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Elliot's Trackside Diner July 2010 Locked

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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:01 PM

Decaf coffee, please. 

***Jim, are you going to recreate an AZ copper mine? A colorful open pit mine would be very cool on a layout.

Cowboy Rob 

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:33 PM

 Good Evening....bucket of RBF please 'n thank-you...

Well, Tori the truck had a cancerous colon removed and replaced, her exhaust system is shiny, solid, and magnificent. So, since last fall she's received: rear end w**k to lift her sagging back end, joint replacement surgery, a heart transplant, and now full (from the catalytic converter) exhaust replacement. I think I'm rebuilding her one part at a time...

TOM: I got to thinking about THAT foam trailer, and the more I cogitate upon it, the more I figure they (CRFD) will also send their million dollar foam Engine with it. The trailer will be set up (with it's large un-manned monitors), they will run their hose from the trailer to their Engine. We'll just have to drop our Port-A-Tanks and keep tankers on the water shuttle as the Super Engine drafts. Our lines and theirs shouldn't mix/match, or otherwise mingle.

Speaking of hose...

Still looking for some firehose, may wind up with some thick thread or sumptin' for THAT.
Here's a pic THAT might just help ya with THAT, Pally!

Think flat unless it's full of H2O...


Welp, my schedule for the rest of the week is in the process of being determined at this moment up in Ft. Dodge... IF CCA wins tonight, I either go cover them Thursday or Friday. IF they lose...I'm up there sometime tomorrow. IF they win...I go cover baseball tomorrow evening. IF they lose...someone else goes to the baseball game.

Sound like fun?

Hey, VINCENT, wanna write an article for me??? It's part reporting on a presentation, part interview with a County Supervisor who wants to get lots of federal bucks to build bike paths. The grant is known as a TIGER Grant. No, I don't remember what THAT stands for...Google it. It's appropriate though, she (the Supervisor) kinda resembles a TIGER tank...Whistling

And the hits just keep on a-comin'....

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:00 PM

Ok, late night at the shop but I got the shift linkage to w..k on the 18. Shoe lace would do for fire hose in O, but what would be flat and small enough in HO or N ? I know we have some cast detail of hose on reels laying around the hobby room (where Garry put it away), but I've not seen any in N and I could use some for the yard at the museum.

   Jim - I am assigned to the N display at the museum currently and have to build several hat factories that were originally built with clapboard. None survive currently due to a volunteer with a bunch of matches, but I'm doing research to see what I need to build. Hence the large quantities of styrene siding and a curious need for one of Micromarks corner cutters (or make my own,)  J.R.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:08 PM

 Evenin' folks!

Flo just a cup of decaf for me.  I'll go sit in the back and relax for a bit.

My son came over on his way to work this afternoon and helped me load the woodsplitter on my new trailer.  Got it all tied down so I can take it out to camp tomorrow for the ranger to use for a couple of weeks.  Got half the lawn mowed this evening.  Did a bit of house cleaning as well (it DOES need it!).

On the MRR front I got the first coat of drywall mud on the frame for the quarry scene.  This is in the area that goes down below the layout.  This is only the first of several varying layers I will do.  Some sanding will be in order when it is dry, and then some coats of diluted plaster.  The floor of the quarry will probably be poured in POP or Hydrocal. That will be easier than using the mud I think.  After it is dry, I will carve the rock faces and cracks into the plaster.....  Sounds like fun, right? Wink

Doesn't look like much right now....

J. R. -  what about plastic boondoggle?  The stuff kids use to make bracelets and keychains at camps?

Hope you all have a great night!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by CNCharlie on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:33 PM

Good Evening,

Rob, your Trailer Park Boys scene is great!!! I was watching them tonight, the episode where they are about to use the G scale train to transport the dope to the U.S. 

Have been doing a little work on the scenery for the harbour addition. Mostly just coarse turf and shrubs. Next will be a few trees that I have to put together. I should be done soon and then it will be on to adding a creamery to the village and moving the freight house.

Jeff, I am anxiously waiting for your report on the GP7. I am waiting for the GP9 that was announced for fall delivery as it will be done in CN green and yellow.

See you later,

 CN Charlie

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:38 PM

Ray - is plastic boondoggle something I can find at a craft store (i.e. Michaels)? Haven't heard of that, but up until last weekend I hadn't heard of snickerdoodle cookies either (sugar cookies with cinnamon dusted on top if I guessed right).   J.R.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:02 PM


Ray - is plastic boondoggle something I can find at a craft store (i.e. Michaels)? Haven't heard of that, but up until last weekend I hadn't heard of snickerdoodle cookies either (sugar cookies with cinnamon dusted on top if I guessed right).   J.R.


Boondogle is plastic lace used for stuff like... well...  Like this.

Should find it at Micheals or most any other craft store.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Packer on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:11 PM

Hey guys

Ken, Some help would definately be appreciated. I'm using bondo gold, and it seems to take forever or dries way too quick. Looks like I'm going to have to mess with the ratios again. I messed with the ratios before because it was really hot before and it made it a little bit easier to work with.

Jim, Rhetoric & critical thinking. I guess that's just a fancy name for the English classes around here. So much rhetoric in those classes I almost went crazy (I think Chris would too, but not sure). Digitrax office is in Panama City, about an hour east of me. I got send another decoder back to them (and I just got it back SoapBox) that decided it wanted to die a smokeless (no smoke, no burn marks, no smell, just quit working which is really weird) death in my P2K GP38-2.

Flyboy, it was e bay I snagged them off of.

Chris, not really. IMO that tiger program sounds like some of FDR's stuff. I saw some of the funding they were look for for bike paths. all I can say is wow...


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by markpierce on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:40 PM


MarkPierce - if you get THAT boat, you won't have MRR funds for decades! Unless it comes with a custom-built-in train layout below deck, that is... Whistling

And just think.  "Fill 'er up would be $1200 to $1500, but good for 1800 nautical miles at 7 knots for 10+ days [257 hours] continuous running.


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:33 AM

 Good morning...sedation, please and thank-you.

Rhetoric & critical thinking. I guess that's just a fancy name for the English classes around here. So much rhetoric in those classes I almost went crazy (I think Chris would too, but not sure).

I guess it would depend on who is teaching THAT...and HOW they are teaching it. My disowned ex-younger cousin, as an example...WOULD and HAS driven me crazy. She "teaches" some kind of rhetoric/debate class at the Berkley of Wisconsin (Madison) as a teaching assistant. IF you dare to disagree with her, then you are obviously so un-enlightened, un-educated, ignorant, biased, etc., etc., etc.;THAT there is just no earthly hope for "EPIC FAIL" you be. Disapprove A class THAT truly teaches HOW to think, not WHAT to think, but HOW to actually process information and use critical thinking THAT I can deal with. THAT was a key part of my paramedic class, and a key part I wanted my instructors to emphasize when I was running the show. Any monkey can be taught a skill, but to teach someone to be able to THINK...THAT's a whole 'nother battle.

As for all the writing assignments, the former edumacationist in me can see a good reason for it. Part critical thinking/analyzing, but also developing the sorely lacking skills of COMMUNICATION; of not only forming an idea, but expressing it in a manner THAT other people can understand. I had "high school graduates" who not only couldn't read a textbook written to the 8th grade level, but they couldn't write in a complete sentence if their lives (or careers) depended on it.  Thank God I got out of it before the texting craze hit...I swear, if I had an EMT student write a mock patient care report using "text," I would be up on murder charges.

Hmmmmmmmmm. Seems I've got a soapbox underneath me again.

Must be the late hour, lack of sleep, high humidity, and general crankiness... hopefully I don't cross the lines here...and if I do, well, I'll pay the penalty.

Oh, and as for the disowned ex-cousin...let's just say her "poly-ticks" and mine are 180 degree polar opposites. I think her and her ilk are hell-bound on destroying this country. She thinks likewise of me and mine. Of course...she is dead wrong.Mischief The folks I align with believe in a document called The Constitution of the United States. Hers...well, they follow a guy named Marx...

IMO that tiger program sounds like some of FDR's stuff. I saw some of the funding they were look for for bike paths. all I can say is wow...

You're not too far off. The Board of Supervisors wants to widen shoulders on the primary roads...for bikes. OK, THAT takes 'em out of traffic (more or less). They want to do more rails to trails stuff on a long-abandoned Rock Island ROW. They want to acquire ROW to build from scratch new trails. The theory is THAT people will flock from all over to ride bikes, and will spend $2 for every $1 spent to construct said trails.

Meanwhile, they got $2 mil in FEMA money to rebuild the Sutliff Bridge which was 1/3 destroyed in the flood of '08. The epitome of "a bridge to nowhere" if ever. Historic? yep. A nice place to fish? Yep. Worth $2 mil? Not on your best day Pal...

Meanwhile, many of the County's highways are crumbling...but aren't on the five-year road plan, or if they are...they keep getting pushed back. The bucks aren't there.

Two of the heaviest traveled roads are wonderful potential deathtraps...but no bucks to fix 'em.

But, they're working on getting a federal grant trails.


NOT my County, I just w**k there...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, THAT soapbox just won't get out from under me...

I'ma gonna grab a corner booth and watch the third trick switcher do it's thing for awhile... I'm sure if I haven't "crossed the line"'ll only be a matter of time. I don't really wanna do THAT.

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:10 AM

A small bowl of cherries, please.

***Ray, looking forward to seeing how you progress with the quarry.

***CNCharlie, perhaps the "Patrick Swayze" episode? What a hoot!Laugh

Question: Anyone using a QSI "Quantum Revolution-U" Sound Decoder and if so, do you like it?

Did some mindless easy stuff on the wife's layout tonight.

Good Night Y'all.

Cowboy Rob 

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:26 AM

Good morning All,

   A regular to go please. Off to check the brakes and hubs on our 45ft trailer beforeit gets too hot/humid/rainy. CUL, J.R.

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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:46 AM

 Good morning.

 Off to work in a bit.  Got a new battery and it feels good to get the car to start right up.   Probably no MRR for me today/tomorrow.  The wife is wanting to go to a amusement park tomorrow, so we have to get the basement (boxer) proof. 

Hope everybody has a good morning.  

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:02 AM

 Good morning. It's 75 and sunny. The high will be 93. There's a 10% chance of rain this morning going up to a 50% chance of thunderstorms by 4 pm.

Well according to the postal info I'm seeing the EMD 567 I was expecting today won't come until tomorrow. My two GP7's departed Dallas yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, it was a productive day for me. Four structures have gravel roofs, the lighting in one structure was redone, a new structure (with lighting) was set in place and the layout extension got a general cleaning. The party started when I could actually see the tracks going to the south engine house. Amazing how quickly clutter can accumulate. Potential projects for today include preparations for a plaster pour where the extension meets the main part of the layout, placing an oil tank behind the fire dept and weathering a tank car.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:35 AM

Good Morning. Coffee please, what's that smell? Oh, Jim had fish.

Welp, KATO bidding ends around noonish, we'll see how I do. I'm not expecting to win as I only bid to $55. Not that I don't think it's worth more, I don't know. But I can get another one new, though not a KATO but whoopty doo, for about $75. So, I bid accordingly and besides it would just sit until I get enough track down to move a train any distance anyway. I can spend my money elsewhere at this point. Don't know why I'm so interested in these last few auctions, unless it's because they would put a loco other than SF on the layout.

30% chance of scattered T-storms today with a high of 88.

Rob- That's my game plan also. To not weather train stuff or vehicles until much later. I will however on occasion give some weathering a whirl on a piece or two here and there just to have something to do, but as a rule no. Structures I will, but other stuff no. I really like your trailer park by the way.

Jim- Maybe I should have throttled ‘em. I don't mind the auctions, that's where I see the best potential, notice I said potential, bargains. Problem is I'm lucky. I have two discount HS's in Springfield and both order from Walthers of course, and my favorite, Castle Trains, is stocked, well, like Ray's workbench. Scratch supplies, kits, RTR's, you name it. All at about 20% off MSRP. Many, many people are not that fortunate to even have a HS near them and if they do they are not discount or many live in a higher cost of living area so MSRP sounds pretty reasonable to them, So, most items in the buy it now and many items up for auction are based off MSRP and I can get it cheaper here. Doesn't bother me as eventually another always seem to show up again later. Even the "rare and hard to find" items. Actually there are two of them up for auction right now. Just happen to be the Kato GP40-2 I'm bidding on.Approve

JR- ShockNEVER HEARD OF A SNICKERDOODLE!!! Oh, my what you have been missing my friend. Unless, you have had them just called them something else. I hope that's the case.

The updating of Mom's house is escalating so I ain't happy about that, but if it brings a highr price I guess I'm all for it. It just means another project for me. Went to see the guys truck and why it won't run yesterday, popped the dist cap and saw more white chunks on the posts than I've seen in years, well, one actually. Pulled two plugs that were black as coal and said, put a cap and rotor and a set of plugs, then call me if it don't start.

Today I will go visit my Mother, then hopefully maybe do a little work at her house, then work tonight. Meanwhile.....JR's done flung a craving on me, I need to find some Snickerdoodles.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 10:30 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a bowl of Shredded Wheat and lots of fresh picked Blueberries on it.  Oh!  And a cup of dark roast in a R&GV RR Mug.

Got up to find the Air Conditioner in the dining room/office was flashing "E1".  Does THAT to tell me it is time to clean the filter and reset the unit....  So I lugged the shop vac upstairs and vacuumed out a pile of dirt, then washed and reinstalled the filter and did the reset.  So I am a little late getting breakfast, but the house is cool again!WinkSmile

Currently 79°F outside with the high for the day a comfortable 81°F a few hours from now.  Chance of Thunderboomers today as well.  So far what I see on the map are going to the South of here.  Probably will be raining when I get out to camp and have to unload the wood splitter.

Today will be spent doing some odds and ends (like the woodsplitter thing above) THAT need to be done.  Hopefully I will get time down in the train rooms.

Zoe...  make sure you give J. R. a handful of snickerdoodles to dunk in his morning coffee!  OK?

Well, time to get mov.... FJKHFYUTRYH<JNP>!!!  Ow!  Who left the soapbox out here???  Sheesh!

[edit]  What?  I get the top of the page?  Ok, Zoe, just put it on my tab.  I'll pay up later.........



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:06 AM

Extra strong Italian roast coffee in a  SOUTHERN  mug, please.

***Jeffrey, I really like that second pic. Really nice lighting on a realistic scene.Thumbs Up

Was looking around in the train room last night, feeling overwhelmed again. Guess the best answer to that is to keep plugging away, one (HO) scale block at a time.

Question: Anyone using a QSI "Quantum Revolution-U" Sound Decoder and if so, is it decent? It was recommended to me for the wife's Bach 2-8-0 as an easy conversion to sound.

Our neighbor is working away on the future front pasture. Brought over his big dump truck for transporting stumps to a big ditch where I'll later burn them after sufficient drying out time. Is going to be one heck of a massive pile.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob


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Posted by tcwright973 on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:37 AM

Hi everybody,

Yesterday was a very good day for me. A little before lunch, United Parcel delivered a locomotive I had custom painted for a shortline here in Western Pennsylvania. It really exceeded my expectations and I'm very pleased with it. This is the 3rd locomotive this outfit has done for me and all of them turned out great.

Then the mailman delivered a box from Walthers. It had a PCC streetcar by Con-Cor that I've had on back order. Naturally mine is in in the cream and red colors of the old Pittsburgh Railways. These things were our main transportation for many, many years. Anyway, I ran it for about 15 minutes on a test oval.  It looks good and runs good. It doesn't bother me, but the only thing I see that might be questioned by others is the lighting. It has pretty bright white leds. A softer color bulb probably would have been more realistic. I think it's a pretty nice model. Although it doesn't exactly fit into my collection of Western Pennsylvania railroads, I couldn't resist getting one.

Have a good one...



Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:11 PM

Ah, lunch. Yes, here in the somewhat more reserved northeast, we call these Snickerdoodle things "sugar cookies with cinnimon", harrumph!  And we would have them out of a bag with a carbonated beverage, not out of a poke with pop. Just another example of local expressions, no?Smile  J.R.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:54 PM

 Jim, yes sir, but I'm rested up now.

I finished up this BC Rail boxcar today. the green is tough to fade with Bragdon powders, but I think it turned out decent.

I'm also weathering another car and hopefully I'll be attacking the hills with some drywall compound later today (my dad has a TON left over from when they scraped the popcorn ceiling finish off in the living room area).

Also, for those who enjoy vintage trains, check out this Fireflight music video. there's a stremlined car, a Geep, looks like either an E or F unit (BN) and some kind of switcher, maybe SW series.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:06 PM


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Allegheny2-6-6-6 on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:53 PM

 Well first time in here seems like a nice joint hope the coffee's at least better then the wife's. Well I got around to doing something that I've been putting off for almost a year now. My best railroading bud Dennis passed away unexpectedly from of all danged things a tic bite. Well he had a few unfinished kits at his house he was building for the new layout and one completed one. Well you all know how it is not wanting to have to deal with stuff like that right away but I went down to see his wife today and have a cup and reminisce about my dear friend.Well it saddened me to see his beautiful layout all torn down and everything he loved stuffed in boxes and up on shelves just thrown there to get them out of the way. His wife told me her youngest grand son loved his pop pop trains and he wants to build a layout of his own some day. I told him well when your ready to build your layout you make sure u have grandma give me a call and I'll be glad to help you build it. Well the smile came to his face and you could see his grand pop in his eyes. Just affirmed what I've always believed that no matter who you are or how old trains have a way of making us all feel young at heart.





Just my 2 cents worth, I spent the rest on trains. If you choked a Smurf what color would he turn?
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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:13 PM

Welcome Alleghanny,

   The coffee here is virtually the best in the land to paraphrase ol' Buck Owens. It'd be nice if things work out for Dennis' grandson though often people are funny (as in - "you're not having those horrid things in my house!") You are correct though - the enthusiasm keeps us at least young at heart and that was a very nice gesture on your part.  J.R.

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Posted by markpierce on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 7:13 PM

Aerial "torpedo attack" on one of those "Dam" ships of Holland America, the Rottendam in this case.  Dam rotten ship?




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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:53 PM

Decaf coffee & some mixed nuts, please.

***Allegheny2-6-6-6, welcome to the Diner.

Some pics of very nice weathered cars being posted in here.Thumbs Up Keep 'em coming!

Well, never made it into the train room, but did order that Decoder I was asking about. Hope it's a good one. Before long my wife's 2-8-0 will be chuffing around her layout.

I am still trying to decide on which of the (less expensive) DCC systems to buy? I'm leaning towards a Digitrax Zephyr.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9:08 PM


Ah, lunch. Yes, here in the somewhat more reserved northeast, we call these Snickerdoodle things "sugar cookies with cinnimon", harrumph!  And we would have them out of a bag with a carbonated beverage, not out of a poke with pop. Just another example of local expressions, no?Smile  J.R.

Sign - Welcome allegheny 2-6-6-6!

And we call those things Cinnamon Cookies so there Harrruuuummmph!Smile,Wink, & Grin And we too got them out of a bag with coke---heeheehee

Welp, got all kinds a stuff done today so's I'll be heading into my trainroom for a bit----Big Smile

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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9:15 PM


 Well the smile came to his face and you could see his grand pop in his eyes. Just affirmed what I've always believed that no matter who you are or how old trains have a way of making us all feel young at heart.



welcome to the diner, and what a great story about Dennis's grandchild.

Well folks, I weathered a second boxcar today, but my cell phone pics came out really blurry, so I won't post them. I'll hopefully get some pics of it later on. Also, Joint Compound works great in the place of plaster. My dad has a large bucketful left over from when we scraped the popcorn finish off of our ceiling in the living room, so I'm just using that instead of buying plaster.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by teen steam fan on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9:57 PM

 Well first time in here seems like a nice joint hope the coffee's at least better then the wife's. Well I got around to doing something that I've been putting off for almost a year now. My best railroading bud Dennis passed away unexpectedly from of all danged things a tic bite. Well he had a few unfinished kits at his house he was building for the new layout and one completed one. Well you all know how it is not wanting to have to deal with stuff like that right away but I went down to see his wife today and have a cup and reminisce about my dear friend.Well it saddened me to see his beautiful layout all torn down and everything he loved stuffed in boxes and up on shelves just thrown there to get them out of the way. His wife told me her youngest grand son loved his pop pop trains and he wants to build a layout of his own some day. I told him well when your ready to build your layout you make sure u have grandma give me a call and I'll be glad to help you build it. Well the smile came to his face and you could see his grand pop in his eyes. Just affirmed what I've always believed that no matter who you are or how old trains have a way of making us all feel young at heart.





Ahhh yes, the magic of model railroading. It can span generation gaps and missing links in families. Best wishes to Dennis's grandkid and his wife. I'm sure that the youngster will have a great model railroading roll model. A prayer candle and prayer for him and his family.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 10:03 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo just a decaf for me this evening.

Interesting day....  I took the wood splitter out to Boy Scout Camp for the Ranger to use this afternoon.  Got it unloaded, chatted for a while, and then I took off for the Seneca Stone Quarry South of Seneca Falls to see what I could get for some limestone chips...  No sooner found the place, and as I was turning into the parking lot, the heavens opened and we got a horrible thunderstorm, complete with high winds, hail, and torrential rain.  I stayed in the truck and waited it out.  Got over half an inch of rain in about 20 minutes.  Found out the stone company will let people take small amounts of some stone piled around the office for free.  I grabbed a handful of small chips and headed home.  Turns out I got some limestone, but also some of the dolomite vein they have running through the quarry rock, as well as a few pieces of quartzite...  I will go back over sometime and get a small pail of stone.  It will be great for matching colors for the quarry on the layout.

AlleghenySign - Welcome to the diner.  Good to see you in here.  sit and tell us about your MRRing and other stuff.

Another major storm came through here about dinner time, so my computer has been off most of the day.  Poor guy across the street from me was just about ready to water his trees... (Yes this guy water his 30 foot tall tree almost daily as well as his shrubs THAT are 10 or more years old........  (It's time to play, Spot the Loney!)  Don't know if he watered them after the half inch or so we got at supper time or not.  He probably did, right after he mowed the lawn for the day.

Hope all of you have a great evening!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 10:29 PM

Good Evening Diners,

I've been fighting a summer cold and losing the battle. Hopefully I can get a good night's sleep unlike last night when I had to get up and go outside with Pippa 3 times. Some nights she sleeps right through but others, not. Oh well, I expect I will be a little eratic when I get to be the human equivalent of her age assuming, of course, that I make it that far. She would be 90 or more in human years.

Rob, Let us know how that decoder sounds in your Consolidation. I have a Tsunami in mine and really like the sound. As far as a DCC system goes you will get many opinions if you ask. I wanted a tethered throttle as part of the basic package so that eliminated the Zephyr for me. I am always amazed at the strong opinions people have on such systems. I believe with the QSI you can get a controller unit that enables you to access the sounds with DC. My first sound loco was a PK2 SW8 with QSI sound and it was that aquisition that got me into DCC. I got tired of trying to sound the horn by toggling the direction control and like so many got hooked on sound. It just seems to make a loco come alive.

I watched a couple of episodes of Trailer Park Boys tonight.

Well I'm quickly running out of gas so I'll say goodnight.

CN Charlie

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