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Elliot's Trackside Diner...AUGUST 2013!! Locked

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Posted by kbkchooch on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:25 PM

Greetings All! Cowboy

Flo, can I get 2 jumbo Sundaes, skip the banana and the nuts, just ice cream, whipped cream and a cherry on top X2........I'll sit right there, next to the A/C I'm not overheated....I'm always this redSigh  Yes, I know, the A/C guy comes tomorrow,,,,,but I;m hot now! So is SWMBO!! Its even worse for her when the hot flashes hit!!! Surprise

I got her car fixed this morning. I got the strut assemblies last night. Monroe now makes them as a strut, spring, seats and mounts all pre-assembled. Got the right side replaced while she was blow drying her hair, knocked out the second on after I dropped her off at work. Later picked up the rim & new tire and put it on. She took me out to dinner tonight. Yes Car drives straight and smooth as it did when new. Not bad for 201,000 miles!Smile, Wink & Grin

On the Mole front....Confused...baffled...Confused..physical hunting didn't turn any up, they just made open tunnels in the yard. Setting poison peanuts in tunnels only seems to make them dig new tunnels elsewhere......spent 20 bucks for a trap,,,,,,,been in the yard 3 days, no new tunnels after flattening all the rest of them and setting the trap over the newest tunnel.... Hopefully they are having a party over at the neighbors house!
Or, it might have something to do with recent sightings of a red-tailed Hawk in the neighborhood too. He's been sighted snatching chipmunks, who knows what else.......BTW...where's Kitty??Mischief

Paul, Yes, good luck with the cataract surgery, we're all praying for a successful outcomes. 

Gotta go Sleep (if I can) A/C man could be here anywhere for 7:30 til noon tomorrow! (I think he used to be our cable guy! Wink)


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:35 PM

Good evening ..

Paul ... Best wishes for your cataract surgery next week. Prayers for you. 

Gary BN24..... I hope the job idea proves to be successful. 

Ray ..... It's wise of you to stay out of the younger generations decision making. There are times I know when that can be very hard to do especially if they are choosing a path leading to a potential disaster. I hope your DIL works things out with the busy body mother. 

Jeff ..... I liked the old Varney metal F3's. There were some neat model trains in that era. I still have Varney freight cars, but no longer have the F3's. 

Todd ... I went to lunch with the local model railroaders here. We behaved with the waitress. Whistling

Galaxy .... That was a busy day! 

Happy Model Railroading ! 




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:33 PM

I was looking around on Ebay today and came across a metal Varney F3 dummy A unit for $15 and snapped it up. I have a dummy Athearn frame coming for it. The frame is just to have an Athearn frame to set the shell on and to make sure I cut away the proper places on the shell so it fits on the frame. At some point in the future I'll be putting the shell on one of my Athearn clone F unit Frankenstein chassis. I've also been looking around for more cheap Athearn and Athearn clone F7's to use as future parts sources.

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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:06 PM

Happy belated birthday Vince! 

Jeff, It's good to see ya getting better, hope you are doing well!

Well fellas, I applied to micro train lines. N scale trains are just as good as real trains if not better! I sent a resume and a cover letter to them. I hope to get a response, maybe even a job there!

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 3:47 PM

Betwixt my back and hip, I cannot walk much, at least I don't trip over my own...AGLETs...'course my shoes are velcro!

Son of a gun! My alasulo (shoe {Cherokee}) is Velcro too! No shoe strings to fret over.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 3:14 PM

Afternoon Folks!

Chloe, just a tall glass of lemonade right now...

Looks Like G has already had a busy day.  All I did done so far is 2 loads of wash (one more to go), vacuumed the living room, and did the grocery shopping.  My DIL ran into me while grocery shopping...  Literally with her shopping cart.... Laugh  She cried on my shoulder about some confrontations she has been having with the live in Mom who has been making some family decisions that she should not be doing... On this one I agree with DIL.  her Mom is a nice lady but likes to take over and tell DIL how she is supposed to be doing things.  I try my best to be a good FIL and keep out of their business .  I figure they are adults and should be able to make their own decisions.  When I am asked for advise, I give it and then shut up!  That may be why I am always welcome over there....

Oh, John Boy, I wanted to mention earlier how glad I am that there no cancer involved!  Hope the surgeon gets the ifection unfer control ASAP.  Know you are in my prayers.

Back to w*rk...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:55 PM

I am definitely 'Delassation' - Tired, pooped, fatigued!

Why? I did the grocery store this early AM as usual.

Then I put away the groceries.

THen I did the Pharmacy.

Then I did the bank.

Then I did the Credit Union.

Then I did free bread day.

Then I went for a hairs-cut {all 4 of them}

Then I marianated the Beef for Terry-Yucky!

You know usually hte injections for my back pain are helpful, Not this time, there are times like now I can hardly move, let alone walk. Betwixt my back and hip, I cannot walk much, at least I don't trip over my own...AGLETs...'course my shoes are velcro!


Now for a well deserved nap, though lately I cannot sleep well due ot the pain.

Chew on two willow barks scraps and call me in the morning!

Toot Toot!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

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Posted by pascaff* on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:10 PM

  Afternoon All,

   Currently it is 68 with an expected high of 88. Still very smokey and outside activity is not recommended for anyone.

    Day off for me today, and it is a good thing, I slept until 9:30, very unusual for me as I am usually up by 6:30, must have been real tired.

   Will probably vacuum down stairs and do a load of laundry. Cook a few things for the week, and see what time the lab opens tomorrow, as I need to get my 6 month blood work done. I have to fast for 12 hours, so the earlier I get it done the sooner I can refill my stomach. May wipe down the tracks on the layout and run a train or two, but no detail work until I get the right eye cataract surgery done next week. Then I can see how well I can see.

  Jeff - Glad the recovery is going well, keep up the good work. A positive attitude like you have is real important in healing and getting on with life.

  John Boy - Good news regarding the growths not being cancerous. I hope you can get the surgery done ASAP.

  Vincent - Belated birthday wishes.

   Gary - Belated birthday wishes to your mom.

  Prayers to all in need.



Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:02 AM

Found a Varney F3A dummy for $15 and grabbed it. An Athearn frame will be on the way soon. I hope it's a powered frame.

Varney F3A dummy.

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Posted by kbkchooch on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:39 AM


I got a spare Athearn f unit frame, doin absolutely nothing if ya want it. Just pm me your address and I'll shoot it off to ya!


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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:23 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a short stack of blueberry pancakes, real NYS Maple Syrup, and lots of my Seneca Lake Roast Dark roast coffee in a FGLK mug please.

Another "partly" kind of day here in the Finger Lakes.  Still a slim chance that August may turn out to be my second highest month for electric...  Will need to get between 15 and 20 kWh each day this week though....

Jeffrey, hope you find a few more projects to keep you occupied during your recovery.  I can empathize with you as I hate sitting around doing nothing!

Been catching up on some of the stuff I needed to get done weeks ago!  In the midst of doing that, I get an email from the District Commissioner for Scouts.  I had all but forgotten I promised her I would take another unit or two as commissioner.  I will be picking up a Troop over in Waterloo, NY.  Shouldn't be a difficult unit as they a are well established strong troop and the Scoutmaster has been there for several years.  Like I need more to do...Sigh

Best get moving!  Last night right before bed my son called and asked if I can watch the girls at my house early morning tomorrow.  I have quite a bit of cleaning to do today....  So much for model railroad stuff.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:00 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Do you still have enough projects to keep busy? ....

I have zero projects. Zip, zilch, bopkiss. This last weekend I tore down a disk drive and gave it a thorough cleaning just to have something to do. I'm thinking about looking around on Ebay to find a metal Varney F3 A unit and an Athearn or Athearn clone F unit chassis (lowest price I can get it for) so I can have something to tinker with. I like repowering the old Varney F units.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:49 AM

Good morning .... 2 eggs over easy ..and coffee ......... What, Flo? ... Sold out already? ! .... Oh Barry's here with his Barry-sized breakfast. That explains it. ............... Barry

Jeff ..... I've had the Subway pulled pork sandwich and it's good in my opinion. It's the August special, and I bet it won't be available next month. ...... Also, Jeff. I'm glad you are heeling okay. Prayers continue. .... Do you still have enough projects to keep busy? .... As you said, you are a nice guy. (I won't do anything to cause the other side to come out.) I liked the phone calls while you were in the hospital, but wish it was better circumstances. 

Todd .... You got it right about the waitresses buttering up men for tips. In KY, most of them call the male customers "Honey" or just "Hon". .... It does not take long to realize, they don't mean to get personal. They want a tip. Of course, I know not to act like I enjoy such attention while I'm with My Main Squeeze. ... Today, just the men are going out to lunch, and uh ..... Whistling

Vincent .... Ouch!   Black Eye ...A dog chewed up a Rapido passenger car? !!! ... Was he out of bones? .....  I tried adding weights to my Rapido cars, but the diaphragms continued to rub on my troublesome S-curve. That's when I added the long shank Kadees on one end. No troubles with the cars now on the S-curve. They still have weights. By the way, there was not room for the weights until I trimmed the interior. 

JohnBoy ... Prayers for you that the surgery goes well. Also, praise the Lord about no cancer. Keep us informed! 

Karl ... I saw your thread about the Ebay listing for ConRail ballast stones. Let me know when they are selling Burlington ballast. LOL ... Smile, Wink & Grin

Thanks to all of those who said Happy Birthday to my Mother. I mentioned the comments to her on the phone last night, and she appreciated them. 

I had a little time to work on the layout last night, and I made more sawdust as I built some of the benchwork for my layout extension. 

Remember everybody to keep dogs away from your model railroad equipment. Vincent will attest to that.

Be Happy! Big Smile 

Edit: .... PS .... I have top honors, but since Barry ate all the food, I'm off the hook! Surprise




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:04 AM

Good morning. It's 74° with 88% humidity. The high will be 94° but it will feel like 103°.

No plans for today. Yesterday I was playing games on this computer so today I guess I'll play games on the IIe. Who knows, I may start on writing a new one. Maybe a text adventure based on Clue.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:34 AM

Good Morning

Damp, supermuggy, very name is that in spades rained most of the night here so our humidity is right through the roof...72 feeling like 90 right now...posta get to 82 feeling like 99 later in the sunshine and stick....Confused

Got several gotta does and other assorted stuff done yesterday...both for work and today will be my off day...think I'll escape later on and visit the mall and watch the scenery...Whistling

Flo...I'll have a extra large superdooper 6 egg special scrambled please and the extra large sized home fries a well...I'll just take the 50 cup urn back to the back booth..thank you!!MischiefDinner

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 6:42 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and a couple peanut butter and strawberry preserves sandwiches please. Thank you.

 Sunny and hot, with a high near 95. Heat index values as high as 100. Actually that’s good. They have been calling for 105° to 110° all week.

Vincent- Happy Birthday yesterday. Sorry, don’t know how I missed it.

V8 Dennis- I’m not all that keen on most movies either. I like a lot of them, but most I could do without. I'm also probably the only guy who has NOT seen E.T..  And yes most Asians do seem to keep youthful appearances longer. At least the northern 3 (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) I think it’s cause they care more as a whole about their skin. The girl I dated…whew.., 30 years ago ( yes Chinese. Born here though), had a skin care regime every day. Cleanest  woman I ever met I swear. Had a bottle of lotion looked like a fire extinguisher. Good thing it wasn’t red. Most United States girls I’ve known use the stuff rather hap hazardly. I assume most other European women do the same. They however, used it every day like clockwork. I guess that's what most do according to her.

Galaxy- Ya I knew it was the armpit (I admit I looked it up) the noise was my feeble attempt at recreating that childish noise.Embarrassed

Jeffrey- Glad everything’s going good with the leg. Me and Subway only cross paths rarely. I think their sandwiches are tastey but my golly. Up here there is no meat on themGrumpy. The pulled pork is like a tablespoon of meat spread over a six in bun. I always say just a little lettuce because if you don’t it’s a lettuce mountain. Take that away and you are pretty much eating a meat flavored bun with whatever stuff you asked for. No wonder Jarod lost all that weight, he wasn’t eating anything but bread!

Karl…, Karl…KARL!. Flo would you get Karls head out of the freezer for just a sec? Thanks.

Karl-  At my age it’s always nice to have some cute young girl smile and chit chat with youWink. Like I tell Brenda if a young guy did that to her she’d like it too. It’s not my fault girls work the old f*rts for a better tip and the guys don’tLaugh. I look at it as a perk of getting older. Shoot I have more young waitresses paying attention to me now than I did when I was youngLaugh. Hope the A/C gets fixed with just a very minor tink in the budget.

Johnboy- What a relief it’s not cancerousAngel. I hope they can take care of it quickly and you get back to feeling better.

I think I’ll find myself at Sam’s Club today. Brenda has mentioned it a couple timesHmm. Who knows. It’s Wednesday, my midweek day off, so I don’t know what I’ll get involved it. Probably paint. Also been looking at the mess formerly known as the garage.  We’ll see. But first…the dog needs to go outside.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by EMD.Don on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 6:34 AM

Morning all!

 Just popped in for a quick coffee and to get caught up with folks.

Rain here last night, with rain this morning, and rain projected this afternoon and this evening...chance of rain tomorrow with possible thunder storms...are you sensing a rain Storm theme. We've had so much rain that the rivers are running higher and I am thinking of building a boat...actually I think that my wife added that to the ever increasing "honey do" list. Why is it that when the fall starts swinging around, our better halfs seem to want to accomplish an seemingly impossible number of projects...Confused.

Anyway, have a great day everyone!

Happy modeling to all!


"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that both engines have failed, and we will be stuck here for some time. The good news is that you decided to take the train and not fly."

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 3:06 AM

morning coffee in the diner...


Today is Wednesday, August 28th, 2013!

The END IS NEAR! {END of what, you ask? August, summer, the warmer days.}


Today's Useless information:

Limerick {it's a tongue twister}:

A flea and a fly in a flue,

Were imprisoned, so what could they do?

Said the fly, "Let us flee!"

"Let us fly," said the flea,

And they flew through a hole in the flue.


That limeric is really a 'Carriwitchet' - A pun or conundrum.

{these won't get me any prizes with the women, but I will risk it}:

In your life, Do you have a 'Bablatrice' ??-{ A female babblerChaterestre is another name for talkative woman. And, leighster is a female liar}

How about a 'Beldam'?? {NOTE: NOT, I repeat, NOT BEDLAM!!}- Originally it meant a grandmother. But this has now evolved to mean any old, ugly woman

BUT! BUT! SHe may be quite  'Quaintrelle' - A well-dressed woman {most strive to be, that is why it takes so long for them to get 'ready' to go out!}


I know to many of you this is just 'Galimatias' - Stupid, meaningless talk

Some of you might find it interesting!


Now I have 'Mogigraphia' - Writer's Cramp!




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Packer on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:27 PM

Evening guys

I got my rapido cars back from a friend who added weight and did some other work to the cars. Or at least most of them. His dog got a hold of one of my two coaches... Luckily he said one of his friends has an identical coach with a good body, but most of the details are busted off. Mine is the opposite. The cars still derail from time to time, turns out to be the diaphragms catching. I suppose some end plates made of slick material would work. Lest I go back to a long and a short kadee.

I also helped put in the new AC in the club. They wanted 2 people to lift the new unit up to 2 more people who stood on the layout. I was one of the former group, but no one wanted to get on the layout, so I managed to use the step stool and climb onto the layout while holding one end of the AC. It's in and it works, but someone has to put sealer around it.

Garry, Johnboy, Galaxy, Dennis, thanks for the birthday wishes.

Dennis, True on the part about Asian women, but then Asian women kinda scary me. Probably because of my mom, lol. Most of the stuff I've been posting about mustangs lately has been about my Brother's 1994 Mustang Cobra. Unfortunately he hasn't had much interest in his since he got his Miata, and is looking at trading his Cobra in for an Explorer Sport Track or some small-to-midsize truck. This means when I got to the track to race (no street racing for me) I have no one to pick on... Seriously, we go at it worse than the guys on "Pinks" and we don't even race for anything.

Galaxy, point taken.


Tomorrow I don't have to work till 11 and I get off at 5. After that I'm going to go to Longhorn's for my birthday.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:25 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger
Jeff, I am really glad you feel as chipper as you do.... It must have something to do with that Hot Lemonade,  Ick!    Crying   (that would be me with that juice )  keep doing what they tell you and before long you'll be joining a football team as their Bionic Punter / kicker.

Don't I wish! My sports/climbing days are long behind me. I think the highest rock I climbed was El Capitan. Even then I was part of a team. Very rarely would I engage in individual free climbs. Too dangerous! Football is out too. I got enough injuries from that to keep me out of it forever. Baseball is a possibility but at my age I'd probably make the Geritol league. Still and all though I have a very positive attitude about this and a never say die force of will. Probably comes from the Cherokee branch of the family. My stubbornness is as powerful as my temper. Those who have been unfortunate enough to get on my bad side know what that's like. Usually I'm a really nice guy. Get me mad, find a place to hide until I cool off.

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:04 PM


G'evening Gang.

Hope you all have had a good day, mine was fair.

Thanks to those with best wishes for me earlier on, Garry, Cape Jim and Uncle Ray.

The report today from the Cat-Scan verified what the Ultra-Sound found. The good news is it seems that the growths in my neck area are infectious rather than cancerous. I feel as this is true as I feel that the whole right side of my head from my collar bone up into my sinuses are infected and I am so fatigued all the time even though all my blood work is fine.  So I guess now it is off to see a surgeon and see where it goes from there.  Hope it doesn't take to long to get in to see him as I want this over with, not soon, but NOW.

I'm shutting it down for the night, I had planned on some gypsolite plastering tonight, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

A belated Happy Birthday to those we missed,   Vincent,  Garry's Mom and others, it's not another year only a day.  That's what I keep telling myself.

Jeff, I am really glad you feel as chipper as you do.... It must have something to do with that Hot Lemonade,  Ick!    Crying   (that would be me with that juice )  keep doing what they tell you and before long you'll be joining a football team as their Bionic Punter / kicker.

Rob, glad to hear you are getting off the property a little and doing some touring around.  You have stuck to home for a long spell now.  Hope that means you are feeling better.

As a bed time snack, how about Chinese food ?   Todd will pick up the TAB.  Chop sticks all around.......

Must get my head on the pillow,  sweet train dreams to all.

Johnboy ZZZZzzzzland.       three days off as well-----  YAaaaaaaaaThumbs UpThumbs Up

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:47 PM

Hey there. Listening to Stevie Wonder's I Wish.

Not much happened today other than getting hit with a crap load of homework. Have my work cut out for me. Not that worried about it. Just need to sit down with it sometime here and work on it. Hopefully it won't be too difficult.

Will be getting to sleep soon.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:27 PM

Doc appointment went well. Got sixteen stitches out and about as many staples. The pain was minor. It felt like a few bee stings. The doc is extremely pleased with the way it's healing. I go back on Sept 30th. We should start talking about about getting the stump ready for a prosthesis. Right now it's too large and is oval shaped. It needs to be compressed and rounded into a conical shape. Played some Wolfenstien3D and Doom II/Final Doom/TNT. Been kicking a lot of butt. Knowing the cheat codes helps a lot. That's it for today. See y'all tomorrow.

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Posted by kbkchooch on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:48 PM

Good evening all!

Flo, sweet tea please!

Lousy day here,Grumpy The house's AC blower motor comes on, but I can barely feel the air coming out of the vents. What I can feel is ice cold. Since it is in the attic they will only schedule a morning appointment, so I wait for 7:30 Thursday.Grumpy  

Ins adjusted came and looked a SWMBO's car. Yes it's covered, but they only wrote a check for the parts and alignment,,,,,,,no discount for ME replacing the struts & springs, or saving them a tow bill. Why should I even bother after all. Why not pay the $250 deductible and let somebody else tow the car and bust their knuckles fixing it?? I can fix it better and cheaper, but they want to be stupid about it.  In either case, I got the parts tonight and will  start on it at the 1st light of day tomorrow. SWMBO will be calling them back tomorrow to argue the point. I kinda feel sorry for whomever answers the phone!Wink

Jeffrey, Glad to hear you are making progress with healing Thumbs Up

Todd,  You gotta stop "stirring the pot" as they say, or you may wind up with Egg foo young on your face!Smile, Wink & GrinMischiefLaugh  Problem is, I think you enjoy it! Laugh I'll tell ya Whisper I do too!!Wink

Gonna stick my head in the freezer for a bit,,,,cya later!!


NCE über alles! Thumbs Up

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Posted by csxns on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:34 PM

know of a Subway restaurant we probably won't be going to again. From

I know for one thing I will never go back to Subway, everytime I have a coupon they will not take it,it is real food for now on Chef Flounder,Hamburgers,Fried Chicken,Pizza,Hotdogs,Beverley Sausage and for drink Beer Coke and SunDrop and a little bit of Cheer Wine.


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Posted by JeremyB on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:12 PM

Glad to hear things went well at the doctors Jeff. I now want subway,lol

It has been hot and humid here today. I was able to clean the fish tank and also operate the railroad a bit. Plan on going for a bike ride in the morning but its raining now so if its wet I wont bother. Well Im going to go thumb through the latest issue of MR.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 5:43 PM

Tabasco lemonade please.

I wonder how Jefffrey made out today.

Things went well. Made it from the house to the car, a distance of about forty feet on my walker without incident. Another arm workout. We made it to Oakdale where we (my father, step mother and myself) stopped for lunch at Subway. We quickly discovered they had neither handicap parking nor ramps. My father was trying to pull my lightweight Hugo wheel chair up over the curb and wasn't succeeding. About then a couple of stout looking guys came out, grabbed the chairs handles and hauled it up over the curb. They both received my thanks. Once inside I ordered the Applewood pulled pork 6" sub as I hadn't yet tried it. I had mine on flat bread as I happen to like it and had them put everything but tomato and avocado on it with honey mustard sauce. Great sandwich. My father had his favorite, teriyaki steak on wheat bread and my step mother had some kind of ham sandwich, I don't remember exactly what. Getting back out to the car required the aid of a postal worker to lower the chair down over the curb. It was a pretty good jolt as it's a high curb. Upon leaving there we say two ramps, both at the extreme ends of the lot of the little strip mall, cars parked on both of them making them unusable anyway. I know of a Subway restaurant we probably won't be going to again. From it was on to the doctors office. The stitches and staples were removed without incident. If anything it felt like a little bee sting once in a while. The were sixteen stitches and about as many staples. The amputation site is healing very nicely and we will soon begin shaping it from it's present oval shape to a more conical shape. I go back to see him again on Sept 30th. In the meantime I have an appointment with my primary care physician this Friday.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:03 PM

I wonder how Jefffrey made out today.

I wen to the orthopedist, naturally my hip labral tear is only something ONLY ONE DR. in the whole NE of the USA can fix..he's in Sarah Cuse, close enoough.

Basically I have to learn to live with my bad hip as long as I can then get onthe dude's waiting list to get it fixed!

Then he gave me a medication-an anti-inflamatory, and I CANNOT TAKE IT. The Pharmacist Stopped it. It has a sulfa component in it and I go full-blown Anaphalactic {anaphalaxis?} shock on Sulfa drugs..we found out when I was clinically dead for 6 1/2 minutes after taking one. SO the pharmacist said NO WAY! SO unfortunately I am still here! SOrry uyou are not rid of me now!

ONLY A week and a half till next wearin' o' the kilt! I have to go in to the pharmacist to see the kilt...after the long day at the festival.


Well, I 'd best relax I have to go see the pyschiatrist straighten out another med I was having trouble with.

OH< TODD> the part in teh lesson that you have is the makes {childish noises when it makes.. you know... um...uh...sounds}

Dinner will be late As MOH has a client tonight. SO dinner late...


EDIT: I gots Tippy-topsy! {at least I am NOT tipsy-topsy} DINNER IS ON ME GUYS!!!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:54 PM

Happy B-Day VINCENT!

Oh, to be 24 again and know what I know now!

Enjoy it whilest you can. and listen to your elders..they have learned what can only be described as "learning by doing or getting there"..Take heed of their advice young man, take heed!

Happy B-Day

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:03 PM

Morn....  Uh...  ahem!  Afternoon folks!

Chloe, just another Cherribundy light please...

Today is one of those "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" type of days here in the Finger Lakes.  Variable cloudiness is the proper term I guess.  Warm (78°) and quite humid (77%) so the air conditioner is running.  The meter reader from NYSEG has been around this morning even though I turned in my reads through the NYSEG website yesterday.  They have finally upgraded so I can send my electric reads in on line!  There are two different numbers that I have to send them. 1. is the number of kWh that came into my house and 2. is the number of kWh that I put on the grid.  The difference is what I either get in credits, or have to pay for.  MY reads shows me having a 74 kWh surplus for the month.  Theirs will be a bit lower as yesterday and this morning were not good for generation of electricity.  I still should show a surplus though.  One thing that is difficult with the way it actually runs is how to tell exactly how many kWh I used for the month.  The Sunny Portal online system overview will tell me how much I generated during the month, but that goes from the 1st to the end of the month, and the NYSEG readings are from the 26th. of the month to the 26th. of the following month....  I should be generating about 600 kWh in August.  With the changes in the home I am using considerably less total Electric than I was a year ago.

Today will be spent doing more clean up and putting away.  Some time this week I do need to get back to the layout.  Have a couple important projects I have to get to soon!

Paul, glad your eye is healing up and doing well.  I bet you will be glad to have the whole process finished.

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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