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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Monday, August 31, 2009 5:52 AM

It's that time again, so everyone gather at this page at your pleasure for the food and fellowship.

It was a night of storms in Carolina, currently 71 and cloudy with more rain forecast. Everyone take care



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Posted by JoeKoh on Monday, August 31, 2009 7:04 AM

good morning

matt is on time and on the bus.Breakfast is ready to go.thanks Tom for opening the door.We were near a record low this morning.Time for a nap and then the lawn needs a trim.By the time I'm done Matt will tell us about his first day of school for 2nd grade.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by tree68 on Monday, August 31, 2009 7:09 AM

Well, the weather certainly knows it's September (well, tomorrow, anyhow).  Typical September weather - cool.  Time to break out the sweaters.

Back to the grind.

I'll be in the corner booth with my tea and bearclaw.

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Posted by Mookie on Monday, August 31, 2009 7:19 AM


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Posted by spokyone on Monday, August 31, 2009 7:31 AM

Good morning all. Just saying hi. Update: Summer was cool. Only 2 days of 90+ since July 1 and more than double the normal rain. My lawn equipment got a workout. The sweet corn was late coming on, but worth the wait. It's been yummy. Our deacon said he's cold & wants to go back to Texas early this year.

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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Monday, August 31, 2009 7:35 AM

I remember the 2nd grade well. Rumor had it our teacher would be a short old battleship who terrified everyone. It turned out to be a pretty and personable young lady who I still dream about over 50 years later. We got the battleship in the 4th grade.... Raining now in Carolina. Anybody heard from Pious Lion lately?



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Posted by Modelcar on Monday, August 31, 2009 9:48 AM

................Any dreams of the battleship Tom......?

Bright sunshine here this morning....our low was 51.8 earlier when I first looked at it.  Surprised to see our Humming birds at the feeder when it was that cool....Didn't think they could fly when it was that low of temp., from what we've read about them.

Will be in low 70's today and warm a bit each day and dry W/ sunshine all week.  Will be up in the lower 80's later.


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Posted by Deggesty on Monday, August 31, 2009 12:00 PM

grampaw pettibone

I remember the 2nd grade well. Rumor had it our teacher would be a short old battleship who terrified everyone. It turned out to be a pretty and personable young lady who I still dream about over 50 years later. We got the battleship in the 4th grade.... Raining now in Carolina. Anybody heard from Pious Lion lately?

My battleship was in the third grade. My first grade teacher gave me extra work, my second grade teacher did not--and my third grade teacher switched some of the laziness out of me. My fourth grade teacher, to my knowledge, never failed anybody, but worked with those who had at last made it into the fourth grade so they were presumed ready for the fifth grade. There was one boy in my fifth grade (I do not know how many years it had taken him to get there, and I think it was his second year in the fifth grade) who was suddenly boosted to the seventh grade after he, one day, put a beer bottle into the desk of another boy who moved along properly, year after year. The boy who was doubly promoted did not finish high school.



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Posted by cherokee woman on Monday, August 31, 2009 12:18 PM

My battle axe teacher came along in high school:  my English/Lit teacher.  One Friday, I had no homework in any classes, except for one class:  shorthand.  Needless to say, that was the only book I took home for the weekend.  Lo and behold, I got real sick over the weekend, with the flu.  Since that was the only book I had home with me, I just kept up with those lessons.  When I went back to school after a week of the flu, this teacher did not want to let me make up my assignments.  I had my mother and the doctor call her to explain, because she wouldn't believe me.  She finally told me I would not have to make up anything, since I did have a valid excuse for only keeping up with one class's lessons while I was sick.  And, by the way, guys, you all would have considered her a real looker:  late 20s, early 30s. 

Lunch and supper today:  

1.  Vegetable beef soup and 

2.  Beef stew

There's plenty of fresh baked cornbread to go with both the soup and stew.  

And for dessert, the following cobblers with plenty of ice cream for ala mode:  apple, blueberry, cherry, peach, rhubarb and strawberry.

Tom, thank you for opening up the new location!  

Larry, you're very right about the sweater weather:  although, when I went out a little while ago, I wore a lightweight sweat jacket.  Was very comfortable, even standing in the sunshine, talking with a friend of mine.  She's going to take over for me at Produce tomorrow, since I'll be leaving the house at 8:30, to go to the doctor's.

Everyone enjoy your meal, and have a great afternoon.  See you all later on.





Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by CANADIANPACIFIC2816 on Monday, August 31, 2009 4:04 PM

Boy, talk about teachers! My 3rd grade teacher was a MONSTER and I was afraid of her. She was young enough at that time that I think she may still be living, but where, only God knows. She once saw me picking my nose, and what 3rd grader doesn't do that sort of thing at least once?? But anyway, she had me come up to the front of the class room and she wacked my hand with a ruler. She could have handled it differently and discreetly, but NO!!!! And for a long time I've thought I'd love to be able to prosecute her for a whole host of reasons.

My 5th grade teacher was a doll, very pretty and VERY NICE, and I have no idea if she is even still living or where she might be. My 6th grade teacher was something of a battle axe herself, and more often than not, very stern. But she instilled within me a liking for American history when she read to those of us in her classroom the account of the Andrews Raid, otherwise known as the Great Locomotive Chase. My 7th grade teacher was very nice and also very attractive and I loved her. Sadly, she lost her battle with *** cancer a couple years ago, but I hope to see her again in God's Heavenly Kingdom.

My 8th grade teacher though, if she is still living, would be almost 100 years old. And she was my absolute favorite. I remember her expanding my vocabulary with words such as diligence and perseverance, and I remember her telling us that what we would get out of an education would depend largely on how well we applied ourselves. She absolutely refused to tolerate any nonsense or monkey business in her classroom, and that is a trait that I appreciate a great deal more today than I did way back then.

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Posted by tree68 on Monday, August 31, 2009 6:31 PM

What is it with third grade teachers?  I don't recall liking my third grade teacher very well.  I didn't like my son's third grade teacher.  Something about going to the P/T conference and having her tell me he was a lousy student as I looked at his high B average report card. 

Aside from that, I really don't recall any teachers I flat out didn't like, nor any who inspired me more than others.  My track coach/American History teacher in 11th grade put me to sleep in class.  My senior English teacher was in her first year of teaching.  We had some fun at her expense - but nothing mean.  She never did figure out that there was incense burning under the music stand she used as a podium...

There were a few teachers I didn't have myself that I didn't get along well with...

Then there were the junior college instructors I didn't see eye to eye with - and I was in my late 20's at the time (after USAF).

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Posted by Modelcar on Monday, August 31, 2009 7:41 PM

Had the same teacher for one thru forth grade.  She was strict and very forceful for her kids to learn and do it correctly.

Once I believe it was in 2nd grade.....It was my turn and I was in front reading out of my book....Don't remember what kind...and she stopped me and said "that is not correct...take your seat and figure it out"....or something like that.

As I got another shot at it we came to the same line and she stopped me again....She took the book and gave it a look.....Sure enough, her copy and mine had a different wording in that line.  How such a thing would happen, I have no idea.....But it did.   And her name was: Miss Mostoller.  Never married.


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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Monday, August 31, 2009 8:04 PM

There was only one teacher that I actually loathed. She compared me to my brother and told me she was going to make me as good as him if it meant keeping me in at recess every day! Nuff sed on that. My third grade teacher was no looker, but was nice. We were playing hide one morning, and I hid under her desk. Lo and behold, in she walked and called the class to order. I tried to sneak out from under her desk and she nearly jumped over it! It was as topic of conversation for quite a while.

The aforementioned second grade teacher was Mrs Green, and she is still living, in Tennessee I think.

The battleship wasn't as fearsome as she first seemed, but was intimidating, to say the least. Mostly, I remember the run ins we had. Everyone was terrified of her until we got to know her

Looking back, the teachers we had were mostly old, overweight and not so easy to get along with. I sometimes wonder if they would even qualify under modern standards.

Our classrooms had coal fired pot bellied stoves and the restrooms were in another building. There were cloakrooms, where no one wanted to visit with the teacher, for the obvious reasons. Times have definitely changed.



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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Monday, August 31, 2009 8:13 PM

I almost forgot. I emailed Roy (Pious Lion) and he is well, just bogged down with work. He is looking forward to getting back on the forums soon.



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Posted by Deggesty on Monday, August 31, 2009 9:22 PM

grampaw pettibone
There was only one teacher that I actually loathed. She compared me to my brother and told me she was going to make me as good as him if it meant keeping me in at recess every day!

That teacher apparently did not realize that you and your brother were not the same person. My youngest brother (fifteen months older than I) finished high school two years ahead of me. From fourth grade on, we had almost the same teachers--and none, as I recall, ever said anything to me about how we differed. He was Tommy, and I was Johnny. One of my high school teachers finished in the same class with one of my older brothers, thirteen years ahead of me (I felt like calling her by her first name, but did not; it would not quite have done), and, as well as I could tell, treated me as just another math student.

Most of my teachers were married, if not when I was taught by them, soon afterward. I know my fourth and sixth grade teachers remained spinsters, and one I had in the eighth grade probably did (she had a heart attack early in the school year, and a student from Winthrop Training School finished the year for her--and came back the next year as a full-fledged teacher), and I do not doubt that my third grade teacher remained single. The principal, who taught algebra, plane geometry, chemistry, and physics, and was the boy's coach, was the only male teacher I had. I enjoyed his classes, but I did not really enjoy his wife's classes (eleventh and twelth grade English). She thought I should be in the speech club and debate club, and I had no desire whatsoever to be there. I enjoyed my ninth and tenth grade English and tenth and eleventh grade French classes much more; the teacher was the mother of one of my close friends (same class), and we all got along well.



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Posted by cherokee woman on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 4:59 AM

Good Tuesday morning, and Happy September 1st to everyone!  We have a temp of 56 degrees here in Lou., KY this morning, going for a high of 78 today.  

Coffee, juices, milk, chocolate milk and hot water for hot tea are ready, along with the other beverages we usually have.  

On the breakfast/warmer bar this morning:  bagels, bear claws, and all the usual breakfast items, from fresh fruit to oatmeal, toast, biscuits, gravy, etc., to get everyone fueled up for their morning.

And, just in case I'm still at the doctor's office, I have the Crock Pots going with Roast, taters & carrots in them.  There's also a couple of Crock Pots with green beans in them, and fresh salads and cole slaw in the fridge.  

Everyone have a good morning, and I'll see you all this afternoon.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 6:39 AM

Good morning. 66 and cloudy in Carolina this morning, headed for 84 and rain supposedly. I have just spent a frustrating hour or so getting a prescription medicine out of its adult proof wrapper. 150 pills and everyone fought me. I bet a 5 year old would have gotten in in a few minutes.... Miss Paula, I hope all goes well, and see ya later



It is better to dwell in the corner of a roof than to share a house with a contentious woman! (Solomon)

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Posted by JoeKoh on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 6:58 AM

good morning

another cool start to the day today.matt is on time and on the bus.A little sister wanted to go to school with big sister at the bus stop today.The circus train came through defiance should be in chicago by now.Cw thanks for breakfast and good luck today.Time for a nap.Chores will be calling this afternoon.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by tree68 on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 7:06 AM

Cool but clear this morning, with promises of a decent day. 

Got a meeting first thing, so I'll take my bearclaw and tea to go...


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Posted by Mookie on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 7:17 AM

Paradise is on fire again!  How scary!  Once again our little hole in the center of the US is looking very comfy! 

Our dear landlord & son are putting in a sprinkling system.  I think they are working as hard on this as they did building our city water system.  They have dug up and replanted our lawn at least 5-6 times, also the plants and river rock in the front.  We have had two holes put in the basement walls (water meter is in west duplex) and a tribe of people thru our basement and yard.  LL is very fussy (that's nice!) and wants lawn to look spectacular after each digging, so the extra work.  All in time to shut it down for winter.  Big Smile

Cool enough for a light sweater, but they say not to get too comfy.  Warmer weather on the way. 

Going to make a blueberry pancake for breakfast.  Now if someone will just get out all the ingredients, mix it up and put it on the griddle for me.  Don't forget the bb syrup!  Ah - then I will do the hard part. Dinner

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by mudchicken on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 8:53 AM

The smoke and ash from "paradise on fire" arrived in Denver yesterday. "Smaze" (smoke & haze) is putting everything in an orange hue. You can smell the smoke.

Mooks: heading towards you, your sunrise/sunsets ought to start looking like ours soon (big orange ball) and the moon looks like something out of a bad sci-fi flick.

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by zardoz on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:03 AM


The smoke and ash from "paradise on fire" arrived in Denver yesterday. "Smaze" (smoke & haze) is putting everything in an orange hue. You can smell the smoke.

Mooks: heading towards you, your sunrise/sunsets ought to start looking like ours soon (big orange ball) and the moon looks like something out of a bad sci-fi flick.

Last night while observing the sunset, I was surprised by the orange haze that I saw on the western horizon, giving the sun a reddish hue. I couldn't image why this was so, as the weather here has been quite clear; now I know why--due to the 'smaze'. I would venture a guess that soon the sunset will include a "red rubber ball" type of sun.

As to whether the origin of the fire should be called 'paradise'......

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Posted by Mookie on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:41 AM

Sir C - I will watch for it, but will be hard to see sunset when bedtime is 8 pm.  However, if moon up before 5 am, will try to catch something besides cough and sneeze.  We had that when Mt St Helens blew her top, too!  Bad, bad!

Zardoz - how can 36+ million people be wrong?  Isn't that why they are there?  Big Smile

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Modelcar on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 12:21 PM

Jean and I have been busy with paper work here in our home office most of the morning.....In fact, this is the first I looked in here today.

That accomplished, we now turn our attention with: She reading the paper, and me in here a few min.  Then it's off to find some lunch.

This is a most gorgeous sunshiny, clear day with moderate temps., and it's to continue all week.  So, it's the week to get seasonal things accomplished.  And the yard is growing like mad again.....needs cutting about every 3 days now.  But it is looking rather nice.

Hope many others are seeing such a nice day.


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Posted by cherokee woman on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 12:26 PM

Well, I'm back from the doctor's office.  He was very late this morning:  had a flat tire.  It was almost 11:00 when he came into the exam room to see me.  Nothing new to report, everything was A-OK.  Go back again December 1st.  Next doctor visit will be next Tuesday afternoon, when I go see the orthopedic surgeon for my next checkup with him.  

Mookie, did someone manage to fix your special breakfast?  I sure hope so!  

The roast, taters, carrots, gravy and corn on the cob are on the warmer bar, and I'm giving you a choice of biscuits, rolls or cornbread to have with your roast.  Salads and cole slaw are in the cooler, so help yourselves.  

Now, it's time for a nap.  Have a great afternoon, you all, and see you later.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by tree68 on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 12:58 PM

Several years ago there were a number of large forest fires in northern Quebec.  Some combination of meteorological phenomena brought the smoke south, into northern New York.   As with MC, you could smell it.

Despite media reports about it, several fire departments were still dispatched to "smell of smoke in the area" calls.

Never mind the sunsets - the mid-day sun took on an odd hue, too.

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Posted by Mookie on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 2:12 PM

CW - The Driver took a break from work and fixed me one.  He couldn't stay - had to get back to hungry students! 

Side note - those of you that "know" me or have met me know I am pretty laid back.  My top gear is slow(er).  Daughter came over.  She was born with 2 gears - fast and faster. 

She is selling items from my folks on e-bay.  She left to go mail a "sale" and I ended up with box cuttings, tape, puter paper, and a dizzy spell.  Don't mind cleaning up, but she amazes me.  I don't think she breathes - (osmosis) and I have never seen someone that can move thru space and never touch the ground (very fast, too).  I'd give her a day planner for 09-10, but would have to buy a new one in a week cuz that one would be full. 

If I remember right, she sleeps somewhere between 1:30 am and 1:31 am.  And I think that is done fully clothed and standing next to her car.



She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by tree68 on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 2:24 PM

A line, as I recall, from a Bill Cosby routine about sneakers:

"What what that?"

"I dunno, but it was FAST!"

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Posted by locomutt on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 5:14 PM

 Mook, SLOW DOWN!!

Larry, That's how you 'neak up on people!

[Right; What's a Cubit?!]


Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

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Posted by JoeKoh on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 5:30 PM

well mooks if you need some high energy help we'll send matt your way.he will talk your ears off too.Back deck is primed for sealing tommorow after my nap.Time to get things for thanks for supper.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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