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Jeffrey´s Trackside Diner - April 2015

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 10, 2015 12:27 PM

Good Evening, Folks!

I am nor really in a happy mood and I won´t be until the verdict has come. It´ll be Monday until I can get the results... Sad

A friend of mine donated a little HOn30 critter, which I gave a thorough test run on a loop of track. I still have leftover N scale track which I can use for this. That little criiter is fun to watch! And it puts my mind on other things.

It´s just an inch long. It´s from Liliput, nowadays the Bachmann brand for continental European trains.

Richard - take care of that voice! Healing thoughts going your way!


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Posted by RideOnRoad on Friday, April 10, 2015 2:52 PM

Well, back from the doctor with good news and bad news. The good news is things are healing well, and there is a good chance there will be very little permanent damage. There is may be some loss at the high-end, so my may not be able to squeal like a school girl anymore. The bad news is it is still pretty messed up and I am on two more weeks of vocal rest. I can speak, but only when it is productive. No chit chat. I can live with it. Progress is progress.


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Posted by angelob6660 on Friday, April 10, 2015 3:39 PM

I know some people celebrate the tragic loss of the R.M.S. Titanic that started today. I'm one of them that watches old tv shows and movies within the 5 days when it was at sea.

I have a writing block right now talk to you guys later.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, April 10, 2015 4:45 PM

 Afternoon Dinners

 Flo, Beer Please

 Lazy Day Off. Yea there was things I should have done, just did not feel like it. Did some running around that need to be done.

 Last Year Rant About My Wife Shopping Habits. SoapBox Sue and I are both Deabetic so there are a lot of stuff we should not eat. She was sick year before last and lost 40 pounds due to the fact she ate very little. Dr took her off of one her Diabetic meds her A1C where so good! Yes She decided she was to thin (She Looked Great like when I meet her) and wanted to gain some of the weight back.

 Her grocery shopping habits have never been good when it came to junk food. Then it got worse! I was complaing her at the site about her buying Corn Dogs, Donut Holes, Cookies, Pasta, Ice Cream, Cakes, Pies, Pudding, Chips, White Bread, Bun's and other junk. Never fresh Vegtables, meats and whole wheat bread.

 Seems it caught up to her, she just got around to getting her A1C test. It was 10.2! Whistling Now some how it is my fault? I keep telling her to stop buying the junk food!

 Down in the dumps tonight, this is how I pretty much feel!


 Later, Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, April 10, 2015 6:47 PM


RE; weight issues and losing {propositions}.LAst fall I was weighed at teh Pulmonologists and weighed in at 275lbs. Since I am only a short 5'6", and with a 50" waist, I am rather short and fat.I am HYPOglycemic{opposite of diabetic-my sugar drops drastically all the time.}

I decided there was no way i was going to be 300lbs! so in Jan. I started a diet, cutting my eating in half. I also changed a lot of what I was eating. SInce I had the surgery I gained some back, but am back on it and now down from 275 to252.5!!! almost 25 LBS!

Now I don;t really expect to get below 200 {i should be 150 at the most}, but will take 200Lbs. Problem is then I will have to have the excess flabby skin removed {trust me I will}. THAT may drop a few more lbs below 200!

SO: to htose trying to lose it, I feel your pain!

TO those who HAVE lost, congrats, and keep it up {or is that "down"?}

MOH and I actually spent the whole afternoon together and didn't fight.

a step in the right direction.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, April 10, 2015 10:10 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Janie, I could sure use a hot cup of decaf right now...

Been anogther busy day around here.  Spent 10 hours or so doing Conventionm stuff.  Went over to school and picked up the MLK Scholarship applications, drove down to the trophy shop and ordered the Plaques for the contest room at the Convention  (Mortimer Junction being held at RIT, BTW), sent out Invoices to the entities that sponsor the plaques, and got a few more photos of what is going on in the living room...

This is what they are finding as the sheetrock on the North wall has been removed:

Looks nice doesn't it.  The contractor is writing up a report on what he estimates the new found damage will cost to fix this weekend.  He is going to email me his estimate and I will be sending it to the Insurance Adjuster.  He told the contractor that he figured we would be finding more as he got into the job and he will send a revisted report to the insurance company.  Looks like the new window will now get covered.  The contractor is going to have to remove all the siding on the North side of the house and replace the cheap stuff that was used with decent plywood, then put the siding back up.  Lucky I have a good supply of the siding that was left over from when I had it installed a decade or so ago.  Good thing as there is at least one broken panel...  The facia board on the outside will also have to be replaced:

Nice huh?  Found that the old insulation was installed wrong as well they stapled it to the inside of the 2 x 4s rather than on the edge like it is supposed to be done...

 Galaxy, Mr.B, I put on 90 lbs. in the first two years after my wife died!  Grief can do bad things to a person.  I was weighing in at 320lbs.!  Took me a few more years to get down to 280lbs. and I stayed there until about 3 years ago when I changed my eating habits and got more excersise back into my life.  I now weigh about 245lbs.  Need to get back down to 230 which is what I weighed the year she died.  I really want to drop to about 180 if I can.  One reason I never remarried is because it is hard to find a good woman when you weigh 320 lbs. WhistlingSigh  I dated a lot but never really got into a serious relationship.  I did have a good number of females after me, but they were not ones I wanted to say good morning to if you catch my drift. 

I think I have put in enough hours of w*rk for today...

See you all tomorrow!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, April 10, 2015 11:26 PM


G"d Evening Gang,

It has been a real swell day here. It got to 19 degrees C and no wind. It was so nice to get out the last couple of days and get some walking in on dry pavement. Tomorrow although it will still be about the same temp, it will however be windy they say. >>> My prayers and condolences to those Stateside who have been affected by those early Tornados.

Today I got some paint onto the Miles Beverage building from Downtown Deco. There are certainly a few kinks in working with a hydrocal building, but nothing that all of us can't handle. As Randy Pepperidge of D.D. says the painting is the fun part as the building really starts to take on a life of it's own.  I think I am really going to enjoy them. All told I have ten of them to build, that will take a while at my speed.

I went down to the layout twice today to do some more work on the elevated Station and got called away both times,    Dots - Sign      so nothing new down there.  Wil try again tomorrow.

I am slowly gaining more strength and I have to see the Doc. in Saskatoon on Monday. This is just for a follow up on the tear that occured when I went up on Mar. 11.  Nothing more.  I see the Cancer Clinic Crew in a couple of weeks for their follow up as well, but in the meantime we will visit my son in Montana for about six days.  It will be great to do something a little more out of the ordinary for me as of late.

Rob, Ulrich, and others who are under the weather,  you too Galaxy, I hope you all get feeling better soon and put this illness stuff behind you. Although it sure seems harder to do the older we get.  My BIL has just found out he has got Prostate Cancer now. Of the four BILs, one died a year ago of a massive coronary, the youngest of us died in Hawaii on holidays in January of a massive Coronary,  I've been battling tongue and throat cancer for almost two years now (1.5 yrs. after getting proper diagnosis) and now the last of the four with P.Cancer.   But we are still on the green side of the grass.

I think it is time to get horizontal for the night. Hope we all sleep well   Zzz   and wake refreshed.

So, till later ....Gators.

Johnboy out...................for some ZZZZzzzzssss.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by james saunders on Saturday, April 11, 2015 12:11 AM
Hey guys, I've been away for a number of months and obviously was shocked to see Jeff had passed. I'm going to try catch up over the next few days. take care all!

James, Brisbane Australia

Modelling AT&SF in the 90s

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 11, 2015 1:45 AM


April 11th, 2015!

For those in need:






verb tr., intr.: To walk through; to roam.


From Latin perambulare (to walk through), from per- (through) + ambulare (to walk). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ambhi- (around), which is also the source of ambulance, alley, preamble, bivouac, and obambulate. Earliest documented use: 1450.




“The state is home to a number of series where the deceased perambulate (‘The Walking Dead’, ‘Resurrection’).”
Brian Lowry; Increased Shooting in Georgia is About More Than Location; Variety (Los Angeles); May 6, 2014. 
Hmmm...need to tell this one to MOH:
O innocent victims of Cupid, / Remember this terse little verse: / To let a fool kiss you is stupid, / To let a kiss fool you is worse. -Yip Harburg, lyricist (8 Apr 1896-1981)


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 11, 2015 5:02 AM


 Galaxy, Mr.B, I put on 90 lbs. in the first two years after my wife died!  Grief can do bad things to a person.  I was weighing in at 320lbs.!  Took me a few more years to get down to 280lbs. and I stayed there until about 3 years ago when I changed my eating habits and got more excersise back into my life.  I now weigh about 245lbs.  Need to get back down to 230 which is what I weighed the year she died.  I really want to drop to about 180 if I can.  One reason I never remarried is because it is hard to find a good woman when you weigh 320 lbs. WhistlingSigh  I dated a lot but never really got into a serious relationship.  I did have a good number of females after me, but they were not ones I wanted to say good morning to if you catch my drift. 

RAY! I sent you a PM!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 11, 2015 6:22 AM


Flo, I´ll have a Cesar´s Salad and a glass of mineral water, please. All this talk about weight is getting to me Smile, Wink & Grin.

At 6´5", my weight is about 230 lbs., which is too much, given my ongoing heart issues. But with Petra being such an excellent cook, it is impossible to reduce. I just had a word with her on that and asked her not to fill my plate to the brim, add ater to the juices I drink and leave out the butter at all.

For those of you who want to reduce - the best diets around are "eth" and "etr", that is "eat only half" of what you used to, and, more important, "eat the right things". I know it takes a lot of will power, but it is possible. Just start by leaving out the following:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • sweet soft drinks
  • sweets & candies
  • unsaturated fats - butter, peanut butter
  • hamburger, hot dogs - any kind of "fast" food
  • white bread
  • snacks, like potato chips, the whole range of Mexican snacks
  • all those things marked " calorie reduced", "light" or whatever their deceptive label is.

The trick is to really change the amount and what you are eating and stay with it after you have reached the weight level you want to have. if you go back to old habits, it doesn´t take long before you are back to where you have been. If you can change the habit of having your main meal in the evening, it also helps.

Enough of that!

No plans for the rest of the day, just relax. My stomach is a little better, but I still feel a slight pain. Might run a train or two on my test loop of track.

CUL & have a great one!


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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 11, 2015 7:03 AM

Hi Ulrich!

I am 11" shorter {almost a whole foot} shorter than you, and 20 pounds heavier, you can carry it better at your height, I am just *short and fat*!

Besides changing what Petra serves, you might find your recent stomach surgery to help curb your appetite?

Fighting the "battle of the buldge" is hard work and no fun!

If you read my post, I DID say I cut back half my eating.

I never did/Do drink sugary sodas  or even sugary fruit juices, or alcohol, my drink of choice? plain old spring water.

I HAVE been on a chocolate binge of late, but it has waned, and now I am ignoring it.

I don't much "snack", if i was/am going to eat I want a meal, so I wait for it now...

I avoid anything labled as such, as I compare to the "normal" items, and often the reduced one is not to far reduced form the original, and/or contains stuff I won't eat in order to make it "reduced".

And, lastly, TOFU is NOT in my vocabulary.

Rice cakes are OK but I really don't want them either, and often, they are not so low on calories either! besides, eating them is leading to snacking.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:19 AM

james saunders
Hey guys, I've been away for a number of months and obviously was shocked to see Jeff had passed. I'm going to try catch up over the next few days. take care all!


James ! ...... What a pleasant surprise seeing you here ! .... Please feel free to update about yourself. .... Yes, it is very sad about Jeff. We miss him a lot. 


JohnBoy ... In spite of all you have been through, you still sound upbeat with a possitive attitude. I'm glad you can do model railroading and also plan a trip to see your son. I hope your upcoming medical appointemnts go very well. 

Looks like weather will be good for the outdoor work here. Shelley wants mulch on her gardens and she bought lots of it. Honey do ! 

We had 3 pallets of mulch and the people next door had 2 pallets of mulch delivered by Lowe's yesterday. Lowe's used a tractor trailer truck for that. The driver tried to turn around on our road. He screwed up. He drove towards the ravine and got stuck in the mud. He should have backed the trailer towards the ravine keeping the drive wheels of the tractor on the road. (We are at the end of a mile-long dead end road. ) 

Weight? .... I try not to be too heavy, but I am. More excercise should improve that. Ulrich had good advice on diet. 

When I get back to working on the railroad, I have four coal hopper car kits to assemble. 

 Happy Model Railroading. 




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Posted by angelob6660 on Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:32 AM

If we're talking the height/weight because we need to lose or try to eat better. 

I'm 5'8" and 180 pounds. I have a weight problem thru the years. Before my brother's dog I weighted at 210. Which for me was scary, because I tried to keep the weight on check.

I'm keeping it off for good. Perhaps my weight trouble isn't like yours but we do have the same problem.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:34 AM

Good Morning

Sunny but kinda windy this morning...we are currently at 35F going to a high of 55F later on.

Gotta do a bunch of stuff around the yard...wind permitting of course. Whistling

Well, a combination of chemo/radiation therapy, getting a load of fluid from around my heart off, and my earlier cutting back of what I ate and doing more exercise did me a favor...I went from 335lbs down to 185lbs...what Galaxy said about extra skin though is what I am dealing with now...le sigh.

With the virtual world, however, one can indulge in all kindsa food without packing on the poundage... Mischief

Chloe...I'll just have a glass of OJ and a bagel please...thank you.

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:20 AM

Back again - but just for a mug o´ coffee! And, Janie, hold the sugar, please!

People say I am a big guy. Whenever I enter a big room, folks will notice it without looking. And it is not because I smell Laugh.

I am cleaning up the memory card of my old digital camera. It´s like defragmenting the disc of my computer, but it takes longer than the battery of that dang beast would run.I have this camera for 10 years now and it´s certainly past its prime. I actually like that old box. It does not have the n th degree of megapixels, but an extremely good Leica lens and all the features I need for taing reasonably good pictures of my modeling attempts. I hate to see it fail on me, but the day will come.



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Posted by howmus on Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:28 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, just a bowl of ground up saw dust with skim milk and a couple pieces of burnt whole wheat toast dipped in water and a pot of dark roast coffee with no cream (maybe a packet of Stevia...) for me.  Huh?  Yeah, back dieting I guess.

Easter candy has been consumed (should have thrown it out, but you know, it was a present so......) and I only have 20 boxes of Girl Scout cookies left to tempt me...  Got on the scales this morning and it said 247lbs.  My biggest problem is lack of exercise. As soon as the weather gets a bit better I plan to start walking every day for at least a mile.  Can't hurt, I guess.

 Galaxy, got your PM.  Yes, weight and being in shape, healthy, is an important factor in a relationship....

Can't stay long....  Basement is filling up with water most likely....  I'll be back later (That is a warning)!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:29 AM

Extra strong coffee in an Undecorated mug with a pinch of coal dust, please and thank you.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:08 AM

Johnboy: Two words--Thank you. Your positive attitude and outlook in the face of adversity is inspiring. Thank you for sharing. My problems pale in comparison and I can only strive to have your level of optimism. Again, thank you.

My anchor activity for the day is to ride on te Bike Patrol at the El Tour de Mesa. The ETM is a charity ride that raises money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Bike Patrol is a group of more experienced riders that ride the course to render assistance to riders in need. Given my recent encounters on the bike, I have been assigned to patrol the "Fun Ride." This is a six-mile course for the young and young-at-heart. My responsiblity will be to bring up the rear. This means I will only be able to ride as fast as the slowest rider. Not the most aerobic workout, but fulfilling, none the less.


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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:21 AM

I got off on the weight issues tangent and keep forgetting I wanted to say this:

JOHNBOY:It is always good to see you in the diner! Here we are talking about food, and you can't even eat any! It IS nice to know you can tolerate trips other than to the Drs. office! Have fun. and keep us posted, I for one worry about you!


Been busy with chores all morning. Some down and dirty {no pun intended} and done right, others a "lick and a promise".

I will also get serious about finding us a  marriage counselor. WHile MOH has agreed to go, I don't want room for any "mind changing" in the meantime! MOH's work schedule is changing {getting different clients} so THAT may throw a monkey wrench into things too!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:28 AM
Good Morning!!!
6’ 3” and 203lbs here. Wife says I’d weigh 4 or 5 pounds less if I didn’t carry around all those dumb ideas soooo…., no diet for me.Laugh
Coffee and the breakfast pile please. Scrambled thank you.
Just stopped in to say howdy and to let you know I’m still above ground. Hope everyone had a great Easter. We did.
Happy B-Day Dennis.
Glad to see some healing going on. Especially you Johnboy. I truly wish something could get you swallowing again.
Good to hear Ulrich is out and about. I hope you get out more, even if it’s just for long walks before the weather turns too hot. You seem to be much happier than when you stay in. Praying for good outcome on the biopsy or whatever they call it there.
Looks like some “editing” has been done, but it seems like prayers for understanding are in need for Galaxy and his wife. You’re right. 15 years is a lot of time to throw away without at least trying. I hope counseling goes well.  
Ray, I’m sure you will, but just a reminder to be sure the insurance co knows you’re removing the wood furnace. You should get a lowered rate. Or I’d hope. Few bucks saved here and there you know. Like any repair job, the can of worms has been opened and you could use all the little breaks you can get. Although, I must say so far, your surprises seem to be less than I would have guessedYes.
Not much going on here othern spring stuff. Had to mow for the first time yesterday. I kid you not the grass shot up 6 inches from when I left Thursday morning to when I got back Thursday evening.
Best get going on my day. Have ceased on the trainroom until after the first of next month. All town cleanup is the first weekend and that is the day I need do dispose of all the scraps of wood and trim that I've saved over the years because I could use them. I've decided I'm not so away they go. THEN I can finish the walls. Might fix up some ribs this weekend.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 11, 2015 5:46 PM


Sat. 77 Sun. 81 Mon 80

6 hours since the last post. I don't have anything to say either.


I, too was wondering about that...thought I was the only one.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by JAMES MOON on Saturday, April 11, 2015 6:04 PM

Kind of disheartening as I have spent the last four days with the shop vac getting rid of all the water in my basement.  Howmus, I am afraid I may have to join you in a major house repair project.  Basement is in serious need of footing drains and waterproofing.  The shrubbery around the house is where it needs replacing and it probably is the right time to install proper footing drains and water proofing.  It sure has kept me from working on the layout this week.

Mr. Beasley, I have a friend who got into a weight loss contest with one of the local RCMP officers.  He lost 40 lbs.  My friend is 70 and plays center on a seniors hockey team.  He said he was amazed at how much better he felt on skates after losing the weight.

We finally had a nice break in the weather as there is not a cloud in the sky today.  Hopefully we go a few days without more rain as the Ohio River is only about a foot below serious flood stage.  We do have a few streets that flooded yesterday and are still flooded.  The joys of living in an old river town with no flood walls.

JohnBoy, nice to hear the weather is warming up in your part of the world and that you are back to working on some buildings.  Hope you avoid all the flooding they had last spring.


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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, April 11, 2015 6:14 PM

Beautiful day out today. I did some cleaning in the front yard and will do the back tomorrow as it's going to be even warmer out. I had to work a few hours today but am off tomorrow and Monday so want to get a lot of the yard cleaned. I might change the oil in the lawnmower too so it's all ready to go in a few weeks. I also am going to redo my telephone poles on the railroad so hope I can get at it Monday 

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:08 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer Please

 Today Sucked At Work Well that sums up most of my day! I worked with the X Manager Dave, or as I liked to call him "Space Cowboy". He was pretty much a space cadet today.

 Weight In my prime I was 6'3" and weighed in at 235 with a 34" waist. Sigh Well, I am still 6'3"! Laugh

 Later, Ken



I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:17 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a diet decaf coffee for me....  Huh?  Oh that's right coffee by itself is already diet, I guess.  Well I will just use stevia and a little cream.  I've been good all day!

... If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.
... A whale swims all day, mainly eat fish, drinks water, but is still fat.
... A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while
... A tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years.
And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so.

I managed to find few minutes to do a bit on the Keuka Creek area on the layout.  Got a little scenery started.  Still needs more, but it feels good to get this far!

I have been trying to keep ahead of the water down cellar...  Will start the siphon again before bed.  That will make 4 times so far today.  It will be running in again before morning....  Supposed to be nice and sunny tomorrow so that may let it slow down a bit.  Dug the rest of the Parsnips in the garden today....  Had some for supper.

Have a great night!  Prayers for all in need....


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:21 PM

Todd .... Good to see the Toddland report from you.

As for diets, I eat well balanced meals. .... Half nutrition and half junk food. 

We had our excercise today working in Shelley's gardens. ... Honey Do!




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Posted by up831 on Saturday, April 11, 2015 10:37 PM

Good Evening Diners,

Flo, I'll have an Earl Grey tea with cream and honey, please.

Had a short trip into Wisconsin for the weekend.  Church function.  This was Thursday evening.  Left home about 6:15 and got on th Fwy.  i was passing through Rockford at 7:00 pm.  it was raining hard and very dark.  I had seen some very low clouds a little earlier near Belvedere that looked like they could start rotating.  When I was going thru Rockford, I was hearing something that sounded like a siren or it could have been road noise, I wasn't sure.  Then I briefly heard what sounded like a low pitched rumble, but again it could have been road noise because it was brief and then I didn't hear it any more.  Whatever it was, it sounded like it was west and a little behind me.  I found out later that there had been an Ef4 tornado several miles south at Rochelle, IL at about that time.  Well, turns out that it wasn't close to where I was at all, but with the rain and hail and how dark it was, I was thinking I had just missed it by seconds.  Thankfully, that was not the case.  It was an interesting experience, though.

On the weight/health front, last June, my family got me a book titled "Wheat Belly" and suggested I stop eating wheat for a month to see if it made a difference.  It did!  I've lost some weight without dieting, I'm more awake and alert, and I have more energy.  Maybe it could help someone else.  Just a thought.

Nothing train wise tonight.

i hope everyone is OK and safe.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by cats think well of me on Saturday, April 11, 2015 11:10 PM

Good evening all. A bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake please Flo? 

About midnight on the lovely east coast. I'm planning on checking out the Timonium show tomorrow morning, first time I had been to one in 3-years, so I'm seriously looking forward to it. Not sure if I am buying anything, aside a book or two, but hey if I see something that makes me say, "I must have that!!" then I will. But a big part of the fun for me is just going and seeing what others have set up and learning/be inspired by them. I do plan to return to model railroading one day, but my plans for now will be occasional dioramas, and working on detailed models as resources permit.

Just ordered a Gransfors Bruks Small Forest Axe. The first in a series of several outdoor equipment purchases I plan to make this spring and summer. Later items will be a tent, and a sleeping bag. I'm really looking forward to camping, canoeing, grilling, hiking, kayaking, photography, and swimming. 

Cheers and wishing everyone an excellent Sunday,


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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:50 AM



... If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.
... A whale swims all day, mainly eat fish, drinks water, but is still fat.
... A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while
... A tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years.
And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so.

RAy:while MOH is keenly aware I am on a strict diet, MOH has a client on Saturday nights for primary job {but not for long?}.Well, MOH comes home with a foam container. I say "whats that?" {sometimes if they go out to eat while paired up, I get the "doggy bag"}. SO mOH says "you'll see". Comes over and gives me the styro box and on top it says" to the one I love, from me" with a heart on it. I open it. There is a HUGE 7" wide wedge of frosted Red velvet cake!!! Instead I asked where MOH got it, and was told "at "X"" {I can't tell you about "X' or I'd have to kill you, I am barely allowed to know about "X"}.

To say my face fell, and I grimaced would be an understatment. I said "of all things to bring me, You know I am on a strict diet, and you bring me this huge piece of cake?"-- that may not have been the most "thankful way" I could have said that, but MOH told me to "eat some anyways". NO. If i start on it, I will end up finishing what's a week's or MOnth's worth of severe diet cheating! Could it have ben a small piece? No. MOH says "well I nibbled on it, you finish it"-yeah MOH ate off the NON frosted side pointy of the wedge, and on far less cake than is left there! I will Not touch it! MOH can AFFORD the calories, I cannot.

whew of all the most stupidest things....

Zip it!

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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