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Elliot's Trackside Diner July 2010 Locked

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, July 19, 2010 1:08 PM

Italian roast coffee in a  STORMY SOUTHERN  mug, please. 

***Jerry, my sympathies for having to see the Dentist. At least what's left of the tooth won't be troubling you in the future.

***Robby, do you have a wet-vac you can use on that car? Yikes!

Have a good day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by teen steam fan on Monday, July 19, 2010 1:51 PM
Congrats Galaxy, glad to hear that the ressesion has not slowed you down.

well, I just got back online after a week without service, does feel nice to see the diner again. Saw Brad Pasiliy's H2O tour at the First Midwest Bank Amplitheater Saturday. After dealing with the crowds for about 4 hours, got some of the best lawn seats. A lot of fun, but a lot of traffic getting out.

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When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, July 19, 2010 3:44 PM

 Just a quick stop.

 Ray.......I agree.  I did tell her that storms were coming, but this is the first car she's owned with a sun-roof.  

 Rob.......The car dried out.  I could have taken it to the detail shop and steam vac it.  It was pretty drywhen she left.

 Jerry.......Glad to see you back in here.  

 Jeff.......I like the engine shot!!

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by JPowell on Monday, July 19, 2010 6:56 PM

Evening gang!

JimCG - I forgot to tell you this... it was my idea to put up the table for the layout once she said she wanted more shelf space. We have to have some electrical work done before I can install it to the permanent location though.

Ray - If it helps, I have been digging up alot of flagstone in my yard. If you'd like some, let me know and I can get some to you. I have been taking bits and pieces here nad there to use on mine once I get that far.

Well gang...

Take care!

//signed// John Powell President / CEO CNY Transportation Corp (fictional)

Hunter - When we met in January of 2000, you were just a 6 week old pup who walked his way into this heart of mine as the only runt in the litter who would come over to me. And today, I sit here and tell you I am sorry we had to put you down. It was the best thing for you and also the right thing to do. May you now rest in peace and comfort. Love, Dad. 8 June 2010

I love you and miss you Mom. Say hi to everyone up there for me. Rest in peace and comfort. Love, John. 29 March 2017

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, July 19, 2010 7:20 PM

Coffee refill, please.

Took some new progress pics to share. Still haven't figured out how to take sharp close-ups with this camera...Banged Head. Also, please ignore the lack of weathered elements. I'm just trying to get the layout mostly finished first. Later on, if my wife wishes, I'll add more weathering.Whistling  


There are additional pics here: (should open in a new window) It's difficult to make out, but do you guys recognize something very cool in the above scene?

Cheers! Cowboy-Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, July 19, 2010 8:13 PM

Robby P.
 Jeff.......I like the engine shot!!

Thanks Robby. It's an Athearn SD40, originally BNSF now patched for the L&A.

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Posted by ns3010 on Monday, July 19, 2010 8:28 PM

 Evening all! Haven't been in here in decades!

I'm not even going to bother catching up, so I hope all is well!

  Updates from me--
<> Walthers order came- glad I got the stuff at such good prices, hoping to repaint them soon
<> Finally got my copies of MR and Trains- MR was okay, but August's Trains was great!
<> Getting a new camera either this week or next
<> Hopefully getting a new computer in August- will be able to post more and give updates when layout construction begins
<> Mom ordered my first Christmas present tonight- Yes, I know it's EXTREMELY early, but it's a super-limited run, so they may be gone quickly. It's a Stewart mechanism for Island Model Works's PL42AC. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the Transit train show in October, and I'll grab a shell and decals there.

Well, don't have much else to say, so I'll catch you all later!

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Posted by flyboy10 on Monday, July 19, 2010 8:55 PM

Hey ya'll

Bought a new engine yesterday of that auction site. A brand new Atlas RS 11 in BN (suprised, shouldn't beBig Smile) paint for a whopping 46 bucks plus 8 for shipping. I think I redeemed myself some from the rather high price for that C30-7 (bought for $80, didn't notice the "no sound" label until after I bid)

Mark, long time no see (here anyways). sucks all that stuff is broke. Your zepher reminds me that I need to head over to digitrax's HQ (about an hour away) to see about getting some decoders that were DOA fixed.

Robby, 9 weeks for a body shop is insane. Out of curiosity, do you think you could pull this car off: I'm wanting to attempt it but I'd like to start with some undec BB kits.

Sawyer, your town is looking good

Bama, I've been to that hyundai plant twice on field trips in high school. Never did get to see any of the rail operations on those trips.

Edit, Tops. luckly the chowhounds aren't awake yet

whats this auction sit you speak of ??
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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Monday, July 19, 2010 9:36 PM
All right, all caught up!  What?  Y'all, look like you've seen a  ghost....I'm not departed or anything of  the sort.  W**k has  been pretty hectic lately, so its really limited my time to get online.  Will also be going on vacation at the end of this week.  Its much needed, let me tell ya!  Not a whole lot of MRR stuff been going on, have been keeping up in here when I can, just not often enough to really be able to post much.  Well, I've got to get going to  bed if I can  spare it, I'm fairly tired and have to get up at 6 tomorrow morning for a10-ish hour day at w**k. 
Later y'all.
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Posted by flyboy10 on Monday, July 19, 2010 9:40 PM
haha im going to B***D C**P tomorow lol
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Posted by howmus on Monday, July 19, 2010 9:56 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo just a cup of decaf for me.  I'll be sitting in the back booth relaxing.

Well.... Deep subject.  No MRRing for me today.  Never even made it down cellar to the train rooms.  Got a call from my son early afternoon wanting me to help watch the girls.  seems that Grandma had 2 teeth out this morning and wasn't up to watching both.  so Spent an hour and half over at their house playing board games (Candyland, etc) and putting together a couple of Thomas the Train Puzzles with Granddaughter #1.

Got back home with just enough time to get supper and head over to church for the meeting about the Eagle Ceremony on Friday evening.  As usual what should have taken a half hour managed to become over 2 hours .......

John, thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it if the stone place doesn't have what I am looking for.  I also want to see if I can possibly get a tour of the quarry itself.  I might be able to get a few usable photos of the place.

Rob, you wouldn't be speaking of the nice little tar wagon there on the side of the road would you???  Nice w*rk!

Checking around the house today, I find THAT the lawn needs to be mowed again....  Didn't I just do THAT???Grumpy There are also a few weeds in the garden THAT somehow escaped my weeding and are growing very fast.  So the next couple of days will have to include some yard work of the kind not associated with the trains.

Have a good evening!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, July 19, 2010 10:04 PM

 Good Evening, plate of cheeseburgers and a bucket of Cherry RC Cola please 'n the RC, of course!Cool

Welp, I've got a bit of "photographer's limbo" going on. My schedule this week rides entirely on how well (or not) the Clear Creek Amana softball team does tomorrow night in the first round of State Tournament action. IF they win (as expected), I will have to journey to Ft. Dodge either Thursday (semi-final round) or Friday (championship). IF they lose...I'm there Wednesday for consolation bracket action. BUT, IF they win...then Wednesday evening finds me in Iowa City to shoot Regional Final action for the Iowa City West High School baseball team.

Too many "if's." 

I don't like "if's."

Tomorrow, I get to find a muffler shop for a little (I hope) exhaust w**k. I've got a hunk of exhaust pipe THAT is breaking away from the muffler. It's a short hunk of pipe, and the muffler isn't looking to I'm sure it'll get replaced as well. 

For our monthly FD training, we had the guy THAT bought my Pirsch come and do a HAZ-MAT Operations Level refresher training. He spent a few (mostly) enjoyable hours talking about RR safety, rail car identification, to read waybills/consists/train lists. Big Smile We learned THAT the Union Pacific is different from all other RR's. Why? Well, thanks for asking! It seems all other RRs list the cars counting from the locomotives. #1 is first-out from the head-end, #200 is the last. BUT, Not for Uncle Pete! No sir! Uncle Pete numbers his trains FROM THE BACK, so....#1 is the last car, and #200 is directly behind the motors. Our UP guy wasn't there...probably still stuck out on the Spine Line. But, he's a track foreman, so might not know why they do it THAT way. From what I gathered, his only interest in the trains is THAT they a) call him at his red/yellow board, b) get cleared to go through his Form B limits, and c) derail on someone else's section of track.

We also talked at length about ethanol, since we get unit trains of it through here quite frequently. Nasty stuff. Our closest supply (of any significance) of the appropriate foam is in Cedar Rapids. They've got a trailer with 700 gallons of foam concentrate, and can grab several hundred gallons more from ADM if they need it. 

CRAP! I forgot to ask the guy if they have adapters for the hoses. CRFD has historically used "Cedar Rapids thread" on the hose couplings. We have "National Standard Thread." I guess we'll find out someday...probably around 0300 when an Ethanol train conducts urban renewal of one of our little towns...

We wrapped up the evening with some YouTube videos of tank car explosions and anhydrous ammonia vapor clouds. One video had a chunk of tank car FLYING through the air, with the greatest of ease for about 3/4 of a mile. The chemical involved, according to the guidebooks, has an evacuation zone of 1/2 mile.OopsShock Dead

JOE, BAMA: Good to see you guys in here again!

ROB: Is THAT a tar trailer hand-built by micro-surgeon DER JOHN?? Nice pic, by the way. I was looking for someone "in the bush" however.

"I'm shakin' it Boss...I'm shakin' it!"

To the RC I go...hope you guys don't mind if RERUN sits here and helps me with the burgers. He saw a commercial on TV for some bacon burgers...he just hasn't been the same since!

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 19, 2010 11:32 PM

Good evening ...

Todd ... You asked about a strawberry pie. By coincidence I was eating some strawbery shortcake Shelley made.

Rob ... I like the scene very much. You may improve it by making the insdie of the dump truck very dirty. The outside of the truck could be lightly weathered.

I had a full day of non-model-railroad stuff, but I did work briefly on my Union Station tracks.

Good to see everybody here !

Here's a photo from our Amtrak trip in Colorado 4 years ago. In this photo we are entering the foothills on a westbound train shrotly after leaving Denver.






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Posted by Flashwave on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:13 AM

Sir Madog (on page 30)
Geuten Morgen


Sorry, didn't here you call, but you misspelled my name anyway. Big Smile

Anyway, I suck at keeping up with this place. So we'll not try. Sorry again. I keep saying this though, and it keeps not happening. And considering ITM runs Fairtrain on the 6th, I prolly won't happen this time either.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:53 AM

Good Morning people!!

Another dull dull dull morning for us'uns again--as we swim around in the humidity. Supposedly we were having a 30% chance of showers this morning--but as we speak we have a 30% chance happening here.Whistling

Ray: Don't I know it!! ShockOur neighbour 3 doors down from us had their house struck by lightning in that storm---took out their hydro completely! They have to replace the wiring from the mains right out to the pole! And then replace what is left of the main switch/fuse panel. BTW--the tree that fell in our backyard was a sugar maple---Sad

Chris: We had a situation in Toronto a couple of years ago were a propane refilling station blew up---this right besides a residential area--they had explosions that tore through the factory site and ended up destroying a number of houses---they're still trying to work their way through that mess

Welp---gotta get a move on here----got someone coming with the woodsplitter---got more firewood coming up----Whistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:01 AM

good mornign all

barely awake.

Need cooffe.

Took more migraine pain killers to kill the migraine continuing form yesterday. I hate ones that last a long time. More Tstorms coming in tofay to cause the headache more again.

FOrgive y typing as i as mseeing double.

so jsu thought id check in asnd talkf at uyo all later.

Edit: I got taop honors eat up ill be sleepign in teh corner wake me when its over.OOH, woozy,.

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:12 AM

Good Morning All,

     Elkhart Lake went well enough up until Sunday. We ended up running only one car of the four we brought because of the weather. also had a twister touch down just east of us at 330pm just as we were supposed to take to the track.

   Did get to Walthers on Weds and picked up a bunchof scratch building supplies, used my filled in punch card to get more than half the bill chopped off so a happy dayBig Smile. The NMRA convention was in town so there were lots of people in the warehouse as well checking out the bargain bins. Didn't get to do any of the convention stuff though as the racing gig is pretty much from 5am to 7pm every day.

   Rob - I like that little tar trailer. And yes, dirty up that dump truck bed and and body and the scerne will look lots better. No chains on the road crew?Whistling

   I have two days to prep for Pittsburgh and get the trailer sorted out and loaded so I best be on with it, Catch y'all later.   J.R.

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:35 AM

 Good morning all, glass of the dew if you would not mind.

Did more work on the car. I'm gonna let the bondo dry overnight before trying to sand it. hopefully it won't gum up my sandpaper like it does a few hours after it's applied.

 Packer, if you could use some help let me know. I ran a auto body and paint shop for 20 years, I have helped more than one person over the internet. With out proper guidance hard work can still come out looking pretty sad. Far as you body filler gumming up the paper, you need to use more hardener. You should be able to work plastic filler after 15 to 20 minutes after it is applied.

           Cuda Ken 


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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:52 AM

Morning. Coffee and stack of buttermilk Flapjacks please. Maple? No I believe I'll have Boysenberry syrup thank you.

Rain. I got 4 inches in the gage since it started yesterday about noon. We DON'T need it. Supposed to rain today, tomorrow too. By the radar it should be raining now, but it's not. Just gloomy.

Ray- Watch out for that guy, I've seen someone looks similar in the cab before. Looks like the same guy to me. You could use him after dark, with the smile he lets out you wouldn't need a headlight. Yeah I know that disease, can't think of the name right now either, it'll come to me. OH! Funny about the number mixup, I had to edit my post to correct it because I called it a 45 tonner (actually I said 44, but my story and all,) ! Eerie, almost as if I knew....

G- My two cents worth here, but, if you can, and it's tough, make even ten or 20 dollars a month to the principle each payment. Better yet, 1/10 of a monthly payment so at the end of a year you have made a little more than one months payment a year to the principle. You'd be surprised at the amount of interest you save over the life of the loan. That too helps with the time left. Works way better with a home loan, just one months payment over a year toward the principle shave THOUSANDs off the principle, like about 60 of them thousands over the life of the loan and about between 5 and 10 years. Can't remember the exact figures, but we are keeping up with it and are way ahead of where we should be. Won't work as well with a short term loan like for a vehicle but anything to save a few bucks and end a payment early is worth it.

JP- Oh my, you thoughtful thoughtful man. FORCING yourself to go to all that work to clear out some storage space just for her. I hope she realizes what a great catch she has in you.Whistling

Rob- Other than the inhuman act of prisoners working as a punishment for a crime they committed against an innocent law abiding tax paying citizen who probably is still suffering in some way from the crime committed against them, the only thing I may recognize is the... oil trailer? Shucks, looks like everybody's beat me to it, and I had it too. Oh well, guess that's what happens when you're gone for the day.

OH MY GOSH!! I AM psychic! First the 45 Tonner, then the strawberry shortcake.., Ok I may need a bit of refinement. I think....., the... dog wants..... a TREAT!  I'm gooodCool.

Today I have to go into town and pick up the light and some paint for Mom's house, I didn‘t make it in there yesterday as planned, then put the restaurant groceries away and replace the cord on the meat slicer, take a look at a truck that won't run, then Church meeting tonight.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:23 AM

 Good morning. It's 74 and sunny. The high will be 94 and it will be partly cloudy.

It's nice to see the sun out today. It's almost as if the weather is saying 'Sorry I kicked you in the teeth the last two days with enough rain to wash away Noah, here's some sunshine to dry you off before I soak you again'. The power was so flaky yesterday I wasn't sure if I'd be online this morning. I certainly don't need any more weather like that. No particular plans for today. I may work on a station some. I pulled the base off it earlier this morning. The plan is to paint the inside black preparatory to adding interior lighting. I'm trying out some Radio Shack #194 bulbs. They're 14v 270mA. On 12v they should last a while. If they're too bright I'll slip in a small resistor and see what that does. Attaching wires is easy enough. The bulbs have a wedge base. I just pry up the loop of wire on each side of the base, feed a thin wire through the loop, add a little solder and voila, the wire is soldered in place. With the low amp draw these have my old computer power supply shouldn't have a problem with a bunch of them.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:27 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have one of those Breakfast Bagels and a cup of Dark Raost Coffee in a R&GV RR Mug.  I'll go sit with Todd at the Rivet Counter.......

Currently 77°F with a high of 81°F late this afternoon.  No rain in sight for today.  may have to do some w*rk outside.  (Lawn is starting to get high again.)

Yeah I know that disease, can't think of the name right now either, it'll come to me.


Todd, must be catching!  What were we talking about?  We have several GE locos in our fleet including I think [edit- went and looked it up] two 44 Tonners, Two 45 Tonners, Two 80 Tonners, and a 110 tonner.  Only ones I can look at and tell you what it is right off are the 45 Tonners (they got the side rods connecting the axles on them).  The 110 Tonner looks smaller than the 80 Tonners....???  I was sure we had at least one 44 Tonner, but I guess we don't....  Of course any time someone asks me when I am working at the museum, I say the wrong thing.  THAT happens all the time if there is another member nearby who does know............  I then get pulled aside and corrected, making me feel like an idiot.....Confused  Do I remember next time?  Well, I am getting better at it.

I always tell people I don't make mistakes!  I thought I made a mistake once but I was wrong.... Whistling

Galaxy, sure hope you get feeling better quickly!  

Jeffrey, don't get electrocuted or something...Whistling  You have enough problems.  Those bulbs should w*rk great for you.

Hope you all have a great day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:00 AM

Good Morning All...Its cloudy and cooler here after a stormy nite..I'll have a sweet tea please...thank you..Not much going on on the I&S...seems like I am kinda in between projects ....This a thing I got in a "dumpster dive" a couple of years ago..My brother took it and added more shelfs  and mounted it over my work bench..gonna be pretty handy..

You all have a good one...Jerry

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Posted by tcwright973 on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 11:09 AM


Your comment about the different hose threads was very familar. All our hydrants and trucks had "Pittsburgh" thread, but the two military bases we provided fire protection for all had "National Standard." Then there were some local communities which had what we called "*** Thread." The end result of which was that all the crash trucks as well as the pumper had a compartment full of adapters. Made for an interesting scene from time to time.



Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:53 PM

Yes indeedy, British Standard, Whitworth, SAE, JIC, AN, OTC, INV, NPT, NPS, BSP, there is a whole world of adaptors in mine as well. Fortunately we don't normally need one in order to put out a house fire. For sure you all in fire fighting have my admitration.Thumbs Up  J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 3:03 PM

 Got the word today that my EMD 567 prime mover should be here tomorrow. Also got word that my order of two GP7's have shipped and are on their way. I've been busy today clearing clutter off the layout extension. That's been a long drawn out process of sorting tools and useful bits out of what will go in the trash. Eventually I got to the point that I could see the tracks going to the south engine house. I also put gravels roofs on three structures. I also squeezed in some work on a station building that I obtained in a trade some time back.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 3:47 PM

Italian roast coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please. 

***Jerry, how soon until you fill those shelves? Nice display cabinet for sure!

Wife worked an extra night so hasn't made it down to see the progress on HER layout yet. As for weathering, yes, the bright plastic yellow truck looks bad. However, as I said on the page of pics (for those who checked them out), I'm not bothering with that until I get the whole layout basically done, (ie: wiring completed, structures in place, ground sceniced, etc...). Exception to this is when wife wants certain details done NOW.Laugh

Ordered more MRRing stuff: Two different swimming pools, small animal set (snakes for that church scene), ambulance, some tables w/ diners (also for church) and the Galaxy Drive In sign. 

Going to try some flashing LED's to attempt to make a cheapo version of someone welding in the garage bay. If it doesn't look alright, we can use them in the carnival area.

Healing thoughts to those in need.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:14 PM

 Good evening. 

 Its been a looong day.   Went to go to work this morning and.............dead battery.  GREAT Banged Head.  Nothing like a unexpected bill.

 Now its time to relax and have dinner.

 Hope everybody has a good night.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:21 PM

Robby P.
Went to go to work this morning and.............dead battery.  GREAT Banged Head.  Nothing like a unexpected bill.

That has to come along and make one's day---grrrrrr------Grumpy I had one of those today, in fact. It's called power window motor blew---need a new one------grrrrrrAngry

Chloe, I'll just have a coffee and a Cherry Pie with a big ol' dollop of chocolate ice cream please----I'm going to the corner booth and grump---Grumpy

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:52 PM

Coffee refill, please. I know it's late, but I plan on working on the layout tonight. Will stop to watch Deadliest Catch with the wife though.

For fellow Trailer Park Boys fans, here is what we came up with. Ricky is getting busted while Julian, Lucy and Sarah stand nearby. Randy is makin burgers while watching the show with Jim Lahey. In the background are bottle kids about to attack. Trailers will get weathered eventually and more trees & shrubbery added as well. Need to find the right autos for this scene, too.

Can't see them easily, but there are lots of kitties in and around Bubble's shed and plenty of shopping cars around the side.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

  • Member since
    November 2004
  • From: Cape Girardeau, MO
  • 3,073 posts
Posted by JimRCGMO on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:32 PM

Good Evening, Chloe - I'll have the grilled salmon with a salad (oil & vinegar dressing), a side order of broccoli and a glass of Finger Lakes wine, please. Thank you!

She had a Spinach and Mushroom omlette with a side of fresh fruit ( red grapes, honeydew and cantalope) while I had a short stack of Buttermilk Chocolate Chip Pancakes. mmmm 

Well, JP, we can tell who's the healthy-eating one in your household, eh? Wink Other than - as you said - the humidity, not a bad day from the sound of it. Maybe that downpour while you were filling up her SUV's tank... Quick thinking, for chiming in that you could set up the layout to 'help' your girlfriend with her 'storage problem'. Smile,Wink, & Grin Sounds like Todd has you pegged, all right. Wink

Jeff, I figure that one polar bear flat on his back might've had some wine-tasting like JP and girlfriend did - don't think that bear will be surprising any seals! The one that's standing on all fours, nice and alert, I'd watch out for THAT one. Whistling And OUCH! Shock your unplanned 'trip' sounded VERY unpleasant. Good to hear that you are (somewhat) able to pop the one disc in your neck back into place (sorta) to take the pain below supernova levels. Best be double checking the floor when you take your trash out next time (and following times, as well).

DerJohn, you almost make it look easy to do all those buildings. Wow!! And belated Happy Birthday to Kris from me (and all the other Diners who are chiming in, I notice)! As for your roof repairs, I found myself curious as to how the insurance adjuster decided which shingles were needing repair due to the 'hurricane' and which were needing repair for other reasons. Confused

On the corn front (locally), Smile,Wink, & Grin the farms around here are looking like it won't be too much longer before their corn is ready. Reminds me, I need to check out the local farmers' market days, so I can score some for me (and to bring to the Diner)!

Ulrich, was that "Schützenfest" connected with a thing I heard happened there in the last couple of days or so? I heard there was some festival that blocked off about 31 (miles?/kilometers? shoulda taken notes when I heard it on the radio, huh?) of the Autobahn. When you said about the 'shooting guild' festival, I was wondering if that was connected...

Vincent, I hear you about them sneaking the writing into all kinds of college classes nowadays. They have a fun way of naming some of the classes "Rhetoric & Critical Thinking" (so long as you're not critical about how the instructor teaches you?),  "Writing and the Environment" - Yeah, right...! Trying to make it sound high-faluting, I think. (Hey, how'd this SoapBox get out of its corner? Back over there with ya!

Todd, I figure you get congratulations on your 5th grandkid, because you didn't throttle your kids when they were teenagers...Wink I'm with you about the auctions, so if I see an item with a Buy It Now price that I can live with paying, I go THAT route sometimes. You can (on evilBay) do searches and specify for it to show you only the BuyNow ones, y'know.

Sawyer, you must be keepin' busy lately, you're pooped by the time you show up here. Zzz

MarkPierce - if you get THAT boat, you won't have MRR funds for decades! Unless it comes with a custom-built-in train layout below deck, that is... Whistling

Rob, add my AngelAngel for your recovery from the foot surgery (healthy and kickin' soon!). Hard part when you're out of town is, seems they have to send the repair person from somewhere on the other side of the next town - never have a repair person closer. Hey, on your picture - are they mopping up spilled Soylent Green? Ah, Ray spotted it for me - looks good! I like your arrangement of the Trailer Park Boys and crew there - nice slice of... Americana, yeah, that's it! Whistling

Robby, glad that both you and the MIL survived the brother's wedding. Is she gone the coast clear yet? Now you can get back to some MRR'ing stuff. Big Smile

Jerry, good to see you in the Diner, and best wishes on that dentist's trip! Thumbs Up Looks like you won't have any storage problem for a bit. Thumbs Up

Galaxy, after reading about your financial success, I was about to chat with you about a loan...Smile,Wink, & Grin

Flyboy (Bowen) - Sign - Welcome to the Diner! As for that covered hopper, that would be one major task to do (but I'd guess if Robby wanted to, he could manage it!). Wow!! Is Digitrax's home office in Arizona now? I thought they were somewhere in Florida or elsewhere in the Southeast, but it's been a while since I looked.

Bama, good to see you, and good that you're getting a vacation in this summer! Thumbs Up I'm guessing the extra w**k time means minimal time for the layout (but maybe some My 2 centsMy 2 cents left for that after your vacation...?). Check back with us once you have some vacation pix to show.

Chris, Chris - ya gotta be quicker with the TV remote, and **CHANGE** THAT channel before Rerun's favorites come on!  Dog'll eat you out of house and home, he will. Dinner Sounds like you had some skip on the radio, from the choices on '34' that Ray the others posted. Whoaaa... Oh, I started on a rew**k of the fire station (gonna use styrene for the interior walls, maybe add some more brick for the downstairs interior. Still looking for some firehose, may wind up with some thick thread or sumptin' for THAT.

JR, you got to go to Walthers? Cool! From your description of the supplies you got, do you have some project coming up?

CudaKen, good to see you in the Diner again - what MRR stuff are you busy with lately?

Barry - one thing worse than that power window motor thing you mentioned (and it happened to a friend of mine) is, that the [#$%^&] motor burns out with a) the window in the 'down' position, and b) it's raining like Jeff's 'Noah rain' description. Banged HeadBanged Head  I have one of those motors burned out on my car, but it's the right rear passenger window, and it's in the 'totally up' position. (Whew) I'll get around to having it checked one of these days (maybe before I sell the car off - or not...

MRR club meeting last night was putting up ceiling tile panels (and others did the fluorescent light fixture wiring, so they w**ked when it was done!). We have about half the train room done so far; will be getting two 'window' A/C units - which will go on the wall between our room and the other upstairs storage area for the auto detailing place. Since the units won't be on unless we're in the train room, a bucket under the back side of each A/C unit while we're there, and dumping the buckets after we close up for the night, will suffice very nicely. We're getting there!

Have been going through my stock of Arizona Rock and Minerals scenery/ballast, and figuring what I need yet, so I can order tomorrow (payday). Need to start making a list of all the MRR projects THAT I could do, and sort those in order for the ones I will likely get around to doing.

Prayers for healing of (and comfort for) sore tooth sockets, aching backs and necks, and good night's rests for all you Diners.

 Need to get home - NCIS is on, and wanna catch that. Should be back in tomorrow (you've been warned, Garry - bring the strawberry shortcake!).Smile,Wink, & Grin


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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