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Elliott's Trackside Diner - June 2012 Locked

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Elliott's Trackside Diner - June 2012
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:02 PM

Welcome to the June edition of Elliot´s Trackside Diner!

We have arrived safely  at the new location, and the girls have made the place ready for us to visit. The chapel car has also been coupled to it, for us to say a few prayers for Ed and his family and those of us with health issues.

This trail of bread crumbs leads to the old place.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:28 PM

Ulrich:  Nice little establishment here

Good Evening...

Things went well doctor appointments now until...Monday...Laugh

Spring, the cat, is now in his own chair ... after him trying to usurp my chair I got him his own chair..and he can sit beside me here...instead of him trying to steal my chair, lol!Laugh

Have a good evening!!

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:33 PM

Well, Thank You for the move, Ulrich!  Nice countryside!  (psst!  Where are we?)

Janie, when you can, get me a decaf, please...  Wow, I didn't mean to make you stop the wiping down of the cupboards, but great service as always!

Other than hobbling to a couple stores and getting my allergy shot, I didn't do a whole lot today.  Got a call from the roofer this afternoon telling me he had someone there yesterday to fix the leak.  Of course I was at my son's house most of the day.  He said all he could find was a small hole in the chimney ) metalbestos chimney itself.  They caulked it for me.  Supposed to rain tomorrow so I shall see if it is fixed.  If it still leaks, I may remove the wood stove completely.  I have run out of "free" wood to burn, and I am getting to the point where I don't look forward to hauling wood and ashes all the time.....  And the chimney may no longer be safe....  A complete upgrade to get it up to code would involve more $$ than I would save over the next decade anyway......  We shall see what we shall see I guess.

Ken, glad that your dog can be gotten back to health!  Hope she recovers fast and gets back on her food.  And yes, they are smart enough to think, "I got sick right after eating that stuff, and I don't want to do THAT again!"

Foot is still very sore, but not throbbing tonight.  I spent about an hour with it elevated today to let some of the swelling go down.  It should start to recover in the next few days.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:38 PM

Oh boy, didn´t I say where we are?

We are in Steamtown!


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Posted by howmus on Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:50 PM

Sir Madog

Oh boy, didn´t I say where we are?

We are in Steamtown!

Ahhhhhhh! THAT would explain the Big Boy parked out front!

Good choice!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:55 PM

Funny... I was in East Stroudsburg, PA, and Steamtown came to visit me!

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

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Posted by Packer on Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:06 PM

Evening guys.

Looks like where in steamtown after a little mixup.

Paint Stripping: Well I'm pretty sure the F9A I got from jeff is done. There are a few stain-looking things that I don't think are coming off. here's a few pics:

The stain-looking things are the splotchy areas between the dynamic (large) fan and the cooling fans (small ones) There is also one on the side along the outline of the MGR sticker that was there.

The F7A has splotchy looking areas too:

It's very faint, but looks almost like the SP bloody nose.

So is that kind of discoloration in the plastic and the paint in the grilles not coming up (some did, but most didn't) normal? Or should I go back and try these ones again?


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:24 PM

Ken: The PA1 ran fine when I packed it up to send to you. Check the trucks to see if the gears just jostled around. I had that happen once before. That's an old 70's version and the trucks were made different then. On the 2-10-2 T-2-a, I never installed a decoder because it was too big for my layout. It can handle 18" radius OK but it doesn't like it. It spent 99% percent of it's time in the display rack. I figured it was time to send it on to someone who had the room to let it do it's thing on the main. It's not blazing fast but it pulls good. With some weight added it can pull more. That loco came to me in a Canadian Presidents Choice Big 10 set, #11 I believe, released for Christmas 2006. I know Mehano made a lot of these locos for IHC. This set didn't have IHC anywhere on it and every last item was marked Mehano, from the loco all the way down to the track which by the was was nickel-silver. I parted out the ore cars and used their trucks on some LS&W hoppers I picked up. They fit perfectly. Glad to hear your dogs problem was just a skin infection. And yes, they are that smart. My parents poodles had a bad experience with a certain brand of dog food several years ago and to this day they won't go near it.

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Posted by NittanyLion on Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:35 PM

There's an entire Loram rail grinder train sitting right outside my window.  Boy is it lit up.  Not doing anything though.  Holding at a signal

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Posted by cats think well of me on Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:18 PM

Hi all!

May had been quite nice, and June looks like it'll be even better.

Janie, fried bananas with coconut ice cream please? That'd be divine.

So, I finally had a chance to run my BLI Q2 on my club's layout tonight, and it went really well, especially after cutting the volume on the sound decoder to about 60% of the factory output. I also did the did the trick to make the whistle quill and that's fun! However, I put some smoke fluid in the model and after running it all of maybe 15-20 minutes, with smoke fluid in the thing and the switch set to on, it stopped pouring out as much smoke, so I added a couple more drops and it definitely made smoke but it didn't puff much at all, instead it just fizzled out of the stack and smoke box door, not looking so prototypical. I'll be sending it to BLI after a short time. While I can actually live without the smoke unit, I feel that if I decide to sell it, it'd be a big plus for a future seller that the smoke unit still works, and I needn't take a real big loss on it. 


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:40 PM

Time for me to call it a night. Thunderstorm came through about 10 this morning and knocked out the power. It came back on after a few minutes then was knocked out again about twenty minutes later. That time it stayed off for about ten minutes. Power stayed on after that. The cable however was another story. It went out when the power went down the first time and stayed out until about 8:30 tonight. I don't get what the problem with the cable service is. Lately (last several months) whenever the power goes down if only even for a few seconds the danged cable stays out all frikkin day! For me that's no internet and no phone. For my parents it's no TV, no internet, no phone, no emergency service, no medic response, etc. I have a cell phone but it's for EMERGENCY USE only, not for conversation. It only has sixty some odd minutes a month on the free service. My father uses his for work only and my mother has never bothered learning how to use hers. Trying to teach an old dog new tricks comes to mind there. I've shown her time and again how to use it but even just ten minutes later it's still a mystery to her. It's rather like trying to teach a cat basic computer programming though I think I could get farther on it with my parents cat than I have with my father. He's doing good to turn the thing on without crashing the hard drive. So you see the dilemma here. Short of going down there to check on them I have next to no way of contacting them when the cable is down for whatever reason and as I said just a very brief power outage will knock it out for most of the day. I'll be in town paying bills tomorrow and I'll be making a stop by the cable office (my bill is paid automatically so I don't have to go there) to lodge a complaint about the lousy service.

On the layout front, I pulled the Bachmann light board decoder out of the Rivarossi/Athearn U25C and replaced it with a Digitrax DZ125 salvaged from on e of the FP45's I retired yesterday. The FP45's are both tucked away in the closet now. They'll have to be rewired before they're ever run again but I don't see that happening as they're too big for my layout and it's likely the last layout I build from the floor up. They just could negotiate the 18" radius curves and that's the only size curves I have. There's no room for anything larger. Even going from 18" to 22" isn't possible. Certain sections like the extension can't go any bigger than 18" radius. So the biggest loco I can run is the Trainmaster and it has to have the U30EM645 on behind so the first car doesn't get derailed. The geeps and F units are right at home and the SD27J manages quite well. The SW's love tight curves but I rarely run them. Nor do I use the E units anymore. I pulled the decoders out of them some time back for use in some smaller units and the E's now just hold down display tracks on the shelf, those that I haven't parted out for their motors, shafts and wires. One of the F units has an E unit motor in it as it's a virtual drop-in replacement for an Athearn motor. The motor in the U25C also came from an E unit and the flywheels came from an SD40-2.

Well, see y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:26 PM

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Evening,

Steamtown 'eh? Cooooooooooooool. I wondered what those big hulks were in the dark!

VINCENT: I'd say those shells are good to go for detailing and painting. BN black and green "should" cover just fine. IF the nose discoloration (which I couldn't see) really bugs you, I 'spose you could try some really, really, really, really fine sandpaper on THAT area. Maybe a quick blast of primer would be in order, to see if it'll ghost through or not. One thing I would do is drill-out the exhaust stacks. I just think it makes 'em look a little better, your results may vary. 

CUDAKEN: Rerun and I are very happy to hear Miss Shaddy is on the road to recovery. I've been leery of flea and tick stuff. I got some at a local farm and fleet type store. Within seconds of putting it on the boy, as directed, he reacted to it...badly. It seemed to be burning his skin, so a very quick dousing/gross decontamination ensued! Apparently he's in the ultra-slim percentage of dogs THAT THAT can happen to. And yes, if he blows chunks (and doesn't try to clean it up himself...Ick!) the offending item is OFF his list. 


In between taking Rerun out to decorate and fertilize the yard, an interview with a new back quack in North Liberty, and finally finishing a personality piece THAT has only taken me over a week to put together Bang Head, I've been rebuilding an Athearn blue box grain hopper. I originally knocked it together back in the late 80s. It's getting the correct 36" wheels, the original weathering has been removed (thankfully, the MRC Tamiya paints I used then came right off with a little 70% ETOH), the paint faded, and the large Cargill plaques removed. Where they were mounted is being "patched" a newer shade of yellow. The car will remain leased to Cargill, specifically for feed shipments out of the corn wet milling plant. It almost went into the strip and repaint category, but the data correctly shows it to be a 4740 cu ft. it gets to keep it's yellow paint and TLDX reporting marks. 

Have a good night guys, best wishes continue for all in need.


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Friday, June 1, 2012 5:09 AM


Good Morning! from Tipton IN.







Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, June 1, 2012 6:45 AM

A great Friday morning to you all!

The rain that came through a few days ago in New England was healthy in more ways than one.  The lawn really needed it, as we've been dry for a couple of weeks, and we needed a good downpour to get rid of the pollen.  It's pretty extreme this year.  Last weekend, when I tried to run trains, I found that my engines were stalling anywhere near the windows because there was so much pollen on the tracks.  Now that the air has been cleaned (and my car has been washed) I can think about doing a few swipes with the CMX car.  Oh, and my breathing is finally recovering from the cough I've had for a month.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, June 1, 2012 6:52 AM

Good Morning

Raining and cool ..54F right now going to a high of 64F later on. Lotsa wind though....

Having a break from doctor appointments is a good thing..have to go though to the office and check out how the reports are coming along. And pick up paystub....

Here we are now getting the cottonwoods doing their everything the rain will help keep it down somewhat....

Have a good day all!!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, June 1, 2012 6:58 AM

Italian roast coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.

Have always wanted to see Steamtown. Cool!

Healing thoughts to those in need.

Have a great day folks.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, June 1, 2012 7:55 AM

Good morning. It's 67° and sunny. The high will be 85° and it'll be mostly sunny.

Well it's that time of the month again and I must venture forth in an endeavor to keep the wolves away from the door. In other words, go pay bills. I also need to get my drivers license renewed. Still got a month to go but why wait? Earlier this morning I added the GP35 onto the duo of GP7's as they run at near-identical speeds. The GP9's and U25C are a bit too fast for it and the F unit trio make it look like it's moving in slow motion.

See y'all later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, June 1, 2012 8:40 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and some of those little chocolate covered Hostess donuts please. Thanks

OK, come on out G. Gettin a little worried here.

It’s not unusual for most of us to go off the grid for a day or two for whatever reasons, but not usually for Galaxy, Jeff or Ray. You guys drop for a day or two without warning and we begin to wonder.

Jim- Have seen Terro and will try that brand. The brand I have now is Raid and I think this last time it wasn’t good. Mostly liquid and couldn’t get much gel out. May pick some up today as I have to go into town becuuuuuz…., you were right. I missed my window before it rainedGrumpy. Got ¾ of the needed stuff though, could use more. So, taking the flooring back today. As for the Tooth brush.. yes I have noticed. I use medium and I grumble every time I try to buy one. They say soft is the best on the enamel, so the Government is probably phasing them out for our own good.  I don’t know about you, but I smoke, eat and snore. Well smoke for a short while yet. But I need at least a medium to bust through the morning crud and scrub the inside of my mouthLaugh.

Vincent- Is the brush green with a notch cut in the longer bristles? Sounds like the old weapons cleaning brush the Army uses. Or at least did when I was in.

Welp, looks like first I’ll be doin what Jeff’s a doin. Paying the bills. Or at least the ones that are here. Then I’m off to take the flooring back and then cleanup and go through the stuff in this room I sit in now, surrounded by an incredible amount of…Confused..stuff. Then off to w**k.

Ya’ll have a good day!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, June 1, 2012 8:44 AM

Galaxy!! Where are you?!?!?  

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Friday, June 1, 2012 9:09 AM

TGIF Modelers!

It's 57F and heading quickly into the 80's today.  Started to do some Layout Concepts for my "N Scale" train room from different perspectives as the MOH and I have yet to 100% agree of easement limits.  As for the "HO Scale" project it's still just a dream without walls but the MOH is coming around that the easement limits for it are way to small and "maybe" I might get another or expanded  location in a few years.

Still in shock to hear of Ed's passing.  I have not yet heard back from Fran but I know she has other things on her mind then answering email messages.

Well, back to work...

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 1, 2012 9:24 AM

Good Afternoon Folks!

Today sees some of the much needed ra*n in our area. May was way too dry, and we have been on a forest fire alert most of the time.  As we live quite close to the forest, that´s not a comfortable feeling.

Galaxy last posted on May 23rd, so that over a week now without hearing from him. I have sent him a PM, but no answer yet. I hope everything is OK with him!

Other MIA´s:

John - I now and then have an email from him, so he just must be too busy to visit the Diner.

Calif.Tom - last post on Wednesday, so he is still around!

Trainman Sam - last post on February 17th

Sawyer (Packers) - no posts since November last year!

Keith (Blazzin) - last showed up on February 12th.

Robby P - last showed up on April 6th.

Of course, there are a number of "old timers" also still missing.

Wherever you guys are, please drop by and say hello to us - we are worried!

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Posted by howmus on Friday, June 1, 2012 9:53 AM

Mornin' everyone!

".......It's a rainy, rainy day.  just a rainy, rainy day....."  Ah, Zoe, It's raining outside...  Oh, You knew THAT?  I guess since it's also chilly, I'll have a have a short stack of Blueberry Pancakes with real NYS Maple Syrup, and a few cups of Dark roast coffee to start the day!  Oh, I brought in my old Steamtown Mug for you to use....

Currently 56°F under rainy, cloudy, dark skies here in the Finger Lakes this morning.  The wood stove chimney is not at the moment leaking!  Did I mention it is raining out???  Oh!  I did.  Several times  OK I won't mention THAT it is raining out again....   We need the rain though, and since the chimney no longer leaks, it is a good thing!

Steamtown back in 2002.  My Boy Scout troop visited there while doing the RRing Merit Badge.  BTW, 3 of those 6 Scouts are now Eagles!  Two of them worked for me when I had the Live Sound Business as well.  It was that trip which got me back into Model Railroading!

Galaxy!  Where are you? 

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, June 1, 2012 9:59 AM


 Flo, Coffee

 Would you believe it was 51degrees when I got up? For this area that is down right cold, and here I tuned off the gas heater last month. Using the little electric spaces heater and it warming up.

 Shaddy Last night after only one rounds of med's she seemed to feel a little better. Was nice to hear her trotting down the hallway.

 Jeffery I will pull the worm gears latter on the PA and see if the motor will turn. I did just pull the shell and could spin the motor and the gears in  the trucks moved and I did not feel any binding.

 Well, just got a express Honey Do list, so I got to go.



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Good afternoon...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Friday, June 1, 2012 1:30 PM



Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, June 1, 2012 1:39 PM

 Getting ready to work.

 Shaddy did eat a little of her dry dog food, not a lot but it is a start. Hopefully she be back to her old self in a few days.

 See you all after work. Hope to have seen Galaxy has dropped by.


I hate Rust

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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, June 1, 2012 1:55 PM

Need a coffee refill, please.

***Ray, glad you made that trip to Steam Town, MRRing needed you back.

***Ken, good to hear Shaddy is responding. Hey, have any side view pics of that cool Mother Hubbard(?)

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Friday, June 1, 2012 4:01 PM

BL must be taking a nap time in Castle Rock, CO giving the locals a scare!!!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, June 1, 2012 4:32 PM

Howdy ...

Broadway Lion: .... Did you see Darren's picture. You have competition. 

Curt ... I don't see you yet after your operation for the "caboose" problem. I hope your medical situation improves quickly.

Galaxy .... We miss you. You are the official prayer candle person. We'll have on lit pending your return. Soon, hopefully.

Ulrich .... Thanks for posting the MIA list. I would encourage everybody to reach out to them if you can.

Has anyone been able to contact Ed's family to express our condolences?

Ken ... Hopefully, Shaddy gets well soon. 

.On my layout, I am enjoying operations on the main line now with DCC. I was using DCC in parts of the layout already. There are many locos remaining for conversion.  




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Posted by Packer on Friday, June 1, 2012 4:35 PM

Evening guys

Well my father wants to go to the drag track in panama city. I'm thinking of taking my car along, if I can use his drag radials. They don't fit his LTD, so i hope he will let me.

I was thinking about my F-units earlier and I realized something. I was intending to use superglue to glue all the metal parts to the plastic shell, but then I remembered my past experience with superglue and detail parts. I had a set of P2K GP30 that I added the DW kit to, but the detail parts would always fall off. In my experience CA always gets brittle and looses it bond. I've learned since then that roughing up the parts before hand helps; but I'm still wary of superglue. Anyone else have any suggestions?

Chris, You bring up a good point about primer covering stuff up. Guess I'll know for sure when it gets to that phase. I've never heard of drilling out the stacks before, I'll think about it. I just have to buy a bunch of detail parts (and some #80 drill bits, the ones I just got don't have points Bang Head). before I hit them with primer.

Todd, Mine happens to be black, but it does have a notch in the longer bristles.

MIA list, Sawyer happens to be active on another forum I'm on and I was chatting with him on facebook a few days ago. I'll ask him why he hasn't stopped by next time I talk to him.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Curt Webb on Friday, June 1, 2012 6:59 PM

Evening All,

I had the surgery last night at 9 PM and it was a success without the complications that occur with about 50% of the surgeries. I was released today about 4 PM. I still have pain but it is a fraction of what it was a couple of days ago. I will be out of work next week and see the surgeon next Friday for a follow up. She expects me to be out of work the week after that but I hope not.

Ken- I'm glad Shaddy is doing better. Great pic of the loco's.

Barry- I'm glad your health issue seems to be going well.

Everyone take care and prayers for those in need. 

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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