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Elliot's Trackside Diner...AUGUST 2013!! Locked

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 10, 2013 7:15 PM


There was a wee bit 'o' the wearin' 'o' the Kilt today.

Got compliments at McD's, but stares at the mens room along the highway close to home. Expected that. OBVIOUSLY fit right in in CUse.

Went to CUSE today {That is Sarah Cuse to the rest of you, though opponents might say its sarah EXcuse.} to the 72 Annual Scotish games and Celtic festival. Go there early enough that my Handicapped plates helped us to get THE spot next to THE entry gate to get in. We were early enough to avoid most of the crowds. Picked up a few things for the Kilting outfit. Almost complete. Told MOH we shouldn't really spend the money!

There was a wee bit 'o' the wearing of the red sunburn! Fair of face, full burn on skin!!! Red hair and a sunburn to match! Noxema, here we come!

Of course that was in direct sun for just 45 mins for opening ceremonies on the hill.

well, came home exhausted. Hip actaully held out quite well, of course the onboard pain meds help to disguise the pain. My back, the old critter, was the one giving me more grief!

Thinking of Jeffrey as his day arrives soon!

GOod to see CAPE JIM in.

well, best go now.

Tired, bed soon.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, August 10, 2013 7:17 PM

Jake : World of warplanes looks like a pretty fun game, have you checked out world of tanks?.

As far as WWII games go I still dabble in axis and allies on the PC as well as Gary Grigbys world at war and  Hearts of Iron. I have been playing those games for years. I also have every Axis and allies board game that has been released. The only thing that's rivals my model trains is collecting of Military history books. I think last count I was at over 300. Some of the were my grandfather who was in the Canadian Navy, I have his medals above my bookshelf.

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Posted by soilwork on Saturday, August 10, 2013 8:49 PM

               Good evening everyone!! After this hectic work week I had, I will have a Jim Bean on the rocks please. I worked 65 hrs this week. Today was slow because everyone was out spending money durning  the Mass no tax weekend, so the home delivery stop count was low today. Took advantage of the slow day and left early to get some much needed sleep, I'm going to need it for my 70hr work week next week. Hopefully I will be able to find some time to get to the hobby shop and pick up a few Bowser CP C630s' and a few structures to fill up my layout. Have another date with that girl I met on Zoosk next Saturday night, really looking forward to it. We really hit it off, this could be the one!!

              Jeff- Best of luck and wishes with your upcoming surgery, Your health comes first!!

Have a great evening everyone!!!


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, August 10, 2013 9:50 PM

Today has been fairly restful. We got some rain this afternoon along with a bunch of lightning and thunder. Went into town this evening with my father and step-mother as we had dinner plans with other family members. Stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a couple cans of starting fluid for the van and a surge suppressor for the Apple computer in my room. My father says the grounding down there is good but I don't trust wiring I didn't see getting installed. Heck, I installed the wiring in my trailer and did a great job of it according to the electrician who inspected it. Even so I still use surge suppressors.

That's all for tonight. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Saturday, August 10, 2013 10:31 PM


Jake : World of warplanes looks like a pretty fun game, have you checked out world of tanks?.

As far as WWII games go I still dabble in axis and allies on the PC as well as Gary Grigbys world at war and  Hearts of Iron. I have been playing those games for years. I also have every Axis and allies board game that has been released. The only thing that's rivals my model trains is collecting of Military history books. I think last count I was at over 300. Some of the were my grandfather who was in the Canadian Navy, I have his medals above my bookshelf.

No I haven't. However, I don't think that I would have a real interest in it since I'm not into tanks at all. My dad is, but not me.

Other than researching the P-51A Mustang and buying the Me Bf 110B in the game, not much on that front.

On the modeling front, I have the B-25J Mitchell close to completion, and the parts for the Zero are now washed for when I start painting the B-25J. Might not be until next weekend though cause I'm going to be busy with college this coming week.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, August 10, 2013 11:17 PM

Howdy ...

Liba .... Good to see you at he Diner.

JimCG ..... Long time no see! Good to see you! Hope you can find more time for the Diner soon. Your comments always add a lot.  You asked about Ulrich. He vosots when he can, but is very busy with the German polical campaign.

Tom in PA  .... I like the NS Heritage photo. I wish NS would paint all its locos in attractice colors isntead of dismal black.

Galaxy .... Sounds like Kilt Day was a big success. I'm happy for you that you had a good time. Hopefully, the hip pain will fade away and quit bothering you.

BArry ... You were talking about jam. Is that Barry Jam?

Looks like some very nice model rairloaders in some of the other forums Jeff belongs to. Some have familiar faces. I offered to help as a messenger after Jeff's surgery because Jeff has so many friends. Jeff is a popular guy for sure.

Speaking of ailments, my old drunk driver injury (my back) is really bothering me this weekend. Hard to get much physicak stuff done. I don't like drunk drivers at all.

In spite of that, I did a little construction on teh layout today. Every little bit helps.








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Posted by james saunders on Sunday, August 11, 2013 12:45 AM

Sorry it's been a while since my last post! Been a busy week.

We have the choice of the Tilt Train or the Sunlander, depending on how leisurely you want to take the trip north to Cairns.

Its an overnight trip to Cairns so we will catch up with the train when it arrives in Cairns.

James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, August 11, 2013 2:47 AM

morning coffee in the diner...


Today is Sunday, August 11th, 2013!!


To 'know the ropes' is a good thing, SO:

To understand how to do something. To be acquainted with all the methods required


The short version:

Anyone who knows what they're doing is said to 'know the ropes'. The origin is from sailing, where sailing ships with many sails and masts also had a lot of ropes, which were confusing to a new hire. It took a while to learn how to handle the ship, its sails and thus its ropes.  So, old sailors taught the new ones so the new ones would soon 'know the ropes'.

The longer version:                    

know the ropes

There is some doubt about the origin of this phrase. It may well have a nautical origin. Sailors had to learn which rope raised which sail and also had to learn a myriad of knots. There is also a suggestion that it comes from the world of the theatre, where ropes are used to raise and lower scenery etc.

The first citation comes in Richard H. Dana Jr's Two years before the mast, 1840:

"The captain, who had been on the coast before and 'knew the ropes,' took the steering oar"

That clearly has a seafaring connection, although it appears to be using the figurative meaning of the phrase, that is, 'the captain was knowledgeable', but without any specific allusion to ropes.

There are also early citations that come from the theatre. J. Timon, in Opera Goer, 1850 includes this:

"The belle of two weeks standing, who has 'learned the ropes'."

The nautical derivation seems more attractive and convincing, but the jury has to remain out on this one.



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by ONR FAN on Sunday, August 11, 2013 5:27 AM



There was a wee bit 'o' the wearin' 'o' the Kilt today.



Galaxy, PICTURES or it didn't happen, LOLOL.   I was in a wedding party a few years ago and we wore Kilt's.  I couldn't believe the cost of everything.  It was a great time.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:19 AM

I was in a wedding party a few years ago and we wore Kilt's.  I couldn't believe the cost of everything.  It was a great time.

Photos or it didn't happen.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:46 AM


I was in a wedding party a few years ago and we wore Kilt's.  I couldn't believe the cost of everything.  It was a great time.

Photos or it didn't happen.

Oh, I agree. Photos?

Actually we have to get a digital camera. We were going to stop by friends on the way home for just that...but they had "something going on" and we did not know if they would be home, or would be home and entertaining! They are going with us to the festival next month we are going to. MAYBE then I will get some pics! Now, posting HERE will be another matter.

AND I certainly will NOT post here "what I wear under my kilt".......Whistling


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:52 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and the Sunday breakfast buffet please, thanks.

Sunny, with a high near 84.

Didn’t get much done in the yard yesterday but I did get the weeding in the back done so that means only the front yet. Then the bushes need trimmed and the trees do as well. We did get to myyyy Chinese buffet , which is part of the reason I didn’t get much done upon my return to the houseSleep. Suki’s gone missingSurprise. She hasn’t been there for about a week and a half now. I fear she’s been traded. If so, my two favorite waitresses have left me. First Nancy, then now a year and a half later…Sigh...,Suki. Tsk. Oh well. Brenda said to not worry about it, “you’ll find another”. I said “I doubt it. They were irreplaceable! (leans back in chair) Besides, I just don’t think I can let myself get that “close” again. (sniff)” I may have carried that just a bit far, but I managed to get off with just an icy stareLaugh. And then we went to Walmart so she could get her TV to give away at the Fall Festival so she was happy again. "Raffle off" I guess is the correct term. It's a 47’  Vizio LED  HD smart TV. Thinking about getting one for the basement to replace the RCA which nothing is wrong with except it’s not HD. The one upstairs is 47” and a smart hd tv and we like it I suppose, except we don’t use it on the internet except when it comes up and says it needs to update its’ software. But the one downstairs is not smart so, if you want to get on the internet with it you have to plug in a computer (whoopty do) to raise its’ intelligence. And it’s only 42”…….., on second thought we’ll stick with what we have.

Welp, Fair day today for us. It’s Veterans Day at the Illinoyz State Fair!!!  Vets get in free. We park on the grounds in the infield of the track and IIRC, we I pay more than if we paid admission and parking off grounds across the street. Ahhh my wifeLeft HugRight Hug.  Love ya babe!!!!    Anywho, that’s my plans for the day. Walk around someplace I really don’t care a lot about, and eat stuff. Tradition. But first, Church is throwing a surprise Anniversary party for the Preacher and his wife (ssssshhhh). That’s at 10:30 and we usually head out to the fair about 11-12noon so that’ll be just peachy I suppose.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by JeremyB on Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:28 AM

Morning guys,

Had a strange noise in the basement yesterday and actually heard it back a month or so ago. Its sounds like a loud snapping noise? I am trying to figure out what it could be. Either its my pc chair or a plastic container here beside me that I keep paid bills in. I think the weight of stuff I have on it causes is to snap down if it wasn't closed completely and when I snap it myself it sounds like that.

When I first heard it last month I thought it came from a electrical outlet. I checked them and there fine, I think if the outlet was to short it would trip a breaker first. Plus all the outlets work fine. Another possibility is my old tube TV could be making the noise or the entertainment center which always makes all sorts of creeks is finally giving out. Which would be fin as I cant stand how big it is. I would defiantly go with something smaller in the future.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:34 AM

Good morning. It's 73° with 100% humidity. The high will be 95° (feel like 108°) and there's a fair chance of thunderstorms.
 with a

It's Sunday! My last day of freedom for a while. Today I'll move some more stuff down to my fathers place and I'll set up the surge suppressor. I could let my father do it but he'll make a major operation out of it and still manage to screw it up. The outlet is behind a table leg so I got a suppressor that lays flat against the wall. It will cover the outlet and the cords will plug into the sides of it at up to a 90° angle relative to the wall. It's an RCA unit, only 1,200 joule but that should be sufficient for my needs. It has six outlets, three per side.

Tonight I'll be making preparations for leaving. Early tomorrow morning the a/c unit will be set to 81° to keep it a safe temperature in here for the electronics, the water heater and surge suppressor strips will be turned off and the water will be turned off. The only electric items that will be running will be the fridge, a/c, a small fan on the hallway ceiling and a small fan in the bedroom. The two fans are for air circulation.

Speaking of fans, the black IIe I have set up here has a DC case fan mounted in the case lid. It gets it's power from an outside power source. An old AT computer power supply I scrounged from a lightning blasted HP computer a neighbor gave me. The power supply box (it's fan is long gone) is open to the air so there's no danger of it overheating and as it's next to the back wall not much chance of arrant hands getting into it. The fan is powered from one of the 3.5" floppy power plugs. It's a somewhat wild setup but it works. I've used a similar setup to power the lights on my layout. The 5v side can pull a lot of lights. I had twenty-seven structures lit and that was with the small Christmas lights. Each structure had two lights connected in series so that was over fifty lights and they were on 24/7 for over ten years. So think about that before you toss that old AT computer power supply and those Christmas lights you don't use anymore. You can also use a more modern computer power supply but you'll probably have to wire a large resistor to it to put a load on it. Without a load it won't turn on.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, August 11, 2013 8:11 AM

Good Morning

Another nice and sunny day for us....high near 72...mmmmm...where did summer, as in HHH, go to?  ???

The band did the club in last night...packed house, and blown fuses!! LOL!!!  P-)  (rofl)  ???  (:)) It appears  that one of their staff put in the worgn fuses and we showed up, LOL!!  (rofl) But we did the show, with back up fuses installed, after the the night manager found where the other package of fuses went....

BTW...whoever was asking about the video...the club we are at is getting a professional to do this in a few weeks...we shall see then....  ;)

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Posted by pascaff* on Sunday, August 11, 2013 10:25 AM

Morning All,

  Currently it is 61 with an expected high of 87.

  Yesterday got quite a bit done around the house, but no modeling. need to go grocery shopping and then cook up a few meals. Maybe get a chance to work on a building, or do some scenery w**k. That is if something else does not pop up. Daughters usually need something done at the house, or automobile questions, plus next door neighbor lady, if she sees me wants to chat up a storm. 

   Jeff - Good luck tomorrow, you will be in my prayers for a successful surgery, and recovery.

   Prayers to all in need.


Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Sunday, August 11, 2013 12:31 PM

Aw, c'mon.  Last week it was the microwave.  I picked one up yesterday and installed it, a nasty job as it's one of the over-the-stove models.  You'd think that the present version of basically the same unit would just be a quick replacement fit, but every bracket and hole for mounting screws was different.  So, that was most of my day.

Today, I went to look at what I thought was a leaky bottle from my wife's art supplies.  No, it's a problem with the oil burner.  We've got forced hot water, and the system also heats the domestic hot water, so it runs a bit, even in the summer.  I can't tell for sure, but it looks like the expansion tank is shot.  I've got a call in to the oil burner people.  Such a nice day.  I had hoped to go for a bike ride, but now it looks like I'm stuck here waiting for the service guy.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, August 11, 2013 2:43 PM

The Apple IIe I have set up in my room at my fathers place. The table looks like it's bearing up well under the weight.

I did some work on the old Frankenstein computer I have in the office down there. It's slow but it gets me where I need to go on the net. I put that computer down there shortly after hurricane Rita blew through here in 2005. Today I put in a powered four port USB hub, an SD card reader and a four gig flash drive. That gets it kind'a caught up with what I have here. I also took one of my cameras down there along with a battery charger to keep the batteries up. Also taken down were my Dremel, Dremal bits and accessories, pliers, needle nose pliers, small wire snips, large wire snips, pair of scissors, wire stripper, assortment of screwdrivers, a meter, some toggle switches and a bit of wire.

I'll be leaving at 5am tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, August 11, 2013 3:29 PM


I'll be leaving at 5am tomorrow.

Godspeed, Jeff. We're praying for you, pulling for you, and wishing you the best. I have faith the operation will go as well as can be expected. 

Galaxy:  ,Perhaps you can explain "Godspeed"  I read "Goodbye" has a similar origin. ..... .Also, I'm still glad you had fun on kilt day. 

Paul ... Uh, oh. You had better hide from the lady next door. 

Mr. B. ..... I know what you mean about waiting for repairmen when you have other things you would prefer doing with the time. 

Interesting about MA's no tax day. ..... TN has one at pre school time, too. ... Now, if every day was tax free, we would be happy. 




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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Sunday, August 11, 2013 3:47 PM

Hey fella's, I know I said I put the trains away but I can't help really wanting to build a layout. I think I'm gonna try to do a 4 x 4 N scale layout . it'll be easy hopefully, a track plan with a passing siding and some other stuff not sure what yet.... I keep looking at model train layouts, it's eating away at me and I really want one. 

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by ONR FAN on Sunday, August 11, 2013 4:04 PM

Great day today.  Went to the CARM convention with my buddy ex forum member TA462.  Bought a couple kits I've been looking for and met a few great modellers.  Dave's wife let us take her Jeep to the show with the roof off, my son had a blast and Dave let him steer.  First time he ever had the chance to sort of drive a vehicle.   Living in the country has its advantages, lol.  Went back to Dave's house for a late afternoon barbecue and a few beers before we headed home.  Great day spent with good friends and my son, it couldn't have been any better. 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, August 11, 2013 4:17 PM

ONR FAN .. Glad you had a good day. What is CARN? 

Gary .... Go ahead and make the layout if you want. 





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Posted by ONR FAN on Sunday, August 11, 2013 4:48 PM

CARM is the Canadian version of the NMRA.   A great organization for us Canadians who want to attend conventions, shows and meets a little closer to home then what the NMRA offers.   I know Dave would love to return as a member of the Forum but he was banned for life because of a PM he sent to another forum member.   He was under a lot of stress at the time, his wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer and he responded to a PM sent by NP2626 in a not very polite way.  He asked to return, apologized to the MR staff and Steve Otte and Company refused to let him back in.  Most people remember my buddy Dave as a great modeller and a true asset to the hobby.  I truly don't understand the MR staff but it is their show.   People make mistakes in life but banning someone for life because they phoned them to complain is a little bit off the wall if you ask me.  Considering the circumstances that let up to it I would have at least listened to him.

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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Sunday, August 11, 2013 5:27 PM


CARM is the Canadian version of the NMRA.   A great organization for us Canadians who want to attend conventions, shows and meets a little closer to home then what the NMRA offers.   I know Dave would love to return as a member of the Forum but he was banned for life because of a PM he sent to another forum member.   He was under a lot of stress at the time, his wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer and he responded to a PM sent by NP2626 in a not very polite way.  He asked to return, apologized to the MR staff and Steve Otte and Company refused to let him back in.  Most people remember my buddy Dave as a great modeller and a true asset to the hobby.  I truly don't understand the MR staff but it is their show.   People make mistakes in life but banning someone for life because they phoned them to complain is a little bit off the wall if you ask me.  Considering the circumstances that let up to it I would have at least listened to him.

yes, that's a real lovely thing that he says about the diner on the first page..... see this is the problem I have with many model railroaders. "if you don't model the way I do, you're no modeler at all." it's almost enough to remove any ties I have to model railroading groups, that's why I cut my ties to the gaming forums because they all behaved like that. Almost all of the posters in here have a layout and a darn good one at that, same with many of the TB folks and NSO FB page users as well... sorry for joining the hobby and having no space for a massive layout and preferring to buy loco's and rolling stock over DCC. 


I'm not saying anything bad about TA462 as he helped me when I had first started here. it just frustrates me.

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by ONR FAN on Sunday, August 11, 2013 5:49 PM

I don't think you read it the way it was intended Gary.   He was talking about a small minority of people that have seemed to take over the forum.   Read the whole thread, he praises MR magazine as a great magazine to get people in the hobby, buys numerous copies every month to promote the hobby and says it is a great magazine for new and inexperienced modellers to learn from.  Dave never mentioned if you don't model the way I do your no modeller at all.   He was talking about the vocal minority.  

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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Sunday, August 11, 2013 5:58 PM

I don't know I remember Monster railroad referencing the MRR forums in one of his videos and it wasn't a very positive reference. 

ONR the way I read it, it sure seems like it was an insult. supporting MRR by buying magazines and giving them away is nice and all but I'm tired of the whole back in my day style thing that happens in this hobby more often than it should. talking about building kits, blaming RTR for the hobbies demise, trying to get young people to join the hobby but then insulting them at the same time, and various other things. 

There aren't many kits in N, RTR saves time that modelers like me that are often short of because of economical situations requiring more time and money to be spent/taken for non hobby related things. The hobby dying threads like the most recent one insulting younger modelers and those who've yet to join it's just very monotonous and annoying. I feel as if I should no longer participate in the forum or even the hobby sometimes. 

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by JeremyB on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:20 PM

Jeff: I just wanted to send over a message here at the diner wishing you luck tomorrow and for the coming days. I will be thinking of you tomorrow for sure, I will be out on my bike around the time you leave so wanted to post this now.

Evening guys,

I was on my bike this morning around 5:30am until 7:15am. I biked past the tracks on the way to the trails but didn't see anything. Other the that I just watched the NASCAR race today and cleaned the house. Im expecting a few parts for my bike to arrive tomorrow sometime.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:28 PM

Hi ONR .... I certainly did not want to open a can of worms, but I recall TA462 was an asset to the forum. If private conversations became unfriendly, at least it was not public. I recall NP2626, and have not seen him here lately either. .... Earlier you posted a link to another forum, and I see you wisely edited out that link. It was a thread in another forum, and I did see comments made about MR by other posters (not TA462) that were unfair to MR. ....  As a general rule, I think model railroaders tend to be better citizens than the general public.. So, I think disagreements between people in this hobby can be resolved in most cases.       Of course, this is Kalmbach's forum, and we should be mindful of their rules at all times. .... That said, please tell TA462 (Dave) we miss his posts. 




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Posted by ONR FAN on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:30 PM

Burlington Northern #24


ONR the way I read it, it sure seems like it was an insult. supporting MRR by buying magazines and giving them away is nice and all but I'm tired of the whole back in my day style thing that happens in this hobby more often than it should. talking about building kits, blaming RTR for the hobbies demise, trying to get young people to join the hobby but then insulting them at the same time, and various other things. 

There aren't many kits in N, RTR saves time that modelers like me that are often short of because of economical situations requiring more time and money to be spent/taken for non hobby related things. The hobby dying threads like the most recent one insulting younger modelers and those who've yet to join it's just very monotonous and annoying. I feel as if I should no longer participate in the forum or even the hobby sometimes. 


Dave is a big supporter of RTR, his layout is probably 50% kits and 50% RTR.  He is all about the detail, it doesn't matter if he bought it or built it.   I agree, the hobby is dying threads are annoying but look at the people that participate in them.   Its the same guys all the time, the vocal minority as I like to call them. 

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Posted by ONR FAN on Sunday, August 11, 2013 6:35 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Hi ONR .... I certainly did not want to open a can of worms, but I recall TA462 was an asset to the forum. If private conversations became unfriendly, at least it was not public. I recall NP2626, and have not seen him here lately either. .... Earlier you posted a link to another forum, and I see you wisely edited out that link. It was a thread in another forum, and I did see comments made about MR by other posters (not TA462) that were unfair to MR. ....  As a general rule, I think model railroaders tend to be better citizens than the general public.. So, I think disagreements between people in this hobby can be resolved in most cases.       Of course, this is Kalmbach's forum, and we should be mindful of their rules at all times. .... That said, please tell TA462 (Dave) we miss his posts. 


I will for sure and I know he would appreciate it. 

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