. We don't have Reb humidity but its high today. At eight am it was 78%. Well the basement is cool and trains must be waiting so that may be a good call for today...
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Morning all. Stormy all weekend. Tornados sent from Iowa all around. Hope Jon is OK. Never got on the computer. Come to think of it, I got a few old computers to add to the washer/mailbox, freezer and water heater in the front yard - thanks guys, think of the scrap value!
CSX, $4.50 a gallon for gas - it's been that for a while now here in Chicago.
Roy, Happy Anniversary! Daughter and I have an appointment with a judge tomorrow afternoon.Congrats to Fifey on his milestone.
One of our dinner guests last evening has an interesting job with the Railroad Retirement Bd. - as you probably know, railroaders don't participate in Social Security but have their own arrangements. Very conversant with RRs, she enjoyed running the trains.Sunday's crossword had this clue: Lionel product - answer: trainset
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good Morning (late elsewhere),
Biggest question -- Where's Doug, hope he isn't in trouble or anything, storms in the area? Unusual ? Might have to call and check if don't here soon. Or did he get left in the Tardis? Brutus you better check.
(EDIT- Well talk about responsiveness, got my answer, glad to here everything OK. Speaking of a judge, I got a ticket when I was in HS for Exhibition of Speed, parents took license for 2 weeks, state took license for 2 mths, insurance dropped insurance for 1 year, all concurrently. Hope tomorrow works out WELL !!!!)
Glad the Chief made it home safely, and not get stuck anywhere.
Congradulations on the 2,000 posts, and there wasn't any repeats, I checked.
Our weather here is in the upper 70's low 80's and no humidity to speak of.
No significant purchases made here this week-end from either the train show or computer show. Did purchase another VHS to DVD recorder. I have one that is integrated into our computer that works well. This one is stand alone, just connect the VHS player to it and push one button. Best part was only $39, so want to test this out. Might be able to use it in the train room and would be a lot more convient, we'll see.
Chris wants to take Wife and me out for dinner tonight. The restauraunt is kinda expensive located on the side of a hill, with a great view. I've tried to convince him a lesser restaurant would be fine, but no doing. The reason is "just because". Another one of those positive parenting moments.
Hope everyone has a great day.
"(The freight cars) came loose, overturned, and they dragged them a little bit," Shook said. "The accident happened on the line about a mile back and it's when they got here, they came loose. Between Brunswick, Jefferson, Point of Rocks and Carroll Manor, we've got the most railroads in the county. It's a very busy track." Really? Could have fooled me!
GregM wrote: laz 57 wrote: Now I sit here at school, no kids just putting in my time cause I have to. laz57 How many more days are you required to go in? Do you have any projects to work on while you are there? Just noticed, I haven't made it to five hundred posts yet. Oh well, I better get back to submitting resumes to that great void called cyberspace. I think they are all ending up in the bit bucket. lol
GREG, 1 more day. I did all my project work last week when kidos were here for only half a day. I cleaning my office.
Thanks for the "kudos" everyone.
88 - Probably caused from heat (downfall of welded rail). Since you're closest to this incident, I think you should do a little photo-journalism. It would be kinda cool to see the cranes and MOW forces upright that mess.
...and speaking of derailments--->sarpilot - NTSB investigators are on their way to FLA, and ask that you do not touch anything until they arrive. Counsel is also advising you to make no further statements about activities prior to collision.
cnw1995 wrote:CSX, $4.50 a gallon for gas - it's been that for a while now here in Chicago.
I keep forgetting that Columbus is late on most trends compared to the rest of the country Today at Kroger unleaded was $3.99 a gallon $3.49 if you have the fuel points that add up from food and pharmacy purchases.
Columbus may be a capitol city but it is still very much a cow town, two biggest events not counting OSU games are the Arnold fitness classic, and the quarter hourse convention
fifedog wrote: 88 - Probably caused from heat (downfall of welded rail). Since you're closest to this incident, I think you should do a little photo-journalism. It would be kinda cool to see the cranes and MOW forces upright that mess.
Hello, boys....Another Hot & Sticky from America's Playground...HEY JUST LIKE UP NAWTH!!!! Was 100F & 85% Humidity when last I looked....
Fife -CONGAS on the 2K.
Did 4 hours of moving yesterday, still have 1 bedroom to go...very hot, made for interesting evening on the COUCH!!!! Watched When we left Earth untill 11PM, I darn near remember most, if not all of that!!
Saturday worked at the LTS, brought home a PRR-Reading SS lines BEEP and my CNJ Boxcab. The Box is the first and ONLY engine that wants to do a wheelie...serious!! I'll have to add some weight to the little bugger, runs good though, pulled about 8 Sunoco tankers and PRR caboose. Lashed up the CNJ & PRR/RRR/SSL and pulls very nicely. Really impressed with those RMT if my 4 coal hoppers come in soon...
The little one is driving Mrs Devil Crazy, and she's only been out of school 5 days...daughter is painting her bedroom...this is gonna take a while.....
Welp, Let me go fire up my Expedition company car, step on the gas and make that carbon footprint a little bigger....after all, my other car is a Hybrid....Burns gas and rubber
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
Evening Folks,
Another steamy day in the MD/PA area. Crazy busy at work still. I saw this article and thought it might be interesting to forum members especially those in Central Pennsylvania.
Take care,
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
Steve (Sarpilot), you fighter jocks always do things in a most spectacular fashion. Glad damage was on the minor side.
Chuck, I think I recognize that caboose...from Brent's back yard, right?
As for another CSX derailment, I hear that is common for shortlines to have trouble with unmaintained trackage Just kidding, I know we have some CSX folks here. Actually, my neighbor has told me of how difficult it is with the tracks and high heat we have here. His railroad has constant track inspections to keep from problems. I know they run the whole line a few times a week when it gets this hot.
Doug, Will say a prayer for you and the daughter with your meeting. Tough situation, but it could have been worse.
Well, just finished with a emergency heart. I am on call this week and so I got stuck. Oh well, case went well and I will be heading home. raining sideways here right now. Glad I park in the garage here, but I have to stop and pick up pooch food on the way home.
God Bless,
Evening all from hot Southern Ohio
Got some bad news about our camper. I noticed some soft areas and discovered a leak. It turns out a good bit of the rear is rotted. I got an estimate and it will be just over $8K to fix. We turned it into the insurance company so we will see where it goes.
My bro is recovering from his prostrate removal; he is having complications because of not being able to take his MS medicine which cause a other complications. Please continue keeping him in your prayers. I was off today and started night shift tonight. Took out a truck load of shrubs at church and hauled them off today. It was HOT!
My daughter sent this link to me.
I guess with a little imagination anyone can have room for a layout!
All take care and may God bless
Good Evening
I have been storm delayed. was suppose to stay south of Detroit but the storm grew as it came NE. No problems here but lots of power lines still dowm from yesterday, most from trees that were blown over onto the lines. Tonites storm will probably add more to the out list.
I haven't heard from Brutus tonite, he is usually lurking about. Maybe he's on his way to pick everyone up. I read a little and ran a couple of trains today but stayed indoors and away from the heat. Tomorrow is suppose to be more comfortable. TTFN....S.J.
Brutus...Thanks. It wasn't cool as we cleaned the track and added a power drop. Track for small G scale needs to be really clean. The big LGB can run through dirt.
Greg....plans are not finalized. Job = network, network, network.
fifedog.....Congrats on 2K.
OTTS Central Ohio Division is proud to announce a major event of national importance. This Friday, Buckeye, John and Laz are meeting to prepare a joint stategy at a location that has been kept secret from the Chief for many months. We knew if he was in the area he would try to sneak in with his grits. Photos to follow.
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
This afternoon gas was 3.99 on the way home fron nutrition center it had gone up to $4.15 We just may catch up to the big city?
CSXect wrote: If the tardis landed inside a K-mart store would it then be considered a Blue light special???
If the tardis landed inside a K-mart store would it then be considered a Blue light special???
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Jason, good luck with the investigation. Deny deny deny!
Mitch, all my trainees are now in Baltimore, but I didn't get to go.... Maybe next time.
Happy 2K day, Fifedog! Happy 1K J&J!
Laz, the TARDIS has a state of the art climate control system, plus forced air if you fly with the door open
dwiemer wrote: Chuck, I think I recognize that caboose...from Brent's back yard, right?
Good one, Dennis! 88, you've gotta laugh at that one!
TARDIS is warmed up and ready for the usual rounds. Dennis, since you are on call, we will drop off some of these Klondikes!
EDIT: Prayers for your brother, Jim. That's tough. God bless him and all of your family in this hard time.
EDIT EDIT: Prayers for Doug and Daughter also.
Was mowing lawn ahead of a storm and got the whole thing done except for running trimmer - son was supposed to do it. Maybe tomorrow.... Full of spinach and tomato pizza, yummy! DiGiorno's personal size.
Evening all. Busy day. Catching up on watering. Yes, the heat has hit the flowers, shrubs and garden. All look better now. Soaker hoses went most of the afternoon. Cooked fresh squash, cabbage and potatoes. Made a great meal. Got back from feeding fish and deer at 8 PM. Then ate. Watched a movie. Did exercise trains this afternoon for a few minutes. Going to down some microwave and hit the sack. Can not get rid of this cough. Frankie and Cathy [oldest daughter] taking me to see Indiana Jones tomorrow night. Later
PS: 103 at 4 PM today.
What a day !!!
Landed a significant PO from LA Unified today, that sure helps. Then this evening Chris took us out to dinner at one of the most expensive places I know of. H was quite insistent, and the reason was he wanted to say "Thanks". Definetly ONE of those great parenting moments.
(Special note to Doug, as you know especially in the troubled times, you know that their remorse is sincere, and the high moments wouldn't be apreciated if there wasn't a couple of the lower ones. And its the combination of both that make the bonds so tight.)
Not much going on here with the trains, but got another Operating Sesion coming up on Wednesday. Its been a month since the last one, so I think we will redo the last activities, and discuss the next ones.
Did receive some lights in the mail today, however the front yard is still glowing a bit. Did notice about a dozen 20 foot pine trees lost their top this week, I don't think it is related though. The yard looks like there is a lot of black rocks that have suddenly appeard. Did find one dandelion that threw up a puff ball today, so think I will give that part one more shot.
Been watching Nashville Star, some pretty talented people on there. Well going to go get the porch light on, need to pick up some tomatoes on the trip tonight, they've all been taken off the market here do to Salmonila issues. Later.
Mornin' boys. Another scorcher today. anjdevil, I now realize why you long for cooler climates from time-to-time...
Off to see boy "graduate" from Middle School.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cloudy 62 degrees. Just finished getting a big thunderstorm thru the night. Lots of wind and rain. Going up to 80 today with a few more showers due.
Today will be a busy day. Last night, the house A/C unit kicked off and will not come back on. Something is wrong. I will have to call the repairman and have him come out. It's only been 8 months since we put big bucks into the system. Should have lasted longer than this. Just another problem to add to the fun.
Dining car is here and it's time for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Tuesday.
Brutus wrote: Jason, good luck with the investigation. Deny deny deny!
Did I miss something? No investigation here.
B&O = Best & Only
Morning all. Just got home from work. Raining pretty hard with the heat the past couple of days we did need it. I have a busy morning but at least it looks like I will get some much needed train time later today. First off I need to make some breakfast for the wife, kids and myself. no there wont be any grits, although it would keep the kids from talking too much with there mouth's all pasted together. Then Iam taking mom for some blood work, shopping and maybe lunch if she feels like it. Should be home by two and then I can take it easy. Trains later I hope. Have a great day. Prayers to all that need them.
Jim- Prayers for your brother. Hope he is feeling better soon.
Mornin' Fellas.I seem to have missed (or forgotten) a lot of what is taking place around here...Sturg - Sorry to hear about your brother - will put him on the prayer list.Doug - I missed the latest daughter drama... good luck with the judicial meeting.Dennis - I have a caboose? Cool! That would be interesting as it would give me a place to go when Susie-Q banishes me from the house. Still waiting to hear back on my offer to help me cut down some trees so I have a place to 'store' the caboose!Fife - Congrats on Chris' achievement. Chief - If you don't want your vegetation to die then you need to stay home and tend to it!Buckeye - Keepin' it small?Rich - Contributing to the increasing size of the ozone hole again? <still trying to figure out what a Tardis is>
lionroar88 wrote:<still trying to figure out what a Tardis is>
<still trying to figure out what a Tardis is>
That would be the Doctors mode of transportation a time machine/space ship that looks like a British Police call box(phonebooth with light on top) is a nerd thing I guess
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