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Elliot's Trackside Diner September 2010 Locked

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:32 AM

Thanks Ray,

   As I've said before I drive by all this trackage and what looks like seldom used lines going to and from the Glen but never stop because I'm usually in the truck and/or running late. I will start to look for books on the area at the few train shows I go to as well as the museum (which is having a great 1/2 off used surplus books sale just now). Without knowing which railroads had the tracks I was hesitant to purchase just anything. Apparantly Sayre had a huge facility as well for repair but I wonder how much of THAT is left?    J.R. (sneaking onto the computer between tasks)

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 9:39 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have the Eggs Benedict with sausage and lots of drak roast coffee in a FGLK Mug.

We got a few days before the move,  The 45 tonner is up and running (more or less) so she can do the virtual move when needed.  The diner will be put on track 4 so we can have parking across the road from the depot.


Ray - the lineup of coal cars is great. Looks a lot like the section just north of Corning where they have a bunch of them tied up. I think the coal is for the glassworks there. THAT yard feeds down to a wye that connects to trackage running parrellel to rt17 . Not sure who used to run there, but towards Binghamton this year there was lots of traffic.

J. R. it looks like what it is.....Big Smile  The photos were taken from the High St. Ext. bridge going over the tracks.  We were on our way from Corning to Watkins Glen at the time.  Those tracks by NY Rt. 17 were at one time the Erie Lackawanna, before that it was the D. L. & W., Erie, and a couple other lines.  They connected with the Lehigh Valley in Waverly, NY on their way to points East.  THAT was my old stomping Grounds for my first 11 years teaching.....  The whole area had lots of rail service at one time.  Where the photo was taken in 1895 branched out to be a 9 track yard.  At this time I think only 2 tracks are still in service.....

Currently 71°F under fair skies and a forecast for more rain today.  I think most of the day will be spent down cellar doing what I can on the project I have started.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 9:13 AM


Just dull and Storm out today--an all day rain is in our forecast and I got my heart wall exam today---just plain ol' yuck.Dead

After i get that dealt with I'm heading home to the basement and get some MRR stuff doneWhistling Think I'll start hibernating--Blindfold

Chloe, I'll have a strong IV bag of rawcaffeine please---I'll be at the RC for now thanks--Huh?

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:31 AM

Good Morning! Got up late this morn. Didn’t awake until 7:30. Gotta run.

Camera works great so far. Took a few pictures of Mom’s house for her to look at when I go in today. It appears in auto focus mode, that it focuses es es on several points in the frame and averages them to come up with a happy medium? That sound right Ray? Guy told me not to read the instructions for a while. I have no problem with that. Actually I think I will. It has a pretty comprehensive owners manual that is indexed very well with reference pages AND the whole book is written in English. I think I can find something I want to know in that book easily as opposed to others out there. Like my PHONES!!!. WHICH, by the way, is almost as big as the cameras and just chock full of crrrrrAP I don’t care about. Buried in there somewhere is stuff on how to use the phone part. Gotta be. Just gotta be. Someday I’ll watch or listen to the DVD or CD they sent with it (camera). Don’t know what it is other than some round CD looking thing. Didn’t pay any attention. Could be one of them photo programs Canon is fond of sending out.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:50 AM

 Good rainy morning.  Seems like the northern part has rain all day!!

 Well I gotta run by some stores this morning, and work on some more cars.   The train show got my payment yesterday, so I need to get the ball rolling more.   As of right now, they have me at a great spot at the show.  A lot of traffic!!!

 Sawyer.......That's a neat shot!!!

 I will be back in later.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:46 AM

Good Morning All,

    72 and rainy this AM with thunderboomers later. Means the old pup will be trying to wedge himself into some impossible place again (he really hates the loud noises but is front and center when I crank the stereo at home). Oh, thanks and a donut with that coffee please, Zoe

   Had a productive weekend getting the Focus mobile again (still need a fender and nose cone) and starting on the CFO's Ram 50 (brakes and frozen clutch). Got the storm door done at the house and a bunch of tidy up items clicked off the HD list. More steps to cleaning out a new train room.

   On the camera front, I like the Nikon but agree the Canon is probably the better unit for the money. Both are heavily discounted by the chains so look for a "special sale". The live view stuff is good, but a feature i really like is the one on the CFOs' pro shot where the screen twists around so you can have the camera at a wierd angle and still see the screen. My little 3.2mp sure shot as all auto focus but has a section in the menu (when Ican find it) that allows you to designate a section of the screen to concentrate the focus so hopefully you avoid the out of focus main subject. Still easier to use an SLR to do action shots.

Ray - the lineup of coal cars is great. Looks a lot like the section just north of Corning where they have a bunch of them tied up. I think the coal is for the glassworks there. THAT yard feeds down to a wye that connects to trackage running parrellel to rt17 . Not sure who used to run there, but towards Binghamton this year there was lots of traffic.

G - it might be fun to see who actually wins some of these come-ons. Before the housing boom collapsed it was all about getting traffic into the model homes in East Arid Arizona (free tumbleweed with every unit). Wink

Chris - nice shot - no wonder it won a prize. Nothing like trying to preserve life and limb to help compose the shot.

Ken - did you scuff the cabinets to get the paint to adhere better? I agree with the $13.00 paint and multiple coats thing. Do you need primer first? and definitely shape the trim to the ceiling. Last thing you need is a fine coating of plaster dust throughout the affected area. Sounds like you live by one of my mottos - "no job too easy to turn into a project".  If you are daring and the ceiling is smooth, you can try holding the trim up against the corner and tracing with a pencil held against the ceiling to get an idea of how much to trim and where. Easier said than done with a long piece of trim up in the corner of the ceiling (and probably over the counter as well?).

    Time to pick up tools and get to it in the shop. Catch y'all later.   J.R.

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:08 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.



Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:42 AM

Good Morning,

Rain all day today, I think it’s a good day to finish the backdrops after work!

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:35 AM

Morning guys,  Coffee please, with Splenda

Chilly,Storm, Umbrella for a No day.Angry Grr! Posed to be only in the 50s later this weekend and Storm Umbrella too.

Well the pain shot injections fo rmy back actually made the pain worse I think, and naturally I bruised at teh injection sites. I seem to have less flexibility and tolerance for movement than before the injections. And it has not removed the need for hte Oxycontin and Vicodin, if fact the injection Dr told me to keep taking them,,, that shounds a bit odd. I thought the idea was to eliminate the other pain killers. So I've been doing a lot of lying down and not much else . I can do only one chore a day, if I do two I get overstressed on my back and have to lie down.Geeked

WEnt to one of those auto liquidation sales thingys they send you in the mail with a scratch off number and a key to see if you won a new car. i knew there were no guarantees and lots of catches and chances at chances of winning, but the  other half was jumping for joy it said we might have won $100K so I went too. THe only thing we won was a chance to win a 42" TV or "grab that dough air booth" up to $1K cash if you could grab that much. We litterally have NO ROOM for a 42" TV nor do we want one so we didn't go back fo the later drawing onthe TV. WE just bought the KIA Sedona and can;t afford two car payments. SO it was a moot point to show us anything also hte cars the sales lady was showing us were 2008 and newer and as it was we could only afford the 06 Kia, so I knew they were out of league. HAd she listened to the fact that I said we wanted a payment of $200 or LESS there might have been a possibility, but not what she was showing us in vehicles.No

 My credit is very very good, other half nto so much as we have a few medical bill collections to try to clear up if we can ever figure out who should properly be paid for those. FOr some bills, insurance says they cannot bill you as they don't participate in the plan and the labs should not have performed the service,, but we think those are the ones who turned into collections, which technically they don't then have a right to do according to insurance. We would like to clear these matters up and boost other half's solo credit rating by an individual auto installment loan that I am not a cosigned nor coapplicant on so that when we apply for a mortgage down the road we will both have excellent scores and will get a better mortgage. Rihgt now our rate would be dragged down by the lower credit score rather than my higher score. Paying the Kia loan every 3 weeks helps to boost my credit scroe as well somewhat as I pay back on time/early. ANy way you look at it, I HATES payments, so the fewer the better! Whistling

well, i have missed a few days as in back pain and laying down. WOn't try to catch up.

Thanks to all for b-day wishes!!!!!!!!! Cake   Dind't get any Gift, but wasn't expecting any as we don't generally do b-day presents except to fine dine Dinner out. SOme ideas have been floated about for xmas, but not much we are doing xmas on the cheap this year. I already got other half a GG1 Tuscan Red {fav color} in Nscale to run around under the tree, as that is one thing that was wanted. GOt it back in May as it was available then and I didnt take chances on it.

Other half looking forward to more hours at work hopefully as split departments want coverage, so that good news.

WEll, I go have more Coffee now

Remember you are all Star in my book!Oops - Sign


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:14 AM

Good Day Folks!

Cup of coffee, with a Sausage Biscuit w/ Cheese and some Strawberry Jam Please!

Cold and rainy here today, work has slowed down a bit, finally get to breath a little.  Hope everyone has a great day!


The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
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Posted by Flashwave on Monday, September 27, 2010 11:57 PM

Ugh, flu. By the Diner sure went through her turn quick. I'll leave Ray(?) the neccesary paperwork, CMPA is rather *Informal* about dispatching compared to the Chessie/CSX/B&O 30miles up the line at North Vernon, but he'll still need to sign dispatcher's papers. Least the Spatch is portable in his truck. Rest of the tools are in the underbelly too unblock the car as needed. I for one, cannot wait to see his muesum.

And remember guys, we were gonna take it to that museum next, we promised nice-like.  

I'll be catching up by the scanner. I cannot wait to hear Chessie getting permissions for a 45tonner on ther 50mph line. We may hve to push to speed it up.


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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, September 27, 2010 9:48 PM

A very cool and rainy day here in Pittsburgh, but we had a nice weekend. Been a lucky couple of days too. First we went up to Camp Hill, PA for a great nephews birthday party on Saturday and were upgraded at the motel to a suite. Pretty nice. Then today I dropped my car off at the body shop (fender bender about a week ago) and the car rental upgraded us to a Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Since I'm not a very lucky person, I've spent all day waiting for the other shoe to drop. So far, so good. Think I'll buy a lottery ticket tomorrow morning when I take my daily walk.


EDIT:   Just noticed I'm at the top of the page, so I guess breakfast will be on me in the morning. Eat hearty me lads, who knows when it will be my treat again.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 27, 2010 7:31 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo, just a decafe and maybe........ one of those brownies over there with some chocolate syrup and a scoop of vanilla ice cream..... I'll be in the back with those guys sharing photos.

Chris!!!  Oh WOW!  What a fantastic shot!  I can see why it won.  THAT one had to be a bit of knowledge and ability with a whole lot of luck!

Sawyer, you must be the mean looking dude with the complete concentration on the game!  I bet you are a tough opponent.  Nice photos.  Who took them?

Jeffrey, hope your sight gets back to normal (whatever THAT is?) soon.

I have been w*rking on the framing for the unit THAT will be judged for a merit award. It is 2' X 4'.  Got the sides put together, sanded, Used the router to make a nice curved edge on top, and then stained it.  I also cut out the plywood base for the scene and made sure it fit.  There will be a small lip above the plywood to keep cars (loco actually) from running off the board....  Here are a few quick photos.  You can see the plywood base leaning against the dryer in the first shot.

And a close up up the stained finish.  It will be completed with a few coats of varnish.

This guy has been following me around all day....  Making sure I don't leave again I think.  (No he doesn't get anywhere near the layout.....!)





Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 27, 2010 6:42 PM

I won't be on long. Even though I got some rest my body is still kicking my butt. I'm tired and my eye sight is fried. Everything on the screen is a fuzzy blur yet 4 feet and further away is clear. Been trying to do too much reading and I'm paying the price. I just have to wait for it to clear.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, September 27, 2010 4:55 PM

Hey folks, just popping in here. Nothing for me.

Well, school today was, well, school. Got a writing portfolio dropped on me as the project we have to do in english for the crucible. LORD I'm sick of the salem witch trials. Fortunately there's a few things worth two items in it, one of which is creating a website for the Salem Witch Trials. and if I do that, I can write my research paper on them as well and kill three birds with one stone.

Well, thought I'd tack these pics up. They're from our rugby game last spring against irmo. I got them off our facebook page. I'm #4, with the scrum cap in three of them, under armor cleats in all four.

Trying to make a flying tackle (barely missed and then he juked the other player and scored a try):

This is my favorite pic, I love my face in this

going for the tackle


Sawyer Berry

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Posted by the North East Rail Modeler on Monday, September 27, 2010 3:34 PM


 And to top it all off, the Mill Work does not fit right! Seems the ceiling over the sink as a small bow to it! Bang Head It is not God Awful and most people would never notices it, but it bugs me!

 Little Poll

 1 Sand the wood so there is a bow?

 2 Sand the plaster and make the ceiling straight?

 Well, time to give it another coat.


Well, it depends: how hard do you want to make it?

If you want to make the job harder (and longer), but have a "trued" celing, then sand the celing.

But, if you want it easier (and finish sooner), then sand the wood, and make a bow in it.

 Just be warned, check the fit very often. It's easy to remove a scootch more, but it's near impossible to put that scootch back on.

On my front, I'm still trying to dry out from a bad band of rainstorms that came through North East Florida earlier. (One of my newly wethered boxcars played submarine through it. I couldn't get it in time)

I still don't have a layout, but I've been bidding my time by working on a scratch-built EMD NW/2 switcher, as seen in the drawings in the December 1979 issue of the Model Railroader.

I've been making little progress on it, using For Sale signs for my styrene sheets. I still got a few details to add to the interior, and then I can start painting.

Man, I'm cheep. Using For Sale signs for scratch-building, and I salvaged the motor and trucks from a Life-Like locomotive I got from a yardsale (they still work, too) .  (What? They work, and they are cheep, although installing a decoder for the Life-like motor will be a bad idea...)

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, September 27, 2010 3:29 PM

Robby P.
I guess I will take a Beer and hang out with Ken.

 Flo, pitcher for me and Robby P!

 Charlie I am using the + button a lot now. This is going sound dumb, but I thought the + button was only used to remotely to turn track power on and off. Did not remember I could control engine speed with it. I now use it most of the time to change engine speed.  I like it better than changing the CV's for a slow start.  

 I sure would get more done if the Dinner did not have such great people and

 Speaking of Great People, where is Jeffery today?


I hate Rust

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, September 27, 2010 2:33 PM

 I guess I will take a Beer and hang out with Ken.

 I was lifting weights this morning, and pulled something in my side.   Not that the weight was heavy but I twisted to put the bar on, rather than putting it on the right way Confused.    I did get a Railbox done for the show.

 Todd.......I was also thinking about the "erase board".  Jessica said she seen some big ones at Sams Club yesterday.   I will keep a look out and see what I can find.

 Ken...........I know what you mean as far as paint.  We bought some "one coat" and it took two or three coats!!!!!!!!!!!   I also buy the cheaper paint as it does just as good.  If I was you I would sand the wood.  The ceiling would be hard to sand.  Reaching up, what if you can get it to sand good, etc....

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, September 27, 2010 1:52 PM

 Flow, how about a Beer while I am waiting for the paint to dry. Laugh


 I am painting the cabinets that are part of the window that looks into the family room. They are all ready white and the paint still will not cover! Tuesday I am taking it back and get a refund! If I am going to have to go over the cabinets two or three times, it is going to be with $13.00 a gallon paint, not $30.00 a gallon of paint!

 And to top it all off, the Mill Work does not fit right! Seems the ceiling over the sink as a small bow to it! Bang Head It is not God Awful and most people would never notices it, but it bugs me!

 Little Poll

 1 Sand the wood so there is a bow?

 2 Sand the plaster and make the ceiling straight?

 Well, time to give it another coat.


I hate Rust

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, September 27, 2010 1:17 PM

I always tell people when I do get a good shot THAT 90% of it is just being in the right place at the right time (and it does help having good equipment). and I am still learning!

AMEN!!!!! Amen, amen, AMEN!!!!!!

I've also been known to say THAT "even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile..."Whistling

Chance DOES tend to favor the prepared, but yeah...a lot of it seems to come down to being in the right place, at the right time, and hitting the button at the right time too! Of course, I've also been "in the right place," at "the right time," and THE play of the game turned out too blurry to use...and with the heads chopped off (two guys going up in the air for a pass, high drama, game-changer stuff).

Bang HeadBang HeadBang HeadBang Head

Then, there is the total fluke shot...

...THAT wins 1st place in a newspaper photo contest. Confused With objects much closer than they appeared in the lens...I cranked the lens to full wide-angle and hit the button while literally jumping out of the way. A combat infantryman would call it "spray and pray" shooting.

Back at it, I "should" get some of the weekend's stuff put together I won't have to deal with it later. Yup...THAT would be the "smart" and/or "responsible" thing to do.


I want to play with my trains.



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by sleeper33 on Monday, September 27, 2010 12:28 PM

evening all just a tea to go please girls as still in work. hope all is well with everyone. workin my fingers to the bone as u can see lol. as for modelling i havnt got a layout at mo but might be moving soon so who knows whats gonna happen. oh well must dash catch u all later

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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 27, 2010 12:28 PM

Afternoon folks!

Zoe, a cheeseburger and fries along with a Dr. Pepper would hit the spot for lunch today.


RAY: Ah, the wonders of the smart camera trying to tell you where the focus oughta be...  I tend to use continuous focus for sports, and once I get the "target acquired," the camera generally does a good job for me. I used to (by necessity) shoot everything with manual focus. Now...I do so rarely. I just don't trust my eyes like I used to, is part of it. The other? I remember how irritating it was trying to manual focus on volleyball players, baseball, softball, etc., etc., etc. I trust the '90 more...but like Reagan, I "trust, but verify." Volleyball is the worst, the camera wants to focus on the net, I want to focus on the girl behind the net. THAT often turns into a "whack-a-mole" thing, waiting for the head to pop up above the net.

When I've got a more "static environment," like your neat girder bridge shot, I'll fiddle around more with the manual settings. But, when the leading running back in the state is jukin', and rushin', and haulin' ball...I've all but got to just turn it over to the camera. If it goes to crap...I re-adjust, and try again on the next drive. My biggest snag is often getting a high enough shutter speed to stop the action. "High-1" with Noise Reduction set to "high" has become my best friend, and it isn't fast enough sometimes. The obvious answer is, of course a faster lens...maybe next year, after the body/lens combo I've got is paid off.

Chris, I do exactly the same thing when trying to get decent shots of moving targets.  I sometimes have to move the camera around until I can get the focal point I want, hold the shutter half way down and wait for what I hope will give me what I am looking for.....  Big difference is, I am not doing it for a profession......  I always tell people when I do get a good shot THAT 90% of it is just being in the right place at the right time (and it does help having good equipment).  Hobby work is when I really use all the manual settings, and I am still learning

Todd....  Snoot prints?  Well if you just leave them there, if the camera gets stolen, you will have a way of proving it belongs to you....... Nah!  I just wipe it down with some lens cleaner now and then.

Have to get back to w*rk!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, September 27, 2010 11:35 AM

 Flo, A BLT to go and a Dew Please.

 Todd, the paint is not mixed, it is straight off the shelf white.  Maye that is the problem, they assume there would be pigments added to the paint. Guy at the paint counter did not strike me at being overly smart. Must have been down from Springfield IL.Smile, Wink & Grin He even told me the wrong prices.

 Chris, I used the same paint in a Very Dark Brown and did get one coat coverage. That was why I paid the $30.00 a gallon for the stuff.

 Other thing I hate about it, it is leaving brush marks and I am using a Sponge Brush! I am OK with the marks on the base board and the Mill work that will go across the ceiling. Lowe's has a video about how to paint Kitchen Cabinets which is the next job. It said that if I use this paint and sponge brush there would be no brush marks.

 I wonder if my Wagner Air Sprayer will still work? Have not used it for 17 years, but I did clean it good.


I hate Rust

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, September 27, 2010 11:14 AM

Goooooooooooooooooooood Mornin', bucket of coffee...

TODD: Ya know, after I got all "misty" about missing film, all those wonderful darkroom chemicals, etc., etc., etc. I looked through my black and white negatives. My goodness... some were horribly over-developed, others under-developed. A multitude of exposure errors, shots THAT were nuked-out by goofing up with the flash, etc.,etc., etc.

I then remembered all the times I vowed and swore I was gonna take all my photo equipment and throw it in the nearest dumpster, toss in a can of gasoline, and have a Nikon-roast; then go sign up for truck driver school or something...

I gave my little D-90 a loving little pat on her flash shoe cover...

RAY: Ah, the wonders of the smart camera trying to tell you where the focus oughta be...  I tend to use continuous focus for sports, and once I get the "target acquired," the camera generally does a good job for me. I used to (by necessity) shoot everything with manual focus. Now...I do so rarely. I just don't trust my eyes like I used to, is part of it. The other? I remember how irritating it was trying to manual focus on volleyball players, baseball, softball, etc., etc., etc. I trust the '90 more...but like Reagan, I "trust, but verify." Volleyball is the worst, the camera wants to focus on the net, I want to focus on the girl behind the net. THAT often turns into a "whack-a-mole" thing, waiting for the head to pop up above the net.

When I've got a more "static environment," like your neat girder bridge shot, I'll fiddle around more with the manual settings. But, when the leading running back in the state is jukin', and rushin', and haulin' ball...I've all but got to just turn it over to the camera. If it goes to crap...I re-adjust, and try again on the next drive. My biggest snag is often getting a high enough shutter speed to stop the action. "High-1" with Noise Reduction set to "high" has become my best friend, and it isn't fast enough sometimes. The obvious answer is, of course a faster lens...maybe next year, after the body/lens combo I've got is paid off.

TODD: "Snoot prints." Mine has a snap-on, mostly clear cover to keep snoot prints off the big screen...and avoid scratching THAT screen...

CUDAKEN: "One coat coverage."  HUMPF! I've yet to see ANY paint claiming "one coat coverage" actually deliver on THAT promise. Loving Wife's art studio is painted "Ruby Lips," a deep, dark red. One coat??? Oh no SIR! No way, no-how.

SIX coats it took...SIX.  The dark green (like CNW green) I'm using in my RR room requires four coats for best coverage...and it doesn't seem to make any difference if it is going over primer or not.

I hate paint.



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 27, 2010 9:27 AM

Good Morning Diners!

Zoe, I'll have a breakfast bagel with bacon and cheese and a cup of dark roast coffee in a FGLK mug.  I'll go see what the crowd is doing in the back for a while.  Pigments discussion huh?  Hmmmmm.........  You sure THAT Bill didn't show up with more of his friends???

Barry, best wishes for you with the doctor's appointment tomorrow.  I'll keep you in my prayers!

Todd, what I love the most about the DSLR cameras is being able to choose which lens I want to use and the ability to manual focus.  In autofocus you get this all too often:

The trees in the foreground were what the camera decided every time was supposed to be in focus.  The plane I was trying to shoot is out of focus. My febble mind forgot I could use manual focus.....  Mind you the next shot is under completely different circumstances, but notice the leaves in the foreground are mildly out of focus, but the bridge is in focus.  Being able to control the f-stop is also a huge advantage to get the depth of field for a shot.

You are going to love the new toy!

Have any of you used the Hump Yard Purveyance turnout throws?  I'm thinking of getting some for the demo board I am making for the Civil Merit Award....

Catch you all later.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, September 27, 2010 7:48 AM


  Valspar Ultra Premium for $30.00 for a gallon. It covers no better than the Olympia that was $13.42 a gallon. 

BINGO! Man I wish I knew you were going to do that. But, I might have kept my mouth shut thinking maybe it's a Springfield thing. Also, NEVER assume when you take a paint code to them for a certain color of paint, and I know you are familiar with the paint mixing pigment drip,shade,thing, that using the same paint code, such as Pittsburgh P168 Antique White, that the pigments will be the same. I know all about the inconsistancies, inconcsistencies....differences in the shades from when you get one galloan to the next and the computers have really made that a lot better than the guy measuring the pigments, but I would think at least the PIGMENTS would be the same. ALWAYS take the sticker with you even when you are going back to the same place and using the same paint and the same computer and the same........... Experienced the hard way. $100 a bucket. EVERY color except a white base is a custom color. Non returnable. Bang Head


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, September 27, 2010 7:32 AM

Robby- I think it's a great idea, but I'd lean toward a grease pencil board instead. I can't think of what they are really call.... dry erase  board (snaps fingers), that's it. Pretty colored pens, easy to see with the white board. You can also use it around the house when the show is over to leave little notes and grocery lists and such. Of course, downside is, the wife can leave little RobbyDo lists also.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, September 27, 2010 7:28 AM

 Mourning Madison IN

 Flo, I will take a BLT and some dew if you don't mind.

 Not sure what the temperature is out side, but it is pretty cool here here in the Man Cave / Train Room / Garage this mourning. Hard to believe it is time to fire up the gas heater.

 Garry The CB&Q Hopper is one of three of the Accurail Fallen Flag cars I built last month. The Alligator is the only sound Diesel I have that does not get on my nerve's. I picked it up on sale for $99.99 from Factory Direct Trains a few years ago.

 Far as the Bob Villa Project's, it did not go as planed. I bought some Mill Work to put over the kitchen sink, that part went good. I was not happy with the way the Olympia paint covered the Luna when I was painting it. It took back gallon of it I had never opened and exchanged it for a gallon of Valspar Ultra Premium for $30.00 for a gallon. It covers no better than the Olympia that was $13.42 a gallon. 

 From there TV AD's, they talk about how great this stuff covers. I have two coats on the Mill work and it looks like it is going to take 3 coats. Am I wrong on my thinking that it should cover in 1 coat?  

 See you all for lunch, Ken  

I hate Rust

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, September 27, 2010 7:26 AM

Good Morning! Coffee please. Gotta run this morning. Counter top is to be delivered at 0830 CDT and ya’ll know how I have a tendency to run late.

Just wanted to make a few quick points. (pointes to the picture board, the RC, corner booth and the kitchen door)

Ray- OH! You’ve made my ears perk up when you said you can zoom in the live view to see if a prt of the photo is in focus. Now that just might be the little feature I need. I shall find out how to do that. Yes I did think of the advantages of live view when it came to MRR pictures. Setting the camera down and all.

One thing I have noticed. The screen is located such that it will require frequent if not constant cleaning of snoot prints.

Chris- I hear you on the advantages of digital. I’m not all that much of a photographer, but I do prefer a SLR. The trusty K1000 has served me well for what, 30 years now and is still waiting for more. And that was all the camera I needed, so though by comparison, the Rebel and the Nikon are “entry level” cameras, their capabilities are rather past my level of knowledge, experience, and quite frankly I probably will not use half of what it can do. As much as I hate too, I’ll have to admit the digital advantages make processing film….well, let’s face it… expensive and time consuming. I can hang around the Walmart for an hour or so next time I’m there, or I can just zip into my office and load the pictures on the computer in just a minute and be gone again.

Gee I can’t believe I just said something like that.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!

EDIT: Great! Now if I'm ever up there, I'll never know where this hobby shop Lee speaks of is. "Abby something."



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, September 27, 2010 7:24 AM

 Good rainy morning.   Its suppose to rain for the next two days!!

 Did the math yesterday, and I have to do three cars a week to have them ready for the show!!!!!!!   I guess you know where I will be!!!

 Oh, no  more stink bugs.....So I won't be bringing them into the "diner" anymore Whistling.

 Not much planned other than getting some cars ready. 

 *Question*   I was going to make a banner for the show, but Jessica came up with the idea of using a chalk board.  Maybe a 3x5 size.   I like the idea of using it, since I will be giving demonstrations.  Plus use can change the look/letters easier.   Do you guys think that would be a neat/different idea?

 I will pop back in later.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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