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Elliott's Trackside Diner - June 2012 Locked

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 5:13 PM

Howdy ... 

Tom ... Looks like an interesting flat car movement in your photo.

Curt ... Glad you are recovering from "caboosititus". 

Jeff ... Storms! Duck!

Ken .... Our local hardware store sells snake poison. Funny how I found out. It was December, and they were selling fund-raiser fruit cake. The fruit cake was on the counter right next to rat poison and snake poison. I did not buy the fruit cake. 

Here are very old photos I scanned of a family trip in 1957. We went from Chicago to Los Angeles on the Santa Fe Super Chief. I am seated in the "Pleasure Dome" with my two sisters. Note: in those days everybody dressed up to travel. My older sister (behind me in the photo) recently found these old pictures with my mothers stuff in Alabama

Here is a photo I took in January 2012 of a Santa Fe Pleasure Dome at the AZ RY Museum. Only six of these cars were built, and odds are 1 in 6 it was the same one I rode in 1957. 




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:30 PM

Nice photos of the pleasure dome Garry. Reminded me of the train trips I took pre-Amtrak.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:38 PM

Afternoon folks! 

Chloe, I'll have the chicken BBQ, with all the normal stuff... Salt Potatoes, etc.  Guess I'll have a cup of decaf to go along with it.

Been a good day around here...  Got the rest of the lawn mowed before noon, took out the last of the ice melting electric strips, and did a bit of house cleaning.  This afternoon the guy from the other company came to give me a quote.   So now I have 2 quotes....  Quote one is for a 2.58 kW system, gross costs (before rebates) would be $20,330, my net costs after all rebates I am eligible for would be $11,522.  This system would provide about 45% of my electric usage....  At current rates I could see a profit in about 33 years.....  Quote 2 is for a 4.32 kW system, gross costs would be $16,870, net cost after rebates, $7,273.  It would provide about 70% of total electric usage, and at current rates it would take 14 years to see a profit.  Adjusted for inflation it would be a little over 10 years....  I think it is a no brainer which one to chose!  Guarantees are basically the same, and there is a better spread out of the payments to the company.  The second company can also install the same leased option as the 3rd. company that is giving me a quote, but they don't push that option as there can be difficulties when selling the house and if the buyer doesn't want to assume the lease....

Ken, I looked it up and there are 29 species of snakes found in Illynoisey.....  Only 4 of them are venomous.  They are the Copperhead, the Cottonmouth (southern Ill.), the Timber Rattler, and the Eastern Massasauga.  most of them are found primarily in Southern Ill.  They do not tend to be around populated areas for the most part.....  I wouldn't worry too much about the snake....  I would worry more about your wife's reaction  to the snake!!!   My son has a bunch of snakes that live in the foundation of a couple walls along his driveway.  The girls are already used to them hanging around and enjoy seeing them.  Helps to have a dad who has a degree in Fish and Wildlife! 

Here come 'de Train!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by bjdukert on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:42 PM

Photobucket and my puter don’t like each other today

(my pleasure to help you with this one, Duke! Ulrich)

Best to all on sick call and those recovering AngelAngelAngel



"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

"There are only 3 things you need out of life:A gentle grade,the wind in your face,and cinders in your hair.....But keep an eye on the water glass!" Jack Evans

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Posted by Curt Webb on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:47 PM

Evening All,

Just got done with supper, so Flo can I have a cup of Decaf please. We had several rounds of severe thunderstorms today but we can use the rain and it looks like more scheduled for tomorrow. I'm feeling good enough that I am going up to the LHS to pick up my 2 K4s tomorrow and then Jon is closing the shop early so he can take me to a fellow PRR modeler that is building a layout that I believe is of the Horseshoe Curve and surrounding area and everything is supposed to be to exact scale including elevations. I am really looking forward to seeing it.

Tom- Prayers for your wife. Those are some interesting photos.

Ken- We get a lot of snakes here. I remember coming home from work one night and there was a black snake hanging from the Soffet above the front door.

Todd- Your Santa Fe pics bring back memories of the Santa Fe when I was a kid. I lived close to their main on the East Side of El Paso during the 60's.

I have done some weathering on the turntable pit based on MOH's input:






Everyone have a good night and prayers for those in need.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by bjdukert on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:56 PM

Ulrich     Thank You

"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

"There are only 3 things you need out of life:A gentle grade,the wind in your face,and cinders in your hair.....But keep an eye on the water glass!" Jack Evans

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:30 PM

Good Evening...

Wow. What a day.

First off the treatments..then the visit with Audrey's brother and SIL who appeared at our doorstep. They are travelling across the country ... exciting stuff going on....

As for some pix....

Buffalo Central Terminal

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:39 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, I would like to have my customary cup of decaf at the moment...  Thank you Ma'am!

I see Duke got some help to get the photos to show!  Nice Duke!  I got one of the other side.....

I rode behind #2317 way back when Steam Town was in Bellows Falls Vermont...  The boys were just little guys back then, but they still remember THAT vacation!  What year were those photos taken?

Here is something you seldom see anymore, even in Museums!

Manét the cat has been bugging me all day to play with the laser light.  He has certainly gotten his exercise as he has run the length of the dinning room/office probably 20 times or more chasing the light.  His brother is starting to get the idea of chasing it, but mostly just sits and watches it, then every once in awhile will try to grab it when it goes by...

I managed to find my way to the train room tonight for an hour or so.  Cut and stain a couple hundred more ties, and upgraded and reinstalled a Torti under a turnout.  The torti had to be moved a couple inches from where it originally was placed due to the difference in the trackage.

Hope all of you have a great night, and a peaceful sleep!  Still wondering what happened to Galaxy!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Packer on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:55 PM

Evening guys

I had a test at College. I took care of it in short order. When I got back I tried the F-units again, got some more paint off. My father suggested using the glass bead blaster at his work. I declined, I don't think there would be much of anything left on the shells.

Garry, you kind of look like my brother in that picture you posted.

Jeff, your radar shows some stuff headed my way too. I'm in the county just east of the eastern-most one shown in Florida.

Curt, I would add some rust streaks from the rails down into the pit, and smooth out the transistions in the dark areas.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 11:03 PM

 Evening Fellow Snake Lovers!

 Flo, Beer please. Have you seen my snake?

 Well, the snake is missing. I am sure it will turn up at the worst possible moment. Sue is handling way better than I thought she would. She seems to think the snake cannot get in the house and it will die after a few days because there nothing to eat. I sure not going to tell her anything different! Whistling I wonder if I can get Todd to come down and help me catch the snake in the train room, heard he is Fearless When It Comes To Snake's! 

 I sure made a mess when I dragged out the shelf looking for the snake. Found some stuff I for got I had. Jeffery have any uses for a remains of a PK 2 E 6 dummy chassis?

 Work was real SlOOOOOOOOOOW today. Sure made the day drag.

 I am wiped, see you all later.



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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 11:15 PM

The National Weather service has now confirmed 5 small tornadoes have touched down in Colorado during this bout with severe weather. The twisters were near DIA, in Weld County, near Kiowa, near Bennet and near Elizabeth. Stay safe everyone


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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, June 7, 2012 12:51 AM


I love that yard shot! I have seen it before on Shorpy.

Somehow all of that track made sense to the people who used it. Boggles my wee mind. Even the size of the 'shed' (not sure of the proper terminology) in the background that spans all of the tracks is amazing.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Thursday, June 7, 2012 1:06 AM

Hi....  I'm back!  Sorry that its been so long between my postings.  Needless to say that things have been going through some changes around here in my household.  First off I've had to restructure some budgetary items which kinda took me out of the MRR world for a while.  Secondly, we welcomed our bouncing baby boy, Michael Edward, into the world on March 22 at 1430hrs, he was a load for the wife at 11lbs, 3 oz and 22inches long.  Both of the girls are quite taken with him and like to be helpers when it comes to taking care of him.  Also, on April 27, my mom had a massive heart attack and open heart surgery to correct the damage done, so there's been a lot of time spent with and around her to make sure things are going well on her end and of course that she's following the doc's orders.  On the work front things have been in flux, I'm getting hours which is always good, but there are some policies coming in and down that are of course, some good, some asinine, but those too shall pass.  On my mobile auto repair service things have been picking up with the summer driving season hitting down here, so that's of course welcomed income for the family and Mr Budget...

Welp, other than that, things are going well here, about to head off to bed and get a little bit of shut-eye before work tomorrow. 

Later taters!!!

PS: Anyone seen Galaxy, really unlike him to not show up by now....

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:00 AM

Good Morning Gang!

A gray day here in northern Germany. Hopefully it´ll stay dry, as I will go on a little tour with a friend of mine. We will go to Bremerhaven to take some more pictures of a tug boat he is building a scale model of.

That´s the one:

I hope I can manage to stay outside for that long a time!

Slowly, I am getting out of the doldrums. I have started working on two new modules for my layout. They together will form a little passing station. I also have plans to rebuild my terminal module to include an overhead station building. I will have to sell a few things to have the funds to buy some of the materials I need for it, so this will take some time.

Bama - good to see you here again, Sir. Congratulations on the new baby. Give him a kiss from Petra and me!

Have a good one!

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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Thursday, June 7, 2012 5:05 AM


Good Morning! from Tipton IN.







Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by gear-jammer on Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:12 AM

Good morning, Chloe.  I didn't notice that I was at the top of the page yesterday, so I will buy today.  Lots of coffee.  Keep it coming.

Curt,  Looks like you are having lots of fun with the TT.  Thanks for sharing the photos.

Did someone say, SNAKE?  One of my friends shared a rattlesnake story from Memorial Day weekend last night.  You do not want your belayer dodging rattlesnakes while you are leading a pitch rock climbing.  I had nightmares all night.  I am not very rested today.


Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, June 7, 2012 8:00 AM

Ken: I have E unit frames I'm not doing anything with now. Sorry. Thanks for asking.


Good morning. It's 69° and partly cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. The high will be 92° with a 30% chance of rain in the afternoon decreasing top 20% in the evening.

Storms came through yesterday ind screwed up the cable again. Except for brief periods here and there I couldn't get online and when I could the speed was so slow it'd take five minutes for a page to load. This happens a lot more often than I'd like and is more than mildly irritating. If it wasn't for my phone service I probably would have changed to satellite by now. Of course then I'd have the clouds to contend with. My Magic-jack needs an upload speed of at least 128 kb/s minimum to operate and satellite only provides 56 kb/s. Yeah, they talk about it being so fast on the TV ads but that's comparing to dial-up, sorta like comparing a two cylinder riding mower engine to a battery powered weed eater. Comparing the satellite speed to what I have right now is like comparing that same two cylinder mover engine to a small block V8. I've been looking at the new Magic-jack Plus that doesn't need to be connected to a computer like my existing Magic-jack does but it still needs to be connected to a modem, so the cable problem is still there. It'd be nice if it could work through the house wiring, then I could skip the cable altogether. But alas, it doesn't appear to work that way.

Today I need to see if I can get the layout cleaned up some. It gets cluttered so fast when I'm working on things.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Thursday, June 7, 2012 8:42 AM

Good Mornings Modelers!

WOW, what a night, the storm went into overdrive about 1AM with Rail, Hail, and Wind that pounded for over an hour.  Reports of flooding and damage coming in but mostly local issues for those unlucky enough to live at the bottom of hills and/or near drains that got clogged.  Our work parking lot is filled the leaves from the trees.  Large Icebergs of hail near most storm drains and grassy areas look like it's covered in snow.  They say Round #2 might be heading at us again tonight.  My poor neighbor and 5yrds of dirt in front of his house for a weekend project  and I would say about 20% of it washed down the street so he is shoveling it today to bring back up the hill to his house.

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, June 7, 2012 9:00 AM


 Flo, Coffee

 I feel like warmed over death. Have a head ache, eyes are watering and my right hip is hurting.

 See you all later.



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Posted by Curt Webb on Thursday, June 7, 2012 9:35 AM

Morning All,

Flo can I have a cup of coffee please. I didn't sleep very well last night so I'm dragging a little today. There has been a bunch of great 1:1 pictures today.

Packer- Yeah I was planing on fairing in the black on the walls. I just didn't feel like it yesterday. I did have rust streaks but the black covered themWhistling so after  fairing in I need to redo them. Thanks for your inputSmile. Great minds think alike.

Bama- Congrats on the birth of your son and prayers for improvement of your Mother.

Ken- Hope you feel better real soon.

Everyone take care and prayers for those in need. 

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:04 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Mornin' Zoe...  Yep, I feel great this morning!  Slept like a rock last night, I did.  huh?  You say the others couldn't get to sleep because someone was snoring real loud?  Musta been Duke.  Louder than Duke?  Well It wasn't me, I didn't hear a thing.  Why are you looking at me that way?  Guess I'll have to get my own coffee this morning.......

Ken and Curt, sorry you guys had a rough night...

Bama, Congratulations on the new kid and glad to hear your Mom is recovering.

Darren, sounds like you had quite the day out there yesterday....  Hope the cleanup goes well and the next bunch of storms miss you!

I have a bunch of "To Do" items to get done today, so I better get to them.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:18 AM

Bama: Congrats on the new addition to the family.

Ken: Hope you get to feeling better later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Thursday, June 7, 2012 11:31 AM

Italian Roast coffee in a SUNNY SOUTHERN mug, please.

Some neat pics being posted, even a tug boat. For years I wanted to build a large RC tug, but never did.

Have a great day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by bjdukert on Thursday, June 7, 2012 1:54 PM

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Ray   The pics were taken in 08 and I met some friends along with Attaboy.

"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

"There are only 3 things you need out of life:A gentle grade,the wind in your face,and cinders in your hair.....But keep an eye on the water glass!" Jack Evans

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:28 PM

Calling it a day early tonight, folks. I am doggone tired. The trip did not go to well. Driving to that place was no issue, but after half an hour I collapsed, with my heart racing like a NASCAR engine. My friend call the paramedics who got me up. After a little rest and a couple of IV bags we were able to go home.

Aw shucks!

CU tomorrow!

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Posted by Packer on Thursday, June 7, 2012 3:25 PM

Afternoon guys

I dropped my father's car ('90 mustang LX) off to get it's AC system decharged, so he could change the heater core. My brother follwed in his car ('96 miata) so we could grab a bite to eat on the way back. The miata wasn't quite as small on the inside as I thought, but the door handles are only meant for 1 or 2 fingers. We had the top down, but it started raining on the way back after eating. The rain has gone from a light rain to a monsoon.

Haven't done any MRRing. I've pretty much spent the day sleeping (slept til 8, took a nap at 12) for some reason.

Ulrich, that sucks. Any idea what caused that?

Bama, congrats on the baby boy!

Curt and Ken. sorry to hear of your guy's state.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Curt Webb on Thursday, June 7, 2012 6:54 PM

Evening All,

Flo can I have a cup of coffee please. I picked up my 2 K4s and the lights look great. Much better than the dull previous lights that I had.

I visited the layout of Horseshoe Curve and the surrounding approach areas. Bill (owner) and Jon have been working on it for about a year. The layout has several levels to account for the hilly area and a large helix in one corner. Craftsmanship and attention to detail is museum quality in my opinion. Bill still needs to finish scenery but all of the track work is complete, powered and turnouts are powered and controlled by Tortoises/Throttle. They have also set up a virtual switch #99 controlled by throttle that if opened makes all the turnouts (56 I believe) switch to a position so that the 4 mainlines are straight through. I told Bill that when it is complete he should contact MR as it is as good or better than any layout I have seen there. All in all a very pleasurable couple of hours.

I have a MD appointment tomorrow with the Infectious Disease doc. The first step to returning to work.

Everyone have a good night and prayers for those in need. 

Curt Webb

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, June 7, 2012 8:08 PM

 Evening Fellow Dinners!

 Flo, Beer Pleases my dear!

 Pretty much a wasted day today and to be honest I needed one. It's not the hours that is kicking my caboose, but the lack of days off. Feeling a little better now.

 Played with the track plan for a few hours today, and I do mean play. With 3rd Plan It you can run the layout. I have the free version so you can add buildings, trees and run more than one train. I was running 5. Man I am close to pulling the trigger on buy the full blow versions, but it is $125.00. Main thing at this point that is stopping me (besides being broke) is I don't think this computer can handle it. After I added a small town, details for the freight yard and a few hundred trees it started getting a little jerky. 

 Went to K-10 Model Trains today and picked up Vincents F 9's. While I was there, lets just say I was a bad boy and bought some decoders and a few things I think I needed? Whistling Picked up 2 DN143IP decoders for my Blue Line engines. Got the GE AC 6000 pulling a coal drag. Good to see it running again, bet it has been 2 years now. Still does not sound great, I posted on the main paged about taking it apart. Think either I have a bad speaker, or there still something stuck up on the speakers.

 See you all later and thanks for the well wishes.


I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, June 7, 2012 8:26 PM

I'm calling it a night a little early today. Managed to get alcohol in my eyes when I was changing out the dressing on my foot. The cap has one of those flip-top squirt things. I had flipped it up when I got the bottle out and when I picked it up it slipped a bit and I tightened my grip. Big mistake! A stream of alcohol shot of the squirt hole and hit me right between the eyes. That 90% alcohol makes your eyes burn bad. I flushed them real good but they've been aching all day. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Thursday, June 7, 2012 9:27 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a decaf please.

Jeffrey!  Ouch!  THAT hurts just to think of it.......

The 3rd. company I am seeking a solar plan from called today, and of course, I was out running errands.  I called back and left a message on the guys voice mail.  I told him to call back later while I was out doing some garden stuff and I would call him back after that and we could have a nice game of phone tag....  He emailed me instead, and we set up a time tomorrow morning to chat on the phone.....  I will probably ask him to email me 2 estimates to compare with the other companies.  I will then make a decision on which one to go with.  Have already pretty much made up my mind what I will do, but it is good to be able to compare.

Speaking of mail...

Have a great night!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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