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Elliot's Trackside Diner...AUGUST 2013!! Locked

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Posted by pascaff* on Saturday, August 24, 2013 12:01 PM

Afternoon All,

  Currently it is 68 with an expected high of 88 under smokey skies. The Yosemite fire, and two others in Ca. are sending lots of smoke our way.

   Cardiologist appointment on Wed. went well, as expected. I am still his healthiest patient. Cataract surgery on Thursday went well also. The follow up yesterday showed that my left eye is now 20/15 Can't wait to get the right one done in two weeks. Have to put drops in 4 times a day, and wear a plastic eye shield at night for a week. The shield is so I do not rub my eye while sleeping. Have to take things easy for a few weeks, no heavy lifting, or straining, and wear real dark glasses when outside. 

   Happy B-Day Jim.

   Prayers to all in need.


Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, August 24, 2013 8:50 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and the Brakeman’s special please. Over easy and whole wheat thank you.

Sunny, with a high near 87.

Johnboy- Thoughts and prayers on the neck results.

Hey Ken! Runner sounds good!

Galaxy- Yep I read the limericks and yep I read the word etymologies. Well most. Some, like todays I figured obvious so I didn’t.  I think you hit the nail on the head when you said “unless the title phrase interests them”, cause most times I do just skim.

Happy birthday late there OZJim!!

Today, I do believe I will get to the shed doors. Brenda has to take Missy to the doggy doctor for her Rabies vaccine and her county registration. Probably will want to check for worms too. Never had them since little puppy and I check, but the meds she’s on require an exam for the guarantee. She mentioned that we are going out to eat Monday because that’s when the big move for “my” buffet happens and I am NOT to go there without her. Nothing to do with the waitresses, she just does not like it if I go to a restaurant that she has not been to without her. She can, but I can’t. Figure THAT one out. Hmm On second thought, don’t bother. It’d be a waste of time and brain powerHuh?.

Best get a move on cause who knows what will be in store for me once Brenda gets back from the vets so I better get started on something or she’ll find something for me.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, August 24, 2013 8:24 AM

Good morning. It's 75° with 93% humidity. The high will be 95° (feel like 100°).
 with a

No plans for today except to relax and take it easy.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:56 AM


EDIT: PS: does everyone enjoy the new postings? Does the daily limerick make you smile? or do you just pass by my postings?

The limerick is good but the rest has become long and is quite a bit of a read, especially for someone with dyslexia. Sorry but that's the way it is.

Just think aobut getting it all typed in trying for zero errors with dyslexia problems!!!

Perhaps I will see about keeping them shorter now. I am sure others fear it is too long to read all of it, unless the titled prhase interests them.

I am trying to get away to other 'fun things' besides just regurgitationg facts aobut a phrase.

I've got some limericks htat may be  tongue twisters coming up I think for the next few days.Some i find, others I make up {badly,perhaps}


Laundry again today. then it will be done for a few days. Must get cat to stay off the bed so i can do the bed clothes! A few dishes and then done for the day i guess.

Dinner will be boneless pork dredged in egg and seasoned flour mixtures, then baked to perfection to seal in the juices, sides will be determiend, though sure to include tom-bas-mozz salald {tomato, basil, mozzarella salad, seasoned with EVOO {Extra Virgin Olive Oil} and slat/pepper.  A splash of balsamic vinegar adn all set}.





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:44 AM

Happy B-Day to James, Brisbane Australia!





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:35 AM

EDIT: PS: does everyone enjoy the new postings? Does the daily limerick make you smile? or do you just pass by my postings?

The limerick is good but the rest has become long and is quite a bit of a read, especially for someone with dyslexia. Sorry but that's the way it is.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by liba on Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:30 AM

Happy birthday! OZ Jim. Bear. I think having to wear green& gold don't help. I' m not sure about Thugby, but Australia's sporting colours were Royal Blue&yellow. No u are the best in the world in Rugby. Cricket however?

thanks . My Brother out laws back from South Carolina, spent some time in viva Los Vegas, come back looking like a over tanned entertainer . 

 Cup of tea & a bowl of fruit loops, please.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:17 AM

good morning

we are going for another sunny day with high near 75 today.

I now have the little Spring cuddled up on my I'm here typing with my other arm.

My day will be taken over by SWMBO's honey do I better be at the dang thing...I might get some train time....tomorrow....  :(

Oh...Chloe...I'll have 6 super-sized Angus beefburgers with all the fixin's and a coupla tubs of that poutine as well please...just bring the truck to the back booth thanksMischiefWhistling...There that should bring Garry appetite is backMischiefLaugh

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by "JaBear" on Saturday, August 24, 2013 6:19 AM

A belated Happy B-DayBeer OzJim, and I won't even mention the rugby. Whistling

Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.

Cheers, the Bear.

Edit. the best I can do is put the eats and drinks on my tab, please Chloe.

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by james saunders on Saturday, August 24, 2013 6:13 AM

It was my birthday yesterday so I went out with the family tonight for dinner, went to a steak house and had some great ribs and a nice steak Smile

Went and picked up a couple of Intermountain cylindrical hoppers today, very nice models although one likes to derail, a quick adjustment to the wheelsets fixed that!

Also spent some time drooling over the Intermountain heritage units, the LHS had all 10 on display.... Man they are nice!

Time for bed, had a few beers Wink

James, Brisbane Australia

Modelling AT&SF in the 90s

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 24, 2013 2:47 AM

morning coffee in  the diner...


Today is Saturday, August 24th, 2013!!




Today's fun limerick:

Said an envious, crudite ermine,

"There's one thing I cannot determine;

When a dame wears my coat,

She's a person of note;

When I wear it, I'm called a vermine!"

Do you know what an 'Aglet' is? - It is the ornamental end of a shoelace

Have you ever done an 'Antapology'? - That is, A reply to an apology (good or bad).

Most of us are guilty of 'Antonomasia' - When one uses a trademark as a generic term. Perfect examples are using 'Kleenex' to refer to all tissues or 'Xerox' to refer to all copied documents. {This is more of a legal term, than a social one}

I know, I know it may be educational, but some of you think this is all 'Badot' - Meaning 'silly'


We often refer to somnething to something as a 'stone's throw away', SO:


A short distance


A stone's throw is, of course, literally the distance that a stone can be thrown. It has come to mean any short but undefined distance. Early English versions of the Bible refer to 'a stone's cast' with the same meaning, as in Luke 22:41, Wycliffe's Bible, 1526, for example:

in nd he gat himself from them, about a stone's cast,

'Stone's throw' was used in a non-biblical setting by the end of the 16th century. Arthur Hall's translation The Ten books of Homers Iliades, 1581, contains this line:

"For who can see a stones throw of ought thing in land or plaine?"

Stones hadn't then been established as the definitive objects to be thrown  and the following year Nicholas Lichefield wrote:

"The enimyes were come, within the throwe of a Dart."

All forms of the phrase were little used and it wasn't until 1704 that Jonathan Swift revived it in The battle of the books:

"The two Cavaliers had now approach'd within a Throw of a Lance."

The 'stone's throw' variant was established properly by John Arbuthnot in The History of John Bull, 1712, and, following that, there are many citations of the phrase.

"Mrs. Bull's condition was looked upon as desperate by all the men of art; but there were those that bragged they had an infallible ointment and plaister, which being applied to the sore, would cure it in a few days; at the same time they would give her a pill that would purge off all her bad humours, sweeten her blood, and rectify her disturbed imagination. In spite of all applications the patient grew worse every day; she stunk so, nobody durst come within a stone's throw of her, except those quacks who attended her close, and apprehended no danger."


We also know some people are described as "stone cold", SO:


Very cold

Origin: {Shakespeare, naturally!}:

From Shakespeare's Henry V, 1598:

Hostess: Nay, sure, he's not in hell: he's in Arthur's bosom, if ever man went to Arthur's bosom. A' made a finer end and went away an it had been any christom child; a' parted even just between twelve and one, even at the turning o' the tide: for after I saw him fumble with the sheets and play with flowers and smile upon his fingers' ends, I knew there was but one way; for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and a' babbled of green fields. 'How now, sir John!' quoth I 'what, man! be o' good cheer.' So a' cried out 'God, God, God!' three or four times. Now I, to comfort him, bid him a' should not think of God; I hoped there was no need to trouble himself with any such thoughts yet. So a' bade me lay more clothes on his feet: I put my hand into the bed and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone; then I felt to his knees, and they were as cold as any stone, and so upward and   upward, and all was as cold as any stone.

Shakespeare used various 'as cold as' similes, including 'as cold as a snowball' and 'as cold as if I had swallowed snowballs'.


After a "roling stone gathers no moss" and tgoday's stoned topics, Please, please don't stone me for this posting!


Make It a great day!


EDIT: PS: does everyone enjoy the new postings? Does the daily limerick make you smile? or do you just pass by my postings?




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 24, 2013 2:23 AM


 Hello Dinners!

 Flo, Beer pleases! Plus I am picking up the tab tonight!

 Sorry I have been missing so long! I have been wrapped up in my Road Runner! Still have a up hill battle but she lives! Big Smile

 Man she fired right up as soon as she got gas! Have yet to tune her, but she sounds nice and crisp when given some gas!

 I hope all is well for the other folks here, and I will try to stop in more often!



GOOD to SEE you KEN!

We have been wondering about you!

Keep us posted!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, August 24, 2013 2:22 AM


Afternoon folks!

Just popping in to say hi.  Hi!

Another hour I will be on my way to Canandaigua for the first event of our 3 day reunion celebration.  Will be fun (I hope)!

Oh, Galaxy...  The POTUS wasn't anywhere near where you are???  He was about 12 miles down the road from where I live.  He stopped in Seneca Falls to visit the Women's Rights National Park.  I was going to take a card over to my son to deliver at a wedding reception tomorrow that I can't attend.  He said not to even try last night!  His road was completely blocked off and he had to produce his driver's license with his address to be able to get home after shopping yesterday afternoon.  He lives on a back way into Waterloo and Seneca Falls.


RAY- POTUS  was about,oh, maybe 6-8 miles away. BUT I had to go right by BU on the Parkway to get to the dentist, and would have gotten snarled up in the traffic stoppage!

SO I changed the APPT.

No bigggie.

Sad thing is they called it "town hall meeting" but it was NO Town in it. Only Students faculty adn a few well placed reps/leaders from the area. Gov't Cuomo met him in Bufallo, so he did not appear here too as many were hoping! Potus gave a good talk broadcast on the local news live broadcast about making college affordable and how students can pay for it. Hence the students only regime. No political stuff here, so that is all I will say!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, August 23, 2013 10:03 PM

 Hello Dinners!

 Flo, Beer pleases! Plus I am picking up the tab tonight!

 Sorry I have been missing so long! I have been wrapped up in my Road Runner! Still have a up hill battle but she lives! Big Smile

 Man she fired right up as soon as she got gas! Have yet to tune her, but she sounds nice and crisp when given some gas!

 I hope all is well for the other folks here, and I will try to stop in more often!





I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 23, 2013 9:15 PM

Got a little bit accomplished today. I duct taped over a big gap under the a/c unit in my fathers office. I had to get down on the floor for that. Getting back onto the chair was easier than I thought it would be. I just grabbed the seat so I could get onto both knees then got my one foot planted on the floor and pushed up and turned around so I landed on the seat. Nothing to it. Then I pulled the filter out of the a/c unit and cleaned it and put it back in place. Just needed a good vacuuming. Reset the filter change alert and that was that. If he's smart he'll put a fiberglass filter in it. Those cheap screen filters the units come with only catch big stuff. Dust gets through and clogs up the coils. However he's one of those who doesn't spend the extra buck on appliances even if it means saving money down the road. But give him a new car and he's off buying the extended warranty on it like a shot! My step mother made a very good taco soup today. There's a bit left so I may have that for lunch tomorrow. My doc appointment for today got moved to Friday, the 30th and my appointment in Oakdale got moved from Monday to Tuesday and I have to go by the Louisiana Transit van there and back so it's going to be a long day. I wish people would leave my schedules alone. Plans for my future that I don't know about worry me.

Well that's all for today. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, August 23, 2013 9:10 PM

Good Evening.

We had a nice sunny day here for a change...near perfect in fact

So, just in time to get in the way of me typing this, the little Spring comes up to schmooze and get some attention, lol!!

So, to bid adieu. I'll leave this post here....

Have a good evening!! problem with money is my building supplies she had her eyes on...particularly the wood flooring for my recording studio...  :-X  ???

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by kbkchooch on Friday, August 23, 2013 5:36 PM

Hiya gang!

Flo, PizzaBeer please, and a can of penetrating oil!  SWMBO called me at lunchtime, she went to go to lunch and the car started making an awful noise, only when it moved. I told he to be careful and bring it home, and I'd look at it then. Well, it seems the moonscape they call a street at her work has finally taken its toll. She managed to break the left front coil spring, which wore a groove in the side of a 1,000 mile new tire! Big Smile

 Called my insurance agent, they will have someone call me Monday to see the car  then. Till then we are sharing the Impala.

But I'm traveling to Harrisburg tomorrow to visit a layout, I have friends driving. Sunday will be lawn day, so I don't need my car anyway. Monday I'll have to drive her to work til the Ins Co OK's a rental car. I just torques me that it happened where it did. See, they paved recently about half of that block, but stopped 50 feet from the worst of the potholes!! Now I get the aggravation of dealing with the ins co.Hmm

Oh I need another Beer


NCE über alles! Thumbs Up

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 23, 2013 5:31 PM

Jeff: Were you in your trailer when Katrina and Rita came through? Rita did more damage to you then Katrina did right?

Katrina yes, Rita no. Katrina was a long ways east of here. Lots of rain here but not much wind. Rita however did a hard right out of the gulf and came ashore as a category five hurricane and waltzed right up the Texas/Louisiana line and kicked our butts. We didn't get much rain here but we got lots of wind. Afterward it was hard to find a stretch of power line that wasn't on the ground. If it weren't for the volunteer fire depts clearing the roads it would have been months before power could be restored. As it was it only took a few weeks max. Total death toll was one hundred twenty, mostly from the Houston exodus. If I remember correctly Rita was the last September hurricane to make landfall not to mention the fifth most intense hurricane on record. As for home damage in this area there were many homes that were not inhabitable due to roof or structural damage. Mine had roof damage where the metal seams had been pulled apart. Many of my neighbors also had roof damage. The only home in this area not damaged was my parents home. Not even a shingle missing! That house was built strong.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JeremyB on Friday, August 23, 2013 4:49 PM

Jeff: Were you in your trailer when Katrina and Rita came through? Rita did more damage to you then Katrina did right? Things have been somewhat quiet on the hurricane front this year? which is great news for you guys on the coast and gulf.

Not much going on here today, did a little layout work but didn't go for a bike ride, I think I will go out tomorrow morning before the sun comes up.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, August 23, 2013 2:34 PM

Afternoon folks!

Just popping in to say hi.  Hi!

Another hour I will be on my way to Canandaigua for the first event of our 3 day reunion celebration.  Will be fun (I hope)!

Oh, Galaxy...  The POTUS wasn't anywhere near where you are???  He was about 12 miles down the road from where I live.  He stopped in Seneca Falls to visit the Women's Rights National Park.  I was going to take a card over to my son to deliver at a wedding reception tomorrow that I can't attend.  He said not to even try last night!  His road was completely blocked off and he had to produce his driver's license with his address to be able to get home after shopping yesterday afternoon.  He lives on a back way into Waterloo and Seneca Falls.

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 23, 2013 12:13 PM

I was digging around and came across some old layout photos. These were taken around the time of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Parts of this layout were destroyed by Rita.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, August 23, 2013 11:56 AM


Morning Gang,

Chloe Dear, If I may, I would like a toasted BLT and a Dr. P.  Thanks much.

Well the move is over, Got my Son and his wife moved from Missouri to Billings Montana, and they are sure glad to be out of the humidity.  Me too.  I don't know how you Southerners can stand it.  I never knew a person could sweat so much out of their forehead.  Tweaked my back a little off loading, but after a visit to the Masseur it is coming around quite well.  My wife drove down to Billings to pick me up and we drove back last Monday arriving home at mid-night. We are keeping the Son's dog and cat for about a month while they get all settled in.  They will come up here for his birthday the end of Sept. and take them home then.

Glad to hear Jeff's operation has had a successful start, now Jeff, just do as you are told and you recuperation will stay on schedule.

Ulrich I know you are really busy, but you have to care for yourself. Get your rest Guy, don't fill every hour.

Have a good trip Garry, and enjoy your visit.  Our trip went well, other than the A/C in my Son's Cherokee gave up the ghost even after he poured a bunch of money into it.  I was driving the U-haul, a Ford E-350 pulling a car trailer with his Better half's Toyota on it and it worked well and stayed nice and cool.

No time for any hobby shop looking and so not much news from the LM&E right now. Have run a few trains since I got home but nothing else.  Been busy at work and with a Cat-Scan on my neck.  Will know the results of that on Monday.  Then  probably a biopsy and who knows where from there.  Just hoping for the best right now..

Sure hope you all had a good summer and enjoyed yourselves.  Ours hasn't been great with my wife being sick for a month and now my neck. Only got out to the 5th wheel for four hours to take the anti-freeze out of it and we have never been back to it yet.  Wish I had just left the A-F in it and wouldn't have to do it again for this coming winter.  Maybe we can make it a couple times yet.  Who knows.

Well I'm just babbling now so I'll cut this short.   

Glad to see Chris (Iowa) and Cape Jim  and Choo choo Willie who had been away for awhile, checking in again.

MIAs, we all miss you guys, check in when you can.  Once a friend always a friend.

Prayers and blessings to all in need.

Rob, glad you posted that video clip,  I want to win that lottery too.      Smile, Wink & Grin

Johnboy out...........................for awhile.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 23, 2013 9:48 AM

Doc appointment got changed to the 30th and now it looks like things have gotten squirrely. The time on it is too late for my father to take me there and back and the Home Health transport service apparently doesn't run on Mondays. He's gotten the appointment changed to Tuesday and has been working on getting something set up with Community Transport and so far it sounds like he's jumping through hoops at a three ring circus with no rings, no hoops and no ringmaster. I'm starting to wonder when we'll be required to stop and throw peanuts to the elephants.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Friday, August 23, 2013 9:14 AM



POTUS is here today maling a mess of things. He will speak at Binghamton University to College students, staff ONLY. But the roads in the area are closed for HIM to come through.

SO, I cancelled my dental partial implant appt and moved it to next friday. Getting there between construction on other roads making 3 lanes into one with stoppage {including to let POTUS through} and POTUS being here will require  me to go high over the hills on roads I don't know all to well. SO I moved the appt. He should be arriving soon!

People are lined up to get a glimpse and raise protest banners high! They have been warned there is NO pArking for them, and businesses aorund the entrance to BU are PRIVATE property, not for parking to get a peeper at POTUS.

But I am sure will be a tidy mess there!!

Well, I will havet o go out to do a thing or two and don't know when I will go, but no where near POTUS.

MOH MAY have some good news,. not wanting to Jinx it, I will remain on the QT for now about it.

Later dudes,



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, August 23, 2013 8:08 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and a breakfast burrito please. Thanks.

Mostly sunny, with a high near 86.

Tom-  Sounds like your Chinese restaurant is missing a few waitresses as well.Visa's maybe? Don't know.

Welp, speaking of Chinese restaurants, it’s official. Beginning Monday, my Chinese buffet will be no more. They are moving a couple blocks north (I think their intention was to be closer to me.Wink ) and under a different name. Royal Buffet. I cant get out of them if it’s a chain or if the name is a co-inky dink. AND, horror of all horrors,…Ashamed..all the wait staff has changed. Like I said earlier, both waitresses I “talked” to are gone and the others that had been there for a while and knew me so to speak, are gone too. SighNow I have to tell them what I want and to make matters worse, Wednesday I got….(gasp)…a male waiter. Unheard of! UNexssssss-ceptable! They never had one beforeGrumpy. I figure they are gearing up for the new place. I’m gonna miss SukiBroken Heart. She was a good gal. Kinda funny too if you really listened to her. None of these new ones seem to be interested in stepping up to the plate and trying to take her place as my favorite. Oh well, I guess they just don’t feel they can compete (leans back in booth while hooking thumbs in bib overall straps) YepLaugh. Looks like my Cantonese lessons such as they were are over too. Just as well, not sure she was teaching me the right worlds anyway. It seemed more like she was teaching me how to say something else like….purposefully. Example; I want to say “Hi how are you”, instead, she teaches me to say…”Hi, I want you to come live at my house and I’ll pay your parents $100 a month”. I mean seriously, how would you know? Maybe I’ll just ask where the “good” group went.Hmm

Then again (looks down at the burrito) maybe I don’t want to know.Whistling

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!



EDIT: I see I got the TOP. Order up folks! Flo, card's on file.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, August 23, 2013 7:15 AM

Good morning. It's 73° with 92% humidity. The high will be 95° and will feel like 103°.
 with a

Not much going on today. Got a doctors appointment this morning. Nothing planned afterward.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, August 23, 2013 6:34 AM

Good morning!

FYI, the Rolling Stones took their name from a song "Rollin' Stone" by Muddy Waters, which was also the inspiration for the name of Rolling Stone magazine.  Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" came along later.

To my knowledge, Rolling Stone magazine has never interviewed former wide receiver Randy Moss.

Anyway, we're gearing up for another week of excellent weather here in Massachusetts.  Summer is winding up, though, and last night I booked airfare for a ski trip to Whistler in January.  We're going with a bunch of friends from our "home mountain" of Sunday River.  I'm already psyched.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, August 23, 2013 3:26 AM

morning coffee in the diner...


Today is Friday, August 23rd, 2013!!!


Today's Cute limerick:

There was a young woman named Kite,

Whose speed was much faster than light,

She set out one day,

In a relative way,

And returned on the previous night.


Today's old useless obsolete words:

I am sure we ALL have played at 'Accismus' - When you pretend to be not interested in someone {or in something} , when you really are interested. Especially when we were 'Agamous' - To be unmarried. Perhaps we fained disinterest in someone when single because we were 'Agliff' - {A verb meaning} frightened. Along with being agliff, we were probably feeling 'Agowilt' - Sudden fear; sickening fear when we first had a chance to talk to someone we fained Accismus to.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. SO:


Someone who does not settle in one place rarely prospers


This proverb refers to what is well known about mosses and lichens - they are slow-growing organisms that don't thrive on disturbance. A sure way to prevent a colony of moss from growing on a stone is to move it all about. As with all proverbs, it isn't the literal meaning that conveys the sense but a metaphor. A 'rolling stone' refers to a wanderer, unable to settle to any job or lifestyle and  therefore characterised as unreliable and unproductive.

That notion was known to the ancient world and Greek and Latin versions of the phrase are cited by Erasmus in the third volume of his collection of Latin proverbs - Adagia, 1508.

The proverb may have come into colloquial English before then, although early records are incomplete. We do know that it was in use by 1546, when John Heywood published A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue:

The rollyng stone neuer gatherth mosse.

Heywood's claim in the title to include all the proverbs in English is a little overstated, but Dialogue is the most comprehensive early collection and the source of many previously unrecorded proverbs. They were assembled from various sources, including Erasmus' Adages and from his own collecting amongst the Tudor populace.

By the early 17th century, a 'rolling stone' was referred to as a type of wastrel - one who would amount to nothing. In A dictionarie of the French and English tongues, 1611, Randle Cotgrave listed the French word 'rodeur' and gave it this definition in English:

Rodeur: A vagabond, roamer, wanderer, street-walker, highway-beater; a rolling stone, one that does nought but runne here and there, trot up and downe, rogue all the country over.

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Quite a good name for a rock band you might think and Brian Jones thought just that when he formed the eponymous blues/rock band in 1962. Despite what appears to be Mick Jagger's impressively dogged attempt to sleep with most of the models in London and despite his long-standing friendship with Kate Moss, journalists have not yet had occasion to wheel out the inevitable headline 'Rolling Stone gathers Moss'.





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

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After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by EMD.Don on Thursday, August 22, 2013 10:47 PM

Good evening all,

Milk and something sweet please...cake, cookies, pie anything will do.

Well busy day. Spent six hours sanding/grinding/de-rusting our iron railing leading up to the house. I was tempted on many occasions to simply cut it down and build a new railing. But...the wife says the iron railing has it stays. I am really not liking iron railings this evening Angry. So, tomorrow, a little more clean up and then painting. Whew....

No work on anything model railroad related today...*SIGH* Grumpy

Well I need to shove off fellas. Take care and good night.

Happy modeling!


"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that both engines have failed, and we will be stuck here for some time. The good news is that you decided to take the train and not fly."

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Posted by tcwright973 on Thursday, August 22, 2013 9:54 PM

Ray - Have a great reunion, I know you will enjoy it. When we had our 50th a couple of years ago, the problem was I really could have spent a couple of days catching up with everyone. One evening simply wasn't enough. Again, have a great time.

The wife had a late afternoon Dr's appointment today, so we decided to stop at the Chinese restaurant we usually go to for dinner. We both like their beef chop suey, and I always get an order of shrimp fried rice to take out as well. The plan is to have it the following day for lunch, but like always, it's gone already. I was laughing to myself as we were eating because I realized that none of the young waitresses were there. Todd, do you think all the young, pretty ones have been abducted? I hope not because they certainly improve the decor.

Everyone take care...



Pittsburgh, PA

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