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Elliot's Trackside Diner November 2011 Locked

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, November 13, 2011 9:41 AM

 OK, you folks are making me feel like I have never gone fast now. Whistling Fast I have riden was on my Honda CBX.

 Thanks to the Fed's the speedometer max was 85 MPH which I could do in 3 rd. Had the motor red-lined at 11,000 RPM's in 5th. Should have put me around 135 or so.

 Cars, about the same speed.

 Slow Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, November 13, 2011 9:51 AM

Chicken soup, please.

Good Lord, I'm surrounded by a bunch of old speed demons. I never had any interest in speeding, even in my youth.

***Ulrich, that speed would have terrified me!

Been viewing train vids and found a pretty cool layout (already forgot what country it was inDunce) where they had an animated fire truck go down some roads and pull up to a model building on fire. (Same model I used for the hospital on the wife's HO layout). Then the simulated fire goes out and the truck pulls away and returns to the fire station. Neat stuff.


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Posted by gear-jammer on Sunday, November 13, 2011 9:51 AM

Good morning, Chloe.  Coffee in a NP mug, please.

Yesterday, I booked at trip to Portland, for Christmas shopping.  Larry & I will take Amtrak down, shop, spend the night, shop, and come back the next day.  It should be a fun time.

Rob,  I will try to post some photos later.  The micromark order came yesterday.  We ordered a Bachmann Spectrum 2-10-0 with Tsunami sound that needs some lettering changes.  It is a little stiff, so I am not sure if it stays.  The price was right, so we will give it a chance.

Curt, Fun videos.  Do I hear Tsunami sound?

Garry,  Thanks for posting your junk yard.  We are planning an auto junk yard and appreciate the tips.

Todd,  I have been to Pampered Chef parties.  My favorite piece is the pizza stone.  I use it for everything, pizza, cookies, fries, etc.

Later,  Sue

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, November 13, 2011 10:24 AM


Here is another view of the scrap yard.

Sue, you can see the junked vehicles in the weeds at the left. There is an old Kleiber delivery truck against the back fence. The Amtrak trip sounds great. Say "Hi" to Larry.

Barry .... You mentioned the Hurst Olds. We had the 1983 anniversary edition Hurst Olds.

Ulrich .... You mentioned a Porsche and also mentioned a red pickup you are not likely to own. Actually, I have a Porsche and a pickup truck. The pickup is a dark blue Chevy, and I will never give it up. Most of our driving now, however, is with Shelley's Caddy. Our home is not a log cabin, but it is on a lake. If you ever could make your dream come true, I will say real estate prices in western KY are more reasonable than elsewhere.








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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:12 AM


***Ulrich, that speed would have terrified me!

Rob - it did me as well. Speeds of up to 140mph are OK, road and traffic condition permitting (they hardly do nowadays), but anything in excess of that is nerve wrecking. I sold the Porsche after a little over a year and was glad when it was gone.

With the price of gas as it is today, I never go above 80 mph. In general, we drive a little faster here in Germany than you folks do over the Big Pond. My car reaches about 110 mph, but I never tried it.

Garry - in Germany, I won´t be able to realise that dream. Lakeside property is unbelievably expensive and most communities don´t allow you to build a log cabin Sigh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:28 AM

Now I just drive around 70mph on the 400 series of highways..if I  am even on them...usually I'm on the secondary roads though...doing 50-60mph.

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Seamonster on Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:42 AM

I got the only two speeding tickets (actually they were written up as carless driving by both officers, but those are long stories which I won't get into here) driving a '58 VW Beetle.  After the Beetle I bought a brand new 1964 Datsun 1500 Fairlady (very much like an MGB).  It had a 4 cylinder engine with a 2-barrel carb and a top speed of only 95 mph.  I drove it with the speedometer pinned a lot.  And never got caught.  One time I was visiting my sister in a city 130 miles from where I lived.  Including a short detour after I left my sister's place and a stop for gas part way home, I made it home in an hour and 40 minutes.  The speedometer was pinned all the way.  That was a beautiful little car and it could take that kind of treatment all day long.  And it was very comfortable to sit in.  I miss that car but it wasn't a practical car after I got married.  I nearly killed myself in a high speed accident with that car and ever since I've been a more careful driver and stick to the speed limits.


..... Bob

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Posted by twhite on Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:46 AM

Morning all from SunnyCal:

Thought it was time I rejoined the Diner after my long, LONG hiatus.  Had some more health problems which meant that I finally had to retire from teaching, which meant Major Depression, which I'm just now kinda/sorta pulling out from under.  My system took another whack in September and put me just 10 points away from having to go back on dialysis.  It's better now, I'm up to 30% kidney function, but I still have Anemia and I've only gotten to the point that I can do any kind of work without tiring out completely.  Which means that I STILL have a garage full of projects for this Winter.   Right now, the Yuba River Sub is probably feeling like I've abandoned it completely, but I'm slowly getting back on my feet. 

Went to the big Roseville train show yesterday--it took up most of the Fairgrounds.  Lots of layouts, lots of vendors and the place was PACKED!   Boy, if you think the hobby is dying, just come out here and look at all of the teenagers carrying plastic bags of newly-bought kits and things.  The Roseville model railroad club has a permanent layout at the Fairgrounds, both HO and N, and the average age of the modelers involved makes me look like someone's Great-Great-Grandfather.  So all of the Nay-Sayers about the hobby can rest easy--it's in good hands. 

While I was there, I walked past a vendor and stopped cold (you could hear my shoes squeak on the floor, LOL).  In a case was a beautiful, custom-painted Key Rio Grande M-64 4-8-4 and he was asking a price that was just a little more than what Micro-Mark would be asking for a Bachmann Standard steamer.  I mean--STEAL!!   Well, I already have a Key M-64--which I love--, so I gave it an admiring second glance and went on through the show.   But the little devil just kept pecking at the back of my mind: "Take me home and run me, Daddy", so after I'd seen everything, I wandered back to the vendor.  "Do you take checks."  "Sorry, cash only, but there's an ATM right outside the door."  "Hold it for me."  Dashed out to said ATM, came back and said "Box it up."  "Okay.  Uh, it's got a little 'hitch' in it."  "I don't care if it doesn't have a MOTOR, it's mine."  I grinned.   Boxed up, I got home and attached wires to my test track.  Yup, little 'hitch.'   And no, it was not a stripped gear in the gearbox.  Seems that one of the eccentric rods was bent in a little.  Cured that, gave the rods some Labelle oil, ran it in--oh my, talk about SMOOTH!  Replaced the dummy front coupler with a Kadee, got out my other Key and ran them doubleheaded to see how they liked each other.  They did.  Now, only thing is that I have to re-number one of them.  Seems the new one is #1711, and the Key that I painted a couple of years ago got the same number.  So the older Key gets a new number today, either 1710 or 1712.  Can't go above 1713, because Rio Grande only had 14 of the little ladies, 1700-1713. 

Now you'd think that I wouldn't care very much about that, after all, I'm running Rio Grande steam in the California Sierra Nevada's (which gets me ENOUGH strange looks from fellow Rio Grande freaks), but I figure, what the Hey, I'll at least be authentic about my locomotive numbering.  But this new one is an absolute beauty.   These Keys are known for being a little 'light on the feet', but double-headed, it should have no problem with my 8-car "Scenic Limited" on my 2.2% grades. 

Sue:  Give that little Bachmann some good run-in time.  My little Dec was pretty  stiff when I bought it about a year ago, but after about a month it loosened up and is a nifty little runner.  Sweet and smooth.  It's a little cutie, even if Rio Grande never owned one.  Whoops, didn't I just say something about 'authenticity', LOL?   Okay, my excuse is that Rio Grande picked it up used from a lumber company. 

So, anyway, I'm getting kinda/sorta back on my feet, and I'm going to go out and do some work on the layout today.  Supposed to be fairly good weather here until this weekend.  I'm not sure how the winter is going to work out here this year, but Spooky, my Maine Coon and Uff-Dah, the Norwegian Forest Cat have been busily growing winter coats that makes them look like a couple of Yaks, so we just might have a repeat of last year and a 20+ foot snowpack in the Sierra.  We'll see.  I've also adopted--or gotten adopted by--the neighborhood 'stray', a cute little Siamese mix named Chester, who is currently in the den recuperating from a diabetic infection.  If he comes through, he stays indoors.  He and Uff-Dah have become bosom buddies, so I'm not worried about another furball underfoot.   Cute cat.  He's been abandoned by the neighbors down the street, seems they wanted a Pit Bull instead.  They didn't know--or care--that he'd become Diabetic, so I get the honor of injecting him twice a day with Insulin.  I won't go into it with them, it would be like talking to the Ku Klux Klan.  Anyway, Chester's happy about the whole thing, and he looks a lot less like the Terminal Wreck he was a couple of weeks ago when he showed up on my doorstep. 

Well, time to take my pills and decide which of the projects awaiting me in the garage will take precedence today.  Have to tear out a crossover and relay it, do some more work on the yard, re-position the station at Deer Creek, and do a little scenery work.  No major plastering this winter, takes too long to dry.  Scenery waits until the summer. 

Best to all, prayers to those in need.




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:06 PM

On speeding, I have never gotten a speeding ticket. I was a dirt tracker early on and got speeding out of my system by my early twenties. The fastest I have ever driven? That would be 161 mph in a 1968 Dodge Coronet 440, a former police interceptor with a 426 Hemi, 4 speed auto tranny, two speed rear end, high rise cross ram manifold with two Holley 800 4 barrel carbs and a turbo charger. I only did that once just to find out how fast it would go. That was on a race track and the speed was radar clocked as the speedometer only went to 130. On the roads here the fastest I go is 60 and that's if I'm in a hurry. Otherwise I keep it down to 55.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:09 PM

Tom in CA ... It is good to see you in the diner! I'm sad about your latest health problems. We're here for you anytime; and feel free to stop in if something is troubling. I certainly hope you have no more majot health problems. .... I'd love to see a photo of the double-headed 1700 series 4-8-4's. What's thins aboy rivit-counting nit-pickers? You can run Rio Grande farther west! When viewed from east of the Rockies, it does not matter. If you've seen one mountain, you've seen them all! Laugh

Speaking of MIA's ... Where's Duke? Sleep  ....Perhaps, you could awaken him if you painted "Rio Grande" on one of his Berkshires.




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Posted by Curt Webb on Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:42 PM

Afternoon All,

I've been tearing up track on the layout. I made the decision to fix the radius to the curve I was not happy with before putting in the bench work for the addition. I probably removed more than I needed to but I wanted to redo the track from straight sections (both sides) on the pre-existing track. Pictures are below.

The fastest I have been is 100 mph on the autobahn in Bavaria. I was a passenger at the time.

Sue- Yep, It is a Tsunami Light Steam (I think it is light).

Garry- I always enjoy looking at your junk yard. We are putting one in at the club.

Tom- Congrats on your new loco. I'm glad it worked out well for you.







Everyone take care.





Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, November 13, 2011 12:53 PM

Had some more health problems which meant that I finally had to retire from teaching, which meant Major Depression, which I'm just now kinda/sorta pulling out from under.

I know how you feel. After my diabetes and other health problems started ripping me up in the last ten years it got to where every time I started back at work I'd land in the hospital with bad infections. The last two almost did me in so now SS and my docs won't allow me to go back to work. I look at it as an enforced medical retirement. It took me a while to get over that. I didn't want to do anything and had little to do with anyone.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by twhite on Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:18 PM


When I think of all the major health issues you've had and keep bouncing back from, it makes me realize that I should quit feeling sorry for myself and just get back in and DO something!  

Speaking of going fast--the fastest I've ever gone was in 1962 in Nevada, between Tonopah and Goldfield on US 95.  Nevada did not have a speed limit at the time, I was driving back to Texas in a buddy's 1960 T-Bird and I looked at the speedometer.  115.  It took me nine miles to get back to 65, I swear.  Highway 95 is miles and miles of miles and miles.  Flat desert, lightly traveled.  Kind of hypnotic.  Same highway that earlier this year the trucker ran into the side of the AMTRK California Zephyr.  You have no idea how fast you're going.


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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:19 PM

Coffee refill, please.

While we're sharing health issues. There is no mind over matter with latter stage sacroidosis. If I do much physical activity, it takes 10 days to recover, and that is if I'm lucky. Just last night I woke up to a vibrating heart, coughed and got it to reset. Pretty spooky. Last time it was checked, the sarc had not got to it yet, but that was over a year ago. There are a whole host of ways in which this disease can kill, so I do what I can. All the recent stress has really taken a toll. It is what it is.

Sigh Rob

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Posted by twhite on Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:43 PM


This has not been a good year for you, and you have my utmost sympathy.  I did not know about the Sacroidosis, however.   Are you on Prednizone?  I understand that it helps alleviate the worst symptoms, but it takes a little time to work properly.   Also, I know that a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet can help a lot--same thing I have to do for my kidneys.  I sure hope you can get it evened out. 



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:52 PM

TomW:  Glad to see that you are still with us!!  I was starting to wonder about what happened!

As for getting ill with stuff..I'm just lucky that it has not hit me as hard as some of you guys...I can still w**k is just on a different scale...

There were a few times that I used has a hold on you when you get on that highway..fastest there was with a turbo'ed 1940 Ford convertible...with a straight 6..don't ask how that thing was turbo'ed..I was kind of  about turbos at one point..well..still am to one extent or t'other......I got it up to about 120mph then...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:57 PM

***Tom, after talking to a number of doctors about prednisone, there was no reason to go there. It is entirely a palliative drug which does nothing to stop, let alone cure sarcoidosis. After much research, I opted for an alternative approach which has had decent outcomes:  I'm in regular contact with many on the MP who are well ahead of me in the treatment process.

Been gradually working on cleaning up "organizing" the sun porch. Will eventually need to bring the shop-vac up from the train room to remove all the tracked in dirt, but that is for another day. Progress!

The goats got out earlier today so I went and plugged the only 3 potential holes out there. So far, so good.


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 13, 2011 2:25 PM

Heading for the hay!

I am doggone tired from doing nothing. How can that be? Must be the bear part of me, getting into hibernating mode!

Prayers to those in need and special ones to Jeff, Rob and Tom!

CU tomorrow!

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, November 13, 2011 2:39 PM

Well I hunted through the closet and gathered together everything I'll need for the ballasting of the turnout and the straight track it connects to. Now I just need the energy to do it. For anyone else it would be no problem to ballast a twenty inch long section of track. my problem is getting under the layout, removing the drop-out section then coming to a standing position on one leg and that leg has a tricky knee. Hopefully I won't end up wrecking something or getting hurt in the process. I try to keep details, structures and such close to the access hole to a minimum. However there are three bill boards, a fence, a couple of small buildings and a water tower nearby. The buildings are old and not worth much but the bill boards are a different matter. Those were a special gift and I would like to have them around as long as possible. They're incorporated into the scenery and would be difficult to move. So here's hoping I don't flatten them.

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Posted by james saunders on Sunday, November 13, 2011 3:56 PM


James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by gear-jammer on Sunday, November 13, 2011 4:17 PM

Good afternoon, Chloe.  I will have a RBF, please.

Garry,  Larry liked the 2nd photo even better.  Thanks again.

Tom,  Glad to see you back here.    PHOTO, PHOTO, PHOTO.Thumbs Up

Curt,  The new Tsunami doesn't give us an option to change the air pump sound.  It sounds more like a clock.  Tic, Toc.

Speaking of fast, we were late getting the airplane back the last time out.  Larry kept the nose down and the throttle up, cruising 120 kts which is 138 mph.  Not bad for a 160 hp Cessna 172.

Rob, You requested a layout photo.  How about Larry's YouTube video.


Later, Sue

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, November 13, 2011 4:20 PM

james saunders


HELLO!!! Back!!!

Going to have Chicken Cordon Bleu tonight. Don't know yet what to have with tthem...MOH doesn't like stuffing....except with Turkey dinner on TG day. I know...maybe rotten potatoes!!! {AKA to most people as "au gratin potato"}. Whne I was a young'un that's what I called 'em. Apparently MOH did too!!!

So rotten potatoes {potatos?} it is! ANd some veggies from the freezer mix. Dutch apple pie ala mode for dessert.

Well I didn't do much buyt a lot of shopping and some laundry and dishes. thats enough.

Dodge Grand Caravan goes in tomorrow for tie rod ends and sway bars fixes. Goodie. Friday I take the Kia Sedona for a new battery. THis one is the original in the '06 and I don't know if it will go through the winter...don't need to be stuck somewhere and have to test out ALLSTATE's Roadside Assistance program!!! Speaking of the Kia, the WD40 Did NOT prevent the doors form freezing shut...will try the petroleum jelly idea next...will apply tomorrow. shoulda done today but ...Gotta do the insides of hte windows too!!

Well, gotta get to dinner...

OH!! MOH has a job interview tomorrow... for a treasured higher position... has been trying for for awhile... at another store...wish us luck!!!






-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, November 13, 2011 4:58 PM

Tom! My gosh I'm glad to see you especially after hearing the latest. Take gare of yourself. You're in my prayers.

Hey Aussie Jim.

Don't know how fast I have been. Speedo wasn't hooked up, but we passed everything on the big highway yeeeeears ago. 1970 Roadrunner with a set of 3.23's. Nuff said.

Driving now? well let's just say I haven't recieved a speeding ticket either. I usually cruise between 60 and 70 on the highway, and on the county roads, anywhere between 45 and 55. Depends on how I'm feeling at the time. My speed isn't usually monitored by the speedo, but more by my feel. Usually that's about comfy speed for me. In Williamsville, I'm rarely above 25. Just not ever in that big of a hurry.



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, November 13, 2011 5:29 PM

I got the ballasting done and I'm aching in several separate and very distinct places. Now I need to let the glue dry. Sometime tomorrow I'll go back in and clean those two track sections then GLEAM them then I'll be done with it.

Oh yeah, I didn't smash, damage or knock over anything. I did however hit my head on a beam but not hard enough to do anything other than get my undivided attention.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, November 13, 2011 5:45 PM

Chicken soup, please.

***Jeffrey, glad you didn't slip the old noggin open. Looking forward to seeing what you got done.

***Sue, that is a terrific video Larry created. Very impressive layout in every way.

Going to hit the hay early tonight, or at least try. So tired. Night all. Rob

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, November 13, 2011 6:13 PM

Sue ..... I like the video also. Thumbs Up ....  Here's a close up of the shanty in Reggie's junk yard including "dawg" ,the junk yard dog. Nobody messes with Dawg. nobody.

Here's a whimsical scene near the jink yard. The trucking company, Fiasco Transport, had an accident.

Curt ... Your layout photos look great.

Rob ... I feel very badly about your situation.

Jeff ....  I'm glad you can keep plugging away in spite of the health issues.

Speeding tickets? I had enough when I was younger that I can't tell how many I have had altogether.

On the layout. I just completed my tall building for downtown. It is 22" tall, and it has 13 stories.

Happy Model Railroading




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Posted by Curt Webb on Sunday, November 13, 2011 6:17 PM

Evening All,

A cup of decaf please Flo.

I signed up for OT tomorrow so I will be at w**k. My back isn't great but it is much better than a couple of days ago.

I put in the WS inclines on the yard side. MOH is off tomorrow so she has agreed to go to the LHS (closed today) and get flex track, cork roadbed and WS Risers. I will be able to put in the Risers Wednesday night after my short day so it will be set come Friday. Instead of ripping out all the old roadbed I will set it up like a abandoned RR line.

Jeff and Rob- Hope you guys feel better in the morning.

Sue- I have seen the video before but you and Larry do amazing work. 

Everyone have a good night.


Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, November 13, 2011 7:40 PM

Well, time to call it a night.

Remember everybody, MOH has interviews both tomorrow and THursday for Higher level jobs! Pray and keep fingers and toes crossed something will happen good!!

We had rotten taters after all. Tasty!!! A fav of ours.




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, November 13, 2011 7:47 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a decaf for me.

Wow!  Today just sped by!  Whistling  Driving fast?  Probably the fastest i have drive for any distance was back in High School (when I was invincible and immortal...) I drove form Geneva to Canandaigua and back again in my sisters Rambler American (Hardtop)...  had a little 6 in it, but was a small car with a dual carberator.  14 miles each way and made the round trip in just over 30 minutes....  Back roads (read hilly and with lots of curves...) cause the Fuzz were out on 5 & 20.  Most of the way the Speedometer was over 110 (the trip also mincluded driving through part of Canandaigua, going in the house and grabbing a box of music we needed for the band for the show we were performing THAT night)...  Somehow i lived to tell about stupid stuff like THAT.  I don't ever speed anymore Whistling.  Like today i was only doing 78 MPH down the NYS Thruway when I happened to see another dead deer by the side of the road, and then looked across the lane to see 2 six point bucks jousting about 15' from the edge of the highway....  I found out my brakes w*rk well on the little Yaris as did the car right behind me.  The rest of the way I never got about 75mph...  Honest!  Back in 94 my oldest son was riding with me in the Doge Dakota again going down the thruway...  The old 93 Dakota could flat out move for a pickup.  He said, "Dad!  Do you know how fats your going?"  I looked down and took my foot off the gas...  I was easily cruising at just below 100mph.....  I really have slowed down as I have gotten older, although I was really never a "high speed" driver anyway......  Normally I just try to stay at the average of most traffic.

Did I hear the grand piano being played?  I did!  Hey TomW!  Good to see you sir.  So sorry to hear your of your continuing health problems, and very sorry for the kids at school who no longer get to hear you play and be a mentor!  I know you touched so many of their lives in good ways.......  Here's hoping your health continues to improve and you get back to creating that model railroad!

Batavia was fun today.  Think we got 5 new members.  That is how many stopped to talk and ask how they can join the organization.  They had a good crowd and most were carrying packages around with them.  THAT is an even better sign...  Headed right over to my Son's house after the show for her 40th. birthday party.  I gave her "green"  A picture of Ulysses  S. Grant.  One of my personal favorite!

Took a while to get caught up tonight, looks like a busy day here in the diner!


Prayers for all those in need!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

  • Member since
    September 2002
  • From: Nova Scotia, Northumberland Shore
  • 2,479 posts
Posted by der5997 on Sunday, November 13, 2011 7:58 PM

Good  sunday evening Diners:


DerJohn - good to hear from you, even if you're not making any more progress than I've been. Hope you get the housepainting (the model one, that is...) done before you have to get the CFO tomorrow. is actually as I wrote it Jim, "house planting" rather than painting. The painting was done when I re-modeled.  Here's a view of the front "before" , and "during" the reno. As you see, the roof line is all wrong for North America, and I modernized that living room window some. The "during" shows the roof hacked to a better look on one side, showing the difference.  The "planting" means putting it in place after scenicing the flower beds, different driveway arrangement, and so on. I did get some done before close of play Saturday evening, and also made up some flower colours from white ground foam and acrylic paints. Here's the wet mixes after drying overnight. Sunday they were mainly dry, but I had not factored in the plastic nature of the acrylic paint, so the stuff scraped off the plastic cards in sheets rather than as the powder I had envisioned. DunceBlack Eye So Monday morning after another night drying, I'll put one into the Magic Bullet and see if it will grind down to a more acceptable (aka useable) form. Then I'll decorate some small bits of WS clump foam to be mounds of flowers and individual bushes like Rhododendron and Azalea.  I'll also attempt Lupines, which scream Canadian Maritimes, the effect I'm after!  Oh, and Thanks Ray for your kind word.

 So, Ulrich, interesting avatar, the Jastrzebiec  armorial bearings, with the horseshoe reversed, and  the cross patée en abime,  complete with the Goshawk proper, wings surgent, belled and jessed, holding in its dexter talons, a charge of the shield. Has to be some significant history there.  .....Now, reading on I see you have a direct family link! Bow We get folks looking for ancestors from time to time through the museum. Chasing that info down has a huge fascination, my mother did a ton of research on my father's family - none that I know about on her own....

BridgeTom: Welcome back! (I should talk, been AWOL myself for quite a while!Embarrassed)  Take care on the health front, glad things are improving. That train show sounds like all the shows I've ever been to rolled into one and squared! Nice score on the  M 64.Thumbs Up I love those "finds" where there is "something wrong" that can easily be fixed. I have a couple of DC Con-Cor RDCs (one a dummy) that, when I got them at a train show, ran backward. They were going cheep because of this. Turned out to be the motor was installed upside down. Not rocket science to fix. LOL  BTW, our new cat Penny   says Hi to Spooky and Uff-Dah.  She's getting more used to us and that this is now home. 

..and OzJim, great o see you too! 


Kris has just gone to bed, so I think I'll join her. Goodnight all, and God Bless. Prayers for all in need of Healing, Comfort, Prosperity and Peace.Angel





"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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