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Elliot's Trackside Diner OCTOBER 2010 Locked

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Posted by gear-jammer on Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:04 AM

Robby P, Oh so realistic. Thanks for the motivation.


PS  Looks like I buy.

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:58 AM


Just a cup of dark roast coffee for me Zoe.

Got lots and lots of stuff to do today, and been at it already.

I'll catch up on everything a bit later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, October 7, 2010 11:33 AM

 Afternoon Folks.

 Flo, just a Hot Dog and a Diet Dew.

 Taking a small brake, got the last three sections of tile down in the kitchen. Getting ready to haul the work bench back into the garage, Sue for some reason wants her Kitchen Table in the kitchen? Woman, go figure. Whistling My self, I like the work table.


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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, October 7, 2010 1:40 PM

Sue, the backdrops are paper and if there is too much humidity the paper wrinkles. I’m doing it out in the garage since I’m using 3M 77 spray, then sealing them with a matte finish.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by Packers#1 on Thursday, October 7, 2010 3:31 PM

Ken, I meant it's pretty cool.

todd, hahaha man, hey, gotta love mirrors.

TSF, I know man. Seems like visiting my mom's brother is out of the question then.

Ray, those leaves rule! we don't have near the value of colors down here.

Well, not much going on. the homecoming game is tomorrow. No homecoming dance. Go figure.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 7, 2010 3:46 PM

In fact, I use railroad tie brown for lots of things.

Railroad tie brown is one of the main colors I use as well. That's why I have a quart and a half of it laying around. I get mine in flat latex because it's cheaper.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, October 7, 2010 4:28 PM

 Flo, Just Beer and lots of it!

 Well the rest of the day turned to total$1****$2

 Got some base board painted and that went OK. Used the air stapler to attache it to the wall. When I removing the outer casing of the door jam molding I saw the inner section that under the door stop moving while I was prying last week. So today while I had the stapler in the hallway I decided I need to staple staple the sections that moved. Right side I aligned and hit it with the stapler, dead on. Left side would not move and looked right at the bottom, hit it with the air stapler, big mistake! Bang Head   Looked up, top was sucked in a inch! Bang Head By the time I got the new staple out, I split the dam jam!  Well a little wood putty here and there and paint it will be OK.

 How do you get smooth paint?  I was all fired up to get some cabinets painted today! I sanded a drawer faces and a cabinet door with 80, 150, 220 and 320 grit, they where pretty slick. Heck i could just about used car paint the way I prepped it. 

 I bought a foam roller by Wooster called Specialty Lint Free Roller for A Super-Smooth Lint Free Finish! Trim out the edges with a foam brush. Then I hit them with the Super-Smooth roller. Paint looked like it had F&^*@g sand in it! Bang Head I know it's not the paint, base boards looked fine?

 Well, on the bright side, trains are running fine, I have Beer Think I will break out the Y6 b and do a coal drag.



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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, October 7, 2010 7:30 PM

Evening guys,

Yep computer been hit by another virus. One of those that list a whole bunch things wrong with your computer {viruses, adware, spyware, trojans, email worms} then offers you to BUY their "cleaning system" to "clear up such matters". and locks into your computer interfering with what you a re doing and probably meawhile keeping track of everything you do to.

It also interrupts service and causes problems when you start up / turn off your computer by blanking your screen saver.

Have to call the computer man again. Going to be gone tomorrow. so we will try to keep computer going til monday when I can call computer guy? The computer is also a gift from a friend who maitains a company contract with hte computer repair people so he maintains it for us, but may nto if we have to have another virus removed. Not sure where the other half goes online, but i don't go too many places online, but do do a lot of google searches.

So iffen you all don't see me muchly soonly, it is cuz I am probably computerless again.

Thing is this thing has apparently atacked the MS suite protection package the computer guy swore would protect us against everything!

WEll "Bleep My Dad says" is on now with WIlliam Shatner our new thursday night program favorite is on so I go and leave youall alone.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

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After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by gear-jammer on Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:15 PM

Good evening,  Chloe.  I think that  hot cider is a great fall treat.

Jeffrey,  I never thought of buying in quanity.  Do you have a good source?

Lee,  I looked for the cutter at JoAnn's while I was in town.  Are you referring to punches?

Have a nice evening, All.


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Posted by CNCharlie on Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:16 PM

Good Evening,

It hit 23C today which is about 70F so it was a virtual summer day with a no bug bonus. It is supposed to continue warm right through the weekend which is Thanksgiving up here so we get Monday off too.

Ray you asked where I live, and it is Winnipeg, Manitoba which is about 60 miles north of the border. Straight south is North Dakota and Minnesota. It is a city of about 600,000 people and I'm at a loss to think of anything outstanding other than it is the coldest city on earth with a population of over 500,000 and no I'm not just saying that, it is a fact.  It is also about 60 miles south of Lake Winnipeg which is the largest fresh water lake in the world next to the Great Lakes. The terrain is flat , flat , flat.

Well enough geography, but then I don't have any train news or for that matter much news of anything.

Just got back from a meeting the city held with residents of the area about the stadium that is being built at the U of M just 1 mile from our house. To say we are unhappy is the understatement of the year. The access will be terrible and no one can figure out what possessed the developer to build it there. The uni thinks they will get this great sports facility as there are only 10 professional football games a year. I see a white elephant that the taxpayers will be on the hook for. They have completed the excavation but now the developer says he can't build as planned as it costs too much and although he agreed to cover any costs overuns he now wants the government to cover it or he will just build a cheap, no frills stadium.  What a mess.  As long as it doesn't affect the property values as we plan on selling up and moving to Vancouver Island in a few years.

Yikes, it is after 10 so I had best make a move. I get up at 6:10 and start the daily grind by taking the dogs out and that has to be done individually. It is dark here at  that hour and no sane person should have to get up when it is dark.

CN Charlie



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Posted by wetidlerjr on Friday, October 8, 2010 3:29 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.

Geeked Dinner


Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by wedudler on Friday, October 8, 2010 5:07 AM


a foggy but not raining morning walk with the dogs.

Now we're preparing lunch: potatoes and sauerkraut with pineapple and apple. Over this fried onions. And all together with federweisser, those famous freshly made wine.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, October 8, 2010 5:30 AM

Bon appetite, Wolfgang Wink

Good Afternoon, Folks!

Lunchtime - Zoe, I´ll go for a burger platter with all the works, and a RBF, please n´thanks.

We had a fairly dull morning, but now the sun is giving it a try in our region. Went shopping with Petra, just normal grocery run for the weekend. I hate shopping on Saturdays, so we do this on Fridays.

My research on how to become an engineer has led me to the conclusion, that I am just a bit too old for that job. Swiss engineers retire at 60 latest, so that would leave a little over 50 years of active duty. No business is investing into a 1-year training for a guy, who can serve only such a short time after.

Another bubble has burst!

I am going to take a nap now - I am just weary and tired of life. Will drop in later to see who´s joining us today!

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Friday, October 8, 2010 5:31 AM

Good Morning Folks!

Cup of coffee please.  Looks like the weather is going to be picture perfect here this weekend. 

Have a great weekend all!


The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, October 8, 2010 6:24 AM

Good Morning,

It’s in the paper section for the scrap book supplies, it’s a gadget that cuts the same size circle every time, almost like a hand held hole punch but you can get them to cut a 1”, 2”, or 3” circle.  I use it because it’s easier for me to cut 2 or 3 filters into the same size.  If I don’t; I wind up with trees that just look too big.  I save the boxes from bottled tea, the convenience store gives them to me.  I can sit in the living room and watch a movie while trimming trees.  I stain my bamboo skewers with 2/3 rubbing alcohol 1/3 black walnut stain.  I pour it into a small disposable aluminum bread pan I get at the dollar store; the skewers soak the color all the way through so there is no chance of them warping.  I do the same thing with sleepers (RR ties) to stain them, but I use steam power black versus the walnut stain.  Jeff’s idea about latex paint works also.

CN Charlie; U of M?  I’m guessing you’re not in Ann Arbor, MI….  If you are I would agree that’s a waste of time since a new stadium will not help the Wolverines beat the Buckeye’s this year.

Ken, foam will give you air bubbles, you need the proper brush and feather the paint while you apply it.  What type of paint are you using and what color is it?  I sent you a PM I hope it helps.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, October 8, 2010 7:01 AM

Good Morning! Bill's buying coffee this morning I see. Good. I need coffee please. Lots of coffee. Thanks.

Bad news yesterday. My trusty Craftsman miter saw went kapooey. Toes up. Bought the farm. Dead.  If it wasn’t for the fact I haven’t buried it, it’d be pushin up Daisies. I guess that means I have to get a new one to finish Mom’s houseSigh. See? I knew I shouldn’t have bought the cameraBlack Eye. If you don’t have one, (power miter saw) you may not know what I mean. If you have one then you know how nice it is to have one and somehow just can’t cut a piece of wood that will fit in one without it. Straight or mitered. It quit too late yesterday to do anything about it before work…. oops. Excuse my language. W**k. So I’m heading out early this morn to hit up Lowe’s and then since It's next door head to the Walmart for some needed groceries and house hold supplies like soap and shampoo, plus Missy’s treats are dangerously looooow.Indifferent

Robby- Need I say what a great looking boxcar you’ve posted? You do a fantastic job on all the cars but the yellow ones you’re over the top on.

Galaxy- Usually, if they offer to sell you a compter cleaner or anything it’s adware. If you haven’t already done it, go to This is a free spyware/adware tool like the famous Spybot the computer people around here talk so highly of, but Superantispyware works. No guarantees, but it’s free so it definitely won’t hurt. It has removed every annoying browser high jacking adware I have ever got. Including the one that lead me to that one in the first place. Nothing would clean it but this one. Of the free ones of course. This all sounds familiar. déjà vu or have we had this conversation beforeConfused.

Mcafee is not very good with adwareNo. Never got a virusYes but I have got some possible spy ware that Superantispyware stopped before geting in and some adware, but never a virus. Unless you consider adware and spyware a virus.

CNCharlie- That happens often down here with smaller projects and I’m sure large ones too, but I usually hear of the ones involving small businesses and homeowners. That is gonna cost you one way or the other. Cost you for the added expense to make it as was intended, or cost you in property values or both. I hope the horrible access isn’t something that will make a bazillion cars travel by your house or adversely affect you access. That would be a big downer come sale time.

Wolfgang- Your lunch sounds……..delicious actuallyDinner

Best get a gittin to town. So’s I can be back by 1130 CDST to unload truck, then back to Mom’s house, then back to wor….w**k. Gotta figure where the saw money’s coming from too.

I’m sure gonna miss my trusty little miter saw friend. At least until I get a new one.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

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I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Friday, October 8, 2010 7:20 AM

 Good morning. 

 Well with the rain we have had, I have to cut grass!!!!!   I haven't done that in about a month or so.   Maybe clean up the house some, and call it a day!!!

 Todd..........Thanks for the comments.   That car sold in about three hours.   So now I have to go to the LHS tomorrow, and get some more cars.  A few more for the show, and maybe one for eBay.   For some reason that car is a HOT seller.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, October 8, 2010 7:28 AM

 Mourning NY

 Flo, just a Diet Dew for now.

Charlie Thank you for the PM, it must have taken you some time to do. I am using a white semi gloss latex.

 My plain of attack is first, dig out my old Wagner Power Painter and see if it works after sitting 15 years.

 Second, it it does not work, look at renting one.

 My wife Sue saying I am being to picky.

 Ulrich My self I would still apply for the engineer job, you would be in no worst shape than you are now if they say no.

 See you all later, Ken 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 8, 2010 7:42 AM


Jeffrey,  I never thought of buying in quanity.  Do you have a good source?

I get mine frome Lowe's. It's a custom mix made from a sample of Floquil Rail Tie Brown that I had them color match. Here's the information on it.

Valspar Ultra Premium interior flat latex. Base 4. 105-2y27    109-1.5     111-17.5    113-3

You should be able to get that mixed at any paint store,

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by GMTRacing on Friday, October 8, 2010 7:48 AM

Good morning All,

    Just passing through - gotta get a regular to go. 50 F just now, but we have sunshine and a predicted high in the 70's today. Not much else to report this morning - busy rewiring my trailer again to try to get it a bit more reliable. Not the running lights, the A/C circuits are messed up and keep popping breakers inside. Did find three circuits jumpered together in the breaker box and I've separated them and added new breakers so we'll see in a bit.

   I've now also had the entire carb to bits and back on the mighty and majestic Ram 50 pickup (remember carburetors?) Full of crud and the main jet totally blocked. We'll see if THAT is better now as well.

   Off to Nova Scotia tomorrow morning for moms 90th. Catch y'all later,   J.R.

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, October 8, 2010 8:00 AM

For you Wisconsin rail fans, my next bridge project, I plan on retiring in 2029 so I hope they work fast, LOL

Wisconsin Rail Plan 2030

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 8, 2010 8:23 AM

Good morning. It's 52 and sunny. The high will be 91 and it will be sunny. It would be nice to get some rain. All of Louisiana is under a burn ban.

Spent yesterday mostly laying around recovering from Wednesday. On Wednesday I got out and got some yard work done then I went down to my parents place and helped with some yard work there. I was quite worn out by 7 pm. Yesterday I woke up about as stiff as a board with every movement reminding me of how stupid I had been the previous day. Then to have one of my not so likable neighbors telling me my yard should look as good as his. His yard has hardly any trees. Mine has about 120 trees and it's just a half acre and is very hard to mow. If he wants to see it raked he can come rake it. Otherwise he can go sit on a door knob and mind his own business. I'm in no mood for nosey-parkers who think their way is the only way. I am not a friendly sort when people start telling me how to run my life, especially when they have no idea of what I have to contend with every day. Today I'll just be taking it easy and if the darn fool next door starts talking about the yard again I'm just going to hand him a rake. Today would not be a good day for salesmen or Jehovah's Witnesses to show up as I have no use for either one of them. Maybe I can hand them rakes as well.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by AmanaMedic on Friday, October 8, 2010 8:31 AM

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning, bucket of coffee, with the IV drip as well, to go please 'n thank-you.

I had a lengthy rant going, based on something Mr. LaHood said in Lee's Wisconsin Rail report... decided maybe it would just be best if I didn't.

Thank me, I'm welcome.

Have a good, SAFE day....

Condolences to TODD and the miter saw's familyMischief


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 8, 2010 9:19 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I might as well sit down and have a nice breakfast this morning as today and the weekend are already going to be too busy to much of anything on the train front.  So, a short stack of buttermilk pancakes and an order of bacon to go along with my dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR mug would do nicely.  What?  Oh yes NYS Maple Syrup as well.... leave the bottle.Big Smile

Have to get the wood splitter tied down on the trailer this morning, so I can get an early start out the museum tomorrow morning.  Have to do the weekly grocery shopping, get my Flu Shot at the allergist have an appt. to speak with a lawyer in town about some legal stuff (checking on some options for how we do business) with the MLK Committee, and then head out to my sister's to go out to dinner......  She is on her way to Bhutan for 3 weeks on one of her trips.  I get to drive to Canandaigua every day to take care of the cats for her.....  Aren't I lucky? Whistling

I see Todd is mourning the loss of the miter saw....  Ken is just mourning this morning, and Jeffrey is trying to get run over by his van so the rest of us will be mourning for him this morning.

I better get going before my sarcasm gets me in trouble....Smile, Wink & Grin



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, October 8, 2010 10:02 AM

Uh, oh.... Todd's miter saw has passed. ... Todd, what are the funeral arrangements?

Jeff, don't work too hard. Ignore the neighbor's opinions. Keep smiling.

I posted an NP freght train in WPF. See if Sue sees it.

Shelley and I will be in Ohio and Michigan for about 10 days, and I will not be here very often.

Happy Model Railraoding.  







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Posted by wedudler on Friday, October 8, 2010 10:43 AM

I've started packing my stuff for the trip to the 20 anniversary for the FREMO in Netherlands.

That's only the first part, my module Salina. There're Silver Creek, Fiddletown and more modules.     Smile

My wife asks me then always "What bring the other fans with?"


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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, October 8, 2010 11:06 AM


LOL, not "my" project, I will need to work on the rail bridges over navigatable waters and that's it, so feel free to break out the soap box :)


They want to build a high speed rail between Cleveland


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by gear-jammer on Friday, October 8, 2010 11:34 AM

Good morning, Chloe.  I it still early enough here that my usual coffee and cinnamon roll will keep me moving.

Yesterday I painted a bunch of bamboo skewers before heading to town.  That sets me up to get a slew of trees done this weekend.

Larry has been working on the backdrop which heads down the 24' of wall including the staging yard.  The clouds, the mountain and some  of the hills are in.  His next step will be some oat fields.  We are modeling late summer at harvest.  I am glad that he is the artist.

Lee,  I looked at the paper punches at JoAnn's.  They had everything except round so I didn't purchase anything.  Sounds like the steps that you use are similar to mine.  You trim the rounds as I trim the squares.

Jeffrey,  Thanks for the details for your paint source.  I agree on the yardwork.  If someone wants yours to look better, they should volunteer to help you.  This is such a messy time of year.  I mow the leaves and they disappear after a couple of months.

Garry,  NP rules.  I did see your NP freight train with the SP & S, boxcar.

Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 8, 2010 11:46 AM


Zoe, I'll have the Reuben Sandwich with a side of Fries to tide me over to supper.  Add a large Dr. pepper to THAT as well.

Sue and Jeffrey, my neighborhood puts up with the messy Howard place.  I have convinced them THAT the mess on my property make their place look better in comparison.  Never been one to "Keep up with the Jones' "  Were pretty laid back around here.

Got the wood splitter tied down and all set to take to the museum tomorrow.  Hopefully their will be a couple guys out there looking for something to do and will be able to help with the wood.  It will be left there for a few weeks to have time to finish the pile they have.

I am waiting for a package to arrive with some supplies for the project...  Still have two more turnouts to complete and get installed (3 to be installed), then I can finish the track w*rk.  Hope I have enough time to get this done before the 23rd.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Flashwave on Friday, October 8, 2010 1:02 PM


Evening guys,

Yep computer been hit by another virus. One of those that list a whole bunch things wrong with your computer {viruses, adware, spyware, trojans, email worms} then offers you to BUY their "cleaning system" to "clear up such matters". and locks into your computer interfering with what you a re doing and probably meawhile keeping track of everything you do to.

It also interrupts service and causes problems when you start up / turn off your computer by blanking your screen saver.

Have to call the computer man again. Going to be gone tomorrow. so we will try to keep computer going til monday when I can call computer guy? The computer is also a gift from a friend who maitains a company contract with hte computer repair people so he maintains it for us, but may nto if we have to have another virus removed. Not sure where the other half goes online, but i don't go too many places online, but do do a lot of google searches.

Let me intorduce you to a tool I found. It's called Web of Trust, and is a user-rated anit-popup. Quite simply, you get one of those pop-ups that people have red-flagged, it re-routes to its own screen and says "Hey. people have had problems here. Do you want to continue?" And to date, I've yet to have it flag anything that I knew was safe. It doesn't catch anything new, but the few day old pop-ups are usually well taken care of.  I run a triage of stuff as reccomended by my Mom, who's a tech wizard for IUPUI: Symantec Anti-Virus, Adaware, and Malwarebytes. Between the three of them, t'aint nuthin gets missed. Used to run Spybot, but more and more it's a bloated program.

Also, next time you get one of those, kill your internet network ASAP. They don't tend to download until you click on something, and without the internet to keep fueling that fire, you can more easily close it out and the page it came from. Works for me.

And becausde I saw it in my skimming: KILL. MCAFEE. It's almost as bad about pop-ups as it is that virus.


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