The Flat Wheel Cafe/Diner--Early Summer Edition

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Posted by Deggesty on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 4:25 PM

We stayed at the Best Western when we were in Glenwood Springs. It was a very nice motel and Glenwood Springs itself was nice too. Did you go to Glenwood Caverns when you were there?

No, we simply enjoyed our stay at the Colorado. We were coming home from California (by rail, of course), and did not want to have to get up early, early, in the morning to get off the train. So, we planned to come on to Glenwood Springs, spend the night at the Colorado, and go home the next day, arriving at Salt Lake City around eleven at night, instead of maybe four in the morning. As it was, we started getting up while we were in SLC (trackwork east of Reno delayed us about three hours). Last year, we drove to Grand Junction, spent the night, and left town at a reasonable time of day; when we were coming home, we rose somewhere below Provo.

Congratulations on your finishing the basic part of your education.



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Posted by Deggesty on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 4:38 PM

need to double check our rules about awings

Joe, I never heard of any restrictions on saying "Aw." Is that something in effect around Deshler?Smile

We have some interesting changes going on here. For some time, there has been a city ordinance against parking on grass. You could drive on grass to get to where you park, but you had to have rock, asphalt, or concrete pavement under your vehicle where you park it. Now, a new ordinance (effective in a year) forbids parking on rock, though you may drive on rock to get to the parking spot. Many people have complained, and the city council may relent.



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Posted by Deggesty on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 4:45 PM


Jean {CW}, is still doing quite well with the eye surgery....We stop into the clinic today at one for a check up.  From what she is saying, believe it will make a  great difference.  Then when both eyes are complete and healed, we can go for the new glasses and that should really be a great inprovement.

Quinton, I trust that all will go well with Jean. For several years, Ricki complained about starbursts around lights when she was out at night--and two cataract removals helped. However, she is one of a very few who have regrowth (I had never heard of such), and she is again seeing starbursts. She also has not had the severe trouble with macular degeneration that most have (my oldest sister-in-law is legally blind because of this), but it seems to have been halted. Cold laser surgery in one eye and injections in the other eye have helped her considerably.



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Posted by mudchicken on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 4:49 PM

We stayed at the Best Western when we were in Glenwood Springs. It was a very nice motel and Glenwood Springs itself was nice too.

Sounds like you spent most of your time north of the river Guermo Dos. (except getting on and off the train) - over by the Courthouse (which I spent half a lifetime doing research in) is a building that has a massive weaving operation going on in it 7 days a week....interesting place with all the looms.

On the other side of the courthouse, further down 8th Street, up against a building that was a lumberyard and now is a series of small businesses, sits a forlorn GE 44 Ton locomotive still lettered for Public Service Company. The locomotive now sits on a track that has no switch to connect it to UP/RFTA on the Aspen Branch.



Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by cherokee woman on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 5:30 PM

Well, I guess the doctor visit went semi-well.  He have me a new prescription for another ankle/arch support brace (with the medal bars on the sides).  Hoping my insurance will pay for it!!!!!!

Quentin and Johnny, Walt had to have cataract surgery back in either 2002 or 2003 (can't remember exact year now).  One week, he had the right eye done, then the next week, or two weeks after, they did the left eye.  He has the implants in both eyes.  

As promised, I have our Mexican Fiesta on the warmer bar:  tacos, burritos, spanish rice, quesadillas, chimichangas, fajitas, etc.  There's also some tortilla chips and the assorted dips for the chips.

And for dessert, fudge cake for everyone!  (And if you wish, there's plenty of several varieties of ice cream to go with the fudge cake, or you can have strawberry shakes.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by grampaw pettibone on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 8:53 PM

Quentin, give my regards to Jean and my wishes for a speedy recovery. My eye quack sez that I need to have my left eye done, but I am putting it off till it gets bad enough to require it. Right now, it doesn't bother me at all. Paula, I hope your new brace does what is intended with minimal discomfort. Everybody take care and stay cool



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Posted by Modelcar on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 11:06 PM

grampaw pettibone
Quentin, give my regards to Jean and my wishes for a speedy recovery. My eye quack sez that I need to have my left eye done, but I am putting it off till it gets bad enough to require it

Thanks Tom.....She is doing very well with it...we were in for a check on it today and in a bit over  a week the other one will be done.  Her vision has been greatly improved on the eye just operated on.  So, so far very good.

The process has not been too much of a problem for her.  Really didn't take very long at all, and really not much discomfort for her.  New glasses will be created about 3 weeks after all surgery is finished.  Probably will be needed just for close distance reading, etc....



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Posted by Modelcar on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 11:33 PM

quote]Quinton, I trust that all will go well with Jean. For several years, Ricki complained about starbursts around lights when she was out at night--and two cataract removals helped. However, she is one of a very few who have regrowth (I had never heard of such), and she is again seeing starbursts. She also has not had the severe trouble with macular degeneration that most have (my oldest sister-in-law is legally blind because of this), but it seems to have been halted. Cold laser surgery in one eye and injections in the other eye have helped her considerably.

Thanks Johnny.....She's doing very well at this point.  Had a good report from the Dr. at check up today....


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Posted by cherokee woman on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 6:21 AM

Good Wednesday morning, everyone.  Here in Louisville, we have 73 degrees this morning, have had some rain overnight, and will be raining/storming off and on pretty much all day and evening, into tomorrow sometime.   Right now, though, we don't have any rain coming down.

Coffee, juices, lemonade, Gatorade, fruit punch, iced teas, and hot water for hot tea are ready.

On the warmer bar this morning:  bagels, bear claws, watermelon, turkey bacon, (pork) sausage (links and patties), hash browns, scrambled eggs, homemade buttermilk biscuits w/sausage gravy.

Have lunch and supper going in the Crock Pots:  roast, taters, carrots, and later on this morning, will start cooking other veggies to with the roast.  Just let me know what other veggies you all would like to have today.  

Mookie:  have you coffee mug ready, and I'll meet you in the garden, in our rocking chairs, when you get in, o.k?

Quentin, glad to hear Jean is doing so well, after her surgery. 

Everyone enjoy breakfast, have a great morning, and see you all in a bit.  Take care, you all.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by Modelcar on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 9:07 AM

cherokee woman

Quentin, glad to hear Jean is doing so well, after her surgery. 

Still ok....and thanks Paula.

Overcast here this morning.....very light rain...very light.

Yard mowing occured last evening so I did get ahead of the rain.

Don't know if any severe stuff will still occur here today....Sure seems calm now.  Temps. moderate.

Still hearing quite a few trains north of us on the Frankfort line {NS}, during the night....

Note new board members coming on stream at GM....including Chairman of the Board.

At this point in time....Friday and on thru weekend looks nice, weather wise for this area....

Looks like an up opening for the NY stock exchange today....

Just general info I noted this morning in papers and some morning shows......Wishing good day for all.



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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 9:28 AM

I'm here - albeit a little late.  I had to mess around downstairs this morning.  Now will mess around upstairs.  Overhauling the bedroom and the bath (cleaning). 

Since most of us are either of the age or close to the age of cataract surgery - my Dad had it done in his late 70's and now doesn't wear glasses.  He and I are both nearsighted and with no other complications, he quit wearing glasses.  I am finding that I am wearing mine less all the time.  I take them off here at the house and only use them for distance clarification. 

I probably look a little odd in public (like the grocery store) since I wear glasses to see throughout the store, but to read ingredients or dates, take my glasses off.  Just the opposite of most people.  So as I get a smidge older, I hope to lose them altogether.  I had single, tri and bis when I was working and now down to just single lens and eye dr sez that is fine.  Yippee!  One thing that is cheaper rather than more expensive in my life!

Tree - I would love a real NS in anything - so if you find one that they don't want any more - let me know.  I will "drive" it home.  Wouldn't that be a hoot!  Waiting for the railroads to let me know that maybe they have one that they smudged the paint on it - or the carpeting on the stairs is worn - or maybe the chairs are starting to show a little wear.....ahhhh - Approve

Time to take my coffee and fairy sprinkles out to see CW. 


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by JoeKoh on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:21 AM


glad everyone is feeling better.matt and mamma are doing errands in town.I mowed this morning before it started to sprinkle.going to be good sleeping weather today.I found out what awnings can be put on the house to cover the porches.they are pre fab and a little more expensive but Mr. Bank says no tuesday they will start on the roof.When the awnings come in they will install them for us too.Time for bed.Cw thanks for lunch

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by locomutt on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:35 AM



Jean {CW}, is still doing quite well with the eye surgery....We stop into the clinic today at one for a check up.  From what she is saying, believe it will make a  great difference.  Then when both eyes are complete and healed, we can go for the new glasses and that should really be a great inprovement.

Quinton, I trust that all will go well with Jean. For several years, Ricki complained about starbursts around lights when she was out at night--and two cataract removals helped. However, she is one of a very few who have regrowth (I had never heard of such), and she is again seeing starbursts. She also has not had the severe trouble with macular degeneration that most have (my oldest sister-in-law is legally blind because of this), but it seems to have been halted. Cold laser surgery in one eye and injections in the other eye have helped her considerably.



When I had mine done in 2002, about three weeks after the surgery I had to get reading glasses; then about about a month after that go back, have eyes examined and get my prescription glasses.

(I saw mainly "Halos" at night) (I've worn glasses since I was about 10 yrs old)

Which I still wear glasses; and they are bifocals, they wanted to do Laser surgery then, but insurance wouldn't quite cover the price, so...........


Was "Raining Cats and Dogs" just a few ago, glad I didn't go out and "Step in a Poodle"!!Laugh


Joe, CW should be in reasonably shortly with a few additional items for the lunch menu.

Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

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Posted by tree68 on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:35 AM

Gloomy and grey weather here today - but it's not raining and the temperatures are acceptable.

Got an email from my Colorado sister.  She said she was a little closer to the action around Denver this past weekend than she'd like.  While she lives a fair distance from the mall that got hit in Aurora, it turns out the twister actually touched down about a mile from her house.  She found out her dog is a pretty good forecaster - it wanted to go in the house.  She put the dog in and went back to planting flowers, only to discover shortly thereafter that the weather was looking pretty ominous.  About 5 minutes after she went in the hail struck, wiping most of the blooms off her irises (but no other significant damage).

Good lunch.  Time for a siesta, but the boss wouldn't appreciate that....

Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
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Posted by locomutt on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:49 AM


Gloomy and grey weather here today - but it's not raining and the temperatures are acceptable.

Got an email from my Colorado sister.  She said she was a little closer to the action around Denver this past weekend than she'd like.  While she lives a fair distance from the mall that got hit in Aurora, it turns out the twister actually touched down about a mile from her house.  She found out her dog is a pretty good forecaster - it wanted to go in the house.  She put the dog in and went back to planting flowers, only to discover shortly thereafter that the weather was looking pretty ominous.  About 5 minutes after she went in the hail struck, wiping most of the blooms off her irises (but no other significant damage).

Good lunch.  Time for a siesta, but the boss wouldn't appreciate that....



When this particular storm came through, it got about as dark as midnight.........I actually thought back to "several" years ago when we had really severe weather.

"Siesta" doesn't sound bad, as a matter of fact, a Very Good Idea!!

(when you work for yourself, you are the boss!!)

Larry, guess you heard about the Meade county, Ky Fire Engine accident?

All firefighters are doing well, engine is a "TOTAL LOSS"!

1993(?) model, apparently water tank not baffled enough? Sloshing supposedly caused the engineer to lose control?

Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

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Posted by tree68 on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 11:59 AM


Larry, guess you heard about the Meade county, Ky Fire Engine accident?

All firefighters are doing well, engine is a "TOTAL LOSS"!

1993(?) model, apparently water tank not baffled enough? Sloshing supposedly caused the engineer to lose control?

Looks like it was their Engine 42 - 4 door International top mount.

Based on the pictures, they took a bit of a ride.

I hate to be a skeptic, but I've driven our '93 2 door top mount pumper a lot of miles and never had a problem like that with it.  If the water was sloshing, odds are the tank wasn't full - all the baffling in the world won't fix that.  Add to that the wide-open 4 lane road and I'd suspect that speed was probably a factor.

Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
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Posted by cherokee woman on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:49 PM

Well, enjoyed our time in the garden, Mookie.  Then, I went to the store, to get a couple of items (we're expecting company sometime today).  And have done a few things around the house.

To go along with the roast, taters & carrots, you have the following choices:  green beans, broccoli & rice w/cheese sauce, corn, succatash (lima beans w/corn), mashed taters w/beef gravy, homemade buttermilk biscuits or baked cornbread, cole slaw, garden salad, Caesar salad.  

Desserts today:  yellow cake w/chocolate icing, fudge cake, and the following cobblers:  apple, cherry, peach and strawberry w/vanilla ice cream.

Everyone have a good afternoon, and if you're in the areas getting rain showers/thundershowers, be careful, driving, walking, or just standing out in your yard, especially if it's lightning!


Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by bubbajustin on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 4:54 PM

cherokee woman

To go along with the roast, taters & carrots, you have the following choices:  green beans, broccoli & rice w/cheese sauce, corn, succatash (lima beans w/corn), mashed taters w/beef gravy, homemade buttermilk biscuits or baked cornbread, cole slaw, garden salad, Caesar salad.  

Desserts today:  yellow cake w/chocolate icing, fudge cake, and the following cobblers:  apple, cherry, peach and strawberry w/vanilla ice cream.

Everyone have a good afternoon, and if you're in the areas getting rain showers/thundershowers, be careful, driving, walking, or just standing out in your yard, especially if it's lightning!


Sleepy Afternoon everyone.

Just woke up from nap. Still sleepy. Mowed grandpas yard and went and had lunch with them Good. I think I'm running a temp. CW, Can't belive how good roast and tater's are! I'll have the white cake. I'll juyst wipe off the icing. I hate icing. las t night at the BSA meeting I won the election for Assistant patrool Leader, and get this... Scribe!

Was really stormy this morning. was out by 8:00.

Talk at you guy's and gals and cats later later!Smile

A tired Justin S.Sleepy

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Posted by Deggesty on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:11 PM

She is doing very well with it...we were in for a check on it today and in a bit over  a week the other one will be done.  Her vision has been greatly improved on the eye just operated on.  So, so far very good.

Quentin, it's good to hear that Jean is doing well after the first exchange operation, and may she do as well with the second one.

I apologize for mangling your name yesterday; I have known how to spell Quentin (as in Roosevelt) for more years than I can remember; I must have had a bad senior moment yesterday.

Ricki's operations really improved her seeing ability, and we pray that the recurring growth (which may be due to the Lucenta injection in one eye) will be extremely slow.



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Posted by Modelcar on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:29 PM

No problem Johnny....My name has been the source of problems to many trying to spell it over the many years.....I'm used to it.  I also know you know how to spell it.

Today Jean was reading distant signs to me and all kinds of small distant objects.  So we're doing great right now.  Sure we pray the 2nd one does as well...

And we wish you and your family the best on the eye problems you mentioned.


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Posted by cherokee woman on Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:15 AM

Good Thursday morning, everyone.  We've had rain overnight, and still getting light rain this morning.  Current temp is 68 degrees F.  Have more showers/storms coming in later on.  

Coffee, juices, lemonade, Gatorade, iced tea, and hot water for hot tea are ready.

On the warmer bar this morning:  turkey bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs ( or however you want your eggs this morning), hash browns, biscuits & gravy, bagels and bear claws are ready, also.  

We never did hear anything from our company yesterday.  Guess the weather delayed them?  Whenever they do show up, I'm looking forward to meeting them (they're Walt's friends from when he was in the Nat. Guard).

Mookie, got your mug ready for you.  With all this rain, think we'll find a dry spot outside to talk, and watch the trains going by?  

Quentin, glad to hear that Jean is doing so well, after her surgery!  

Everyone have a good morning, stay dry, and take care.

Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by rvos1979 on Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:53 AM

Mornin' all.....  

Air is thick with moisture here in southern Pennsylvania this morning, supposed to be more rain later, flash flood watch is also up.  Good thing I'm headed south to southern Georgia with a glass load, now, if they can just get me something good for the weekend out of Albany, I will forgive whoever is playing substitute dispatcher.....

 Anyway, thought I'd stop in before firing up the truck and doing my 600-mile day today, will see everyone down in Cartersville, GA for dinner....

Randy in Greencastle, PA

Randy Vos

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Posted by JoeKoh on Thursday, June 11, 2009 7:17 AM


rain here in nw ohio.Randy you are in Nora's part of the country.Watch out for"Box" cars.Going to take a nap then help mamma with chores.Tonight is friday.Modelcar glad the doing well with the operation.I hear kitty feet.better scram.

stay safe


Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Mookie on Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:12 AM

Kitty feet found a comfy chair downstairs and fell asleep during 2nd half of Morning Joe. 

Even had a cup of coffee just before.....

Guess I shouldn't drink coffee standing up....



She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Modelcar on Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:43 AM

....Another watcher of Morning Joe....after coffee and Juice prepared.

And thanks...CW.


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Posted by Modelcar on Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:45 AM

Modelcar glad the doing well with the operation.I hear kitty feet.better scram.

Thanks Joe....She's still doing fine.


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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:15 AM

I probably look a little odd in public (like the grocery store) since I wear glasses to see throughout the store, but to read ingredients or dates, take my glasses off.  Just the opposite of most people.  So as I get a smidge older, I hope to lose them altogether.  I had single, tri and bis when I was working and now down to just single lens and eye dr sez that is fine.  Yippee!  One thing that is cheaper rather than more expensive in my life!

Mookie, I'm with you on taking my glasses off so I can focus on fine print. It always amuses Ricki when she sees me take my glasses off so I can see what I am doing when I thread a needle. I have no hope of ever being able to drive without glasses; I need entirely too much correction--and I got more last month. Once, when my eyes were examined, I was told that there had been a little improvement since the previous time. Ricki's first husband (he was thirty years older than she) was able to stop wearing glasses a short time before he died.

You are a marvel in going back to single lens from trifocals, much less hoping to stop bothering with glasses altogether.



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Posted by tree68 on Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:17 AM

Alas, my 16 year old Sheltie mix makes her last trip to the vet today, never to return.  She's had a good run, but old age has overtaken her.

Seems like not all that long ago that she came home from the pound, a tiny ball of fur. 

Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
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There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...

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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:39 AM


Alas, my 16 year old Sheltie mix makes her last trip to the vet today, never to return.  She's had a good run, but old age has overtaken her.

Seems like not all that long ago that she came home from the pound, a tiny ball of fur. 

Larry, I'm sorry for you. Dogs have their way of truly becoming an important part of our lives. It's especially sad when you know that this trip is the last one you will make with a particular dog. Comfort your other dogs, and rejoice in the comfort they give you. It's five years since our Buddy left us (the vet came to our house), and we miss him greatly, but I can see his picture everytime I look at the wallpaper on my computer.


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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, June 11, 2009 11:04 AM

cherokee woman

Everyone have a good morning, stay dry, and take care.

Yes. We are having a little more rain than usual for this time of the year. Salt Lake CIty has already received, in ten days, 125% of the usual June rain. Except for large reservoirs, such as Lake Powell, all the reservoirs are full. There is no worry though, that the current rainfall and what is left of the snowmelt will bring rivers into downtown SLC (as in 1983)--perhaps because the global warming has retreated, and so the snow will not melt as fast.

The rain is bringing a problem: getting grass cut. Since my adventure last week (only showers and no baths for a month, and lift nothing equal to or greater than twenty-five pounds for a month) I am going to have to back off from handling the lawn mower for a while. I talked with the man who takes care of a neighbor's yard, along with other peoples', and he told me that he is behind in his cutting because of rain showers. Katie cut the grass for me Saturday, but she had to squeeze it into her tight schedule.




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