How to tell when you're having a Monday. Power went off sometime in the night. Ice followed by snow after midnight cooked a transformer somewhere. But, no power loss at work. Being the good employee, I dressed by the light of a cellphone. Why not use a flashlight you ask? Because all the batteries are dead. Candles? Yeah-right! I found 2 little votive candles that were about burnt out. At least the kitchen smells good.
Remember how you can pull a little rip cord on the garage door, and manually open it? Sure you can- after you rummage around in the dark garage to find an old curtain rod to untangle the rip cord from some frayed cable up above it, while standing on a bucket. To be honest, if you turn on the car lights, and open the door, there is almost enough light to see. Almost.
So, I smell bad. I need a shave. My hair is standing on end. And I'm wearing a pink dress shirt, and a purple and brassy colored, patterned necktie that looks like it was made from the leftover material used to make a wing back chair in Liberace's den.
But hey- the sun's shining, and the weather liars say we may get a few days of warmth before the next blast of deep freeze air.