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Jeffrey´s Trackside Diner - April 2015

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 12:24 PM


. . .Richard - what is an errand bike ? . . .

I have been riding for quite a while and have a number of "fit-for-purpose" bikes. My "errand bike" is a multi-speed, cruiser-style bike that I use for running to the store and other short trips.


This is the bike I decided to use to attack a parked car.



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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 12:58 PM

Hi all,

I do NOT feel good today. I've either got a severe stomach bug or its just cause my nerves are so racked from the last few days. Also could be that I have been dieting since last thursday when I got notification I could drive again. I figured at PT since I said I neede t o re-lose all the weight I re-gained after surgery {while sedentary}, I'd best get to it. It is warmer now so I can go out and walk more too.Going form 3 meals plus 2 snacks to 2 meals only a day {and MAYBE a small snack} has some repercussions.

i finally also figured out  that yesterday I WASN'T hungry at all due to nerves and events of Monday, and didn't eat a thing except a little bit of breakfast.

I went to the handicapped vocational rehab program yesterday and got on the docket. I have to see my regualr DR for limitations and talk to the Mental Health therapist about it too, since I am for both mental and physical disabilities.
That is anohter reason why I cannot cope with the recent and ongoing events so well, is the mental issues crop up. BIG time. And they are already there from the get -go. Since MOH wroks with {lightly or severely} mentally{and some physically} challenged adults, I think MOH eroneously puts me sometimes into that category too. 

If i feel bettr later {thoughI am running out of afternoon} I will call aroudn to find out who takes waht insurance for therapy< i am HOPING mine, as mine hsould cover it if coverable, and MOHS has that stupid $2600 deductible, which resets May 1.

RAY:ALWAYS DO, WIll send you a PM later!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 4:02 PM

***YGW, thank you kind sir, I'll have a large cup of that special coffee.

***Richard, I like your attack bike.Thumbs Up Perhaps a mountain bike would work better for attacking cars though!?!

***Galaxy, good luck.

Been out mowing the hillside in the dog paddock and saplings around the pond ditch today. Have a couple Canadian geese nesting by the pond now, so of course they fly up and wait for me to finish. When they do fly, it gets the mini horses all running like crazy. There is little doubt, the geese have chased them before. So the horses response is well ingrained. Funniest thing I ever saw was one goose keeping up with BooBoo (big horse) and pecking at his backside while in flight. He was running for his life, at least his expression said so.Laugh Amazing that birds showing aggregation can control such big animals behaviors.

Follow up with dentist tomorrow. Jaw still hurts and ear on that side doesn't feel good either. Still on amoxicillin for one more day.

Healing thoughts for those in need.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 5:16 PM

Afternoon/evening folks!

I spent most of the day sitting here at the computer getting work done for the convention...  Let me rephrase that.  I spent most of the day sitting here at the computer TRYING to get work done for the convention....  More like the Irish Washerwoman's Lament, "One night in my dreams I was stationed forever, on a far little rock in the midst of the sea.  My one chance of life was a ceaseless endeavor to sweep off the waves as they swept over me...."  I did run out to get a couple errands done, but most of the rest of the day was working on convention items.

The contractor got the ceiling off and a few other things done today.  First job was to remove the cheap panelling I had put on the inside wall.  From that he made panels to close off the rest of my house to keep dust and dirt out and my kitties in.

They got the entiere ceiling removed and most of the old insulation out.  Appears there actually was R-11 insulation up there.  We did find out a lot more about the house and the backgraound of the living room.  this photo reveals a lot:

The slab and the porch were not original to the house as I had been led to believe.  You can see the roof overhang still in place with even the original roofing.  The contractor was amazed to find that the original boards on the roof were tongue and groove lumber....  I told him that the house was originally owned by the contractor that put in the subdivision and that under all the rugs inside is oak flooring, even in all the bedrooms.  The house was the "Show" house for the subdivision.  It seems that the porch and the slab were added later, and then the place was enclosed to make the living space.  The roof rafters are 2x6, the ceiling rafters are 2x4, and the roof pitch is more than the interior pitch we were using for figuring...  He says it is going to be interesting getting the R-19 insulation put in around the other stuff up there.  One more shot:

Need to go stir the Beef Stew I am making for supper.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by crhostler61 on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 9:42 PM

Hello everyone.

This turned out to be a great day. Feeling way better from my little dental emergency the other day. Had to leave work early on Monday for that reason and took yesterday off just to let things settle further. This on top of my normal 3 days off. 

Since it was a pristine Spring day in northern Nevada. Mid to high 50's real blue sky and bright sun. Decided to get out and go do my other expensive (outdoor) shooting. 1st time in a year. While on the road to the Carson City rifle range I stopped and snapped a few photos of Carson City with the Sierra Nevada ridge as the backdrop. I'm not too fond of life in Nevada...but scenes like this are invigorating at times.

Had a great time on the shoulder tells me so.

Mark H

Modeling in HO...Reading and Conrail together in an alternate history. 

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 9:59 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer please.

 Had my Taxes done yesterday. Bang HeadBang Head This state taxes are higher than the feds! I live in ILL but my comanpy pays from MO, so I have to pay taxes to both states at the end of the year. MO taxes are way, way, way lower than ILL. So I have a extra $10.00 paid too MO weekley, so I have a refund I can use to pay ILL at the end of the year. So I over paid MO $520.00 and total refund is $541.00. Yet I still have to pay ILL $690.00 so I am still short -$149.00? Guess I will up the extra taken out to $13.00 a week, maybe then I can break even. Sigh

 Work Front Still amazed by the stuff I am finding hidden by the X Manager Dave. All Most like a Craker Jack Box, move a Box Sping and there is a prizes hidden under it! All so had a pretty good day, had $2696.00 in sales.

 Gary I think the reason I was having the uncoupling problem with the Erie Built was dirty wheels. After a real good cleaning of the wheels (Knock On Wood) they are staying hooked up. Sure is nice to have the A Line up and running well. Yes

 See you all later, Ken


I hate Rust

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Posted by JAMES MOON on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 10:29 PM

Good late evening, diners.  Rain, rain go away, come again an other day.  Spent an hour sucking up water in the basement tonight as I would like to work on the layout tomorrow.  The rolly holders ordered a couple weeks ago showed up in today's mail.  Tried them out on the first turnout I am building from scratch.  They are going to be a big aid in locating the frog point on the straight leg of a wye being built.

Howmus, your pictures reminded me of my working days doing interior renovations to ceilings and under roofs.  Always seems to be a few surprises when a ceiling is opened up.

Well, its off to bed.  Praying for those in need of healing.  Night all.


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 11:35 PM

Good evening.


Ken .... Sounds like you worked in bothe MO and IL in 2014. .... I bet I dislike taxes more than you hate rust. LOL ..

Ray ... Looks like a mess, but as long as your layout is not involved, that should be gratifying. 

Mark ... I like western scenery, but it can be very dry there. 

I am still trying to work on the layout with so much other stuff going on. 






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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, April 9, 2015 2:51 AM


April 9th, 2015!

For those in need:



THE candles are lit

Here's back to the old routine:

Today's WOrd:



(kwee-ES-uhnt, kwy-)


adjective: Still; inactive; not showing symptoms.


From Latin quiescere (to rest), from quies (quiet). Earliest documented use: 1605.


Given how quiescent wages and prices remain, rate rises seem still at least a year away.”
Jobs are Not Enough; The Economist (London, UK); Jul 19, 2014.

Today's quote:
Pleasure may come from illusion, but happiness can come only of reality. -Nicolas de Chamfort, writer (6 Apr 1741-1794) 
{HMMM...I will have to tell that one to MOH}



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, April 9, 2015 6:15 AM

Good Morning

Heavy rain warning in effect...up to 3" expected around here...higher in thunderstorms. High around 45-50F expected today...

Got a bunch of photos I took into the computer...this time around the CP/CN crossing in Woodstock...took them a few days ago...when we actually had some sun out.

Having an indoor kind of day today...too much rain fallin' out here...

Chloe, I'll have a quadruple espresso and a danish please...I'll be at the RC

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 9, 2015 9:40 AM

Me is back!

Well, I went to see my doc about that stomach issue I had on Tuesday and he sent me off to the hospital, where they decided to push me through the tube. Apparently, they saw something they did not like to be there, so I had to stay there. Yesterday morning they put me to sleep, shoved a thin tube with some micro-shears at one end down my throat and nipped it off. As they had put me to sleep, I had to stay on one more night, just in case...

I am back now and have to wait for the verdict - benign or malignant. Makes me a little edgy ...

Flo, chamomilla tea and salt biscuits, please. I am hungry, but my stomach cannot stand any better food at the moment.


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Posted by RideOnRoad on Thursday, April 9, 2015 10:23 AM

Ulrich: Good thoughts your way.

I went to my first MRR club meeting last night. Unfortunately, I picked the night when they were electing new board members, so there really wasn't much content for me. However, everyone was very welcoming and it was a good experience. I will be back the next time the stars align and I am in town the week of the meeting.


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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, April 9, 2015 10:31 AM


Thur. 73 Fri.71 Were going shooting in a hour, its 8:10 here.


My email wants my password, I give it my correct password and it rejects it. Why? I just hate it when computers do these mysterious things. I’ll sure be glad when they get computers so the average person can use them. Chromebooks have knocked a lot of the nonesense out but not all.


Perhaps your caps lock was on.


If Chromebooks makes it simpler for you, then it is also simpler for those who want to steal your stuff.

Back in the days of Windows 98 et al, if you were in the same room with the computer you were assumed to have access to everyting on it.

Security is good.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, April 9, 2015 11:12 AM

well. i ran some errands, and now, since MOH has agreed to counseling will spend some time calling around for a therapist for the both of us to go to. Have a few other phone calls to make too.

Ulrich: hope you are feeling better soon!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, April 9, 2015 12:32 PM

Well, the ladies are back from Florida.  Daughter Annie has driven back to her place in Maine.  Wife Penny is still a ball of stress.  I knew she needed to get out of Florida, both to let her parents adjust to their new assisted-living surroundings without her around, and for her to get off the treadmill of dealing with them and her two alcoholic brothers.  It's going to take her a few days to unwind.  Until then, I'm walking in a minefield.

Cold and raw out.  I think this will reduce Penny's desire to go skiing.  I don't care one way or the other, as I have nothing but time.  I'm thinking of getting back to the crossing gate detector installations, though.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 9, 2015 1:10 PM

Ulrich: hope you are feeling better soon!

I still feel as if someone had stabbed me in the stomach. Must have been some piece they took out.

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, April 9, 2015 1:43 PM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, a cup of hot chocolate would be fine right now...

Contractor is busy at work.  he has found some more problems now that he has removed the sheetrock and the old insulation on the North wall.  the particleboard that is the exterior base for the siding is soaking wet near the picture window.  So I will be calling the insurance company later today and setting up a time for the adjuster to come back.

 Ulrich, will be keeping in my prayers that you will feel better soon, and more important that what they found is benign!

 Mr. B, bet your wife is glad to be back home! An old freind of mine who taught in Geneva for many, many years was an avid Alpine Skier.  When she was in her early 60's she decided to ski the Alps during Spring Vacation.  She had a little accident and ended up being airlifted first to France and after some major surgery to put her back together was brought back to America for some long recuperation time.  She was told her skiing days were over so she just took up Cross Country Skiing instead.  She was the lady who taught my wife and I how to use the skies correctly. She was about 70 then.  She just died last fall at the age of 96 or 97 I believe!  She was a true character!

Back to Convention and MLK stuff still needing to get done yesterday...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, April 9, 2015 1:55 PM

Good Afternoon

Raining, raining, keep on raining rain...still, a lot better than that white stuff from the sky!!!

Ulrich: Wishing you well. Angel

Ray: Yipes on the wet wall!!! Hope they can fix it!!

Well....gotta run a get a Honey-Do list done....le sigh.

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by angelob6660 on Thursday, April 9, 2015 3:18 PM

I call the hobby shop this morning about my missing order. (I called them yesterday but it was busy so I wrote a nice letter about being disappointed.) Apparently it was plain forgetting that they had it.

On the other forum there is a small misunderstanding about railroad crossings. I can't be the only one that talks or thinks like that, right? Maybe it is a little cold and heartless, but I do care about others.

When it comes down to them or trains, trains will also win. I know I can't fix what I say, but that's how I feel half the time.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, April 9, 2015 3:25 PM

Afternoon folks!

Janie a cup of decaf would be great...

Just went out to see what is going on in the living room.  Had to take some recycling out to the bin anyway.  The contractor and his helper are in Haz-Mat suits!  Yep, upon removing the insulation under and near the old window, they found quite a mess.  The outside crap that was originally put up out there is soaking wet and very filled with mold!  So they have a call into the insurance company for a new appraisal in that area.  They will have to remove most of the siding on the North wall and rebuild the wall in that area.  I was out there for a couple minutes and started coughing badly.  I got out of there fast!  I would bet now the insurance company will pay for most of the rotted window that sits there.  The guys are now putting up new ceiling after installing the proper ventilation stuff.  They are putting in R19 replacing the R11 that was up there.

Bacvk to doing STUFF!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, April 9, 2015 3:41 PM

Hmmmm.  Dennis, I just had an odd computer thing, too.  My wireless router wouldn't talk to anything, except my desktop which is a wired connection.  I didn't notice it, because I wasn't using anything wireless, but my wife couldn't get her Appletoys to work.  Kept asking for the password.  I finally had to go in and reset the password, after which everything else started talking again.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, April 9, 2015 4:11 PM

Dennis and Mr. B ... Technology drives me crazy.

Ray.... Mold! ... Uh oh. ... Bad news. 




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Posted by howmus on Thursday, April 9, 2015 4:30 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Ray.... Mold! ... Uh oh. ... Bad news.

Well the good news is that once found, it can be remedied!  Hopefully the insurance company will fork over to get it removed...

Been sitting here most of the day getting and sending emails on issues for the convention.  I'm waiting on getting a logo of the Region to use on the plaques that will be made.  Finally have an evening for several of the committee members to go over to RIT and walk through the rooms we will have for the convention proper.  I have also contacted the High School to make sure they are expecting me tomorrow afternoon to pick up the applications for the MLK Scholarships and made atentative day and time for the committee to meet with the Guidance councelors about the applicants.  Still waiting to hear from several of the committee members to nail down the meeting.  Have a Boy Scout Troop meeting to attend tonight (As a commissioner)



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, April 9, 2015 10:11 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer please and I give you a good tip if you help rasie it too my lips.

 Work Front. Finally I can see light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a Big Boy draging freight! Big stuff is done but still a lot of little details things. Dave did not like bolting Head Boards to bed frames so a lot of them where cockeyed. I understand why he did not want to bolt them in place, if someone wants to buy it, it is a pain to unbolt. But, it made the store looked messy and uncared for, which it was then. Well it does not now looked uncare for now!

 Galaxy Glad to hear your other half is willing to go.

 Gary I don't hate taxes, just ILL taxes! Mainly because I know why they are so high. I would use the SoapBox but Steve would not like it. But they are higher now than any other state I have worked in.

 Ulrich Hope you get a Yes from the results of the test.

 Train Front Still running great! Smile, Wink & Grin Maybe Mr M has forgotten my address. Laugh

 I am beat, so I am out of here.



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Posted by galaxy on Friday, April 10, 2015 2:53 AM


April 10th, 2015!

for those in need:



the candles are lit.



(KAT-uh-kom, -koom)


1. An underground cemetery with passageways and recesses for graves.
2. A thing or a place that is complex or labyrinthine.


From Latin catacumbas, of obscure origin. Earliest documented use: 971.


The catacombs beneath Paris, which famously house the remains of six million dead, are probably one of the last places you’d want to feel trapped.”
Robert Abele; Dredging Up Cliches Below Ground in Paris; Los Angeles Times; Aug 30, 2014
Some of [users’ anger was from] fear that their gaming device would wither away in the Facebook catacombs, forgotten by a young billionaire mogul with buyer’s remorse.”
Peter Rubin; Oculus Rift; Wired (New York); Jun 2014

MAke it a  great day!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, April 10, 2015 8:18 AM

Good morning, everybody ...... Big Smile ..... 




In my last post I complained that my email woulden’t accept my password. I discovered I was using my eBay password, not my email password. To many e’s or to old.



I do stuff like that !  .... LOL !




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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, April 10, 2015 9:34 AM

204.  Thirty pounds down, 20 more to go.  I want to get back on my bicycle, but I want 60 degrees, sunshine, no wind, chirping birds and flowers blooming everywhere.  So far, all I've got is the blooming birds.

I got "the call" last night, the one pickup hockey goaltenders are obligated to answer if they can.  So, I ended up playing my second game in 3 days.  It's a faster group, and it took me a while to get used to the pace, but I played well and had a whole bunch of fun.  Caught up with some old friends, too.

We'll have another weekend of skiing now that Penny is back.  She wants to get up north, since she hasn't skied since December.  It will be warmer this weekend, so hopefully we won't need our full Arctic survival gear.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Friday, April 10, 2015 10:20 AM


. . .Thirty pounds down, 20 more to go. . .

Nice. Congratulations!

As for me, today I go to the ENT doctor today for a check up. We will see what the status is of the injury to my larnyx/voice box. My voice is still not back to normal and there is still some discomfort when I swallow.


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Posted by howmus on Friday, April 10, 2015 10:36 AM

Mornin' everyone....

Zoe, I'll have a short stack of Buckwheat Pancakes with Real NYS Maple Syrup and a pot of Marrakesh Express dark roast coffee, please.

Sun was trying to win out for a bit this morning, but now the thick, dark, and gloomy cloud cover is back....  Rained hard last night.  The weather channel is no longer listing how much rain we got or may get, but I'd say we got more than we needed to get.  Basement was running water pretty bad when I got down there to start the siphon.  Currently 53°F outside on its way up to 65°F this afternoon.

 Mr. B, good for you on the weight loss.  Wish I could get more weight off.  I have lost about 30 lbs. over the past couple years, but I need to lose another 50 (30 would please me greatly). 

 RideOnRoad, do hope the voice comes back...  Those things can take a long time to heal up properly.  Make sure you don't use it unless you have to.  (Signed: your voice coach...)  I spent my carreer worrying about getting any problem with my voice as that is (was) my instrument.

I took out the recycling earlier and see the contractor has found some more damage to repair....  The fascia board along the roof line is very rotted.  Probably for the old roofing that was up there several years ago.  Hopefully he will have found it all before the insurance adjuster gets here.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, April 10, 2015 10:57 AM

Ray, those 30 pounds I've lost have taken me several years, too.  I think one reason it's worked is that I have not set a deadline, so I don't get discouraged if I don't meet it.  The long-term trend is good, and I'm doing this with minimal deprivation.  It took me 30 years to gain the extra weight, so even if it takes 5 years to lose it I'm still happy.  The most recent 15 pounds or so have been very encouraging, as I feel better and my knees, in particular, have stopped hurting from carrying too much weight around.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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